View Full Version : Thoughts on just being a guy

05-20-2019, 02:27 PM
Male orgasms are terrific fun. As most guys only gradually learn, an orgasm is much more than just that final moment of intense herky jerky pleasure when muscles in the groin area begin to involuntarily contract over and over in a rhythmic motion although I have to admit that this is one of the greatest moments of pleasure in life for any guy. Guys quickly get “hooked” on the sensations. I think I was hooked myself at about age 12. Of course, like any other guy my age I was more than a little scared at first, and not quite sure what was happening to me and my body was OK and normal, whether I was doing something to myself that I shouldn’t be doing.

There were all sorts of unanswered questions. I instantly loved the sensations I was experiencing, As an adult I have long been studying the intricate details of what goes on both leading up to and then during an orgasm, and what I have learned says that orgasms get a hold of the most profound pleasure centers of the brain, the same pleasure centers and via very similar chemical mechanisms that are involved in drug addictions, or for that matter addictions of any sort.

A lot of this is basic biology involving the continuation of the species etc. Nature has this goofy way of finding schemes that ensure that species will continue, and human sex is not really that different from what goes on elsewhere with all forms of life. The mechanisms that work for each form of life differ of course, perhaps drastically, but of necessity life ordinarily finds a way. What we deal with as humans and as males is simply what we got stuck with as another form of life.

Ahhh if it were only all that simple. But there are all sorts of messy parts, parts that do not seem to fit in the way that seems obvious. To be sure, if the goal of human sex is to continue the species, why isn’t male sex always focused just on how to find a suitable sexual partner, presuming the female necessary for the species to continue to propagate? After all, we males are only half the puzzle, and some would argue that indeed we are the least important of the two halves.

But then, why are we set up this way. My first orgasm certainly did not happen in the presence of another human being, male or female. This all happened while I was simply messing around happily discovering something I could do to and with my own body that felt really really good. Of course the big question that eluded me was whether the other guys my age were undergoing something very similar and ending up basically where I was ending up. This was a variation on the questions that I believe most young guys attempt to deal with. Am I normal? Am I somehow hurting myself if I do this again? Are all the other guys my age asking similar questions?

So, as a young adolescent I was largely ignorant about a lot of things kids the same age nowadays are fully aware of. Heck, all of the stuff you supposedly need to know about human sexuality can be found either on the Internet or even on cable TV. Or can it?

Having said that I do not regard my experiences growing up in the early days as being somehow inferior to the situation kids face right now. For me, this uncertainty was also an age of discovery and learning, and that meant running some experiments using my own body. Now these were experiments I could run myself, in private. assuming I had a degree of time to myself.

As a young person, I manage to get a neat little 150-power microscope one Christmas. I had great fun with that. I learned I could simply take some grass or hay and leave it in a small pan of water for a few days. Then, use an eye dropper to place some of this swampy water on a glass slide and under the 150- power microscope and, lo and behold, I could see all sorts of living creatures swimming around in the water. Big amoeba, but lots of smaller things too, going in every direction. These creatures each had names, and I could look them up in my old encyclopedias What fun!

Then, at some point I fully realized that my ejaculate after an orgasm contained sperm. It was only natural for me to start wondering what would happen if I stuck a small sample of my own semen under the same microscope. Were sperm big enough so that I could see them too? The tricky part, of course, was in order to run this experiment I would need to be at a time and place where I could masturbate without fear of interruption, ejaculate, and then get the semen sample on the microscope slide quickly for examination under only the 150-power magnification.

Turns out, the opportunity presented itself with some quiet, uninterrupted time. I got the slide, and indeed, not only could I see the sperm and their rapidly-moving tails, but they were swimming relentlessly in every direction. What a great moment for scientific discovery!

But let me warn you. I do not want to plant ideas in your head. I do not want to encourage anyone to engage in self-abuse, which is a necessary step in order to run this experiment. Sex is all about being there so that human beings can engage in reproduction, not running silly experiments in science.

Or is it?…

05-20-2019, 04:32 PM

06-21-2019, 12:46 PM
Part II

So I suppose that the sequence of events I went through as a young male was not that much different from what other males growing up go through, but just like every other guy my age there is lots of stuff going on in both my brain and my body, and every guy probably goes through stages where he feels that he has somehow got something going on inside that is unique or not the same thing other guys are experiencing. So too, with me.

At that early age most guys are only vaguely aware that sex has something to do with developing a relationship and finding a partner for having sex (or intercourse). Obviously there is lots of information out there on the subject that guys only gradually and often surreptitiously become aware of, but the problem is that the information that is out there often seems disorganized and disjointed. For example, do guys basically have sex with a female partner first and then work at developing a relationship of some sort? If guys used coming-of-age movies as core sources of information about how two people get to the point where they are having intercourse, one could easily conclude that partner sex precedes getting into a loving relationship. Does the real world operate in that mode as well? Good question, especially for a 12 or 13-year old. That leads guys back to the “normal” thoughts they have about how their parents met, fell in love and had sex. Obviously the fact that the guy is here in itself is proof that SOMETHING must have gone on that was quite “physical” as difficult as that is sometimes for young guys to believe.

Then there is all the other stuff going on. Pre-puberty, most guys are at least aware of the fact that they are carrying around stuff hanging beneath the groin that seems very touch-sensitive, but this only really becomes attention-grabbing once puberty starts to set in. Suddenly there is that distinct tensing situation in which the penis seems to feel “tight” (filling with blood, of course) and some crazy-seeming links between that sensation and how a guy copes with the situation in his brain. Suddenly it occurs to the guy that his own brain is really not that far separated from his groin. This is surely interesting, but also disconcerting at least at first. Complicated stuff. Really complicated.

Worse, guys are quickly “conditioned” to the idea that sexual feelings and sexual relationships are so intertwined that no guy dare admit to having sexual feelings that are NOT brought on by being with a sexual partner.

Yet, as any guy realizes, reality is anything but that. Young males have sexual thoughts and feelings regularly in the absence of a partner. Old males do too, but at least they are normally better able to cope with the situation. Still, for a young guy, terror would be getting an erection in the presence of other males, say in a gym locker room. Holy terror would be for this erection to get so strong that the guy goes into a full-scale ejaculation mode with other guys present. Getting into a situation like this is a nightmarish thought for most young guys.

Still, guys soon realize that the sensations associated with getting erect and then ejaculating are terrific fun at some core level, but it’s just that you generally don’t want to get stuck in a situation where this happens with your male buds present because that could get dicey. So generally, guys try to avoid getting themselves caught up in situations in which this has a probability of happening.

Interestingly enough, snug-fitting clothing of various sorts can act as a “triggering” mechanism, and often time clothing worn in a gym or sports situation. There are any number of items that can be a potential problem in this regard. And guys tend to steer clear of situations where they think they will be “forced” to wear something that could act as an erection triggering mechanism.

That, in a nutshell is why masturbation involving specific items of snug-fitting clothing is very much a solo activity for most guys. I could easily develop a list of specific items probably most guys would love to jerk off in, but never mind that guys are really wary about revealing what is going on to any of their male friends or female friends for that matter. After all, sexual feelings and sexual relationships with another person are hopelessly intertwined, (or are they?).

Still, guys bouncing out of puberty are likely growing rapidly which means they are quickly growing out of clothing that only recently was sized correctly. Everything you wore last summer is now just a little too snug. Underwear, jeans, swimwear, etc etc. But by this time it’s a rare guy who hasn’t discovered that the stuff that is now too snug often sets up for some interesting sensations in the groin area, so guys often dig into the back of a dresser drawer to wear some of these older items from another time. Wait, what the guy thought would be uncomfortable now feels, well, in a strange way, interesting, and that basic sensation of tenseness is starting to take over in my head. That is not a bad feeling at all. Indeed it feels neat. I wonder if other guys know about this.

To be continued…

06-21-2019, 12:47 PM
Part III

Once puberty arrives, I suspect that most guys almost immediately first get enamored with what happens to their bodies when they are on the verge of ejaculation. In particular, the sensations that they feel as the male body is at the very verge of ejaculation, and then the wonderfully repetitive pulses that take place as semen is ejaculated. It takes some time to appreciate that these wonderful sensations are being experienced at least as much in the brain as they are in the genitalia and that the two parts of the body are in fact completely linked together.

Still, this is all complicated not simple stuff to understand. Surely every male wants to become an expert in the subject of penis sensitivity and exactly how it is linked to how hard a guy is. One of the super interesting things about the male body is how even a slightly-hard penis suddenly becomes much more touch sensitive and pleasant to rub or stroke. Then there is the issue of the sensitivity of the various parts of the penis, the top of the shaft versus the underside, the glans versus the base of the shaft etc. Don’t get me wrong: as the penis engorges with blood the whole thing becomes sensitive and responsive to anything that touches or even brushes against it. It is just that as all of this is going on some parts seem, well, more interesting than others. The glans area of even a partially-hard penis can be extremely touch-sensitive and guys quickly learn that if they for some reason need to get off quickly that is where to focus.

Lives of young males quickly get complicated. Every guy needs to go through something of a learning experience that enables a guy to better understand all of this, and learning takes time, and usually a degree of privacy. A lot of guys are embarrassed to admit this and like to act as if that on the day of their first ejaculation somehow they already knew everything that they needed to know. This, of course, is not the case, and the whole subject becomes a lifelong learning experience.

Then all of this gets messed together with the experience of forming a sexual bond with another person. Many guys seem to think that somehow they can go directly into a sexual relationship of some sort with another person without fully having run the solo experiments necessary to better understand how their own body responds sexually. This becomes a foolish thing to do. There is a learning process that needs to go on here, and often times this learning is better accomplished without dealing with the additional complexities of dealing with a relationship with another person—perhaps another person coming from a very different perspective.

Generally, most guys seem to think that all their peer males are able to navigate all of this without a hitch and in general have greater knowledge of the subject, but in general this is not true at all. The shy, nerdy introvert may have an advantage over the outgoing guy who appears to be “popular” with the girls in this regard. No two guys are the same in this respect and they should not assume that they are somehow seeing this all in the same fashion. The guy who has spent time experimenting by himself in private may have some real advantages over the guy who somehow believes that engaging in such experiments are both nerdy and childish not to mention embarrassing to admit to. Like I say, this is complicated stuff.

So, initially guys frequently get very fond of how they feel as full-blown ejaculation takes place. Only later, perhaps much later, do guys learn that the events that take place from the very start (as the guy describes himself as just starting to feel horny) begin to take on more significance. This is part of the male sexuality learning process that I believe is extremely important for every guy.

Another way of looking at this is that it suggests that guys should experiment with their own bodies more often not less and justify this on the basis that each experience adds to the knowledge base as to what is really interesting and fun to experience. OK so this is a call to engage in more male self-abuse (masturbation) not less and that guys should be given the opportunity for private time suitable for running experiments. At this point I could suggest some specific techniques here but I will hold off on that for now. For now I will only say that there is stuff you can do in private that feels really good and is basically perfectly safe to do without getting yourself or anyone else in an unwanted predicament. Further, not every guy has a partner for sex: many do not, and it is not correct to assume that these guys are unhappy and frustrated with life in general. Indeed, these guys have figured SOMETHING out that sustains them sexually. In the absence of a sexual partner, you can accomplish the same thing as well.

To be continued...

06-21-2019, 07:39 PM
Part IV

A few questions to ponder. For me, going through puberty was this confusing mix of holy terror and sheer fun. I never have determined if I was different from the other guys my age, or whether this crazy mixture of terror and sheer joy is pretty much the norm. I keep thinking about the same “stupid” questions.

For example, what does any guy recall about the situation surrounding your first genuine real orgasm? Were you alone or was someone else there with you when it happened? In a lot of respects, being alone eliminates a lot of issues or problems relating to how another person or persons might react to your situation, although you cannot always expect for this to go smoothly.

What do you recall with respect to any instances you had in which an obvious erection and perhaps even a full-scale ejaculation occurred at an inopportune or inappropriate, time or place? Growing up this sometimes happened to me just riding along in a car or school bus, and then I had to figure out a way to get out of the vehicle I was riding in without anyone noticing what had happened to me. Invariably, I thought the orgasm was really fun, but the tricky part was what happened afterwards.

What were the circumstances in which you first discovered that you were producing precum? How did this situation happen? Did you at first think you were on the verge of ejaculating? Why or why not?

What were your early experiences in wearing clothing that fit a little snug. When I was growing up, perhaps 95 percent of the guys wore white cotton briefs (tighty whiteys). I always thought I was the lone exception as my mom bought me cotton boxer briefs which were made like real briefs but with slightly longer legs. Once I started making my own underwear purchases I immediately went to the standard briefs and have never looked back.

Of course, from the 1980s on, more and more guys started to routinely wear loose-fitting cotton boxer shorts usually in a color other than white instead of briefs. I’ve never quite determined whether or not this was in part related to the concern that guys had about getting an inadvertent erection in the presence of other guys and the fact that a snugger-fitting cotton brief would reveal more about the state of a guy’s penis than a loose-fitting pair of boxer shorts would.

My “problem” was that I quickly developed a fondness for wearing white cotton brief, in part because I liked how my penis felt inside a snug-fitting brief. Maybe this was in part because I was denied this experience early in life of wearing snug-fitting briefs. And if an inadvertent erection happened this was no big deal. I was becoming something of an expert at hiding the condition I was in.

I don’t recall ever not being interested in wearing snug-fitting clothing of all sorts, brief underwear, skinny jeans, compression gear, and yes, swim briefs. I kept admiring the other guys who were able to do likewise.

Of course, the last question has to be to recall your first encounters with a snug-fitting swim brief.

To be continued…

07-05-2019, 07:18 PM
Part V

A lot of guys seem to be very embarrassed even by the mere thought of having some fun down there by yourself, even though at some level a lot of them realize that this is a most “natural” thing to do. If masturbation were somehow the wrong thing for a guy to engage in, the obvious question is why most guys if given an appropriate opportunity would engage in it on a regular basis. At some stage in life I suppose guys encounter all sorts of things that they think would be fun but for whatever reason are told or decide not to do. Solo sex is just another item on the list, or is it?

Still, aside from the privacy and not wanting others to know what you are doing, masturbation has far fewer issues than, say, partner sex, the latter immediately creates a lot of problems and issues, some of them potentially major, and potentially far more complicated than merely being discovered by someone else that you are engaging in solo sex, that someone being a parent, sibling, or perhaps a peer friend of either sex. However, guys spend a lot of time and energy in an effort to make certain that any solo efforts remain private, lest word get out and issues occur because of that.

Then there is the issue of what happens if a guy discovers that he likes to use an inanimate object in conjunction with the solo sex play. What kind of an inanimate object? Some are easier to-hide and explain away than others. A battery-powered vibrator might be easier to explain away than a simple cotton brief, for example. A colorful swim brief in a stretchy fabric might be more difficult to explain than a cotton brief normally worn as underwear. And so on.

Guys generally enjoy but are embarrassed about the whole subject and to the extent that a particular item helps a guy get off, it is best if the item is easily obtained and can be readily explained by what appears to be a simple plausible explanation, or can be readily hidden away. A guy who likes to wear a jock strap for this purpose has an easier time of it if he engage in a sport where a claim can be needed that the strap is “needed” for the sport than would be the case for a guy who wants to do this but is not involved in any sport that would call for one.

And, to be sure, a lot of this stuff that guys get interested in with respect to this are at some level related to sport whether the sport be swimming, football, wrestling or others. A lot of non-athletes deeply admire peers who are in part because they get to wear these and have a logical rationale. For example, what guy who has never worn a strap or a swim brief not secretly wondered how his body would feel if he could do so? And that thought only makes the longing stronger.

To be continued...

07-07-2019, 01:58 PM
Part VI

One of the strangest and yet most fascinating aspects of human sexuality is how the physical and the psychological parts somehow get glued together in strange and yet at times wonderful, almost magical, ways. The two aspects at times are almost impossible to unravel and every guy starts to realize that this gets even more difficult to unravel as to what exactly is causing what at each moment in time.

All of this of course is linked to how a guy is feeling in his brain moment-by-moment and is at the core of developing a sexual relationship with another person. This is part of a normal relationship setting that we get to observe over and over in the movies and, for that matter, the collection of stuff that every guy (and woman) encounters and accumulates during a lifetime.

But guys sometimes, perhaps frequently, encounter situations in which the sexual wiring is energized both in the brain and in the groin without anything going on in the sexual partner- relationship department. Guys generally discover that this can happen at puberty or perhaps even before, and most guys when they discover this are embarrassed to even admit that such things can and frequently do happen. Surely, given all the information surrounding sexual feelings in a relationship going on, this can’t be normal and this can’t also be happening to a guy’s peers as well, or can it?

Then there is that complicated subject of sex and love. Guys quickly learn that the two are not necessarily the same, and one might happen without the other. Generally, women are wired differently and most see a sexual relationship as an outcome of love. The idea that a lot of guys seem to have that sexual expression can come first and that sex is worthwhile from a sheer pleasure perspective even if love is not quite there seems to make many women uneasy. And, of course, the whole idea that a guy would ever want to jerk off by himself for the sheer fun of experiencing it leaves a lot of women in a really uneasy situation.

So, what does all of this have to do with a guy jerking off by himself while wearing a lowly swim brief or, for that matter, while wearing any other clothing item that helps a guy get off. A lot of guys are quite fearful of getting anywhere near any item of clothing, however mundane, that might help cause an erection to occur. Yet there are entire Web vendor sites that sell nothing other than items of clothing that have no purpose other than to get a guy horny and in a jerk-off mode. It’s the kind of dual psychology going on here that has always fascinated me as well as how guys somehow cope with that.

I’ve watched movies, a good example being the Terrance Howard flick called “Pride” in which an inner city swim team has its first real encounter with the idea of wearing a swim brief and then how the swimmers react to the entire idea of having their groins encased in a snug-fitting brief. The mixture of the curious (will this feel down “good” down there?) intermingled with the sheer terror of the possible response being getting a noticeable erection (or horror of horrors, an ejaculation) in the presence of one’s male peers coupled with the natural curiosity about how other guys my age will or will not be able to cope when faced with the same situation.

Nearly every guy by the time he has reached young adulthood, has developed a list of clothing items that help make him feel horny. A relatively small number of females even realize that all of this exists. What goes on this list? Well, that depends. These lists tend to be very personal with a lot of the items related to athletics or sport of some sort. But there are some basic things on the list as well. Jockey is generally regarded as the inventor of brief-style underwear for males, and as I understand the story this really took off in the 1930s where objectively guys quickly adopted the newfound style because it gave them much more freedom of movement whereas in reality a lot of guys probably went for the idea because they thought it would keep them in a steady state of “semi-arousal”.

In modern times, guys seem to have gone back and forth between loose-fitting styles likely to cause minimal “issues” in this regard and snug-fitting styles that almost seem designed to put both physical and psychological “pressure” on a guy’s sexual “buttons”. Plus there is the possibility of compression-like jammer styled underwear that is going to comer more skin, but be equally snug plus often being really slick. And by this time in his life what guy DOESN’T” know that the underside of his penis loves to be rubbing against snug-fitting, smooth, stretchy fabric, whether brief or long-legged.

Do we have to wear a swim brief in order to swim on the school team?

Do we have to wear a wrestling singlet in order to wrestle at a school event?

What about those jock straps? Will I be required to wear one? And how will my “stuff” feel squished into a cup?

There is something physical going on here, but also something psychological going on that is interesting to try and cope with. Very interesting to be sure.

To be continued…

07-10-2019, 01:54 PM
Part VII

In this part, I am going to discuss some ideas that most guys are very reluctant to admit to or openly discuss with anyone—and that list includes parents, siblings, male friends, female friends or literally anyone. What I am about to say applies not only in the post-puberty teen years but also may represent closely-guarded “secrets” that continue to apply to guys in relationships, married or not, and even throughout a guy’s adulthood. What could be so important to a guy that it is necessary to keep as such a closely-guarded secret, anyway?

Well, the answer to that question of course is anything that has to do with solo sex, more commonly known as masturbation. I have thought about this a lot and also about how this applies to those in a sexual relationship with another person or not. As many of my readers know, another aspect of this involves situations where two males, are, say roommates in a college dormitory, and exactly what happens there.

As a young guy growing up, a guy quickly learns that anything involving jerking off needs to be done privately and without attracting the attention of anyone else who might be in a position to learn something even inadvertently about what a guy is doing. Of course, a guy also quickly learns that pulling this off without leaving any post-ejaculatory traces to be uncovered is all but impossible to do. At minimum, there are those starchy yellowish stains that show up on whatever a guy wears to bed at night, on the sheets, or worse. Whoever does the laundry, say your older sister or even mom, is going to see something that suggests that the guy must have gotten off.

Then there is the problem of nocturnal emissions, or so called wet dreams, which end up probably leaving a trail of crusty stains in the morning. Is it better to act as if these stains occurred while the guy was completely asleep and not awake and helping the process along a little? In short, can some “remnants” of ejaculating be more easily rationalized or explained away? And who really cares if the event was a true nocturnal emission while asleep or something the guy may have encouraged in some manner. This is no small problem for a teen male, who probably is confronting all of this on a daily (or nightly) basis and each “event” may require a new approach for dealing with the post-ejaculatory consequences.

Then guys also quickly learn that if night time jerking off is fun, doing the same during the day can easily be more fun. But then there are additional problems relating to privacy and being discovered as well as covering your tracks. Male shower masturbation is the choice for a lot of guys because (1) a shower is usually private and (2) the post-ejaculatory “evidence” gets washed down the shower drain.

Still, this is not a perfect solution either, and most guys come up with alternative methods as well.

To be continued…

07-10-2019, 02:29 PM

Interestingly, this is where the items of snug-fitting clothing enter the story. But first, let me make a couple points with respect to basic male anatomy.

First, the penis is highly sensitive to anything that touches it, except that one also needs to realize that the sensitivity of a guy’s penis becomes much stronger and psychologically more interesting if there is an erection going on. Obviously guys function normally with a flaccid penis under whatever clothing they are wearing, and they somehow “tolerate” the sensation of whatever cloth is touching, rubbing or brushing against their penises in their normal daily activities without constantly going into erection mode.

The sensitivity of a guy’s penis is not the same over its entire surface. There are warmer spots and cooler spots in this regard. Touching, rubbing or stroking the top side of a guy’s penis in general will elicit less of an involuntary erection response that the exact same thing happening on the penis underside. There is a biological reason why this occurs which I won’t go into here except to say that if a guy wants to quickly get an erection he needs to focus his efforts on the underside of the penis. The glans or tip that is also largely on the underside is a real ejaculatory “hot spot”, so hot in fact is attention is directed toward that small area many guys can and do ejaculate even before.

For guys, in normal daily activity wearing ordinary clothing the flaccid penis will be pointed downward with any clothing item such as underwear only touching the top side of the penis. This allows a guy to go about his normal day without being concerned about the possibility of accidentally getting an erection just from what he is wearing down there.

The whole idea of wearing loose-fitting cotton boxer shorts is linked to the idea of not wanting to have to deal or cope with an unwanted erection occurring in an inappropriate time or place.

As the fit of the underwear becomes snugger, the possibilities for placing oneself in a position other than down are enhanced. It depends on what a guy would like to have happen and whether or not whatever happens occurs in what can be called a “safe” area or not. A snugger-fitting pair of cotton briefs, or even a longer-legged pair of what are called boxer briefs, allows a guy to put himself into another position, still flaccid, but pointing forward not down. Interestingly, unlike the down position, this gives a guy access to the underside of his penis. A lot of guys discover that with that access, it doesn’t take more than a few strokes to begin to get hard. This is the way many guys must begin to learn the nuances what it takes to have a great masturbation session. After all, the cotton briefs will do a nice job of collecting the ejaculate and can be easily tossed into the weekly wash without raising comment from others whoever they might be.

Of course, as a guy gets harder the penis can move from the forward position to the up position with the underside of the penis rubbing against the cloth of the brief. But it is at about this point that a guy learns that the type of cloth used in the undergarment matters in terms of how all of this feels down there and that a smooth stretchy fabric introduces some sensations not obtainable from, say a coarser-textured pair of cotton briefs. But wearing something in a smooth slick fabric will also signal to male peers (say in the locker room of a gym) that you are aware of all of this, and probably, well… The issue of course is that other males probably know why you are doing what you are doing and are, at minimum, at least amused by what they think might be happening.

That hasn’t stopped the underwear manufacturers from coming up with lots of designs aimed at attracting buyers who want to engage in this type of behavior alone or with a partner. Options are everywhere. Further as guys enter adulthood, chances are they have accumulated a bunch on items they find useful in pleasuring themselves. Younger guys keep some of this stuff hidden in the back of a dresser drawer. College roommates face additional issues in this regard, especially roommates who somehow think they need to convince each other that they never masturbate.

The list of items guys like to jack off in include not only pieces snug-fitting underwear of various sorts and swimming briefs but also other items such as athletic supporters, wrestling singlets, compression gear etc. Each guy has a separate list of things he likes and each guy thinks at some level there must be something “wrong’ with him for pursuing this stuff.

Still, what guy would NOT like to secretly have a snug fitting swim brief in his dresser drawer just simply to jerk off in periodically? What possible “harm” can there be to that?

To be continued…

07-12-2019, 02:54 AM
You seem to ignore, Sebbie, that some guys as teens had "jerk off" buddies. They may or may not have jerked each other off, and they may or may not have gone beyond that.

07-12-2019, 01:02 PM
I realize that but my point for now is that there are all sorts of stuff that happens, and it is not surprising that a lot of guys are more comfortable keeping everything they do in this respect as private as possible.

Some guys who openly engage in mutual masturbation with one or more other males end up eventually entering long-term gay relationships, but for many, perhaps most males, this is just a temporary phase that leads into adulthood and a heterosexual relationship with a female partner.

07-21-2019, 02:10 PM
Part IX

Every guy struggles with a version of the same problem. The circumstances are most obvious past puberty but before a guy has reached adulthood, when opportunities for experimenting with “real” sex with a sexual partner are very limited if they exist at all. The dilemma basically revolves around the fact that once a guy reaches puberty, episodes of feeling horny and having an orge to ejaculate occur on a very frequent basis, perhaps even as frequently as every day, yet opportunities to do so in privacy are much rarer.

This sets up a dilemma of sorts, a dilemma every guy must somehow resolve. The dilemma is further complicated by the belief a lot of guys have that their situation is somehow unique and that peers are not trying to solve the same problem in some reasonable and acceptable way.

The movies have long used this dilemma as the basis for a host of different coming-of-age movies that have storylines involving horny young males where the storyline is eventually resolved with the guys, even the shy, nerdy ones, seeking sex with and eventually having sex with young ladies, and that somehow everything turns out fine at the end of the movie because of this resolution of finally getting to have sex with a female partner.

Very few movies have ever even attempted to reveal what guys actually do to and for themselves in order to cope with their adolescent urges. Male sexuality often does not work at all how it is depicted in the movies—there is a lot more interesting stuff going on that the typical story line where a boy wants to have sex with a female who initially tells him no but eventually gives in as the movie draws to a conclusion---but to reveal how this all actually works for males day-to-day would be considered too “racy” to ever show on the big screen. Besides, what movie director would ever want to burst the myth that has always surrounded how sex works for adolescent and young-adult males and has sold a lot of movie tickets over the years.

So, guys are individually on their own in this regard and what they see in movies is often a long ways from what they are observing from other sources. Worse, male peers are stuck with the same dilemma in that what they can observe does not actually coincide at all with what they are doing day by day, normally to and by themselves.

What the guys are doing, of course is masturbating, probably as frequently as every day, and the real dilemma is finding a time and place with enough privacy in order to not draw attention to oneself from anyone. After all, masturbation is surely an inferior form of sexual release according to peer males, the movies (that usually do not mention the option at all) and to females their age. Females at an early age are taught that the female is the center of sexual pleasure for a guy, and they simply ignore the possibility that things in this department might be more complicated than that.

So all of this comes down to exactly how a guy can find ways to masturbate if for whatever reason he doesn’t want to or is not yet ready to engage in sex with a partner. Perhaps a snug-fitting garment such as a swim brief would be useful and helpful in this respect. But what if such an idea works too well and I like what I am doing with and too myself too much? What if I end up finding ways to do this that I like so much that I do not want to abandon them if and when I find a real sexual partner? In this respect I have often thought that gay guys face a much less daunting dilemma than straight guys do, but more of that later.

To be continued…

07-21-2019, 02:10 PM
Part IX

Every guy struggles with a version of the same problem. The circumstances are most obvious past puberty but before a guy has reached adulthood, when opportunities for experimenting with “real” sex with a sexual partner are very limited if they exist at all. The dilemma basically revolves around the fact that once a guy reaches puberty, episodes of feeling horny and having an orge to ejaculate occur on a very frequent basis, perhaps even as frequently as every day, yet opportunities to do so in privacy are much rarer.

This sets up a dilemma of sorts, a dilemma every guy must somehow resolve. The dilemma is further complicated by the belief a lot of guys have that their situation is somehow unique and that peers are not trying to solve the same problem in some reasonable and acceptable way.

The movies have long used this dilemma as the basis for a host of different coming-of-age movies that have storylines involving horny young males where the storyline is eventually resolved with the guys, even the shy, nerdy ones, seeking sex with and eventually having sex with young ladies, and that somehow everything turns out fine at the end of the movie because of this resolution of finally getting to have sex with a female partner.

Very few movies have ever even attempted to reveal what guys actually do to and for themselves in order to cope with their adolescent urges. Male sexuality often does not work at all how it is depicted in the movies—there is a lot more interesting stuff going on that the typical story line where a boy wants to have sex with a female who initially tells him no but eventually gives in as the movie draws to a conclusion---but to reveal how this all actually works for males day-to-day would be considered too “racy” to ever show on the big screen. Besides, what movie director would ever want to burst the myth that has always surrounded how sex works for adolescent and young-adult males and has sold a lot of movie tickets over the years.

So, guys are individually on their own in this regard and what they see in movies is often a long ways from what they are observing from other sources. Worse, male peers are stuck with the same dilemma in that what they can observe does not actually coincide at all with what they are doing day by day, normally to and by themselves.

What the guys are doing, of course is masturbating, probably as frequently as every day, and the real dilemma is finding a time and place with enough privacy in order to not draw attention to oneself from anyone. After all, masturbation is surely an inferior form of sexual release according to peer males, the movies (that usually do not mention the option at all) and to females their age. Females at an early age are taught that the female is the center of sexual pleasure for a guy, and they simply ignore the possibility that things in this department might be more complicated than that.

So all of this comes down to exactly how a guy can find ways to masturbate if for whatever reason he doesn’t want to or is not yet ready to engage in sex with a partner. Perhaps a snug-fitting garment such as a swim brief would be useful and helpful in this respect. But what if such an idea works too well and I like what I am doing with and too myself too much? What if I end up finding ways to do this that I like so much that I do not want to abandon them if and when I find a real sexual partner? In this respect I have often thought that gay guys face a much less daunting dilemma than straight guys do, but more of that later.

To be continued…

07-22-2019, 03:35 PM
Part X

So guys enter puberty thinking that the way to deal with the urge to ejaculate is to find that allows a guy to get this all over with in private but as quickly as possible. Indeed, a guy is a better male if he can go from feeling only slightly horny to a full-scale hard-on followed by a strong ejaculation in a record-setting time, a couple minutes or even less from start to finish. Part of this is tied to the old problem of fear—fear of discovery, mainly, and being accidentally discovered by anyone else could bring on a host of difficult issues to try and deal with. And then there is always the problem that traces of what has happened may be readily apparent, and that becomes another problem of concern and potential embarrassment.

What is a guy to do, anyway? Most guys probably deal with this problem (and it is a problem) by “training” themselves to go through the processes as quickly as they can, the faster everything happens the fewer risks are involved. They delude themselves into thinking that getting off in a record-setting time is somehow the most masculine way to be!

This is all fascinating in part because adult sexuality and particularly sex with a partner is really all about unlearning being super speedy about all of this. In the adult world, the slower the better, not the faster the better. So once a guy reaches young adulthood, what matters is learning how to sustain arousal and an erection for as long a period of time as possible not set some new world record time-wise. What guy in this world would want to be in a date with a girl and be at the point where she is ready for real intercourse and the guy is so hot and bothered that he ejaculates into his underwear long before he could engage in actual intercourse (entry). Talk about embarrassing!

This problem often haunts couples right into marriage. The medical term for all of this is “premature ejaculation” which is highlighted when the woman says that her male partner invariably ejaculates long before she is ready to have an orgasm. Premature ejaculation can often be categorized as a “learned behavior” that is learned in part by growing up with a deep-seated fear that for a host of reasons, a guy needs to move from initial arousal to ejaculation as quickly as possible and somehow in a male-female relationship the female will see the guy as being “more of a guy” if he can get off very quickly. The problem of course is that what seemed to work at age 14 is probably what doesn’t work at all in a serious relationship at age 21.

Indeed, even if you are not engaging in partner sex, learning how to masturbate slowly can be a useful skill to have as even masturbation is a lot more fun if you are not trying to set any time records. I realize that a lot of guys spend a lot of time worrying about what it means to get horny inside a snug-fitting garment such as a jock strap or a swim brief, and a lot of guys deep down worry that some items might end up inadvertently make them feel horny, and how they will cope if they somehow find themselves in a situation like this.

Yet, at the same time, the right (not wrong) snug-fitting garment (you tell me what specifically you like that “does” this for you), can be a useful aid in learning how to get your mind and body to get off, but at a leisurely pace, and in particular, if you are setting about what you thought were skills that you learned at age 14 about how to go from initial arousal to ejaculation in record setting time, the very skill you do NOT want to have in a sexual relationship with a partner.

A lot of complicated stuff comes up here. The sex therapists might regard any guy who likes to get off inside a snug-fitting garment of any sort as having some sort of a clothing fetish for that garment and something of an abnormality of sorts that needs to be “beaten back” through some sort of counseling labeled as sexual therapy. I would argue that doing this is quite normal to have happen for most if not nearly all guys. But then these same sex therapists traditionally have placed male-female intercourse on a pedestal as being superior to any other way of getting off, and prior to the 1970s even deemed gay partner sex as an abnormality that should be treated as a health issue if not a disease of some sort.

One of the neat things about being a gay male in a relationship is that your partner will have grown up facing much the same set of issues with respect to dealing with arousal, orgasms. If you are lucky your male partner will have dealt with an array of what I call snug-fitting garment issues as well and the two of you can run some experiments together. In a sexual relationship with a female partner the male is constantly dealing with a completely different and at least a complicated sexual universe which is at the core of how females experience sex versus males. Worse, the poor guy is constantly dealing with what the female learned from her mother about how male sexuality works, and a lot of this stuff is not right at all or correct in only a very limited way.

To be continued…

07-28-2019, 03:28 PM
Part XI

Every guy quickly learns that it is great fun just to feel horny. Clearly, orgasm and ejaculation represent a great release with profound pleasure, pleasure that can be and often is overwhelming, but I have always thought that the sequence of events that may or may not conclude with orgasm, though a more subtle form of male pleasure, have their own unique place in a guy’s world.

And, of course, orgasms have their own complicated issues to deal with that can be mostly avoided when you are just feeling horny. For starters, it is possible to train your mind and body so that you can merely feel horny for hours on end without rising to another level, so to speak. As any young man knows, there are a lot of ancillary issues associated with ejaculating that require some practical thought and planning. For starters, are you ejaculating with a sexual partner or alone? If with a partner the problem quickly becomes as much a relationship issue as it is of simply enjoying your own body. And sexual relationships have ways to get very complicated very quickly. I do not need to list the issues and concerns here.

If you are doing this by yourself, what exactly are the circumstances you face? What planning has gone into finding a way such that any others are not privy to what you are doing and then perhaps create a situation for you that is embarrassing? A central part of growing up seems to be that being discovered having a solo orgasm leads to teasing and bullying related to the idea that you therefore must be gay. And some guys, perhaps in an effort to cover up their own insecurities in the sexual orientation to relentlessly tease and bully, if not the more familiar “you were doing this because you are too unattractive a person to be able to find a female to do this with!”

Here is the problem. If you want to ejaculate by yourself, you probably are in a situation where you think you need to get aroused and to the ejaculation part quickly for a bunch of different reasons. If you keep doing this regularly, your body and mind quickly gets conditioned so that you can come in a hurry. The problem with this is first, that in doing this at 90-miles an hour, you miss out on nearly all of the neat stuff that leads up to getting to the point where you can then no longer resist the urge to ejaculate. Further, if and when you do get into a relationship with a real sexual partner, you have done an excellent job of making certain that you are an expert at “premature ejaculation” as in getting off long before your partner does.

Any coming-of-age movie almost invariably involves horny teen males who are observing what they believe desirable sexual partners but from afar. Then, toward the end of the movie one of the nerdy guys manages to go on a date with an attractive female. Horny and aroused, the guy thinks that now he is finally going to get to see what real penis-vagina sex is like, only to discover that he is so aroused that he ejaculates into his underwear while still completely in his jeans. The encounter ends and the guy has blown off without ever getting his penis near the girls vagina, let alone into it.

At this point the girl doesn’t quite know what to say or do, but secretly she is more than a little amused by the sequence of events that took place. Every girl likes to think she is the one who can make a guy hard instantly. Perhaps she was willing to engage in penis-vagina sex with the guy but was to a certain degree was relieved that this all did not take place at this particular place and time. The guy has gotten an important lesson in the need to develop better ejaculatory control as being critical in any relationship close enough involve sets of bodily parts fitting together.

Which brings me back to the original theme of this story that says being horny is great fun, and instead of focusing on getting to the ejaculation part as quickly as possible, guys should focus their efforts on training their bodies to keep the embers of sexual arousal burning without going into a full ejaculatory phase for as long as possible, say an entire afternoon.

To be continued…

07-28-2019, 03:34 PM
Part XII

What does all of this have to do with options for men’s clothing? Interestingly, quite a lot! For example, take a look at the wide range options in male underwear, all of which come in contact with the male penis. There are situations and places where a guy is so distracted by the other things he is doing that feeling horny is not something that can be accommodated very easy. But there are other situations, maybe a leisurely Saturday afternoon without work or school to intrude, where a guy would like to be in and can maintain a semi-aroused state without distraction.

Look at the wide range of men’s underwear in the store. Some of it fits really loose, some of it fits snug and tight, some, like maybe a Spandex®-laced thong, fits really snug and tight. A guy might buy loose fitting cotton boxers for wear in situations where being sexually aroused would simply be a distraction, or perhaps as an undergarment to be worn in a gym locker room where the guy does not wasn’t to call undue attention to himself and that he even has male body parts.

But, the same guy’s wardrobe might also include snugger, tighter undergarments, garments that are more likely to press the male arousal buttons. These are regularly worn in situations where a guy would welcome feeling a little horny, because of the fit and feel of wearing something that fits snugly around all those super-neat nerve endings in a guy’s penis.

Then of course there are the items that a guy thinks fit so neat that they would almost instantly send him into an arousal/erection/orgasm frenzy, particularly if the guy has never owned one of those before. A related issue is finding the ideal underwear for a guy to wear if he is going on a date with a female which might end in penis-vagina sex and how the particular female might “react” to seeing him wearing each of these options. A most interesting puzzle! A particular style of underwear makes ME feel horny but will it have a similar effect on HER when for the first time she sees me wearing it? What a dilemma!

The thought has occurred to me that underwear manufacturers somehow understand at least some of what I have just told you. There may be some guys who always wear loose-fitting cotton boxers, and some guys who always wear skimpy bikini briefs, plus lots of guys in between the two options for which full-cut briefs or boxer briefs become the underwear of choice. One could easily get the impression that underwear sections of stores are attempting to cater to all these different customers.

But then there might be a significant share of customers who keep wardrobes with underwear options in a variety of cuts and styles, knowing fully that some of these are better suited for wear when a guy wants to feel horny and feeling horny will not be a distraction versus what the guy might wear when his mind is preoccupied with other non-sexual focused stuff he might be doing that day. Personally I tend to solve this puzzle every morning on a daily basis.

I find it interesting that the reading I have done on this subject suggests that most sexual therapists and psychiatrists (usually female it appears) seem to think that any guy who gets aroused simply when he wears underwear of a particular cut, design or style must somehow have a fetish to that particular clothing style, and further, this is somehow an abnormal sexual condition that needs to be treated with psychiatric therapy. But then it is not that many years ago that the entire group of medical-trained psychiatrists seem to think that being gay was abnormal and a “disease” of sorts that could be treated with the right therapy as well.

Having lost that battle over the claim that gay guys were somehow sick in-the-head in the 70s, the therapists quickly moved on to the idea that any guy who got aroused while simply wearing snug-fitting underwear was now clearly sick and needed help. This is all pretty funny if you stop and think about it, all going back to mothers teaching daughters that the only thing that can arouse a guy is the right female and that the daughter can use that information to her advantage as leverage in getting a guy to do nearly everything the female wants. The sex experts merely adopted the same idea the mothers were teaching their daughters. The idea that normal, decent guys can and often do get aroused in the absence of a female partner simply does not compute in this female fantasy world of make believe..

Meanwhile you have all these underwear manufacturers who realize that there is a large market for underwear designs that guys secretly think will make them feel quite good “down there,” and this market has exploded in recent years, particularly with the ability to purchase items in private on line. Guys no longer need to have the embarrassment of buying something snug, tight and slick by making a purchase with a (usually female) sales clerk.

Then there are the jeans. The current trends in men’s where everything is low rise, and with a form-fitting cut, happened once before in my lifetime in the years 1962-1968. Back then I was in high school and then in college, and I thought there was nothing so much fun to wear as a pair of very narrow-cut sand-colored denim jeans over a pair of snug-fitting tighty whitey briefs. That combination made me feel really good, merely thinking about wearing it sometimes soon sent me into an uncontrollable orgasmic frenzy which unfortunately I somehow knew I had to keep secret.

All of this also predates all the snugger-fitting bikini brief underwear and men’s thongs that showed up in the decade or two to follow. Oddly enough it has only been in recent years—the past 10 years maybe, that the really snug-fitting men’s jeans became popular again. I find the resent trend most interesting in that previous to that jeans had gotten really wide legged and sloppy fitting and I presume normally covered the bodies of guys wearing very loose fitting cotton boxers.

The stylish skinny jeans now simply do not work well with loose-fitting boxers and a style of underwear needs to be snug-fitting and usually a brief of some sort not a boxer brief with longer legs. Plus the now Spandex®-laced denim gives a tighter fit than was available in the 1960s, almost like a second skin of compression gear made of what looks like denim.

At this point I could go into a discussion of compression gear and swimwear for guys but I am going to hold off on that for now. I am going to end this discussion by saying that guys wearing the latest skinny-jeans styles are probably covering underwear that fits quite snug and tight while at the same time dealing with the some of the feelings of being constantly horny and a bit aroused just by wearing what they are wearing. I have difficulty given the designs seeing how guys can avoid that. But keep in mind the current trend is a strong reaction to the loose-fitting clothing almost designed to assure that the guy would not feel horny unless he was with a partner who wanted sex with him.

And the so-called sex experts understand almost nothing of what I have just told you about what goes on with guys. For guys just discovering all of this, don’t be embarrassed by what you have just learned. The best thing to do is just roll with it and also recognize the other guys your age around you are trying to cope with the same or very similar set of issues with respect to their own bodies and the associated feelings and sensations.

For guys, it is all as normal as sunshine, and most of the sex educators and therapists who claim to be experts are in fact clueless on a host of things they think they understand.

To be continued…

07-29-2019, 06:19 PM

So, once a guy reaches puberty, he very soon learns that his penis is very fond of being in a place that is snug, slick and smooth. Dealing with this discovery quickly ends up being the complicated part of life from day-to-day.

A guy gradually pieces together the idea that this all might have something to do with being an adult and having sex with another person, most commonly a female about the same age, but dealing with this finding quickly gets complicated. Still a guy also quickly discovers that feeling horny on a regular basis and discovering the nuances of those interesting nerve endings in the groin area is not something that is going to somehow disappear or simply ignored as if it was not there.

As a guy gets older, this all just keeps getting more and more complicated. It is normal for guys to think that all of their male friends (well, maybe most of them) have somehow come up with a simple way to deal with all of this (typically having frequent sex with a willing female) The most popular guys on campus tend to brag about the sexual conquests they have had which invariably means having sex with some of the most attractive and popular girls on campus.

Of course, a lot more bragging goes on than what is likely happening in reality which in turn makes sorting out the truth from the hype difficult. The truth is that most guys are getting off most of the time in a solo-sex situation even though no guy would ever think about bragging about his own prowess in that regard. Still, the puzzle facing every guy in this respect must somehow be resolved…those horny sensations are really interesting and enjoyable and every guy knows that, so something has to give.

What happens, of course, is that guys gradually figure out schemes for getting off on a regular basis that are quite private and not easily spotted by anyone else. Mastering these techniques is no small task, and every guy is going to deal with this part of who he is in his own way. The notion of using the right item of clothing as a useful aid to accomplish the objective at hand may become an important part of all this.

What type of clothing? Why anything that would appear to fit snug, slick and smooth certainly would appear to be a potentially useful starting point. I have already mentioned the fact that if you wander through the men’s underwear section of any department store many of the items seem almost made to be purchased and used as jerk-off aid. To the extent that a guy can make a purchase under the guise that he just wants some new underwear when the real purpose is to purchase an item that will end up being useful for jerking off that is all the better, and this would certainly not attract the attention that a sex toy made to be a jerk-off assist would. A guy might own a vibrator for massaging tired muscles but never would he bring that same vibrator anywhere near the underside of his own penis! Yah sure!

