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Dylan's big dilemma
For many if not most guys, the first year of college is a huge learning experience in all sorts of ways, and it goes without saying that not everything a 19-year old guy learns happens inside the classroom. Out on their own for the first time, most college freshmen are delighted to have some additional freedom to do things that they would have not felt comfortable doing when living with their parents and siblings.
We all know what is traditionally on this list. College freshmen frequently get into a lot of trouble with teen-age drinking, DWI etc etc, plus things like sex with maybe not entirely willing females. A lot of this can quickly turn into stuff that ends up being illegal and results in a lot of issues and problems. But Dylan, as you might have already expected, is none of this. Dylan is the shy, quiet type, and would never even think about getting involved in doing anything that would get himself into trouble with the law. Dylan is basically a “nice kid”, sometimes called a “sweet young man”. He is so laid back in terms of his behavior that he sometimes almost just blends into the background. He was famous for NOT engaging in the stuff in high school that the “rowdier” kids did, and his behavior in this regard has not significantly changed once he got to college. Dylan is still a sweet young man, affable, but not even that talkative. Having said that, this does not mean that Dylan also lacks the drives and urges the other college guys have. Dylan has often felt the urge to beat off, sometimes in what would be considered unexpected times and places, but as a high school student, Dylan quickly learned that he needed to be able to control his “base instincts.” Now in College, however, Dylan is starting to feel a bit more open about all of this. Dylan is not in any sort of a partner relationship though he is starting to think that this is something that he would eventually like to at least try to engage in at some point. As a consequence, Dylan has no reputation as a ladies’ man, but neither does he have any sort of reputation as a guy’s man, either or that he is somehow attracted to guys. Sexual orientation-wise, Dylan just blends into the background. As I have suggested before, Dylan has long been aroused just thinking about the possibility of wearing snug-fitting clothing, and the idea of making the Amazon® order was in some ways a real break though for Dylan’s shyness. This was something he would have never tried doing had he still been living at home. And Dylan himself did not know exactly where this would lead. He soon found out. Need I also mention one more time that the college living arrangements in freshmen dorms usually involve twin rooms, and oftentimes a guy does not know who his male roommate is going to be until they both move in. Two male roommates, living together in very tight quarters, can easily have drastically different habits, behaviors and views. (Would a college knowingly pair two gay guys in the same dorm room if they knew both of the guys were gay males?) Could two sexually-involved gay males get a double room in a men’s dorm without question, and sexually cohabit as roommates? I see no reason how the system could prevent this from happening. A lot of this old system still assumes that every guy in the dorm is straight no matter how silly that is. The key point here is that college roommates frequently have no clue about the sexual orientation of the roommate until after school starts. It goes without saying that Dylan thoroughly enjoyed himself over the weekend when Josh went back home. Dylan has discovered a whole bunch of stuff about himself and his body that turned out to be terrific fun. He has never before had so much fun pleasuring himself, and these special self-pleasuring moments ended up getting replayed in his brain over and over again, which in turn ended with another powerful under-the-covers orgasm in bed when he was not even wearing any of the special stuff in the Amazon® order, just thinking about the possibilities wearing some of this. Plus Dylan still has a bunch of other stuff in the order he has not yet even tried on, let alone played with. As a learning experience, all of this has been moving at a very rapid pace for Dylan. The entire experience has been so much fun that deep down, Dylan thinks he would like to shout out what he did and exactly what happened. Well, maybe not stand up and explain all of this in some public forum, but perhaps (????) share a little of this with his roommate Josh. Now Dylan and Josh are well-paired as roommates. Both good students, they are both quiet and somewhat shy with others, particularly with members of the opposite sex. Josh is a sweet guy too. The problem is that if Dylan starts to discuss any of what he has been up to with Josh, Josh might begin to take it the wrong way, especially perhaps start to assume that Dylan, at minimum, has a gay side, and that the discussion about singlets, jocks etc is the start of some sort of gay “come-on.” That is the real down side of having any sort of discussion. There are risks that it could all go quickly the wrong way, and college guys like to avoid roommate battles at least until late in the school year. At the same time, Josh is not brain-dead. Ergo, he must engage in self-pleasuring (masturbation) too. Assuming this is true, Josh must be facing some of the same issues Dylan is dealing with in having a male roommate, and trying to maintain the “image” for Dylan’s benefit that he never ever masturbates. As the semester drags on, this gets tougher and tougher to do. But Dylan knows that he has taken all of this a step beyond where he thinks Josh is. Dylan has had this “thing” for snug-fitting clothing that goes all the way back to before puberty. Dylan is clueless as to whether this thing he has is widespread among 19-year old college roommates, and, if it isn’t, whether or not Josh would get uncomfortable knowing a little more about Dylan than he really wanted to know. What a dilemma! Best to take this slow with Josh and proceed at a measured pace, if at all. What can Dylan comfortably share with Josh? Well, Josh already knows about Dylan’s forest green wrestling singlet and is, well, wondering what exactly is up with that. Josh is stumped. For starters, Josh knows Dylan is NOT a college wrestler. Meanwhile, in the other dorm room, Joe and Bill have crawled into bed wearing their thongs and singlets. They are both having fun, and feeling pretty good. Bill knows that Joe in the bed a few feet away is enjoying himself clad that way. Joe knows that Bill in the bed a few feet away is also experiencing some pleasurable moments. The night is young. Can Bill and Joe make it through the night OK? More than OK? We will see. To be continued… |
Bill and Joe’s big dilemma…
Just as Dylan has issues, Bill and Joe have issues too. Bill and Joe have both crawled into bed wearing their new thongs and their new wrestling singlets, Bill’s in crimson red and Joe’s in navy blue. The new thongs feel really good to them, in large measure not so much because of the general snugness of the fit, but because for the first time, they are both experiencing exactly what significant upward pressure in the perineum area, that little spot right behind the scrotum, does to their bodies (and minds).
