View Full Version : Tan Lines

06-10-2013, 01:31 AM
I may have asked this a while ago, but I will do so again anyway.
I see brief tan lines on a substantial minority of the men in my gym locker room, but almost no one in a brief suit at the beach,
Any thoughts on how this can be?

06-10-2013, 02:41 AM
A lot of my friends wear brief suits during actual swimming or water polo practice in an outdoor Olympic size pool. That's probably where they got the tan. But not everyone wears brief suits at the beach.

06-10-2013, 05:59 PM
Some may be using UV tanning lamps and tables. They choose to wear swim briefs or underwear in order to appear sporty rather than naturist.

Others may be lying in the sun hidden in back gardens (or yards), daring to be glimsped in Speedos by neighbours, but not daring to go naked.

You may be going to the wrong beach, try going to the beaches away from the town centres and big car parks; the walk will do you good and you will find nicer guys in briefer suits.

06-10-2013, 09:51 PM
:) I have often wondered too and as I find them sexy we don't see enough of them. What goes wrong however is posing in the brief after tanning in the shorts (vide posts on this a while back).
I've never asked a wearer to be sure about the method but I concluded sun-beds used as Torchwatch says.

Lap Counter
06-11-2013, 02:38 PM
Because the nylon Speedos of my youth didn't stretch, they could be precisely positioned the same place every time you wore one, giving the ultimate razor-sharp tan line. Mine was so burned into my skin it was still obvious even at the end of winter.

I modeled my tanning routine after the world champion, Zonker Harris of Doonesbury. Each day I would make sure to expose even the hard-to-tan spots like the inner thigh to the sun. Knowing what I know now about the ravages the sun can inflict on skin, perhaps that wasn't the most brilliant thing I've ever done!

06-13-2013, 05:51 PM
personally, I prefer not to have a tan line. It seems whenever I have a tin line I find a new suit that the lines don't match with the suit and it looks really stupid -- not to mention a great way to get a burn on a small area!
I do my morning and afternoon swims in the nude and my yard work so it is easy to get the whole bod tan (occasionally I wear a very tiny g-string to lift the balls up so tops of thighs get tan too)

03-20-2014, 12:51 AM
yeah thats the main reason i wear em, i try to get a consistant tan so when i get undressed you can see a sharp tan line - my dick and butt bright white almost glowing then is i skinny dip in the evening the slightest light with have me standin out from the crowd even though i may not be as big as other guys:)

03-20-2014, 01:38 AM
:( so hard to find some sharp sexy pics on this subject however

04-06-2014, 04:09 PM
Being new on this board and seeing this older topic I thought it was time to resurrect the thread and add my opinion!

As a youngster and up to the age of 19 I was a swimmer for my County, hence I lived in speedos. I never thought twice about what I was wearing to the beach or pool, back then speedos were the norm. Subsequently as a youngster I had the speedo tan line. From the age of about 14 and after a trip to France and seeing my first REALLY brief suits out on the beach, not quite thongs but almost, I fell in love with the skimpier styles, would try to out do my fellow team mates by adjusting my suits to make them as brief as possible. This got me the attention of my first real girl friend and she introduced me to thongs. She bought me a true Speedo thong suit and I have never looked back. She released to show off in me and it has manifested itself over the last 25 years.

I well always wear the least I can get away with in any given situation, I'm extremely careful to gauge my audience and always carry a coverup if I have got it wrong.

I LOVE tan lines..... They are sooooooo sexy, both on myself and others be it male or female, I strive to have the sharpest and smallest I can. Since that girl introduced me to thongs I've never looked back, and my passion for small suits has resulted in tiny tan lines for the last 25 years.

With the beauty of the internet and the rapid rise of some great suit makers, both custom and mainstream, my tanning suit collection is huge! 5 years ago I found my ultimate style, the one hip 1/2 thong, the tan line is unique and the suit itself is awesome. By no means everyone's cup of tea, but if your looking for less and enjoy showing a great tan line...... Get one.
The look I get in the locker room or when wearing low rise jeans is what it's all about for me, it's as good as the looks you get for being in a speedo when everyone else is in those damn silly knee length shorts.