Then there is the array of clothing items designed for being engaged in some sport—swimwear for sure but also all sorts of compression gear, running tights, wrestling and bicycling singlets, football pants and, of course, jock straps. A lot of this stuff seems all but made to order for assistance in masturbation. And who would be critical of any guy who enjoyed himself in this way? This is all sweet, harmless fun, with none of the issues and problems related to aving partner sex.

One concern some sex therapists seem to have is not that guys won’t find good jerk-off methods that are quite enjoyable, but that the methods employed end up be so enjoyable that the guy will decide that a life that includes sex with a partner is simply unnecessary. The mere thought that this situation could happen drives some sex therapists bananas, therapists who believe that the only truly enjoyable sex is sex with a partner, the activity that is somehow put on a pedestal and every other method of reaching a point of ejaculation is inferior, childish or otherwise somehow “wrong”.

Plus, let’s assume that a guy develops some solo sex techniques and methods that he really enjoys. What happens if he decides then to form a relationship with a partner? Dare he even think about showing his partner what he has been up to before the two of them met?

I have often thought that puzzle might be easier for two gay guys to resolve than for two heterosexual partners. Apparently, many females tend to associate male masturbation with somehow being gay, and have no idea of how important a source of erotic pleasure masturbation is for guys.

Sometimes the really interesting and important stuff is anything but how it might initially appear.

To be continued…

07-31-2019, 01:54 PM
Part XIV

James is invited to a pool party at a house of one of his male friends and classmates, and some female students from school will be there as well. James thinks that the total number will be around 20 people, about evenly divided male and female.

The party will start around 5 pm with swimming, and then an outdoor barbeque on a gas grill that will provide good eating stuff into the evening. This is a very common type of event for guys James’ age, and a chance to get to better know some of the people he interacts with at school on a more-or-less daily basis.

Of course, the whole idea when getting invited to someone’s house with a pool is to get to be in the water and swim. The problem comes in figuring out what to wear at such an event. James could just go in a tee shirt and board shorts, which is how the other guys will likely be dressed. The problem with that idea is that after the swimming time is over there will be eating, and the board shorts are going to be soggy wet which is not only uncomfortable, but also looks unsightly. Maybe there is a better strategy.

James comes up with a scheme of wearing board shorts and tee like he thinks the other guys will be wearing along with his flip flops. But he decides to do something interesting. Underneath the board shorts, he puts on a “classic” royal blue Speedo® swim brief. Anyone who has had anything to do with men’s swim briefs knows that this cut and even color is perhaps the most classic and best known of all the Speedo® products. The brief has 3-inch sides, so it is not too brief or too attention-grabbing in that regard, but still, a Speedo® would not be a real Speedo® if it did NOT conform to the mail body slick and snug. James, who has purchased this suit some time ago has tried it on and looked at himself in the mirror, but had not yet gotten up the “nerve” to wear it in public.

The idea James has is to wear the board shorts and tee to the pool edge, and then just before entering the water he plans to discard the still-dry tee and shorts at the side of the pool to be wearing only the royal blue Speedo®. That he does when he gets to the party.

James is relieved that it did not appear that any of the other party goers seemed to pay attention or even particularly notice what he was doing, but he is now in the water wearing only the brief. Or at least, that is what James initially thought, anyway. But the truth is one or two of the guys did see and notice and realized that though covered by the water, James was now only wearing that neat little royal blue brief.

So, within minutes several of the guys were commenting on what James was doing, and a few of the females were aware as well. Females sometimes seem to get almost angry over the idea of guys openly wearing swim briefs, but in this case a few of the guys along with one or two of the females (in collaboration) decide it would be fun to "hide” (I won’t say steal) James’ tee and board shorts, so that when he comes out of the water and heads over by the barbeque grille he is going to be clad only in that tight-fitting royal blue Speedo®.

This is not a mean-spirited deal—James pretty much knows that he will get his still-dry shorts and tee back at the end of the party, but meanwhile he has to deal with the situation he now faces of having to interact with classmates of both sexes still wearing just the swim brief.

What happens next is very very interesting. Secretly the guys are all interested in seeing if they can discern how James’ body is “coping” with this situation and any indirect information they can get by just careful observation as to how the situation might be impacting the “condition” of James’ groin area or not. Few guys like to admit this in part because in doing so (just wearing a swim brief in a place like this) it might be interpreted as low-level “gay” behavior, but most guys in a situation like this would be most “curious” as to how James is holding up under the circumstance of being the only guy wearing a “Speedo® at the party.

The other thing that is interesting is that Speedo®-clad James, ordinarily a bit quiet shy and maybe even nerdy, suddenly has some females coming over to him to introduce themselves and make small talk. Quiet Speedo® clad James appears to be almost instantly the most popular guy at the pool party/barbeque. James doesn’t know quite what to make of all of his new-found popularity with his classmates either, but he is enjoying it for sure. And, oddly enough the females talking to him seem to not be put off at all by what he is wearing. If James had to guess., he would say that more than a couple of the females seem perhaps even a bit aroused by getting to see him cluse up in the snug brief.

So, there is not a lot more to say. James’ classmates give him back his tee and board shorts as the party concludes. James has become better acquainted with some of his peers, both male and female, than would have been the case had he done te same thing all the other guys did, clothes wise. And James has somehow added to his store of knowledge with respect to how females might behave when faced with a situation like this. In short, the females didn’t act at all like James thought they might given what he had read on the subject about females usually hating it if guys wore swim briefs. Most interesting for sure!

But the most interesting question of all is what the other guys at the party are going to do, swimwear wise, when they are invited to another swimming party set up the same way. The behavior of the females at the party rather shoots holes in the theory that a swim brief is something worn only by the gay guy at the party. And aside from the clothing “theft”, what James was trying to do was quite practical given the circumstances at the event

Plus, the other guys could not help but noticing that by being forced to wear a swim brief at the barbeque (post-swim) part of the party, the ordinarily somewhat shy-and-nerdy James had suddenly become more popular with the females. No sane guy is going to ignore this.

What will happen at the next pool party? James MAY have started a trend of sorts. Will more guys show up at the next party wearing swim briefs under their board shorts? Will a few of the guys be “hoping” that their board shorts will get “stolen” as well while they in the pool so they will be “forced” to go to the barbeque part clad only in a snug swim brief as well? Or will guys just show up for the eats clad only in swim briefs just for the fun of seeing how everyone (but especially the females), react to this?

Challenging questions and issues, all of them!

08-02-2019, 01:00 PM
Part XV

Only shortly after a guy goes through puberty and accidentally uncovers the sheer fun of having a real orgasm, does he soon learn that somehow, for some strange reason, that his penis really likes to be in a place that is both snug and really slick and smooth.

This is further complicated by a realization that seems to imply that a penis somehow knows when it inside a place that is snug and feels smooth. It is almost as if the male penis somehow, sometimes, has a “mind” of its own. Of course that cannot be, or can it? Is this part of the human body that we simply do not fully understand, even now?

Even more curious is that once inside the space, the penis seems to be able to compute very quickly the amount of space that is available, and then somehow expand just enough to exactly fill the space that is available, no more and no less. Even it, for the moment the penis is not in direct contact with whatever is around it, it seems to “know” that the limits that are imposed and can take full advantage of the surroundings. Even wilder, once it gets to that point it starts telling the guy’s brain that the place it is just barely touching if at all is, well, interesting. This crazy sensations of being confined but to the exact correct amount is one of the goofiest but I have often thought a most interesting part of male sexuality.

I have frequently thought about what I have just told you in instances where partners are not having partner-sex within the confines of a snug space, and how these rules might or might not apply in a situation hereby a guy only seeks to have fun by jerking off, say, wearing a snug-fitting garment such as a swim brief or athletic supporter (aka jock strap).

Also, shortly after puberty, just after a guy begins to think he is beginning to understand some of how this stuff all works, does a guy start to realize that certain inanimate objects, most notably certain items of snug-fitting clothing, will under certain situations tend to create situations that in some ways mimic part of the sensations a guy has during partner sex. This is an amazing conclusion, in some ways mind-blowing, and a discovery that should not be a cause for embarrassment. Well, at least most of the time.

Think about this for a moment. Two clothing items guys may be very reluctant to wear are swimming briefs and athletic supporters (aka straps). Both of them have the potential of putting a guy’s penis in a very confined space. The outcome of that situation could be quite unpredictable. Nothing strikes terror in a young guy more than being in a situation in which he loses control of his own body and then ends up ejaculating in a semi-public setting, and some guys will do whatever they think they need to do to avoid that possibility. Think about how this might relate to you. Did YOU ever get in a situation where you ejaculated when you were in a semi-public place? The logical fear is that merely putting on a swim brief or strap will lead to a personally out-of-control situation. Some excuse for not wearing the item that might accidentally precipitates this and therefore avoids the real problem will be in order.

Except for one thing. Well maybe two things. Guys are naturally curious as to whether their classmates are experiencing a similar “reaction” and thus having the same problem, so any situation that sets up a setting in which ALL the guys will be required to wear a swim brief or strap sets up an interesting place to do “research” on all of this. And perhaps even “contests” as in dares along the lines of “I think I can wear a smaller and snugger swim brief than you can without embarrassing myself.” Lots of guys like to convert what might have been an embarrassing situation into a male contest of sorts.

I must admit that when I was a young man, I was fascinated with the prospect of wearing either a swim brief or a strap. But I wasn’t a swimmer. Not being a swimmer nor engaged is any sport that required a strap when I was in high school, I was still very curious about how the guys who got to wear these items “felt”. They looked like great fun.

It was not long after I got into college and was somewhat on my own that I decided I needed to find out for myself.

Of course, swimming for competition may require and undersized brief and many sports at that time would have required both a strap and a cup, which added another dimension and made everything in the groin area potentially even more interesting.

In this respect, straps may be even weirder than ordinary swim briefs. The core design of the traditional straps seems somewhat “mean” to the genitalia. And what is this idea of keeping a guy’s butt crack totally uncovered, anyway? Straps seem made to tug and pull in all sorts of interesting places in the groin area of a male. Cups make it all even more complicated and interesting.

Guys get torn between the positive desire to simply kick back and enjoy the fun, coupled with the serious worry that if this all works too well an embarrassing ejaculation could occur within the space of only a minute or two. How do the other guys cope, anyway? Will I get teased and bullied if I end up out of control?

Last night I spent some time browsing the Internet with respect to what other authors were now saying about the merits of male solo sex, and in the process run into any number of sites selling what are called sex toys specifically designed for male masturbation. Some of these have gotten wild, crazy and also quite expensive. As I was reading this I was thinking about guys who simply enjoy jerking off either in a swim brief or strap, and face the problem of hiding their jerk-off “toy” from parents, roommates etc. A basic problem with the masturbation toys is that a guy probably can fake an excuse for owning a swim brief or even a strap, but the male masturbation toys leave no room for fake excuses. In comparison, the stuff I suggest you try doing to and with yourself is very tame.

Also, it appears to me that there is a whole new market for male masturbation sex toys to be employed on the guy by a sexual partner, usually female. We ordinarily think of sex as falling into the two categories solo sex and partner sex. But there is an emerging third category in which the partner, with the aid of a sex toy, attempts to get a guy hard and then ejaculate using the toy on him. I suppose this could turn into mutual masturbation as well, but interestingly this is much safer form of sex than interchanging bodily fluids. Not only that, in the case of a male-female couple, the idea now brings a masturbation technique front and forward as a full-fledged not inferior form of human sexual activity. The female, traditionally unhappy being left out when the guy secretly masturbates, is once again a full partner in the entire process.


To be continued…

08-04-2019, 02:19 PM
Part XVI

In male-female intercourse, timing is everything. In particular, both participants must a. achieve orgasm and b. this should occur as close to the same time as possible.

For most guys who face a timing problem, it is usually a situation whereby the guy ejaculates too quickly. The medical term for this is premature ejaculation. The frequent consequence of premature ejaculation is that a guy comes so fast that the female does not achieve an orgasm at all. This in turn leads to an assortment of marital problems and issues, culminating in the conclusion that, to put it politely, that the couple is not “sexually compatible”. In short, the good life with a female partner is all about getting the timing right. And, in particular, in the usual case a guy needs to develop his skills at remaining aroused but just under the level where ejaculation takes place. Having developed that skill, the guy might very well be able to make love for an extended period of time. The greatest lovers are able to train themselves to stay aroused but not ejaculate such that the woman can have multiple orgasms in a single lovemaking session, a session that might last 20 or 30 minutes not 2 or 3 minutes. Indeed, that is the goal.

Once past puberty guys quickly become fully aware of how much pure enjoyment is obtained from the male orgasm. The sensations often hit like a lightning bolt and are not to be stopped let alone delayed. The sheer enjoyment of all the events starting with the initial arousal leading via perhaps a long circuitous path that ends with a powerful orgasm is largely ignored. Everything is about the orgasm itself, not the events leading to the orgasm.

So guys usually masturbate directly to orgasm. That lesson was learned quickly. That is what they know how to do. Time is wasting. Orgasms are terrific fun but a guy needs to move quickly and get it over with before, horror of horrors, someone should walk in on him unexpectedly or otherwise figure out what he is doing to and with himself. This is just great training for a guy who will end up ejaculating prematurely as a young adult now in a relationship with a female. What better lesson could there be in teaching yourself how to have an orgasm before she does than seeing how fast you can masturbate to a full orgasm. Sure, keep doing that for months and years and you will have the wrong lovemaking technique down pat.

Sexual arousal is odd in a host of different ways. There are probably as many paths or techniques that guys employ to reach an orgasm as there are guys. This is particularly the case when we are talking about sex by and with yourself. Many of the classic methods purportedly involve porno magazines and videos of one sort or another. I never quite thought that methods employing these two items were quite as popular nor worked quite as well as was generally believed.

Be aware that sometimes guys get themselves in a medical situation where a semen sample is required. What this means that the guy needs to figure out a way of getting himself worked up enough to have an orgasm, but in the complete privacy of a bathroom stall. If the movies are accurate, giving a guy a porno magazine in such a setting is quite common. I have no idea as to whether this scheme somehow works for most guys or not.

I know I am not wired that way. I suspect a lot of other guys might not be either. For me, its all about the touch, the sensation of having something bearing down snuggly and smoothly around my penis. I am very fond of the sensations the underside of my penis is able to generate even when I am only partially hard. I suspect there are other guys who are wired much the same. The porno mags and videos for the most part are bleah… To each his own, I guess.

But, I also know the greatest enjoyment from sex—alone or with a partner—comes from an developing skills that specifically allow a guy to build ever so slowly. I learned these skills, largely on my own, gradually over a lifetime, and infrequently discovering little sexual pleasure hot spots for guys that I was not previously aware of. That I am not quite wired in the same way I think some of my male friends are wired in all of this I see as an advantage not a problem. I have found a path that is both important and useful.

In or out of a relationship a guy can train himself to enjoy himself more in solo sex and be a better lover in partner sex. The lessons cannot all be accomplished in a short period of time. A guy who is used to jerking off quickly is not going to be able to break some undesirable habits given that he is marrying in only a few weeks or even months.

The issue does not get a lot of attention for two reasons

1. How a guy learned to jerk off quickly involves admitting to someone else that he masturbates

2. Even nowadays solo masturbation continues to reign as being politically incorrect and the subject a guy dare not mention to anyone.

I keep asking myself over and over whether two gay guys in a sexual partnership are able to deal with what I have just told you any easier than a heterosexual couple would. On one hand, it should be easier in part because guys generally understand how other guys are sexually wired at least better than how guys understand how females are sexually wired.

To be continued…

08-04-2019, 03:21 PM

Every once and awhile I like to do some searching and reading on the Internet on topics that interest me, but especially on topics where I am thinking that my own thoughts and ideas perhaps have become out of date. There is no more interesting topic than masturbation. Some of my readers may not know that I had my prostate surgically removed 5 years ago, and I was also interested in seeing how the subject of male masturbation was currently being addressed with respect to its use in prostate surgery recovery.

But first, let me summarize what I learned from the general discussions of masturbation from web sites such as http://healthystrokes.com but many others as well, focusing on males.

Interestingly, the writers on the subject usually are female. This in some ways is encouraging, but in other ways there are biases and things females still tend to get flat-out wrong about males. There is better understanding than in the past, but there are still understanding gaps on the part of females talking about the subject. Having said that, let me summarize and draw some conclusions.

1. For males, straight and gay, the number of orgasms a guy has via masturbation will greatly dwarf the number of orgasms he will have via partner sex in which the penis is inside the partner when the orgasm happens. Based on what I have read, I have been attempting to put a ballpark number on this. The number I come up with is 50. I am thinking of this as an average number across a spectrum of males with a wide range of wages, different sexual orientations, both in and out of relationships. In short, if we were to get an average for all these males, the average would be that the male will have 50 masturbation orgasms for each partner sex orgasm in which the organs are together.

2. My concern with the number 50 is that it may be too low not too high. I’m sure there are plenty of guys out there with much higher numbers. Plus a few who claim that they never have an orgasm without the participation of their partner. Plus some guys who claim they have had sex with 50 or 100 different females and also lie when they say they never masturbate.

3. In short, frequent masturbation is really part of who we are for the vast majority of guys, but the tricky part is figuring out how to get into a workable routine in the face of being in close quarters, say in a college dorm room or in a military situation. If what I am reading is correct, male college students living in dorms or other close quarters generally are a little more open about the issue than we were 50 years ago, but this remains an interesting puzzle college roommates need to resolve in such a living situation.

4. The good news is that females generally now recognize that males masturbate a lot even if they are in a relationship, and there is not the disgust and anger over the whole idea that may have existed 50 years ago. Too, it appears that there is a growing appreciation for the idea that male-female mutual masturbation is a viable and less risky option than “real” sex in any instance where the couple does not want to face the issues associated with real sex, (starting with birth control). A lot can be said for forms of sexual interaction that get only to “third” base. Plus, both partners may learn a lot about what exactly makes the other happy in this setting sans coitus.

5. Increasingly, females are starting to see female masturbation as not a bad but a good thing though my number for females would be smaller than for the men, perhaps 25 not 50. But the guilt associated with female masturbation seems to be gradually evaporating, even as female roommates struggle with some of the same “how do I deal with this” issue the guys have to resolve.

6. Generally speaking, the women writing on male masturbation tend to think that guys nearly always masturbate by simply stroking the bare penis with a bare hand, though admitting that technique is less than perfect and that some guys may use a lubricant such as a hand lotion. I think this idea comes from the thought that a masturbating female might logically do it to herself.

7. In reality, masturbating by stroking a bare penis with one’s bare hand is not a common way for a guy to masturbate despite what the female writers seem to think. Most of the time when a guy masturbates he is wearing something. I suppose the lone major exception is the guy who favors masturbating in the shower. The soap and water then acts as a “lubricant” and the “evidence” washes right down the drain. However, most guys probably masturbate wearing an article of clothing. This strategy is popular for several reasons. First, the guy is not naked and therefore not able to in any way hide that he is wanking should someone such as a roommate show up unexpectedly. Second, the clothing item captures the ejaculated semen so that cleanup simply involves putting the garment into the laundry bag to be washed, and, perhaps most importantly. The cloth can provide the lubricant or smooth feeling sensation missing from bare hand on bare penis. Wearing a smooth-textured slick-feeling garment (Swimsuit anyone?) as bedtime wear makes a whole lot of sense for the guy who likes to masturbate at night, roommate or not. Go to any department store and you will see lots of men’s underwear items made of slick smooth fabric that would make great masturbation nightwear and every guy needs to maintain a stock of these.

8. An interesting puzzle is whether or not college roommates can be open enough with their roommates to be able to be frank about what is really happening and then open enough to share and trade ideas and approaches in this area. Fifty years ago, most certainly “no” but nowadays? That is an interesting puzzle.

To be continued…

08-06-2019, 02:10 PM

Traditionally, men have been conditioned to believe that intercourse with a female was good. After all, that might lead to new life. But conversely, any other form of sex was wrong or unacceptable. Interestingly this view tossed masturbation together in with gay sexual behaviors of any form, and I guess is a reason why young bully guys sometimes accuse another guy unfortunately caught masturbating as being gay. This is not something a “real” male would ever do never mind that nearly every male is masturbating but hasn’t yet gotten “caught”.

I was interested in finding out what the current medical thinking was with regard to the possible usefulness of male masturbation as a method of treating prostate surgery patients after surgery and whether the medical profession saw any role for male “self-abuse” as a post-surgical treatment of sorts.

Think about this. Any sort of activity in which sexual arousal happens to a certain degree is going to put the human body under stress. We may be conditioned to believe that any sort of stress is a bad thing, but thing about a body builder who uses weight conditioning in an effort to build muscle and make a stronger body than would be the case without being stressed by the weightlifting. Or, think of the issues an orbiting astronaut faces in the absence of gravity. So being stressed is not necessarily a bad thing. It all depends on what the specific stress happens to be.

Under stress, the body responds in certain ways, some automatic, some nearly so. Heart rate and blood pressure rises, for example. But, the stress associated with, say running, is very different from the stress that occurs during arousal, though some of the same events happen.

A lack of stress can lead to physical problems down the road. Think of the astronaut working in a weightless environment. Muscles weaken, including the heart, and so long term working under weightless conditions requires an exercise regimen to keep muscles working and not being subject to atrophy.

I know a lot of stuff from simply having been there. Pre-surgery I was told that one side effect of the surgery was that I might not be able to get an erection at all, or if I did it might be weak but could improve over time. But, I was assured that I could still have orgasms. Actually, I learned how this could happen already next to a jet in my hot tub. That is a weird feeling of going from nothing to ejaculation in less than 30 seconds, almost as if the semen was being sucked from my body by some giant external force.

Think about this: a guy comes home from surgery knowing that at least for a time, he will be unable to have an erection. If he has a female partner he will not be able to engage in intercourse. So, the likely response will be “we can forgat about having “real” sex for a year (or two, or three…)

So what does the guy do post-surgery? Well maybe just crawl off in a corner and decide that he is stuck in a life with no more erections. And after all, is it even meaningful to have an orgasm without an erection?

I do not have a wife or other sexual partner, but I do have a long list of things that I like to do and these have made me a sexually a very happy person. I’ve probably told you about a few of these already and maybe even dropped hints that this particular idea could do neat things for youto try on your own. Even I was not going to sit down with my urologist surgeon and explain all of this. After all he had surgeries to do. But suddenly, if I am going toi be able to reacquire my ability to get an erection, a lot of this stuff I have been suggesting becomes very important.

As a few of you perhaps know already :) :) I am particularly fond of garments that help me to constantly think about my penis and groin area. A snug fitting swim brief, for example, or a strap covered by a pair of compression shorts. And, I am reading that anything that keeps me aroused, if even only a little bit, is useful treatment post surgery. Are the urologists recommending this as a post-surgical prostate surgery “treatment” of sorts? Well sort of. I suppose if I had a real sexual partner, that person could work overtime to keep me horny by touching and playing with various body parts as a treatment, even as I try to do the same thing for my partner. But this is not penis-vagina sex. It is an interesting form mutual masturbation in the absence of the ability to get a strong enough erection for penetration.

MOST of the post-surgical discussions I encountered on the Internet apply to a couple where the guy can no longer get an erection. Most of the stuff on the Internet says that with luck, erections may return after a year or two of healing but they would be weaker and not as hard. I have some actual data on that. Pre-surgery I was at most 6 ½ to 6 ¾ inches hard 5 years after surgery, the best number I can come up with is 5-5 ¼ inches and not as hard. But I do have orgasms, dry but powerful. And I have not lost my interest in masturbation techniques.

So the Internet is awash with post surgical prostate guy with wives--guys who can no longer get hard enough for “real” coitus. What to do? WELL, this is the point for both partners to learn about the wonders of mutual masturbation as opposed to penis in vagina. The wife is going to learn exactly where he likes to be touched and how. Meanwhile, he is going to learn some of the details of where SHE likes to be played with that he never bothered to learn when they were both regularly engaged in partner sex. And some of the guys even write that because of this event, the relationship, now built around mutual masturbation not coitus, has reached a whole new level.

In gay anal intercourse, the prostate gland plays an important role for the pleasure of the guy being penetrated, and if the guy no longer even has a prostate or the ability to get a firm erection, this could be a potential relationship problem. Most of the discussion on the Internet centers on post-surgical issues heterosexual couples face, and there is only passing reference to the possibility that the surgery may mean major changes for gay couples as well.

Any number of articles where masturbation is mentioned as a post-surgical treatment after prostate removal are out there, including several written by faculty at major medical centers. The doctors are all endorsing masturbation as the best first method for regaining one’s sexual health after surgery, but in some cases are also suggesting that frequent masturbation is an essential part of rebuilding a guy’s capability to have a decent erection after surgery, and that this is something that could and should take place.

To be continued…

08-09-2019, 02:10 PM
Part XIX

One fascinating way to look at arousal extending from an initial arousal all the way through to orgasm is that it is simply a form of stress. Thinking about stress unrelated to sex, human beings cycle back and forth between periods of stress and periods of no-stress. While stress may be thought of as primarily having to do with the mind it is usually accompanied by physical changes to the body which often includes things such as blood pressure, heart rate etc. When it comes to stress the mind and body are clearly quite intertwined.

You might think that stress is always a bad thing and to be avoided no matter what, and that the ideal life is stress-free. But if that were the case, humanity would have not achieved a wide assortment of goals that were achieved under stress and probably would have been impossible without stress. Accomplishments in stressed-out situations occur in a wide variety of activities, astronauts, sports heroes, people who save lives of others, and arguably many people actually perform better not worse when quite stressed out.

The college student about to take a tough exam might actually perform better on the exam because of the stressed out condition. The athlete seeking to score the winning basket might somehow make what appeared to be a near impossible effort work to win the game. High-pressure situations can turn out very well.

With respect to sexual feelings and arousal, it may be helpful to realize that anything that leads to arousal is a (perhaps curious) form of stress. Given that it might be helpful to think about ways in which the mind and body copes with stress in non-sexual situations and perhaps use what we know to better deal with stress in sexual arousal.

Once a guy achieves puberty, a guy’s mind quickly focuses on two different ideas that conflict. Idea 1 is how much sheer fun and pure enjoyment is readily available and accessible in his groin. Idea 2 is a near constant worry that something is going to happen in which the sheer pleasure of sexual arousal will occur in a time or place in which he no longer can maintain control. The stressed-out situation happens not only because his body is undergoing physical changes as arousal takes place, but also because of the near constant fear that the guy is going to perhaps quickly get into a situation whereby he can no longer shut down whatever is happening to him.

Think about a guy in a gym locker room who is not only aroused for some perhaps unclear reason, but everything is quickly getting to a point whereby he no longer can delay having an orgasm. But male peers are wandering about the locker room, and at least a couple of them have noticed the predicament he is in. Even though being hard is really pleasurable, the overwhelming stress here is one of sheer fear, maybe even terror. And even if a guy has never experienced a real-world situation like this, guys constantly worry that this could happen to them. This leads to a huge amount of stress.

Or, think about a swim team that must wear swim briefs for a meet and some of the participants have never done that before. These guys probably worry that their bodies are going to react to this situation in ways that could be quite embarrassing. A partial erection in the locker room pales to the fear of still having an erection when the guy goes out to swim in front of a crowd of people. And, horror of horrors, what if something really terrible should happen, say a full orgasm complete with a pulsating penis clearly visible by the crowd under the skimpy swimwear? This is terrifying stress for guys.

The other stressful situation is in early dating, where a lot of guys perhaps foolishly believe that getting a hard-on when dating a female is a good, more than acceptable or desirable thing to happen. This morphs into the idea that if this doesn’t happen on schedule like clockwork the female with think he is an unattractive date. Again we get back to the notion that guys would like to be able to turn sexual arousal off and on like a water spigot using the mind as the control box, but somehow that is not how it usually works, at least not a lot of the time.

Or consider an older male who has a difficulty in getting and maintaining an erection for a mate. The inability to direct the penis to do what the guy thinks it should itself becomes a stressful situation which makes mate apprehensive and stressed-out.

If a guy masturbates by seeing how quickly and efficiently he can get off without detection, he does not learn the fine skills necessary to cope with these varied and interesting situations. There is no better way of learning how to NOT a degree of control over one’s erection than masturbating this way under time or fear of being discovered pressure.

The problem is that guys all need private time alone to explore their own bodies that does not involve getting off in a hurry to avoid being caught doing “something he shouldn’t be doing.” If a guy has a fear, say a fear of putting on a swim brief because he could end up hard, then he needs to get himself a swim brief, take it home and experiment with his body in private. Better an orgasm happens in private than in the locker room or in front of a crowd at a meet. A guy can “train himself” in such a situation such that wearing a swim brief is less stressful.

Adult males generally face too problems in sexual relations. These are either ejaculating too quickly (premature ejaculation) or too slowly (delayed ejaculation). Both of these can be treatable medical conditions, although I will say that many guys struggling with premature ejaculation with their sexual partners may have inadvertently “taught” themselves how to do this as teenagers when they found ways to masturbate quickly to orgasm without being discovered by others.

Finally, I would encourage every guy to face his “demons”, especially with respect to items of clothing that might lead to an erection or orgasm. If a guy fears that in wearing a swim brief he might get an erection and perhaps even ejaculate, there is no substitute for buying a swim brief and getting into it for the first time in the privacy of a bedroom, and see exactly how the penis actually responds as opposed to how the guy thinks it might respond having never actually worn a swim brief.

The same goes for other clothing items guys think might cause “problems” in this respect: compression gear, athletic supporters of various shapes and sizes, football pants, wrestling singlets etc. Now if you could only figure out a suitable line to feed your younger brother when he asks you “why are you wearing that?”

To be continued…

08-10-2019, 11:13 PM
Part XX

As he is growing up, every guy probably develops something of a “list” of clothing items that make him apprehensive if he got himself in a situation where he was expected to wear one of them. A number of these items tend to be related to athletics of various kinds, though this is not necessarily always true.

Males discover at a very early age that sexual arousal is something that is considered normal if this happens in the presence of a sexual partner, traditionally a female about the same age. But it doesn’t take long for a guy to also learn that sexual arousal sometimes happens without any particular reason at all, and quite frequently not when a person of the opposite sex is present.

Think of the guy who gets aroused simply thinking about putting on a swim brief, as a classic example of a non-sexual arousal “triggering” method. Guys are not supposed to get aroused just by wearing an article of clothing. That can’t be considered normal, or can it?

I suspect that most guys have lists of specific clothing items that they are apprehensive about wearing for fear of getting an accidental hard-on and the potential embarrassing consequences if that should happen when other guys are present.

Swim briefs are just the classic male fear garment. There are others. Athletic supporters with a hard cup or not, compression gear, snug-fitting football uniform pants, wrestling singlets. The list of possible items can quickly get quite long. Not every guy will have the same items on his list, but these illustrate the idea.

Guys have to live with the realization that although it would be nice if the male brain could turn sexual arousal on and off at will, this is normally not the case and this inability is a source of great concern for a lot of guys. Guys all realize that getting aroused is really enjoyable, even in the absence of a sexual partner. In addition, if the guy starts to understand that the garment can stimulate him sexually, it quickly becomes useful when jerking off.

So often the same guy who is apprehensive about getting into a swim brief in a gym locker room may secretly want to do exactly the same thing in a swim brief and enjoy his body that way. Except that is not “normal” or is it? And what explanation does a guy concoct for wanting or having a swim brief for a parent, sibling or even a college roommate? And what in the world does a guy do with his swim brief hangup if he decides to get married, anyway?

Does this guy have a problem that needs to somehow be addressed, or not? My advice on all of this is that every guy needs to come up with the courage to face his demons. Part of facing the demons is specifically NOT to try and avoid the specific items that tend to make you horny. Maybe if you climb into a swim brief every day this will become familiar and therefore normal to you, and you will have less of a tendency to get a hard on. But maybe not. By facing your demons directly, at least you will find out. And why should a guy be unhappy if he discovers he likes to jerk off wearing a swim brief?

The trickier question is what to do with this if you enter a sexual relationship with a partner? Should the partner be told? Should you destroy the items you enjoy so much before the marriage.

I assume that two males in a gay relationship will be able to deal with this more easily than a male-female couple, but I have no direct information on that given the role that these garments might play in gay mutual masturbation. But what I have told you will likely to be all new to most females, whose moms never covered THAT subject for sure.

I still say every guy needs to find a way to confront his personal demons.

To be continued…

08-11-2019, 03:27 PM
Part XXI

Assume that a guy, say you, gets aroused at the mere thought of, say, wearing a snug-fitting clothing item, for example a swimming brief, and this is something that you not only realize but have been dealing with perhaps ever since you went through puberty. Your little “affliction” gives you a lot of pleasure, and you fondly recall the first time you managed to figure out a way to get yourself your first swimming brief and to try it on at home, for the very first time, in private and in front of a mirror.

Just doing this gets you hard and erect, actually very hard and erect. Merely seeing your own body respond like this is in itself erotic, very erotic. The urge to ejaculate right inside the new swimming brief you have just gotten into is getting tougher and tougher to keep from happening, but the harder you get the more your body seems to be telling you that it is really enjoying the situation you are in.

You soon burst forth with the most powerful orgasm and ejaculation you can ever remember having. Powerful muscular spasms occur over and over in rapid succession, each one more mind-blowing that the last. Your now wine-red penis seems to pulsate with each heartbeat. Somehow the slick little brief is containing the creamy-white cum even as big damp spots soak through several different places on the front of the brief. You honestly believe that this was the most-powerful and longest-lasting orgasm you have ever had.

You are really happy that you were able to finally get yourself your own little swim brief in order to try this, and look forward to using this brief as a method for jerking off again and again. This was an even better experience than you could have ever imagined just thinking about it.

This was so much wild and crazy fun, and already you are completely “hooked”, both psychologically and physically. But at another level you are worried as well. For starters what you are doing to and with yourself is very different from how you see male sexuality portrayed elsewhere. Coming-of-age movies, for example, depict guys having sexual encounters with females their own age. What does this mean, anyway, if I like to do this to and by myself, with absolutely no one else present? Clearly this cannot be something gay since another guy is not present even to watch me play with my own body. It’s just plain ordinary solo sex albeit with the slight wrinkle involving the use of the snug-fitting brief. This whole idea of getting really turned on by just observing one’s own erection inside a swim brief cannot be normal either, or is it. Do the other guys near my age know about this and maybe even do the same thing?

Other knotty questions pop into your mind. If the whole point of sex is to make sure that the human species continues, why in the world were you built to enjoy this purely solo-sex activity so much? Shouldn’t you only get turned on like this in the presence of a sexual partner? What gives, anyway? Can the extraordinarily fun stuff I am doing with my own body in private in front of a mirror possibly be something other guys secretly do to and with themselves as well?

And how am I going to handle it if someone else, anyone else, accidentally discovers what I enjoy doing so much. Surely this needs to all be as carefully-guarded secret as one can ever imagine having to keep. No guy would ever talk about or admit to doing this in a conversation with any other person, that is for certain.

Which brings me finally to this. What if someone invented a marvelous mystery pill, a pill that if only taken one time, would rid you entirely of the problem of getting erections and masturbating in any type of snug-fitting clothing, including a swim brief? After the guy takes the mystery pill, the guy’s mental and physical body reprograms itself to ensure that the guy will only get aroused and he will only be able to obtain a hard-on in the presence of a sexual partner. Therefore all the apprehension about wearing some article of snug-fitting clothing and ending up erect suddenly vanishes entirely. Male sexual arousal for the pill taker now works just as it is depicted in the coming-of-age movies where erections and ejaculations happen only in the presence of a (usually female) partner.

Given that, do guys who have the described “affliction” really want to be rid of it? Would your life be a happier one without it if it meant that you would only get a hard-on in a real-life sexual encounter with another person? The thought question therefore is “Would YOU take the magic mystery pill in order to be as “normal” as you somehow think your male peers are?”

To be continued…

08-12-2019, 01:57 PM

“Those will likely fit a little snugger than what you have been wearing” says the department store sales clerk. Something very interesting happens in a guy’s brain when he hears those words. For many guys, perhaps most guys, it is almost as if some sort of curious male-arousal “switch” suddenly gets flipped to the “on” position.

Maybe I am saying something here that nearly every guy already knows to be the case. I haven’t even said anything about what the item the guy is thinking about buying actually might be. A pair of narrow-cut jeans? Some underwear? Swimwear? Whatever it is that fits more snuggly than the guy is used to I assume will fit around the groin area, and perhaps put the guy’s penis in new situation that is a bit more “confining” than the guy has been “used” to on a daily basis.

For me at least, those words by the sales clerk would be enough to set off an automatic switch sending me immediately into an involuntary precum-oozing mode. This same involuntary reflex no doubt “hits” other guys in much the same way. It’s weird. On one hand the fact that I cannot control the reflex is more than a little scary but also, well, most interesting. Every guy worries that if he starts to precum he will soon be in a condition whereby the only way “out” of the predicament will be to deal with an increasingly obvious erection. And to deal with that will soon mean that an orgasm will be the only feasible way out. Not one of those “socially-acceptable” orgasms that might occur together with a female partner, but one of those crazy ones that seems to be happening for no apparent reason at a time or in a place that might not be the most private..

It takes some time for guys to fully understand that they can be in full precum mode for substantial amounts of time and still continue to function without getting significantly erect. That is what the term “feeling horny” translated really means. The guy who says he is feeling horny probably indirectly is saying that he can feel the viscous ooze forming at the tip of his penis and making his underwear damp there. Generally this phrase does not mean that a guy is in imminent danger of getting really hard and ejaculating uncontrollably. It takes guys awhile to pick up on these details about how being male both mind and body really works. A lot of this is subtle.

So, guys develop what I sometimes call a love-hate relationship with garments that the sales clerk refers to as “fitting more snuggly than what you have been wearing.” Once a guy gets past puberty he then realizes that feeling horny is a really interesting and enjoyable place to be even in the absence of partner-sex. And he has probably picked up on what I call some personal “triggering mechanisms” that will cause the “horny central” mechanism in the brain to flip the switch to “on” so to speak. This is fascinating stuff from a biological perspective, because this switch is connected directly to the obscure glands called the cowpers gland, and the cowpers is completely separate from the main semen-producing glands. There are two somewhat disconnected mechanisms at work in male sexual response. A lot of guys have no idea about that, or they figure that out only later in life. This information is not something you would likely see in a health education book designed for 6th graders!

So, on one hand the guy wants the clothing item that he thinks will flip his cowpers into ooze-production mode, but is squeamish about the possibility that the same garment could fit sufficiently snug to send him into an “I’m getting hard” mode or even “I really need to ejaculate” mode. Guys like very much being in ooze-production mode, but they are wary about where this all might lead.

Of course, dating behavior for guys with another person is driven by all of this as well. Guys go out on dates and spend money dating in large measure because the entire event is a great opportunity to get the cowpers pumping ooze. Where this goes beyond that is a fascinating question to ponder. A lot of guys are more than happy to spend time, energy and money on a date with a pretty girl even if the night was only a good ooze-producer and does not conclude with an erection and partner orgasm. Indeed, guys frequently attempt to choose mates for dating on the basis of the degree to which that person flips the ooze-production switch!

Or, a lot of guys come home from a date and then masturbate to the point where they quickly get fully erect and then ejaculate alone, while dreaming about doing the same thing with the very person they just dated. Spending an entire evening in ooze-production mode will tend to do this to guys. This is a lot of fun but sometimes drives guys more-or-less bananas as well. There are a lot more ways for a guy to have a sexual response than having “real” partner sex, and probably a lot more dates end up with the guy doing this than end with a copulation event with the partner! Of course, guys would never ever admit that this is how dating works for them. Every hot date is supposed to conclude with the couple doing the real thing! That is the idealized world but not the reality of the world guys live in.

So, what about the snug-fitting garment then? Guys eventually decide to buy these items because they think that the garment will be a way of flipping the switch that turns on the cowpers without having to bother going on a date, and to better understand the nuances of male arousal. Unlike a full-blown erection, it is possible to ooze precum while more or less being engaged in other activities that are not particularly or even at all sexual. A guy on a date at a fancy restaurant with a pretty girl somehow still manages to function at various non-sexual levels while in full-precum mode. Long ago I discovered that my exercise routine seems to move along a lot faster if I am oozing precum at the same time, and that some of the routine, particularly the stationary rowing part, seems to actually help the process along.

Still, there are certain things I would not attempt while in precum mode. Taking a tough exam in a college course is an example. Or, any other activity that is going to require your full-and-concentrated attention.

So, guys are interested in owning garments that they believe might switch on the horny mode because of the specific snug fit and feel in part because this represents an interesting and fun way to run rewarding experiments and spend maybe a pleasant and leisurely afternoon better understanding how their own body works. There is nothing at all wrong with this. Indeed this is an excellent way for a guy to learn some stuff about himself and how his body works and even to prepare himself in the event that a life with a sexual partner happens at some point.

To be continued…

08-14-2019, 03:24 PM

What I have described with regard to the details of how sexual arousal works for guys is not something that guys only discovered in recent history. This is how it has always worked and the mechanisms that have always been in place. Guys have always been sensitive about wearing snug-fitting clothing, and it is interesting to attempt to trace some of the history of exactly when and how that happened.

This history takes us down the path of the history of men’s underwear along with side trips to other kinds of snug-fitting garments such as swim briefs and athletic supporters. Men’s underwear design is the place to start the analysis, in large measure because this has long been the one item that was going to come in close contact with the male penis.

The development of underwear is closely intertwines with the history of the Jockey® company, best known for inventing the Jockey® brief. Their Web site contains a detailed history of the company from its inception is at the link https://www.Jockey.com/ourcompany/ourhistory

From that site we learn that the Jockey® company dates from the early 1900s and that for some time. From 1902- on the company manufactured what were called Union Suits. These were a cotton undergarment that covered everything from neck to ankle. I have difficulty imagining guys wearing these heavy undergarments on warm summer days, but apparently that is what they did. It was not until 1928 when they started manufacturing knee length garments with sleeveless shirts, initially all one-piece but soon the shorts were made as a separate garment from the sleeveless shirt.

The now-famous Jockey® cotton brief did not arrive until 1935. The site indicates that someone at Jockey® saw a post card picturing a man wearing a brief-style swimsuit on the French Riviera and decided that the brief design might be a logical choice for a men’s underwear brief. The short story is that the Jockey® cotton brief was suddenly a huge hit with men, tired of the bigger-loose-fitting designs that came before.

I have an “R”-rated explanation as to why all of a sudden every guy wanted a pair of “Jockey® shorts and I have my own theory as to what was really going on in the minds of guys suddenly purchasing these briefs. Unlike the earlier, looser designs where certain parts of the male anatomy were easily shielded from view, for the guy wearing the cotton brief the male anatomy was quite obvious even if covered in coarse-textured cloth.

Some guys probably were apprehensive about having critical anatomical features in such plain sight, but most guys realized that the briefs were going to be covered with other clothing anyway so that was no big deal. And the briefs soared in popularity.

Now, what goes on in a guy’s mind and body today is no different from what must have been the case right after Jockey® briefs were introduced. Even back then guys probably still had a “love-hate” relationship with snug-fitting clothing coming in contact with the male genitalia. For some guys at least, it must have occurred to them that a Jockey® brief was more than just daily underwear. Snug-fitting briefs have a way of tripping wires and setting off male arousal triggering mechanisms.

So, was this also the case from the moment the brief arrived at stores in the mid 1930s? It is tough to believe that the things that go on with men were that much different from how they work today. Could it be that one reason for the immediate popularity of the Jockey® brief was that some guys decided that if their wives or girlfriends saw them wearing one including how the male anatomy fit the brief that the wife or girlfriend would get turned on herself?

But another more deeply hidden explanation might also be accurate. Could it have dawned on a few men that a Jockey® brief was the then perfect garment for male masturbation? Clearly the fit of the garment was such that it was going to tug on and rub against places that guys would like to have tugged and rubbed. Was this the real motivation and source of sales that was sending the demand for briefs sky high?

I come back to the old idea that masturbation is a lot of fun but covering one’s tracks can get tricky without some help. But a guy could shoot cum in a cotton Jockey® brief and thus contain himself and then do cleanup by simply tossing the brief into the weekly wash. No one else needed to be the wiser as to what was really going on. Jockey® had accidentally managed to design a near perfect garment for male masturbation. A snug-fitting cotton garment that contained the cum from an orgasm, yet was reusable with a simple cleanup in the weekly wash! Carefully keeping what you just did and your tracks covered and hidden from view is an important part of developing successful masturbation techniques. What a superb idea these cotton briefs!

I grew up in the 1950s and ‘60s. In the 1950s there were only two underwear designs popular with men for summer wear. By far the most popular was the men’s white cotton brief. The only other style that was worn to any degree was a cotton garment that was constructed the same as the brief but had slightly longer legs. Today we call those boxer briefs. And at least in the 1950s, mens underwear was always white cotton, no colors or other smoother-textured materials.

