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a speedo minded guy 06-26-2015 12:15 PM

As always, another wonder chapter. I really do think you should be published. You draw the reader in and bring your characters to life. At the end of each chapter, you leave your readers wanting more. Please continue.

SwimTeamSpeedo 06-27-2015 11:00 PM

24: Time alone
Chris wiped the tears from his eyes as he read the rest of the note from Sheri. It was long, well thought out and full of memories the two of them. Most of those centered around swimming, Chris’s ability to make any swimsuit look totally amazing, how much Sheri wanted him. “The day you kissed me for the first time, I almost melted right there on the beach. You kissed even more amazing than you looked. It was what every girl dreamed of. An amazing kiss, a gorgeous man, in a fully aroused state.” Sheri had written about the first kiss. “You had on the coolest swimsuit, the one with the bulldog, and I knew you wanted more, but you respected me and did not push. I love you for that,” she added.

Chris smiled at the memory. She was right, when they kissed, a long and romantic kiss, he was so hard. His erect bulge was rubbing against he, making him more aroused. He was wearing his “England” Turbo, which features a really cool English Bull Dog. The thought of their first real kiss, her body against his, the tight grasp of the swimsuit, was making him hard again. Really hard.

Across the aisle, Alex and Patrick moved on from the Aussiebum website and were scrolling through beach pictures from Belgium. The bus had crossed into France. They admired the pictures of all the guys in their swimsuits.

“Damn, he’s cute,” Patrick said in reference to Collin. Collin was a tall, slender guy from the clarinet section. He was wearing really low cut board shorts that barely hung on his thin hips. “I kept hoping his shorts would just fall off.”

“Yeah, he would sure be hot in a Speedo. A bright red one!” Alex fantasized a bit.

“Who’d of thought Rex would be a skimpy swimsuit guy?” Patrick asked quietly as they scrolled to the picture of him. They both smiled at each other. They stayed on the picture for a few minutes, both of them looking at the same physical feature of the gorgeous young man in the tight little suit. His bulge was perfect. Alex adjusted his own anatomy, giving it room to grow.

The next three pictures were of Chris. First was him getting up to play the volleyball game. It was a great back shot, showed his gorgeous butt and the way his legs were spread, the picture showed the formation of his balls between his legs. The next was a frontal shot as he walked to the game. The third was him leaping in the air, fully off the ground, reaching for a perfect spike hit. Every muscle in his body was in motion, it was the kind of photo that would grace a sports cover.

“Gosh, he looks hot,” said Patrick. His eyes wandered over the picture to the way his low cut Turbo barely hung over the bulge of his anatomy. One string hanging out.

“Yes he does,” smiled Alex back. “Almost as hot as you.”

Patrick rubbed Alex’s leg, feeling between his legs to the tight swimsuit concealed under the shorts. He began to turn to the next photo when something captured Alex’s attention.

“Wait, go back,” Alex requested with a heightened sense of urgency. Despite the gorgeous guy clad in the tiny, colorful swimsuit, showing his maleness in a very athletic way, Alex was interested in something else. Something he saw in the background.

Chris read on. Sheri had moved past the steamy talk of kisses and feeling him in various ways to the core values that she was so impressed with. “The way you handles Bo that day at the pool. More worried about others than yourself. I knew right there that there was so much special about you,” Sheri wrote. “That was the day I decided that once I finally give myself fully to a guy, it would be you.” Sheri added, referring to he personal commitment to hold from sex waiting for the right guy. Tears started to drip from Chris’s watering eyes.

“You okay, man,” Grant asked.

“Oh, what? Yeah” Chris replied. “Just tired I guess,” Chris offered the lame excuse that did not explain why he was tearing up.

“Okay, good.” Grant replied. He returned to his own reading.

“Look at that!” Alex thought to himself. Patrick had no idea what Alex was looking at or for. In the first photo, Chris’s awkward bend was the result of him slipping his iPad under his shirt. In the next, as he is walking to the game, Sarah is reaching across, her hand clearly under the shirt. Her body in the photo is on the left, her head and shoulders are hidden by Chris, and her arm is extended to the right. “Holy crap, this might explain it all.” Finally, in the last photo, as Chris leaps for the ball, Sarah can be seen holding what sure looks like an iPad.

“Give me your phone,” Alex asked. Patrick handed it to him.