Cheers Paul

04-12-2014, 05:45 PM
Being new on this board and seeing this older topic I thought it was time to resurrect the thread and add my opinion!

As a youngster and up to the age of 19 I was a swimmer for my County, hence I lived in speedos. I never thought twice about what I was wearing to the beach or pool, back then speedos were the norm. Subsequently as a youngster I had the speedo tan line. From the age of about 14 and after a trip to France and seeing my first REALLY brief suits out on the beach, not quite thongs but almost, I fell in love with the skimpier styles, would try to out do my fellow team mates by adjusting my suits to make them as brief as possible. This got me the attention of my first real girl friend and she introduced me to thongs. She bought me a true Speedo thong suit and I have never looked back. She released to show off in me and it has manifested itself over the last 25 years.

I well always wear the least I can get away with in any given situation, I'm extremely careful to gauge my audience and always carry a coverup if I have got it wrong.

I LOVE tan lines..... They are sooooooo sexy, both on myself and others be it male or female, I strive to have the sharpest and smallest I can. Since that girl introduced me to thongs I've never looked back, and my passion for small suits has resulted in tiny tan lines for the last 25 years.

With the beauty of the internet and the rapid rise of some great suit makers, both custom and mainstream, my tanning suit collection is huge! 5 years ago I found my ultimate style, the one hip 1/2 thong, the tan line is unique and the suit itself is awesome. By no means everyone's cup of tea, but if your looking for less and enjoy showing a great tan line...... Get one.
The look I get in the locker room or when wearing low rise jeans is what it's all about for me, it's as good as the looks you get for being in a speedo when everyone else is in those damn silly knee length shorts.

Cheers Paul

so after she got you a speedo swim thong did you wear that to practice!?!?

04-13-2014, 05:48 PM
so after she got you a speedo swim thong did you wear that to practice!?!?

I used to practice really early in the morning, and all my team mates new my reputation for wearing the least I could, I worked my way down to the speedo thong by wearing suits that I had adjusted to be briefer and briefer, when I did eventually wear the thong for early morning swim practice no one really took any notice..... or at least they didn't say anything...... It was Paul being Paul I think they all thought. I never wore it at busy times but when it was quiet I sure did.

04-15-2014, 05:44 PM
wow, in my country, even if you swim at 3 a.m. people would not allow you to swim in a thong! But I'm curious, if swimming in a thong would be confortable and maybe it would help to swim faster than wearing a swim brief.

I used to practice really early in the morning, and all my team mates new my reputation for wearing the least I could, I worked my way down to the speedo thong by wearing suits that I had adjusted to be briefer and briefer, when I did eventually wear the thong for early morning swim practice no one really took any notice..... or at least they didn't say anything...... It was Paul being Paul I think they all thought. I never wore it at busy times but when it was quiet I sure did.

04-16-2014, 04:05 PM
I have actually swum wearing a swim thong in the sea, if your swim thong is comfortable on land and stays on properly when wet then then will be comfortable when swimming. Wearing thongs is an acquired taste, it does take time to get used to, and it may stimulate you to a state of excitement, so be aware of who is around you.
As you swim you will feel the water slide paste you deliciously, yet as the thong holds you in place at the front you won't get that "dangly" feeling that swimming naked gives you.
The problem with thongs is not whether to wear them but where to wear them. Look for a quiet place where full nudity is banned if you don't have your own pool in the garden.

