View Full Version : Trying on suits

11-03-2012, 11:18 AM
I'm always thinking up fun things to do with my suits. For this one, you will need about a half dozen suits, ranging in size from a little bigger and looser to really snug and tight (no problem for any of you, right?) Think about the situation you would face if you were picking out a suit to buy in a swim shop and want to see how you would fit in suits that each have a little different cut and fit.

It's also helpful if you have been working out, as you wil want also to use this as an opportunity to admire the progress you have been making, muscularity and weight wise.

Sort the suits in order, from the biggest and loosest fitting one, down to the snuggest and smallest.

The whole idea here is to try on your suits in order, starting with the biggest and loosest fitting one. once you get into the first suit, you will want to admire yourself in the mirror as well as adjust your equipment in different ways to compare the look such as down, sideways and up.

Unless you are totally brain-dead you will be starting to get a little firmer, and your penis will start to respond to the situation whereby you are adjusting yourself in different positions while admiring how much good your exercise program is going.

Soon, you will start to feel pretty good. Pull that suit off and slip on the next suit in the pile. By now you will be a little bigger, and you will have a little more difficulty getting everything into an even slightly smaller and snugger suit, and you will discoover that it will take more effort to get everything once again positioned correctly, as you are bigger than you were in the first suit.

Follow the same approach for the third, fourth and fifth suit, and pay close attention to the degree of dificulty you have getting yourself into and positioned inside each consecutive suit. Take note of how your body elements look in the mirror with each consecutive suit, and also how you are able to position yourself inside each succesively smaller suit.

By the point where you get to the sixth or final suit in the pile, you should be feeling really "hot and bothered" and you body should be screaming at you about the immediate need to get off. What more can I say at this point? Make sure you really enjoy yourself, but its obvious that you will given the events that led up to this point.

I did this with 6 suits in sequence last nite. Those little Sporti Euro briefs (size 30) as great fun as the last suits in the pile, but I actually ended up getting off in my little orange TYR suit I have that was sold in European markets. I enjoyed myself immensely by that point. I strongly suspect that you guys will too, assuming you are not completely brain dead ROFL.

I just got to thinking it would be fun to take photos of each suit in succession. I wonder how obvious what is happening would be if the photos are arranged in sequence. A great record of what happens to a guy and his equipment if he faces a situation where each successive suit gets smaller and snugger. So if anyone wants to submit a series of photos, they would be most interesting.

For those of you who are relatively new to fun in suits, this is a great way to get an introduction as to why the guys here find them so much fun to experiment with.

All the best with your experiments. The male body is an absolutely marvelous work, and I remain every bit as hooked on these kinds of activities as I was when I first discovered them (at age 11 or so, maybe?).


11-17-2012, 11:56 AM
I hadn't actually gotten off in over a week, and I was starting to really feel the pressure. You all know how it gets sometimes. I wasn't getting erect, but I my mind was focusing every few minutes on my groin area, and I was thinking about the fact that it had been a really busy week, and I had mot spent as much time thinking about myself as I liked to.

Finally it was Friday afternoon, and the work pressures were behind me. I still had my stationary rowing and weightlifting exercise to do once I got home. Somehow my mind wandered into putting on a strap with a little hard cup. Once I got undressed I found a strap and cup that I thought would feel pretty good, and I pulled that on. Man that felt good. The cup was small enough so that it just held my still mostly flaccid penis, but once I got into it I could feel my penis trying to press against the sides of the cup. Some of this is physical pressure, but a lot of it is psychological. Somehow, my penis "knows" when it is in a confined space that could limit its ability to expand. The tension builds. The pressure is there, but it is below what is necessary to get off.

Of course its even more fun to hop on the rowing machine and row while still wearing the cup. The cup doesn’t stay totally fixed. It moves around on each stroke, and you never know quite what the exact sensation will be on each stroke until the stroke is completed. What can I say? Time flies and what could be tedious rowing ends up being quite enjoyable.

I completed my 90 minutes of rowing plus my weights without getting off, and spent part of the evening watching a TV show, cup in place. Finally I decided I was going to go to bed, but I had something else in mind as well. I disrobed and decided to take a warm tub bath. My mind was still focused on my groin area as I still hadn't gotten off even though I had spent the entire late afternoon and evening thinking about just that. I knew exactly what I wanted to do afterwards: try on Speedos, so I organized a group of five. THe first was a shiny purple brief...an old International Male design---great but only moderately small. It looked great but was not that confining. Next up was a pair of Blue Sporti water Polo briefs, size 30. Next up: a little Speedo brief, size 28, that fits really snug. I was really starting to grow now and this brief is pretty confining. Nest up was the WaterPro briefs with the diagonal rep slashes--my “Hogwarts school” brief. By this point I was feeling really good. Then finally, and this one really "got" me (again). The little Kelly green Euro sporti Brief. By that point I was off in just a few seconds. What a grand orgasm! This was one of those really memorable A+ orgasms—one that fits right up there on my list of top 5 Speedo-induced orgasms of all time. Wow!