“What’s going on?” Patrick asked.

“I’ll explain later,” Alex replied. “Hey Chris, check this out…” Alex shifted his attention.

“Wait a second,” Chris replied. He was almost finished with the note, which had now turned more serious. Sheri was finally telling Chris what he needed to hear. He read slowly, carefully as she told him exactly how she felt and where their relationship stood. As he finished he sighed. His eyes were watery, his hand shaking and his heart pounding. Chris laid his head back for a moment and closed his eyes. He wiped his wet cheeks with the sleeve of his shirt. Finally, he turned to Alex.

Alex knew whatever Chris had just read brought his strong, masculine friend to the brink of tears. He knew it had to be from Sheri. Alex opted to say nothing, waiting for Chris to bring it up. “It’s nothing that can’t wait,” Alex replied. “You look like you need some peace and quiet.”

“Thanks, man. Yeah, just really tired.” Chris replied. Alex knew it was something else, the watering eyes and the tears on Chris’s face told the real story.


The hotel in Paris had an amazing rooftop pool that over looked the whole city. The guys had the night free to enjoy themselves, sightsee and just have fun. Even the dinner was optional, so most of the band skipped it, deciding to go out on the town, so to speak, Patrick dropped his bags in his room, changed into some shorts, which he slipped over a really hot Little Rok Bad Hero swimsuit. The suit looked stunning on him, and the colors and graphics in hues of red really stood out wrapped around his body. He loved the suit the minute he saw it. He headed down to Alex’s room to plan the night.

The rooms were small, very European in styling. They had one large bed, rather than two, which meant the guys would have to share a bed. The walls were cast in a soft golden color, with dim lighting. For many guys it would be awkward, sleeping in the same bed, while others would find it a totally different experience. Alex and Chris said nothing. Patrick’s roommate said he was just going to sleep on the floor.

Alex had already changed into his Tyr Quartz brief with its bold geometric color forms. It was a total contrast from Alex’s suit, which would make the two guys an interesting clash of colors and styles. Chris was less daring, slipping into a pair of Funky Trunks Fenway Reds, a square cut suit that he filled out sensational as always, his bulge prominently displayed in the unique Funky Trunks front pouch-like styling. The guys sat on the end of the bed, naked but for their swimsuits.

“You look pretty colorful,” Chris said to Alex. “I have that same suit back home.”

“Thanks, yeah I love the colors,” Alex replied, rubbing his hands around it. “Your’s is pretty bright, too,” he replied.

“I love my Funkies,” Chris said. “Sometimes I just want to be in something other than a brief, and these are pretty awesome.” Alex admired the way the suit fit Chris, causing stirrings in his own.

“Hey, you feeling better?” Alex asked. He put his hand on Chris’s shoulder.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Chris replied. “Thanks.”

“Want to talk about it?” Alex asked. Chris rubbed his crotch and fidgeted with the strings of his suit, something he did when he felt anxious. Chris was still very emotional about the note. As he looked at Alex, his eyes watered a bit.

“Here, you can read it.” Chris replied, handing Alex his iPad. “Just the last paragraph. The rest is personal.”

Alex took the iPad and began reading. “Chris, my love, I didn’t want to believe the note when I read it, and now I know I don’t need to. If you say you did not send it, I believe you. You are my Knight. You are my handsome swimmer. You are my one and only. I love you more now than ever and starting with the end of this letter, we put this whole thing behind us. I want to see you, be with you, tease you in your swimsuits and maybe one day do more than tease…”

Just as Alex finished up, tears in his eyes too, Patrick opened the door. Alex grabbed him and hugged him as Chris watched. It was their most open display of love ever. Chris smiled.

“You guys go to the pool an dinner without me,” Chris proposed. “You need some time alone and I need some time with myself, as well.”

Alex and Patrick left arms around each other. Chris turned hit the facetime icon on his iPad. Sheri’s face appeared. She smiled as she saw his bare chest. What she had not seen yet was how much he was stretching the swimsuit material with his masculine excitement. It was to be a very erotic call. They both needed it to be.

a speedo minded guy 06-28-2015 01:46 AM

STS, a great chapter. Glad to see that Chris and Sheri are still together. Can't wait to see what will happen when Alex talks to him about what he found out in the pictures!!! I think, Fireworks are going to be happening, tho, with the way Chris handles things, hmmmm....