04-18-2014, 06:23 PM
Thanks to this guy for showing: http://24.media.tumblr.com/2ac2748082b49bcf3af34550cbf26729/tumblr_mw9nlayawr1rgrjwao1_500.jpg

Revelation: http://37.media.tumblr.com/7fbb72d9da546785db82688331d11f13/tumblr_mzgpbeDyO21rr0qano1_400.jpg

Another: http://37.media.tumblr.com/183cf8ababbae6c9723efabc06f449de/tumblr_n2gf6f2cq51tsaphzo1_500.jpg

Definitely (was) a thong: http://24.media.tumblr.com/c9f16446ef784e73d1d93d7dfa0b34ae/tumblr_n1kscgGcL51s3jq77o1_1280.jpg

04-18-2014, 06:35 PM
Thanks to this guy for showing: http://24.media.tumblr.com/2ac2748082b49bcf3af34550cbf26729/tumblr_mw9nlayawr1rgrjwao1_500.jpg

Revelation: http://37.media.tumblr.com/7fbb72d9da546785db82688331d11f13/tumblr_mzgpbeDyO21rr0qano1_400.jpg

Another: http://37.media.tumblr.com/183cf8ababbae6c9723efabc06f449de/tumblr_n2gf6f2cq51tsaphzo1_500.jpg

Definitely (was) a thong: http://24.media.tumblr.com/c9f16446ef784e73d1d93d7dfa0b34ae/tumblr_n1kscgGcL51s3jq77o1_1280.jpg

First pic; great body, nice firm bum, however when you have all that going on you don't need to cover up as much as he has!!! LOL

Last picture; now we're talking!!!! Sharp and tiny!!! All good.

04-19-2014, 03:35 AM
I am assuming that these are the same person. But hey, what does it matter.

04-19-2014, 11:34 AM
Probably not I would think - but wow, no.2 has been wearing something VERY neat !

04-19-2014, 02:06 PM
The surprise stunning guy* here I was thinking may be from Brazil but it turns out to be Chris Mears ( from the Tom Daley website and his fellow team GB diver):

*neat op. scar even helps define his abs.

04-21-2014, 05:04 PM
I always wear speedos - or less - when I am at a pool. Usually I am at my own pool and I have no clothing restrictions there or I am at a hotel pool. Either place I have a limited area so can put my book, towel etc down and keep an eye on it when in the pool. (if at a hotel) I have also learned if you tip the cocktail waitress very well they will keep an eye on your stuff when you take a dip.
At the beach, I wear short board shorts (from UnderGear) and my speedos under them for support. I like to walk and roam the beach so never really establish a "home base" with a towel etc. I keep my keys, cash etc in a velcro sealed pocket so I can swim if I want and walk miles without worrying about something left behind. WIth speedos, there is no pocket for keys, money, hotel key cards, credit cards etc. It is just more practical to wear the shorts there.
The only time I wear speedos at the beach is if I am at a resort that has a beach boy that watches possessions while I am on a marathon walk.
So, when I pull of the swim shorts there is a tan line from a speedo bikini.

04-23-2014, 08:47 PM
I have worn speedos since a very young kid. I'm a child of the 70's and that's all my mum bought me, swim shorts didn't exist then I don't think! If they did, I wasn't bought them!!! Joining the swim team at age 7 I was given my first team colours, and it was a true 'Speedo' suit. I think my passion for the style stems from there or there about. I know as I got a bit older on the team I always strove to be the lad in the tightest, smallest suit, I certainly enjoyed the attantion it got me!!! I haven't worn anything bigger than a speedo since! Hence from a young age I have alway had speedo style tan lines. The admiration I got from the girls (and sometimes the boys!) led me into speedo thongs, when they ceased production of them my attention, along with that of my GF of the time, was drawn to other makers, with my love of small stuff and her desire to see me in it we found some really great stuff....... Fast forward 20 years and my passion is still growing! Yes, the absolute maximum I will ever wear is a 4cm sided speedo, and that's only when I have to, family orientated surroundings and the like, so thus I always have at least a speedo tan line, nowadays i strive for a lot smaller one and if I'm in private it's a lot less, so I thought I post this pic to show you last years tan line. Hope you like!

