View Full Version : swimwear obsession purchasing
06-22-2012, 04:46 PM
Is anyone like me, everybody knows that there is hundreds of brief style suits on sale all over the internet and local swimwear stores.
call it the must have it syndrome, or the cant resist buying it.
When I see pics of guys in skimpy swimwear I get the urge oh he looks good in that suit I got to have it.
06-22-2012, 11:00 PM
Same to me " CANT AFFORD TO BUY ONE ".
So , I just download the model photos and look at it whenever the desire come up... :rolleyes:
06-23-2012, 12:51 AM
When I take the time to count how many suits I have I find it very amusing. Considering the wear out rate, I think I can live to 793 and not buy another suit. It is actually hard to pick out which ones I want to wear, and quite a few are still brand spanking and I just added more... some London collection suits (I rationalized it that the Olympics come only once every four years).
Now, I confess i have them in categories... certain suits are just for my swim workouts, some are just for wearing at the beach or hanging out on the boat, etc. :D
06-23-2012, 03:49 AM
LOL - If you were visiting for the Olympics your Sporti could be very useful as SO have just come out with a street map print on a speedo (and if wearing it on the streets you might be of some help to confused tourists by pointing to your butt - and they in turn would have an excuse for a close look).
06-23-2012, 01:34 PM
Most guys spend hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions of dollars, to try and find a place that makes them happy, ejaculation-wise. Your suits make you hapy in this regard, and you are complaining that they cost $29 or $30 dollars ea?
Chris Humphries should be so lucky.
Seriously if the suits help you get off enjoyably, totally safely and without having to get into an expensive relationship that you don't ultimately want, you are not wasting your money at all. INdeed, you are a "smart shopper getting a wild but totally safe orgasm for a bargain basement price." Think about it, Louis. As wild ways to ejaculate go, a new suit is a teriffic bargain compared with the cost of any of the other options men pursue...straight, gay or whatever.
If I have a problem, it's that I believe I have way more fun in my suits than I would have in a relationship with another person irrespective of gender. If I wanted to pursue a relationship, I need to prepared to not only open my wallet, but also find someone who enjoys the suits at least as much as I do...a tall task for sure.
Just ordering a few new suits is not only cheaper than a relationship would be, but avoids a host of other ssues. I can't get my head around the notion that somehow I would be happier in a relationship, irrespective of the cost. Orgasm-wise, I can totally blow myself away for the cost of the right new suit. This is really cheap compared with the stuff other guys get themselves into in order to try to have a great orgasm. Chris married Kim mainly because he thought the sex would be really fun...boy did he get fooled! Most guys get stuck in relationships for the same reason, and probably most are fooled.
06-23-2012, 03:13 PM
I wonder how many guys purchase brief style (or less) swimwear for the purpose of getting to orgasm in them versus buying the suits because they like the look, the fit and the way it makes them feel (not just from a sexual perspective). I don't think it is a subtle difference. I personally have never really thought of my suits for the sole purpose of stimulating myself as as alternative to a relationship. However, I enjoy the feeling of being stimulated while in a brief cut suit, especially under the right circumstances. As to purchasing, I like the way the suits look on me, I like how they accent my body, and how awesome they feel on when swimming or lounging. Having said that, an inanimate object can not substitute for the best aspects of human interaction, which I think is well beyond the acts of sexual nature. No judgment on Sebbie's comment, it is just interesting to see and learn what motivates each of us in this area.
06-23-2012, 06:51 PM raise issues..a lot of them...just a "brief reply for now"
The first issue is "Do guys have stronger and more powerful orgasms in partner sex or in solo sex?" A. There is a body of research on this and B. The research is divided with many guy saying they have stronger and more satisfying orgasms in solo than in partner sex, but overall, the sexual experience is "more satisfying" than in solo sex whatever that means.
The second issue is "Should we somehow feel sorry for guys who for whatever reason never engage in or do not currently engage in partner sex?" The stereotype of the adult masturbator is of a child who never totally grew up psychologically to engage in "real" sex or a person who avoids social contacts in any form..the adult version of the nerdy loner who never grew up, sexually.