Dooley67 06-28-2015 01:51 AM

Great chapter
I fully agree with a speedo minded guy - this was a great chapter. It was so good to see that Sheri and Chris got things worked out and I too will be interested in hearing the conversation between Alex and Chris and then see Sarah on the hot seat. The dialogue was really sharp and captured Alex's feeling when he figured out what had happened and Chris' not wanting to let either Alex or Grant know what was upsetting him. You create such real characters that makes it easy to root for the good guys and to want the bad guy (girl) to get what's coming to her.


SwimTeamSpeedo 08-01-2015 03:18 PM

25: Wandering Paris
Paris at night is spectacular, the Eiffel Tower lit up and the Cathedral of Notre Dame gracing the city in all its grandeur. Along the river, artists sell their works to the passing romantics. It is a place to get lost in yourself and the world around you. Alex and Patrick could not wait to explore it all. They ate dinner fast, plotted and planned with other guys from the band.

“You think we can get Chris to join us?” Patrick asked Alex.

“I hope so, but he is pretty caught up with Sheri right now.” Alex replied. “Been a tough few days.”

“Yeah, I guess.” Patrick replied. Alex had filled him in on the whole story as were waiting for dinner. “At least we have three days here, so he’ll get to see it later.” Alex added.

“You are so sweet to think of him,” Alex complimented his friend. The two smiled at each other, their eyes meeting and intently gazing at deeply into the soul. A tingle of desire pulsed through their bodies, stimulating every one of their senses. At that very moment, each of them silently realized they were more than just friends. They were in love.


Chris now laid on the bed, wearing his France print Turbo swimsuit, one he had found on the web and bought specifically for the trip. It was brand new and fit him tight, as all new suits did. As he put it on, he modeled it for himself in the mirror, admiring his own body and how much he filled the suit out, partly from arousal, but mostly a result of his physical attributes and lean, fit body. He rubbed down his front, going slowly across his bulge, making himself stir with desire. It had been a long time since he and Sheri last had any romance. The desire to feel her warm hand feeling him was growing strong within him. It was at this point that he pinged Sheri via facetime, his bare chest and bulging anatomy in clear view. She smiled as she saw him, her own desires throbbing within her. Chris wanted to be with her as he smiled back, he quickly became fully erect in the suit. He tossed himself chest down on the bed, his bulging anatomy pressing into the mattress.

“You look stunning,” Sheri said as the iPad jostled from Chris’s leap. Sheri was wearing a loose fitting top, not nearly as naked and on display as Chris. She still looked cute, cute enough to keep him aroused and hard. “Roll over. Let me see your front, again,” she asked teasingly. “ I want to see your new swimsuit.”

“Not yet,” he replied. “I want to enjoy your smile.”

“What are you wearing,” Sheri asked. “I hope it is cute and sexy,”

“Well, it is a new swimsuit, one for France, a Turbo,” he replied. “It’s really cool.” he added.

“Show me,” Sheri requested. “I bet you look so masculine in it.” Chris hesitated to reply. He was so hard and bulging he was afraid to roll over and let her see, even though she had seen him many times before in exactly the same state of arousal. Finally, after her pleas, he relented.

“Well, you have this effect on me,” Chris said coyly, knowing he was still rock hard. “I kind of can’t hide it.”

“It’s cool, I love you when you are turned on,” Sheri replied.

“Okay,” replied Chris as he rolled over, his bulging suit now free of the compression of the mattress. He turned the iPad toward his feet, showing the profile of his sculptured abs and the strength of his erect male anatomy bulging inside the swimsuit, one string end hanging out laying across his abdomen. It was very erotic, for both of them.

“Oh, you look so hot,” Sheri responded. “Show me a close up.” Chris closed the shot in on the front of his suit. The front was dark background with red and white painted stripes on his right side and a circular France logo on the left. The backside was emblazoned with a large France logo. The suit looked awesome and Chris really was filling it out very well, too well, in fact. He was packed inside, pointed down, his erect state causing a very pronounced bulge. His outline wrapped down between his legs. “Wow, you are pretty packed in there,” Sheri observed.