04-24-2014, 07:54 PM
Wore a 4 cm brief for the first time at my local pool this week. Certainly was a pleasant experience.
Seems strange to wear something in public briefer than your underwear. There again, it would be strange to wear underwear in the shower. :)

04-29-2014, 10:21 PM
Determined to prove - black speedo with logo W (for Waterfly?):http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m96jtfXIUr1qdyznko1_500.jpg

05-05-2014, 03:37 AM

05-05-2014, 03:42 AM

05-06-2014, 01:57 AM
Another having to prove it for the viewers:

05-06-2014, 02:45 AM
The full tan says "no boardies"?

05-08-2014, 01:05 PM

05-08-2014, 02:55 PM
I tan so easily! I normally swim indoor but this is me literally after 30 minutes of swimming outdoor. This is why I train indoors...


05-08-2014, 03:12 PM
Long time no hear Chris (any tri. events?)
You should be so lucky - obviously a skin pigmentation which allows you instant success where others would be trying long and hard (and likely to burn).
LOL - what was on you thirty minutes before that pic. was taken ?

05-08-2014, 03:25 PM
Yeah I've been busy! I've had a lot of big tri events lately. They were great. The weather was really nice so I swam outside instead of indoor. I was wearing blue funky trunks. It's amazing. Shipping is so expensive since they sell in Australia.

05-10-2014, 12:22 PM
....probably in dive position and faint line of larger speedo shows here: http://37.media.tumblr.com/46a0c06e0c089003caef23771ae07c42/tumblr_n4a6afCRqe1skv7h5o1_500.jpg

....and maybe the same applies this standing guy: http://31.media.tumblr.com/b7a9a530738b72930844122dcdcb65c7/tumblr_n01o3m1Rnv1sswr03o1_500.jpg

05-26-2014, 11:00 PM
Would like to see also the bikini which created the tanline here :

05-26-2014, 11:57 PM
Yes, I'd like to see not only the bikini but a picture of the guy in the bikini - now that would be hot!!


05-27-2014, 05:21 AM
LOL - it would , but proving harder to resolve than one of Paul's puzzles !

05-27-2014, 03:46 PM
"Harder" to resolve. Pun intended??

07-04-2014, 04:48 AM

07-04-2014, 06:58 AM
....probably in dive position and faint line of larger speedo shows here: http://37.media.tumblr.com/46a0c06e0c089003caef23771ae07c42/tumblr_n4a6afCRqe1skv7h5o1_500.jpg

....and maybe the same applies this standing guy: http://31.media.tumblr.com/b7a9a530738b72930844122dcdcb65c7/tumblr_n01o3m1Rnv1sswr03o1_500.jpg
I definitely like the cut on the second bikini pic as I have a couple like that

07-09-2014, 04:14 AM
....but cooling off with a tasteful tanline on display:

07-09-2014, 05:42 AM
Lol Ive had a bikini Tan line the last 3 weeks. Tan lines can be very sexy. Im not seeing the tanline on the last pic Byron but good looking guy regardless.

07-09-2014, 06:49 AM
Agree it could be better defined and might even be a trick of the strong sunlight which fools the camera. I took it to be a speedo line as it continues around to the butt and (with use of magnifying glass) I think there is a feint repeat at top of his left thigh.

07-10-2014, 09:04 PM
Byron - in post #31 above, you included a picture of a guy apparently diving into the pool in a black Speedo with a blue pattern on the side. It appears the 'Speedo' logo is on the front center of his suit (centered over his 'bulge' as you might say), but I don't ever remember seeing Speedo suits with the logo in the center - usually it is on the right front hip in US-sold Speedos, and I've seen some on the left front hip (Asian-sold suits?). Any idea what this suit is in your picture?