What made it so wonderful an orgasm? I suspect a combination of factors was involved. First, it had been a long time since I had gotten off—over a week, and I was starting to feel that in that my mind was wandering off to my groin area on a frequent basis. Second, the work pressures were finally off. Third, getting into the cup and doing the rowing exercises with my penis in such a confined space certainly played a key role. Wearing a hard cup while doing an exercise/weightlifting routine can be great fun, and I would recommend trying it if you have not already. Finally, there is no substitute for a neat collection of suits in various shapes and sizes. My body really reacts to being put in a situation whereby each suit in sequence becomes more and more confining. If you have not tried doing this, I highly recommend it. You might discover some new sensations you didn’t even know about. I’m about to turn 65, and every time I try this, something new, wonderful and interesting happens.

Have fun!


11-18-2012, 01:42 PM
What type cup do you wear? Is it a jock with pouch for a cup?

11-18-2012, 04:47 PM
Yes I use a strap with a cloth pouch for the cup. You can find these separate from the cup in some brands such as Riddell.

The snugger fitting the cup the better. Some of the big banana style cups leave too much room. Each cup feels a little different, depending on size and shape, and you might need to try several different shapes and brands that work best in your particular situation. Some of those old-school flatter cups feel better than the cups that are roomier inside. You can buy a youth or junior-size strap with cup which generally have smaller cups, and pit that into the pouch of strap with an adult-sized waist.

Also, it may not hit you at first that you are actually feeling ant touching the cup. The containment starts out by being mostly psychological. But then suddenly it all hits you, everything comes alive, and the containment feels very real. At this point, you are hooked!


11-20-2012, 12:00 PM
Damn, I'm not the only one.
Sometimes I like to wear a jock and cup under my work clothes. Sometimes its the banana cup (room to move around) and sometimes it is a junior cup (no movement allowed).
As you say it reminds me it is there and gives the best/strange feelings.

12-08-2012, 12:05 PM
5 suits, a larger 32 Dolphin red and black "classic", A 30 green palm-tree patterned Speedo, A smaller (28) blue bubble-pattern Speedo, a 28 Club SWim black Euro brief, and finally a really undersized little navy blue TYR waist size 24 in that order.

I had not gotten off in over a week, and was starting to feel pretty good even as I pulled on the "Classic Dolphin." I rearranged myself to the left, and studied myself in the mirror, experimenting a bit with placement. Next up was the green Speedo. I thought I looked best in an "up" position in that one, and that my butt looked particularly neat in that one.

The blue bubble-pattern suit fit similarly, but was just tighter all around. By the time I got into that one I was starting to struggle just a little with holding back, but I knew I had two more suits still to go.

The black 28 Club Swim brief had been "hiding" in a back drawer. By the time I started to put it on, I was really struggling to try and hold back. I was ready to get off, but I knew I still had that tiny 24 TYR waiting for me. The Euro brief really doesnt cover much, nor does it have any real room for a rapidly growing erection. I took note of that in the mirror, and quickly pulled it off, just in time to get into the really tiny navy blue TYR.

The Lycra in the TYR has deteriorated some, meaning that it really stretches and is almost transparent. Al it took wa one look in the mirror and it was time to get off--there was no return at this point.

What can I say? I tend to like to grade solo-sex orgasms on an A-F scale--somehow the actual grades always end up at least B- This one was clearly a solid A. What makes this work so well I think is that it takes some considerable time to do, and the time means that the pressure keeps building and building with the anticipation of each successive suit being smaller and tighter even as the erection is getting bigger and more difficult to contain. It also helps if you havent gotten off for several days as this tends to keep your brain focused. This is a really fun brain experiment to see how much pressure you can stand without ejaculating. Toward the end, all your mind will want to think about is anticipating the upcoming orgasm. The orgasms after a longer, slower process like this are always a lot more fun. Finally, if you have a partner who is also into Speedos, doing this together and seeing if you can get the timing exactly right (like two syncronized divers diving together) could be a lot of fun too. Can the two of you coordinate the speed through the series of suits, so one of you doesn't get off way earlier or later than the other and thus miss out on trying on some of the suits?

Bottom line: For you guys with lots of suits of various shapes and sizes, this is a great way to make uise of them.

Stay tuned. I will run more experiments, no doubt. I have plenty of suits big and tiny to work through.


12-11-2012, 12:00 AM
Not sure which way round to tackle this:

12-11-2012, 10:53 AM
Is that a soft or cloth cup of some sort? The only reason I can see to use would be to avoid getting embarrassing pre-cum spots on the front of the suit.