So, in the 1950s nearly all the guys I knew were wearing cotton briefs. They were growing rapidly too, so the briefs often quickly got a little to a lot undersized. I therefore conclude that most of the guys my age learned the finer points of masturbation techniques wearing a cotton brief, perhaps Jockey® but by the brands like Fruit-of-the-Loom® and Hanes® were available as well. The Jockey® brand with the “y” front was the “premium” product.

By the 1960s, men’s cotton briefs in colors were coming available as well as a few briefs made of colored materials such a slick nylon blend. Most guys thought these new trends were a bit “girlish” and stuck with their white cotton briefs, but a few of the guys were wondering how that slick nylon brief material would feel rubbing against the underside of an erect penis, and got up enough nerve to try out the new idea. And guys kept purchasing new underwear in part based on the perception that the new garment could perhaps prove to be a valuable aid in masturbation. This in addition to what the girlfriend might think is neat or sexy should the situation arise.

Candidly, these perceptions drive a lot of underwear sales even today, guys seeking out just the right cut and material to wear while masturbating. At some level the underwear manufacturers all must be aware of this. Of course, no guy would ever want to admit to what I have told you, at least not the masturbation part!

To be continued…

08-15-2019, 02:00 PM

The idea that the proper warmer-weather underwear for guys should be either a brief or boxer-brief style made of white cotton material was largely the accepted thinking in the 1950s and then into the 1960s. Even ribbed cotton briefs in colors other than white were largely frowned upon, perhaps in part because of the fear that a brief in black or navy could not be washed with the white clothing for fear of dye transfer to the other clothes in the wash. But as the 1960s ran down, colored dyes were improving and the idea of a guy wearing a cotton brief in a color other than white was starting to be possible. Still nothing radical. A light gray cotton brief was certainly possible, and for the more daring, the same brief in black or dark navy blue. Bright blue or red was still out of the question.

It was not until the 1970s that underwear manufacturers started experimenting with selling underwear to men in fabrics other than the usual ribbed cotton material. Women, of course had been wearing nylon briefs (aka panties) for some time, and the fear in the case of men’s underwear was to end up with a product that looked too much like the products being sold to women. Men’s underwear and women’s underwear had to be different.

The other issue was the fly. Traditionally, this was a required item for any underwear sold to men. But, if the new designs were going to be cut skimpier, with a lower rise than a standard brief, then at some point the cut got so low that the guy could just flip himself over the top of the waistband with no need for a fly.

At this point we have all of the components of a men’s bikini-style brief, aside from the idea that the design, cut and material may still appear to be too “girlish” for a guy to wear. What, a smooth, stretchy material, a skimpy cut that fit at the waist well below the belly button, and the complete absence of the fly? Could this ever be sold as an undergarment to a real guy? Initially it was thought that while this design might have some appeal to gay guys it would never work as something a straight guy consider wearing.

I like to think about the demand for men’s underwear to be divided into subgroups or categories. The first and largest subgroup is the underwear styles and cuts an ordinary “normal” guy (read normal as the typical straight guy in the 1970s) might purchase for himself. Typically this underwear was a white-ribbed cotton brief or boxer-brief and these were still very popular for that use well into the 1970s. Generally, a guy in a gym locker room would not attract any undesired attention wearing a white cotton brief.

But as any ordinary guy knows, even in the underwear world there are what can be called special occasions. Every straight dating male fantasizes about a date that will end in intercourse with the female, and guys need to be prepared, underwear-wise, for the occasion should the fantasy come true. If this happens, obviously she will get to see what you are wearing for underwear. You want this to be an occasion she long remembers for her. Somehow just any ordinary everyday white cotton brief doesn’t cut it for such an occasion. Need something with a bit more “punch” to it. You want to be a turn-on for her. The problem is that the underwear cannot be too skimpy or too colorful, or she might think you have a gay or bisexual side that she doesn’t yet know about. So finding the right underwear for just such an occasion can be a real problem. The guy wants to look sexy and desirable but not too much that way, either. Tricky stuff, that underwear purchase for date wear!

Then there is the third demand. Guys irrespective of sexual orientation often make some underwear purchases simply because the material, cut, color and design seem to be ideal for masturbation. What are we talking about here? First, a material that stretches but feels slick and smooth to the skin. Second a cut that is skimpier than a standard cotton brief. Generally this is a brief without a fly that seems made to order for successful and fun penis stroking.

These designs were probably first made to appeal to gay men, but like so much in men’s fashion, ideas that start out being aimed at a gay male market soon become adopted by males of varied sexual orientations. The market for these designs to gay males was obvious from the very start, but what the underwear manufacturers initially failed to recognize is that a lot of guys keep underwear with a particular material or cut simply because a particular design works so well when trying out various masturbation techniques. Nothing quite like a snug-fitting slick-feeling garment to wear when getting off. Guys all know this irrespective of their sexual orientation, but whether they dare buy underwear for specifically that purpose is another question.

Still, during the 1970s more and more companies were finding that the demand for such underwear was taking off even as the demand for traditional white ribbed cotton briefs was slowing. And the briefs were getting skimpier and skimpier with ever slicker material, not only now being devoid of the once mandatory male fly, but morphing from bikini brief into the string bikini. Men’s and women’s briefs were nearly indistinguishable. Some of the men’s brief designs attempt to better accommodate the parts of the male anatomy the female lacked, but even this for a time seemed optional.

The unique development of men’s thong underwear is such an interesting story that it requires a chapter (or as it turns out more than a chapter) of its own.

To be continued…

08-16-2019, 02:07 PM
Part XXV

Then starting in the 1980s everything changed again. Part of the changes that occurred in underwear fashion had to do with how men’s clothing, particularly jeans, had changed.

Think about the uniforms basketball players wore in the 1960s with very short shorts compared to the sloppy shorts that extended below the knee in the 1980s.

The mid-late 1960s was a period of time in which nearly every young male was wearing skinny, body–conforming jeans, and the snug-fitting cotton briefs almost universally worn during the same time period paired well with the jeans. The jeans fit very snug in the thighs, and there was no room for another layer of cloth extending into that area.

But by the 1980s everything was just the opposite. The popular jeans were very loose-fitting with very wide legs and guys suddenly decided that having genitalia in a confined space was no longer a thing to do. Instead, guys started wearing loose-fitting boxer shorts that extended all the way to the knee. Cotton briefs, for that matter ANY kind of brief was considered totally unacceptable. Students dare not show up in a locker room wearing anything but a very loose-fitting pair of boxers or they would be teased and bullied.

These loose, sloppy designs stayed around a long time—far too long in my view. But what happened revealed a linkage between what guys thought was the right design for jeans and other pants as well as the underwear to pair with them.

A lot of guys seem to think that their specific choice of underwear might reveal something about their sexual orientation to others. This is a particular concern for younger guys who go in for athletics that involves changing in a locker room of some sort. Guys also who go on dates with females worry that if the date concludes with intercourse, the underwear choice may tell the female something about the guy’s sexual orientation that she did not know, especially for guys who have a gay or bisexual side, though if the guy is having intercourse with a female that alone tells the female something about the guy’s sexual orientation without relying on clues from his choice of underwear.

The key advantage of loose-fitting blue plaid boxers (the most popular pattern and color) that extend to the knee is that no guy would ever accuse a peer of being gay based on that choice in underwear.

The key disadvantage of that specific underwear design is that it provides essentially zero support or protection for the genitalia. I certainly would not engage in any sport wearing these as the only undergarment. However, there may be a compromise. Faced with this dilemma I would suggest that the guy who wishes to make it appear that his underwear choice is a loose-fitting pair of plaid boxers, I would purchase a bikini brief in a coordinating solid color such as medium blue, and wear that as a supportive “liner”. Then the boxers and the liner could come off as a single garment in the locker room.

Still, loose-fitting plaid boxers are a poor choice for male underwear given the lack of support and protection for the genitalia. These are still available but for the most part underwear design and what guys wear has moved on. Generally loose-fitting boxer shorts are a poor choice for masturbation activities. Everything important just flops around loose and the coarse weave of the cotton-blend fabric makes them largely useless. I can’t imagine a guy saying “I get turned on when I get into my plaid boxers!” but maybe that is or was the point.

To be continued…

08-19-2019, 02:31 PM

The idea of men wearing thong underwear in the US probably first came to the US in the very late 1980s but probably a little earlier in Europe. I know that the first pair of thon underwear I ever owned I purchased sometime in 1989. Not surprisingly, I was fascinated with the design and what wearing a thong might fit and feel. They seemed a lot like a strap, but instead of elastic leg straps and a nonexistent back, a thong had no leg straps but a thin band of elastic that was designed to cut between the glutes.

Over time, thongs used different kinds of elastic for this back, which was what held the front pouch in place. The pouch consisted of a 80% cotton-20 % Lycra blend fabric which was quite snug but stretched just enough to contain the (flaccid) male anatomy. The earliest thongs used a round elastic cord designed to cut tight between the glutes, If the pouch was ro remain in place, containing penis and balls, this cord needed to stretch but be quite short. These cords would appear to disappear entirely between the glutes.

These cords at times would seem to all but disappear entirely almost as if they weren’t there at all. But with any movement, the guy would become “aware” of the cord which gave an interesting set of sensations even when just walking. These thongs were fun to wear but not as interesting as to what followed a year or two later when Jockey introduced their first mens Thong.

The first Jockey-branded thongs were really interesting for several different reasons. If I were to award a grand prize for the most interesting underwear I have ever worn, surely that prize would have to go to the early Jockey design. The early models were all made of cloth that was a Cotton-Lycra blend. This cloth had a lot of stretch but it the fabric was not easy to stretch. The back of the thong was not a round elastic cord but instead a flat band of elastic about a quarter inch wide, Again, this had a lot of stretch but it was tough to make longer. Unstretched it was quite short. The elastic back was sewn to the stretch elastic pouch, but this created a built up spot of sewn thread where the band was attached to the pouch.

Unstretched, the pouch was not very big, but stretched out it was just big enough to contain a guy’s flaccid penis and balls, with some doing. Interestingly the sewing that connected the elastic band to the pouch created a hard little lump of cloth precisely at the perineum.

I still have a few of these thongs that amazingly are in pretty good shape so I decided to get into one of them in order to be able to describe all the details.

So the first trick is figuring out how to get my anatomy entirely into the pouch without leaving anything important outside. This takes some practice and is part of the fun. A guy would have to be brain dead if he didn’t get at least somewhat erect just getting the pouch in place with the male anatomy inside.

Once I got everything that needs to be inside the pouch inside, then this is the time to position that neat elastic back band between my glutes. This keeps the pouch in place, and the more I cinch up the elastic between my glutes the more I like the sensations.

But I suddenly notice that my perineum area just behind my scrotum is starting to feel pretty good too. I can feel that lump of thread pressing against my perineum and the sensations I am getting are nothing short of excellent.

With everything going on I start to expand some more, and that has the effect of putting more tension on the elastic between my glutes as well as snugging everything up at the perineum. This thong still feels really really good. Somehow the combination of tensions seem to create a wonderful place for me that I really want to be.

How long can a guy stand this without ejaculating into the pouch? Well, your experience may vary from my own but if I were in search of a unique masturbation experience this one would be at the very top of my list.

To be continued…

08-21-2019, 05:01 PM

In the early-mid 1990s, Jockey sold a lot of these thongs under that brand through the major full-price department stores such as those that were part of the Federated Department Store group which then included more brands than Macys. Each one came in a little box. Fabrics varied from a really strong almost elastic-like material, a stretchy cotton-elastic blend with a bit less “kick” to an all-cotton version for the less daring. So part of the purchase decision was by choosing a different fabric, the wearer could get either more or less “kick” from the thong that was chosen. The all cotton version was easier to get into and out of although the band that made up the back still was a strong elastic.

Perhaps accidentally (but surely they must have known something) Jockey quickly realized some why these thongs were selling so well really amounted to what might be considered a great “toy” for self-pleasuring. I do not know exactly how this must work for other guys, but often my choice in underwear on any given day depends on what I am going to be doing that day. If there is something that is going to demand concentration and my full attention, I do not want sexual sensations in the groin area to distract me from the non-sexual task at hand. So on those days the choice might be a looser-fitting pair of briefs.

But on other days, not a lot is going on and I wouldn’t mind at all if during the day I were distracted by sensations from my groin area-no full erections or ejaculations of course. Under such circumstances, oozing a little precum is fine, but not enough to leave a spot on the front of my jeans. And wearing the thong, this dripping can go on for hours on end. The snug-fitting thong keeps me horny and dripping ooze all day long.

For a male college student, a Jockey thong would probably not be the right choice on a day when a tough exam was scheduled in a course. That is a loose-fitting underwear day for sure. But on other days, classes are simply a series of boring lectures being given by equally boring instructors, and a guy would be happy to be distracted a bit by sensation coming from the groin area. With the right thong (some would say “wrong thong”) a guy can ooze precum in tiny viscous droplets over the entire day, with the thong containing the translucent drops of precum and no one else being the wiser about what the guy is doing.

This is a really fun way to spend a day in part that when classes are over having done this throughout the day, her will be ready to have a stunningly powerful ejaculation after all this lengthy thong-induced precumming. Hopefully he will have made it back to an empty dorm room. Just another version of the whole idea that the longer you can learn to remain in arousal-precum mode, the more powerful and enjoyable the concluding full ejaculation will be.

So, there were days I had a lot of stuff to do at work—loose brief days—but also other, slower days—Jockey thong days. Having done this to myself I would arrive home from work ready to take full advantage of what had happened during the day, and how much I now wanted to get off now that work was over for the day. These ejaculations typically ended up being mind-blowing. Sadly, Jockey quit making these thongs in the late 1990s. They sold some updated designs but these designs never fit at all like the original nor were as pleasant to wear.

To be continued…

08-23-2019, 01:17 PM

For a period of time in the 1990s, thong underwear was readily available in a host of different brands and designs. The big department stores may have sold a half dozen different premium brands made by companies such as Calvin Klein® and 2x(ist)®. There were all sorts of ideas with respect to how big or small these should be. The Calvin Klein version seemed to simply cut off the back from a cotton brief and replace the back with an elastic cord running from waisteband to pouch. The 2x(ist) version had what they called a T-back set up to only fit right if the band cut deeply between the glutes. I guess if I were to hand out a consolation prize in thong design it would have to go to 2x(ist) not Jockey. It appears that there is a current version of the 2x(ist) T-back thong still being made—these were completely off the market for awhile.

In the 1990s, even the big discount stores sold thongs for men. Target had a version. So did Kmart under their then “house brand” Joe Boxer® label. Jockey had their “Life” brand sold only at Wal Mart that included not only cotton briefs but also skimpier briefs in a choice of cotton or slicker stretch-Lycra® blends. For a time they were selling both fabrics in either colorful no fly bikini briefs, string bikinis (with the “string” usually being the elastic waistband or as a full thong).

These discount store brands typically featured a somewhat wider back perhaps one-half to three quarter -3/4 inches wide and made to stay on top of the guy’s rear and not cut between the glutes. Perhaps the designs where the thong back cut deeply between the glutes were a bit much for a lot of guys, and these designs were designed to appeal to a potentially larger group of wearers who were somehow not as interested in the erotic aspects of thong wear. After all, wearing a thong that is tugging and pulling in various places is something of an “acquired taste” for many guys. Straight guys in relationships also faced the problem of trying to guess what the female partner would think of him wearing a thong. Women always have their own ideas as to what a guy’s underwear should or should not look like. Nearly every guy grows up in a situation whereby mom decided what the boy should wear, and the idea of a guy even expressing a preference in this regard is normally something that happens long after puberty happens with some guys being young adults living away from home with mom no longer doing the laundry before they really get the opportunity to make their own choices.

Then there is the problem of how a thong work in a situation such as a gym locker room where other guys my age might be able to casually observe what I am wearing and whether or not what I am wearing is fitting and proper. This is what I call the “loose plaid boxers” phenomenon. A guy’s choice in undergarments is determined not by what he wants to wear but rather by what he thinks the other guys his age would want him to wear and whatever it is better not be too colorful or racy!

The other problem for straight guys after they get over the issue of wearing something mom might not approve is the problem of whether what I choose will meet the approval of my female partner. And this could be wildly unpredictable as to what is OK or not given that females to the extent they may know anything at all on this subject they probably learned from mom. Guys want to look sexy but at the same time dare not be too adventurous in this respect lest the female not understand and then loses it. The whole idea that a snug-fitting pair of underwear can be used as something a sex toy in masturbation s probably an idea that a lot of females will be unable to readily understand and accept as anything close to normal guy behavior.

I presume gay guys and gay male partners are more accepting and adventurous in this regard and that’s why a lot of a lot of the racier underwear styles seem to be focused on the gay male market. Two males should understand how each other is wired in this respect than a male and female couple.

The racier underwear styles in recent years seem to have increasingly moved out of the bricks-and mortar stores with the big selections now on the Internet. If a guy wants a pair of racy underwear, he can buy it in private and not have to deal with the sales clerk problem. Many uys worry about buying racy underwear when the sales clerk is female. What will she tjink of me doing this? What if the clerk is an older female the age of your mother? What will “my mother think? What if the sales clerk is a guy? If the item is too racy will the male clerk conclude I am gay? Is the male clerk doing the transaction gay himself and is that how he meets other gay guys? These complicated issues can all be avoided by buying on line.

The other thing that interests me is that the 1990s was a period of time when there was lots of options in skimpy underwear, briefs and thongs even as the jeans guys were wearing were always cut really loose and sloppy. Why were guys buying all this skimpy underwear that would make a lot more sense if the jeans that were being worn were skinny and body-conforming? Were guys buying the skimpy underwear to use as a liner to give some male support under the socially acceptable for any occasion plaid cotton boxers? Did guys find a way to remove the boxers and skimpy underwear together so that other guys would not even be aware of the existence of the skimpy underwear? These are some interesting questions.

I checked. It’s possible to still order “Joe Boxer” brand men’s thongs on the Kmart Website!

To be continued….

08-25-2019, 12:47 PM

Then, starting in the first decade of the 21st century, everything changed again. Suddenly those sloppy-looking loose fitting jeans and tops that disguised a poor physique was out as a look, and the new look was both slim and athletic, showing off the toned calves, thighs and triangular chests and putting a premium on getting and staying in shape. This gave lazy guys a reason to get out and exercise while losing some weight at the same time. Suddenly, the idealized body was the swimmer’s physique.

With these changes, male underwear designs changed as well. With the new emphasis on having a toned body with clothing that revealed the effort, underwear had to shange as well. The sloppy plaid boxer shorts that were fine with equally sloppy oversized jeans simply did not work with the new athletic-emphasizing clothing styles.

About this same time the idea of guys wearing compression gear, both bottoms and tops, took off. This trend us intertwined with the founding and rapid grown of the Underarmour® company, founded in 1996 but whose products really took off at the start of the 21st century. NBA players were displaying tight compression shorts nearly to the knee and dangling below what were still sloppy basketball uniforms.

If wearing compression short was OK for the highest paid NBA player surely this was something the ordinary guys would want to wear too. And sales took off. I also find it difficult to believe that the whole idea of having what seemed to be a reasonable excuse for wearing gear that fit really tight was probably a turn-on for a lot of guys. With the combination of being worn by the top athletes, some claims that such gear improved athletic performance, and the turn-on of really snug fitting gear sales went through the roof.

It did not take long for underwear manufacturers to decide that perhaps there was a place for a garment that was marketed as underwear but had the cut, look and feel of compression gear to find a market. But there were some differences. Generally from a practical perspective such a garment needed a traditional fly, lest the guy otherwise run into difficulty at the urinal. But bright colors other than white were in. Guys are going to be seen in places like the gym locker room wearing these.

What a replacement for those drab boxer shorts! Something that fits this snug and tight and is accepted in the locker room as being perfectly normal gear that may in fact enhance athletic performance. This is a great place to be!

During a lot of this time as well, jammers were the accepted swimwear at both the high school and college swimmers. I suspect many underwear manufacturers were looking at how the swimwear manufacturers were designing jammers in order to design the new underwear. One big difference of course is that jammers do not normally have a fly, but it is common for most underwear containing this much material to have a fly. A lot of the gear marketed as compression shorts can be and is worn without an additional layer, so the compression shorts usually lack a fly. And the material used in compression shorts usually compresses more than a similarly styled pair of underwear would. However there is lots of variation on all of this.

This begin a trend in men’s underwear styles that all used slick, stretchy fabric. For some time Jockey sold bikini briefs and even thongs under the “Life” brand in Walmart with your choice of either a slick stretchy fabric or what they called a stretch cotton. Cotton tends to absorb a lot of moisture but dries very slowly leading perhaps to skin problems. The compression-gear like fabrics tend to not absorb a lot of moisture but the moisture they absorb tends to dry out quickly. These fabrics tend to wick moisture away from a sweaty athlete.

To be continued…

08-27-2019, 01:48 PM
Part XXX

Modern men’s fashion has continues to have some erotic elements to it. Given all that has been going on in men’s clothing design, it is not surprising that underwear is a lot more complicated than it was in the old “briefs or boxers” days?

I have been starting to believe that there are actually four not three different and unique “demands” for men’s underwear. I have added a new number 2.

1. What a guy might wear for normal everyday wear with much even thinking about it. This is the old-school ribbed cotton briefs or boxer-briefs versus the loose fitting blue plaid boxer shorts. There is little if anything that would make a guy feel horny wearing these. The ideal underwear is inexpensive and easily tossed in the washing machine each week. Think of your standard discount store items as made by companies such as Hanes or Fruit-of-the-loom priced a 6 for maybe $10. There is no point in showing off with bright colors or unique design as no one other than the guy wearing it is ever going to see it, expect perhaps your men’s dorm roommate and he probably wears something similar.

2. What a guy might choose to wear knowing that he is going to be in a gym locker room where other guys are changing in and out of street clothes too. Here is where the underwear that is styled to look like compression shorts might work and the guys wearing the traditional boxers and briefs might see you as being more of an athlete for choosing something that could look very close to a pair of compression shorts, maybe close enough to be mistaken for compression gear.

3. What a straight guy might wear on a date with a female with the hope and desire that things get hot enough so that she will actually get to see what he is wearing (and perhaps even a lot more).

4. Underwear designs and cuts that exist largely because they are very erotic and will be purchased as a “helpful” masturbation “aid”. The Internet retailers are filled with this kind of stuff, a lot of it out of Asian factories. This is not the kind of stuff you would necessarily find on display at a bricks-and mortar local Target or Wal mart, tho the on-line offerings for the same store may include examples. Part of the problem in stocking local retailers is that the really interesting stuff could prove embarrassing to buy, but the beauty of on-line retailing is that purchases can be made without having to deal with a store clerk.

I suspect that in the gay male world some combination of 4 and 5 get more or less combined, but gay males will probably also need underwear in categories 1 and 2.

So, how does the male, say in his late teens, perhaps at least somewhat interested in each of these categories, wander through these options to make wise choices? Well, for starters every guy needs to have some normal underwear, white cotton briefs or boxer briefs and maybe a couple pair of loose-fitting plaid boxers. This is not a big expense item from the big discount stores. The compression gear thing is so big that every guy needs to own a pair or two of compression shorts or tops. Check out “Tesla compression shorts” on Amazon. These can usually be had on Amazon for under $10. Then take a look at what Walmart carries as well.

To be continued…

08-30-2019, 01:17 PM

Most guys in their late teens are operating on a limited budget. A lot men’s underwear has gotten quite expensive and retails for $10 up to maybe $30 a pair. For a guy who likes to change into clean underwear daily this means any pair of underwear is going to probably be in the washer at least weekly, and most fabrics do not hold up well with frequent washing.

So if a guy is wearing $30 underwear for daily wear this could quickly get very expensive. Fortunately retailers still sell packages of daily wear underwear made of ribbed cotton in traditional brief or boxer brief style. A typical package nowadays contains 6 ribbed cotton briefs and at the discount stores such as Walmart costs $10-12 which brings the per-brief cost down to $2, maybe less. This becomes the practical daily wear solution even if the fabric is not the greatest for masturbation or sex.

But, these $2 briefs are not exactly what a guy would want to be wearing for a hot date. For that he needs a couple pair of date underwear, perhaps more depending on the relationship. I got to researching what a guy might buy seeking underwear suitable for a hot date. I ended up looking at the offerings from Hollister® on line which caters to teens. Their underwear offerings are interesting. A single pair costs $13 but they have 3-for deals for $30, which brings the unit cost down to $10—still expensive in comparison to the Hanes ribbed cotton white boxer briefs at Walmart, but probably doable. Certainly cheaper than a lot of the high-end “fashion brands”

Hollister offers just 4 basic styles plus a loose-fitting boxer. All of the basic styles (but not the boxer) feature a rather obvious male pouch

The basic styles appear to all be suitable for wearing under the skinny jeans they sell. The style include a traditional brief plus three other styles all cut snug like a brief but with longer snug-fitting legs. The shortest legged version is called the shorter-length trunk has legs that basically come down just to just below the bottom of the pouch, about a 1-inch length. A swimmer might call this a “sunga” style.

The classic trunk is the same except for a longer, 3-inch leg, What they call a longer-length trunk appears to have a leg about 6 inches long but the same otherwise. Each of these are available in a variety of colors and patterns. This is more than plain white but the colors are all subdued, black, gray, dark blue and dark red. Nothing too bright or “feminine”.

Same with the patterns. Solid colors, narrow stripes, tiny prints featuring the Hollister sea gull (flying bird) logo. Nothing too attention grabbing or even “gay” looking. But the Hollister brand name is usually prominently displayed on the wide elastic waistband. The material used in the underwear is always 95 percent fine (polished) cotton blended with 5% Elastane (Spandex®/Lycra®). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spandex Even the loose-fitting boxer with wider legs has 5% Elastane, and oddly is a mix of cotton and polyester otherwise.

Hollister caters specifically to teenagers, but teen fashion can turn on a dime. The clothing chain has faced issues as more and teenagers started to think that they had outgrown the brand, and that the Hollister brand was for the “middle school kids” not the teens who were realistically thinking about engaging in an adult type of relationship.

So, perhaps it is not the wisest idea to have the Hollister brand name predominantly displayed on your waistband. The female you are attempting to have sex with may quickly conclude that if you are wearing Hollister you are too immature to have real sex with her. So I see that some of the trunks are available with a wide elastic waistband with only the seagull logo and not “Hollister” in large letters. Putting brand names on elastic waistbands is not a new idea. Recall the Back to the Future scene where Michael J. Fox got called “Calvin Klein.” The idea must have started with some of the big fashion names, but really took off when the compression-gear manufacturers started doing that as well. Now it is all but impossible to find compression shorts from obscure or well known brands that do NOT have a waistband with a prominent brand on it.

To be continued…

09-03-2019, 07:58 PM

I have been studying changes over time in the materials used in underwear over time, and how all of this is linked to my four different demands for men’s underwear that I laid out. I grew up in a period of time in which men’s underwear and women’s underwear were very different. Men’s underwear was made of ribbed cotton. Generally, white was the only available color in part because dyed cotton could easily change the color of everything else in the same wash. the summer styles were either a brief or what was called a boxer brief with longer legs. Colored underwear was considered effeminate and not something a real guy would wear, apart from the fact that dies used to color cotton were not “color fast”

Women’s underwear more complicated. For women, the underwear covering the groin was more typically called a panty than a brief. Men wore briefs but women wore panties not the other way around. Panties were typically made of cloth other than cotton. Men sweated but women did not. Nylon was the commonly used fabric, usually in a pastel color. Unless blended with Lycra/Spandex, nylon was smooth but had no stretch. The typical all-nylon panty used elastic for the waistband and around each leg opening but fit loosely otherwise.

A lot of women probably learned basic self-pleasuring by fondling key erotic female body parts over the smooth-textured nylon panty. This felt, well, good! So buying nylon panties by women was part of female self-pleasuring. The companies that sold panties for women almost never overlapped with the companies that sold ribbed cotton briefs to men. That was the way it was back then.

Men had no such option—well almost no such option. Back then college guys liked to go on what were called panty raids of female dorms and sorority houses, sneaking in under cover of darkness and raiding (stealing) panties for the co-ed’s dresser drawer. What amounted to theft was all in fun, more or less.

What the college men (boys) actually did with the panties they stole is an even more interesting topic. I guess a lot of guys seemed to find it to be erotic fun to actually wear the panties obtained via theft. For a lot of guys, this would have been the first contact their penises would have had with slick smooth nylon. This felt really neat to the underside of the male penis. More than just an abnormal fetish, the idea that the panty had contained the erotic female body parts only added to the fun. Crazy stuff for sure, stuff a horny college student longing for intercourse with a female might pursue.

One sometimes thinks that using items of clothing as a masturbation aid is a relatively recent development, but that is not the case. What followed involved the development of male underwear that was made of smooth fabrics other than ribbed cotton and in designs that, objectively, looked close to what was already being sold to women. Men quickly figured out that stretchy smooth fabrics felt a lot better rubbed against a semi-hard penis than traditional cotton materials, but they did now want to let other guys know what they were doing.

In the meantime, companies mostly marketing to females discovered that women sweat too, and that cotton fabrics could be sold to women, but particularly if made in feminine colors and blended with Elastane. A number of the biggest companies—Jockey®, Hanes®, Fruit-of-the-Loom® that had formerly almost exclusively catered to men expanded into lines designed to be sold to women. This idea probably had its origins in various women’s movement events as in if we are equal to men in all respects then we should be able to purchase underwear from the same manufacturers as men do.

Enough on underwear. Time to move on to swim briefs.

To be continued…

09-06-2019, 02:52 PM

It is interesting to compare the history of the Jockey® brand men’s underwear brief with that of the Speedo® men’s swim brief. Jockey claims to have been first with developing the idea for brief-style underwear for men. Speedo claims to invented brief-style swimwear for men. If this is all accurate, then which was invented first?

The Internet sites I have visited—manufacturer and Wikipedia claim that Jockey sold its first pair of brief-style underwear in 1935, but Speedo claims to have introduced the men’s swim brief in 1928, seven years earlier. So if these sites are accurate, Speedos actually appeared earlier than Jockey shorts.

The history of Speedo gets very complicated. What you know about Speedo originating in Australia is true, but things get complicated in that the company changed ownership multiple times over the years often appearing as a subsidiary of larger apparel companies, White Stag, Warnaco etc. Nowadays it is a subsidiary of a British firm that makes an assortment of athlete-focused gear called the Pentland Group.

Another complicating issue is that Speedo licensed the brand to other companies in various parts of the world such as Japan and South America. The sleek and skimpy Japanese Speedo looks different from a US Speedo in large measure because it is manufactured catering to Japanese male bodies and fashion sense not for the US market.

But the Speedo brand name has always been associated with designing really fast suits catering to the internationally-competitive swimmer. The brand has almost always been in the leading edge of this, but that history gets really complicated too, given that the company has been involved in the development of the full body suits and the varying FINA rules as to whether a particular suit was allowed or not to set international records.

Unlike what you may think, the original 1928 Speedo was a design that was supposed to take seconds off a swimmer’s time. The early thinking was that skin not cloth was always faster in the water and therefore minimal coverage suits would nearly always have the advantage. Bigger and loose-fitting suits would tend to contain water, slowing the swimmer down in competitions. Never mind that the minimal coverage suit tended to make the guy’s genitalia quite obvious even if covered with cloth. The ability of the suit to produce minimal drag was what really mattered.

The idea that cloth could be faster than skin is a comparatively new idea, which led to the Fastskin and LZR Racer suits—the suits that created all sorts of controversies involving international speed records with many of the designs being determined illegal by FINA rules. The Wikipedia article traces a lot of the controversies and how they have played out in recent years. Apparently record holders wearing suits deemed legal when the record was set were not forced to give up their records if the suit was declared illegal after the record was set. But this sometimes makes intertemporal comparisons of times difficult as in was the record set wearing what is now treated as an illegal suit?

To be continued…

09-07-2019, 04:57 PM
Time out! (Part XXXIII.A)

There is no point in identifying gear that has the potential to make you feel horny and happy without occasionally taking a break and laying out some ideas you might try using some of the gear that has been discussed in this long essay. I thought it might be useful to devote a chapter, maybe more, to describing in detail some of the ideas that I have successfully used over the years that I recommend. Now no two guys are exactly alike, and surely not with respect to turn-ons, but still, a lot of what I am messing around with is related to core male anatomy that all the guys have.

Having said that, sexual sensations can and frequently are very individualized, and thankfully no two guys are exactly the same. So exactly what I like to do to myself might not work as well for you, or it might work even better for you.

I have also found that my discussion of all of this is more detailed if I am wearing the gear as I write, which is exactly what I am doing today. The three gear items today are an underwear thong, a traditional old-school strap (this time without a cup) and a pair of compression shorts—those that could also be worn as an undergarment.

Getting into the correctly-sized thong can be interesting process because if the size is correct the pouch should be just large enough to hold your balls and flaccid penis. A lot of guys (me included) end up precumming a little just getting everything in its place where it should be. Do not become alarmed if you do, that is quite normal.

You will also find that you can snug up the pouch and its contents by making certain that the thong back cuts deeply between the glutes and does not simply ride on top of the butt crack. But in doing this the thong at the bottom of the pouch should be pressing on the so-called perineum area just behind your scrotum, a spot that some of you may not have fully appreciated was sexually active. A guy’s prostate lies internally just above that spot, and part of the sensations you experience with pressure there are coming indirectly from the prostate.

Once you have everything where you think it should be inside the thong, it is time to top the thong with your strap. The thong will want to push your equipment up and forward, while the strap will seem to want to push everything downward. The strap pouch also has a very different texture from the thong, kinda gritty rubbery. Generally I have found that positioning your penis in the “up” not down position works the best. That means that the underside of your penis will be pressing against the fabric of the layered pouches at the same time that the leg straps of the jock are trying to pull everything backward.

At this point, you would almost have to be brain-dead to not have your penis at least a bit engorged with blood. This is not a “normal” situation for your body to be in: your body knows that and will likely respond in its own way, “coping” as best it can.

One of the really interesting parts about having even the start of a hard-on is that the sensitivity of your penis changes rapidly even if you are well below full-scale ejaculation level. But, there is one more layer to go, that of the smooth snug-fitting compression shorts. The snugger the fit the better, right over the top of the pouches containing the now somewhat-engorged penis. Once you are into those, even the slightest finger-tap on the underside of your penis from outside the compression gear should send some fascinating erotic sensations coursing through your entire body.

One option is to simply kick back and enjoy the sensation as your penis gradually increases in size. But my option usually instead is to get on my stationary rowing machine or bike and kick back and enjoy myself as I exercise. The exercise routine breaks my focus so that I can go for long periods of time just enjoying myself while I work out, and my daily exercise routine just seems to go a lot faster.

It is always an interesting experiment for me to see exactly how long I can last and exactly what I dare do without immediately going into a full-scale orgasm, which I admit is fun, but kinda brings the sequence of events to a halt.

I would rather keep going for as long as I can in a semi-aroused state. At some point I will go into orgasm mode, but that can wait for now. Experiments that test how much of this sort of stimulation you can cope with without ejaculating are always interesting as well. Another experiment you can run is seeing how much precum your body is capable of producing, all neatly captured for study from inside the thong pouch.

I’m feeling a little horny right now.

To be continued…

09-08-2019, 01:31 PM
Seeing how long you can hold it back before ejaculation is good edging training anyway.

swim suit eddie
09-08-2019, 07:26 PM
Don't try finding out which brand came out first, just enjoy wearing Speedo brand swimwear that fit very nicely. I think the nylon or polyester material fits and feels better than the baggy cotton jockey shorts. I do remember when I was a teenager wearing the older thick nylon swim briefs with cotton lining, yet fit well and felt nice. They were hard to get off after swimming and really tickled, feeling the tight wet thick outside nylon coming off with the clinging inside wet cotton lining slowly slipping off my very young erection, especially when being helped out of it before showering. The newer and latest style Speedos, TYR, or ADIAS brand swim briefs feel much lighter, made with a comfortable fitting lycra nylon or polyester and nylon inside linings. They certainly do fit and feel a lot nicer than the earlier and older swimsuits, regardless of a guy's age and especially if he's in decent shape.

09-08-2019, 08:09 PM

The Speedo® brand would probably like to find a way in which the label would simply be a brand for athletic and performance gear, without getting bogged down in questions related to male sexuality issues (might the guy seen wearing a branded brief be gay or not?), guys wearing swim briefs in gay pride parades, the crazy anger that some women seem to display over the whole issue of should a guy be seen in public wearing a Speedo etc. etc. There are a lot of interesting and complicated questions here, questions that I have thought about for most of my life but never been able to find a satisfactory answer. Speedo makes money selling swimwear, and it doesn’t make any difference if the customer making the purchase is gay or straight.

The Wikipedia article on Speedo says that Speedo claims that only 2 % of their annual sales revenue comes from selling the iconic and much-maligned briefs, and that they would prefer to be known as a company that generally sells athletic clothing and other accessories as opposed to the brief.

The problem with this, of course, is that if someone says “There is a guy in a Speedo” they are not likely to be referring to a guy they see wearing a loose-fitting board short with the Speedo boomerang logo embroidered on one leg! Once a brand name goes generic there is very little a company can do to turn that around.

Besides, some of this is simply product placement. In the year that Christopher Atkins played the young camp counselor love interest of Linda Gray (the wife of J.R. Ewing) on “Dallas” he showed up on several episodes wearing only the classic bright royal blue Speedo with the boomerang logo obvious.

His character’s name on the show was “Peter Richards” and he very obviously had one of those tucked snuggly under the tight Speedo in the “up” position. Linda Gray swooned. So did the viewers. The director and producers had to know what they were doing. This was a great moment in network TV.

So here are some questions to think about:

1. What if I am a guy who gets aroused and maybe erect just thinking about getting my groin into a swim brief (Speedo or another brand). Is this completely normal for all guys or are some guys somehow immune? A related issue is whether or not a treatment exists so that I can just put on a swim brief without having an involuntary “reation” like this. If I wear a swim brief, say once a week, with this soon become so normal that the reaction will no longer occur? What does my involuntary reaction say about my sexual orientation?

2. Do other guys have this “problem” is this something that is uncommon? Is this a fetish of some sort that a psychiatrist could possibly treat?

3. Suppose I consider myself to be straight but I get aroused when I see another handsome guy wearing a swim brief? Does this mean that I am not as straight as I thought I was?

4. Why do some females seem to get very angry and upset whenever the subject of guys wearing a Speedo comes up let alone actually observing a guy wearing a Speedo. The “Dallas” viewers didn’t seem to react that way, but this was in the 1980s. More generally, guys to not have temper tantrums when they see scantily clothed women displaying obvious female body parts even if covered? What is it about women who seem to get upset if a guy appears to have a penis though covered with the cloth of a swim brief?

5. The slick, smooth and snug swim briefs get me erect and are great fun to get off in. Is this a psychiatric “illness” of some sort if I admit to enjoying wearing a Speedo for jerking off, or should this just be considered a normal thing for guys to do? What if my college dorm mate enters the room while I am enjoying myself this way? How do I get myself out of that predicament, anyway?

6. What if I discover that jerking off while wearing a Speedo is such a great pastime that it deters me from forming bonds with other people who could potentially be a real sexual partner? Bonding with another person so close that the other person becomes a sexual partners is complicated stuff, with all sorts of complexities beyond the sex act itself. If I am really into the finding a partner stuff in order to pleasure myself sexually, is all this stuff at the end of the day worth the effort.

7. More generally if sex with a partner is such great stuff why do sexual relationships with partners so regularly come apart? This is not directly a Speedo-related issue but indirectly it is. They situation is not significantly different in the gay or straight worlds of partner bonding (though the gay partner might be more tolerant of the jerking off in a swim brief than the female partner would!). Some sexual relationships come apart because one or both partners have found another person to engage in sex. But in other breakups, the guy goes back to just being single, and the masturbation techniques (including those that make use of a swim brief) may end up being front and center again.

Is having an option like this in such a situation a problem or a solution? There are guys who marry, get divorced and immediately go into a sexual relationship again with another person and then never But then there are other guys who never form sexual bonds or marry again. Is it not a good thing that the solo-sex options that the solo-sex options that were enjoyable before the first relationship such as the jerking off in the swim brief still exist and be readily available once again?

Tough questions to answer, all of these. Let me jerk off in my Speedo while I try and find answers to them!

To be continued…

09-12-2019, 02:21 PM

For a long time in the 1980s, it appeared that the swimming briefs being worn by the internationally competitive swimmers at the major meets were getting ever snugger and skimpier. A European swimmer would show up in a really skimpy brief with very sides and at the following meet you would see the American competitor wearing a skimpier brief as well. This made for some interesting TV as the cameras panned the bodies of the competitors. All of this was more-or-less built on the basic idea that there was nopthing like skin for moving rapidly in the water and that called for briefs with ever less material.

Then, seemingly almost overnight, everything changed. I guess swimmers owe Speedo for playing with the idea that a swimwear fabric could move through the water faster than bare skin. This was followed by other manufacturers of competition swimwear coming up with their own versions of what Speedo was attempting. No longer were tiny, body-hugging suits in, but rather the new jammers styles that were at least as tight but covered more down to bith thigh.

Suddenly you would turn on the TV to watch a major meet and all the guys would be wearing jammer style suits that had cloth to mid thigh. The high school swimmers who were always wary of appearing in public with a brief and a hard-on quickly shifted to jammers as well.

If you are interested in the details of Speedos efforts to develop suits that were faser than bare skin the Wikipedia Speedo site lays that all out in detail along with the issues they had in FINA disapproving some of the designs, and the world records set by swimmers who were wearing the full-body suits that were ultimately not allowed in international and other important competitions. Never mind that these full-body suits individually may have cost upwards of $1000 and last for only a few swims, and were nearly impossible to get into and out of. Pitty the swimmer who decides he needs to use the restroom after spending 30 minutes tugging and pulling himself into the suit! These were not very practical even if they had remained legal

What evolved out of this were improvements in Jammer-style suits made of the same fabrics. What got disallowed is a sut for a male that covered the chest, and suits that extended below the knee. The speedy fabrics are still allowed but the suit has to look like a conventional jammer.

For the guy who tended to get a hard on at the mere thought of wearing a swim brief, I’m not sure if the problem is going to disappear if he wears a jammer. Granted, jammers cover more skin but areas such as the thighs are encased in fabric the same as the groin area. Hiding the fact that a guy has male body parts and the “condition” those parts are in might be every bit as difficult as with a brief. Still, jammers do not seem to have some of the issues briefs have. A guy wearing a jammer is less likely to be accused of being gay, for example.

Think about three different garments a guy could wear that are all made of material that fits with stretch
1. Cotton or polyester underwear with legs extending to mid thigh and fabric blended with perhaps 5% Elastane
2. Compression gear made of polyester with perhaps 10-15 % Elastane
3. Swimming jammer typically made of polyester and 20% Elastane
The underwear is designed to be worn as an undergarment and usually has a sewn separate pouch made to fit the penis. The compression gear is interesting. Most versions have a sewn built in pouch, but a few versions do not. Generally the compression gear fabric is designed to compress more and squeeze everything snugger than the underwear fabric does. After all, compression gear is designed to compress!

Part of the issue with shorts made as compression gear is the debate as to whether or not guys can wear these, say, to the gym, without another layer. The issue seems to be mainly focused on whether a specific design has a sewn pouch or not,and if so, how prominent is is. Some guys seem to be more nervous about being seen in public wearing compression shorts that have an obvious pouch than other guy are. It is interesting to read the comments on compression shorts with pouches when someone asks the specific question as to whether these can be worn without another garment on top.

Generally, swimming jammers are made without a sewn pouch and are constructed to press the male anatomy down as flat as possible, all in the name of having a sleeker surface in order to swim faster. But guys still have the problem of finding a comfortable position for the male body parts and just as in a brief, a “penis up” position is certainly a possibility. In which case, for the guy wearing a jammer it may be just as obvios that he has male body parts as it would have been wearing a swim brief.

Finally, I come to the topic of whether or not a jammer is as likely to create an arousal issue for a swimmer as a brief. Is the idea of jerking of in a swimsuit apply only to briefs, or equally to jammers. Jammers do not have quite the reputation briefs have in this regard.

Having said that, more and more members of high school and college swim teams seem to be going away from Jammers and back to briefs especially in competitions. I think it kinda depends of what the guys generally regarded as the top competitors do. If the fastest swimmer on my team set a very good time then I might be more inclined to switch to a brief too. If I go to a meet where teams from other schools are competing and one of the swimmers from another school sets a record while wearing a brief, briefs might start proliferating even with guys who previously lacked the nerve to wear one. Interesting stuff, all of this is!

Me, I wear swimming jammers or compression shorts along with a compression top not to swim, but to use my stationary rowing and bicycling machines. I have no problem with others in the neighborhood seeing me irrespective of whether the shorts have a pouch or not.

To be continued…

09-14-2019, 03:13 PM

The iconic swim brief was invented in 1928 by a Scott named Alexander McRae who started the company that became Speedo® and gave its name to the iconic swimwear. The Jockey brief was invented in 1935 and sold by Coopers Inc., a company that was founded by Samuel T. Cooper in St. Joseph, Michigan in 1876 originally for making socks. The history of the male athletic supporter goes back even farther than that. The original athletic supporter was invented by C.F. Bennett of a Chicago sporting goods company called Sharp and Smith introduced in 1874, and was intended for wear by guys who rode bicycles as messenger and delivery boys over rough streets. It was not until 1897 that this was so successful that Bennett formed what was to be called the Bike company with the major product being the male athletic supporter.

