View Full Version : What do speedo lovers fear the most (aged)
04-01-2012, 03:07 PM
I allways wondered, (Im not that old lol)
It seemed to me that considering past posts on the old speedo fantasy board messages site it has bene frequently mentionned that aged speedo lovers fear the most is to reveal there ages.
It is well known that in most cases the first question asked is (VIA EMAIL OR THE BOARD) HOW OLD ARE YOU, I have often bene told that those that do reveal there ages wind up to see there younger correspondents dissapear from the face of the earth, it seems to be that in general anyway young speedo lovers gay or not fears or rejects older aged people.
How about you.... does age reallymake a difference or not.
BTW being a francophone whos english is a second language I still cant tell the differential between post and treads on this board would someone please explain. thanks.
04-01-2012, 04:01 PM
Yes, you're right - a sort of youth fascisim does exist. It may seem very unfair but it is a fact and as we get older perhaps we forget all our own prejudices from an earlier age , when we might have unkindly referred to an older guy as a silly old fart, etc.
Those good looking young guys with their perfect athletic bodies and their speedo tanlines and all their own teeth and their hair hasn't gone grey etc. -
yes, I envy them and find old age a pain in the arse.
We all know that nature will take its course and they will one day realise that they in turn cannot match an attractive new generation - but flaunt it while you've got it guys - you will at least have some happy memories of how good you were in your prime.
Btw a post is whatever you submit to a website by way of comment or information.
There are many forums such as this and many posts are submitted.
Your post will be a contribution to an existing thread or it may a post to create a new thread - in other words a thread is simply a narrative on a
topic and may invite and/or provoke further comment. You have just created a new thread
in your post above and what I am saying here is my post in response to that thread.
04-01-2012, 05:48 PM
excellent reply, now I will send a tread asking as a young guy are you willing to have speedo sex with an older guy.
04-01-2012, 05:52 PM
if you say yes, say why
if you say no allso say why.
Lol Im not expecting any responses on this one but wow it sure would be nice to.
04-01-2012, 07:25 PM
It would be great for me, an older speedo lover, to enjoy the company of a young speedo lover. At my age, however, it would be sensual; but not sexual. LOL
04-02-2012, 12:12 AM
Me too......but if I follow Louis's thread precisely, ie "As a young speedo lover......." I am automatically eliminated from reply
(but will await others with much interest).
Btw Louis has two record threads on this forum for eliciting the most posts.
04-02-2012, 03:44 PM
PS to Louis:
04-02-2012, 05:06 PM
Got the message and understand thanks.
04-03-2012, 02:17 AM
This discussion of age made me think of the movie "A SINGLE MAN." which came out last year starring Colin Firth and Julianne Moore. It's a movie about a middle aged college English teacher who gets seduced by a student in his class. It doesn't have speedo scenes but I was struck by how many guys who saw the movie thought the student was so hot and how lucky the Colin Firth character was to get to swim naked in the ocean and have sex with him.
I would have definitely preferred Colin Firth. The student wasn't bad at all but I like guys with Colin's build and looks, even though Firth is in his 50's. ( He WAS gorgeous though in his 20's ). I hate the word "twink" but that's probably how a lot of people would describe the student, just not my type although I wouldn't at all resist him either.
I had read the story ( written by Christopher Isherwood ) that the movie was based on. Isherwood's long time lover painted lots of Southern California scenes of swimming pools with ( mostly naked ) young guys in the pool with gorgeous lighting and color used in the paintings ( the Donald Baccardy painting connection is about as close to "speedo" connection I can find in my reply ).
Did anyone else see the movie? Since we happen to be talking about aging?
The movie was a slight disappointment to me since they changed the story. The young student seducer wasn't in the story at all.
04-03-2012, 02:48 AM
Didn't see the movie but yes it can be a let-down after reading the book (I remember The Boys from Brazil in the same way ) but anyway he got a BAFTA for it.
I guess you will have to share Mr Darcy with the ladies as there was a lot of swooning over Pride and Prejudice when on tv.
No speedo connection but I enjoyed his movie last year as King George VI
(rumoured to be much liked by his daughter the Queen)
04-03-2012, 04:12 AM
Here is the twink - Nicholas Hoult - funnily enough another English actor born not many miles from CF.
(the best pic available as the YouTube trailer is pretty useless):
American artist Don Bachardy still lives in Isherwood's California home and also had a cameo part in the movie as a fellow professor.
He is a portrait artist however and I am sure your reference to nude young guys in pools in California means the English artist David Hockney.
04-03-2012, 06:18 AM
I'm old enough to remember the king's speech difficulties during the Christmas Day radio broadcasts. Colin Firth portrayed him marvelously.