Interestingly, society accepts the notion of a female spinster who occasionally pleasures herself "down there" much more readily than the image of the adult man who engages in "self-abuse" rather than in partner sex. Further, it's generally accepted that single men will be having multiple sexual partners and that they will be tomcatting around, whereas this stereotype is not nearly so often applied to women.
Bottom line is that there are many men who by choice or by chance do not engage in partner sex. Somehow, divorced guys tend to like to hang out with me and ask for advice. Some of them seem to believe that they have lost their partners, the days of having a powerful, fun orgasm are over. Nothing is further from the truth, and maybe the spinsters could teach the single men a thing or two about enjoying and being at ease with their own bodies.
As to whether a Speedo is an inanimate object for the purpose of having sex, would you say the same thing about a guy getting turned on by his girl friend wearing sexy lingeree? I come from the "whatever floats your boat" school on this topic, and if you find something sexy that I would not find sexy at all, that doesn't make you right and me wrong, or vice versa. So long as its harmless to you or others, you enjoy it, and it works for your psyche, I say "go for it!"
I am getting my thoughts together on all of this as a prelude to write a book based on some of the ideas already posted on my web site, and one ofthe topics I intend to want to spend a significant part of thel book for is the subject of sex for guys who for whatever reason are not in an intimate realtionship with another person. You can see what I have already said about this topic there. Being single with no intimate relationship is not the end of the world...indeed this can be a great place to be. Many of these people may be having a more fun sexual adventure than the the ones in intimate relationships.
It's all good..
06-23-2012, 08:02 PM
As to whether a Speedo is an inanimate object for the purpose of having sex, would you say the same thing about a guy getting turned on by his girl friend wearing sexy lingeree?
I think you misunderstood my point. I am not questioning the sex part. However, my point was that there are far more aspects to a good relationship than sex, attributes that can not come from an object like a swimsuit. In fact, the best of most relationships has nothing to do with sex, in my opinion. To be sure, lots of guys find certain things very arousing, such as lingerie, or whatever. Agree that if it "floats the boat" and is harmless to others, no problem.
I am not judging. I find the topic of what turns each of us on to be really interesting. We are each unique.
06-23-2012, 08:05 PM
I have a huge collection I have purchased over the years. I used to have a job that I traveled the world and I would always bring home some sort of swimsuit or bikini underwear as a souvenir. Unfortunately I was thinner then so many are too small or the elastic has dried up, but instead of a photo album, I have my own collection of memories of travel. With all the websites to purchase suits now I have a tough time keeping control. I have found that no matter what the suit, sooner or later you can find it on sale or a lower price if you have the time and patience to search it out.
06-24-2012, 12:52 PM
PSDave, I too have a very large collection of underwear and swimwear. Time has taken its tool on my waist size. Something that needs addressing, but not now. Very true my "good old" items are starting to fail me. Elastic giving up, and the lycra deterioration, I cannot stop.
My partner, knowing my love of a things Speedo type wear, has brought me many an item from his travels around the world.
BTW is th PS for Palm Springs?
06-24-2012, 04:03 PM
Good question - PostScript does not somehow seem applicable.
:D great misspelling of toll there !
This thread sure is moving from Louis and NJH talking about a "must have"
I don't understand all of Sebbie and have to ask whether the persons Chris and Kim are some sort of US celebrities in a divorce dispute ?
I go along with STS's simple post (#8)
06-24-2012, 04:52 PM
Goodness...the world's most famous (and expensive wedding for a) 72-day marriage. reality TV star Kim Kardashian and NBA basketball star Kris Humphries Google those names and you will quickly get TMI.
06-24-2012, 07:14 PM
:p Thanks Sebbie but is this guy Chris or Kris ?
As the word "star" appears twice I think this is a case of the
usual mistaken US belief that they shine all over the world
(they don't but I understand now that he gives sparkling
performances in basketball).
06-24-2012, 07:35 PM
According to Wikipedia Kris Humphries is correct for the NBA player , and not to be confused with Chris Humphreys. the British actor who to my knowledge is not marnried or was ever married to Kim!
