View Full Version : water polo briefs
In this topic I want to talk about water polo briefs. In the last couple years quite a few companies have popped up among the big companies. Zumo, monster polo, h20 togs, FAB, etc. I was just wondering what people think of these brands. How do they compare to brands like turbo or even Speedo. Do that last or are they more fashion suits?
Talking about turbo. I've wondered how do they fit in comparison to normal Speedos. I've been wanting to buy a turbo brief but I've always wondered if they're on the tight side or loose side. I can easily wear Nike suits of one size but find the same size of Speedo too tight. Can some one explain how turbo suits are.
Finally is water polo city a safe site. I remember a couple months ago someone bought a suit from the site but never received them.
Thanks for any help and thank you for your time.
10-27-2013, 02:37 AM
.....but good topic which warrants further attention and would be interested to see any replies to you.
Turbo was the traditional choice but there are other brands as you point out and often the ability to print a good team design is a prerequisite for the wp guys (we must rely on them and the divers as we have lost too many swimmers to jammers nowadays).
Divers usually want a tight fit against water impact and similarly so in water polo in order not to facilitate opponents' undersurface drag-downs.
Whether that means undersizing on certain brands when ordering I would have to leave to an experienced player to advise.
10-27-2013, 12:15 PM
I think Turbo do a rag bag offer, tell them your size and they will send you a random suit, they are getting rid of surplus printed team suits so are doing this at a reduced price. Try this to discover your Turbo suit size.
thanks for reminding me. I didn't want to do a grab bag turbo suit before, mainly because it was only five dollars less. They reduced the price to something more affordable. I'll let you know when I figure which size to order.
10-27-2013, 04:23 PM
I find a size 32 Speedo is just a little bit tight (but still wearable) for me (my waist is about 33-34). The size M Turbo fits me snugly but comfortably, so I'd say it is about equal to a 32 Speedo. The Turbos are well made, and I really like the briefer look (side seam 2.5"). They are made of a slightly thicker or heavier fabric, but are a good choice - I've worn my for extended swim practices and/or tanning.
10-28-2013, 05:33 AM
I like this one but a mystery to identify:
May be a Turbo but the emblem is of a Chinese Dragon type
and for a wp team which is indicated in stylised letters CNM:
Double thanks. It just so happens that my waist size is about the same. Hopefully a medium is good for me.
11-01-2013, 06:59 AM
Haven't seen this design being worn but maybe they want surfing customers* now as well as water polo players.
*rather doubt it - boardies and wetsuits rule the waves there
11-12-2013, 04:43 AM
Selection of players:
11-13-2013, 05:10 PM
Not international (although I cannot explain HUN)
CSB as shown on one suit should be UCSB and this is from the Triton Tournament of 2009 when University College Santa Barbara played against University College San Diego.
(vid. of UCSB against Pacific no.1:
11-13-2013, 05:41 PM
Yes, they do exist - long absent in international competition but put up a team for 2012 Olympic Games.
11-13-2013, 05:50 PM
Re. post#1 amongst the companies explored have you had a look at ?
Thanks for posting about that site, they have some great looking styles. Christmas is coming so I might give myself a present of one or two.
11-14-2013, 09:03 PM
LOL - and maybe something for the GB guys? (might need cheering up as they look so forlorn in the pic)
11-16-2013, 04:08 AM
I really like this water polo suit but what is the unusual brand logo mark and is there some mascot of a bulldog or bears shown in the side stripes?
I was watching a football game on TV the other day (US) and one of the announcers out of the blue says water polo is the dirtiest sport there is, and the other chimes in, yeah they are always trying to drown each other. I don't think its a particularly dirty sport and there is a big difference between dunking somebody and trying to drown them. Football though I love it seems to have huge problems on brain health, I could name a dozen sports dirtier and much more dangerous than water polo. Rodeo for just one.
11-16-2013, 02:07 PM
It is part of a general misconception as the ref. cannot see under the water surface . What is under increasing scrutiny in the UK at the moment is rugby where the macho nature of the game allows far too many players to carry on after being concussed on the pitch (even in boxing the trainer is allowed to throw in the towel).
I really like this water polo suit but what is the unusual brand logo mark and is there some mascot of a bulldog or bears shown in the side stripes?
it's a zumo university of los angeles brief(UCLA). They are the bruins, I believe, which is a bear.
11-20-2013, 02:45 AM
Thanks again or info. Todd - a new name to me but Zumo indeed (I will claim as an excuse that they are only recently founded - and it is annoying that they do not seem to have a company website).
The UCLA bear emblem I have found too but there must be some new kit design for these guys as what team pics I find (not very clear) show blue suits being worn but with solid yellow side panels (no stripes) and no bruin printed over at right.
11-22-2013, 05:35 AM
I was going to say Italy encountered some dirty play here in London 2012 (guy far left in pic) - in fact I realise he is wearing a double Jaked speedo (I didn't know they did that these days)
11-22-2013, 05:25 PM
Nice suit but can't work out all the text - though I guess the big C is a clue:
11-25-2013, 10:21 PM
Probably a high school or college team suit from a company like Turbo or Agon swim - I know Agonswim designs specific patterns for individual teams on request.
