View Full Version : CBS Sunday Morning on Swimwear

05-26-2013, 09:15 PM
CBS Sunday Morning (A great show) did a piece on the male and female swim suit. It was pretty pro of shorter suits. Take a look.
Additionally the piece on the same page on the WWII vet at the museum is also a good story, especially this weekend.


OK link acting a little weird. swimsuit story is above. Here is the link for the other story


05-27-2013, 12:23 AM
Have to say I was happy to forget the first but the AA* Airborne vet. was worth
listening to in the second. Sounds as if he landed at Utah and great to see the old DC3 in invasion stripes.
*that might be Army Airforce as USAF was not around as such then.

California Dolphin
05-27-2013, 02:54 AM
As I've previously posted on this board, more and more men seem to be "Voting with their feet" (more like voting with their legs) and wearing short running shorts.

Hope the movement toward the shorted look keeps moving forward. :D

05-27-2013, 03:31 AM

The fashion guy in first video forgot to introduce us to this:


For the military minded: I should have said C47 for DC3 and the AA vet.
was probably from the 82nd Airborne (US Army parachute infantry).
Therefore he would have dropped inland and not landed on the beach.

05-27-2013, 03:41 AM
LOL - upward rather than forward perhaps ?

05-27-2013, 04:06 AM
In my humble opinion wives and girlfriends are influencing their men to shed the boardshorts and wear briefer swimwear. It doesn't have to be brief style swimwear just shorter than what the man wears now and maybe a little form fitting to make the ladies happier.

05-27-2013, 02:18 PM
The second link was awesome and fitting. With the Memorial Day weekend in the USA, the recent events of Boston and London, it is especially fitting to reflect on those who serve. There are real heros out there.

05-27-2013, 05:27 PM
In 1999 I cycled from Cherbourg to Boulonge, and visited most of the D Day beaches on the way.
Near Honfleur I met up with some British Airborne glider troops who were visiting the battle sites with some Belgian Jeeps.

After landing at Pegasus Bridge they had liberated Honfleur arriving on a stolen fire engine. The locals never noticed the few scruffy British red berets dossing down in the streets, but came out and celebrated next morning when the motorised Free Belgians arrived.

That evening I attended the War Memorial service in Honfleur, although I only had cycle gear to wear, the British and Belgian veterans needed to know that they were not forgotten.

I also visited the cemeteries at Omaha Beach for the Americans (see start of Saving Private Ryan) and Sword Beach for the British. On the British gravestones there was space for one line of text chosen by the families; so much love and loss.

05-28-2013, 10:31 PM
Rather appropriate too that the Atlantic convoys are being remembered this week. Loss of life and so many thousands of tons of ships, food and equipment
sunk at the hands of the U-boats was appalling - those being the only things that Churchill said frightened him in the War.