Having grown up in the 1950s and 1960s, athletic supporters were all but mandatory for any sort of gym-related physical activity. Guys routinely wore straps under loose-fitting shorts given that stretch fabrics were in their infancy. A strap was something that told the other guys that you were engaging in sufficiently rigorous athletics to “need a strap”. After all, a strap was what the bigger and more highly-skilled athletes wore.

Interestingly, for a lot of guys, getting your first strap was something of a “coming of age” thing that occurred at or shortly after puberty. Females had their first period or menarche typically around age 12. For guys, the big life event was the first conscious ejaculation of semen, analogously but rarely referred to as the thorache. Females have no direct control over exactly when menarche occurs but males do at least to a degree. For most males, this is likely a very private event. To a certain degree guys are proud of having reached that life milestone but it is not something they would talk about.

Wearing a strap for the first time becomes something of a substitute for conveying some of the same information about becoming an adult without words. The strap says I am a good enough of an athlete to be engaging in activities where I need the protection, but also, I am mature enough sexually to need to be concerned about this part of my body.

So, guys grow up with some similar misgivings about wearing a strap to wearing a Speedo®. Any guy realizes that the strap will fit snuggly around the penis and balls and the mere thought of that tends to cause certain body parts to get bigger. But a strap that doesn’t fit snug would be useless for protection. Given that everything is snug when properly in place, getting even a slight hard-on could be interesting but also make matters worse. What if I should ejaculate while wearing or even just getting into a strap? Does this happen to the other guys? The bigger guys seem to take this all in stride. How do they learn how to do that so nonchalantly, anyway?

It’s the same problem guys have when they begin to focus on the need to wear other kinds of snug-fitting clothing. In the 1950s and 60s, manufacturers were a long way from being able to sell other kinds of stretchy body-protective gear like we routinely see today.

The other problem straps have is that the basic strap leave’s a guy’s butt crack completely uncovered. Wearing a strap in the locker room is not THAT much different from wandering around the locker room nude. Why this was such an important part of the design of traditional straps has never been entirely clear to me. The leg straps clearly kept the ‘nads in a “safe place”. These were the “bicycle helmets” of the 1950s and 60s. If you engaged in sport, you had to wear one. All the guys did and you needed to do likewise or you were not an athlete. But couldn’t anyone come up with a design that had leg straps yet covered your butt with some cloth. What was this idea of athletes all being butt-naked, anyway?

True, in later years, after thong underwear and swimwear for men took off, some of the companies did come up with a thong style supporter, one that put a narrow piece of elastic between a guy’s glutes, but was that really a significant improvement? Straps were great in the locker room so long as all the guys had to wear them, and getting over the initial embarrassment of being seen by your peers wearing one was mitigated if all the guys were wearing them. But, as soon as other possibilities emerges, say a compression brief with a pouch for a hard cup, the traditional straps declined rapidly in popularity. It was an “everyone does this or we all do not kind of thing”.

So, the market for straps evaporated as other options became the accepted norm and coaches everywhere no longer required them as a condition for playing a sport. The traditional straps are still sold mainly by online vendors, but most of these I suspect are for what I call the recreational wear market. Guys are buying these because they thing being strapped is a fun way to masturbate or perhaps engage in sex play with a male partner wearing something similar. Part of the market also caters to the “strap-curious” teen guy who simply wants to see how he would look wearing a strap and whether or not the fit and feel is erotic. This is all just part of growing up!

To be continued…

09-16-2019, 01:17 PM

Then there are the cups, traditionally worn over parts of the body where contact in the groin area is a real possibility, say a baseball player dealing with a pitch that went way awry, with the danger of doing serious damage to the male sexual organs. Since the strap held the guy’s nads close to the body, it was only logical to think about using the pouch to hold a cup made of an impact-resistant plastic to protect the area.

The cups that were made for the traditional straps, to put is bluntly, were not very big. They were designed to contain a guy’s flaccid penis, with little room to spare. The smaller size also meant that the presence of a cup would not be easily observable once a clothing item, say baseball or football pants were placed over the cup.

All well and good, except of course, every guy knows that his penis does not always stray the same size. There is a “normal” variation that occurs over the course of a day. Further, generally penises are fond of being in a confined space. And a modestly-sized hard cup is, well, a confined space, perhaps not the “perfect” confined space, but still not a “normal” situation either. The mere thought of being in a confined space sometimes causes interesting “reactions” on the part of a penis. Let alone actually being in one.

Penises are expert in a seeming 6th sense about the situation they are in, space-wise and knowing exactly how to use the available space. Put a penis inside a cup of sufficient size to hold it flaccid, and unless the guy attached to the penis is completely brain–dead the penis will expand just enough to fill the available space, seemingly sensing exactly where the walls of the cup are reminding the guy on a constant basis where the cup walls are. These sensations can be fun, but they can also be infuriating especially if a guy is trying to focus his brain on playing the sport, not the interesting and happy sensations emanating from the groin area. Is this really a situation where you want to be horny.

Some guys may think that getting off while wearing a cup would be an easy task and the game would be much better played post-ejaculation with perhaps no one being the wiser. But getting off while wearing even a snug-fitting cup is not easy. True, the penis is sending back all the interesting signals about what is going on in the immediate vicinity, but it likes to just hang there enjoying itself. A guy can press on the cup or tap it repeatedly while still wearing it, and this may have the net effect of sending the penis off into a slightly higher arousal level but normally still not enough for a full-scale ejaculation to.

Another option is to pull the cup away from the body for only a few seconds. Momentarily relieved from the confinement of the cup, the penis expands a bit more. Then the cup snaps back to the body, the now slightly bigger penis entering a more interesting state still. This is great fun to do but you probably don’t want to be engaging in a team sport if you try this.

So, the strap and cup manufacturers probably figured out that the snug-fitting straps and cups they were selling had these “problems” for guys, and set about to fix the problems.

The so-called Banana® cup was one of the first attempt to design a larger, not as confining but still protective cup, with enough space inside so that a guy’s penis could flop around inside the cup without feeling that it was “confined”. (Banana is a registered trade name) The cup was shaped more or less like a hollowed out banana.

A basic problem with the banana cup was that it was a big piece of “hardware” that had to somehow fit between a guy’s legs. It was not like the smaller traditional cups that were easy to disguise. These have proven popular with college and professional football players, and photos you see of them often reveal either that the player is very amply endowed or must be wearing one of these.

These cups are typically so big that they really don’t work for all but a few sports, football being the major example. So, there have also been attempts to design smaller versions of these cups that are not as big a piece of hardware. But as the size comes down, so does the amount of available space. An adult can wear a cup made for a young teen, but that may very well be about as confining as an old-style cup.

To be continued…

09-19-2019, 01:59 PM

A guy getting into his first strap, but especially one with a hard cup, is probably at least as apprehensive as he would be contemplating getting himself into his first swim brief. How does it feel? Will I immediately get a hard on? What happens if I get a hard-on inside a cup? These are all important and interesting questions, and parallel the concerns guys have about first getting into and then wearing a swim brief in public.

It is funny how these kinds of concerns “play” with a guy’s brain. Guys think that somehow it should be easy to ignore being apprehensive about it all. Still, it doesn’t take long for a guy to discover that his brain and body “like” feeling horny, and in the absence of engaging in sex with a partner situations like this are something of a substitute, embarrassing as the thoughts might be. Male sexual arousal triggering mechanisms quickly get into complicated stuff, including some stuff that happens and appears to make no sense at all. Guys keep thinking that they should be able to turn arousal on and off and that a guy’s penis should be readily told what to do on orders from the brain. Well, yes and no!

At some point most guys probably realize that getting aroused in the absence of a sexual partner is a good thing not a bad thing to be able to do, and if a swim brief, strap, or whatever aids in the process that is a good thing not a bad thing as well.

I have found that straps with cups can be really enjoyable to wear. Sometimes I like to just slip on a strap, kick back and see where my body wants to take me. I guess practically everyone has things they like to do to kick back and relax from the daily grind. The fun part about straps and cups is that they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and each one fits and feels a little different on the penis. Some of them feel simply more than a bit uncomfortable with no real erotic sensations at all, then all of a sudden the sensations morph from uncomfortable to something really erotic and wonderful, and this transition may occur quite rapidly, in the space of but a few seconds.

I recommend that every guy run some experiments on his own body and see exactly how you respond. What makes arousal so interesting is that the sensations change from one moment to the next, like riding a giant wave. Your penis will tell you if it is in a happy place or not when it is confined.

This is generally a core part of male sexuality, alone or with a partner, and there is absolutely no problem running a few experiments with your own body in private. In the process you may learn some things about being male you did not know before, and be able to use that information in subsequent partner-sex episodes as well. With something this interesting and essentially no down side, why not?

To be continued…

09-20-2019, 12:43 PM

The history of companies like Speedo® Jockey® and Bike® go back a long way to the 1930s, 1920s, and in the case of Bike back into the 19th century. Each of these companies came up with an iconic design (The Speedo® swim brief, the Jockey® brief underwear and the Bike® athletic supporter) that changed in fundamental ways how guys needed to deal with clothing that fit snugly in the groin area. A “dark secret” is that each of these offerings probably also changed in fundamental ways how guys “played” with themselves as well as each of these items ended up being used while engaging in masturbation.

No guy ever wants to admit to others that he gets himself off while wearing certain items of clothing—it’s just too embarrassing on a host of different levels, not the least of which such an admission could be interpreted as having some sort of abnormal clothing “fetish”. Indeed, the so called sex experts, psychologists who counsel patients, seem more or less stumped by this too. There seems to be general agreement among these experts now that masturbation—even frequently—is OK and this is not a sign that a guy has a problem of some sort that needs to be resolved in relating to the inability to pair with possible sexual partners.

Indeed, these same experts have become advocates for masturbation “aids” such as lubricants, vibrators and a variety of other sex toys such as electronic masturbation sleeves. Still, the guy who likes to get off wearing a simple swim brief or strap must have a problem of some sort, and he could make himself normal again by instead purchasing one of these expensive sex toys designed for males!

Besides, a swim brief or a strap used in this fashion can be far more easily explained away as being for something other than masturbation play if discovered by your college roommate than some goofy vibrating male sex toy that has only one purpose. Being able to conceal one’s personal masturbation methods is important for a lot of guys, guys in a sexual relationship with a partner or not.

So the history of compression gear made from snug-fitting fabric is much more recent than for the other items I have discussed. One could argue that compression gear only became popular with guys to any real degree after the Under Armor® company was founded, and that did not happen until 1996. If you read the history of that company, their first important product was not the compression shorts but the compression tee, a shirt that covered a guy’s chest in a snug-fitting fabric that, unlike cotton, wicked the sweat and moisture away, while also claiming compression benefits for upper body muscles. By the late 1990s compression tees were hugely popular with male athletes and the fact that they put chest muscles on display while still covering the chest was part of the appeal.

But the compression tee was shortly followed by the compression shorts, that kept everything snug and tight down below as well. Suddenly wearing a strap to do this as well seemed unnecessary. Besides, the sloppy shorts the major NBA stars were wearing suddenly started showing another kind of short underneath, a short that fit snug to the thighs. What was that, anyway? Why compression shorts as well. A lot of guys in the NBA were wearing a compression tee under their team sleeveless jersey, and compression shorts under the sloppy team shorts. A well-appointed athlete had compression undergarments both top and bottom, and Under Armor® compression gear sales soared.

Several things were going on here of interest. First, the compression shorts were seen by a lot of guys as a reasonable substitute for a traditional strap in terms of keeping the ‘nads in place. If a guy needed to wear a hard cup for additional protection, why not just build a pouch inside the compression short to hold one. Sales of traditional straps floundered, as a result.

Beside, most guys think of their upper thighs as being important, potentially erogenous zones of their anatomy, and a lot of guys like garments that fit really snug to the upper thighs. Compression shorts did that.

The fact that the compression gear fabrics were really slick and smooth helped as well. Wearing compression gear as shorts took off at about the same time that competitive swimmers started wearing jammers instead of briefs. It is not possible to know exactly how guys were dealing with all of this from a self-pleasuring perspective, but one could certainly make some educated guesses as to what must have been happening on that front too, that compression gear, like other clothing items that fit snug in the groin area, became important to a lot of guys as a convenient method to employ while self-pleasuring. Not that any guy would ever admit that was going on for sure! But it almost had to be. A guy would likely put on his compression gear, tees and shorts, and have some fun with himself whenever he had a degree of privacy.

Like I said, sales of compression gear from Under Armor® and other sports clothing manufacturers took off starting in the late 1990s. You don’t think all of this stuff was sold to serious athletes, do you?

Like so much else in male self-pleasuring, one must try and put two and two together! Can reality be that mysterious? The teen non-athlete will have a lot easier time explaining to his parents that he needs a pair of compression tee, than, say a swim brief or strap! Did I mention that you can walk into the male underwear section of any Walmart and see a host of different designs for underwear that look and feel almost like compression shorts? I like to put two and two together. If guys want to buy underwear to use when masturbating, why should the manufacturers care? A sale is a sale!

To be continued…

09-23-2019, 03:39 PM

I have been looking into the history of the wrestling singlet, in part in search of information as to whether or not there was a particular company that introduced the idea of a snug-fitting one-piece suit, in the same way that Speedo was important to the idea of a swim brief. I did not come up with a specific name, but here are three links I read.


The closest I have been to coming up with a name is Russell Athletic, but that gets complicated as well, as does the history of Russell. Into the 90s, Russell was by far the largest supplier of major league baseball uniforms as well as uniforms for a variety of other professional and college sports, but more recently they have been overrun by the big names Nike®, Adidas®, and even under Armor®. Russell was bought out by Fruit-of-the-Loom, which itself became part of Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, and now appears to be largely out of the business of making team uniforms at least beyond the high school level.

What I learned from my reading is that the idea of a one-piece singlet dates only back to the 1960s when the NCAA made those required wear in college wrestling matches. A basic rule in wrestling is that grabbing an opponent’s uniform during a match is not allowed and, even if accidental could result in disqualification. The one –piece snug-fitting singlet made that more difficult. But wrestlers over history have often engaged in the sport bare-chested, wearing only a jammer-type of short, and that there are also two-piece uniforms called doublets which consist either of a compression tee or sleeveless A-shirt and compression-like shorts.

The debate going on currently is by high school coaches who believe that for potential young wrestlers the idea of wearing a snug-fitting singlet deters participation if only something else would be allowed for attire. Whenever I hear about guys being scared to wear something, I keep thinking back to the uneasy relationship a lot of potential male swimmers have with the idea of wearing a swim brief. That the briefs are “too revealing” is a way of communicating the idea that the potential swimmer is scared (terrified) of getting a hard-on while getting into a brief in the gym locker room or worse, showing that he is hard out in public and therefore if this ids the required costume for swimmers the only way out is to not participate at all.

So too, probably with wrestling singlets. Even though a singlet covers a lot more of the body than a swim brief, the fit is skin-tight, and the “unfortunate”condition of the engorged penis under the singlet is not easily hidden. This is complicated by the fact that there is no specific rule regarding what is worn in the groin area under the singlet. A traditional athletic supporter? That has its own set of issues. A pair of underwear briefs such as tighty whiteys? Or maybe nothing at all! So guys who might make good wrestlers opt out because of a similar fear that some male swimmers have of wearing a swim brief in competition.

I own several wrestling singlets. They make, well, an interesting choice of uniform when I engage in stationary rowing. Many competitive rowers wear something very similar. Wrestling singlets come in a lot of different sizes from XXXS to XXXL, so that no matter what the wrestler’s weight class is, the fit will always be very snug to the body. So it behooves the wrestler to get the size right.

Getting in and out of a singlet can be tricky. The especially tricky part is getting the shoulder straps in place. Generally the shoulder straps seem short. In an effort to get the shoulder straps in place given this, one must tug the suit up into the crotch. This ends up being an interesting experience for me, as this involves tugging the suit into the groin area. If this is, well, interesting to try to do, I can’t imagine the complicated problem that a beginning male wrestler might suddenly be facing. Well, I guess I can. And therein is the dilemma. Of course, a larger size could be chosen, but that will mean that the wrestling “fit” is lost.

My other singlets are Asics® and they go on without too much difficulty, but I do have one Russell® branded singlet that is labeled M rather than SM. The shoulder straps on that one are all but impossible to get into without some major tugging and pulling. Quite an adventure, to say the least.

The other problem with a singlet is that if a guy discovers he needs to use the rest room after he is in the singlet, getting out may be even more difficult than getting in. It appears to me that high school and maybe even college wrestling is about to move away from the requirement of wearing a one piece suit in order to participate, but right now this is by no means universal. Amazon and other on line retailers are filled with firms willing to make custom wrestling singlets with designs specific to a particular school or team. I do not see this going away any time soon.

To be continued…

09-26-2019, 02:18 PM

A wrestling singlet may not be the garment of choice for every guy interested in all of this, but compression gear nowadays is so commonly available that it doesn’t even attract a second glance if a guy is seen wearing it. The only real debate centers on the idea of whether or not compression shorts are themselves an undergarment and thus should be covered with a looser-fitting, if shorter, pair of shorts (like some of the NBA players) or whether compression gear can be worn as an outer garment. Both are commonly done, and the manufacturers seem to not be certain either, given that some garments that look like compression gear have a fly, which says this is being sold for wear under a looser-fitting pair of shorts.

Me, well I am stationary rowing, cycling, and weightlifting every day, and the outdoor temperature these days is running 95 degrees F. I’m sure all my neighbors have seen me wandering about my yard in just my gear, and no one has said anything to me about it. I got up this morning thinking about what ideas or tips I would like to give other guys who want to wear compression gear and the possibility of doing this starts to trigger the familiar arousal mechanism that we all enjoy so much.

There is nothing quite like some new compression gear to set a guy off and get him moving in this regard (other than a new swim brief, perhaps). Here are some ideas for making your encounter most enjoyable.
1. Undersize! Undersize! Always undersize a little, but particularly on the shorts. Having the question “Am I ever going to be able to get myself into these shorts?” bouncing around in your head on the first encounter is a good thing not a bad thing to have happen. Merely contemplating that question should help you along with where you are wanting to go. Can you undersize too much? Possibly, but you won’t know that until you run some experiments to find out. If you undersize the compression tees too much you might have difficulty getting yourself out of them.

2. What to wear underneath? Some guys probably go commando, but I have long felt that the proper garment worn underneath compression shorts is part of the overall experience. If you are into swim briefs, a skimpy swim brief might make sense. But this is also a place to try some of the other options I have been discussing. An old school strap is an interesting choice, for example, or that pair of thong underwear that you found stuck back in dresser drawer. But my personal favorite has long been an undersized pair of tighty whiteys, which have the extra advantage of padding my butt a bit when I am exercising on my rowing and cycling machines. I keep a fresh supply of tighty whiteys on hand in various sizes, and make a sizing choice on any given day based on how horny I would like to feel that day.

3. Getting into your gear, just let nature do what it wants to do and try to avoid sdirectly troking or rubbing various sensitive body parts. Part of the fun is getting to experiment with how your body responds to the new situation it faces once inside the gear and you won’t be able to research this if you immediately go into a stroking and touching mode. Your body is fully capable of adjusting to a situation like this, and it is important to understand exactly what happens in your particular situation without using your hands in an effort to move things forward. Just let whatever wants to happen, happen.

4. I want to impress on you the importance of learning that sexual arousal is not just about your penis and balls, but is a total mind and body experience encompassing your entire being. Further, parts of your body that you perhaps did not realize, your upper chest, your thighs, etc are sexual hot spots as well, at least for a lot of guys, and having these body parts encased in the gear is part of the experience. Once you are in, take a look at yourself and make mental notes of how everything you are wearing fits and feels. You might observe that your penis on its own seems to be reacting to the situation, but that is part of the fun and part of the discovery process.

All of these ideas obviously are excellent for a guy who does not have a sexual partner and simply wants to add something interesting, new and potentially exciting to what otherwise was a simple jerk-off experience. But these ideas could also be very valuable in partner sex as well, but especially if you have somehow landed a sexual partner who also enjoys wearing snug-fitting compression gear. The sexual partner could be either male or female. This is an “equal opportunity” activity for both sexes. If the partner is into the gear as well (given what you know from your solo experiences you quickly gain status as a “teacher”). Or perhaps you and your partner can both teach each other some interesting stuff about taking full advantage of the gear as part of the arousal mechanism.

Exploring a potential partner’s interest in this sort of thing is the trickiest part. Once again, I think two gay guys may have an easier time with this part than a male-female couple, but drawing any general conclusion in that regard is difficult to do.

Also keep in mind that although seeing how rapidly you could take yourself from flaccid penis to full erection and ejaculation may have seemed to be a noble goal when you were, say, 13, and still in an early-learning mode, the goal now is always to see how long you can maintain not only arousal but also a firm erection without coming. And in this regard you may find the compression gear to be quite helpful in getting you to the point where you want to be without going over the edge. Unless, of course you hear your college roommate walking down the hall and about to enter the room!

My final recommendation is that if you do not have a partner, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to avoid proceeding. If your college roommate wants to join in the fun, that is between you and him (or her, as the case may be!) As always, make sure to enjoy yourself!

To be continued…

09-29-2019, 03:07 PM

For some time I have been thinking about writing a few chapters dealing with snug-fitting skinny jeans. This may seem a bit off-topic from the subject of swim briefs and wrestling singlet. But I keep thinking that some of my earliest and best experiments in “self abuse” involved tight-fitting jeans. And, come to think of it, a couple of my most embarrassing instances where my fondness for my own body happened rather unexpectedly and in a semi-public setting. Still, all of these schemes have been bubbling inside me for a long time, and it is time to write about what was going on.

But, where should I start the story? The best strategy would be to start at the beginning, or at least the beginning for me. The first thing to note is that jeans styles for men go from skinny to loose and back again over very large cycles. We are currently at a point where really form-fitting jeans are at the height of fashion for men, and this latest cycle really only got going 7 or 8 years ago. The last time form-fitting jeans were really popular was when I was in high school and then in college, from about 1961-1969. In between, jeans generally got very loose or relaxed.

Maybe I can help you understand this better by talking about the brands and colors of what were then called slim fitting jeans in the decade of the 1960s. During that decade, jeans sales were dominated by two brands, Levis® and Wrangler®. There always has been two markets for jeans, a so-called western wear market and a general public non-western wear (general public) market. Western wear styles were made to go with the other aspects of the “cowboy” look A form-fitting colorful shirt with snaps rather than buttons, the cowboy hat, the leather cowboy boots etc. This was a look popular is much of rural north America, but seemed odd in most urban areas (except maybe in Texas). The tricky part is that guys always wanted to wear their jeans OVER their cowboy boots, (boots over jeans is universally thought of as nerdy) which meant that even a snug-fitting jean could taper to no narrower than a 15-16 inch cut.

Generally, the cut for western wear featured a fairly high rise and a very snug-fitting butt, along with a snug taper in the thigh, but then the taper from the knee down was less severe co accommodate the leather boot.

Levis competed with both the western wear designs and in designs for the urban public. Wrangler focused on the western wear designs with the snug-fitting butts aimed at markets the rural areas. This look was so popular in many rural areas that the guys who wore the Wranglers were referred to as “Wrangler butts.” Even today, the jeans with the iconic vinyl “Wrangler” patch on the right rear pocket are sometimes referred to as the “real” Wranglers and the ones without as not the real thing, even if Wrangler-branded.

Some of the Levis designs focused on the same western wear market to compete directly against Wrangler, such what we currently know as styles 505 and 501, and cowboys divided themselves into Wrangler or Levis guys. Levi tried to emulate the look of the Wrangler butt but somehow never quite succeeded to the extent that Wrangler did on this score.

But Levis was also selling jeans into the urban market—that is, those who would not be wearing cowboy boots, and that meant that they could make jeans that tapered much more sharply than Wrangler from the knee to the ankle. This was a long time before the addition of Elastane to denim was common, and so the minimum taper was about 13 inches.

In that same period, prewashed jeans were all but unheard of. Blue jeans were mostly sold as stiff, unwashed blue denim, with the idea that the buyer would purchase these an inch or two oversized, and via multiple washing the denim would shrink to conform to the guy’s particular body. The original 501 jeans were all shrink-to-fit with charts that showed exactly what size you need to buy in order to get a snug body-conforming fit over several washings. The 501’s probably shrunk more than, say a 936 slim-fit Wrangler jean, but guys started slightly oversized there as well recognizing that they would get the Wrangler butt fit they wanted.

Still there was another option that was very popular in the 1960s, and that was jeans made from denim that had not been dyed blue. Undyed denim is softer than dyed denim, and is an off-white color that at that point in time was referred to as “sand”. Form-fitting jeans made from sand-colored denim were very popular in the 1960s, but especially those with leg openings that tapered to only 13 inches. All the well-dressed guys were wearing them, and even Wrangler started selling their 936 slim tapered jeans in the popular sand color. It was possible to dye the off-white denim other colors, say a light blue, but none pf the other colors were ever nearly as popular as the sand color.

In the 1960s, guys my age would all seem to be vying to see who could wear the snuggest-fitting jeans, usually the sand-colored ones. Me too. Shopping for my first pair of sand-colored jeans taught me a lot about precumming and the odd situations where it would happen.

All of this ended more or less in the 70s with the introduction first of bell bottom jeans that tapered sharply through the thigh to the knee and then flared out to a 17- or 18-inch cuff. After that we went through 30 years or more of relaxed fit jeans where almost none were tapered and form fitting save the Wrangler patch jeans destined for the “cowboy” market.

To be continued…

10-02-2019, 07:15 PM

The Wrangler® jeans with the iconic patch have long been worn as work wear by guys in rural areas, but in particular by guys living in rural areas designated as ranching rather than farming. They are part of a larger “cowboy dress” that also includes leather cowboy boots, a cowboy hat and a tapered western shirt that fits snug to the chest with pearl snaps instead of buttons. Interestingly, over the years, the popularity of most of these items has gradually declined in recent years, as more general work shirts gradually replaced the form-fitting ones with the pearl snaps, wide-brimmed cowboy hats got replaced with wide-brimmed baseball style caps with an appropriate farm-related logo, and round-toe work books with low heels replaced the narrow-toed boots with the higher tapered heels favored by “real” cowboys (who actually own a horse).

But, the one item that stays is the patch-logo wrangler jean—the jean associated with the so-called Wrangler butt look. Do a Google image search on “wrangler butt” and you will get a good idea of what exactly this entails. The tailoring of the jean fits snuggly to and really emphasizes the glutes of the cowboy and is nearly a trademark in itself. In addition, the jean tapers sharply through the guy’s thighs, which are also emphasized in the look, but then from the knee downward the jeans have only a slight taper. Wrangler sells two versions, the regular (937) cut and the more form-fitting (936), but guys looking for a better Wrangler butt fit squeezing themselves into the 936 version.

Both versions are also sold made of rigid unwashed denim as opposed to the prewashed versions, for guys wanting to shrink the jeans to fit their specific body. The whole idea is that the normal work of the cowboy accompanied by regular washings will create a jean with body-conforming wear patterns.

I’m not certain where the term “Wrangler butt” originated but it is now widely used as slang (usually by women) for a young ranch hand who lives on a ranch with cattle and horses and lives the life of a “real” cowboy who works with cattle and perhaps rides a horse regularly as well. It is something of a female term of endearment that also happens to apply to the fit of the jeans! Of course, at professional rodeos the Wrangler butts are everywhere, and this is part of the appeal of that sport to young women, who go to such events as much to see the Wrangler butts as to watch the competitions!

With a properly-fitting Wrangler butt fit, the jeans will not only fit snug to the glutes, but the center rear seam of the jeans will cinch up between the gluts, almost like the cord of a thong back. https://rugby.blogberth.com/2018/09/02/wrangler-butt%F0%9F%87%BA%F0%9F%87%B8%F0%9F%8D%91%F0%9F%A4% A0the-way-wranglers-ought-t/

If you wander into any Walmart, you will find many jeans with the Wrangler brand name. But you will only find those with the iconic large Wrangler right pocket patch on what are called in some circles the “real” Wranglers. For a lot of young guys growing up in the country, getting one’s first pair of real Wrangler jeans is something of a male rite of passage of sorts, with the realization that many females their age might also take note of them and their bodies.

Whatever else has happened in the design and cut of jeans over the past 50 or more years from the 1960s onward, the Wrangler-butt jeans for the real cowboys have stayed nearly constant in design cut and fit. Today I could purchase almost an exact copy of the same jean that was readily available in the 1960s and before.

To be continued…

10-06-2019, 12:02 AM

It is always an interesting moment when a guy is able to purchase and then get into a new pair of jeans for the first time, but especially so in the case of a pair of jeans the guy knows will have a snug, body-conforming fit. While there are no data on this, I suspect that there have been lots of instances where young “cowboys” acquiring their first pair of Wrangler jeans “celebrated” the occasion not only by getting hard for the occasion but probably jerking off in them. An embarrassing moment perhaps, but also an opportunity to put the jeans through the washing machine which would tend to shrink the denim a bit, making the fit even snugger the next time the jeans are worn. These cycles could continue over and over.

Meanwhile, the city kids from the mid 1970s on were stuck mostly wearing what were called relaxed fit jeans. We went through this period in the early 1970s when bell bottom jeans were the rage. Typically these fit snug in the butt and thighs but then bid not taper to the ankle but widened to an 18 or even 20 inch leg opening. Thankfully, these designs did not stay around very long.

Throughout the 80s and 90s and even into the 00s, most jeans seemed to be cut as much to hide a guy’s body as to display it. What did happen is that manufacturers came up with new ways to prewash denim to leave the appearance that the denim was worn not new, even adding wear points and tears to the new jeans. Of course women were increasingly wearing form-fitting jeans as manufacturers experimented with adding small amounts of Elastane to the cotton or cotton-polyester denim. This mafe the denim easier to move around in as well as getting in and out of the jeans and resulted in narrower tapers than would be possible with a fabric not containing Elastane.

Initially, manufacturers were wary about adding stretch to the denim used in men’s jeans thinking that men would react negatively to such a “girly” feature. But since the Elastane-laced denim gave more freedom of movement than standard denim the initial efforts were marketed not mentioning that the denim used contained Elastane.

What happened of course is that the stretch denims soon were a big hit with men, and this in turn ushered in the current era of form-fitting jeans for men, as the relaxed fit jeans were increasingly being seen as something only the old dudes would wear.

And we now have in front of us this new era of men’s jeanswear featuring skinny and super skinny jeans for men with tapers to the ankle as low as a 10.5 inch leg opening. A stretch denim also made it possible for the ankle opening to stretch as well for easier on and off These still look like washed denim jeans but in reality these are made like stretch running tights and very form fitting from waist to ankle. Some manufacturers marketed the snuggest fits as “spray on” jeans since they almost looked like they fitted a guy’s body like blue spray paint.

In addition to Elastane (the generic term for Lycra®) other rayon-based fibers could be added under names such as Model and Lyocell added even more stretch to the fabric while still maintaining the appearance of denim. Therefore the waist would also stretch more, meaning that a guy who normally wears a 32 inch Waist could downsize to 31 or even 30, making the entire jean still tighter and more body conforming, much like a denim-like running tight.


I have been trying to determine exactly where and how the trend toward guys wearing really snug-fitting jeans got started this time. As best I can determine, jeans production employing the elaborate washes largely moved to Asia, in part because the washes rips and worn spots were labor intensive to make in scale at the factories and Asia had the cheap labor. And the Asian guys on average of smaller stature than the Westerners liked the form-fitting look that seemed right for their bodies, and the Asian guys seemed not at all apprehensive about wearing a form fitting (what in the 80s and 90s we might have called a “girlie” jean) but some of these jeans got exported to America. And interestingly, soon a lot of the guys here were stretching the envelope, so to speak, and wearing them as too perhaps because the look was being picked up first by a lot of male entertainers the females liked.

For guys who on occasion like to jerk off in a really snug-fitting pair of jeans, this is a wonderful world to be living in! If you like the look and feel of snug-fitting compression running tights, but this look is not appropriate for, say, work days or going out and about, you can now purchase denim jeans that fit almost as snug as a running tight fits, yet still appear to be made of a washed denim.

If you are one of the guys who enjoys wearing snug-fitting clothing of all sorts, it is possible to combine your jeans using some of the other options listed here as an undergarment with the jeans. A neat pair of swimming briefs would make a great choice for wearing under the jeans. Or, maybe a strap, or even a thong. There are lots of possibilities to try here as daily wear that should make you happy.

To be continued…

10-19-2019, 01:28 PM

I have been doing some Internet research on the broad subject of male masturbation. Being a lifelong participant in the activity myself, and finding the various ways of getting off by yourself to be tremendously enjoyable over the years, I have always been curious about how other guys see the activity and exactly how it fits into the larger scheme of things with respect to all aspects of male sexuality including partner sex.

First, I am quite aware of the fact that for many, perhaps most, guys once they achieve adulthood, the ideas of having an wonderful orgasm and being with a sexual partner are so intertwined that it is difficult if not impossible to even think of separating the two. I understand all of that, and I respect the guys who see their sexual lives as being totally intertwined with being with a partner for sex.

At the same time, I am also aware of the fact that the entire subject of sexual orientation can be and often is very fluid. I am not the one of being able to conveniently place every guy into either a straight or gay box. On occasion, at a doctor’s office, I am asked on a questionnaire whether I am “straight” or “gay”. I always respond “straight” even though in reality the correct answer is “I have no clue on that one”. Psychologists readily admit that guy’s (people’s) sexual orientation does not fit into two neat categories but exists along a continuum. Another way of posing the question I suppose is “what was the sex of the partner you most recently had sex with?” Never mind that I can’t honestly answer that question either. I’m still stuck.

This all brings me back to the topic that I really wanted to discuss, and this is the role that male masturbation plays in the lives of guys. There are a few Web sites that are now treating masturbation not as some form of sexual activity for immature, socially-challenged guys who have grave difficulty relating to other people male or female, but rather as an important part of who we are as sexual human beings. Masturbation not only fun but plays a critical role in our well-being on a host of different levels.

One estimate that I saw was that for guys, looking at averages that occur over a lifetime, the average male has engaged in 50 acts of solo sex (aka male masturbation leading to orgasm) for every single act of partner sex. That is both profound and interesting. As young people, nearly every guy thinks he masturbates “too much” as in maybe as often as two or three times a day and the major problem most post-pubescent guys face is finding enough privacy so that they can masturbate to orgasm without being “discovered”.

As guys form relationships with sexual partners, they then start “pining” for being with a partner of choice for sex when they are not with the partner, and, of course, this leads to more fantasy about having sex and, invariably, more masturbation. Indeed, the frequency of masturbation may ramp up under this situation not down. Granted, the guy is now occasionally having “real” sex with a real sexual partner, but fantasyland remains an important component of what the guy is doing to and with himself.

In short, once a guy finds a partner for sex, he doesn’t normally just quite masturbating. Indeed, the masturbation part may ramp up not down, as the guy gets increasingly focused (if that is even possible) on the sweet sensations that are coming from his groin area.

Then marriage, of course, where the guy is now permanently attached to a specific sexual partner. Then solo sex must stop cold, right? Wrong too! I have often thought that if partner sex is such a wonderful thing, why do so many marriages end in divorce, and often quickly? I am convinced that a lot of guys in a “permanent” relationship of this sort spend a lot of time now pining for the fun they had when they could masturbate without having to deal with the complexities of partner sex mixed in with a complicated relationship.

It goes without saying that a lot of guys struggle with all of this relationship and sex stuff. That some guys manage to somehow successfully navigate all of this I suppose should be seen as something of an accomplishment of sorts. But, I’m still betting that a lot of these guys that are tied to a partner relationship are still masturbating whenever they are apart from their sexual partners and even maybe in secret even when they are near their partners. How this all works in a relationship that lasts a half century or more is an interesting question to try and study.

But somehow, the estimate that the average male over a lifetime has solo sex 50 times for every act of partner sex no longer seems that far off or unreasonable, but particularly if one starts to contemplate that guys still masturbate, often regularly, even when they are in a sexual relationship. And remember too, a major sexual fantasy for a lot of guys seems to be to be able to be able to masturbate while a sexual partner watches what is happening.

To be continued…

10-19-2019, 01:30 PM

So, what advice do I have for guys who want to enjoy their own bodies but do not want to get bogged down into the complexities of a sexual relationship? And for goodness sakes, what does this all have to do with brief-style swimwear? I’ve often thought about the entire subject of looking back over a lifetime, where would I start and what would I have done differently given the wisdom that comes with growing older?

First there are all sorts of neat and fun ways for a guy to enjoy his own body, and the ways I advocate are not dangerous in any way. Second, the underside of a guy’s penis has some of the most sensitive and enjoyable nerve endings to be found anywhere in the groin area. There are lots of psychosexual hot spots down there, but the underside of the penis seems to be almost directly wired to your brain.

So, my best advice, if you are new to these ideas but want to see how your body operates, the starting point is what I call the “Christopher Atkins method” named after what Christopher Atkins was doing in those famous episodes of the nighttime soap “Dallas”.

First, go out and buy yourself a standard royal blue Speedo® swim brief. Make sure you undersize it a bit. For example, if you think of yourself as normally wearing clothing with a 32-inch waist, go for the 30-inch one instead. These briefs are standard old school racing style with 2 ½ inch wide sides, just a “normal” swim brief.

Except, of course, with the slight undersizing, you will struggle a bit to get yourself in. This is all normal, and good, and unless you are brain dead, you should start to feel horny just thinking about getting into the brief.

Once you are in, you might be feeling like your penis is getting a little hard and the brief is not that roomy. So, what you will want to do is put your penis in the “Christopher Atkins position” pointed up, so that the underside of your penis fits snug against the slick royal blue cloth in the pouch of the brief.

Now, using the tips of your fingers, start lightly touching or tapping the underside of your penis through the cloth. Use a light touch, savoring each sensation that happens as finger meets penis underside under the neat slick blue cloth. The more you just think about what is happening to you the more your penis will respond. What was snug and tight quickly becomes snugger and tighter. Explore yourself. You are messing with some really interesting nerve endings all right there, the same ones that play a big role for the male in penis-vagina sex, but you are in complete control of how fast or slow things move along.

If you really want to have an orgasm right now and can delay no further, remember that the most sensitive part of your penis, the glans area, at the underside of the tip, is also right there pressing up against the slick blue cloth as well. If you have been working at this for any length of time and have gotten quite hard you should go off into a strong orgasm with just a slight stimulation of the glans area with the tips of your fingers

This should be a marvelous orgasm. You are messing with the exact same nerve endings that play critical roles when you are having penis-vagina sex, but in a much more controlled setting where you get to determine exactly how fast this all moves. At the same time you have learned a wonderful new way of enjoying your body safely and without having to be in a relationship in order to accomplish. If you have a partner who you think would like to watch or even “help you out” with your “experiment”, fine, but if not, you can still have a lot of fun just enjoying yourself!

To be continued….

10-21-2019, 02:13 PM

If you have been reading this for some time, you no doubt realize that I am an advocate for the idea that every guy, even guys who do not have a sexual partner, has the opportunity to enjoy his own body and sexual feelings. Moreover, oftentimes life can be simpler, yes even more enjoyable without a partner than with a partner for a variety of reasons both sexual and non-sexual.

The complicated part about having a sexual partner is that a guy’s attention and focus almost invariably has to turn from a guy’s own feelings to what the partner is feeling. This is complicated by all the non-sexual aspects of bonding with another person and the complex situation guys can and often do get into in that respect. This all becomes a discussion of how relationship form and how two people connect with each other or not. Certainly happy long-term situations can and do occur, But a lot of situations that are unhappy for both partners can and do happen as well. This is tricky stuff, and stuff a guy dare not take lightly in an attempt to form a psychosexual and non-sexual bond with another person.

Somehow I seem to have ended up as the “wingman” for guys who manage to go through a divorce—several times. I try my best to maintain a connection with both parties in the divorce but this can be really difficult to do, in part because one invariably is confronted with a situation whereby one partner expects me to take sides in the dispute. Almost invariably I come away feeling that if penis-vagina sex is such a marvelous part of being alive then why is it that both partners are so anxious to separate. I know that some partners separate because one of them has started having sex with some third party—the TV shows drum into us that this is by far the leading cause of divorces.

Yet, at the same time, I have had all this practical experience dealing with people undergoing divorce. I have yet to deal with a case where the cause was linked to one of the parties having sex with a third person. Basically, the divorcing parties go in different directions career-wise, ultimately realizing that the two of them share little in common. One party starts to think that the other party is “holding them back” and by then it is all over. At this point the sexual aspects of the relationship start to matter less and less. The relationship is not about sex, but about two people sharing common non-sexual interests, and if the latter doesn’t work then it is only a matter of time before the sexual part comes unglued as well.

So, even though some guys may manage to get all the moving parts of a sexual and non-sexual bonding to work, I am not only not critical of the guys who do not manage to make this work, I applaud them for the choices they make.

And I certainly believe that orgasms are a great deal of fun and should not be restricted only to those guys that have a readily available sexual partner. If you do not have a sexual partner, there is absolutely no reason to miss out on getting horny and enjoying. You can do that in private and at a pace that you enjoy without having to worry about another person. Run experiments using your own body. Try different things. You will learn about yourself and how your body responds to different sensations on your own.

I know masturbation has bad “press” for a lot of guys for a bunch of different reasons. But it shouldn’t be that way. Not at all! One of the key “learning” aspects of all of this is getting your head around the idea that you can be sexually happy even without having a sexual partner. The scary part for some guys is the thought that your happiness does not depend simply on being with another person.

I suggest stuff you can try that you perhaps would be reluctant to try in the presence of a partner, anyway. You might discover that some of these ideas are so interesting that they actually work better for you without than with a partner, anyway. Some guys find that thought scary as well. Or perhaps the realization that your own sexual happiness might not depend on being with another person can in itself be a source of emotional pleasure.

Now go slip into your snug-fitting royal blue Speedo® and discover what life really holds for you! Savor the moment and don’t feel guilty at all about what you are doing with and to yourself.

To be continued…

10-23-2019, 01:32 PM

As he is growing up a guy often starts collecting an assortment of different clothing items that he enjoys using to jerk off in. At the same time, these expanding collections are frequently kept in a near-secret place, largely hidden from anyone else discovering them. No guy would want to openly admit that he masturbates and clothing items often leave traces (sometimes referred to as “pecker tracks”) of starchy stains on the item itself. To have a sibling or peer discover this is a source of some embarrassment, even though the “discoverer” may be coping with a very similar “problem.” Occasionally, if an item starts getting too stained, it could end up getting tossed in the weekly wash along with a bunch of other male clothes in hopes that no one will even notice it is there.

There is lots of information on male masturbation and the techniques employed, with some of the sites specifically catering to the male teenager’s sexual problems and issues. Generally the younger guys often indicate that they are embarrassed to admit to anyone that they are doing it, and nearly every guy thinks he is somehow doing it too much and that this could adversely affect his ability later in life to engage in “real” (partner) sex.

Those offering advice usually seem to be females who believe that interest in masturbation is merely a temporary phase for most guys, a phase that guys will commonly abandon almost as soon as they get into a relationship with a partner that involves the real thing. Moreover, solo sex is really not sex at all, just something guys occasionally have been known to do.

These same sexual advice therapists seem to believe that if a guy masturbates that this normally happens in the nude, in the shower, perhaps or with the use of hand lotion as a lube. The idea of masturbation while wearing a snug-fitting clothing item is never mentioned, even though this could be the most common method of all. Part of this gets messed together with whether or not the clothing item represents some sort of abnormal fetish for whatever clothing item might be employed.

In reading these chapters and essays on the subject, you have been given a long list of clothing items that you might find to be useful and interesting for this purpose. I realize that no two guys are going to necessarily respond the same to each possibility and the ideas that seem to work for me may not necessarily work for you, but in my mind the entire process of discovering what exactly works for you or not is part of the fun. Plus, if I can introduce you to some possibilities here that you discover work in your participation I feel that I have helped you.


11-03-2019, 01:57 PM

Up until a few years ago, it was a simple matter to wander into the store of almost any mass merchandiser, and pick yourself up a package usually containing 5 or 6 pair of tighty whiteys aka white ribbed cotton briefs. Over on the men’s side the sizes were usually SM. MED, LRG and XLRG. But you could also go on the side with underwear for younger guys and find practically any size smaller than SM as well.

Two things have happened recently. First, over on the men’s side everything is now labeled “full cut”. I guess this is the underwear maker’s attempt to convince guys that tighty whiteys aren’t that tight fitting after all, even if they are still white cotton. Over on the boys side, where traditionally sizes are listed as 16-18, 12-14 etc (I never did figure out if these numbers were somehow linked to the age of the wearer, but the numbers did not seem very close) I’ve noticed that tighty whiteys have basically disappeared from the racks mostly now in favor of briefs with cartoon characters. So the idea of having a “seamless” transition from really tight-fitting to not so tight-fitting can no longer be done with the ease that was possible just a few years back.

I’m not sure what precipitates changes like these. I hear that is some places guys are fearful of wearing tighty whiteys because they think they will be teased and bullied by the other guys their age. But cotton briefs bearing batman or other cartoon character would seem to leave a guy open to more teasing and bullying. In the current environment, just what underwear design is “safe” from potential bullying in a gym or locker room situation is not clear. Loose-fitting blue boxers? I’m not sure anyone knows!