“Yeah, I sort of have this guy issue right now,” Chris laughed. “You do this to me,” he added. He adjusted a bit with his hand, the bend of his anatomy straining to go straight and firm. The conversation turned hot and steamy, causing even more pressure within the suit. Chris was getting more aroused and turned on with each exchange, So was Sheri, but her state of arousal was far less obvious than the erect bulge and throbbing sensations between Chris’s legs.

“I love you so much,” Chris said as he ended the call. Sheri replied a similar sweet reply. This dialogue continued for several minutes, the whole time Chris was feeling himself in the suit. He was still hard, still aroused, but he felt a relief far greater than what could have happened between his legs. They were still deeply in love, and that was what really mattered.

Chris laid on his back on the bed, alone, the sounds of the city in the background. He slowly rubbed himself across the front of the swimsuit, playing back the best parts of the call in his mind. His body was still tantalized by the call, Chris enjoyed the feeling as his right hand felt his own parts. He continued his self caressing until he was fully erect and looking at his fully erect bulge. He loved the way he looked when he was sexually charged up, the way the suit outlined him. In fact, he secretly liked the way all guys looked in their swimsuits, showing off their masculinity. Not so much in a sexual way, but more in a artful way, the beauty of displaying the male body in a graceful way.

Chris stopped short of going all the way. He stood, adjusted and went to look out the window. Thoughts of Sheri in his head, how much it would be fun to be with her in Paris. He took in the sights from the big window, his hand still on his crotch. The photo op could have been a perfect cover for DNA, a hot guy in a tight swimsuit framed by a window over Paris. The cool air felt great against his chest, almost as great as the view from the 18th floor. He could see the top of the Eiffel Tower and the spires of Notre Dame. He wished he had Sheri wrapped in his arms, taking it all in together. Maybe more.


Alex and Patrick knocked at the door just seconds before they bounded through it. Chris was still standing at the window taking in the sights of Paris. He was still in the same swimsuit, albeit some small dribbles of evidence of his earlier highly aroused state. Startled, he turned around, his hands somewhat concealing his aroused state. The suit was still tightly clinging his body.

“Dude, what’s the story?” Alex said. “You want to get out and see the city or what?”

“Yeah, sure, absolutely,” Chris said as he fidgeted with his crotch, adjusting himself. “Let me get changed, maybe a quick shower.”

“Whoa, cool swimsuit!” Patrick exclaimed. “You look mind blowing hot,” he added, very much attracted to the near naked body. Alex was caught off guard by the remark, his expression of surprise said it all.

“Chris has all kinds of secret swimsuits,” Alex replied. “A regular swimmer fashionista.” Alex added.

“Dude, look who’s talking.” Chris replied. “I mean you must have a dozen suits and you aren’t even a swimmer.”

“I get my swimsuit lust from you, horny boy.” Alex teased back, a direct reference to Chris’s obvious aroused state.

“Chris, turn around, let me see the whole suit,” Patrick asked. “I love it.”

Chris did a slow complete turn, his tight chest and abs against the well filled out suit looked amazing. Patrick smiled as he watched, his own body responding inside his shorts. Patrick loved Alex, but Chris was a fun fantasy, and with his swimwear choice, he made it easy to desire him.

“Okay, enough of a show or else we’ll all need showers,” Chris ended the fashion display. He headed into the bathroom for a quick, cool shower.


SwimTeamSpeedo 08-01-2015 03:18 PM

25 Continued
The night was still fairly young, the streets of Paris bustled with pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Len and Grant hooked up with the guys as they headed out of the hotel. Grant was becoming more gregarious and confident as the trip went on. They were all wearing some form of shorts, from board style to Len in a really fashionable pair of Capri length men’s shorts that looked like he walked off a page of GQ. What they had on under was a bit more diverse, from boxer briefs to Alex and Patrick in their thong swimsuits, prepped for play later. Chris was commando in a sleek pair of purple shorts that were a cross between boardies and traditional. The were fairly form fitting, giving him a cute bulge display, albeit muddled by the freedom his anatomy had inside.

“This will be a blast,” Len said as the guys headed out the door. By the end of the first block the gang had grown with the addition of Kyle and Ray. It was now a motley crew of young men out for a fun time in the city of love. As they left, Sarah watched from the lounger in the lobby. She was alone. Alice had left with other friends to go sightsee. They were no longer close friends, in fact not really even friends, anymore.