Exactly why that pressure in the thongs feels so good is not entirely clear, except to say that it must be a combination of all the nerve endings that terminate there that pleasantly respond to the pressure, plus the fact that the thong is putting indirect external pressure on the prostate gland located just inside. Bill and Joe had known nothing about this. The combination of these two events happening together is, well, interesting. Actually, the sensations are more than interesting. They are normally not strong enough to give a guy a firm erection right off, but the sensations are enormously satisfying in a host of other ways. These sensations generated by the thong and the upward perineum pressure generally will quickly send a guy into a heavy pre-cum mode, despite the penis still being flaccid, or at best only semi-erect. And the pre-cumming will almost surely be profuse. Think not only dime-size spots of that crystal-clear, viscous, somewhat sticky fluid, but soon nickel-sized, then quarter-sized, then half-dollar-sized and even silver-dollar sized spots of pure pre-cum. Guys get fascinated with just watching the pre-cum accumulate in what are successive small but persistently accumulating individual droplets. Bill and Joe both lie in bed pretending to be asleep, but at the same time having great fun with themselves. Further, Bill knows what is happening to Joe and Joe knows what is happening to Bill, and the mere knowledge that there is another guy in the bed a few feet away enjoying this in much the same way makes the entire sequence of events even more fun. All of this is a not-to-be-missed educational experience for 19-year old male college roommates housed in a freshman dorm. The title of the story today indicated that Bill and Joe faced a dilemma, and they do, sort of. Let me explain in detail the specifics of the“problem.” Despite the snug fit of the thongs, their penises are much freer to move around than they were when they were contained in the straps and hard cups. Access is better. But remember, both Bill and Joe are wearing wrestling singlets that also fit snugly over the thongs, and these wrestling singlets cover their lower chests and are held in place via shoulder straps. First off, as the pre-cum accumulates inside of the thong pouch, some of it is going to leak through, staining the singlet on the outside, right above the penis tip. This means a wet spot will soon be appearing on the outside of the singlet, a wet spot that will grow in size on the singlet as the pre-cum accumulates drop-by-drop. Second, as all of this pre-cumming proceeds, at some point Bill and Joe are both going to feel increasing urges to stroke their penises from glans to base. This is tricky with the singlets in place. They can try stroking themselves from the outside of the singlet. Another approach would be to reach down inside the singlet and do the stroking from there. Keep in mind also that as all of this is happening the psychological pressure to go into full-scale ejaculation mode is building, and especially so if stroking is going on. What then? I suppose Bill and Joe could ejaculate under the covers with the singlet still in place, but if these guys are now as horny as I think they are, this is going to leave a huge cum-stain on the singlet. Another approach would e to hop out of bed at some point, pull down the singlet shoulder straps, pull the singlet down and then ejaculate into the thong, or perhaps right into the air. But this is going to create a real mess, too. Then there is the question of timing. Are both Joe and Bill going to get to the point whereby they can delay ejaculation no farther at about the same moment in time, or is one of them ahead of the other in this regard. Joe is thinking that it would be, well, interesting to watch Bill struggle doing this. Bill is thinking the same thing. What does this mean, for goodness sakes? So, we leave Bill and Joe with a real dilemma. They had not expected to mess up their new singlets so soon after they got them, but for the turn of events as they discovered for themselves what Tony and Donovan were experiencing. Meanwhile, back in Dylan and Josh’s room, we still have Dylan lying in bed in his damp, cum-stained boxers. This is, well, uncomfortable, but Dylan does not know quite what to do at this point. He could get up and slip on a clean pair, but that would awaken Josh, no doubt, who is now fast asleep. Alternately, he could just lie there and hope that the cum-stains dry by morning. But then there will be all those starchy-like yellowish stains on his boxers, so Dylan will have to be careful in figuring out a way to somehow discard the stained boxers into his laundry bag (an old pillowcase) and get into a fresh pair somehow without alerting Josh to what happened. Ahh,…the real problems facing male college frosh males living in twin-bed dorm rooms are not simple at all. More of this great fun with self-pleasuring intermingled with terror. To be continued… |
Joe and Bill cope with male biology and science…
This is the first time either Bill or Joe has ever worn male thong underwear. For that matter, this is the first time either of them has ever worn a wrestling singlet. A situation like this always sets up maybe a bit of apprehension for guys. More bluntly put, some guys might be scared to death. No, not really. But normally guys do get a little apprehensive when they are getting into clothing items that will fit tight in the groin area and also snugly around their genitals. This is quite normal in a situation like this where everything is new and snug.