I guess all of this also has roots in the fact that many guys are deeply fearful of allowing any peer to see them in what could be a state of semi-erection, and the snugger the fit, apparently the greater the potential for an unwanted situation like this to inadvertently occur.

Still, generations of guys learned the basics of masturbation by employing a pair of tighty whiteys. And they also quickly learned that the snugger the fit of the pair, the more potential that pair of underwear had for running useful “experiments”. It would be the rare adult male who could honestly say that he never ever got off wearing a pair of tighty whiteys as a teenager or perhaps later in life. For me, a snug-fitting pair still holds the same “appeal” that it did decades ago, perhaps as far back as when I was 14. Masturbation is both easier and a great deal more fun wearing a snug pair of cotton briefs that a loose-fitting pair of boxer shorts. So why the sudden shift in all of this with respect to what is available?

That is a good question to ask the underwear manufacturers. For most guys, getting the weekly wash together typically involved collecting all the pairs of tighty whiteys you got off in during the past week and hoping that the washing machine would be powerful enough to get the starchy yellow come stains out of each pair, and that no one would notice if the stains did not quite come out completely. As any 16-year old even knows, cum stains are not that easy to remove and frequently leave telltale remnants of slightly-yellowed cloth where the treasure tracks recently were.

But for the tighty whitey manufacturer, if this means selling more pairs of cotton briefs not fewer pairs that is a good thing not a bad thing. Besides, it is common for guys to collect a few pair of briefs that for whatever reason are deemed better than the others for jerking off in. This may sound crazy to females, but guys somehow just learn about this and accept it.

Now I suppose my readers are wondering what the characteristics of these special briefs are. Well, I suppose a particularly snug fit is essential. Once in a pair of tighty whiteys, a guy will have difficulty getting his penis to point straight up like some of the guys do when in a snug swim brief. The material doesn’t have enough stretch to do that. But a penis forward position is possible, but especially easy to do if the cotton brief itself is undersized.

Once a guy’s penis is in this simple forward position all sorts of neat things can happen, starting with the guy touching or fondling the underside through the tighty whitey cloth. This feels good. Really good. The move feels even better if the guy is feeling horny and at the beginning stages of a hard on. Somehow the penis underside just lights up with interesting sensations that are worth enjoying.

This is no great trick, nor does it require any expensive gear, just a snug-fitting pair of tighty whiteys and some privacy. It’s a chance for a guy to enjoy himself while learning some of the nuances of the body at the same time and exactly what feels best to him. Exactly what he likes a lot versus not so much. Useful education, all of it. And I suspect most guys already have a few pairs of cum-stained and undersized tighty whiteys in their dresser drawers that are there just for this purpose. And the guys that do not will likely find themselves a few pair to use after reading this. Ahhh the fun of just being a guy!

To be continued…

11-09-2019, 01:01 PM
Part L

So I awaken this morning, and my penis is clamoring for my attention. “Hey you have been ignoring me for some time now” it seems to be telling me.

I think “Well, I have places to go and things to do today. And I can’t give you the attention I am sure that you would like to have. Still, I understand why you are frustrated with me for just acting as if you hardly exist at all.”

Well, penises are a lot like many of us. We often operate in a world in which we cannot get everything we might want at that moment, but we will perhaps be willing to settle for something less. But what? “Well if there is obviously no time for a full-scale masturbation session, at least put me into something that is snug and tight.”

In case you have not already figured this all out, penises love being stuck in snug and tight places. I guess this all must be into built into their DNA or genetic code, so to speak. But even here there are snug and tight places and there are places that are really snug and tight. There are degrees of all of this. Really snug and tight sets off an irreversible chain of events that invariably leads to a full-scale orgasm. I just told you I had things to do and places to go and I really don’t have time for all of that this morning. But my penis is still clamoring for attention.

So, what can I o this morning to make my penis happy without getting into something that will take some time. And that is where the super undersized tighty whiteys come in.

I have long worn tighty whiteys as my basic undergarment. I have lots of pairs of them, and they vary in size a lot. Each morning when I get up I make a decision as to what size I am going to wear that day, and my penis essentially tells me what size I should choose for that particular day. Let’s face it: Some days are just good days for feeling horny—I know that sensation of being tugged around with my penis calling me for attention without getting too aroused. Some days I have so many complex things to do that have nothing to do with my groin and I simply don’t want to be “bothered” with feeling horny. So, the latter days are Men’s cotton briefs size 30-32.

But I have other choices in snugger sizes. Boy’s white cotton briefs traditionally come in sizes 16-18, 12-14, and 10-12. 16-18 are nearly as big as a men’s SM, 12-14 are clearly smaller. But I have discovered that a guy with a nominal waist size of 30-32 can fit into a pair of briefs labeled 10-12. The fit will be really snug and tight, but cotton briefs do stretch a lot, and from your penises perspective, this is a great place to be. Your penis in its most comfortable position will be pointing forward.

Then, I have discovered that cotton briefs are a great lining for compression gear as the Tesla® shorts I have that fit snug to the thigh. I’m not sure if they are supposed to be underwear, athletic compression gear or both, but it doesn’t make any difference.

Topping that of course is a neat pair of Pac Sun® skinny jeans. I like how all the layers work together to make me feel horny, even as I go about my daily tasks. The tighty whiteys feel great under the tesla shorts, and the fit and feel of the Tesla shorts on my thighs is especially nice under the Pac Sun® jeans. I am feeling horny this morning, of course. My penis seems happy for the attention. Yet I am OK to go out and about this way to do the things I need to do.

It is a fine day for me today. You should try this just to see how your body reacts to the combination.

To be continued….

11-12-2019, 02:27 PM
Part LI

The weather is suddenly turning colder, and the guys who enjoyed wearing Speedos® and compression shorts all summer long are now thinking about how to stay warmer but still horny during the colder winter months. That is where a nice pair of undersized running tights comes in.

I’m fond of brief-style swimwear and underwear, but skimpy clothing like a swim brief is not going to be that comfortable during the colder months. Except, of course, there is an alternative for staying warm and cozy, and that alternative, of course is a snug-fitting pair of running tights.

I also confess that I am very fond of how the “right” pair of running tights fit and make me feel down there. Guys who like to wear a skimpy swim brief as a base layer instead of “real” underwear are probably also aware of the possibility of slipping on a pair of running tights right over the top in cooler weather. Or, if you normally wear tighty whiteys (aka white cotton briefs) as your base-level garment, as I do, the running tights work equally well as a secondary layer. Try both options and see how each works in your own case.

Growing up as a kid on the Northern Plains, we normally made a transition from short cotton underwear to long at about this time of year. Now the traditional long underwear (aka long Johns) were designed to be worn under other clothing, say jeans, so the stretch cotton was designed to fit snug all the way through the thigh and calf to the ankle. This left room for at least one additional bottom layer (in the coldest weather, maybe even two additional layers.

The traditional long johns were coarse textured stretch cotton that felt not that comfortable against the skin. But the new stretch nylon running tights are much slicker and sleeker, fitting almost like a second skin. The sensations are on the edge of feeling horny. Plus, at the on line vendors there are a lot of quality running tights available for $10 or $15 a pair.

What I like about the fit of a pair of running tights is how they grip my thighs and then my calf muscles. If you are into body conditioning (in my case stationary rowing) the right pair of running tights will allow you do display the results of your work. Today I am functioning wearing a pair of undersized tighty whiteys as a base layer, next a pair of slightly undersized running tights and a compression tee, followed by a layer of looser fitting navy cotton sweat pants and a gray long sleeved sweatshirt. The combination feels a little erotic but not too much so. It is perfect given the 20-degree outdoor temperature and the workout I have planned for this morning.

If you want to have some fun, read the Web question and discussions related to specific running tights and what is the correct size to purchase. They run all over the place and to a certain degree follow the discussions related to what size swim brief is correct.

A lot of guys seem nervous about undersizing even a little despite the fact that running tights are made to stretch a lot. (I wonder why!) But it’s the snuggest fits that really feel good on the body, and guys really need to have the opportunity to experience exactly what I am telling you for yourself. With the right-sized (undersized) pair of running tights your workout time will pass much more quickly as you feel better and better as your workout progresses. Some guys are probably fearful of all of this and how their body might react for the same reason they are fearful of getting into a swim brief they think is a little too small for them. Same deal. Do I have to make myself even more explicit with respect to exactly what I am trying to convey?

My readers are smarter than that, I think, and I hope all of you can not only get your heads around what I have just told you and that your cold winter days turn out to be as enjoyable as the hot summer days were.

If you need help with on line purchases of such compression gear, I recommend the Tesla® brand of compression gear as being excellent quality with a nice snug fit and at a very reasonable price.

To be continued…

11-13-2019, 08:54 PM
Part LII

I confess, on some days just layering a pair of running tights over a snug-fitting pair of tighty whiteys is not quite enough, and I get an urge to add something more into the mix. For me, that something more often centers on the idea of adding a nice snug-fitting jock strap with a hard cup.

How about layering everything, and putting the strap and cup OVER the running tights and then maybe adding a second pair of compression shorts OVER the running tights to hold all the pieces securely in place?

I confess, I’m a great fan of old school jock straps. I’ve long thought that jock straps were a really neat piece of sports gear for a number of reasons. I’ve always loved how a strap fits a guy’s body, a traditional strap with the wide elastic waistband and leg straps that repeatedly tug against the strap pouch that contains a guy’s most sensitive and interesting body parts.

Then adding the hard cup somehow just seems to add to the pleasure. Not any hard cup mind you, but one that is just barely big enough to be able to contain your still-flaccid penis. I realize a lot of guys make the mistake of somehow believing that a bigger cup is a better cup, even one large enough for a semi-erect penis to flop around freely inside.

Truth is, the really enjoyable cups are the smaller ones, ideally one one just barely big enough to fit around a guy’s flaccid penis. Part of the fun here is surely psychological, part of it is physical. Once a guy’s brain is aware of the fact that his penis is going to be contained with only a limited amount of space to grow into, the penis seems to respond by growing just enough so that the penis senses the presence of the walls of the cup, and psychologically when that happens this leads to all sorts of interesting and pleasant sensations and fond longings.

Think about this. In partner sex. Once a guy enters a partner the walls of his penis are snugly surrounded by the partner’s body parts, and the presence of the walls of the partner is one half of what makes partner sex so much fun.

OK, so a strap with a hard cup is not the equivalent to real partner sex. We all know that. For starters, the walls of the cup are firm and immovable. But this simple fact leads to the possibility of getting to explore some fascinating sensations.

The other feature of all of this that I have long thought makes cupped straps so interesting is that unlike in plain ordinary masturbation, it is extremely difficult to ejaculate while still being inside a strap and cup. The best a guy can do is try to move the strap and cup a little in an effort to limit the tension on the penis, but that somehow usually makes matters worse not better. Indeed, holding the cup in a near immovable position for me at least is part of the fun. Realizing that I can’t resolve the dilemma and simply go into ejaculation mode makes the situation at hand ultimately more fun not less fun.

So I simply crawled into the strap and hard cup by putting it on me over the top of the running tights which themselves are over the pair of undersized tighty whiteys. Then a pair of compression shorts goes over the strap and cup and the other layers below. Then a pair of sweat pants over everything else.

With all of this going on I really am longing to to ejaculate. The sensual pressure steadily builds. I’m precumming all over the place. My body is getting unmistakable urges. But I have a workout on a stationary rowing machine to do. That will take 30 minutes.

Still, even with the intensifying longing to ejaculate, I’m really enjoying myself and my body. I am very aware of all the stuff going on in my groin area. The rowing went along very quickly. But I still really need to ejaculate. I wonder how long I can stand this. The sensations seem to vary moment by moment. Just pressing down on the cup with my hand is a lot of fun. This strap and cup is terrific!

So, you have been enjoying yourself all afternoon by staying inside your cup while going through your exercise routine and daily chores. By now, you should be feeling more than a little horny as the urge to ejaculate steadily builds.

What is the best way to finish this all off? Once you get yourself past a certain point, I recommend stripping everything off that you are wearing layer by layer. But before you do that pick out your snuggest and Skimpiest swim brief, perhaps one by Desmiit® or Seobean® Once you get yourself out of the layers of compression shorts, the strap with the cup, the running tights and the undersized tighty whiteys, it’s time to pull yourself into the tiny swim brief. This might not be that easy to do as you could be pretty big and hard by now. Point your penis up with the underside pressed against the pouch of the brief. If you have a hand vibrator to touch the underside of your penis, dig that out and all the better. Touch the underside of your erect penis lightly and repeatedly, either with the vibrator or with the tips of your fingers, and just see what happens. You should be fully charged by now. With luck this will be one of your best orgasms ever, alone or with a partner.

To be continued…

11-20-2019, 02:48 PM

I have but a single mission in writing all of this, and that mission is to make certain that every guy irrespective of sexual orientation and whether or not he is in a relationship with a sexual partner or not is able to enjoy being a guy and all that this involves.

Some of you have long wondered why I seem to devote so little discussion with respect to partner sex. After all, is not being with another person sexually what sex is all about? And aren’t the guys who have orgasms without another person somehow missing out on what is really important in life and in being a guy?

Well, maybe, but maybe not. This part is confusing I know for a lot of guys. These same guys think that solo sex is often fun, but no substitute for the “real thing’ which is partner sex. To them I say, simply, “To each his own!”

I learned that my body had some interesting places that were quite touch-sensitive. But it has taken me a lifetime to sort through all of this.

Maybe I have somehow learned to enjoy my sleeping time more than most guys, I don’t know. I think I started learning about this when I was only 11 or 12 years old. I can’t believe how long ago that was and I am still enjoying myself in much the same way.

Last night, for example, I was starting to feel a little horny, or I think that is what was happening. It has turned cold here, too cold to wear simply a swim brief to bed, which I have been known to do on hot summer days. But still, some interesting “signals” were stirring inside of me. But this was a time for sleeping in a tee and sleep pants.

What to do? Why wear a swim brief UNDER the sleep pants. And not some old, stretched-out loose-fitting suit but rather one I knew was going to fit, errr, maybe a bit TOO snug and TOO tight.

What do I have in my collection that fits the bill and is consistent with how I am feeling about myself? How about this little “Club Swim” Euro brief. The size on the tag says 28. And these little briefs I know are sized snug. 2-inch sides, blue. I get into the brief and am starting to feel pretty good already. I take a look at myself in the mirror. Unlike the Aqux and Seobean briefs I have, this Club Swim brief will cover my butt crack, but only if I tug at it. And this means that with each tug there is even less space up front.

It is obvious that I am starting to precum, as a wet spot is already forming near the tip of my penis. My penis is almost straight forward and a little bit up. Can I stand this, and if so, for how long can I go?

I decide to pull on the sleep pants over the little blue swim briefs. Maybe if I crawl into bed everything will calm down, and I can make it through the night OK

Everything seems fine for maybe 20 or 30 minutes. I seem to have calmed down a little. Maybe I will fall asleep without getting off and make it through the night.

But then, I “accidentally” start touching myself. And not in any ordinary place, but just a light tapping movement on the underside of my penis. Not a stroke as such mind you, but just a light but repetitive touch.

And then the strangest but most wonderful thing happens. This might be the most wonderful part of all about male sexuality. The nerve endings on the underside of my penis now seem to be almost “hard wired” (no pun intended) right into the most profound pleasure centers in my brain. A couple taps on the underside of my penis and I start muttering out loud “I like that! I like that!’ A couple more taps and I am saying over and over again “This is wonderful! Marvelous!” I like it! I like it.” What a profound pleasure!

Tension builds as I engage in still more tapping on the underside of my penis, slightly more rapidly now. Well. You can imagine that I’m unable to last much longer in this state of arousal. Soon I am well into a most powerful, herky-jerky, repetitive, mind-blowing orgasm, and thinking to myself how truly wonderful this is. What I learned about certain places on my body at age 11 or 12 is still most marvelous.

After that, I quickly fall asleep, wakening the next morning fully refreshed but still longing to try this another time, perhaps wearing a slightly different swim brief.

And any guy can do this with only a minimum of “equipment”—in this case a “right-sized” swim brief. A complicated sexual relationship with another person is not necessary at all.

Why am I laying this story out in such detail? Well I don’t want any of you to “miss out” on what I experienced. Take full advantage of who you are (and your collection of undersized swim briefs!)

To be continued…

11-28-2019, 03:21 PM
Part LIV

One of the most interesting parts about male sexuality is how guys end up learning about all the fine details of what is before them. I know that for some of my readers, sexual thoughts almost immediately turn to thoughts about finding a partner that a guy is close enough to in order to enjoy sex together, but as any guy (or female for that matter) can tell you, the world of sexual partners can not only be extremely complicated but often times overwhelming to the point of being disgusting to try and deal with all of the complex nuances. In short,. A sexual relationship with a partner can be a lot of fun under the best of circumstances, but those circumstances occur less frequently than most guys would like to admit.

Still, I have to say that I am happy for guys who have somehow found a path to navigate all of this. I wish them all the best in that regard. What they have managed to do is no small accomplishment and usually requires great effort. Guys don’t somehow just “fall” into a rewarding sexual relationship with a partner. Indeed, for most guys, this requires work, hard work!

Then there are the rest of us. Those of us who perhaps consider ourselves less lucky. Maybe some of us even believe that the other guys are able to navigate a sexual partnership because they are smarter or better equipped to do so. That is an interesting thought. I need to think about that for a moment. Perhaps a lot of what we think might be happening for the other guys is delusional. Any relationship, straight or gay, has its rocky moments. Two different people by definition are not going to be wired the same sexually. At some level we all understand that. And maybe what we think is happening to our “lucky” friends at some level is delusional, well; at least some of it, anyway.

I like to think that most of what I know about male sexuality I had picked up by the time I was in the 6th grade. Heck, maybe it was earlier than that. I know it was a long time ago. My friends all seemed to be bouncing around in the early stages of what a close relationship with another person might turn out to be from a sexual perspective. All of this was at some level quite amusing.

This same plot of sorts has been played out in a myriad of coming-of-age movies. Guys discovering girls. Antics similar to the story line of “Summer of ’42.” What it would be like to “be” with an older woman even if for only once.

My path didn’t seem to follow that story line at all. In the 6th grade, I was masturbating a lot. I presume my male classmates were doing the same thing, but I thought that was far too private a subject to ever discuss openly. How a guy gets off alone or with a partner is a really private subject for most guys, despite all the movies. I guess some guys that age are fantasizing about being with women as they masturbate, as in, follows the same path as the coming-of-age movies did.

All of this means that solo sex, aka masturbation, remains a very taboo topic for a lot of guys, guys who are far more at ease talking about a sexual encounter with a partner than one that happened alone.

This is like the discovery of parallel worlds in physics. There is this world of partner sex that everyone knows about and accepts a world that a guy can hardly avoid not seeing. But then there is this other, hidden, parallel world that from the standpoint of sexual enjoyment is in much the same place and in many ways sexually at least as enjoyable but almost completely hidden. Some guys get off by thinking about having sex with a female (or male) partner and this is considered quite “normal” thank you. But for other guys this is all unnecessary. Interesting stuff, but in many ways scary at some level as well. In part one needs to understand that not all guys are wired the same with respect to a need to psychologically involve a sexual partner even when jerking off alone.

Like I say, I had figured out most of what I am telling you today by the time I had reached the 6th grade, but I was unable to write it down. Actually, had I written it down it probably would have been seen by others as strange, weird, embarrassing or even outlandish.

So, it is important to recognize that guys have two paths when they get off alone. The conventional path involves the psychology of imagining and thus rationalizing you are with a partner even though you are alone. Guys rationalize masturbating that way as being just the logical extension of what would be still better as an orgasm happening within partner sex.

But there is also this other hidden path. Guys discovering that they can easily get aroused and hard without even thinking about being with a sexual partner. The “penis operating on its own” mode where the penis just “decides” it’s time to get hard and”tells” a guy’s brain about what is going on in the groin area. Then guys quickly discover that it is possible to get a penis erect not by thinking about having “real” sex with a partner, but merely because a guy somehow got stimulated by something happening in the groin area.

And, not long after a guy “discovers” that the “right” (or wrong if you want to think about it that way) garment can prove “helpful” in turning this all on and off. To illustrate, guys discover that masturbating in the nude is fun, but it is even more fun to masturbate while wearing a snug,-fitting smooth-textured garment like a little swim brief. Shortly after guys discover this they start “collecting” clothing items that might prove useful in this regard. There are a lot of these, of course, and the manufacturers know that there is a demand for these items that is coming from this parallel world that guys do not even like to admit exists. For a guy learning the finer points of solo sex, it doesn’t take long to identify some items that might prove “helpful” in this regard, but admitting this to anyone else opens a door into a parallel world that a lot of guys think is somehow embarrassing, unnatural and somehow should remain closed to outsiders. The problem is that this parallel world can indeed be a lot of fun, but particularly so for guys who do not have a readily available sexual partner.

There is more to this story—much more!

To be continued…

11-29-2019, 02:28 PM
Part LV

So there are really two paths for guys emerging from puberty, the first being what I call the path of awareness of the possibilities for having sex with a partner and all that entails. A male post puberty is bombarded with stuff related to this. The content nowadays is all but impossible to avoid seeing. Movies, the Internet, you name it. Almost every place a guy looks there is stuff that is linked to the basic idea of sex with a partner. Even a simple Internet search involving only a few words will take you to Internet sites that are explicitly sexual.

When I was growing up in a rural area in the 1950s, I admit that things were a lot different. There was no Internet let alone an Internet containing readily available explicit sexual content. Movies with explicit sexual themes or even coming-of-age dramas were uncommon. In the 60s, a movie like “The Graduate” was generally considered quite explicit. And by the 1970s it was a coming-of-age movie like “Summer of ‘42”.

So, lacking sources of visual information such as these, guys back then were pretty much left on their own to figure out exactly what partner sex was all about and exactly how body parts could be made to fit together. Just getting the basics proved difficult. There were libraries with encyclopedias that contained textbook-like information on male and female body part, but even these sources were rather limited. And there was little information dealing with the psychology that is involved when two people embark on a sexual relationship, “The Graduate” and “Summer of ’42” notwithstanding.

Still, guys (girls too) were built the same way with the same innate sexual wiring as they have today. There haven’t somehow been core biological changes in how human beings are built in the last 75 years. And human beings have always been blessed with some of the most sensitive and interesting nerve endings in the groin area. And growing up to be an adult, both then and now, means tapping into these and learning more fully how this stuff works both from a physical and a psychological perspective.

So, where does this all lead, anyway? One obvious conclusion is that guys don’t suddenly discover on the day that they have their first post-pubescent wet dream that they can immediately move into a relationship with a willing sexual partner. That is probably a long ways off still. Growing into young adulthood rather frequently occurs in a series of steps. At first a guy does not want to admit that he ejaculated at all during the night. Then somehow a guy starts to think that this must be OK because his body just did this “on its own”, erotic dream of some sort or not, despite those interesting starchy stains on his pajama bottoms in the morning (which, ideally, no one should draw attention to).

By this time the guy is probably thinking to himself that while only a few months ago a wet dreams was both unwelcome and messy, at some level it was also enjoyable in what seems to be an entirely new and fascinating way. Next, the guy starts to think that this could be even more interesting if instead of waking up AFTER ejaculation had already occurred why not see if it is possibly to wake up a minute or two prior to when ejaculation takes place. Who would know or care whether you were awake or asleep when this happens?

Once a guy gets that part of being a guy figured out and working, that same guy is only a short way away from identifying ways in which he can touch or play with himself at night in an effort to get his penis to grow, get hard, and then ejaculate while still lying in bed. Guys can try a lot of stuff at night under the covers and explore more heavily particularly the stuff that seems to work the best. Hopefully he won’t make too much noise or draw attention to himself when running the various experiments, and all of this requires a certain degree of privacy as in being alone.

Still, what I am observing here is a key element that every guy goes through growing up. Guys at this stage are somewhere in a place that is at once terrifying but at the same time truly marvelous. A world occupied also by male peers who are somehow also living in the same place containing a mixture of both terror and profound marvel at the wonderful sensations down there that can be easily coaxed out from a guy’s body once the experiments have been run.

At this point, the idea of somehow joining together with a sexual partner is still not an issue, except perhaps as a part of a disconnected fantasy going on as a guy dreams and masturbates. Mainly, a guy is still interested in finding ever more interesting methods of playing with his own body and doing solo sex.

And by this time, nearly every guy has discovered that a clothing item that fits snug in the groin can be helpful in aiding the process. And that erections and ejaculations can easily occur in situations where a sexual partner doesn’t exist. But, a guy at that age cannot simply go out and start purchasing items of clothing with the intent of using the items in order to masturbate. A guy has to be sneakier than that. Far sneakier.

Maybe what is needed are still items of clothing that appear to be just “normal” stuff for a guy to wear but can secretly be used when masturbating. Take, for example a package of tighty whiteys as a simple illustration. At night, slip on a pair of tighty whiteys UNDER the pajama bottoms. This strategy means fewer starchy stains on the pajama legs as the briefs will catch most of the semen, and the “soiled” briefs can just be tossed in with the rest of the laundry.

OK! OK! Now I am giving out ideas that I would have tried in order to surreptitiously masturbate myself as a 12- or 13-year old, looking back.

To be continued….

12-01-2019, 01:47 PM
Part LVI

So, guys begin their journeys into young adulthood facing a lot of complicated stuff. They are being bombarded with content from the media that communicates that adult-type male sexuality is almost exclusively about getting to the point in a relationship such that a guy can have sex with a partner. Yet, growing up, meeting someone, and somehow getting close enough to that person such that having a sexual relationship with the other human being is a long ways off, if possible at all.

I would suggest very strongly that many guys muddle through their adult lives without ever really fully resolving this puzzle. Some guys seem to have an easier time of it—these are the guys who for whatever reason have a lot of what I call “personal charm.” Some might say that personal charm is just another way of saying “sex appeal” or even being “good looking”. But sexual attraction between two people is far too complicated a part of being human to be able to conclude that this is all about the genetics of physical attractiveness. Part of this has to do with the physical, for both sexes (many women like to claim that in males the physical hardly matters at all, but of course that is not true either).

Real estate agents like to claim that “there is a buyer for every house!” Using that analogy one would also conclude that there is a sexual partner out there for every human being, no matter how much or how little personal charm or physical attractiveness a person has. But, of course, neither statement is entirely true.

If this were all simple, every guy would be happily married to a woman (no gay married men in perfect land for sure!) and each guy would be living with his wife and two kids in a 3-bedroom house with an 80 foot wide lot in the suburbs of some cookie cutter city, each place all but indistinguishable from all the others. He is happily living there with his stay-at-home wife and the almost obligatory 2.4 kids. This is an imaginary 1950s world where the big problems have all been solved and when the guy has sex and gets to ejaculate, it is always penis-vagina sex with his wife perhaps once each week.

The problem with all of this is it is not the real world, and if we were to admit it, this probably wasn’t the real world even back in the 1950s. All sorts of other stuff is going on, stuff that has always been (some might say, conveniently) hidden from view.

I love watching cable shows that deal with the science of space and time. These shows keep talking about an intriguing idea that says the universe is composed of stuff that we can easily see, because it emits light. But there is other stuff in the universe that we cannot see, because it emits no light, and worse, it seems to be able to pass right through the stuff we can see without in any way revealing itself. Weirdly, there may be more of this “dark matter” that we cannot see than the stuff we can see.

What does this idea have to do with the science of male sexuality? Well, for starters, any male post-puberty is likely going to be jacking off quite regularly, sexual partner or not. The urge to ejaculate in males is so powerful that it cannot be ignored. And, as a consequence, every guy is going to have to develop his own particular way of dealing with where he is in this respect.

For guys, the stuff you see in the movies and on line is largely focused on techniques for engaging a sexual partner. This is OK if you conveniently have a sexual partner. Remember the guy living in the 3-bedroom house in the suburbs with the wife and kids. The guy in the suburban home with his wife and kids is analogous to the stuff in the universe that we can all readily see.

But then there is this other place, the so-called “dark matter” of male sexuality that every guy needs to learn how to cope with and even enjoy. This entire subject remains a mystery for a lot of women in particular, because they were taught by their moms (who, in turn were taught by their moms) that for straight guys at least the female is the centerpiece of a guy’s sexual focus and pleasure. The mere thought of a guy enjoying his own body alone does not compute, except I guess in the context of believing that this is something only guys who lack access to a sexual partner might do as an inferior means of getting off when a guy is desperate for sex.

So, we have several things going on here. 1. Guys masturbate, alone, regularly, to the point that the average might be 50 solo-sex ejaculations for every single act of partner sex, but 2. Most guys try to keep this behavior deeply hidden from anyone else whether that someone else is a parent, sibling, peer classmate, a dorm roommate or the female you had the date with on Friday night—or even your wife or live-in girlfriend. In our society real intercourse is so valued that a guy dare not admit to doing anything else in order to arouse oneself and ejaculate. Growing up, a guy increasingly values a degree of privacy just for this purpose. Going to college with a male roommate makes the quest for privacy even more important. A logical question is “how is my male roommate going to navigate this?” but a guy almost never dares actually blurt out that question, for fear that a host of even more complicated questions could logically arise from that one.

Too, as a guy gets only a little older, the objective shifts from seeing how fast you can make it from flaccid penis to full scale hard-on to powerful ejaculation to an alternative mode in which the guy takes more time to get there while still remaining quite aroused. Every guy knows that the complete inability to delay orgasm via mind control only occurs rather late in the process, and learning how to delay orgasm while remaining for an extended period of time in a highly aroused state can be extraordinarily enjoyable to learn and do. This can be fun stuff!

What does all of this have to do with swim briefs, compression gear, tighty whiteys, jock straps etc? I’m sure you have all been wondering about that. Each of these items a guy might find useful if he is interested in maintaining himself for extended periods of time in a semi-aroused state. A snug-fitting garment of your choice may have a “nasty” but fascinating way of keeping a guy semi-focused on his own groin area and sexual organs and in the process create some fun and interesting sensations that are more than worth experiencing.

But since this all has nothing to do with sex with a partner, and further, admitting that a guy does this could suggest that you lack enough personal charm to even be able to find a sexual partner, you dare not admit to anyone what you are doing in your efforts. That means nothing can be revealed to your parents, siblings, peer classmates, or certainly not the girl you (sorta) like in school. And, most certainly, NOT to your college dorm roommate. Except, of course, last night your roommate may have observed that you pulled out a colored brief from your dresser drawer and got into what looked to him like a little swim brief and then pulled on a pair of long-legged sleeping pants just before you crawled into bed. Your roommate might have observed this but said nothing. You sleep well, while occasionally touching your body snug inside the swim brief “down there”. You suspect your roommate might be wondering why you dressed the way you did just to go to bed. You think to yourself that if you pull on a strap before putting on your sleeping pants he might find this even weirder.

Oh well. The next day you wake up refreshed and ready to tackle whatever the world throws at you! Early that morning the swim brief gets tossed in the laundry bag but the sleeping pants somehow are still clean. It is important to act nonchalant as if nothing at all has happened.

To be continued…

12-02-2019, 03:45 PM

As many of my readers know, I am interested in all aspects of being a guy and all aspects of male sexuality. But if I have any particular interest, it is in helping guys of any age who for whatever reason, find themselves alone as in without a sexual partner. This situation might be by choice or in coping with what once was or a partner situation but now is not. I’ve observed that a lot of guys who live as singles without a sexual partner behave as if they are truly miserable, as if somehow their own bodies are no longer fun to be in. To me, that some guys even think this way is sad. I am here to tell you that being alone is not the end of the world from the standpoint of sexual enjoyment. In fact the situation you are in can be a lot of fun. So, here is what I experienced, alone, last night.

A few of you might have read my “Spending the night in a cup” paper that is still on the Internet. In it, I explain in detail a solo-sex experience I had that I thought was really quite profoundly wonderful in a host of different ways. But, I somehow hadn’t “messed” with the techniques in exactly the way I described in that paper in several years. And I got to thinking to myself maybe what I did there maybe was not that great an experience any more.

So, I think back as to the methods I employed way back, and checked to see if I still had the necessary bits and pieces of equipment close to what I used back then. Turns out, I did even though the exact items may be more difficult to find today. More about this later.,

To fully understand what I have been doing, you need to learn a bit about male sexual biology if you have not learned about this already. Every male has a special spot called the perineum, which is a place on the male body that is directly behind the scrotum between your scrotum and anus. This is sometimes referred to as the male “G” spot, as it is a place that a bunch of sensitive nerve endings terminate—nerve endings that are interconnected with “feeling horny”. Not only that, the perineum is located directly beneath the male prostate, so if a guy puts pressure on the spot, he indirectly stimulates the prostate gland, which also feels really good. It is if there is a hard wire running directly from the perineum to the sexual pleasure center in your brain. This might be a spot a lot of guys, single or in a relationship, may not know even exists.

In the US, thong underwear for men really only showed up in stores as a serious option in the late 1980s, and, oddly enough, few chain retailers carry it any more. But it is still readily available on line. Thongs—actually merely getting into a thong, is an interesting process that has a not-to-be-missed sexual awareness component to it.

Any thong has a pouch designed to contain your penis and balls attached to a cord. Generally, the pouch made of a stretchy cloth is just big enough to contain a guy’s balls and his flaccid penis. And at the base of the pouch there is likely a sewn connector that connects the pouch to a cord or perhaps narrow band of elastic running to the rear of the waistband. The cord or elastic band is meant to run in the butt crack between the glutes. This means that the cord will be brushing against the anal area as well, which is also a more sexually-active body part than many guys fully appreciate.

The really fun part, of course, is to give the elastic cord a firm tug, cinching it tightly between the glutes. This does two things. The cord gets drawn past the anal area, which can be sexy fun. But the more important part is that the snugger the cord fits the more upward pressure there will be on the perineum—the area on a guys body that is really sexually active.

Meanwhile the penis and balls are contained in the snug pouch. Merely getting into the right (perhaps some would say “wrong”) thong probably will give a guy at least a bit of a hard-on. The thong is pushing all the best male body parts upward and forward. But even more interestingly, even a slight erection invariably puts still more upward pressure on the perineum. Tugging on the cord at the rear magnifies the sensations.

Why some guys like to wear thong underwear is that they have figured out what I have just told you. Why some guys refuse to wear thong underwear is that they realize they could easily get themselves into a situation where things start to happen that they cannot consciously control, and what could happen could easily lead to an embarrassing situation (if seeing a peer in a locker room wearing a thong is not already embarrassing enough).

So guys who have figured out more or less what happens end up with something of a “love-hate” relationship with male thong underwear. They love the sensations but worry that what they are doing to themselves might lead to a situation they would rather not have to face.

That is why if you want to mess around it is handy to be living alone and not be dealing with a sexual partner at the same time.

What to do? Find a nice thong and make plans to wear it at bedtime, though an entire night, and see how your body copes with the interesting things that are happening. In colder weather, one could wear a favorite thong under a pair of loose-fitting sleep pants. The idea is to keep feeling horny all night long but not to jerk off.

Of course, there is more to this. I have found a favorite old thong, one made by Jockey many years ago. It looks innocent enough, just white cotton with a simple pouch and a narrow band of elastic made to fit snugly between the glutes. But this simple thong I already know packs a wallop of fun sensations. Somehow it really makes my perineum feel good. It pushes my penis and balls up and forward into an interesting place. And every time I give the cord a little tug it feels oh so good as my anal area is brushed and the perineum gets punched just a bit more one more time. Sensation overload!

So the idea is to crawl into this thong and spend the night sleeping in it feeling horny but not jerking off, I want to keep control of my body for as much of the night as possible without going into involuntary contractions of an orgasm if I can while all of this is going on. But there is more to this. A lot more. A still bigger challenge awaits.

To be continued….

12-02-2019, 03:48 PM

As many of my readers also know, I am a big fan of athletic supporters aka jock straps, both those with a cup and those without. I’ve long thought that old school jock straps were interesting garments both for what they cover and what they don’t cover, and I have long admired the athletes who participated in a sport where they got a chance and a reason to wear one.

Traditional, old school straps with cups were very simple. Always made of a rough textured and very elastic fabric they were designed to support a guy’s male body parts to minimize the possibility of injury to the male penis and balls;. The three inch wide elastic waistband somehow also feels great. Straps without a cup are made to simply hold a guys penis and balls and provide support out of harms way in athletic competition. Hard cups are designed to take a forward hit, from say a baseball, without doing any injury to a guy’s important male body parts.

Old-school cups were designed with only limited space for a guy’s penis. Just enough to contain an average guy’s flaccid penis, but leaving no space for a guy to grow a bit, even if inadvertently. To me, that was the really interesting part, that is, every guy needed to somehow fit himself into a cup that seemed, well, less than generously-sized. A lot of guys struggled with this sense of containment these old school cups and straps offered. Thinking about what was going on down there, that the hard walls of the cup were touching a guy’s penis, led to, well, problems. The more a guy thought about where his penis was, chances are the harder he got. This made matters worse not better and the guy didn’t really have any real control over what his body was doing to him. Penises do as penises do! Every guy at some level realizes exactly that.

So what happened is that manufacturers started to build straps with bigger, roomier cups, still designed to protect from a flying missile, but allowing the penis enough room to flop around in a little more space without it seeming that the cup walls were closing in on the guy. This works, sort of. The small cups could be worn and were all but invisible once the outer garments for the sport were in place. But with one of the bigger, banana® style cups were in place in a sport like football, where the football pants are snug-fitting as well, it is more than obvious to everyone that the guy is wearing a big cup (or that he is hugely endowed, which might be part of the fun as well). I see lots of photos of fully-dressed college football players who either have wonderful male endowments or are wearing a huge cup, or maybe both.

Still, I find the straps with the old-style flat cups with limited space the most fun to mess around with. Think about my situation. I am wearing my favorite thong underwear that is doing neat things to my perineum and to my butt crack. I am enjoying having my penis and balls inside the less-than-roomy thong pouch with everything being pressed front and forward. Some really neat sensations are going on—sensations I am already truly enjoying.

Keep in mind that I am getting ready for bed and to run a bedtime experiment of sorts with my own body. A solo-sex experience at its most enjoyable. What to do? Why put on an old school strap with one of those undersized flat cups OVER the top of the thong, of course. This is a fascinating predicament to put my ‘nads in because the thong is pushing my ‘nads front and forward while the strap with the cup is pressing firmly downward. Of course the leg straps holding the pouch of the strap in place come together at the perineum that is already being hit with pressure from the thong. A nearly overpowering double whammy, of sorts.

The strap is bearing down on sensitive body parts even as the tong is pressing my penis into the hard cup. Two forces, both sexually changed and both endlessly fascinating to experience.

If a guy were doing this in the daytime, he would perhaps be readily distracted from the sensations going on down there. But this is nighttime and I know that once I crawl into bed my mind will be drawn to fascinating sensations in my groin area like an insect to a light

To be continued…

12-02-2019, 03:50 PM
Part LIX

At this point I am about to crawl into bed wearing my thong and cupped strap. My goal, of course, is not to see how rapidly I can get aroused to the point of not being able to delay an orgasm, but instead see whether I can make it through an entire night while still wearing these items and somehow still coping with the sensations that I know are bound to occur.

One interesting part about male sexuality is that the urge to ejaculate can normally be circumvented until very late in the arousal sequence. I can feel horny as all get out and continue in that mode for long periods of time should I choose to do so. Many guys I don’t think have experimented enough to fully realize this.

So here I am, wearing a favorite thong covered with an equally-favorite undersized strap and cup. I could make this even more difficult by pulling a pair of compression shorts over, which would make the cup all but immovable. But this time I just slip a loose fitting pair of black pile sleeping pants over. The weather has turned cold and nasty, but I should be warm and happy clad in my thong, cupped strap and pile sleeping pants. But can I make it through the entire night feeling way horny this way without getting overwhelmed by the urge to ejaculate? This is the ultimate test.

I crawl into bed last night wearing exactly the items I described. A fascinating part of this is that if I tried the same experiment during the day, I would probably get distracted enough so that I wouldn’t be paying a lot of attention to sensations coming from my groin. But being in bed, there is nothing to do but think about what is happening to me down there. The problem is that if I get too focused on that I will likely quickly get to the point where I can no longer delay orgasm, but my goal is to see what happens to me over an entire night in the thong, strap and cup without ever getting off. Essentially I am replicating what I used to do on a regular basis for fun.

Once in bed, my mind quickly goes to the cup bearing down on my groin, and the sensations that seem to be coming from the perineum. The firm pressure of the cup is already starting to get to me, at once feeling interesting but also a bit annoying. How did teens actually wear these old style cups for sport anyway?

Still, I like what I am feeling, a lot. The tendency is to try to adjust by moving the cup a bit to find a less challenging position, psychosexually, but as I do this I can’t resist tapping on the cup with my fingers a little. Somehow my penis seems to “like” what I am attempting to do. Just so it doesn’t like what I am doing “too much” and then the experiment would come to an abrupt but very enjoyable end. It’s only about 10:30 pm and I have managed to drift off to sleep neatly confined but without having an orgasm.

Suddenly, I wake up again. I look at the clock. It says 12 midnight. I have slept only one-and-a-half hours. Worse (or maybe better) I realize that the thong, cup and strap are feeling even more erotic (horny) than when I first drifted off. Everything going on down there seems to have ramped up a notch to super-sensitive from merely sensitive. I like what I am feeling very much, but for how long can my body “take this” intensity? I reach down and make some more adjustments to my beloved cup. Every movement of the cup I savor and each slight movement is somehow unique to my body.

Then I discover something still more interesting. If I roll over and try to sleep on my tummy, the weight of my body bears down on my groin area, and the cup gets pressed more firmly into my groin. This feels great. Too great perhaps. I decide I had better not mess with this too much or my experiment of staying really horny but not ejaculating will suddenly come to an abrupt end. I roll back again on my side and somehow quickly drift back to sleep.

I wake up again at 3:30 AM and decide maybe I should go to the bathroom. This will require that I pull down all my gear but what the heck! Another fascinating aspect of this is that if a guy pulls down the stuff that confines him, that provides a temporary “relief” from the groin tension. So getting out of the gear for a few moments may be simple compared to getting everything back in where it belongs.

Somehow, I manage to get out of the gear and then get myself back in. I crawl back in bed, still feeling really horny, still really confined, but I again almost immediately drift back to sleep. I am still feeling really horny but still have not had an orgasm.

I wake up again. The clock reads 6:15 AM. I made it through the night without ejaculating. I pull of my gear. The thong pouch has pre-ejaculate in it. A silver dollar-sized spot of my favorite clear but viscous precum. Truly neat stuff. It’s a way of measuring exactly how much I enjoyed myself during the night. I had a blast. And I did not ejaculate.

It’s time to get up and write this for all of you to read. Doing this is every bit as much fun as I remember from years back. For daytime wear I pull on a pair of tighty whiteys, a really snug-fitting pair of green Tesla® compression pants and cover everything with a pair of Levis 510 skinny jeans. Those items feel good too, but in a different way from the marvelous marathon experience I had with my body last night. Still, I really like that gear as well.

So any guy can try this. This is safe, erotic fun. Any guy can do this alone too. You do not need a sexual partner to thoroughly enjoy your own body this way. On the other hand what exactly would happen if a college dorm mate sleeping in a bed in a small dorm room only a few feet away were attempting to do exactly the same thing over a night?

But then, who says a guy living without a sexual partner can’t have a lot of fun?

To be continued…

12-04-2019, 12:19 PM
Part LX

In the past few chapters I have described in detail some of the techniques I use to pleasure myself without having a partner of either sex with me. What I like to do to and with myself might prove helpful to other guys who for whatever reason find themselves in a situation whereby they are living alone and without a partner. It is in this spirit that I am writing this morning. Granted, some of what I describe might prove helpful to guys who do have partners as well in learning about how their own bodies work and respond to stimuli. This is actually an equal opportunity kind of thing.

Solo sex is a subject that is either not discussed or if it is mentioned in public, it is often in a derogatory way. “Oh yah! Surely some guys pleasure themselves, but this is something they do only until they develop the social skills required to find a partner for sex, and then it is easy to see that all guys clearly prefer partner sex and the solo sex part recedes into “things I used to do when I had no partner for sex, but abandoned once I became an adult.”

This attitude and outlook about solo masturbation is not only uninformed, at least for a lot of guys, it is probably also incorrect. A few of the sex researchers have actually tried to find the truth, by asking questions such as “When do you have your best orgasms, alone or with a sexual partner?” Surprisingly, a lot of guys (anonymously of course) will admit that they have more powerful orgasms playing with themselves than when they have sex with a partner.

No guy ever wants to admit that publicly, of course, because the entire idea runs counter to a bunch of different social and cultural norms, starting with all the women out there who are deeply ingrained with the idea that for straight men at least, being with a female is all that matters to a guy, sexually. Straight guys who do not have female partners are miserable in a host of different ways—perhaps emotional basket cases. And every guy is aware that women (ahem) often use sex to manipulate men as a means of getting what the woman wants which is often something unrelated to sex. I could push this idea some more but I will stop on that for now.

So, what I have described to you in the last three chapters is a marathon session of solo sex that I engaged in a couple nights ago that I thought was absolutely extraordinarily fun. Enough fun to write about. What I am trying to say that I went into a 10-hour long psychosexual “high” that lasted the entire night. Doing this I guess is something like a high on drugs but with none of the down side. Granted, I’m not the best witness on that one at all, except to say that I really felt good during this entire 10-hour period.