As the guys wandered the streets, no real mission in mind, a streetscape bar enticed them. “Hey, dudes, let’s go grab a beer,” Len suggested.

“Um, this is Paris, shouldn’t we be drinking wine,” Grant replied.

“I don’t know guys, the rules are pretty clear about us drinking,” Chris threw a wet blanket on the idea.

“Come on, Chris, who is going to know,” Len replied. “I say we go try it.”

“Alright, fine,” Chris relented. “But let’s be careful.” They were easily several blocks from the hotel in a neighborhood full of artists, cozy bars and eateries, and an eclectic collection of shops. They were in the Le Marais section of Paris. The bar was mostly guys and mostly gay. The gang of young men grabbed a table on the edge of the street side seating, taking in the sights and sounds of Paris.

“This is so cool,” said Kyle as the beers were served. Patrick and Alex sat side by side, holding hands under the table.

“Dudes, you should see Chris’s France swimsuit,” Patrick brought focus to the conversation.

“You got a France swimsuit?” Len asked. “What you got one for every country?”

“Well, most of them. I am missing Switzerland.” Chris replied, blushing a bit at the attention.

“Anyway, it is pretty f..king cool,” Patrick continued.

“Okay Chris, you better wear it at the pool tomorrow.” Len ordered.

Patrick nudged Alex as he watched a few couples walk by hand. “Alex, check this out.,” he whispered, pointing.

“Awesome,” Patrick replied as another pair of handsome men walked by, arms wrapped around each other. “I think I like Paris.”


“Chris, how are you?” Alice asked as the gang of guys collided with the gang of girls near the Notre Dame cathedral.

“I’m great, thanks,” Chris replied, perplexed by her directed interest at his.

“I can’t believe what Sarah did. Is everything okay?”

“Hey, it is fine. Yeah she was being pretty stupid and mean,” Chris replied. “But I am not going to ruin this trip over it. She’ll grown up.”

“You are too nice a guy to have that happen,” Alice answered.

“Thanks,” Chris replied. “But really, don’t let it get to you. I will deal with it, okay?”

“Okay.” Alice smiled.


Chris was alone in his room, the night had finally come to an end. Patrick and Alex were off in Patrick’s room, his roommate again sleeping over with his girlfriend. Well, maybe not sleeping. Chris had slipped into a red Sporti swimsuit. He texted Sheri a picture of himself, neck down. It didn’t take long for all the earlier urges and unfinished business to display itself in the clingy lycra of the tight red suit. Chris loved the fit of his Sporti, the low cut in the front, the sleek narrow sides, and the way the soft lycra wrapped around him. He seemed to always get aroused when he put it on, more than with any other suit. For that reason, the red Sporti rarely saw the pool, reserved for more intimate times.

“You there?” he texted again. No reply had come. Maybe she is at dinner or something, he thought to himself. He laid back and closed his eyes, enjoying the sounds of the city and the feeling of arousal between his legs. The grip of the lycra was stimulating his senses, as his male parts filed with urge. He was massive in the tight suit.

“Oh wow,” Chris moaned as he gently slid one finger softly along the outline of himself. He pictured Sheri and him on the beach, she having her way with him. He would fight to contain himself, just as he was struggling to contain himself now.

“You look so manly,” Sheri would say to him.

“I love you,” he would say back, his body being taken past the point of control as her soft and rubbed his chest and legs, up between them tightly to his crotch. Her hand would then wander up and hold him tightly.

“You feel strong, masculine,” she whispered into his ear.

Chris would moan and struggle to hold. The tight suit being overcome by his body desire.

Sheri would feel the power as he thrusted, the deep breaths of release as she finally won his battle of control. She would smile and kiss him.

Chris laid on the bed, breathing heavy. He was hot, the sweat beading on his chest. As much as he had imagined Sheri with him, he was still alone. He slid his hand down and felt himself again. These were the nights he missed her most.


The Paris bound red eye lifted off the runway of Boston Logan. The Boeing 777 was full, every seat taken. Back in row 41 Sheri took in the sight of the city as the plane banked hard along the coast. The night was clear. She settled in for the long journey. He uncle was the pilot. She was close to him. He was single, no children, and gay. She was his “pretend daughter” and he gave her everything she wanted. He was a nice guy, he so badly wanted kids of his own, but it was clear that would not happen. She cared for him. When she told him about Chris he quickly came through with a free seat.