As I have indicated in various ways in past posts, every brand of thong fits a little differently. This is also true for specific sizes within the various brands. The fit and feel of the thong mostly depends on three factors. I have already mentioned in detail that exactly how the cord or band that makes up the rear of the thong is attached to the pouch greatly affects the feel. How the thong is constructed there can either give a strong” kick” in the perineum area, or a much more subtle kick. The strong kick is the most fun, but a thong that does this might feel somewhat uncomfortable at first, before everything settles down a bit. The length and specific design of the back also determines how the thong is going to fit and feel. The narrower and shorter the back, the more likely it is to quickly ride between the butt cheeks. For thongs with a short and narrow back, when walking, the feel is something like the feel of a feather being passed over your butt crack. This may or may not take some getting used to, as it is not a sensation guys ordinarily feel. If you do not feel you are getting enough of a kick in the perineum, try pulling the thong upward and cinching the back so it disappears completely between the buttocks. That should do it. The size and shape of the pouch matters too with respect to the fit and feel as well, but not as much as the first two factors. Getting the pouch into the proper position is sometimes a bit of a struggle for guys. The pouch is in the proper position when both of your balls and your penis are inside of this. Check to make sure this is happening. Going to bed wearing a thong, as Bill and Joe are doing, is a unique and interesting experience because all the sensations tend to be more intense at night, when your mind isn’t distracted. By this time, most guys are likely pre-cumming, usually a lot of pre-cum and guys like to watch the individual droplets as they slowly form. Bill and Joe are doubling the fun by adding the wrestling singlets to the mix. Thongs generally press the male anatomy upward and forward, even as the wrestling singlet bears down on the same area. The guy’s anatomy is very obvious with this, although not in an obscene-looking way. The bulge will look almost like a large circular button, certainly there in front. Unless, of course, the guy at this point already is getting a hard-on. Then these observations are off. What is happening under the covers in Bill and Joe’s situation is not entirely clear at this point. Maybe they are still flaccid with large quantities of pre-cum. Maybe they are both helping things along and at least starting to get hard. Whatever they are both experiencing right now should be quite pleasant, to say the least. A guy can easily get hopelessly “hooked” on doing this, or something similar. Guys quickly discover that they do not want to go to bed unless they have set up a situation that they can enjoy in this manner. What if their peers see them in this garb? The correct answer should be “so what!” You see how it went with Dylan at the gym for sure. Practically every guy has the potential to enjoy themselves in a manner similar to what Bill and Joe are doing right now. A lot of these guys either don’t know about this stuff, or, to the extent that they do, are scared or perhaps too embarrassed to try. That is unfortunate, and somewhat sad. To be continued… |
Understanding ourselves…
Bill and Joe have both discovered several weeks ago that while orgasms are fun (they discovered that at puberty), the key to a really enjoyable orgasm is to remain aroused for as long as possible while resisting the ever-more-powerful physical and psychological urges to get off as soon as possible. These urges to ejaculate seem to come in a series of powerful waves, a sequence of events where the pressure to get off becomes almost unbearable, then backing off for a bit to a tolerable level, and then building the urges and pressures back up again right to the edge of going into a full-scale ejaculation.
For guys, it’s quite enjoyable to simply spend time practicing how to do this. Arousal, accompanied with drops of viscous pre-cum, can continue for an indefinite period of time, if a guy does not want to bring himself farther along than that. But, in that phase, there is always an intense psychological pressure to go farther, first, to get semi-erect, and then on to a full-scale erection. The thongs and singlets that Bill and Joe are wearing are helpful in maintaining their bodies and minds at the what could be called the pre-cum level of arousal. From this point, of course, they can always ramp it up a little, just by lightly stroking their own penises with their fingers from base to tip. This should quickly send the erection process into high gear. Biologically, once the erection process gets fully underway, the pre-cumming will typically stop, and often rather abruptly. Once the erection is underway, a guy needs to be really careful such to not go into a full-scale orgasm more rapidly than desired. There are particular techniques and approaches that Bill and Joe need to be aware of, and these techniques and approaches are not widely known. First, penises are oval tubes that get hard from increased blood flow, but all parts of the penis are not equally sensitive to touch. If I were giving lessons on self-pleasuring to Bill and Joe, the first piece of information that I would share is that not all sides of the penis are equally sensitive to touch, and in particular the underside is most sensitive. So, if you want to get off quickly pay the most attention to the underside of your penis while stroking. But, if you want a longer experience (in more than one way!) , alternate your stroking between the underside, the top and the sides. Some guys, probably Bill and Joe, think the way you get off is to stroke by gripping your penis all around by holding it with the palm of your hand, and then stroking from base to tip. This is something of a “traditional” masturbation method, but it is not the best technique, unless for some reason (as in your sister is calling that she needs to use the bathroom) you are forced into a situation where you need to get this over in a real hurry. Certainly these situations do arise, but being in a hurry here is not the best approach for enjoyable solo sex. There are more complicated, but ultimately far more satisfying ways to pleasure yourself. Why should Bill and Joe learn about these, for goodness sakes? Isn’t the ultimate goal to find a mate to have sex with, and then maybe all this training on technique will be wasted. Perhaps the most powerful and important part with respect to sex with a partner is communication. Not any old communication, mind you, but rather communication specific to what works for both of you sexually. Straight guys have a disadvantage here, because they are communicating with a female with very different plumbing and wiring. A lot of straight guys never quite figure this all out, and they muddle through life being sexually unhappy most of the time. This is all sad, but if you understand the nuances of what you like, that gives you a heads up on understanding the nuances of what she like, and if you and she are lucky,…very lucky,…sexual bliss. Gay guys