I tried to provide you with enough detail on exactly what I was doing to my body that made me feel so good as well as the special equipment that I used in the process (like the undersized strap and cup) such that the reader could try some of the same ideas. (If some of this all seems a little weird as in “that would never work for me for sure”, so be it. Don’t knock it until you try it yourself.)

Let us look at some of the facts. I had about 10 hours of fun without actually getting off at the end. I awoke restored and refreshed, and as I changed into my daytime clothing I was still feeling just as horny as I went to bed. I could have gotten off at the end and I thought about doing that, but I was enjoying myself so much by seeing how long I could just stay aroused I decided not to. Some guys may be uneasy about this.

That is not what is supposed to happen, is it? Encounters with sexual partners almost invariably should end with ejaculation, don’t they? And no partner would expect that a guy is going to stay aroused and horny for 10 hours straight, even while drifting in and out of sleep as I did several times during the night. Sexual encounters with a sexual partner need to have a clear beginning and an end, the end being a point where both partners have a really powerful orgasm, ideally almost simultaneously,…or do they?

In reality, what I described for you in detail is the specifics of how a guy can pleasure himself without a sexual partner. In going to bed, I knew I would be wearing a couple items that had given me a lot of pleasure over the years. That specific Jockey® brand thong and the Duke strap with the seemingly “mean” nearly-flat hard cup were both a lot of fun to wear, but almost unbelievably so when my body is hit with the combination of the thong pressing upward on my perineum in combination with the little snug-fitting hard cup bearing down on my penis that was attempting to get erect but did not have the necessary space.

I guess nearly every guy develops a collection of items that he enjoys wearing because they make him feel horny in some way. My collection could be a little bigger than many, but then I have lived my entire life single as well, something most guys do not do. I realize that a lot of guys end up with a collection of swim briefs not because they expect to go swimming wearing one but rather because they like wearing them in private but in particular they love how a guys penis feels pointed upward in a swim brief with the slick fabric relentlessly rubbing against the underside. And a lot of guys like to simply have the privacy needed to regularly do that.

At this point all of this is so enjoyable that even thinking about getting into a relationship with another person that might involves sex brings up thoughts about how I would ever explain all of this to another person and what parts of this if any could be brought into a relationship situation.

To be continued…

12-04-2019, 01:55 PM
Part LXI
Sometimes my mind wanders back to when I was a very young child. I have been trying to recall when was the first time I ever recall seeing a photo of a guy wearing a swimming brief. I do not recall exactly when this first happened to me, but my best guess is that it was when I was very young, perhaps only about 5 or 6 years old. All I remember is that when I saw that first photo, I was already thinking about how much I wanted to be that guy and be able to wear a swim brief like that.

For me, this would have been way before puberty, and I couldn’t have been more than vaguely aware of the fact that there were some interesting sensations that could happen in the groin area, but that was about it. I had lots to learn, but for me, the fascinating thing was how much I longed to be able to have an excuse to wear a swim brief, even at a very young age.

The problem in my early years was that I lived in a rural area, a long way from a swimming pool, and had essentially no opportunity to interact with boys who hung out at swimming pools. My only exposure to getting in the water involved going to “the lake” which was really the basin of a dammed up river. And the guys there were all wearing swimsuits that were usually plaid boxers. These suits were short, but they were made of woven cloth. They did fit high on the leg, like an athletic short.

There was, however a “secret” to these shorts. Inside they all had what was called a supporter inside. Not a jock strap-style supporter but rather a brief-style supporter made from an open weave fabric with the legs banded in elastic. This was a swim “brief” of sorts, but a something of a “secret” swim brief. Still, as I got a little older the mere thought of being in a brief, hidden or not, was giving me an erection. And because I liked that feeling I started to look for excuses to wear my swimsuit even if I was not going swimming.

As a young kid, on warm days I liked to get into my plaid swimsuit ostensibly to cool off, but practically I quickly got to like having the excuse to wear my suit with the neat-feeling internal support brief. I would spray my body with warm water out of a garden hose that had been laying outdoors. I knew my penis liked to get big once inside the suit. And after my suit was soaked I would pull the suit off and get back into my regular clothes.

Anyway, I did not quite realize this could happen. I looked down there inside the suit, and my penis had somehow grown quite big and hard. My mom was standing right there. Just as I pulled down the suit to get into my other clothes, I started to ejaculate, with my mom standing right there looking at me. My mom must have been somewhat taken aback by this but she remained composed. I expected to be scolded in some manner. I was terrified. I had probably had the occasional wet dream by then, but I think this was the first time that I had ever ejaculated in the daytime. I did not know what to think or expect next.

But mom did not scold me. She seemed to take what had happened all in stride. She did, however offer me some words of advice. “If you don’t want your penis to do that, you need to quit thinking about it so much when you are wearing your swimsuit!” I thought to myself “Easier said than done, mom.” But I said nothing.

My cousins and their parents from the west coast only occasionally drove home for a visit--a distance of nearly 1400 miles. We were all rural kids and lived a rather solitary existence. My cousins, similar in age to me, were growing up in a more urban setting, and had obviously got to do some things we rural kids hadn’t gotten to do. But then, we had some advantages too in that we had grown up around farm animals and thus we knew more of the details of stuff like how animals mated. The city cousins all seemed to wonder if farm animals bite if you try to feed them out of your hand. Of course they don’t and getting an animal to be tame enough so they would come and eat out of your hand was part of the fun, and then seeing the cousins watch in amazement as, say, a chicken would peck grain out of your hand (which was great fun because it tickled a bit).

So one year, (I am trying to think exactly when) my cousins came from the west coast to visit. One of the cousins was a boy about a year older than me, and the other cousin was about a year younger. I think I was about 12, so the older cousin was probably 13 and the younger one, 11. Exactly where I was on the puberty scale I’m uncertain, except to say that stuff was probably well underway. Parents and kids, we were joined by other local cousins and went off to the lake and to simply relax. We all wore our swimsuits under our clothes so we could get into the water. I was no doubt in my plaid trunks with the support liner. So my two urban cousins got out of their clothes and down to the suits they had worn to get into the water.

Lo and behold, both my cousins were both wearing swim briefs. And not sloppy, loose-fitting briefs either, but slick smooth briefs that looked very similar to those you see today. I don’t recall a brand name, but think 3” Speedo. I think both of them had been taking swimming lessons at school, so these were briefs a swim coach would have approved of.

The brief my younger cousin was wearing particularly interested me. It was bright shiny royal blue, and fit his body almost like a second skin. He looked great in it—the look was far better than the sloppy trunks I was wearing for sure.

We spent some time in the water, and then we were out. My cousins stayed in their swim briefs. I probably changed out of my trunks because my woven suit would have been sloppy wet.

My aunt (who was my cousin’s mom) said that my younger cousin did something she thought was a little strange. He liked to keep wearing his swimsuit even when he was in the water. What he was doing of course, was wearing the brief instead of cotton underwear.

My aunt may have wondered about this, but somehow I didn’t think what he was doing was odd at all. I had already figured out that my cousin had decided he liked the fit and feel of the swim brief better than standard underwear (I would have too).

So, my cousins slept in various places on vacation and my younger cousin was scheduled to be staying at my parent’s farm that night. In fact, he would be sleeping in the same double bed as I. Was my cousin going to sleep in the royal blue suit as well? I would be able to find out exactly what his plan was.

Turns out, not. Just before he crawled into bed he pulled of the suit and put on a pair of pajama bottoms and threw the suit onto the bed. It laid there shiny and blue, white piping on each side, still seemingly kinda stiff in pretty much the shape it was when he was wearing it. I would have loved to have tried crawling into it if only for a few minutes, but I was far too shy to ask. Still, that royal blue suit that day and night left an indelible mark on my brain, still vivid today, 50 years later. I have never dared ask my cousin if he remembers any of this. I don’t dare, and I never will.

To be continued….

12-05-2019, 01:05 PM

Interesting questions to ponder and my responses to each…
Why do guys want to wear swim briefs rather than another style that offers more body coverage?

1 The choice of swimmer-athletes. The design helps guys swim faster in competition. This is the original argument when they were introduced by Speedo® many years ago.

2 Dries quickly and once dry can be worn like underwear under street clothing.

3 Fun to wear. Many guys love to wear a swim brief and study their own bodies in detail. The smooth slick fabric against the penis is erotic fun. A lot of guys get turned on by seeing how their body looks under tension from being inside the brief, particularly watching as a penis expands and gets harder inside the limited space available. Thus, many guys like to use the swim brief as a masturbation aid while watching themselves in a mirror, and in this regard the snugger the brief fits the better.

4 Guys who admire fit swimmer-athletes sometimes want to look the part as well, similar to owning a jersey of a basketball star.

5 Lots of neat fun to get into a brand new swim brief not quite knowing how it is going to fit and how it will tug and pull your body.

Why are guys often apprehensive about wearing a swim brief in public?

1 The coverage is so minimal guys worry that they will be noticed teased an maybe even bullied if seen in public with an obvious penis even if it is totally covered by the brief

2 “That is not what the other guys my age are wearing” There is a male “herding” instinct going on here as to what clothing is OK versus not OK. What the other guys are doing is fine, but if I am the only one wearing a brief that is not good.

3 A lot of guys are apprehensive about the possibility of mild arousal leading to a full-scale hard-on in public and an inability to control one’s urges. The possibility of this happening is both terrifying but terrific fun and that both are going on at the same time makes a lot of guys, well, scared.

4 What happens if in public place I start to feel just like I did standing in front of a mirror and looking at my body clad in the brief when I was alone in private and what do I do if that does happen?

5 Swim briefs tend to be associated with gay guys. And a lot of people seem to think that if they see a guy in a swim brief, this is approximately the same as a “gay” guy advertising himself to other gay males. For better or worse, swim briefs are associated with gay guys.

Why do so many women claim to dislike even the idea of a guy wearing a swim brief however fit he might be?

1 They have bought into the idea that any guy in a swim brief not n a swimming or diving competition must be gay, and thus definitely not a “catch” for a heterosexual female.

2 Women are wired differently sexually from men. A lot of women are unhappy that male sex organs are so “obvious” and a swim brief makes it very clear and all too obvious that a guy is different sexually from a female and that a guy has balls and a penis that is symbolic of male domination.

3 Many if not most women in a relationship with a guy whether they are a girlfriend or married to the guy. As such, they feel very threatened in a situation where other women could easily gawk at their guy’s sex organs even if fully covered by the brief. A woman who is OK seeing her guy in a swim brief in private may be all but OK if he is parading around in a situation where other females could gawk.

4 Some women claim that they are OK with a guy wearing a swim brief but only if the guy is in “perfect” physical condition AND under 30. They set high standards reasoning that these standards will deter a lot of guys who are even only slightly less fit from ever “daring” to wear a swim brief. But that is the entire point.

5 What goes on in private between a heterosexual couple may be very different from what is permitted in public. Without the concern (threat) from other women gawking a woman is perfectly free to “enjoy” seeing her own guy clad in a skimpy swim brief and maybe in an aroused state. This all could be an enjoyable prelude to partner sex for both. A guy could keep a selection of swim briefs for the same reason a women might want to own a selection of erotic lingerie she knows her guy would like to see her wearing.

Many men seem more than comfortable with their girlfriend or wife out in public wearing a string bikini or thong with a swimming bra that barely covers the nipples. Why is this?

1 This behavior has its roots in the idea of a “trophy” wife or girlfriend and a guy feeling that his status with his male colleagues or peers is enhanced if they see how he obviously succeeded in the dating game. In short, most guys happily put up with some peer male gawking of his significant other, so long as it doesn’t go “too far”.

2 So long as the female is willing to simply play along with this, all is well. I suspect that the gawking in some interesting ways might be erotic for the female.

Are gay guys really into skimpy swim briefs?

1 Yes they are. At least many of them are. Compared with the male-female complexities relating to swim briefs, the male-male situation is easy to understand. Both males have the same wiring and so what one of the two does in this regards should come as no surprise to the other. If a gay guy enjoys wearing skimpy swim briefs and even (ahem) gets aroused and hard in them, the tricky part is to find a male partner who likes very much the same thing. Swim brief heaven!

2 There are lots of aspects of gay male relationships that are far easier to navigate than is true for heterosexual couples, and this is only one of them. I suppose it is possible for a gay couple to disagree about this, but I have trouble thinking that the disagreement could ever be as complicated as what it might be for a straight couple.

What do lesbians, feminists and other females who are not sexually attracted to males think about guys wearing swim briefs?

1 This is a fascinating but difficult to answer question at least with a general degree of certainty.

2 I presume that most women who describe themselves as falling into one of these categories are put off, or perhaps even described as "repulsed" by the sight of a male penis even if covered by a swimming brief.

3 The first reaction women who describe themselves this way is that on seeing a guy wearing a swim brief in public, if he is not a competitive athlete, then he must be a gay guy.

4 Socially and politically, gay men and lesbian women sometimes are grouped together. But they couldn’t be more different in all sorts of different ways.

5 Part of the anger some women seem to have with respect to guys wearing swim briefs in public seems to be tied to a feminist perspective that the only truly acceptable guy is one who appears to not have any male sex organs, and a guy wearing even a modest swim brief is still going to obviously have some body parts that are offensive to see

6 In short, a lot of gay guys seem to flaunt their maleness by wearing a swim brief in public and a lot of women who are in the lesbian/feminist mode find that highly offensive and out of order.

7 My bottom line is that most women on the lesbian/feminist side really do not want to see guys hanging out in swim briefs under any circumstance.

To be continued…

12-06-2019, 03:21 PM

I have frequently thought about what I call the “seasonality” of horniness. A general idea is that for both sexes tend to mere easily go into a state of feeling aroused in the warm summer months than in the cool or cold winter seasons.

If you enjoy ejaculating (and what guy doesn’t?) you might think about whether or not your frequency follows any sort of seasonal pattern. This can be either in self-pleasuring or partner sex or some combination of the two. Do you tend to want to do it more often when the weather is warm or cold or does it not matter at all to you as in about the same interest in every season?

Another aspect of this is age related. As a young man, I was probably much like every other young man who really treasured any opportunity I had to get a hard on and conclude with a powerful ejaculation. There was absolutely nothing more enjoyable than getting to watch my own semen spurt out of my body and I became very fond of doing this.

But as I gradually grew older, the herky jerky part, while extraordinary fun, was only part of what I liked so much. Gradually I liked to more and more just “simmer”. Simmering means maintaining a significant arousal level perhaps with only a minimal erection if any, but going for increasingly lengthy periods of remaining in this semi-aroused state without going into a full-blown ejaculation. As I got older, more and more I began to increasingly enjoy these subtle aspects of male sexual arousal, using precum production as a visual gauge for determining whether or not I was enjoying myself and certainly not how rapidly I went into full-scale ejaculation mode.

Now, as some would say, I am an old man. Going into an orgasm is still possible and really enjoyable, except that it may take me a day or more to fully recover. For 24 hours or more after, I now feel sluggish and disinterested in sensations from my groin area that I would have loved very much had I not only recently got off. This poses more than a small dilemma..Now that I am retired, I don’t need to go to work. I can go for hours and even days literally feeling aroused and slowly precumming away, Or I can go into a mode in which I get off, enjoy my full orgasm immensely, then feel sluggish for a day or two before I start to come around and again get interested in playing with my sexual body.

This may seems strange to a guy in his 20s, but generally overall I like the first option I outlined much better than the second. And the first option seems to keep me going through the cold winter months as well. Occasionally I will still get off but getting off every couple days is no longer my most important goal. I would rather see just how long I can simmer.

You have already been introduced to a lot of the clothing items I use to help me simmer. As we are now into December, I thought I would share with you a little more details as to how this all works in all seasons. All of you also know that as a septuagenarian I still pursue an extensive exercise program with stationary rowing, a stationary bike and a weight machine. Part of what allows me to keep this up is that I like to get clothing items that make me feel good down there while I am exercising. I’m 5’10” and this morning I weighed 149.6 lbs.

I like to layer the clothing. For daytime wear, summer and winter, you will usually find the first layer to be a pair of tighty whiteys, ideally Boys size 10-12. These way snug-fitting cotton briefs are absorbent (they soak up the precum) and always feel way neat against my body. Over those in the warmer months a pair of swimming jammers or some traditional thigh-length compression shorts (the TSLA ones from Amazon are good quality and inexpensive. Size SM fits me fine.The Jammers from suppliers such as TYR I like to undersize to a 28” waist.)

Depending on how horny I am feeling, sometimes I put on an old school strap on over the tighty whiteys but under the jammers—usually without a cup but occasionally with a cup. The cup makes the time fly when stationary rowing and stationary biking but some days I am not “up” to quite this much groin tension.

My top is usually a short sleeved compression tee. And I can always pull on a looser fitting pair of shorts over the compression shorts or jammers if I am expecting visitors.

Summer sleepwear usually is just a bit too snug swim brief but I sometimes wear a loose fitting tee with that.

Then as the weather starts to turn cooler in the fall I still start with the tighty whiteys, but then I like to pull over a pair of running tights instead of the jammers or compression shorts. Then genuine football pants are fun to pull over the tights. (And of course, if I am wearing football pants how could I not also be wearing a strap and an undersized cup too?) Stationary rowing is particularly enjoyable with that combo. Every stroke sends way interesting message to my brain. I am very fond of the “messages” I receive from down there.

At night I may switch from the skimpy swim brief to a square legged brief/underwear that still fits close to my body.

Then in really cold weather I stick with the tighty whiteys and the running tights, but pull on a pair of looser-fitting sweatpants over. I still wear a long sleeved compression tee but with a looser-fitting sweatshirt on top. And, on occasion you would still find a strap (either cupped or not) between the tighty whiteys and the running tights.

At night, in the winter, I like to wear pile sleeping pants and a tee. What I wear underneath the sleeping pants each night depends on how much I want to challenge myself. You have already read in detail my experience with an undersized thong, strap and cup as nighttime wear in the winter. Less challenging for this but still fun is an undersized Seobean® swim brief. I particularly like the ones that are just not quite big enough to fully cover my butt crack leaving a Y-pattern at the rear. I spend the night tugging away on the rear of the brief, which snugs everything a little tighter. I need to be really careful though, as at about 3 AM this can get the best of me, and I end up getting to a point where the only way out is to have a full-scale orgasm which then shuts me down for a day or sometimes two. The real trick of course is to keep myself aroused but not quite enough to go into ejaculation mode. Of course it is fun to see exactly how far I can take this,--right to the very edge, as the sensations keep getting more and more pleasant, but on occasion I have been known to slip right over the edge :) .

To be continued…

swim suit eddie
12-18-2019, 06:38 AM
WOW! Sebbie's long stories were great. It reminded me when I was several years younger, during the cold winter weather, wearing Speedo style briefs under a long sleeve leotard and opaque tights under warm polyester dark blue colored winter overalls. They really felt nice, warm and rather snug. I did have an erection under all those layers too. I had to go to see a medical specialist to check out my lower torso for a possible cancer mole I never noticed it nor felt any pain. I was rather nervous going there ,but felt better in the end. I met a lovely nurse while at the specialist's clinic. She was with me through the whole process and noticed my outlined erection under all those snug and secure layers of winter attire. While in the examination room with all the fancy medical equipment, she said I would have to completely undress for the doctor's examination. I was quite bashful, so she said she'll undress me and not to feel embarrassed about having a hard on. It was beautiful being in the examination with her only. Slow and gently she unfastened the shoulder straps, bib opened all the buttons and unzipped those rather snug winter overalls. It was certainly arousing me more, still snug in the unbuttoned and unzipped winter overalls with the leotard and tights underneath. She gave me a reassuring smile and telling me not to be so afraid, as many of these exams turn out to be false alarms. After the winter overalls were unbuttoned and unzipped with the bib and shoulder straps dangling down, she slow opened and removed my warm flannel shirt. It was so exciting with her slowly undressing me. It was difficult for me to realize, she'll soon have me totally naked. I would look into her eyes, as she was stripping me naked with pleasure, I had such an erection,still well encased in my winter overalls and leotards underneath. She then gently removed my winter boots and socks, while giving me another look over, when the specialist doctor entered the exam room, seeing me still in my unzipped winter overalls with leotard and tights. She went over my medical report, then left the exam room telling the nurse " let her know when he's all undressed and ready." the nurse would tell me to hold still, so she can finish undressing me. Now she was now happily firmly pulling and tugging my snug winter overalls down and off, as I did blush somewhat with her seeing my excited penis snug and secure in the leotard and tights. She told me that her undressing me was to calm me down, before seeing the doctor for the examination. It was a beautiful feeling, as she firmly worked them off me, then shaking the snug warm overalls off my leotard clad legs. I did feel like a little boy loosing his warm and snug security blanket, as she got my snug winter overalls off me. She would then say" we're not finished yet" as I covered my outlined hard on, tightly encased in leotard and tights, looking like a male ballet dancer. She stepped back a few minutes watching me squirm and try hiding my well outlined male genitals saying "let's finish getting you ready for the doctor." After a lot of wiggling and pouting she had those warm and close fitting leotard, tights and ballet briefs off me and it was all showing, especially my hard penis, fully exposed and standing at attention. It was so beautiful and very arousing the way she slowly and gently stripped off all my warm snug winter attire including the leotards, I,m now totally naked when the doctor returned and did the tests on me and much to my surprise, it was good news. I had no cancer and the biopsy was a false alarm. The pretty nurse smiled and said' I told you, it would be a false alarm, as I stood in shock fully erect and completely naked with my unzipped and unbuttoned warm snug winter overalls, leotard and tights in a pile by the examination table. It was a fearful visit to the specialist, yet turning out to be quite a reassuring time with the pretty nurse, especially loosing all my warm snug winter attire to her.

12-19-2019, 02:21 PM

So, let me assume that my readers are interested in finding garments that will be used in self-pleasuring and perhaps in conjunction with having sex with a partner. The basic questions relate not only to the specific type of garment (ie swim brief, strap, compression gear, singlet, snug-fitting jeans) but also what the sizing should be for such use.

A general rule to follow is to let your body “tell” you what it thinks is “right” for the purpose. Specifically, if the mere THOUGHT of buying and then wearing the specific garment gets you oozing precum, then it will probably also be something you will enjoy wearing in self-pleasuring. A guy’s body ordinarily does an excellent job of sorting this all out.

Having said that, I thought it would be perhaps useful for me to tell you some specifics of what seems to have worked for me over many years of hands-on experiments.

Swim briefs are a good starting point. I know a lot of guys tend to focus on the width of the sides, suggesting that the narrower the better. But I believe there is a more important measurement and that relates to the vertical length of the brief, which in turn determines if the brief will fit high enough to cover the Y at the top of your butt-crack.

In this regard, I think those Asian guys who like to wear the briefs that do not cover the Y have this figured out better than we Americans do. The other part of the fun is that if you are in a brief that does not quite want to cover the Y, you will find yourself probably repeatedly tugging away at the rear waistband, which, when you keep at it, can be a very enjoyable move.

Position your penis “up” in the brief with the underside of it pressing against the slick material, and you should be in for a really enjoyable time, especially if the brief is a little too short to fully cover your Y without some constant “adjustment”.

Thong swimwear and underwear has its own special way of getting “to” a guy. Part of the fun is just getting into the garment and getting your (hopefully hardening) penis along with your balls into the little pouch. You will have to “handle” your organ more than you normally would when getting into a standard underwear or swim brief.

The real key to successful “thonging is to put upward pressure on your perineum just behind your scrotum which indirectly also stimulates the prostate from below, and then the feel of a cord cutting between your buttocks. The combination of the two can get quite erotic quite quickly, but thongs vary in how much of each you get. I’ve experimented with many different thongs and found a few that I really “like” in this regard. You will probably end up buying a number of different ones as well, and running some comparison tests. These tests themselves can be both physically and psychologically interesting. I would love to test new thong models for an underwear or swimwear company, but the criteria I would base my judgment on might be different from what the manufacturer had in mind.

Athletic supporters can be a lot of fun to wear, cupped or not. Many of you realize I am very fond of the old-school straps with the three-inch-wide waistbands and the rough-textured elastic pouches. Any guy who has never had the opportunity to be in a strap and then get off in one should try doing so.

This is a male “rite of passage”. I suspect nearly every male who was “forced” to wear a strap in order to participate in a sport has done this, and you don’t want to be left out. Entire on-line stores now are devoted to selling straps in all sorts of shapes and sizes. You don’t really believe that customers are only guys required to wear a strap for a sport, now do you? Tell me another funny story!

I’ve already discussed cup shapes and sizes at length. The really fun cups are the old-style ones that seem barely big enough to hold a flaccid penis is going to drive a guy bananas worrying about what will happen if he starts to grow a bit. There is physical pressure but also psychological pressure as your penis will somehow realize the close proximity to the walls of the penis. Intercourse with a female involves much the same combination of physical and psychological stimuli, but there at least the surrounding walls are not hard-and-immovable plastic. Getting into a slightly undersized cup psychologically and physically can get interesting in a hurry. And you may learn something about how your body works and what really matters in penis-vagina sex. All for the better!

All of you also know that I am a big fan of compression gear shorts, tights and tops. Via experiments with compression gear, I learned that there are lots of body parts that are erotic that are not located in my groin. A guy’s thighs are a psychosexual hot spot, for example, and, in the compression tights, even the calf muscles. I like to undersize compression gear at least 1 size, and maybe two. What is the point in wearing it if it doesn’t “compress” Combine the gear with your latest swim brief or thong underneath, or maybe even a pair of undersized tighty whiteys.

Wrestling singlets are fun because in order to get the straps in place you have to tug upward in how the singlet fits in the groin area. Apparently a lot of teen wrestlers fear a hard-on just getting into the garment, and then what do you do if you get the uncontrollable urge to ejaculate wearing this one piece garment that takes time to get on and off? The body-suit swimmers face the same little problem. But if you are simply wearing your singlet in private or with a close male friend who is also “suffering” from the same “concerns” then this is not really a problem.

Finally, the guy’s jeans manufacturers keep putting more and more stretchy fibers in jeans allowing for a snugger and snugger, “painted on’ look, and for some years now guys have been buying jeans with a super skinny fit. First, with the elasticized fabric, the best versions now fit almost as snug as a running tight from the thigh through the calf muscles. This gives a great look. Plus you may discover seeing your legs from top to bottom in them in itself is erotic. Second, with the elastic in the fabric, this means that you can buy jeans with a waist one or two inches smaller than you could button when the denim had no stretch, making the look even snugger. A guy who comfortably wears a 32-inch waist in non stretchy denim can downsize to 31 or maybe even 30 inches, making the fit all around still tighter. You might get aroused just thinking about doing this, which is great. And learning how to control your urges while wearing undersized skinny jeans is also just part of the fun.

Enjoy yourselves guys, and I hope you find these tips for doing so to be helpful in your quest to have fun.

To be continued…

12-20-2019, 01:44 PM
Part LXV

One of the things I find so interesting from my vantage point as a male is the number of guys who seem to be having a great deal of difficulty in dealing with how to have a sexual relationship with a partner. I am fully aware of the fact that nearly all guys deep in their psychosexual being of who they are as a guy, are very fond of getting aroused and then ejaculating.

Having said that, every guy ends up following his own path with respect to how he deals or copes with all of this. There is something of a widespread belief that having penis-vagina sex with a female is the only truly acceptable way for a guy to cope with his urges, though in recent years this belief seems to have lessened at least a bit in favor of the idea that sex with a partner is an acceptable way for a guy to get off even though the partner might also be a male such that “gay sex” is one part of being normal even though that is not what most guys do.

Left out of this equation is the idea that guys without sexual partners still have the urge to get aroused and ejaculate and these people vary in age from boys all the way to nursing home residents in their 80s and 90s. Being a guy with all the urges and horniness is not an affliction of some sort that a guy should deny, but one of the wonderful aspects of who we are.

Then, one cannot help but observe how many guys get themselves in psychosexual messes that somehow involve a female partner. There are all sorts of examples of famous people who got themselves into deep trouble involving a female sexual partner. Bill Clinton and his rape and sexual harassment charges, Harvey Weinstein thinking it fun to masturbate in front of a female subordinate, Hunter Biden not realizing that sex with a stripper could lead to legal action seeking child support for something that as a consequence “somehow just happened”, Epstein thinking that if a guy is wealthy enough, sex with an under aged female was perfectly fine.

And so on. And so on.

Each of the guys I mentioned managed to take their psychosexual urge to ejaculate into a phase where they ended up with bad consequences, often illegal. Somehow each of them believed that they were wealthy and powerful enough that whatever they did could somehow be kept secret so no one else would know. Of course, it doesn’t work that way. Once a guy lets his penis control his brain it seems that a lot of guys engage in risky behavior because they somehow think they can.

My message to my readers is that there are other ways for a guy to enjoy his body without engaging in any sexual activity with a partner that is going to lead to problems. Aside from the fact that there are still lots of happily married couples who regularly engage in partner sex, there are lots of ways for single guys who lack a sexual partner to have a lot of fun too.

I have only a few worries or concerns. I worry that I am somehow the only guy that this seems to work for. I worry that the specific methods I employ for getting off regularly might be found as completely wanting or inadequate by any male “used” to having “real” sex with a partner. I worry that solo sex will be deemed always inferior by any guy who has ever in his life experienced partner sex.

Let’s first list the positives. No guy engaging in male “self abuse” alone has ever had to deal with the consequences that a Hunter Biden, Clinton, Weinstein or Epstein have had to face. Swim briefs, straps, cups and singlets don’t someday decide to “go public” and destroy your reputation or worse.

But, maybe a lot of this is just not that much fun. Guys always seem to rank orgasms from really great to not that big of a deal. Perhaps I have been overselling some of these ideas and thoughts.

So, every once and awhile I decide to do a self-check on what I am recommending. In the last chapter I talked in detail about thronging and why I thought it was so much fun for a guy’s mind and body. Snug fit. Perineum. Elastic band cutting between my glutes.

Last night I found a little 2x(ist) Y-back thong I hadn’t even realized I had gotten years ago. I decided to wear it to bed under my sleep pants. The first “problem was getting into it. The pouch was “limited in size and even in a semi-flaccid state I was having difficulty getting my penis and balls both inside. But then you talk about pressure on the perineum. And tugging on that Y-back only increased the tension.

I was off in 15 minutes. Great fun. Highly recommended. As solo sex goes this is way up there…

To be continued….

swim suit eddie
12-21-2019, 11:47 PM
I liked Sebbie's story, but for me, I like wearing tight swim briefs when swimming. I think sometime there is a time and place for nude swimming, especially on a swim team or swimming at a YMCA pool. Wearing a singlet for me are sexy underwear and it's nice wearing one other than wrestling. A jock strap is a necessary item for healthy men when in very active sports. I'm not that active and find a jockstrap under sports wear feels somewhat uncomfortable. You don't have to be gay to feel this way, but a lot of straight guys do like wearing Speedos when swimming or a snug singlet as underwear than just for wrestling.

12-22-2019, 12:52 PM
I had to smile when I read your statement "A jock strap is a necessary item for healthy men when in very active sports." in your last post swim suit eddie.
You don't seem to realise that the jockstrap as an item of mens athletic wear has never been adopted outside North America. In Australia where I live male athletes and footballers just wear everyday underwear. Up until a few years ago that was briefs now those things they call trunks.
I first discovered jock straps from the film "revenge of the nerds" when the nerds mixed hot sauce on the footballers jock straps. I was about 14 when I first saw that film and I already liked wearing small and snug briefs. In the film you don't see anyone wearing one so I wasn't sure even how it was worn but It was small and strappy and I wanted to know more.
Unfortunately this was before the internet and Australian sports stores did not sell them at all. They were simply unobtainable and all my interest was directed towards swim briefs which were very dominant swimwear in the late eighties. To this day department stores in Australia have never sold them or men worn them so they can't be that necessary.

12-22-2019, 01:10 PM
I liked your observation swim suit eddie that there are straight men who like snug clothing.
I am convinced that part of the popularity of road cycling as an activity for fit men is the skin tight outfits and shaved legs that are part of the culture.
At the end of a ride, about 9AM, groups of male riders go to coffee shops and relax for a while in their bike gear.
No where else do guys socialise in active wear like that.
I'm sure its part of the appeal for lots of guys as its such fun to do.

12-22-2019, 02:46 PM

In this holiday season of gift giving, I oftentimes think about opening presents and getting things that were unexpected. Too, being a horny lad, I guess that somewhere deep in my mind was the idea that I could get a present that would somehow make me “feel good” down there. But that was not going to be the royal blue swim brief I really wanted, however.

One year I did get something I thought was “special" in this regard, however. It was one of the then newly available nylon underwear briefs for guys---silky smooth and golden in color not white. Oddly enough this came from an aunt and uncle not my parents. I was, in a word, delighted.

Still, there was other stuff on my “list” of fond “desires” that I was never able to obtain until I got older, and more or less out on my own.

From the perspective of economists, is an interesting process. The giver tries the best he (or she) can to find something that the recipient would “enjoy”. In the case of buying clothing for a horny male recipient or gift receiver, the term “enjoy” could take on a very special and unique meaning.

Economists talk about dead-weight loss in gift giving. No item purchased by another is going to quite provide as much satisfaction (utility) as if the gift had been picked out by the recipient. (Hence the increasing popularity of cash as a gift). This loss in satisfaction economists call dead-weight loss, which measures the extent to which the recipient thinks the gift is in some way unsatisfactory relative to what the recipient would have chosen for himself. We would all feel better during the holidays if we each only got the gifts we really wanted, but that is impossible given that another person is picking the item.

Experiments have been conducted with young people as subjects passing out different candy items at random in a classroom setting. Skittles, Milky Way bars, Nerds, Reese’s peanut butter cups etc. Then each student is asked to assign a number from 1-10 on how much they like the item they received. In one experiment involving 10 students the average score was about a 5, for a total score of 50 out of 100 possible points (10 students x 10 point maximum score). So the dead-weight loss in this example is 100-50 = 50.

Then, the students were allowed to trade items. For those who got some candy item they really did not like the incentive to trade for something they did like was greater, whereas for those who gave what they got initially a score of 10 would have zero incentive to trade with someone else. After trading, the items were rescored and the total was now 85. So everyone ended up being better off by trading by 35 points even though still not to 100 or a 50 point gain. Allowing people to trade gifts with each other after opening seems to allow everyone to go home at least as happy as they were if not significantly happier, not by buying more gifts and spending more money, but merely by allowing for the possibility of swapping.

OK, I talk at length about various items each of you might (or maybe not) “enjoy”. And, since that is a possibility, you might appreciate receiving each item as a holiday gift. So, what I want you to do is rank each of these items on a 10-point scale 1-10 based on how much you would appreciate getting it as a gift this year.

The items are
1. Royal blue swim brief size 30 (USA)
2. Package of 6 tighty whiteys size SM
3. Skimpy Swimming thong that reveals maybe too much 28-inch waist
4. Pair of thong underwear for men in navy blue (SM)
5. Compression shorts and short sleeved compression tee both MED
6. One-piece wrestling singlet in forest green size MED
7. Old school athletic supporter without a cup size SM
8. Old school athletic supporter with a cup that appears to be a bit too small to be able to hold me
9. Pair of navy blue running tights size SM
10. Pair of extra skinny PacSun® jeans with a 32-inch waist

So we also have 10 different items for you to put a score of 1-10 on each as to how enthusiastic or unenthusiastic you would be on finding this in a package with your name on it. Maybe you are too big to wear a size 30 swim brief. Well, just factor that into the score you give the item. One of the tricky parts of clothing as a gift is the sizing issue. Getting the wrong size is a common issue in gifts of clothing.

I need scores or a response from as many of you as possible. Be sure to rank all items from 1-10 with 10 being the most desired and 1 the least.

If I can get enough responses I can do a dead-weight loss calculation for each respondent. There are 100 maximum points for a guy scoring every item a “10” But you won’t likely do that. Instead you will like some of these items better than others and maybe some not at all (as in a score of 1)

If we get a number of responses we can think about assigning these gifts to respondents at random and then allowing everyone to do some trading in an effort to make everyone better off and no one worse off.

To be continued…

12-27-2019, 03:33 PM

I would be amiss if I didn’t share with you some of the gifts I received from myself this holiday season. This season, instead of focusing on straps and swim briefs as I have in several years past, I decided to make it a Lycra and compression gear Christmas. Now having a few days to mess around with the stuff I got, that was a very wise idea.

Somehow I have gotten hung up on the Tesla® brand of gear. Snug-fitting, well made and it comes in a variety of colors and styles. Plus, the price always seems reasonable. Too, I have figured out the sizing to the point where I can buy items and expect them to fit right. Snug, well, really snug, just like a second skin. This is the fit that makes me feel more than a little horny all day long. Perfect! I particularly like how my body looks clad in the compression tights.

A lot of guys seem to be scared about buying tights in a snug fit, but for me getting this just right is part of what a guy wants to try and do. With the Tesla running tights and shorts, any guy should be able to downsize one notch from normal size. If you have a 30 or 31- inch waist, you can easily downsize to what they call SM. Length-wise these work if you are 60 inches or shorter.

I got two pair of Tesla tights. They fit, well, perfectly. One pair is just a solid black with no contrasting stitching. Of course, I already have colors such as electric green with black stitching. The black ones are really neat. They look like my body has been sprayed with black paint. For guys who love wearing Lyrca® this is really the place to be. I like to wear an undersized pair of tighty whiteys as a liner. You might prefer something different, maybe a swim brief or even a strap.

The other pair is most interesting color wise. This pair also fits like a second skin. These are black with stitching in aqua blue. The color is called “Tron”. Remember the old Disney Tron movie from the 1980s where the cast members were clad in black tights and tops with aqua blue contrasting stitching? Well, this is it, exactly. In addition to having a running tight, I can play as if I were an actor in TRON. What fun.

There are tops as well. I ended up with three tops, two long-sleeved in solid blue and red, and a short sleeved version in black with contrasting stitching in red. Recently I have going with LG on the tops but SM on the tights. As I get older, I have more and more difficulty getting the tops on and off and particularly the long-sleeved ones and especially the undersized ones, so I have been giving myself a bit extra room on top. This works fine. The look is still great.

I’ve discovered that the combination of the tops and tights makes for a great combination under a sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants. As a retiree this makes for great wear during the day but especially well on cold days when I am working out on my stationary rower and bike and gym machine. One reason I have difficulty pulling myself into the tops is that all this exercise means that I, err, keep building a bigger and bigger chest. I once was a 95 lb weakling—not any more. I weigh about 150 lbs instead but keep my 31 inch waist. Exercise does pay off.

I also bought myself one more pair of super skinny jeans. I like the elasticized product that both PacSun® and Hollister® sell, and if I watch carefully, I can usually get a pair in my size (30 x 30) for a really tight fit. These jeans fit nearly as snug as the running tights do. That of course is part of the fun. The denim is very elastic not quite like a running tight but close—really close.

I’ve been wearing these jeans over tighty whiteys and a snug pair of compression shorts from Tesla®. I guess the full tights could also work but I haven’t tried that yet.

This year, I spent under $100 on all my Christmas gear. I’m having a lot of fun at what I consider to be a bargain price.

Above all, I hope you are able to enjoy yourself as well I’m off to my exercise equipment, comfortably clad for what is to come.

To be continued…

12-28-2019, 05:50 PM

Today I got to get serious about wearing a bunch of the items I got for Christmas, combining them with some of the items I have accumulated over the years. I needed to go out and get groceries, so the classic question is always “what to wear?”

The new pair of extreme skinny jeans were calling me. I had tried them on and, well they just fit with a bit of struggle. But this time I prepped better.

First I put on my snug new Tesla® long sleeved top, and slipped on a pair of tighty whiteys. Over the tighty whiteys went a pair of Tesla compression shorts.

After that, the jeans. The jeans fit, well, really snug through my thighs and calves, and the compression shorts felt really neat.

I pulled on my sox and shoes, and after that an old red Lands End “puffer” jacket, and I drove off to get groceries to last me another week.

By the time I was back to the house, I felt pretty good, if you know what I mean.

Still it’s a lazy Saturday with rowing and other exercising to do. I really wanted to stay “elevated” for the rest of the day.

The jeans needed to come off and the compression shorts too, to be replaced by those slinky black running tights I purchased. The red compression top stayed.

But I did something else. I slipped a little hard cup right inside my tighty whiteys. No strap at all. The cold hard cup just presses directly against my groin, held in place by the tighty whiteys.

So, I have all my gear on, well, nearly all. What about one more layer? I have a great little solid black asics® wrestling singlet, that can go right over the running tights and red compression shirt.

Looks great! Feels great too. The hard, cold cup is an interesting contrast with the snug-fitting stretch gear. I like it!! like it! What great fun!

To be continued…

01-08-2020, 01:39 PM

I acquired this compression A shirt and the semi-matching compression shorts a long time ago, maybe as early as the late 1980s. Technically, nowadays, a setup like this would be a called wrestling doublet. This was my first "exposure" to compression gear, and they fit me then really snug and tight. At that point in time manufacturers were very much still experimenting with exactly how to make compression gear but they did very well on these. Somehow I was instantly hooked, so to speak. Interestingly, over the years they have held up really well. As shown in this very recent picture, They still fit me and still fit snug, smooth and tight.


On a typical day I spend about an hour on rowing machines of two different designs, another half hour on the bike, but just a few minutes on the weights part. Been doing this nearly every day for well over 30 years. I just recently turned 72.

For a topnotch experience, I suggest strapping yourself in with an old school strap first. I am very fond of being fully strapped in when I am exercising and I like to put the strap on over an undersized pair of tighty whiteys instead of the strap alone in part because of the butt padding I get from them when I am stationary rowing and bike riding in my home gym.

I know a lot of guys have trouble keeping up a steady exercise program. Interestingly, many of the guys who like to wear swim briefs seem to have a more consistent interest in swimming as exercise than the guys who do not.

Maybe part of the secret to maintaining yourself is in finding gear to wear that you enjoy wearing while you are working out. I was just watching the reporting on a big swim meet where several high schools were competing. Everyone was in somber black gear, some in jammers and maybe 30% of the guys (3 of 10 swimmers in one particular race) in a somber but snug black swim brief. Interestingly the guys who came in first and second in the race I saw were two of the three guys in the race wearing the briefs! Part of what is contributing to the increased popularity of swim briefs at the high school levels is that word has gotten out that this is what the fastest swimmers at the meet wear.

For a topnotch experience in a number of different respects, I suggest strapping yourself in with an old school strap first. I am very fond of being fully strapped in when I am exercising and I like to put the strap on over an undersized pair of tighty whiteys instead of the strap alone in part because of the butt padding I get from them when I am stationary rowing and bike riding in my home gym.

Now I fully realize that no two guys are exactly alike, and what I particularly enjoy doing to and with myself might not necessarily work the same way for each of you. I can only suggest based on what has worked for me over a period of over 30 years.

So, what I am suggesting is that each of you seek out the specific gear items that you believe you might enjoy wearing as you work out, and not only will you enjoy yourself more, you might just look for opportunities to wear the gear, meaning that you will keep at it a stronger and more consistent exercise program. The guys wearing the briefs are the most serious swimmers, but a similar idea works for other forms of exercise as well.

To be continued…

01-09-2020, 02:07 PM
Part LXX

Some 35 years ago I decided it was time to get serious about learning how to swim. I already had a hot tub in my house, and that gave me a convenient excuse to be in a pair of swim briefs nearly every evening. This was not only really convenient, but it gave me an excuse to accumulate a lot of the briefs in part because the chemicals in the hot tub tended to give briefs only a limited life.

But actually learning how to swim turned out to be a hassle. I had a swim instructor, but simply getting back and forth to the YMCA pool proved to be a challenge. Plus, at best, I was by no means a natural in the water at all. I learned to float and move around a bit on my back but I struggled otherwise.

Having diagnosed my basic problem was a lack of upper body strength and muscle, I got to thinking about what exercise I could do that would build my chest up without the hassle of having to go to the pool every day. But my biggest problem actually was that I didn’t really enjoy being in the water except for my hot tub where I could simply sit in a skimpy swim brief and enjoy watching the bubbles.

What happened many years ago was that the in-home stationary rowing took over my exercise life as the thoughts receded about swimming regularly. I soon came to the conclusion that a lot of the competitive rowers seemed to be in even better upper body condition than the swimmers were. Turns out that even in stationary rowing you end up building a lot of upper body conditioning and strength and water rowers use stationary machines a lot for training.

Plus, unlike swimming, I could watch a TV show while I rowed. This was no pain whatsoever to do. At some points in the last 35 years I was rowing maybe as much as 2 hours a day. Currently I am doing only an hour a day but there are other things going on as well which I will explain in a bit.

The other interesting “feature” of rowing is that it has its own set of snug-fitting clothing made of Lycra fabrics. One can construct some neat gear using a combination of Lycra-blend running tights or shorts (depending on the time of year”) and a short or long sleeved compression tee. Swim briefs do not work well as running garb except as an undergarment, but jammers can easily substitute for the compression shorts. A wrestling singlet or doublet will work as well.

I enjoy wearing snug-fitting gear of all sorts, but you knew that already. Now I had my convenient excuse to get into my rowing garb every day. The fact that I tend to quickly feel horny when I do this for me is a big plus not a minus. I’ve discovered that for any exercise routine, time goes more quickly if I am feeling it in my groin area. This is something every guy needs to keep in mind.