She could not wait to see Chris’s face when he saw her. The plane banked east out over the ocean. The captain said it would be a smooth flight. “Thanks, uncle,” Sheri smiled to herself.

Dooley67 08-02-2015 05:06 PM

Terrific chapter. I really liked the way Alex and Patrick continue to click and how Patrick is so direct and straightforward. Whatever he thinks, he just comes out and says. The skype between Sheri and Chris is so realistic and very erotic as well. Chris is going to be in for quite a surprise when Sheri appears in Paris. A great twist and addition to the story.


solarguy 08-05-2015 05:20 PM

Just got back from vacation. Great chapters to come home to! Thanks!!

SwimTeamSpeedo 08-24-2015 12:48 PM

Ch 26: Watching Patrick
“Are you ever going to confess and apologize to Chris?” Alice asked Sarah as the two girls laid in their beds in the dark hotel room. Sarah had not slept yet, and Alice was wide awake thinking of how unconcerned Chris seemed. She also thought of how cute he was, in clothes and more in his swimsuits. She wondered what he would be like as a love maker. She imagined he was perfect. A tingle pulsed through her private parts.

“Oh, now your talking to me? “ Sarah replied. A long pause, “Yes, of course. I don’t know what I will say.”

“Well, let me just tell you. He is a really sweet guy. Cute, but also sweet.” Alice advised. “He deserves an apology. If you ever want to stay friends with him and me, you better do it first thing.”

“I know what I did was dumb bitch like. I mean I can’t imagine what I was thinking,” Sarah admitted. “I guess his sexy, naked body got to me,” she giggled. “But, that is no excuse.” The room fell silent again. A soft glow came through the window, the glow of the wee hours in center city Paris. The roads were quieter now, still alive, but less than a few hours ago. “Is he still with his girlfriend?” Sarah asked. “I mean, I hope I really did not f..k that up.”

“He did not say, but I think so.” Alice replied. “Just do it, okay?” Alice rolled over and tried to sleep. Her sheer nightwear allowed the outline of her body to be visible. A sight that would turn any straight guy on. She longed for a snuggle with a cute guy. So many cute guys in the band, maybe one night. She knew it would not be Chris.


The Boeing 777 had just crossed south of Iceland on it’s northern route over the Atlantic, skirting turbulence. The flight was smooth, just as Uncle Ryan had predicted. He took a break from the controls, leaving the plane in the command of the able First Office and wandered back to row 44. “You doing okay?” he whispered to his sweet niece, Sheri.

“Yeah, fine. Thank you so much.” Sheri whispered back. “You are the best.”

“Anytime for you.” They blew kisses as he walked back up the aisle.

Uncle Ryan was a tall man, mid 50’s. He looked amazing for his age, she thought as she watched him weave up the aisle, careful not to disturb the sleeping passengers. He had been a swimmer his whole life, starting way back as a child. She knew everything about him. He was her most favorite man besides her dad and now Chris. She pictured him in his swimsuits, Turbos and Speedos were his favorite for swimming. “He stills rocks a Speedo pretty damn good,” Sheri thought as she smiled. Uncle Ryan was the first male she ever saw in a Speedo, way back when she was a just a child and he was a much younger man. In fact, he is the reason she likes guys in brief swimsuits. He looked so great in them. As a younger girl she use to watch how the suits molded to his male body. She thought it made him look really sexy. She decided then that whatever guy she dated, he had to be a swimmer, and he had to look good in a swimsuit.

Sheri worried about her uncle. He was gay, and she was cool with that. But, he was alone, living on a remote lake up in Maine. She smiled at the image of him swimming every morning in that lake. His bright colored suits marking him in the open, dark water of the cold lake. He was such an athlete. She knew he missed not having children, and he would make an awesome father. But, in his younger days gay couples did not adopt, heck they hardly were accepted. She was so glad the world was different now.

“Chris and I will make children for you,” she thought to herself. At that moment she committed to have the first child named Ryan, after her uncle. “Chris will just have to agree.” Her thoughts wandered to Chris, seeing him in his swimsuits again would be so awesome. In her luggage she has a surprise for him. He will be so excited, she thought to herself. Sheri dozed off with a smile on her face as the plane ventured out over the ocean, now on a straight course for Paris.