have an advantage here in that the basic plumbing and wiring are the same, or nearly so. If you discover something that is particularly enjoyable, at least there is a good possibility that your partner will enjoy the same thing, or at least something very similar. By each learning more about yourselves in this regard, you can also teach each other stuff the other one didn’t know, and once again perhaps find sexual happiness. Then too, sometimes it’s nice to just be alone and to not have a partner around, and this is true whether you are straight or gay. A lot of women in straight relationships have a great deal of difficulty dealing with the basic idea that their man still enjoys solo sex in a relationship. Some nearly go to pieces if they accidently discover their man pleasing himself alone. I wish this were not true, but it is. The proper response for a women who discovers her male partner masturbating should be “May I help you?” and in particular to not run out of the room, crying. Just because a guy enjoys solo sex is not an indication that he does not love her or that she has been doing something wrong. After all, the guy pleasured himself regularly long before he met her. Again, gay guys as partners have an advantage, in part because most gay guys would be far more tolerant of their other half engaging in solo sex. Indeed, in the initial stages of the relationship, watching the other guy pleasure himself while you pleasure yourself may be an important key to the relationship. Too, none of the ideas Bill and Joe have been enjoying involve an exchange of bodily fluids. Heck, Bill and Joe have not even admitted that they enjoy being around each other, and certainly they have not admitted that watching each other masturbate and pre-cum is interesting fun. They both know that, of course, but their desire to maintain their images as perfectly straight guys inhibits all of this. It is tough to tell how all of this is going to turn out, nor to tell what is going to happen with Dylan and Josh in the other dorm room. All of these guys have learned a lot of stuff they never knew when they were in high school. To be continued… |
Bill and Joe enjoy themselves all night long
It’s early morning now, and, believe it or not, Bill and Joe have spent the entire night enjoying themselves and their garb without getting quite to the point where they had to ejaculate, which would have then shut everything down for both of them. This has been an interesting night though for both of them.
For starters, sleep occurred only sporadically. It’s funny how that upward pressure from the thong on the perineum affects a guy’s sleep-wake patterns. At first a guy says to himself that his body cannot tolerate that sensation and still drift off to sleep, but then, somehow, it happens. Now, most 19-year olds do not consider themselves to be experts in the entire subject of ejaculatory control. Part of this issue relates to the fact that as a young teenager guys quickly acquire the skills necessary to ejaculate quickly, getting to “the big, fun payoff” as fast as possible, in part because guys at that age are genuinely terrified of being discovered by friends or family members doing it, and the more time you take the greater the odds of being accidentally discovered. So, what Bill and Joe are learning is how to develop ejaculatory control in the face of a combination of intense psychological and physical pressures to get off. Accomplishing this, delaying orgasm in the face of these intense feelings takes practice, lots of practice. What exactly is going on here, and why is this so tough to do? When a guy is asleep, and particularly a 19-year old guy, penises still go through often multiple phases in which night-time erections take place, and then dissipate, sometimes without an orgasm, but often with. These nighttime cycles of erection and flaccidity are natural occurrences and any 19-year old has already experienced “wet dreams” many times over. These ejaculations are often accompanied by interesting dreams with a sexual theme, frequently involving other people of either sex. Straight guys often have wet dreams with a same-sex theme, though they seldom, if ever, admit to this. Gay guys probably occasionally have wet dreams with themes involving female partners too. Dreams can go anywhere in this regard. So, Bill and Joe are lying in their twin dorm room beds, each clad in a thong which is putting a strong upward pressure on the perineum area. Their penises and balls are held closely to their bodies inside the thong pouch. Then over all of that they are wearing their new red or navy wrestling singlets. Just getting into all of this was not easy. Joe kind of quietly gulped as he felt the thong pressure on his perineum for the very first time. He had no clue before that his body was as sensitive as it is right there. Initially, he wanted to respond by stroking his penis from base to tip with his hand, but he thought the better of that idea. Joe uneasily had crawled into bed uncertain about what would happen. Of course, what did happen is that both Bill and Joe quickly were as horny as all get out. They both really wanted to ejaculate but they thought the better of it. Now guys can drift off into somewhat of a troubled sleep, but they might only sleep for an hour or two, and then wake up still feeling very horny. These wake-sleep cycles happened to both Bill and Joe several times during the night. There was a degree of comfort for each of them in just knowing that the other guy there was struggling in the same situation down there. But now it was early morning, and nearly time to get up and get ready to head off to class. Bill rises first. He pulls down his red singlet and notices it is quite damp where the tip of his penis had been. Bill thinks joe is still asleep, but Joe has one eye open, watching exactly what Bill is doing. Bill has now pulled off his thong and is standing there, completely nude, and semi-erect. Joe quietly smiles, as that is about the same way Joe is feeling too. Now finally “free” of the pressure in the perineum from the thong, Bill examines what the inside of the thong pouch now looks like. It is now nearly covered with clear, viscous pre-cum fluid. Bill wonders if he could have ejaculated at some point during his sleep, and if so, there the inside of the pouch would be creamy-white, but the fluid is all clear and viscous. Bill still feels quite horny. He will have to deal with that in his classes today. Suddenly Joe pops out of bed too, and he goes through the same steps tp prepare for class. Joe is thinking how amazing all of this has been. Joe is still quite horny too, and realizes now that this has been a real lesson in ejaculatory control. Joe’s thong pouch is filled with pre-cum stains as well. Joe wonders if he has just discovered something other guys his age already know. To be continued…. |
Thongs can be fun, if a bit mean
Fortunately, Josh has an early (8 AM) class, by Dylan’s first class this morning does not happen until later. So Josh was up at 7 AM, and he headed right off to the hall men’s bathroom. That give’s Dylan a moment or two and hop out of his now heavily cum-stained plaid cotton boxers, and quickly get them into his pillow-case laundry bag.