04-03-2012, 02:16 PM
Agree (I believe BBC engineers helped out with a bit of editing on those).
First started by George V in 1932 I think - on the miracle of that new invention, the wireless.
Btw, the link on pic for the twinky student in the Single Man movie doesn't seem to perform so I got him here instead:
04-03-2012, 03:39 PM
Does CFS recognise the scene?
(David Hockney - Sunbather : 1966 )
04-04-2012, 07:02 AM
"American artist Don Bachardy still lives in Isherwood's California home and also had a cameo part in the movie as a fellow professor.
He is a portrait artist however and I am sure your reference to nude young guys in pools in California means the English artist David Hockney."
Oh dear - I'm starting to get "senior" moments where I confuse writers and painters. You're right, it was David Hockney I was thinking of.
You don't hear about the Isherwood generation so much anymore, I wonder how many young guys know of him or have read him.
He was one of the few "together" out, gay men writing years ago.
I don't want to discourage anyone from seeing "A Single Man." It's not bad going on its own terms but doesn't measure up to Isherwood writing.
The film plays a bit like a gay early 60's drama filmed with "Mad Men" period correct sets and the same slow pacing.
There's some great scene with Julianne Moore that breathe some life into the picture.
04-04-2012, 08:48 PM
LOL - being a bit of a David Hockney* fan you rang a bell (or even some cheems - a joke which only Louis will understand).
You also prompted me to find this so they obviously all knew each other
(acrylic on canvas 1968)
*Once bumped into him in a London bookshop very many years ago just as he was becoming famous and said I liked his work. He was very courteous.
He loves the southern California light for painting but has returned to UK to do some rather more sombre Yorkshire landscapes in recent times.
Here is the trailer for Chris and Don, a Love Story:
(I have never heard DB speak before - almost English - could be the
Isherwood influence perhaps).
A truly remarkable tale and especially so for being an out relationship at that time (right wing bigoted preachers of the 21st century please note).
I believe it all started from a meeting on a Malibuu beach in '53 or '54
and an enduring partnership ensued despite an age difference of 30 years.
Sadly you are right - it would be hard to find today anyone who has read much if any of Isherwood's output.
04-04-2012, 09:02 PM
LOL - being a bit of a David Hockney* fan you rang a bell (or even some cheems - a joke which only Louis will understand).
You also prompted me to find this so they obviously all knew each other
(acrylic on canvas 1968)
*Once bumped into him in a London bookshop very many years ago just as he was becoming famous and said I liked his work. He was very courteous.
He loves the southern California light for painting but has returned to UK to do some rather more sombre Yorkshire landscapes in recent times.
Here is the trailer for Chris and Don, a Love Story:
(I have never heard DB speak before - almost English - could be the
Isherwood influence perhaps).
A truly remarkable tale and especially so for being an out relationship at that time (right wing bigoted preachers of the 21st century please note).
I believe it all started from a meeting on a Malibuu beach in '53 or '54
and an enduring partnership ensued despite an age difference of 30 years.
Sadly you are right - it would be hard to find today anyone who has read much if any of Isherwood's output.
04-04-2012, 09:17 PM
:o :o a double post seems to have come up above and the painting should be
04-05-2012, 07:07 AM
I've already queued the BBC "Christopher and his Kind" movie and "Chris and Don" on Netflix. Thanks for the info.
I know someone who writes history books who called Isherwood once years ago. He just picked up the phone and there was "Herr Ishyvoo" on the phone.
My first gay bar experience happened to be in Berlin more than 30 years ago -- this was before the Berlin Wall came down. It was a summer studying German and Berlin was this odd place where most people didn't want to live but it attracted all kinds of gays and other outcasts living cheaply and outrageously. So my first experience of out, outrageous homosexuality was with German speaking Berliners, although this was before I had seen Cabaret and read Isherwood. By day it was sausages and incredible German pastries and by night it was steins of beer and kinky sex bars with kind of the "Kit-Kat" vibe.
On a slightly different note I regretted that I was in L.A. while there was a restrospective of Hockney's paintings but I didn't find out until the exhibit was over. I couldn't believe I missed that one, oh well.
Remember when it seemed like it was possible to read every "gay" book and see every "gay" movie? The gay world seemed smaller and part of it had such a literary vibe. Someone told me even Fire Island was kind of a quiet artist sort of place before it turned into a drugged, partying nightclub scene. It's kind of a shame young gay guys only encounter the bar scene and associate that with young gay life. I was living in Greenwich Village when Auden was still alive and had his apartment in the East Village. For some reason Auden and Isherwood went different ways after being so close when they were younger.
I suppose gay studies majors are the only ones who read these writers.