The pool was a few blocks from the hotel, a big lap pool in an older, dated fitness center. It cost $20 bucks to get in on a day pass. The band director paid for all three of them, Chris, Len and himself. Chris was wearing board shorts over the swimsuit he would swim in, his blue France Turbo. He attendant, who spoke no English pointed at the shorts and then to a sign that showed shorts with a “No” across them. Next to it a brief suit with a “Yes.” Chris smiled back and pulled down the side of his board shorts to reveal the top of his Speedo.

“Merci,” came the reply. He pointed at the other two, who both nodded compliance.

“What was that all about?” asked Len.

“They don’t like shorts in the pool, because too many folks just wear them all day and then they swim in them.” Dr. Hale replied. “I guess they think it is not sanitary.”

“Plus it keeps the pool for us serious swimmers,” Chris replied with a smirk, half teasing and half serious.

The pool was packed. Three and four to a lane. All of the swimmers wearing “real” swimsuits. The pool was filled with mostly guys, everyone in a brief style suit. Some briefer than others. Chris fit right in, his muscular and chiseled swimmer’s body a match for any guy in there. In fact, he immediately captured the eye of several of the swimmers. “This is pretty intimidating,” Len said as they stood and took in the situation. Len was wearing a Tyr prism print suit, one he borrowed from Patrick, He looked cute, but it was clear he was the weaker swimmer of the three guys. “I guess we are not swimming in the same lane.” Len added, showing his intimidation.

“Yeah, guess not,” Chris replied. “Look, just swim like you always do. I think you should start in the slower lanes,” which were actually still swimming pretty strong. They were also the least crowded, no swimmer wanted to admit they were slow.

“Yeah, probably,” a nervous Len replied. Lane nine had three swimmer, all guys. They were swimming at a moderate pace, one that would challenge Len a bit. He stood and watched. Two of the swimmers did flip turns, one did opens. All were in brief suits, one in a solid white suit with red stitching, the second in a basic black, and the third in a suit that looked similar to the prism of colors Len was wearing. All three were cute, and seemed about the same ages, but wet and in the water it was hard to tell. Len walked over and dropped into the lane. Standing at the wall to let each swimmer know he was there.

Director Hale was in the middle lane, already in the water swimming. He was in the most crowded section, five swimmers per lane, but holding his own. His bright green print Speedo suit stood out as he went up and down the lanes.

Chris took lane two, because of the two fast lanes, it only had two swimmers in it, one guy who appeared to swim as fast as Chris, and one lady who was equally fast. Chris’s competitive juices flowed as he dropped into the lane. No swimmer wants to be the slowest in a lane, and Chris was determined not to be out swam by anyone. His blue France Turbo suit felt tight around his hips, a direct response to the adrenalin pumping through his body, which was causing his man parts to also grow with macho power. Not hard, but clearly displaying his manly attributes. He pushed off the wall as soon as he knew the two swimmers saw him in the lane and quickly closed the gap on the swimmer ahead of him. The other male swimmer was wearing a Aussiebum Superhero swimsuit, its colorful cartoon characters screamed loudly against the blue water and white walls of the pool. The suit looked great, as did the guy in it. The bright print of the suit caught Chris’s eye as the two swam.

Chris’s powerful swimmer body captured the imagination of the fellow swimmer in the lane. As he stood to let Chris pass, for the third time in the hour they were swimming together, he watched as Chris’s broad shoulders lead him into the tight flip, his legs stretching out as he came our of his flip, pushing forcefully off the wall. Of course, he also liked the tight wrap of the suit, and the revealing bulge. They swam another half hour. The lady had left, leaving only the two guys in the lane. Chris was still working hard, while Bastien, the French swimmer was really just bidding time admiring Chris. He knew he had to meet him.

Chris closed the workout with a slow 200 on his back. Bastien about burst out of his suit as he watched Chris’s muscled abdomen slice through the water, his bulge popping above the water as his body streamlined along the pool. A blue burst of manliness bobbing along the water. Bastien reached down and adjusted his bulge in his Superhero suit.

SwimTeamSpeedo 08-24-2015 12:49 PM

26 continued
“Bonjour,” Bastien said as Chris finished his swim and stood. He followed that with a question in French, but quickly realized Chris had no idea what he was saying. “Ah, American?” Bastian asked in accented English.