Josh was thinking all night long about the stuff in his Amazon order. Part of this was reliving over and over again the experience of being inside the strap, cup and Forest Green asics wrestling singlet. “Wow was that fun! thought Dylan. “Bill and Joe certainly knew what to order.” Now Dylan’s mind is wandering over to the thought that perhaps Bill and Joe knew exactly what they were doing in placing the Amazon order, and that they were enjoying themselves in much the same way that Dylan had enjoyed himself. Dylan’s thought was strangely erotic, and as he thought about all of his, he could feel a tell-tale drop or two of pre-cum forming right at the tip of his penis as he thought about Bill and Joe getting into a place where they could very well be enjoying themselves in the same way too. Dylan had never been quite aware of this sensation of little drops of pre-cum forming just because of a thought like this before. Indeed, he felt a little embarrassed when he realized that this was happening not because of thoughts relating to some female he had seen, but rather thoughts related to what Bill and Joe might be doing to themselves and how their bodies may be reacting. For Dylan (and probably for a lot of other guys), this all seems a bit weird. Is this an indication that Dylan might not be as straight as he always thought he was? Dylan had always thought that men masturbate by looking at pictures and videos of naked females doing things, but never quite like this. Dylan thought this was all a little weird, and he had better keep it all to himself, lest this ultimately lead to the conclusion that his person had a hidden gay side. Dylan certainly started to wonder about what it meant if he was getting turned on just thinking about seeing other guys jerk off. What could that possibly mean, for goodness sakes? A heavy thought for a 19-year old for certain! Are the other guys pre-cumming too every time they think about getting to see another male jerking off, or perhaps even thinking about another guy wanting to jerk off by getting into a strap, cup and singlet? What gives, anyway? How would Dylan ever be able to start to answer this question without raising it with other guys? And if Dylan asks the question, would any “apparently straight” guy answer the question truthfully, or would they just lie or laugh it all off. What a dilemma! Digging deep into the male sexuality psyche is difficult. Dylan is asking himself some of the same questions sexuality researchers would like to know the answers for, too. Suddenly, Dylan hears the room door open, and Josh pops back into the room. He says he is going to have a coffee and a roll before his class and wonders if Dylan wants to come along. Dylan says “no”. Dylan knows he will be alone in the room for now, as Josh will head from the cafeteria right off to class. Dylan has been thinking about the other items in his Amazon order. Dylan heads off to the bathroom to clean up for the morning. When he gets back, the room is empty, and Dylan, almost robotically, sorts through the other items in the Amazon order. He looks at the Desmiit® swim brief, the Tesla compression gear, but what really captures his attention is the Desmiit® thong. Dylan thinks to himself that there was probably some reason why Bill and Joe ordered the thongs. Soon, Dylan has pulled off his tighty whities, and pulled the tags off the thong. Dylan is in the thong in an instant, but he notices that his balls are still outside the thong pouch. He says to himself “that can’t be right.” As he reaches down to reach under the pouch and work his balls inside along with his penis. There is barely enough room for both inside the pouch, but with a bit of struggling, he finally gets everything inside. Suddenly the pressure of the thong on his perineum and cutting between his butt cheeks hits Dylan. This just feels uncomfortable at first, but this all suddenly morphs into the strangest and most wonderful set of sensations Dylan has ever experienced. Dylan pre-cums a little at first, but that soon stops and Dylan is now rapidly getting big and hard, very big and very hard, (remember, at 19, Dylan is at his peak, sexually). Dylan desperately wants to get off. He does not even need to stroke his penis to do this, every fingertip touch on any part of his penis feels terrific to Dylan. All those penis nerve endings have suddenly come alive, and moreover, his balls are very sensitive to the touch. Not to mention those wonderful sensations coming from the balls and from the thong back in Dylan’s anal area, a body part Dylan had never before thought about as being sexually “active” until this all in combination. Dylan quickly reaches orgasm level inside the thong and cums from the combination of all these sensations bearing on his mind and body. He ejaculates a huge amount of cum (both the strength of the orgasm and the amount of cum was somewhat surprising to Dylan, since he had gotten off in his cotton boxers only hours ago). Huge fun for Dylan for sure! “It’s really great to be a guy!”, Dylan thinks to himself. Dylan soon cools down, and at that point he says to himself, “I will need to do laundry today, for sure!” To be continued…. |
Time out: some questions for my readers.