P.S. You can delete duplicate messages -- I made the same mistake.
04-05-2012, 11:07 AM
The first time i read Stephen Spender's The Temple was before I had had any kind of gay experience and although I found the book a good read I didn't fully understand it.
The freedom he found in pre war Germany compared to Britain where homosexual acts were banned was extraordinary (I realised when i reread the book). Then he returned to Germany during Hitler's rise to power and found everything changed and frightening.
There was a limited number of gay books because writing them ostracised one from society and could land you in prison.
Alfred Lord Tennyson was gay (at least bi) and wrote In Memoriam at the death of Hallam. Tennyson is Known to have stayed with Lord Conway at Allington Castle and is thought to have written The Brook there. I have found the brook it may be based upon just across the river.
I have even swum in the River Medway there in my Speedos.
Do Speedos and a life jacket look good together?
04-05-2012, 08:59 PM
The Temple was in the coming-of-age genre : the progress of psychological and moral growth from youth to adulthood.
In view of his Jewish background Spender had great conflict in his love of Germany and the rise of fascism. He returned to write there after WW II.
04-06-2012, 04:22 PM
You asked if speedos and a life jacket look good together.
A simple question but it took a lot of finding some detail for readers to judge
(and for me the green speedo guy wins for yumminess).
04-06-2012, 05:13 PM
Most interesting that you were in West Berlin pre-reunification and it must have seemed strange to be living there . surrounded by the DDR (and only BEA permitted to fly the corridor for civil air travel I believe).
I was lucky enough meet an old boy last year who was a pilot assigned to the Berlin Airlift of 1949 in his early RAF service - and totally exhausted in those round-the-clock resupply missions to subvert the communist stranglehold, I learned.
I don't know the reasons for the parting of Auden and Isherwood but can understand a nostalgia for the populace and earlier ambiance of places such as Fire Island and Greenwich Village, about which I have read.
A wise friend once said however "Never visit the scene to relive memories of past enjoyable events - you will only be depressed and disappointed".
I think he's right and I recall Ayia Napa Cyprus - today an overdeveloped brash new mass tourism resort - but a place I discovered many years ago (only by me I thought) as a small and idyllic deserted beach of white sand bordering gently lapping clear blue warm and shallow water to swim in.
04-06-2012, 05:21 PM
Most interesting that you were in West Berlin pre-reunification and it must have seemed strange to be living there . surrounded by the DDR (and only BEA permitted to fly the corridor for civil air travel I believe).
I was lucky enough meet an old boy last year who was a pilot assigned to the Berlin Airlift of 1949 in his early RAF service - and totally exhausted in those round-the-clock resupply missions to subvert the communist stranglehold, I learned.
I don't know the reasons for the parting of Auden and Isherwood but can understand a nostalgia for the populace and earlier ambiance of places such as Fire Island and Greenwich Village, about which I have read.
A wise friend once said however "Never visit the scene to relive memories of past enjoyable events - you will only be depressed and disappointed".
I think he's right and I recall Ayia Napa Cyprus - today an overdeveloped brash new mass tourism resort - but a place I discovered many years ago (only by me I thought) as a small and idyllic deserted beach of white sand bordering gently lapping clear blue warm and shallow water to swim in.
04-06-2012, 06:05 PM
Byron, hot damn, you dun good agin. Delicious eye candy. Thanks
04-06-2012, 08:18 PM
LOL - it was hard (and so was I) - I expected at
least to easily find some water skiiers running the
wake (if that's the right term)(tried it once but never
quite graduated to competency on just the single).
04-09-2012, 06:34 AM
I watched "Chris and Don" for the first time on NetFlix. I loved it and want to watch it again but I'm amazed how many comments were posted about Isherwood's age difference when he took up with Don Baccardy. ( 48 vs 18 ).
Sure it raised eyebrows and maybe Baccardy was kind of naive but I've seen pretty awful, abusive and mean exploitive relationships, both gay and straight
with drugs, alcohol, beatings and all around viciousness both within relationships and from people around them.
In face, after I moved to California from New York I read a lot of Isherwood just to get New York out of my system. New York was kind of like a combination of "Boys in the Band" and "The Women." I've seen so many gay guys try to tear down and destroy other relationships that the "Chris and Don" story struck me as kind of tame!
04-14-2012, 01:26 AM
Yes, man's inhumanity to man takes some beating (I mean that both ways) sometimes.
Btw I knew there was something missing from David Hockney and just found it.
Pool with two figures 1971:
04-14-2012, 01:58 AM
Joss Bailey doesn't seem to work for Pool With Two Figures so here is a better link:
Whilst I'm at it I will insert The Swimmer also (1978):
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