06-24-2012, 07:37 PM
Tut, tut, Byron. That is a sweeping generalization about the US. I'm a Scot who has lived in California for many years. There are faults on both sides.
06-24-2012, 07:52 PM
Totally agree Crail. I have never dumped on anyone's country on this board or elsewhere, but I sure do see alot of anti US crap spewed by others....and they call us Ugly Americans!
06-24-2012, 08:16 PM
FYI (to use a common phrase) I am unrepentant on the unnecessary use of such obsequious words as "star" and "the world's most famous" (or "most expensive", etc.). You mention "both sides" but a little less hyper-representation of the ignominious might assist in reducing many resentments from some parts of the world.
PS: for the benefit of other ignorant readers like myself I have also ascertained that TMI means Too Much Information
06-24-2012, 08:45 PM
PSDave, I too have a very large collection of underwear and swimwear. Time has taken its tool on my waist size. Something that needs addressing, but not now. Very true my "good old" items are starting to fail me. Elastic giving up, and the lycra deterioration, I cannot stop.
My partner, knowing my love of a things Speedo type wear, has brought me many an item from his travels around the world.
BTW is th PS for Palm Springs?
It is like losing an old friend when the elastic gives out or the fabric breaks down. I recently had to toss out some too far gone to keep. Ordering on the internet is ok, but nothing like walking into a store that is filled with wonderful suits or underwear and being able to try on or even feel the fabrics. Kind of like a candy store for adult speedo guys!
Yes -- PS is Palm Springs.
06-24-2012, 08:54 PM
Just goes to show you, the wedding of Kim and Kris and the quick divorce that followed was a HUGE media event in the US. but the rest of the world paid almost no attention!
06-24-2012, 11:11 PM
Byron, your response does not absolve you from US bashing. Keep in mind the expression "Britannia rules the waves"; but Britannia waves the rules" Your point would have been well made without your cutting remarks about the US.
06-25-2012, 12:07 AM
"Cutting" is the adjective you may wish to use but to me it is merely an attempt to assert that this website is on the internet.
By that I mean that posts need to be thought out in terms of a world wide readership - which is rather different from what might be just a casual conversation over the backyard fence between cognocenti neighbors in CA or elsewhere.
I hope you see the point but this is most probably a case of having to "agree to disagree".
References to a past empire have no interest for me but if we are into quotations one comes to mind which says "..........knows the cost of everything but the value of nothing"
06-25-2012, 12:13 AM
Despite the impressive vocabulary display, and the enlightened history lesson... bashing any country on a board of common interest does not belong here. It is really that simple. Could care less if you or anyone dislikes the US or any nation, just keep it to yourself. None of us wants to hear it. How does a view of a nation relate to swimwear? Really!
06-25-2012, 03:05 AM
STS, that puts Byron's response in a nutshell despite his attempt at an erudite posting.
06-25-2012, 01:41 PM
Tut,,, tut,, tsk.. tsk.. are we not getting somehow out of topic here, the thread was about swimwear buying obsessions, nothing about disliking countries or sex in speedos or whatever.
To explain what my thread is really about, is.... when a speedo lover navigates on the web he obviousely come across swimwear sellers from all over the world, (EX.EBAY)
Im allways impressed about many things about speedos that are offered and displayed, first of all the side seams (in inches) second, the cut, thirdand the most (forme anyway ) is the design and patterns (prints) on the suit, (google turbo swimwear, agonswim and many outher custom suits offered. Its amazing to see the thousands of prints (some very impressive indeed) that I wonder how designers can imagine them.
My impression and state of mind is when I see all the things that I just described is OH WOW I WONDER WHAT THAT ONE WOULD LOOK ON ME, or OH LA LA THAT ONE IS REALLY UNIQUE, I MUST WEAR IT AT THE POOL LAKE OR BEACH, IM SURE TO IMPRESS WITH SUCH A SUIT ON.
Of course permit me to add the feel of the material, self looking in the mirror, and well...ah... I must add to all the (lol) quality of JO sessions related to the possibly purchased suit.
lets not forget the thickness of ones wallet, obsession or not no all of us can buy or afford all the suits we would so desparately like to possest.