1. If you could be one of the characters in my story, which one of the characters would you choose to be, shy and insecure Dylan, Bill, Joe, Tony, or Donovan, or perhaps Josh, who knows almost nothing about what is going on, at least so far? 2. Are you “affected” by what the characters are doing to themselves with the various gear they are getting into? If so, what particular gear item or items, affect you the most? If you consider yourself to be straight, if you have been affected by the story line, were you surprised that happened. I could explain farther about the definition of the term “affected”, but if you have read this far, you already know. 3. If you are a gay guy, do these stories give you any ideas for having fun with a partner? No one ever picked up an STD by engaging in solo sex, or for that matter, just by watching another guy engage in solo sex. As sexual activity goes, this is as safe as it gets. 4. Of the items in the Amazon orders, which would you most like to own? Based on the story line, are you contemplating making any specific purchases? If so, what items? 5. How would you deal with the dilemmas and issues now faced by Dylan, Joe and Bill? What, if anything would you say to Josh regarding what you have been doing with yourself? If Dylan says something to Josh, will Josh likely think Dylan is suddenly three fries short of a Happy Meal? 6. Pre-cum is a really interesting bodily fluid, about as interesting as it gets. Watching drops of the clear, viscous liquid form and then drip off the tip of the penis in long stringy strands is endlessly fascinating to watch, in part because what is happening there seems completely outside of any sort of mind control. Generally, you cannot “will” your body to pre-cum, nor can you will your body NOT to pre-cum. It just happens under the “right” or maybe “wrong” set of circumstances. Is just reading about other guys pre-cumming uncontrollably the “right” for you? Understanding the circumstances under which you pre-cum is basic to understanding how you are put together, sexually. 7. Even pre-cum collecting in the pouch of a thong or strap is way interesting. You may think it would disappear entirely when it dries, but it leaves a white stain very different from the starchy stains cum leaves. What happens exactly is easier to see on a darker-color pouch than on a white pouch. The stain seems almost plastic-like. I wore a black cotton thong to bed last night. The stain after the pre-cum dried was quite distinctive and about the size of a quarter dollar. Have you ever studied your own pre-cum stains? 8. Many of the sex and marriage manuals outline specific techniques for dealing with premature ejaculation, a common problem for guys. Generally, this means learning how to tolerate being sexually excited while not immediately getting off in a full orgasm. The items in the story are helpful in “training yourself” to deal with premature ejaculation. A few guys claim they never pre-cum? Do you claim to be one of these? 9. I already own many of the items nearly the same as I am writing about in the stories, but I am thinking of placing an order myself containing the exact same items, red singlet, Desmiit ® swim brief and thong, ProForce® strap and cup, Tesla® compression top and bottom in the same color Dylan chose. I already own an asics singlet in Forest green, so I have that one covered. I am hoping that this will help me in continuing the story line here. Sebbie… |
Dylan heads off to class…
Dylan finally manages to pull himself together after the events of the last couple of days and heads off to his 11 AM class, which is a medium-length walk (about ¾ of a mile) from the dorm. Truth is, Dylan’s mind only occasionally is focused on his class work for the day. Instead, Dylan keeps going over in his mind over and over the events of the past few days.
Dylan knows that there are still items in the Amazon order that he has made no attempt to even get into. He thinks to himself that Bill and Joe would not have been enthusiastic about ordering these items unless something (but what?) was up. Dylan thinks that Bill and Joe had an almost uncanny ability to find items on line that, for whatever reason, are going to be fun to wear. Then another thought crosses Dylan’s mind. Dylan knew how to swim a little, but on his best days he considered himself to be only a fair swimmer. If he got tossed into a pool, Dylan could probably keep his head above water and keep from drowning, but that was about it. Somewhere deep down in Dylan’s psyche, however, was a deep-seated fascination with male swimmers and divers, the real pool athletes. From an early age, maybe only 8 or 9, he was particularly fascinated by the guys who wore brief-style swimwear, and how that swimwear fit on their bodies. Of course, Dylan noticed what he thought was a rather large male bulge when these guys were in their suits. This bulge was exactly where Dylan’s penis and balls were, but, of course, at that age Dylan was much smaller. A couple years later, when Dylan was in the midst of puberty, he discovered that the underside of his penis was much more sensitive to anything touching it there than was the top and sides. Dylan was starting to put two-and-two together, and along with this he noticed that some of the male swimmers he admired so much were clearly filling out all of the available space in their pouches, and, in order to make enough room, they were finding it necessary to place themselves in the “up” position. Dylan soon had somehow figured out that if a guy is wearing a snug-fitting brief and positions his male anatomy that way, the stretchy-but-soft swimsuit material is going to be rubbing constantly across the guy’s penis underside. Dylan concluded that it would be difficult for any guy to deal with this, because by his own experiments, Dylan had learned how sensitive the underside of his penis was to anything touching or even brushing against it. To be sure, Dylan had pretty much concluded that the guys who did this looked to be already semi-erect. Dylan wondered how these guys kept from pre-cumming, leaving a what could quickly turn into an embarrassing quarter-sized (or even bigger) spot of pre-cum moisture on the front of the brief exactly where the tip of the guy’s penis appeared to be. All the more an issue given that these guys were wearing these suits in full public view. Maybe they just made their way into the pool water as soon as possible. A tricky situation to be sure, especially in public view. No, Dylan’s mind today was wandering off in all sorts of places and certainly not on his class work with his usual intensity. Normally, Dylan is a serious (A- or better) student, and intense about whatever he gets himself into. But today his mind was drifting back to the little Desmiit® brief in his dresser drawer in the dorm room. For the first time, Dylan was actually going to get to test out for himself some of his theories about how these other guys he admired coped with being in a skimpy swim brief, and exactly what would happen to his own body. But what would he do if Josh wanders in on him when he is trying on the brief? What would Josh say? For that matter, what would Dylan say? What kind of an explanation would at least sound a bit plausible? How would Josh react to all of this? Part of what makes this interesting is that Dylan’s fascination with all of this, studying the male swimmer anatomy and all, might say something about Dylan’s own sexuality. If Josh sees Dylan wearing the little swim brief, will Josh immediately conclude that Dylan could very well be gay? There are all sorts of risks here for Dylan. But some questions that have been on Dylan’s mind for ages might ultimately soon get answered, too. To be continued… |
Dylan tries on his Desmiit® swim brief
At a very early age, maybe even before puberty, Dylan discovered that he had this “thing” for snug-fitting clothing of all kinds. At age 12, with puberty well underway, Dylan did not understand what this thing he had really was. He thought whatever it was, it was probably at least a little weird, and certainly nothing that he would share with his buddies that age. Sometimes he figured he might “outgrow” it, whatever it was. There was no practical way of finding out if his situation was unique to him or not. All he knew is that this thing was there. Dylan, however enthusiastic he was about getting his body inside of snug-fitting clothing, this was something that he needed to keep secret from everyone around him, parents, siblings, peers, lest any knowledge by anyone else would cause him problems of various sorts. The strangest part of this was that Dylan may have been right about his decision to keep this all to himself.