07-10-2014, 09:33 PM
The logo certainly appears at centre front and that has not been so for any Speedo I have ever seen.
This pic. did raise a question for me too on the blue pattern and what came to mind
(probably wrongly) was a 'special' for Team Germany divers (that then questions the angle of the photo of course, with no background as reference) .
I just cannot remember where it came from amongst so many blogs but will see whether I can find more on that guy to explain - either uncropped or without the zoom. :confused:

07-11-2014, 12:41 AM
The japanese have the word speedo on the upper center front. they probably got there suits from there if the back end appears check to see if there is a back seam if so then its a japanese suoit for sure, BTW the have arena on the front of there suits to.

07-11-2014, 12:42 AM
The japanese have the word speedo on the upper center front. they probably got there suits from there if the back end appears check to see if there is a back seam if so then its a japanese suoit for sure, BTW the have arena on the front of there suits to.

07-11-2014, 09:25 PM

See the third picture down on this post from another site - is that the same Speedo as in your post #31?


If so, then the Speedo logo is off to the swimmer's right side, not in the center of his suit.

07-12-2014, 01:33 AM
Not allowed in without joining Swimmboy - but security warns me off anyway as a likely dangerous website to enter

07-13-2014, 05:55 AM
Seems there are grievances there about rejections of posts:

From tumblr's surfbriefs blog however here is what might mean yes to your question. The Speedo boomerang is far too close to the wait cord knot than usual and the blue pattern does not appear on Speedo's illustrations of its
surf briefs range. My guess - a special rashguard and matching speedo coordination is being worn:

07-13-2014, 05:01 PM
Byron - sorry, I guess I'd forgotten younglifter was a 'members' site. I had joined several years ago and am just accustomed to visiting there without having to re-register. I'd seen some posts once in a while asking "Why did my post get deleted?", but did not know there was so much rancor among current and former members as your blog link reveals. Oddly enough, over the past 2 days, the site seems to be 'down' - the server cannot connect or something....

07-13-2014, 08:37 PM
OK - a bit of a cock-up in that website (and I have learned a few expletives in what I read :D ). Although I cannot get at your "third pic" I await a reply from Speedo on my theory of matching shirt to suit (both with the logo but a combi I haven't seen before).

Btw, yes - "webpage not available"

07-14-2014, 10:59 PM
Must have been an old pic - Speedo say "unfortunately we no longer sell or stock that item"

07-25-2014, 02:46 PM
Not the wittiest of taglines I know but I am posting this as four surfboaters without their surfboat:
(and some suits seem to be worn inside out for some reason)

Now two guys with the required boat : http://37.media.tumblr.com/d79af9f08c38d7a155dd0287102e581b/tumblr_n0jc2qGXDh1slely1o1_500.jpg

07-30-2014, 11:48 AM
Neat low cut with tanline above waist but no logo* and if there is a message in the white pattern I don't get it:

*or is there something at left hip?

07-31-2014, 04:49 PM
I blew up the photo too but I didn't see any lettering. The white looks to be part of the pattern

06-19-2015, 06:23 AM
Just curious, still have those Speedo Thongs around? When did they come out?

10-13-2024, 12:20 AM
Tanlines are sexy.Catches my attention.Draws attention to my bubble butt.

10-13-2024, 06:38 PM
Tanlines are sexy.Catches my attention.Draws attention to my bubble butt.
I agree! I've got a Skinzwear M73 Stuffit Rio microbikini that I wear in the tanning booth a few days a week year round. I wear it straight across and as low as possible to cultivate that sexy teeny tanline. Only the middle third of my butt is covered. I do a complete bodyshave, and the top front edge of the Rio rests on the base of my shaft. You can plainly see the dimple just above the base of the shaft I've developed from intense ab vaccing. The teeny tanline accentuates my ab development and my up-high bellybutton (ready for serious fingering and orgasmic spasms!)...

10-13-2024, 11:36 PM
The m57 has a similar front and even narrower back.
I had one to wear in my own pool before we got the privacy fence.
Now I don't wear anything.