“Yes,” Chris replied. “I’m Chris, you are quite a good swimmer.”

“Merci, I mean thanks,” Bastien replied. “So are you. You are quite good looking, too.” Chris blushed.

Chris looked over, checking on Len, who was also standing at the wall. Dr. Hale had already left. “My friend is in lane none,” Chris explained to Bastien. As he said it, Len lifted himself from the pool, the bright colors of his suit clinging to his male body. The impact of swimming was clear as the nearly naked young man stood on the edge of the pool.

“He is quite good looking, too.” Bastien said. “If he your boyfriend?”

“Ah, no. Just a good friend,” Chris replied, caught a bit off guard by the questions.

“Good, that means you are still, how you say, available?” Bastien replied. With that Bastien’s hand touched the backside of Chris’s suit. Bastien was getting very turned on.

“Maybe we should get out,” Chris replied. He never answered the question. Bastien’s suit was bulging with arousal as he cleared the side of the pool. The three guys headed into the locker room.


Patrick was laying on the top of the bed as Alex came out of the shower. They were both wearing their swim thongs. Patrick looked so hot, he was on his back, head on the pillow sleeping, soft snores as he breathed. His legs were spread about 18 inches at the feel, his suit was well filled with his anatomy, the red shiny material clinging to him. His left hand was laying between his legs. Alex smiled at the sight. “What a cute guy,” he thought to himself.

Alex walked softly over to the bed. He leaned down and kissed Patrick’s forehead lightly, tasting the salt from the dried sweat, residue of earlier activity. Alex pulled the small desk chair alongside the bed, sitting facing the handsome male, Alex’s own bulging blue pouch protruding between his legs. He was not hard, just aroused.

“What are you doing?” a groggy Patrick whispered. Alex’s hands were on his friend’s upper shoulders.

“Stay sleeping, Alex whispered, “I am just taking you in.” Patrick closed his eyes.

Alex lightly rubbed just the tips of his fingers along Patrick’s chest, across his nipples, which were hard with desire. Patrick’s hand slid up and he adjusted the tight lycra pouch, which was now full of every inch of his manhood, the cut outline very visible as his head pressed against the pouch.

“This feels nice,” Patrick whispered.

Alex’s hands ventured lower on I his abdomen. Patrick tensed a bit from the tickle feeling. His chest and abs were clean, free of hair, but for a cute little trail that started just above his waist line and lead to his man parts. Alex followed the trial, his hand now over the top of the tight suit. He rubbed the outline very slight, the sensation of his soft touch increased Patrick’s arousal.

“Oh wow, you know how to tease me,” Patrick whispered. Patrick took his left hand and reached for Alex’s legs, an effort to return the action.

“No, you just lay there, I love watching you,” Alex said as he guided Patrick’s hand back .

Alex increased the erotic sensation of his grasp on Patrick’s desire, now feeling his whole anatomy through the suit. Patrick pressed upward into Alex’s hand. The tiny lycra ouch was now massive, stretching around the outline of Patrick’s very erect state. Patrick was moaning now, Alex enjoying the display of his guy struggling to keep control. Alex slowed the pace, keeping Patrick just at the edge.

“Oh man, please, take me,” Patrick cried out.

“Not so fast, hold on,” Alex whispered back, his free hand rubbing his own parts, as his working hand ventured off the most sensitive parts and rubbed along Patrick’s chest. Alex leaned over and kissed Patrick, a deep kiss that about made Alex explode. Patrick held on the edge as long as he could, for several more minutes. Alex’s hand ventured back down, now holding Patrick through the suit. Alex could feel the pulses of desire emitting from Patrick.

“Oh man, I can’t stop it,” Patrick said, his back arching with effort. “Take me,” he pleaded, again.

Alex slipped his lover free of the confines of the suit, Patrick was massive and harder than he had ever been. Alex held him as his man thrusted into his hand. The explosion was intense, Alex feeling every burst, Patrick pushing hard into Alex’s tight grasp. He kept going, releasing longer and with more force than he had ever felt.

“Alex, that was amazing,” Patrick said breathless as he laid back on his pillow. The evidence of how great was everywhere.

“Yes, it was!” Alex replied. “You were amazing.”

“Your turn,” Patrick replied as he reached for Alex’s bulge between his legs.

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