To be sure, Dylan’s options at age 14 were pretty limited, though by age 14 Dylan was old enough so that he was fully able to stay at home alone whenever his parents and siblings wanted to go out shopping or whatever and he said he had no reason he needed to go along. But at age 14, Dylan didn’t have much in the way of snug-fitting clothing suitable for a quality jerk-off session. Dylan had learned a few stunts. At age 14, Dylan’s body was starting to grow rapidly, and he was quickly outgrowing clothing items that had fit him fine only 18 months ago. Dylan had always worn white cotton briefs, and he purposely kept a few pair in the bottom of his dresser drawer that were boys size 12 and that he had comfortably worn only 18 or 24 months ago. There were jeans he still had too that were now quite undersized. When Dylan’s family was out and about, Dylan liked to pull these “secret “ items out of his dresser, and try them on. In reality, he was running “experiments” with the snug fit and feel. You can pretty well guess where these experiments led. At age 14, Dylan was soon erect and hard just getting into these items, and it wasn’t long before the items were stained with cum. Dylan was somehow intensely fascinated by all of this. The funny part was that the snugger the briefs quit, the more excited Dylan got. The cum-stained items needed to go somewhere, and they ended up in the little basket for laundry he had in his closet drawer. At first, mom still did the laundry. He wondered what his mom thought about this and if she noticed the starchy stains on the items when she sorted the laundry, but to his mom’s credit, she never said a word about all of this to Dylan. But soon, Dylan started using the family washing machine and dryer himself, so that eliminated the possibility that his mom would be alerted to what Dylan was actually doing to himself when he was home alone. Dylan’s undersized white cotton briefs became real masturbation “friends” for Dylan when he was growing up. When Dylan first encountered Bill and Joe wearing their compression gear (not to mention the straps and cups) in the Dorm hallway that night, alarm bells went off. It suddenly dawned on Dylan that there were items out there that would be far more “satisfying” to wear that undersized white cotton briefs. That is why Dylan jumped at the opportunity to be a part of the Amazon order when the opportunity presented itself. But, now back to the present. Dylan is trying on his little Desmiit® brief, the two-color blue-and green one that was part of the Amazon® order. Dylan knew that there was going to be little space for his stuff in that suit even if the waist size was OK, but that was part of the appeal. Dylan had just gotten into the swim brief and was looking at himself in the mirror. He had hoped that his penis could be in the “down” position but that wasn’t going to work. With penis in the down position, the back of the suit went way lower, revealing a bit of a butt crack at the center top of the back. That was definitely not going to work. Dylan needed to make adjustment. But worse, with all of this going on, Dylan felt himself starting to get hard and erect. So as he tried to adjust himself, what he needed to make space for was gradually getting bigger, creating ever more of a problem. Dylan managed to put himself in an “up” position, and that felt really good to Dylan, with the underside of his penis rubbing up against the slick suit material, certainly better and more interesting than anything he had ever experienced wearing undersized cotton briefs. Dylan had managed to work himself up to the point where he would soon no longer be able to hold back on the urge to come. All of this was messing with Dylan’s body and mind. But at that very moment, Dylan hears the dorm room door lock click, and suddenly Dylan’s roommate Josh is back in the room, staring at him. Josh was taken aback, seeing Dylan clad only in that tiny Desmiit brief, penis up, and obviously at least somewhat erect. On seeing Dylan clad this way, Josh’s mouth dropped wide open. Josh was wondering what he should say. The only thing he could think of saying was “That’s a nifty pair of skivvies you have on there, Dylan” Dylan thought this comment was funny. Who uses the word “nifty” any more let alone, “skivvies”? Dylan needed to respond some way. The only thing he could think os saying was “These are not underwear. This is a swimming suit.” Josh responded: “Not much room for your ‘stuff’ in there, is there?” Dylan at this point had a tiny gleam in his eyes, and he smiled and said “I guess not, I’m finding that out and that is part of my ‘problem’!” To be continued… |
Josh watches casually even as Dylan struggles with his new swim brief
If the truth be known, Josh felt a little bit uncomfortable accidentally walking into the dorm room with Dylan in the situation he was in. It wasn’t as if Josh walked in on Dylan completely nude and masturbating (now that would have been very embarrassing for Dylan and certainly uncomfortable for Josh), but still, there was a bit of that element going on. Dylan certainly did not expect that Josh would be showing up as soon as he did, but one of Josh’s classes had a short lecture.