11-26-2013, 12:22 AM
LOL - perhaps pics like this should go in the puzzle center - this is not a case of too few clues but too many and I still can't unravel them - and do we see the head a panther or a snake? There are big letters half visible at the waistband too - and that reminds me of
having UCL Bruins revealed by Todd . Now that I know that and look carefully at the bear mascot there are little yellow marks under him - and those are the tops of letters U C L !
11-26-2013, 08:54 PM
I hope this will open as an addendum to post #11 as they seem to have a nice Speedo team swimbrief now (and better than the Olympics Adidas, IMHO).
No pics that I can find so far of them wearing it however but the Ebay seller from West Hollywood seems to be having fun as usual on his asking price):
11-26-2013, 09:11 PM
We have seen this design before, but never found photos of anyone ever wearing them.
11-27-2013, 12:03 AM
Funny you should say that - I rather thought I briefly (pun intended) remembered something like that on TD when he was much younger. This
however has the British Swimming logo added to British Gas.
11-27-2013, 01:17 PM
LOL - perhaps pics like this should go in the puzzle center - this is not a case of too few clues but too many and I still can't unravel them - and do we see the head a panther or a snake? There are big letters half visible at the waistband too - and that reminds me of
having UCL Bruins revealed by Todd . Now that I know that and look carefully at the bear mascot there are little yellow marks under him - and those are the tops of letters U C L !
I think it's definitely a snake, of the spitting variety! :eek:
11-27-2013, 05:06 PM
Thanks (working on it .......):confused:
12-25-2013, 04:42 AM, not so uncommon as I thought (can just see undersuits)
12-26-2013, 06:47 PM
Just to add to post#2 this is what might be expected in water polo but here it seems it might be from water rugby:
I have heard of bishops being defrocked but maybe this is a demo. of the Neat Debagging Tackle technique.
03-19-2014, 06:57 PM
Here's a team I think I can name but four rogue guys interestingly not in uniform speedos:
03-19-2014, 09:15 PM
The lack of matching suits is not surprising. Water polo is an official college sport at only a few US colleges and universities - most schools (such as FSU) simply have water polo as a 'club' sport, meaning students themselves organize the team and pay a large portion of team expenses. The college does not provide them with scholarship money, school uniforms (swimsuits, warm-up clothes, etc.), or any other benefits that official varsity sport athletes receive. Many of the polo guys simply wear their old high school suit or other favorite suits they purchased themselves (though club teams frequently pick one design and try to get their members to purchase that suit, which is usually somewhat expensive for college kids on limited budgets). The colleges do help out a little - by setting aside a couple hours per week for club polo to use the campus pool, and sometimes donating small sums (maybe a few hundred dollars per year taken from student recreation fees) to help cover team travel expenses or tournament entry fees. But for the most part, club teams are on their own.
03-19-2014, 11:49 PM
Interesting to read the background to the club water polo experience there - not all it may seem just by seeing the logo on the caps in the pool and makes me feel resentful of an apparent insensibility in the sports faculties of so many academic institutions.
After all, as a spectator sport it must be more impressive than athletics and in comparison, the costs of kitting-out and the ground maintenance for an official football team, must be massive.
(all down to not attracting the dollars for commercial sponsorship I suppose)
03-20-2014, 12:24 AM
The debate is going on in the UK of Govt. sponsorship of national sports squads, those that are unlikely to achieve Olympic medals get nothing, while those with medal promise have money thrown at them. Since individual events score more medals per buck than team events the team events are feeling the pinch, fail to perform and lose even more support.
There is a claim that grass roots support for sport is continuing as usual, but if you have ever coached young people you discover that the amateur clubs are funded by the athletes and their parents. Facilities are built by local authorities, run by private service providers and paid for by the athletes on a weekly basis. You even need to pay the council to organise a run in the park for a few friends.
In my part of Kent we actually got a new running track and had our pool improved, but our sports centre was a training camp for London 2012.
College water polo players not having uniform speedos is no big deal so long as everyone has the same basic colour and the swimmers have access to the pool for training and competition.
03-30-2014, 05:21 AM
Loyola Marymount Water Polo (and faint logo may be Turbo):
05-04-2014, 03:28 AM
From what I learn from speedopix thread now, above logo is likely to be Ducko
05-06-2014, 03:39 PM
This seems to be an Italian brand of suit somehow connected to Chiavari Water Nights which are night-time water polo meets in the sea (but which appear only in Facebook).
05-06-2014, 03:46 PM
05-10-2014, 01:25 AM
Great article about the water polo team - thanks for sharing. Also, I'm pretty sure you are right about the Loyola-Marymount suit being a Ducko brand.
05-19-2014, 09:34 PM
This time, can anyone explain an apparent missing finger of the left hand in this pic?