Then in 2014, when I was 66, in a freak fall I managed to crack the ball of my hip joint and needed surgery. The doctors concluded I didn’t need a full hip replacement as my hip was still aligned but that the bones did need to be screwed back together, which they did the following morning. The next day, still in great pain in the hospital, the doctor wanted me to walk with a walker. He took one look and said “you will be fine. I’m discharging you.” I complained “but I can’t walk unsupported”. So I headed off to the local rehab facility using the walker.

The rehab facility was big on physical therapy. I noticed that they had one of those what I call a rowing-like machines for the elderly where you sit at near chair height. I asked the therapist if I could try using that and she said “sure”. This was much like my home gear. I did good on that and I think the therapist was more than a little surprised given that I was still tied to the walker whenever I needed to walk around.

After a week I had more than enough of rehab and went home still using the walker.

After about 2 weeks I was stumbling around the house without the walker and decided maybe I could get back on my rowing machine. My view is “if it doesn’t hurt, do it.” (It was nice that I had retired a year earlier and did not have to concern myself with the need to go back to work.)

I had a follow-up appointment for a hip X-ray 2 weeks ahead to see if I was making any progress. In those two weeks I spent a lot of time on my beloved rowing machine, and thinking about what else I could do the strengthen my hip.

The one thing that quickly came to mind was a small stationary bike, and I started looking for one that would fit in the left over space in my gym room.

Then the follow up appointment 5 weeks after the accident.“This is amazing. Your hip is completely healed the break. You are free to go back to doing whatever you want.” I placed the order for the stationary bike with the idea of using some time on that from then on instead of just the rowing machine.

So, here I am writing this morning, 5 ½ years later, age 72, 6600 miles on the bike odometer doing 30 minutes (4 miles) a day, still rowing an hour a day (a half hour each on two different rowing machines). In between the rowing and the bike ride I also get a little time on my weightlifting machine.

It’s cold out today. Well not that cold. I’m clad in a snug-fitting compression tee in black, and the new pair of black Tesla running tights I got at Christmastime. The padding I wear underneath is a favorite little pairs of tighty whiteys, (boys size 12). At least as snug as a strap, the tighty whiteys also give me some needed padding on the rowing machine and stationary bike seats. Since it is so cold out I pulled on a pair of sweatpants over the running tights and a looser fitting A shirt over the long sleeved compression tee.

So here is the real deal. Today I feel great down there. I’m wearing the exact stuff I really “enjoy wearing”. And because of that this helps me stay engaged in what would be considered a very strenuous exercise program for anyone let alone a 72-year old. How many guys have ever admitted this connection between what a guy wears and how much a guy exercises? The fact that I usually feel a little horny getting ready to and while I exercise is a great plus not a minus. Sure, I watch TV as I work out. But a major reason why I am able to keep up such a strenuous program at my age is also about the gear I wear and how it makes me feel.

I am all about helping every guy find an exercise program that fits their specific needs and objectives. But I also believe that guys should not shy away from a particular exercise because it is best done in clothing that, well, makes them feel a little horny. How many swimmers out there are there who love the sport in part because it is an excuse to wear a swim brief? The gear is a really fun part.



More to come….

01-09-2020, 06:28 PM

A wrestling singlet is very similar to the rowing singlets they sell to water rowers for competitions. Both are snug-fitting suits that look almost like a second suits, with open (A-style shoulders and legs that reach to mid thigh).

One fairly big difference is that the rowing singlets sold in specialty shops typically retail for $75 to $100 each, but a name brand wrestling singlet typically sells for far less than that and can be found in places like EBay and Amazon.

Typically I am able to buy a wrestling singlet for under $30 and sometimes even in the $15-$20 range.

One difference I notice is that despite being just one piece, many of the true rowing singlet designs change colors at the waist (say a yellow top with a black lower) to make it appear from a distance that they have a separate top and bottom. I presume if they actually were a two-piece design, during rowing the top would work its way up exposing skin in the waist area so one piece is more practical than two as the rower cannot just stop rowing mid-stream to adjust his clothing.

There are all sorts of weight classes in wrestling and the sport is conducted specific to your weight class from 100 lbs (or maybe even less) to 250 pounds (or more). The basic idea behind the singlet design is to fit so snug as a second skin and not give your opponent something to grab, even inadvertently, much the same as water polo suits are cut really snug. But that also means that the singlets must be fitted exactly to each specific wrestler and each will have a different size and weight.

At last count I owned four of them, all purchased at on-line retailers. The tricky part in ordering them on line is determining what specific size to order. You already know I am very fond of a snug fit. I found an asics® singlet and ordered one in Navy Blue size Small. It fit me perfectly and I ended up ordering two more this time in forest green and in black.

Then I got this idea that it would be fun to have a bright red one. I couldn’t find the same brand but I did find red ones in size Med. I thought I would try that. Nice Singlet except that it is not easy to get in and out of.

The tricky part about getting into a singlet is if you are going to get the arm straps over your shoulders you need to tug the suit as much as possible into your groin. Whether you think this is uncomfortable or fun is a matter for you to decide. But even with the suit really pulled up, getting the shoulder straps over my rower’s shoulders poses a challenge. And getting the straps back down poses an even bigger challenge.

I have been trying to figure out a way to mod the suit so the straps are a bit longer and I do have a sewing machine, but nothing obvious comes to mind without ruining the look of the suit. I have used my machines to cinch up straps of old athletic supporters that have gotten too loose and stretched out, but I am trying to make these straps longer not shorter.

Still, once I get in the suit looks fine and feels neat. I just hope I don’t need to go to the bathroom any time soon.

I got to thinking that the serious wrestlers may have the same problem, especially if they are still growing and the singlet they had been wearing is starting to get a little undersized. Maybe this is one reason why some wrestlers are reluctant to wear these.

Still, I am getting in and out of the asics® singlets fine that are supposed to be one size smaller. I even wear these singlets over running tights and long-sleeved compression tops.

I could go out and about pulling on a pair of my skinny jeans over the bottom. It would just look like I was wearing a colorful A-shirt on top. But using a restroom could pose quite a problem!


Update: I decided it would be interesting to pull on the red Russell Singlet that was giving me fits getting the shoulder straps on over my shoulders on top of my Tesla running tights and long sleeved black compression tee. Not only did the singlet straps go on over my shoulders MUCH easier, it looks great over the black compression gear as well.... Not sure why but the setup feels great as well:-)

To be continued…

01-10-2020, 01:57 PM

I have been writing about the connections between a guy’s interest in taking up a particular sport and the specific gear that is worn or used in order to participate in the sport, and making the case that the gear and the sport that is chosen are often connected.

Then yesterday, I ran into a rerun of a 2019 Red Bull cliff diving event held in Mostar I think. The first thing I learned was that not all cliff diving events involve diving off of cliffs. They were diving from a man-made platform perched over a bridge high over a river instead.

The other thing I noticed right away was that the male participants in the sport all seemed to be bigger and more muscular than their counterparts diving off boards and platforms in Olympic/college style diving.

And I couldn’t help but notice that every diver was wearing a brightly colored and often patterned swim brief—no jammers here for sure--but also briefs that are typically brighter and more colorful than we normally see in Olympic-style diving.

Competitive sports have to have viewers, and while viewers here might claim that they are interested only in the score on each dive, the sport would not have nearly the number of followers if these muscular divers were all wearing frumpy navy blue or black jammers. The same women who think guys wearing Speedos should be banned are still gawking at the muscular fit bods in the splashy briefs and enjoying every minute of it.

And the men who watch have other things going on. There is no doubt a gay male following of the sport with these viewers interested in seeing the hunky bods in the tiny suits. But from a straight male perspective, there are a lot of guys who watch this in part because what they see represents a fitness goal, to see exactly what happens if a guy follows a serious exercise program for a specific sport.

And for the divers themselves, part of the fun is that the guy’s paycheck in part is based on being able to dive off a high cliff or platform wearing only a tiny colorful swim brief knowing full well that there are lots of people of both sexes gawking at them and their bods. What could be more fun (erotic) than that? Everyone has to earn a living! Might as well do something you enjoy! In short, the sport would not have but a fraction of the current following and success had the diving norm been frumpy, body-hiding clothing.

The connection between clothing that semi-turns on a guy and participating in a specific sport has a long history, going back to the 5th grader who is required for the first time in his life to wear a strap in order to be able to participate in a team sport. Think of all the people playing football, from eighth graders through high school, college and the NFL who must get their bodies into snug-fitting football pants, and that many of the current football uniforms in college and the NFL seem to make a guys ‘penis and nads a very obvious bulge. Even if it is really just the outline of a hard cup, no one has ever missed the idea that this is the sport for males with really big male body parts. And part of the fun for the players is that they have to realize that some of the fans both male and female) follow the sport mainly just to see them parade in public looking this way. It’s a variation on the cliff diving thing, but works much the same way fan-wise.

NFL players take note. Part of Tom Brady’s success is certainly due to the fact that he plays the game very well, but also because fans come out to see this sweet-looking but athletic guy clad in a snug-fitting NFL uniform, with guys everywhere both gay and straight wishing that they could look as good as he does after turning 40. Brady always is well groomed, the very opposite of the NFL players who might be very good at playing football but haven’t visited a barber shop in ages or worried about how their muscular but perhaps a little too heavy body looks inside a uniform. Playing NFL football doesn’t require movie star good looks, but part of whether or not you can succeed at the highest level of the sport depends on how good you look doing it. Owners want stadium seats filled and TV viewers and having players who can attract both is a key element regardless of the final score.

I’ve thought of other sports too, like dirt bike racing and motorcycle racing where there is a piece of gear that is not a clothing item but is a key part of the sport. Do guys get aroused just thinking about getting on their competition bikes? Well, I suspect that there may be more than a little of that going on.

And, take the examples of two Winter Olympic sports namely the Luge and Speed Skating. The interesting part about these is that both sports seem to require that participants wear really really snug fitting body suits covering everything in Spandex®. A lot of the fans of both sports probably got interested simply because of the erotic components of seeing a male body clad in such snug-fitting gear, and fans of the diving at the Summer Olympics may move to the Speed Skating and Luge events in the Winter Olympics. Could the sport exist with looser-fitting, less erotic looking garb? Maybe, but it would not have the following. Did guys get into these ports in part because they “liked” the garb they would be “forced” to wear in order to participate? Well, that is an interesting question that even participants in the sport might not be willing to truthfully answer.

So, to conclude I am back on this theme that finding a sport or exercise routine that you will be able to sustain over long periods of time successfully in part depends on the gear that you will need to wear in order to participate. Part of the fun of a regular running routine may very well have to do with the possibility of being able to run through the neighborhood clad only in a short pair of paper thin nylon shorts and getting to do that every day has a certain erotic component to it that many runners might not be able to admit. If a guy’s body shape and overall fitness improves by running over longer periods of time that has an erotic component to it as well as your neighbors see your body gradually looking better and better as in my once overweight neighbor is starting to look really fit.

A lot of guys starting an exercise program have the view that they somehow must keep their bodies fully covered in loose-fitting clothing until they achieve a certain fitness/weight loss goal. As if only the really fit guys are entitled somehow to wear the body-hugging or body-revealing clothing, but this is silly as the day to switch from frumpy to body revealing keeps getting put off and the guy will never get up the nerve to do what he should have done even at the beginning.

I will buy a Speedo® and wear it at the pool but only if I can only drop 25 lbs!

To be continued…

01-10-2020, 03:07 PM

So what about me then? I grew up really really skinny. I shot up to 5’10” in my freshman year of high school, then stayed at that height. The tricky part is that in going from 5’5” to 5’10” my weight changed hardly at all. I think I was about 105 lbs and I graduated from High school at 110 lbs and 5’10”.

So, I went off to college gradually adding but another 10 lbs over the course of 4 years, and began doing graduate work at about 120 lbs. I was still super skinny. I really admired the guys who had real shoulders, chest muscles, thighs and calves. Even the narrowest jeans (and there were plenty of those during this time period) fit loosely on me. I had a 30-inch waist and 30-inch inseam.

I particularly admired the guys who looked good in a Speedo. I had a couple friends who could pull that off very well. They were lifting weights and doing other things at the gym. I decided to try some of that and bought some weightlifting equipment for a home gym. Then I got this idea that if I owned a hot tub I would have a convenient excuse to be in a Speedo on a regular basis. I decided I wanted to get serious about learning to swim as well. The problem was that I was this really skinny guy who was struggling in part because of small and weak muscles on this skeleton-like frame.

Soon thereafter I decided that if I were to build myself a chest, thighs and calf muscles I needed to do more than what I was doing. And that’s when the idea of adding a stationary rowing machine to my bedroom gym equipment occurred to me. I still really wanted to look good wearing a Speedo even though I could barely swim at all. I was wearing a Speedo or some clone Speedo swim brief on a nightly basis anyway.

So what happened after that was very interesting. As my interest in going out and finding a swimming pool declined, the rowing machine took over. I think you all realize that I always got somewhat turned on by even the thought of wearing a swim brief tho that was a personal secret to keep. I think a couple of my male buddies kinda figured that part out even though I never discussed that openly.

Then there was the problem in wanting to look better in street clothing. Bigger shoulders so my shirts would fit me better. Bigger thighs and calf muscles so my skinny jeans looked better on my body. The combination of rowing and weight lifting gradually seemed to be doing that.

My weight gradually increased as well. I went from 30 x 30 jeans to 32 x 30 and sometimes wore high- rise dress pants with a 34 W.

At one point about 10 years ago I was up to 164 pounds but then my weight gradually started to decline again, as did my waist size over 35 years of rowing and weight lifting.

Over a period of over 35 years I accumulated lots of clothing I used in my exercise program. The swim briefs were mainly for the hot tub. But I got into compression gear big time. I loved the compression tees and shorts for rowing and weightlifting. They looked great and felt erotic. I upped the amount of rowing I was doing to two hours a day. I built chest, thigh and calf muscles. My waist size dropped again and so did my waist. I started to regularly wear 31-inch W skinny jeans not 32.

And more recently I discovered that I could wear a 30-inch waist in jeans with a stretch denim. The interesting part of that is that is the same size, 30 x 30, that I wore when I was 19 and weighed 115 lbs. Exercise does matter.

Now at age 72 I have been fully retired since 2013, and living single I can wear my exercise gear nearly every day. I weighed myself this morning and the scale says 151.4 lbs. I ordered a 30 x 30 inch pair of Hollister Extreme skinny jeans at Christmastime and they fit me nicely but are glove tight. Being so underweight at 19 has in part meant that I am at a good weight not overweight at age 72 and do not suffer from the usual weight-related problems guys often have in their 70s.

Over the years, I have accumulated a large pile of swim briefs and compression gear of various sorts, the latter used when I am stationary rowing, stationary biking and weight lifting. Every day I try to do something a little different, apparel-wise, which for me makes my strenuous exercise program more enjoyable. Being able to wear something a little different each day is very good.

I continue to stick by my undersized tighty whiteys as the first thing that usually goes on, but after that it varies. Today I have a pair of black and chartreuse running tights from Russell plus a long-sleeved compression tee that also fits like a second skin. I was having a lot of fun with the red Russell singlet yesterday, but today I decided to pull on the forest green asics one I have, which being an SM not MED fits even tighter than the Red one did, though the straps go on easier. I’m all set for the day.

For sleeping I’m back to a swim brief with a pair of sleeping pants over. This usually works well but last night I found a little brief with a thong back. The brand name was Wang Jiang on it. This is one of those Asian style garments and fits really really snug. I struggled a bit to get my penis and balls into a really undersized pouch, and to do that I had to really cinch up the thong back really snug between my glutes. This was, well, interesting. I pulled on the sleep pants and quickly fell asleep.


I woke up about 90 minutes later and was kinda hurting down there. I’m not certain exactly from where. I decided a cautious approach would be to get myself out of the Wang Jiang and into a looser-fitting brief that was lying right there. I did, quickly quit hurting and also quickly fell back asleep. Normally I do like wearing the snug-fitting stuff out of Asia designed for the guys over there, but this time I may have overdone it just a bit. I will run some more experiments.

To be continued….

Update: My stationary rowing, bicycling and weightlifting I just finished went a lot smoother for me today in my green asics wrestling singlet over compression tights and long-sleeved tee than the events last night turned out. All of you who have read any of my stuff know I am no stranger to wearing a variety of different snug-fitting items to bed and may end up sleeping on any given night hunkered down in a swim brief, swim thong, athletic supporter with or without a cup or maybe a slinky underwear brief or thong.

I did not think too much about what I was doing when I pulled on the Wang Jiang swim thong I had found last evening, though I had never slept in it before to my recollection. Sometimes when I get into my sleeping gear, I feel so horny that I end up getting off before I go to sleep, and that is neat to do as I usually fall asleep quickly afterwards, but sometimes I fall asleep first and may either sleep through the entire night or sometimes I wake up at 3 AM on the very edge of having an orgasm. I just like to roll with whatever my body seems to want me to do.

Generally these are very happy times for me, and I consider all of this part of the real fun of being a guy. Still, I have seldom experienced any soreness from a too snug piece of gear as I did wearing the Wang Jiang last night. Maybe everything would have gone better if I had gotten off before so quickly falling asleep. The Wang Jiang SHOULD be a really fun piece of sleeping gear given the fit and thong cut. I still think it has potential if used in the right way. But somehow last night wasn’t it. What I do is often really fun, but sometimes I need to experiment a few times to get it just right.

01-11-2020, 08:16 PM

Last night I crawled into my maroon Sporti Euro swim brief and pulled a pair of pile sleep pants over. I slept very well, and my ‘nads never complained one bit! Tonight I'm going to make another try with the Wang Jiang. I will NOT be defeated! The Wang Jiang design still looks like way too much fun to pass on.


One of the tricky parts about becoming an adult male is that a guy’s sexual being never develops in quite the way a guy thinks it should develop, based on what a guy sees in movies and on TV

If a guy thinks he can fully understand his sexual being by watching TV or going to a movie, he is very misinformed. What he would learn is that the only erections that take place involve some sort of encounter with another person, for straight guys that would be a female about the same age and for gay guys a male of a similar age. That is just how male sexuality works!

Of course, that is not just how male sexuality works, at least for most guys. The problem is that most guys end up being embarrassed once they learn that the simple partner sex rule, well, err, doesn’t quite work that way for their own situation. Once they discover this, most guys muddle through their teen years wondering what is wrong with them if their penises do not seem to want to behave according to what they thought were the fundamental “rules” for being a sexually-active guy.

And that is where solo sex aka masturbation gets such bad “press”. The first question a lot of guys probably have is “How can something that seems abnormal be so much fun!” And the whole topic of doing it without a sexual partner becomes off-limits for any talk with other males. Guys typically feel uncomfortable sharing notes on the topic, perhaps for fear of being labeled gay. And every guy develops a series of methods for keeping hidden from others what he is and has been doing by and with himself.

Plus, guys almost invariably develop a list of stuff that turns them on without being with (or even thinking about being with) a sexual partner. This is actually a good thing not a bad thing, because a guy gets to experiment with how his sexual pluming and electric works without the hassle and complicated additional issues relating to having regular sex with a partner.

The struggles many guys have in dealing with the idea of wearing a swim brief is a perfect illustration of what I am saying. I have often wondered what the actual percentage of guys buy swim briefs with the intent of wearing them for swimming versus jerking off in them in private. The swim brief is perhaps the best example of a garment guys are scared of wearing because they fear a hard-on in a location or at a time that would be inappropriate. Yet they also seem to be nearly ideal as a jerk-off aid. What I am saying is that a lot of guys out there end up buying a swim brief mainly if not exclusively for purposes other than swimming even though they might not want to admit it.

The other issue is that if a guy gets a hard-on simply by seeing his own body in the mirror when clad in a colorful swim brief does the guy really want this “problem” to go away or does he want to keep being able to do this? And, what does do with this interesting phenomenon or skill if the guy does enter into a relationship involving partner sex? Does this somehow fade into the background and eventually disappear, or can a guy keep this enjoyable part of who he is while in the relationship? (This is certainly an easier question for a gay guy than a straight guy to answer, because the option for the gay guy is simply to find a partner who “enjoys” wearing a swim brief as well!)

My recommendation on all of this while looking back over my lifetime is that there are many uses for a snug little swim brief and only one of them is for swimming. I like to use them as sleepwear in part because it is so enjoyable to play with myself at various times throughout the night while wearing one. As a guy gets older, wet dreams occur less and less frequently and eventually not at all. But being in a swim brief all night long feels really enjoyable, and it still feels great even at my age.

So, my recommendation for a guy who wants to get his mind and body “used” to being in a swim brief is to get one with the intention of first sleeping while wearing it, not appearing at some outdoor swimming pool in the new brief. You can work up to that if you want. If you are “concerned” about others seeing you wearing the brief to bed, just pull on a loose-fitting pair of shorts over, or sleep pants in cold weather, and you can still enjoy yourself in nearly complete privacy.

You may get to the point where you are enjoying yourself so much that you will want to go shopping for something that poses an even greater challenge to mind and body, perhaps an even snugger or skimpier brief or even a swim thong or an athletic supporter and use those as potential sleepwear as well. This desire to keep wearing something new that is ever snugger and skimpier is very normal, and trying new things that meet that criterion is part of the fun.

The only problem you still have is figuring out what of who you are you can bring along into a partner sexual relationship. Suppose you decide to move in together with a partner. Do you need to toss your collection of neat items before your partner discovers what you have been doing when you did not have a partner, or can some or all of your collection and how you are using it somehow be brought into the relationship?

Still another way of looking at this is that by wearing a swim brief every night you should eventually get comfortable enough so that you can wear one at the pool as well. For the still “nervous about this” guy I recommend using a swim brief as a “liner” for a loose-fitting pair of swim shorts, and then discarding the shorts at the side of the pool just before entering the water. On getting out, simply reverse the process. Then find a lounge chair at the side of the pool and once again pull off the pair of loose-fitting shorts and sun yourself only wearing the swim brief. This is better for a guy new to wearing swim briefs at a public pool than walking across the edge of the pool and feeling that everyone is gawking at your suit, and then getting an unintended hard-on just thinking about the possibility that others are watching you.

Two final words of advice. First, If you enjoy doing or even reading what I have just described, or think you might enjoy trying it, you are definitely not alone, and second, I am trying my best to give you practical and worthwhile advice for dealing with all of this while having completely safe and enjoyable fun with your own mind and body.

To be continued…

01-12-2020, 02:22 PM

My first attempt at wearing the Wang Jiang swim thong for sleeping clearly did not turn out as I had hoped, but I really did not want to give up on the idea and wanted to give it another try. Maybe I did go a little overboard when I ordered the Wang Jiang in SM not MED, as the Asian sizing sometimes runs considerably smaller than the US sizes.

Two things really matter in thong sizing. The waist usually stretches a lot so the waist size is not that much of a big deal. It is the size of the pouch and the length of the thong back that does matter. These two components are interrelated. Will I be able to get myself into the pouch without having some of me slip out? I am not in any way oversized in this respect, flaccid, but still what causes discomfort is when part of my balls get free outside the pouch with the remainder still in the pouch.

I’m beginning to think that this was why I was in discomfort two nights ago and not enjoying myself. I just was not where I needed to be, so to speak, or where I thought I was crawling into bed. With a snug-fitting thong pouch it is easy for parts to partially slip out that way and unless you look you may not even realize what has happened.

So, in getting into the Wang Jiang last night, I spent a lot more time making sure that everything was where I wanted it to be. This involves getting my balls securely into the pouch (no small task given the sizing) and realizing that the only way that they fit is scrunched up against the underside of my penis. This feels interesting, but then to keep everything together the trick is to cinch up the thong back. The pouch wants to push my penis and balls upward and forward but keeping everything in means tugging on the thong back to shove everything down and back.

Then the really interesting part about doing this is that by pulling on what turned out to be a very short thong back that cinches it between the glutes and presses on the perineum, that sexually active hot-spot every guy has between his balls and anus. So not only am I packed inside the undersized pouch I am also experiencing a lot of tension on a real hot spot.

Just getting everything where it needs to be can be rather arousing. I was starting to feel it but still I was not anywhere near where I really needed to have an orgasm right now. I was pleasantly sensitive but flaccid. The tricky part of course comes if a penis decides to grow a bit making everything fit still tighter and tighter.

The other interesting part of all of this comes from my boyhood experiences with wet dreams and masturbating. As a boy I knew that I was going through arousal/erection/orgasm cycles during the night. Sometimes I would just let things go along as they would, but I quickly discovered the sheer personal enjoyment of helping everything along a bit.

So, I would go to bed not really thinking about what might happen during the night nor encouraging things along. As a boy, there was always the problem of when during the night could I ejaculate without others knowing. Just before I went to sleep worked sometimes but then I would spent the entire night still wearing pajama bottoms with big spots of wet semen. Early in the morning was also something of a problem because others might be awake and getting out of those surely-wet pajamas was going to require skill on my part. Turns out, the hours between 2 and 3 AM were close to perfect in that when I would wake up at that hour I would usually be feeling horny as all get out and have a very big erection, perhaps just coming out of a wet dream in which I was somehow trying on swim briefs in an imaginary department store. At that hour, the semen still had time to dry off before I arose for good. And everyone else in the house was sound asleep, or so I convinced myself.

Guys like me at age 72 still go through these same weird nighttime cycles. Exactly why and how these occur remains the subject of research but they are very much part of every guy’s life. My body parts were somewhat sensitive when I crawled into bed. Touching my balls and feeling my balls pressing against my penis underside felt nice, but I wasn’t in immediate danger of going into a herky jerky mode. And I was aware that my perineum was getting hit by the thong back, but this too was well-tolerated.

What to do? Why just drift off to sleep and see where the night takes me. I had done this countless times as a young boy and as an adult. It is always something of a contest to see whether or not I can drift off without ejaculating first, but last night I was fine.

Then, I wake up at 2:45 AM. I was feeling my perineum getting that neat pressure from spot where the thong back connects to the thong as I was tolerating that well as I drifted off to sleep. But at 2:45 AM something had clearly changed. It was if a major wire between my perineum and my brain had suddenly connected and I was enjoying the pressure in that area a lot more.

Then, as any guy probably would under the circumstances, I started playing with my penis and balls. My balls, a few hours earlier were pleasant to the touch but not beyond that. At 2:45 AM just tapping on them gently with my fingertips sent pangs of pleasure throughout my body. My balls pressing upward against the underside of my penis felt really great too. I kept messing around using my fingertips, with each tap getting myself hotter and hotter. My perineum seemed “smoking hot” so to speak. My Wang Jiang is really really fun. Doggone I envy those Asian guys who must know all about this.

I need to get off! I need to get off! The desire to go into a herky jerky Wang Jiang-induced orgasm keeps getting stronger and stronger as I keep touching and tapping. I can delay no longer. This is too much! All of a sudden what I was longing for started to occur in an uncontrollable way. The Wang Jiang had helped me get there and provided me with some sensations that I had never experienced before in my lifetime. Doing this is really really fun.

So around 3 AM it was time to cool off. I got out of my now-beloved Wang Jiang and into a pair of looser fitting red stretch briefs, and now exhausted, I quickly fell back to sleep. I woke up again at 7 AM, ready to write down my experiences sleeping in the Wang Jiang for the record.

I love being a guy, and being 72 is not a lot different from being 14. However, at 14 I had not worked out the fine details of everything I today know to be true.

To be continued…

01-21-2020, 01:51 PM

Snug-fitting running tights are always interesting to wear. I like to order these on-line in part because the colors and size options are quite varied, more so than you would ever find in a bricks-and mortar store, and the price, often about $13 each, is about what I would pay for a closeout or bargain swim brief.

Plus, of course, these work very well for wear during my daily exercise routine involving a rowing machine, weight lifting and a stationary bike. This especially true in the colder winter months, when I ordinarily wear these under a pair of looser-fitting sweat pants.

I really like the Tesla brand that I can get on Amazon for about $13 a pair. I bought a couple pair of these last summer. I ordered me two more pair around Christmastime, and this past week ordered two more pair. I have some bright colors, and some more conservative. My last order was for a pair of solid black ones plus this blue camo pair, which arrived yesterday. The black pair should arrive today and I tried that pair on last evening.


On these you can see that they are part solid black and part blue camo. The blue areas provide an interesting look. Unlike the other Tesla tights I have, the black areas you see on the groin in front are not a solid stretch fabric, but a black stretch mesh filled with tiny holes. I tried these with are wearing tighty whiteys underneath, It is possible to see that there is something white there. If this is a concern, just switch to a pair of black or charcoal gay tighty whiteys. I also tried these on with nothing at all underneath. Interestingly, there was less show that way than with the tighty whiteys.

Sizing is always an issue when ordering clothing on line and a particular concern for getting the a snug fit but not so snug that the garment can’t be worn at all. As you might know, I like a really snug fit but not so snug that the garment doesn’t fit me at all. A snug-fitting garment has to be at least somewhat wearable, but especially because I intend to use these as gear for my daily workout.

The Tesla tights I own have been remarkably consistent in this respect which is one reason I do not experiment with other brands, and this pair was no exception. With the Size SM I get a skin tight fit but still quite wearable all day long. Anything smaller, say X-SM would be too small in the waist to be able to wear for a workout, at least..

A basic trick is to determine exactly what size you want to order, The size I wear of any garment depends on the garment and how it is cut. Nominally, I suppose I have a 32” waist. But for jeans with a high rise, a 33W would fit better. But I routinely wear 31”W Jeans especially in the stretch denims, and I have several pair of 30W that I wear too. The fabric in those has a lot of stretch and they are cut quite low. And I way undersize the tighty whiteys I wear including the ones I will be wearing underneath the running tights.

Of course, the is true in sizing swim briefs, The lower the cut and the skimpier the brief, the smaller the waist I can wear. I have some 34” traditional Speedos that fit high up, but I normally wear a 30” and for the really low-cut designs, a 28”

The sizing issue on running tights involves a similar set of sizing issues. I could wear a MED but that would mean that they would fit higher on my waist and would not be as skin tight as I would like everywhere else. The “challenge” of getting in and out of these every day is part of the fun of wearing them! So for me the SM is like going one size down on a swim brief for the big meet. But this is something I am wearing on a daily basis which I will get “used” to. Once in, I am good.

Many readers of my stories are very much into wearing swim briefs and into undersizing them. But some of these readers may have never bought a pair of running tights or perhaps even thought about doing so. If you fall into this latter category, I would strongly urge you to try what I am doing here. My suggestion would be to order a pair in what you think would be your normal correct size (MED for me) and a pair undersized one size (My SM), try them both on and you will know a lot more about which size your body “wants” you to wear.

These are fun in the same sense that a skimpy swim brief is fun, but undoubtedly you will likely quickly figure that out for yourself as well. There are conservative designs and colors in running tights as well as flashier ones, just as in swim briefs. Solid black or charcoal you could wear as an outer garment, but maybe not the ones I just received with the mesh groin area. For those I would pull on a pair of looser fitting shorts over if going outdoors. I would like to hear the comments from anyone who is new to running tights and getting their first pair of running tights.

To be continued…

01-25-2020, 04:13 PM

Every guy who has reached puberty has had a “crash course” on how wonderful the male orgasm is. The part of male sexuality that is actually more complex is exactly what it takes for a guy to be in that wonderful state of feeling horny, but without the extreme feeling of needing to immediately ejaculate.

Feeling horny is as normal a part of being a guy as having an orgasm with ejaculation is. Countless dates with potential sexual partners have occurred because even just thinking about being with a sexual partner results in feeling horny. Even if a date does not end with “the exchange of bodily fluids,” guys still have fun both psychologically and physically because the date, if successful ends up in a period of hours in which the guy feels horny. Maybe, just maybe, it was worth going out to dinner even if things did not quite end as hoped, so to speak.

There is an “art” to making yourself feel horny. If we watch coming-of-age movies it is all about finding a partner for sex. And some guys undoubtedly pursue only that.

But there is other stuff going on. Any guy past puberty also realizes that there are other “tricks” a guy can play on his mind and body that results in the sensation of feeling horny without all the complexity of a being in a sexual relationship of any sort.

I have often thought about why so many guys are scared to wear a swim brief or wrestling singlet to the point where a requirement to be worn for engaging in a sport such as competitive swimming or wrestling. The guy should not be teased for being gay by wearing a gay garment assuming that the other guys have to do the same thing. But still, guys worry a lot that merely putting on the garment will make them feel horny even though there is no sexual partner and the horny feelings are not something that occurred while on a date with a potential sexual partner.

Instead, the concern is that the guy will feel horny wearing the garment and maybe even precum. Every guy thinks he is the only one with this problem when wearing snug-fitting garments. The deeper concern is that once in the guy’s penis will begin to fill with blood and from there he will be only moments away from ejaculating.

How embarrassing! None of the other guys seem to have this “problem” or do they? I must be unique!

But, of course lots of guys have the same “problem” and they are also trying to manage it the best they can.

As I grew older, but without a partner for sex, I started looking to be more creative ways to abuse myself in private, since I was living single. Somehow, a lot of these methods seemed to work better when I was wearing a snug-fitting garment of some sort, and I stared to look for items that I knew would fit snug in the groin and likely make me feel horny.

To a certain degree, I struggled with this. But then one day I decided that single guys without sexual partners have at least as much right to enjoy their own bodies as couples who engage in sex do. This was not anything weird or odd, it was merely one way for guys who do not have sexual partners to still have fun being guys. While I have shared this part of me in bits and pieces and been careful to not say too much around friends, I feel comfortable sharing the details of all of the readers here.

Most of this anyone who follows me knows already, but here are the highlights. Despite being single, I really enjoy the sexual part of who I am. I should not be the least bit embarrassed by admitting this despite the quizzed looks about what I just said by anyone who regularly engages in sex.

I can go for long periods of time just feeling horny without feeling any need to get it over by ejaculating and then not being able to feel horny again for awhile. I like to just let things “simmer” the best. I view this as a “feature” of who I am not a “problem” that should be “fixed”.

I now see what I enjoy doing as being very positive and in no way a curse. One of the many problems in dealing with a potential sexual partner is that some of what I enjoy doing alone would have to be revealed, and maybe even discarded, and I do not think I would want to try and make the exchange. Bluntly put, I am far too happy exactly where I am at right now.

Today I needed to make a grocery run. What to wear? I started with a pair of my super-snug undersized tighty whiteys as bottoms. (I had worn a neat black Adidas swim brief under sleep pants as sleepwear though I could have worn the Adidas too (the tighty whiteys tend to absorb precum better). Then I added a pair of mid-thigh Russell compression camo underwear in a wild pattern. Over that went my PacSun extreme skinny jeans,

Up on top I have on a Tesla long-sleeved blue compression shirt. And a slightly looser-fitting long-sleeved cotton shirt.

All of this fits and feels really great. I was quickly feeling somewhat horny just thinking about what I had on and went out and got groceries.

For exercise over the noon hour I made a few changes. I decided to slip on a neat little Duke supporter over my tighty whiteys, and swapped out the Russell camos for a bright green mid thigh Starter pair. I slipped on a navy blue sweatpants and a sweatshirt over the blue long-sleeved Tesla.

I’m still feeling more than a little horny. Just changing things out again was a lot of fun. I’m sure my exercising will pass quickly!

To be continued…

01-27-2020, 03:05 PM

I have always been interested in finding ways for guys to be able to just kick back and enjoy being who they are even if they are not in a relationship or want to be with a sexual partner. But I also realize very much that each guy is different with respect to how important it is to be in a sexual relationship, and for a lot of guys their very being of who they are is all about finding someone for partner sex.

All of this is fine, except to say that nearly every guy gets very frustrated at various times with respect to the wide range of issues associated with being able to have partner sex. Some guys simply retreat back into themselves: but other guys seem to see each of the challenges they face as an opportunity to overcome whatever barriers they confront.

I have thought a lot about this. Sexual harassment cases are clearly widespread in part because guys are not reading whatever person they are pursuing as a sexual partner correctly. And this involves huge risks as in people losing their employment for simply saying something unwelcome by the other person. All of this casts a dark cloud on the tactics a lot of men have traditionally employed in an effort to find a sexual partner. How does a male even ask someone else for a date without fearing that the mere mention of that idea will be misinterpreted? Indeed, in the year 2020 how can anyone be sure about anything in this respect? What are the new rules that must now apply in all of this currently, and how does a guy navigate them?

I lived through the 1980s when HIV was rampant but particularly among gay men. The method of transmission was quickly identified as oral and anal sex involving the exchange of bodily fluids between two men. All of this quickly affected gay men who have casual sex historically with multiple partners, and I think soon really reduced the amount of anal and oral sex that went on. At the same time there was a quest for new sexually-satisfying ways to enjoy a male partner without actually engaging in sex that would exchange bodily fluids, and to a degree, this effort is still ongoing.

On the female side, concerns over HIV really dampened the enthusiasm of women for having sex with any male that they did not know really well, partly because the female could never be certain that the guy had never engaged in sex with another male. And, of course the drug transmission thing added even more confusion. So even among straight males, a lot of stuff had clearly changed. And even among straight men there was renewed interest in finding ways to enjoy being with a partner sexually without taking the risks that are part of actually exchanging bodily fluids. For the straight guys we are talking an unexpected pregnancy as well as any number of STD’s. The list of problems is much larger than that.

Then there is the question of what is sex versus engaging in erotic activities that somehow are defined as not sex. You have likely read my stories about two college dorm roommates who discovered that they each are very fond (turned on by) watching the other masturbate and perhaps masturbate together in the privacy of a dorm room. Are these guys somehow having sex even though their bodies never touch? Are they straight? Gay? Somewhere in between?

If I like watching another guy struggling while attempting to get himself into a skimpy swim brief and this ignites my turn-on bells, so to speak, what does that mean, anyway, and what if anything does that say about my own sexual orientation? What if the guy who is struggling seems to “enjoy” having an audience of guys watching him struggle? All of these are messy questions that do not have clear answers if they have any answers at all.

Suppose I admit that I get aroused just getting into a neat little swim brief without even thinking about having sex with a partner. Suppose that my wife or other long-term female partner has discovered this about me. Will she encourage me to have this kind of fun, or will she start sobbing uncontrollably because getting aroused is suddenly focused on the brief but not about her? Is my “unique” arousal method compatible with a long-term relationship with a female? Well, that depends…..

Or suppose I have come to the conclusion that I might be “sorta” gay. Is there a gay partner for me that is not into oral or anal intercourse but is very fond of seeing another guy aroused in a swim brief, and perhaps even enjoys doing the same thing at the same time? Where would this all lead, anyway? This is complicated stuff to try to sort through for sure. How would a guy even start to find a male someone who has the same interests?

The other option of course is for the guy to not even attempt to find a partner, male or female, but keep discovering new ways to enjoy his own body in private. There are lots of ways to do that, and I have pursued this for over 60 years. After this long period of time every day presents a new opportunity to try something interesting and potentially erotic.

I have shared a lot of this with you, my readers, already. I hope you aren’t getting bored with this. I know that what works and doesn’t work for any guy is very individualized. For some guys it is all about the partner. For others, not so much, if at all. The latter is still OK. Actually, more than OK. At least for me, more like terrific!

To be continued…

02-13-2020, 02:20 PM

Every guy faces the same, or at least nearly the same, “problem.” There are lots of times, perhaps most of the time, when a guy’s mind is thinking about anything but his own sexual being and in particular sensations that seem to be radiating outward from one’s groin. Goodness, if a guy spent his waking (and sleeping) hours focusing constantly on what is transpiring moment by moment in the groin area, a guy would probably not get anything else done. Constantly feeling over-the-top horny is not really compatible with what a guy is, or needs to be.

But there is another side to this coin. Guys also do not function well if they are never able to focus on what is going on down there, either.

Then there are the myriad of relationship and sexual-partner issues. A core problem a lot of guys who are in a relationship with a sexual partner face is keeping that sexual partner happy in a host of different non-sexual ways. This problem frequently overwhelms the partner-sex part of the relationship. A lot of guys who exit relationships with a partner that included regular sex leave by saying that it was simply impossible on a daily basis to deal with the host of non-sexual issues involving the partner and the relationship was therefore no longer “fun” any more.

Frequently for guys, working a way through a relationship in a fashion whereby both partners get from and are happy with everything that is involved, both sexual and non-sexual, becomes overwhelming. The perhaps slightly-scary logical conclusion might be that partner sex in any form might not be all that it is cracked up to be either physically or emotionally, for if it were all that great guys would be extremely reluctant to exit the relationship. At minimum there is a lot of stuff going on here and we can easily observe that guys often leave sexual relationships with a partner.

Some guys might even suspect that many if not most guys not regularly having sex with a steady partner must therefore be having partner sex on a regular basis with many different partners (aka “one-night stands”). While that may be true for a certain percentage of guys who are living alone without a partner for sex, that certainly does not apply to all guys who live single.

And, of course, a percentage of guys chose to remain single their entire lives while another percentage of guys once in relationships again choose to live their lives single and without sexual partners. It is these latter two groups that interest me the most from the perspective of how they cope, not the guys who have sex regularly with a partner either within or not in a structured relationship. Life suddenly gets a lot more complicated once sex with a partner occurs, and lots of guys for a host of reasons choose not to go that route.

So, what does a guy who is not in a sexual relationship with a partner do, anyway? Are we to assume that these guys are all somehow different from the “normal” guys (that is, the ones having partner sex on a regular basis) in that they somehow never feel horny, nor enjoy the sensations that radiate from various parts of the groin area? I have read stories about so-called non-sexual or asexual human beings, both male and female. I have difficulty getting my head around the idea that anyone not regularly having partner sex is completely disinterested in what happens in the sexual organs. Indeed, I think that most of those who claim to be non-sexual or asexual greatly enjoy getting off alone. But admitting that rather throws cold water on the idea that a person is completely non-sexual or asexual.

I have often thought that the first two or three years after puberty are extremely important years in a guy’s development as he learns the finer points of what sensations are possible down there and, even more importantly, how to get his body to respond to new experiences. For guys, this is a difficult time where a guy is not ready emotionally or practically to get into a relationship involving partner sex, yet the guy is often feeling, well, quite horny and on a regular basis. Something has to give, and of course what happens is that the guy starts down a path of learning some of the finer points of solo sex aka jerking off aka masturbation. But exactly what a guy learns is generally a most carefully-guarded secret not shared with anyone, siblings, male and female peers and certainly not parents. There is no single topic that can create a teasing and bullying situation quicker than the entire subject of masturbation and being accidentally caught jerking off by a peer male.

I have discussed at length the issues faced by college roommates who both are trying to navigate living in a situation where privacy occurs rarely. For single guys living alone, this becomes far less of an issue. My university recently demolished many dormitories that were all filled with traditional double rooms, and replaced a lot of that space with new facilities in which every room is a single. Why? The story in the newspaper said that students much prefer smaller single rooms and the larger doubles with roommates were difficult to fill. No doubt, however, the real truth is that a single room provides the student with the opportunity to jerk off regularly without having to worry about what a roommate might think of the practice.

So, let’s say I am a college student who wants to keep a collection of swim briefs, running tights, compression shorts, wrestling singlets, straps, cups, whatever simply because I enjoy wearing these and jerking off in them, having a single room where I can do this in private without having to concern myself as to whether or not my peers find this amusing or strange, I am all set up with my single room.

The same thoughts apply to single guys living alone outside of a relationship at any age. A guy having been dumped out of a sexual relationship with a partner is probably going to quickly begin to think about what exactly mad him happy when he was 13 or 14 with respect to jerking off alone. Except, of course, a guy as an adult has a lot more options and fewer concerns with respect to the specific techniques employed, since he doesn’t have to explain away anything.

In particular, that applies to clothing items that can be worn to make a guy feel horny and jerk off in. A swim brief? Why not? No problem! A jock strap? Great fun! Compression gear? Sure! Running tights? Of course! A wrestling singlet? That is a possibility too. The real question or issue comes down to what exactly do you like to wear that will make you feel good down there and help you enjoy your jerk-off session more.

Unlike the partner-sex stuff, doing this by yourself is not going to lead into a bunch of complicated situations that you may not want to deal with. You can focus entirely on yourself and what makes your own body feel good. But then, of course, you could encounter a (likely male) partner who enjoys doing the same thing or something very similar. Both of you will have to sort that one out on your own. I’m just saying that could happen too.

To be continued…

02-16-2020, 01:19 PM

Finding a properly-fitting garment almost always involves something of an “empirical experiment.” I never quite know what I am getting myself into until I actually am able to try the garment on and, especially, get to see how I look in the mirror.

This statement applies to a wide range of garments, swimming briefs and thongs, briefs and thongs designed to be worn as underwear not as swimwear, compression gear style underwear. Plus, what invariably enters the equation is the particular “mood” that I am in at the time I am making my decisions with respect to what I will be wearing that day.

I have been doing some reading from a collection of sources on my favorite subject, male sexuality, with a particular reference to what is going on around the clock with respect to the male sexual organs. Some “viable” males are in a sexual relationship with a partner, but there are also a lot of (us) “loners” out there, that is, guys who for a host of different reasons are not engaged in regular partner sex.

