View Full Version : Endangered AB Cossies?

08-18-2013, 06:00 PM
Over the past few months nearly all the Aussiebum cossies are either out of stock or actually discontinued. Some styles are already gone, such as the Loose 1.5", and the Stripes, the red ones I'm wearing right now! They seem to be going extinct.

Anyone know what's happening at AB?

I'll check for an answer after returning from my hotel pool "of opportunity" either my AB bluestripe or Speedo 3/4" rainbow stripe, for some speedo fun.

08-18-2013, 06:12 PM
I communicated with Sean recently and he told me that they are about to come out with a series of new designs. The current sale is to thin the inventory and make room for the new. New colors and New designs were promised.

08-19-2013, 02:27 AM
Now several threads running on what AB is up to.
Does he mean Swish as posted by Endurance Lad - or some other new range?
Nylon apparently to be dropped - see Speedomatt's petition.
(where's lifesaverOz these days ? - his was a "nylon only" rule for buying suits)