05-24-2014, 10:47 PM
Nice coloring - no clues except that swim cap may be from Croatia
(and could there possibly be a Ducko suit ?)
05-27-2014, 06:13 AM
Not often seen - from Kazakhstan and in a Zumo suit ?
05-27-2014, 06:52 AM
Rather dramatic printing on the suits of these Italian water polo guys but hard to trace the Sconvoltri Club*.
*might have a connection to seawater polo competition and Chiavari Nights - post#37
05-27-2014, 10:55 AM
How can Kazakhstan have a national water polo team while Great Britain is unable to support one for international competition?
05-27-2014, 06:02 PM
- national pride and the deep pockets of one of those oil billionaires.
It's a good point but I don't think Sport England are impressed - I believe a team GB for water polo was entered for the 2012 Olympics for appearances sake but that was the first time after a long absence from so many past Games - and 2016? (don't hold your breath)
05-27-2014, 06:25 PM
Shortage of pools, especially in a climate not particularly suited to outdoor unheated pools, I would guess.
05-27-2014, 09:06 PM
So many extra indoor pools exist in cities now that facilities could be made available (even when hard to emulate the balmy Ligurian coastline and the Adriatic).
Official attitude is well summed up by the prompt removal of the purpose-built water polo venue for the 2012 Olympic events at the Queen Elizabeth Park.
(there's a well photo-shopped pic of the Thames if I can retrace it - a water polo match is under way near Tower Bridge and looks quite believable!)
05-28-2014, 05:03 PM
Not the best facility one has to say:
05-30-2014, 11:40 AM
Interesting pic. of two water polo players in club colors red and black.
Unusual location - water is 16ft 6ins deep which suggests a dive pool and a big scoreboard says SHOT (though I thought scores in water polo are goals)
05-31-2014, 04:19 PM
Couldn't resist posting my favorite water polo suit as designed for team Oz - and the Turbo*here sure seems to have been sized down! (*or is it?)
05-31-2014, 11:48 PM
I swim in the very same suit-you feel encased in it-covers butt crack barely but great feeling for laps. This guy has rolled his up and down-must be the meet is over because if he tries to play like that there is plenty of rolled fabric to grab onto. JVT
06-01-2014, 12:16 AM
Great to know it is associated with this forum through at least one member ! I was sure I hadn't seen it worn quite like that amongst the other players on the team - and more rolled up than down I would guess (maybe he is a surfboat oarsman too ?) as the waist cord remains visible and the wp ball in the print also.
06-05-2014, 02:08 AM
Compare on post#50:
06-05-2014, 08:25 PM
That is the very same suit that I swim in about every week. Feels great and "solid" like armor for that section of your body. Butt crack will not show after you get wet. This suit is a great confidence builder for those of you who are bashfull wearing this style. Nobody will notice you at the pool. You can lounge around the pool and interact with other swimmers-they don't give a damned and if they do so what. Why so much talk about how brief you can "get away with"? Good taste should dictate here and there is such a thing of too much brevity No excuse to wear a suit showing butt crack except when you bend over etc. and if that's the case just pull it up. Get your rocks off in private or with your special person but don't expect Joe Blow to think a cock sock is in good taste. JVT
06-06-2014, 03:11 AM
Very, very well said dorcas3!
07-15-2014, 10:57 PM
This was a surprise and needs some explanation.
Tesco is a big UK supermarket chain (somewhat like Walmart) and I learn from them that Tesco Hungary sponsors the Tesco Beach Water Polo Championships
(where is the beach I do not know as I thought Hungary has no coastline)
07-15-2014, 11:34 PM
The largest inland lake in Europe.
07-16-2014, 12:23 AM
Thanks - seem to have found it here:
(interesting history - once exclusive resort in soviet era for communist leaders and their guests)
California Dolphin
07-16-2014, 05:39 AM
Speaking of Russia, I was searching for weather related videos and I ran across this one of a hail storm on a beach in Novosibirsk:
Take a look at the 1970s era trunks and a few speedo style suits. The Russians are definitely ahead of the trend back to old fashioned swimwear.
07-17-2014, 06:53 AM
Very brave for the middle of Siberia I thought and then I learned that although they can expect -50c in winter it can be +35c in a Novosibirsk summer (a note for Louis there).
Btw no boardies to be seen on Sochi-Adler beach (Black Sea I think):
07-26-2014, 04:36 AM
Black-suited butts lined up:
07-26-2014, 11:09 PM
What a beautiful line-up...
07-26-2014, 11:55 PM
You're right about that Swimmboy. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I wouldn't mind "beholding" one of them.
07-27-2014, 03:50 AM
I agree Swim boy and Dooley67 its a beautiful lineup of Speedo clad guys. I wouldn't mind "beholding" them either.
07-27-2014, 01:31 PM
:confused: This is a good opportunity to raise my frequent confusion on w.p. teams' make-up - does anyone know the rules?
Sixteen players are in the pic and indeed no.16 is at the end of the line.
I thought however that a team is composed of seven and there we have four no.1 but no no.4.
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