Ouf this one was hard to write and compose for a frenchy guy like me from Quebec Canada hopefully I didnt bore or annoye anyone with misspellings.
To close permit me to add that many speedo lovers on this board cannot afford to buy suits, so why not be generous and offer some that you dont need or want anymore.
06-25-2012, 02:11 PM
Anyone beem watching the USA diving trials? Love the red,white and blue suits that they are wearing. Does anyone know where to buy one?
06-25-2012, 02:51 PM
Lol Referring To My Obsession About Purchassing Suits I Will Probably Be Obsessed Again And Buy Them.
06-25-2012, 06:02 PM
Obsessed maybe Louis but certainly not boring - I am only sorry you had to spend so much time explaining what was obvious (for some) in your thread from the start.
You sure have a knack of producing lengthy responses - no sooner had you posted your thread about speedos than we were off into the realms of basketball stardom, infidelity and personal relationships.
Btw Turbo seems to be part of AgonSwim (just learned that but known to you already no doubt).
06-25-2012, 06:43 PM
Iknew that Turbo was Agonswim, i had a Turbo and it looked strangely familar to the Agonswim so I compared and yes they are the same cut and all except the printed paterns.
06-26-2012, 01:22 AM
Every one of the early posts is on point to the topic, at least from the paradigm of the writer, even the basketball stardom relationship (as it ties to Sebbie's comments on relationships in contrast to swimwear). One glaring excpetion... the rather bold adverse statement on all Americans.
06-26-2012, 01:37 PM
Kim and Kris who?
Sorry but have never heard of either of them.
I try to avoid UK celebrity culture let alone those in the rest of the world.
Over time elastic and Lycra lose their stretch, it is possible to unpick a suit and replace the elastic but it is a long slow job and never comes out like new.
When Lycra fails the rear of the suit drops down to you knees, if the suit really means a lot to you putting in a back seam might help. It is not worth the effort of salvaging the elastic from a suit where the Lycra has failed.
06-26-2012, 03:12 PM
:p Good post Torchwatch. I might even say "erudite" - or - to quote from this thread again: ".....puts in a nutshell...."
*I refer of course to a line from a comedy film called Carry On Up The Khyber
06-26-2012, 03:20 PM
Swim.. seems to have been somewhat ignored.
No, I cannot point you to a supplier but nice suits.
An enquiry to the American Swimming Association
(or whatever is the controlling authority) may give
you a lead to a manufacturer - but bear in mind
these are often one-off jobs, custommade for a
big event.
06-26-2012, 04:02 PM
:o film referred to was Carry On Clio (Julius Caesar)
06-27-2012, 06:19 PM
Thanks Byron! I would make them available to everyone if it was my business. Great marketing tool. Couldn't tell what manufacturer the suit was made by.
06-27-2012, 11:16 PM
Me neither - gets very frustrating - just ask Louis how difficult it is to find the blue Adidas from Beijing 2008.
Agree should be more available - in contrast we have Team GB Adidas for 2012 Olympics readily available this time (if suppliers have not sold out that is)
06-28-2012, 04:45 PM
I have 2 Adidas from Beijing 08. Just wish I didn't wear them as much as I did as they are basically worn out.
06-28-2012, 10:07 PM
To mail a small package within the UK last week cost me £2-70, to mail a package to USA from here cost £3-10, yet when I bought an Asian style suit from Shanghai it only cost £5 including postage. How can the Chinese do it, and how can we compete with prices like these?
It was a nice, brief, low cut and very tight suit by the way.
06-28-2012, 11:06 PM
1. Lower wage and transport costs.
2. We can't *
*World economies are now in flux however and
labor costs in China are on the up so that they
begin to lose their competitiveness.
I would not go so far as predicting a reversal of
the situation you describe but certainly an evening-
out process is on its way.
06-29-2012, 05:46 AM
Red/white/blue suits as here for US Dive Team Trials?
06-29-2012, 06:25 AM
This will perhaps avoid looking at so many to find red/white/blue
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