Teenage boys growing up quickly learn how to be experts at figuring out when they will be completely alone, and schedule what they want to do in an effort to minimize the possibility that someone will pop in on them unexpectedly. Usually this all works very well (good parents realize that teen males need their times of privacy), but this can also become a difficult issue. If you think the situation Dylan is in right now is, well, interesting, Josh is in an equally interesting situation, in part because he does not know if he should just watch Dylan and try a conversation as if nothing at all is going on with Dylan, or whether he should think up some dumb excuse for leaving the room for a while longer in which case Dylan would have time to get out of the suit and back into his regular jeans and tee. Josh quickly decides to stay and simply carry on a conversation with Josh as if nothing is the least bit strange or odd, but just a normal situation that happens to roommates in the dorm room. After all, Josh has seen Dylan fully unclothed in the room and in particular in the shower many times, and that was ok. The dorm, like many aging college dormitories built in the 1960s and 70s that still provide relatively cheap housing for beginning undergraduates, and still have what are basically open gang showers with multiple shower heads in a big bathroom way down the hall, and no semi-private bathroom provisions connected to a more modern suite of 2 or 3 rooms. Guys see each other nude in the showers every day, and quickly get to the point where they think absolutely nothing of it, or so it may seem. (But this also means that any opportunity for jerking off in the shower is limited too! All of this casual male nudity comes as a bit of a surprise for freshman students who, when they were in high school, were afraid to shower nude in the locker room after their high-school gym class). In these male college dormitories, university housing simply assumes that every male living there is completely straight and quite OK with being nude in the presence of other male students. Josh quickly realizes, of course, that Dylan is in a slightly different “condition” than he is ordinarily, but Josh thinks the best strategy is to just act as if he hadn’t noticed this. Josh begins a conversation with Dylan even as he can see that Dylan is still struggling with how to position his penis in a now not-very-accommodating swim brief pouch. Josh: Do you intend to wear that suit down at the pool at the gym up the street? Dylan: That was what I was thinking, but I need to see if the suit fits me at all, first! Josh dives right in…: “What is your problem with that, Dylan?” Dylan: “Can’t you see? I’m having difficulty fitting all my stuff into the suit. There is not a lot of room in here at all. This is embarrassing!” Of course, Josh could see very well what the problem was. Josh could also clearly see that if Dylan were not quite so erect and hard, it would be far easier for him to fit his stuff comfortably into his suit as the suit pouch is constructed. A basic problem Dylan has is that his stuff would fit into the suit much more easily if he was not so sexually aroused, and he definitely needs to breathe deeply and just calm down for this to all to begin to work. But remember, the idea just trying on a skimpy swim brief has been a fantasy for Dylan going all the way back to when he was only 11 or 12 years old, a fantasy that he was never able to play out in real life until now. Dylan thinks that other guys may very well have similar issues to what he is now having. But maybe similar fantasies about wearing snug-fitting swim briefs are rare for guys. Dylan just doesn’t know. All Dylan knows is how his own brain and body is reacting to the situation at hand. Dylan doesn’t quite know what to make of having Josh right there watching his struggle under the circumstances. Why did Josh stick around? That is an interesting question. Like Dylan, Josh had always thought of himself as perfectly straight, and sexually interested only in girls (or women, now that Josh is in college.) But when Josh saw what Dylan was doing, or at least attempting to do, something in Josh’s brain said “I want to see this!”. Is that a gay response? Who knows! What is happening may be evidence to support the claim that nearly every perfectly-straight guy has buried somewhere, some situations that involve at least observing another male in a sexually aroused state, and the situation Dylan was in certainly fit that, at least for Josh. What are the specifics of that? Nearly every guy understands that the underside of his penis is the especially sensitive side. Further, putting a penis in the “up” position in a snug swim brief exposes the underside of the penis to the slick-feeling material of the brief, which, of course, feels really good. Even more interesting is that as a guy gets a little hard in this position, the underside of his glans area at the very tip of the penis is also quite apparent inside the brief. The vast majority of guys this age already realize that from the standpoint of getting off, this is a hugely sensitive little spot, great fun to touch and stroke, and that the sensations quickly become quite intense, almost unbearably so. Seeing Dylan obviously in this condition inside the little swimming brief is having its affect on Josh’s brain and body. Josh, being straight, is not thinking about touching Dylan there, but merely thinking that if he were in the situation Dylan is in, he would be dealing with the same or at least very similar issues. Josh, in his street clothing just watching Dylan in the situation he is in and standing there observing Dylan, is now starting to have issues of his own. Josh first suddenly feels a slight sensation of tension in his own groin area. This is quickly followed by a slight feeling of wetness in his underwear right at the tip of Josh’s own penis. Dylan, of course, sees none of this. Josh is wondering what this all means. Josh realizes that he is starting to get aroused just watching another guy who is apparently aroused and struggling with his arousal. Deeply buried is that Josh is greatly envious of Dylan and his situation right now. The fact that Dylan is clearly aroused is having its affect on Josh. What could this all mean, for goodness sakes? Is Josh still a normal straight guy, or would other normal straight guys have the same issue in a situation like this? To be continued… |
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