I have long-believed that guys who are not having partner sex on a regular basis should be denied the pleasures of still being a “sexually-active” male. Meanwhile I have been reading the literature on rehabilitation after prostate cancer surgery (that would be me, for example) and, oddly enough, I have been running into some interesting ideas that could be applied not only to recovering from prostate surgery but also for practically any “viable” male of any age. A of what I am reading seems to focus on guys who have a female sexual partner, and how she might be able to actively “participate” in the prostate surgery recovery process. The guy who lives alone, immensely enjoys masturbating, and just wants to get back to enjoying himself as he did pre-surgery apparently is not a significant concern for the medical profession, as every step in the recovery process is focused on rebuilding an an ability to get and maintain an erection sufficient to have intercourse.

Still, what I have been learning is rather interesting. Biologically, it is normal for males past puberty to have erections during the night that occur in multiple cycles of tumescence and flaccidity , perhaps as many as 6 or 8 cycles in a single night! (I thought the number was closer to 1 or 2). As any 14-year old, at least some of these erections end up being a wet dreams that conclude as the guy ejaculates during the night, though these full ejaculatory events taper off and become less frequent usually once a guy gets into his late teens and gets into a regular schedule of masturbating to ejaculation in the waking hours of the day. (This brings me back to the popularity of single rooms in college dorms.)

Still, these regular tumescence-flaccidity cycles of multiple erections are a normal part of the night life of healthy males whether that male has a sexual partner sleeping next to him or not. Furthermore, the cycles that occur during the night occur for a purpose and are vital in maintaining a guy’s sexual health. For guys not in a sexually-active relationship, a regular masturbation schedule (perhaps every day or two at least) can be thought of as a form of “exercise” not unlike me getting on my stationary bike or rowing machine on a daily basis (which is also important for sexual health because the continuing exercise makes the heart and blood flow better. The combination of the two forms of exercise is perfect!

So, what is a guy to do? In particular, what about the guy who for whatever reason does not have a sexual partner? One of the side effects of prostate surgery is that nerves are damaged and that results in a breakdown in these normal nighttime cycles of tumescence and flaccidity, and that this whole system needs to be rehabilitated.

But, most guys do not face this situation. My general conclusion is that it is at least as important for a guy living alone to be feeling horny as he crawls into bed as it is for a happily-married guy who has a partner beside him willing and ready for partner-sex with copulation. Maybe more important! Let me say that again. Maybe more important!

The only catch is in finding a unique path which assures that you will feel horny as you crawl into bed. Of course, there are lots of things a guy can do to help this along. Some of this involves mental activities such as watching a sexy movie or reading a story that is sexually arousing. What you want to try and do is create a situation whereby your penis will be certain to go through cycles of tumescence and flaccidity during the night, and if a porno video or sexually-arousing book does this for you, great!

But sexual sensations and feelings are always a goofy mix of the physical and the psychological. Guys would not have Web sites devoted to the wonders of wearing swim briefs if there was not something physical happening that was sexually arousing, for example. Nor would guys spend time energy and money finding potentially sexually-arousing gear (see list at the start of this chapter). The stuff a guy enjoys wearing for a masturbation episode is exactly what it is also needed to keep a guy horny enough so that his body goes through these multiple episodes of tumescence and flaccidity during the night and no guy should feel even a little bit guilty about doing this on a regular basis.

Ever since my prostate surgery over 5 years ago, I have been in this mode of being able to recover to the point where I enjoy my sexual being as much as I enjoyed being a guy prior to surgery. Only last night I learned that medical doctors believe that for guys who lack sexual partners, getting back to a regular masturbation schedule as quickly as possible after the surgery is complete is an important part of the rehab process post-surgery. (Fortunately, that is what I found myself trying to do anyway and I started working on this fairly soon after surgery, even though my erections were obviously not nearly as strong as they were before surgery.)

It turns out, the “stunts” I was doing bedtime-wise before surgery are equally important for what is called by MDs as “penis rehab”. That is, I want to try and make sure I am doing things that make me feel horny just before crawling into bed. Indeed, it is best to feel horny but NOT immediately take that to orgasm to increase the odds of getting back into a regular set of nighttime tumescence cycles. But this idea applies equally to guys who have NOT had prostate surgery and simply are interested in doing “exercises” to help ensure that the plumbing is all in first-class condition. If this is “treatment” is also fun to do, that is a “side” benefit.

So, think of a snug-fitting swim brief as the equivalent of a stationary bike or a rowing machine, but for helping maintain and improve the health of your male sexual organs. Wear one that you are particularly fond of to bed. It’s the combination of snug fit along with the slick, smooth cloth that will help your penis get erect and go through these critical cycles of tumescence and flaccidity. If, by doing this, at some time during the night you end up ejaculating, well, congratulations. You have taken the process one step farther. Make your resolution to be that you are never going to crawl into bed without making certain that your mind is telling you that you are feeling horny and that you like very much the physical and psychological sensations you are experiencing.

I can’t tell you what specific item you should wear to bed to make you feel good in this way, except to say that over the years I have accumulated a lot of different items that I thought in some manner would be fun to wear, and I keep changing off. Last night, it was a slick, smooth swim brief, and since the weather was cold I slipped a pair of loose-fitting sleep pants and a tee over. I did not have an orgasm during the night (at least I do not think I did) but I am still feeling quite horny while writing this, even though this morning I’m wearing a snug fitting pair of running tights along with a pair of sweat pants over plus a compression tee and a sweatshirt. All in the name of post-surgical penis rehab ROFL.

Enjoy yourselves as I always try to do.

To be continued…

02-19-2020, 01:39 PM

In the process of reading the current literature regarding penis rehabilitation after prostate surgery, I have been running into a lot of interesting information that might be useful to any guy interested in maintaining and improving his own sexual health. Widely-held myths are being busted wide open right and left.

Part of this is centered on the relationship thing, or, in particular what a guy should be doing to continue maintaining and building his sexual health in the absence of a sexual partner even if living alone without partner sex is what a guy wants to do for whatever reason he might have.

I know that a lot of guys seem to think that the involuntary erections that like to happen during the night are something of an embarrassing nuisance, not something that should rightfully be savored, enjoyed and even encouraged. But, I have read a bunch of different papers by doctors and other sexual health scholars and a common theme is that these multiple nighttime erection cycles are critical to maintaining penis health. Each of these erections engorges the penis with fresh oxygenated arterial blood, and this is crucial to penis health. One author claims that these nighttime erections put your penis into an exercise program analogous to an exercise program involving swimming, rowing, weight lifting and bike riding. As you exercise, the muscles getting hit with the exercise of getting fresh oxygenated blood. So think of what is happening in your penis as you get horny and start to get erect as exercise for your penis critical to your overall well-being.

One of the doctors I was reading was discussing post-surgery penis rehab. He noted that it is critical to restore blood flow to the penis as soon as possible after surgery and “I don’t care how you do this. Maybe with the help of a sexual partner, but maybe not. And, if you do not have a sexual partner masturbation achieves the same end.”

So, stimulating yourself is not only very enjoyable but is vital to your sexual health. The whole idea here is that guys need to think about having a regular exercise program for their penises just as they might have a regular exercise plan involving the rest of their bodies. Another popular way of accomplishing this is watching Internet porn videos. You can think of this as just another method of engorging the penis in oxygenated blood.

I know that many of my readers “enjoy” buying and wearing swim briefs, Lycra® compression gear, wrestling singlets, athletic supporters and maybe even super snug-fitting jeans. They have “lists” of skimpy and snug-fitting clothing items that tend to make them horny when worn. Maybe even the mere thought of being able to buy such an item will result in a groin-area response of this sort. Generally, any thought that results in the oozing of a few viscous, glistening drops of precum is also the kind of thought that will improve the oxygenation of and blood flow to the penis. So having these thoughts and enjoying these garments is a very good thing from a sexual health perspective.

I would have the same advice for guys who were once in a relationship with a sexual partner but now are not, for whatever reason. Living alone for a period of time can be quite enjoyable but in a different way from living with a sexual partner. For starters, you now have the opportunity to “do” some things to and with your own body that you might not have felt comfortable doing if another person was there. This goes all the way back to your teen years when you longed for everyone else to occasionally be completely out of the house so that you could “play” with yourself without fear of being “caught” or “interrupted.” Living alone without a regular sexual partner can be quite fun in this respect but you need to have a real plan in place for maintaining and improving your sexual health involving specific “exercises” that you are going to be doing.

I am going to be trying some things in the coming weeks and months that I hope to enjoy a lot but that I have never done before. These ideas oddly enough are an outgrowth of some videos I have been watching related to penis rehab post prostate surgery, but the same ideas could prove valuable for any guy who wants to maintain and improve his sexual health and especially for guys who for whatever reason do not have regular sex with a partner.

To be continued…

02-27-2020, 02:15 PM

Every guy loves to jerk off. I think I was hooked on the practice by age 13. At my current age you might have thought that by now I would have explored all the possibilities and sensations that are possible, and that I would be getting perhaps even a bit “bored” with it as there would no longer be anything interesting to try or explore.

I think a lot of guys believe in the normal process of aging, that they will gradually become less and less interested in playing with themselves this way. My only observation is that as a guy ages, ejaculations become less frequent, gradually declining from say, once a day to once a week. But I have often thought that also, as a guy ages, his interest in getting to the ejaculation part as soon as possible may decline, but this is accompanied by a gradually increasing enjoyment of the events going on in a guy’s body that might lead up to the point where his body starts creating those involuntary herky-jerky muscle contractions that occur when ejaculation is happening.

Part of these thoughts go back to counseling I had after prostate surgery in which a nurse explained that erections and orgasms were separate events, and one could have a strong orgasm without having a significant erection. I had figured that part already, in my hot tub. I knew it would be fun to press the underside of my penis against the pulsating water coming out of a jet on the side of the tub. Instant orgasm: Well not totally instant, but within ten seconds you will feel as if semen is literally being sucked from your body. If you are at all built like me you will ejaculate in about 10 seconds out of an all but flaccid penis.

This is fun to try, at least for once or twice. If you do not have a hot tub handy, maybe you have a hand vibrator. If so, start it up and immediately press it against the underside glans area at the tip of your penis. Again, you should go into full orgasm mode within 10 or 15 seconds. A fun experiment, but… Well, at least you have proven in for yourself that an erection is not necessary to ejaculate, which is exactly what the nurse was telling me as well.

So, I keep thinking about all of events that happen in my groin from the very first moment of arousal all the way to an orgasm. I keep thinking back to my nights in my teen years when I was trying to avoid making a mess of my pajamas and the sheets during the night, and my worrying that if others observed the stains and wet spots that happened (seemingly often not to be under my control) this could be very embarrassing. Still, I was “hooked” on the entire process. I was very fond of what my body was able to do.

Take the first moment of arousal. I quickly learned to associate that moment with the formation of a drop or two of precum, and I could immediately feel that wet spot right at my penis tip and that sensation is quickly interpreted by my brain as “feeling horny”.

Now a few drops of precum are much easier for a guy to deal with than a full-blown ejaculation. For starters, a guy’s penis is not hard when this happens, or only minimally so. Assuming the guy is wearing absorbent underwear, it is not likely that the damp spot there will work its way through to his jeans. And, a guy can ooze precum for a long period of time undetected.

Getting into a swim brief in this state is another matter. I realize a lot of guys worry about the possibility that fitting themselves into a swim brief will lead to a full-blown erection and ejaculation, but the more common problem is that getting into the brief causes the guy to ooze precum in a minimally-erect state and that these damp spots will show. The solution, of course is to jump in the water ASAP and that will be that.

Generally, a guy wearing stretch underwear made of a polyester-Lycra® blend “likes” the feel of the fabric against his body irrespective of the design—bikini brief, bigger brief, or any design with longer legs such as a square cut with short legs, mid-thigh or even a jammer cut that goes nearly knee-length. But in addition to the psychological stimulation from the smooth stretch fabric leading to oozing, the stretch fabrics are less absorbent than old school knit underwear is, potentially creating a situation whereby the guy is oozing so much that damp spots start to show on his jeans.

Still, the guy loves how that slick fabric fits and feels. And then there is the problem of how other guys your age might react to seeing you wearing whatever you are wearing in a situation such as inside a gym locker room. One dare not stray too far from what the other guys are wearing! So there is a herding instinct that affects guys who are interested in making sure that their underwear choice fits in with what the other guys are doing and wearing.

At age 72, living alone, I have no concerns about fitting in with my peers or pleasing anyone but myself. As I have indicated in the previous chapter, I have all sorts of different things that can possibly be used as sleepwear on any given night. And, as I previously have indicated as well, it is important to a guy’s overall health to make sure that the normal cycles that occur during the night in which the penis partially fills with blood and then drains continue to occur throughout a guy’s life. So the idea of wearing something to bed every night that fits snug and feels slick against your penis is not only enjoyable but is a great way for maintaining and improving an important part of who you are as a guy. I try to do something different every night—mix it up so my body (my penis) has something new to confront and cope with on a nightly basis in this respect. This basic idea to support penis health comes highly recommended.

I have also been digging through the literature relating to the use of penis pumps as a means of helping sustain and improve blood flow and how regular use of one can help in ensuring that something close to a normal nighttime cycle can be sustained. I will have more to say about this in the coming chapters as I run some more experiments, but let me make just two points now.

First, just as it is possible to have an orgasm without having an erection, the converse is also true, and you quickly discover this in experiments using a penis pump. The pump can build you an erection more quickly than you would be able to do it manually. And further, once you have that erection you can sustain it without any real feeling of urgency to enter full-orgasm mode. Of course, you can still masturbate the erection you created with the pump to an orgasm via whatever method you employed in the past, but you can also just hang with the erection for awhile without doing this. From a post-surgical rehab perspective, the ideal thing to do is to just hang with the erection you created using a pump for 20 minutes as the blood vessels in your penis are getting oxygenated from the new blood flow, which is a good thing both rehab and general heath wise. (My only regret is that I should have been doing this starting 6 weeks after surgery not 6 years!)

Second, penis pumps are inexpensive, can be bought on line, and have minimal if any negative side effects. They exist in a crazy world between medical device for the treatment of a erection problem and a sex toy for recreational use. I have an electronic version and a purely mechanical one for which I do my own pumping. The electronic version (about $30) is really well made and it works really well. But for my rehabbing. I think I prefer the simple mechanical one as I get to control exactly when more blood gets to flow into my penis. Here is a link for the latter


You will also need a water soluble sexual lubricant such as Astroglide or KY gel. That runs about $6 on line.

To be continued…

02-27-2020, 06:45 PM

I am assuming that my readers have never owned or tried using a penis pump. Penis pumps are used for a variety of different reasons. There are FDA-approved medical devices that are obtained using a prescription from a medical doctor, most often to allow a person who has had prostate surgery or radiation treatments to be able to have partner sex. But more generally they could be a medical device for treating erectile dysfunction arising from any source, as an alternative to ED pills and injections or as an alternative to penile-implant surgery (which is much like implanting a penis pump permanently inside your body).

The beauty of a penis pump as an ED treatment device is that there are no side effects such as those common to pills and injections, nor do they involve any surgery. The FDA-approved devices obtained via a prescription typically run $200-500 since technically they are a piece of medical equipment, and medical equipment always has a big markup.

But a penis pump could have health benefits for those not under the care of an MD for ED. For starters a guy’s penis is healthy in large measure because of the oxygenated blood that flows in and out of the penis over and over in nighttime erection cycles, regardless of whether or not the guy is having sex with a partner on a regular basis. As guys get older, this system likely gradually works less efficiently than it did at a younger age, and erections take longer to obtain and more difficult to maintain even with a lot of sexual stimuli.

Then too, a lot of guys have always longed for having a body in which their mind could turn an erection on and off like a water faucet completely by using conscious mind control. As any 16-year old knows, this is not quite the way it works. Guys, this could be your opportunity to accomplish control of your erection with the aid of a penis pump.

Then there are the recreational/appearance issues, as in wanting to look more amply endowed even when you are flaccid, as in filling out your bulge so you look better when wearing your Speedo®. Plus, it might be interesting to see a pump enlarge your penis instead of the techniques you have employed yourself ever since puberty.

So, the sales of low-cost penis pumps sold as recreational and general health-enhancing devices have skyrocketed relative to expensive ones sold under medical prescription (destined to be used as a medical treatment for ED). There are medical uses and recreational uses for penis pumps as well as some uses that are both.

From here I will assume that my readers do not own nor have ever used a penis pump, and what I am writing in detail here is all new. That was the situation I was in two weeks ago.

I want for all of my readers to look at the penis pump illustration I have attached. This is a very basic manual penis pump available on Ebay for about $12. The pump consists of a 2 inch x 8 inch clear polycarbonate plastic cylinder 8 inches long and 2 inches in diameter. That’s bigger than most guys’ fully erect penises. One end is closed except for a small plastic tube that connects to a device capable of creating a vacuum simply by squeezing an oval rubber bulb over and over. The pump itself also has a valve that when pressed the vacuum is released and normal air pressure.

Except, of course the other end is completely open, so no vacuum is created unless the other end is closed off. That is accomplished using one of the three silicone rubber rings shown in red, blue and peach color. The user of the device chooses one of the three based on the diameter of his flaccid penis, small, medium or large. One of these is chosen and the large end of the silicone ring is placed over the open end of the clear plastic cylinder.

You do not have to even attempt to stick your flaccid penis through the hole in the silicone ring. Just put the penis tip partly into the hole in the silicone ring. With your penis in that position press the device against your groin to create a seal between your body and the pump.

At this point I want to stop for the moment and have you determine what is going on in your head and with your body having just read what I have written. Some possible reactions might be:

1. This is the stupidest stuff I have ever read. I can’t imagine ever buying a penis pump or trying this. I can get a hard-on easily without relying on a stupid device like this.
2. Why would a device that is hard plastic and bigger than my best erection ever be even a little fun to be in? My penis has already spent lots of time in places that are a lot snugger, tighter and more sexually interesting and accommodating as well.
3. I dunno, this seems silly but maybe there is more to this than is apparent. I want to read on
4. Psychologically I am starting to feel horny thinking about trying this, and precum is definitely starting to ooze.
5. I’m starting to get an erection just thinking about trying this. Is that going to be a problem? (Not at all!)

So, if you are a reader that falls into category 1 or 2, feel free to stop reading now. I don’t want to pester you about trying something that you are not interested in. However, I suspect that most of my readers fall into category 3 or 4, and are perhaps still somewhat wary about where this is leading.

For beginners at least (like me) I prefer starting messing around by using a manual not powered pump. I ordered both and the powered pump is about $30. The powered pump works great and is very nice quality, but things move along more rapidly than I prefer.

So I am using the manual pump with the silicone rubber ring end pressed against my groin. I’ve put a “personal lubricant (Astroglide)" on the silicone rubber ring and on my flaccid penis! I give the rubber bulb just one squeeze and the tip of my penis is sucked into the device. Cool! Way neat sensation! I can simply continue to hold the device to my groin and contemplate the “predicament” my penis is in. You know me. I love getting my penis into a situation where I don’t quite know what will happen next.

But why not squeeze the bulb again, creating a bit more vacuum? I do that and some of the shaft starts pulling into the device. I am starting to get an erection even without any overt sexual stimuli. I can’t touch my penis either as it is inside the device. This is way goofy thing to do or way neat, or maybe a little of both.

I can either just hang that way for awhile. I’m really starting to “enjoy” my newly-created penis-pump erection. It’s not exactly like a traditional one, but an erection created like this is more than OK too.

So, moment-by-moment I get to just stay with the erection I have and the vacuum level I have, or give the bulb one more squeeze and see what happens with just a touch more vacuum. Just like in leisurely masturbation, I want to take the time to contemplate and enjoy every moment and squeeze. I could hang for 30 minutes with only a slight vacuum or not watching my penis get oxygenated. This is the part that seems more difficult to do with the powered pump. I’m quickly learning that it’s best not to be in a hurry, even if a quick full erection is easy. So, what else is new? Why am I not surprised? In any form of male “self abuse” slow is better than fast and the stuff you learned over the years while masturbating slowly also applies here.

I suspect many of you are wonder what you can do with a penis-pump-induced erection and how you can go from wearing the pump to just having a big and perhaps useful erection with the pump removed.

To be continued…

02-28-2020, 02:59 PM

Each time I put on the penis pump, I learn some interesting things, not only details about effectively using the pump, but also details about how my own body works. I would like to share what I have been learning with my readers. I hope that you do not find what I am writing to be boring. I think it is interesting to get what I learn written down. If you find what I am learning to be interesting and useful, that is good for me as well.

This particular manual pump comes with three different silicone end caps color-coded based on the size of the hole your penis needs to go through, blue=large, peach (flesh-colored) = medium and red=small. Most pumps are sold with just one size, so this is an interesting advantage.

In theory, the idea is to match the hole size to the circumference of your flaccid penis, as in the red one is for little guys and the blue one is for the really big guys. I took a look at the options and concluded that I was neither a big guy nor a little guy, so the first time I used the pump I picked Medium.

The hole for each size has a rim on it. And it feels a lot like a stretchy penis ring. This means that depending on the size you choose you could be restricting blood flow both in and out of the penis but particularly if you choose a hole size smaller than your actual size, say a medium guy (peach) using the small one (red). I was curious if undersizing changed the functioning of the penis pump in any way, but particularly if this would affect how the penis pump built the erection since blood needs to be able to flow into you’re my penis with the vacuum. Turns out not. The only effect was when I removed the pump fully erect it was slightly more difficult to get my penis out of the ring than with the larger size.

Before I got into the pump, I lubed the silicone end with Astroglide® and gave my still-flaccid penis a coat as well. I recommend that every guy—at least every guy with a penis, get a tube of the personal lubricant called Astroglide. This is marketed as a product for guys in a relationship with a sexual partner, but it turns out it is a great masturbation lube as well. Plus it is water-based so it cleans up easily in the shower. And it won’t damage the silicone rubber parts of your penis pump or your gel penis rings.

So, I followed the same procedure as I did the last time. I stuck the tip of my penis into the undersized hole in the red plug and pressed the pump to my (pube-shaved) groin. No problem. One squeeze on the vacuum bulb and my lubed shaft slid right in.

Part of the fun for me is just seeing my penis start to enlarge inside the clear plastic tube, aware of the fact that in this situation there was no way I was going to be able to touch or stroke it. Still, already I was feeling like I was getting a hard-on. This alone is quite a treat for a guy who has had prostate surgery and some feelings and sensations that I have not experienced since the surgery suddenly and miraculously return.

But this would be interesting as well for a guy who is not treating an ED medical condition with the pump. As I have already indicated, the pump gives any guy the conscious ability to get an erection just by squeezing the bulb on the pump a few times. And other things happen too. Blood is flowing into your increasingly-erect penis, so it quickly becomes ruddier in color. If you read the literature, some guys complain that the blood that flows in is not the bright red arterial blood that occurs in an unaided erection, but rather cooler, less oxygenated, and bluish blood from veins. And the arterial blood is better if you are trying to rehab your penis plumbing. The other complaint is that because of this the bluish penis can feel cooler than normal than from an unaided erection for a guy in good health.

So, I have been watching carefully the color as well as the size of my erection inside the pump. It looks quite healthy with something of a dark red condition engorged with blood drawn in by the pump. I conclude that my penis is actually in pretty good shape despite the increasing difficulty getting an erection without aid post-surgery.

And I am putting together with this the stuff I already knew about techniques for enjoying yourself in solo sex. One of the techniques I have long advocated is that slower a guy builds an erection, that is taking a longer period of time, the better the final erection and the more fun the orgasm will be. The electric pump I got works beautifully, except that using it, even at thye lowest setting, you go from no erection to a big erection in about 15 seconds. You can, of course, stop the vacuum pump in the middle, but that does not seem to work nearly as well as just applying a squeeze to the bulb when you decide that a bit more vacuum is needed and would feel good.

I am still working out the details of all of this, but I know I like to just hang with the manual pump in place and initially just enough vacuum to get my flaccid shaft inside the snug silicone ring. What I do, is just stop any pumping, and just kick back and enjoy my slight erection, much as I would do in a standard masturbation session. The pump puts you in this psychologically fascinating place of having an erection, even a slight one, and wanting to stroke it by hand, but not being able to. This is great fun, because of the mix of physical sensations coming from the slightly engorged penis along with the psychological dilemma you are in.

The vacuum might gradually decline if you keep from squeezing the bulb. And with that a bit of your erection as well (though that could also depend on how tight the ring was that you initially choose). At some point you will likely decide that you can “tolerate” another squeeze of the bulb, and in so doing you will be able to observe your penis getting about a quarter-inch longer and the color going from a lighter red to a deeper red. You will also feel your penis getting harder and this quickly becomes psychologically very interesting.

Hang tight some more without squeezing the bulb and just thinking about where you are and what is happening. You can follow the same procedure over and over, in much the same way as you would in a long, slow masturbation session under the covers in the middle of the night. You should be able to cope with this without feeling any immediate need to ejaculate into the pump.

At some point you will decide that you are long enough and hard enough, and you want to get out of the pump. Pull the pump off and there is your fully engorged penis already lubed up with Astroglide. Just stroking that is great fun but there are other options as well. For example, a single guy in this condition might want to get into a favorite Speedo® and masturbate to ejaculation in front of a mirror.

For me, just stroking the underside of my erect penis brought back wonderful erotic sensations that I have not felt for 6 years just prior to surgery. And the lube! What a wonderful product for heightening the sensitivity of those nerve endings that are so enjoyable to touch. Soon I was off! This was easily the best orgasm I have had since I lost my prostate 6 years ago. I want to do this again! And again! And again! And there is no reason not to. As post-surgical treatments go, by a wide margin this beats taking ED pills or pricking my penis with an ED drug-filled syringe.

Suppose you are in a sexual relationship with a female partner and are having difficulty sustaining a hard-on that will satisfy her. I would talk the female partner and get her to help with the pumping and timing the bulb squeezes. It would have to be really erotic to psychologically know that what she is seeing and to a certain degree controlling by pumping the bulb will be in her own body in a few minutes time. Nothing at all wrong with that! I am confident that with the extra help, she will be satisfied with your length, girth and hardness.

In a gay relationship the fun thing to do would be to buy two manual pumps. Both guys lube up and get into their own pump, but trade squeeze bulbs, so my partner controls my vacuum-induced erection and I control his. Wild and super crazy fun. How much of this can both you and he tolerate? Nothing like running an experiment to find out!

Or, you can just pump yourself up and crawl into your favorite swim brief, and kick back and enjoy your improved appearance down there!

To be continued…

02-29-2020, 07:17 PM

I keep running tests. In the process I keep learning interesting things about my own body and my ability to get and sustain an erection. For me, this is all in the name of science, and I am not just “messing around” by having fun with my own body. Plus I have a “noble cause” in doing this because I am interested in researching recovery methods after surgical removal of the prostate.

But I do not want for my readers to start thinking that my research applies only to those who have had prostate surgery. Further, as all of you also know now, I have lived as a single male my entire adult life and having a partner available for sex has not been a part of that. Still, I keep thinking about how what I am researching might apply to those with partners versus not, and for those who have ED for whatever reason versus not.

One thing that I learned over the past week is that I emerged from prostate surgery not in bad shape and in better shape than a lot of other guys who have had the surgery. A big part of this has been that I now realize that all I need is a bit of a booster in order to get an erection going. I had been doing this using my hand, but post-surgery I have not been able to get quite the erection quality that I had gotten via this method prior to surgery. I could still have a decent orgasm, but this was not nearly as enjoyable as an orgasm is when a guy is really hard. Hence the idea of trying a penis pump to see if I could get back to getting something closer to what I enjoyed in the pre-surgery days.

I also realize that there are a lot of guys out there who do have a regular sexual partner, and for straight males the idea of being able to get and sustain an erection sufficient to make her happy is an important part of the equation. And I also realize that guys have ED from mild to severe for a host of different reasons not just prostate surgery.

Gay relationships form a separate category and I will have more to say about that as well but later.

I also realize that many of my readers here are turned on just by wearing swim briefs, compression gear and other snug-fitting garments and in that regard I am one of you, so I am constantly thinking about how my current experiments relate to that as well.

I have been attempting to get in a new penis pump experiment conducted every night. I read that from a medical perspective the use of the pump on a daily basis is very helpful. This is getting me back to my masturbation schedule I employed when I was in my 20s and 30s. But maybe that is OK. What I am doing is all for science.

Last night, I was still somewhat exhausted from my efforts the previous nights. I was looking for an experiment to try that might not end in an orgasm. Two things were on my mind. First, the silicone rubber ends on the pump have sizes small, medium and large, the small size providing some constriction like a penis ring, but the large size big enough to be even larger than an engorged penis. What I decided to do is use the large size with the biggest hole, but then use it in conjunction with a penis ring (see photo). Interestingly, the silicone sleeve with the large hole is first placed over the end of the pump. Then the penis ring is stretched and placed over the sleeve with the hole in it.

When I get ready to remove the pump, I first slip the penis ring off the sleeve and on to the base of my penis. Then I pull the pump off sleeve still attached. Now I have an engorged penis with a silicone penis ring on the base.

Penis rings too come in various sizes, small, medium and large (see photo). For the experiment last night I wanted to first try the large ring, which provides minimal restriction of reverse blood flow. One thing I have learned about my own body in the experiments is that once I pump myself up, I can go for a substantial length of time without losing the erection without using any penis ring. Light stroking on the underside helps if I feel that my erection is starting to subside. But after being kick-started with the pump, all of this seems normal relative to where I was before the prostate came out.

I quickly found out that the pump still works fine even if the hole in the sleeve is bigger than my penis as it is being pumped. If the sleeve is lubed and the pubes are shaved, the seal still holds no problem. And I do not really need a silicone penis ring to constrict blood flow and sustain my erection once I am out of the pump.

So I have this pumped erection sufficient to make a female sex partner happy (assuming I had one) and if we wanted to have sex. Indeed, if she “helped” pump me up knowing what was being created and she was observing up close would soon fit inside of her that would add to the eroticism of the moment. These thoughts are surely interesting.

But, back to my reality. Post-pumping, I want to compare the sensations I get from stroking the underside of my penis gently with the sensations I have been getting simply using my hand to masturbate without pumping myself up first. I know I can have an orgasm without having a really hard erection and post-surgery I have enjoyed myself that way many times. Still, the nerves, particularly the ones lining the underside of the penis, get more touch sensitive and more fun the bigger and harder my penis is, (But you all knew that already, right?)

So I have the loose-fitting silicone ring slipped on to the base of my penis, and I have slipped the pump off, entirely.

The pumped penis with the loose-fitting penis ring gets stroked on the underside like my masturbation technique in days of old. But those all-important nerve endings on the underside of my penis are now feeling really good, far better than without first using the pump assistant. Soon I am saying aloud the phrase I like it! I like it! This is fun! Really fun! This is masturbation at its very best! And my penis seems to be getting harder still and certainly not getting softer.

What next? I haven’t had an orgasm. Not yet! Not yet! But I am now feeling as horny as all get out. Why I dig out a couple different pair of skimpy Seobean swim briefs and try them on, something I have long enjoyed doing. Will my engorged penis even fit? Finding out the answer is part of the fun. But not to worry, the Seobean briefs do fit. I put my penis up. Now I am really enjoying myself. Somehow that swim brief rubbing against the underside of my penis just “does” it for me, but this is crazy, goofy fun given the condition my penis is in. I slip out of the yellow brief and into the even skimpier and still tighter gray-and-black one. Touch the underside of my penis once again, and I land somewhere out in “orgasm heaven”. A terrific orgasm. A not-to-be missed sequence of events from beginning to end. Who even needs a sex partner when I can have this much fun all by myself? I’m delighted with all that I have learned and experienced.

I have done a lot of reading, and one of the important things I now know is that a lot of guys with ED have real problems sustaining an erection after pumping and that correctly sizing the silicone rubber ring is important to provide the exact amount of constriction to keep blood from exiting the hard-on but not too snug to cause injury.

I rather like the feel of the silicone ring on my penis even when the fit is loose. My next test will involve using a ring one size smaller and see how that feels on my pumped and engorged penis.

This is extraordinarily enjoyable and fun in a way that I thought was totally lost to me following surgery six years ago.

I like it! I like it!

To be continued…

03-01-2020, 04:01 PM

Human beings have only three orifices of sufficient size to accommodate a penis inside, the mouth, the anus, and, for females, the vagina. For most guys, having sex is the same thing as being able to fit the guys hard-and-erect penis into one of these orifices and once inside, then ejaculating. For guys both straight and gay having sex is a polite way of saying that I found someone who will let me put my dick into an orifice they have, and then ejaculating while I am in there. Another term that is used is “partner sex” to make sure everyone understands that I was not engaged in solo sex which is the polite way of saying masturbation which when defined, for a guy at least, as stroking one’s own penis to first get hard and erect, and then often proceed to a gratifying ejaculation.

For a long time it was somehow believed that sex involving placing the penis in a vagina was normal but any other act of penis inside another bodily orifice was somehow abnormal. Gradually, some heterosexual couples engaged in what was termed oral intercourse, which meant that the guy’s penis was being inserted into the mouth of the penis. Back in the 1960s when I was an undergraduate, guys were going out on serious dates that, err, sometimes had a sexual component to them. In my dorm, a guy on a date would come back to the dorm in the wee hours of the morning and the first thing one of the other guys would ask is “does she suck”?

I was so young and n at that stage of my life that I hardly understood what exactly was being so bluntly asked. But even then, in the 1960s here were questions being asked was not “Did you get your dick into her vagina?” but rather “Did she allow you to put your deck into her mouth and then suck the semen out of it?” To the guy asking the question to the guy coming back from the date, clearly the oral sex was at a higher level of eroticism than “normal” copulation (dick in vagina). In those days no one talked about dick in anus, at least not when other guys were around.

Dick in anus was reserved exclusively for two gay guys having partner sex, and, back then being gay was considered a treatable sickness by everyone including the American Psychological Association, so no guy openly admitted that he was gay. Coming out was not what you did. And the idea that heterosexual couples sometimes err, had experienced “copulation by putting his dick in her anus not her mouth or vagina was something only really oddball and weird couples did. This was not a “normal” sex act at all.

Time moved on. In the book “Everything you wanted to know about sex but were afraid to ask” written by the psychiatrist David Reuben and first published in 1969 was a best seller in part because it had chapters dealing with topics everyone was curious about but traditionally were hushed up.


Two topics interested me in particular, the chapters dealing with observations on gay guys and the chapter dealing with masturbation. Reuben actually admitted in the book that gay guys have been known to put a dick into the other guy’s anus, which he thought was more than a little weird. Perhaps a straight couple who admitted to doing this needed psychological help or maybe the guy needed a map of the female body orifices and where one was supposed to put one’s dick in order to have real sex.

But in retrospect he also said some odder things. First, he claimed that gay guys tend to favor clothing that fit snugger to their bodies than straight guys do, and that you sometimes could determine who among the males was gay but not openly gay simply by observing how snug the shirt or pants fit to his body. But he also admitted that a lot of modern men’s fashion consisted of ideas that originated in gay male communities and then somehow spread to straight males, so this clothing-focused approach to identifying gay males was not always perfect.

At least in the early editions, Reuben believed that being gay was a type of mental illness and as such any guy who had this problem should see a psychiatrist. Further, there were excellent psychiatrists out there who had the necessary techniques to fix the problem and turn practically any gay guy straight!

Was that advice ever off base!

Masturbation fared little better than being gay in Reuben’s analysis. That chapter indicated that guys commonly masturbate when they are young and that was just OK. But as a guy gets only a little older, say in his late teens, there would be more and more opportunities for having penis-vagina sex with a female partner, and gradually a guy’s interest in masturbation will fade as he ramps up having real intercourse. He noted that elderly guys living without a female partner as they age may ramp up masturbation again, and that was probably OK for guys who no longer had a convenient vagina in which to ejaculate, but for everyone else, penis-in-vagina partner sex was a lot more fun and should be the norm of what we as guys do.

Over all of this I was thinking about my own situation. I guess other guys were wired differently from me. First, I was never that turned on by females my age, if at all. I had female friends but I did not feel compelled to put my penis into a vagina, like a lot of my male college friends seemed focused on doing. Somehow I must be wired differently from them, but how?

Even at a young age I liked to wear clothing items that were snug-fitting. Was Reuben saying this made me gay? Well not exactly. And increasingly I began to believe that being a gay male meant that I was enthusiastic about putting my dick into his anus or mouth, and quite frankly this appealed to me, if anything, even less than the idea of penis-in-vagina. For me, having a sexual partner who wanted my dick would prove to be interesting for less than 24 hours, if that.

But I love getting a hard on-and then ejaculating. In this regard I am not asexual at all. It’s just the partner stuff involving putting my dick into the orifice of another person that is the turnoff.

So, I have a medical appointment and have to fill out a questionnaire. One of the first questions is am I straight or gay? There is no other option. I had already checked the “single” box. But singles don’t generally live without partner sex in some form, or do they? I suppose that if I checked gay, there would be immediate interest in whether or not I would have an STD commonly carried by non monogamous gay guys, most notably HIV. Saying straight would go down a different medical path assuming I was having regular sex with females that I was not married to and all the messy issues associated with that. If there were an option “neither of the above” the assumption would be that I engage in both anal sex with men and vaginal sex with females and that creates an even messier and more complicated potential set of medical issues.

But I enjoy myself sexually immensely with none of the baggage associated with living with another person and somehow getting my penis into a partner’s orifice, whatever that orifice might be. Because of this I suppose some guys would say that I have missed out on some of the most enjoyable aspects of being a guy. But I am who I am. I’ve enjoyed life immensely in part because I never got bogged down doing the stuff a lot of other guys enjoy doing.

In the stories I have written you will notice that the characters often deeply enjoy masturbating, often by themselves but occasionally engaging getting into mutual masturbation. But never does a dick go in partner’s orifice. In that regard, my stories are at least somewhat autobiographical. I like leaving characters in this situation of dreaming up interesting ways to engage in male self abuse, but never actually engaging in true partner sex. From my vantage point, that is the place to be! Modern medicine I guess doesn’t realize that there are guys who see the world, sexually, from my vantage point. Maybe lots of us! If you are reading this, perhaps you too are one of these.

To be continued…

03-03-2020, 01:57 PM

I have been reading a host of different medical sites relating to the use of a penis pump as a medical device for treating ED after prostate surgery. A lot of these are high-end places like Mayo clinic and urologists explain in somber tones how the device might aid in a patient’s recovery. The hypothetical patient is a male with a female partner, and the guy is worried about not being able to get hard enough to even get inside of her let alone to satisfy her with his penis. I also learned that prescription “medical-grade penis pumps typically cost from $200-500 whereas the devices sold on Ebay run from $12 to maybe $50, no prescription required.

A penis pump is a penis pump, pretty much. They normally consist of a clear polycarbonate plastic cylinder about 2 inches in diameter and 8 inches long though a few are bigger. And a small vacuum pump, either a manual one or one powered by a rechargeable battery. And a sheath of some sort of flexible silicone rubber that goes over the base of the tube. That sheath forms a seal that is pressed against your groin at the base of the penis air tight and thus a vacuum when the pump is used. The sheath has a hole only big enough to fit your penis through, at least in theory. The sheath will vary quite a bit in design and material depending on the pump you buy.

The powered pump I bought works well at creating vacuum, but I was getting a pain or soreness at the base of my penis as the vacuum level increased. This part was not erotic at all. And I didn’t like the pain I was experiencing. What was going on, anyway?

I quickly discovered that with as the vacuum level increased I was actually starting to pull my balls partway into the pump along with my penis. The sheath was there in part to keep body parts other than the penis outside the cylinder and this was not happening as well as it should.

I needed a better sheath to use with both pumps and so I started looking on Ebay again and found the ones in the photo attached. They are just a very soft and stretchy cylinder which when placed on the pump tube look as you see in the photo. I tried one of these with the manual pump last night. Ahhh, much better, No pain at all. Tonight I will experiment using this sheath with the powered pump. I also discovered that as a lube for these, a bit of clear Softsoap® works about the same as Astroglide as a lube. The Astroglide might be fine as a lube for intercourse, but in one of my extended masturbation sessions it tends to dry and get sticky.

So, yesterday afternoon I decided to see what was out there on the porn video sites in which guys demonstrate the recreational uses for the penis pump. There are lots of videos of that sort, many just videos of guys showing a growing erection inside the pump tube with each pump squeeze. I say videos of men of all ages, from late teens on. Most of the ones I saw were guys who likely could easily get and sustain an erection easily without the pump but found the idea of pumping themselves up to be form of erotic recreational sex.

I also found some of the information useful in better understanding the issue of the sheath not keeping the balls completely out of the vacuum cylinder. There was a cock and ball torture (CBT) video that demonstrated the issue in maybe too much detail. The other guys had one guy restrained with leather straps. They then used a penis pump on him similar to the manual one I have but without any silicone sheath on the end of the tube. They merely placed the 2” inch polycarbonate plastic tube to his groin with sufficient pressure to seal it and create a vacuum. With a two-inch hole in the plastic tube, not only will the restrained guy’s penis get vacuumed into the tube, but his balls were quickly sucked upward and inside the tube completely with just space enough for the balls to press against the expanding penis and the tube itself. Quite a predicament!

Given the experience I had when my balls were only getting a small section partly into the cylinder, this must have been extraordinarily painful as the guy’s “friends” made sure the vacuum level kept increasing as the guy struggled and screamed out with the pain associated with having his balls in that situation. As a penis pump-using viewer, this was interesting to see but I would quickly become concerned that the pump could do permanent damage to a guy’s balls used that way. But I guess that is part of what CBT eroticism is all about for the participants. My bottom line on all of this is that the sheath you choose to use with your pump in part is there to keep other body parts out and therefore is the most important consideration of all.

So, where am I on all of this? The devices clearly have serious medical applications for guys dealing with ED irrespective of the underlying cause, but are especially helpful to guys like me who have faced surgical removal of the prostate. I do not have a sex partner, but if I did, I think I would be more than able to satisfy her in intercourse using my pumper as an aid. I seem to retain an erection for a long time after I remove the pump, even without a penis ring, plenty of time to stick it into another bodily orifice.

However, as things to do sexually from a pure recreational masturbation perspective, these pumps clearly have uses as well and I fully understand why they are popular with many guys. Assuming a guy is able to get and retain an erection without using a pump, as low-cost recreational devices go this is benign with no adverse side effects (except if you decide you want to find out how it feels to have your balls vacuumed and squeezed into the tube along with your penis).

Once I remove the pump, even though I am considerably bigger in length and girth, I do not feel that immediately I must have an orgasm. I am thinking about this of course, but I am not at a point of no return—not yet, anyway. My penis is not as stiff as it would have been when I was 19, or even 30, but it still feels really neat coming out of the pump. And those nerve endings on the underside feel great, almost like they did before the surgery. I face choices. I can simply masturbate to ejaculation without wearing anything over my penis. Or I can slip on a favorite swim brief and just take myself to the next level while “playing” with a good penis position—the same thing I did when I was in my 20s, pretty much. And, most thankfully, this now feels very similar to what I remember from way back when.

Or, what I did last night—crawled into a skimpy thong with a really snug pouch and a cord that cinched between my glutes, and had an orgasm that way in my condition. Perfect! So many fond memories of masturbating in days gone by. And I can keep right on being in that wonderful place I found and went into with much enthusiasm so long ago.

To be continued…

03-03-2020, 04:03 PM
You should also do a paper essay on edible marijuana usage. using edibles along with your pump probably deliver some pretty extraordinary excitement.

03-05-2020, 02:48 PM

For guys of any age, I see the ability to get aroused, get an erection, sustain an erection and conclude with a wonderful orgasm as a “great gift” perhaps the greatest gift ever to human beings, at least for male human beings. I do not want to start sounding religious, but this is marvelous stuff in all sorts of ways.

Of course, there are always complexities. The major complexity is that when most guys think about this, thoughts generally trend toward thinking about enjoying one’s own body by having some form of sex with a partner via one of three orifices, mouth, anus or vagina. The idea of perhaps maybe just kicking back and enjoying yourself without getting involved in anal, oral or vaginal sex seems strange indeed, perhaps somehow “unnatural”? Indeed, isn’t one of these three what two adult human beings are somehow “supposed” to do?

With each chapter I write, I try to “mess” with my readers in some way, and toss ideas out that at first may seem more than a little odd or strange, but particularly strange for those who equate sexual enjoyment with the specific kinds of partner sex I just described.

Questions like “Is it possible for a guy to enjoy his own body and sexual being without having a partner willing to engage in the aforementioned “partner sex?” If a guy admits to doing this is he somehow mentally deformed or otherwise inferior to the other guys wandering around who regularly engage in partner sex?

Part of the problem here is that we know that every guy loves to masturbate but this is particularly so if the guy (gay or straight) lacks a sexual partner. Pretty much guys grew up engaging in “self abuse” probably nearly every day (or night) and most are so hooked on a regular schedule that they will only reluctantly give up on doing (what they always did) when they lacked a sexual partner. Bringing a sexual partner into this, as in mutual masturbation, might very well be seen as abnormal or otherwise somehow unnatural but an activity particularly so if the partner is female. I have frequently thought that two gay guys probably have an easier time unraveling this given that both understand the important role that masturbation played in their lives when they did not have a partner and they can drag what they have both learned on the subject into the partnered relationship without embarrassment. At least that is what I conclude from my vantage point.

Most men are experts in the nuances of masturbation by the time they are young adults, and most love it. Some are really squeamish about how their lives might change in this respect once they partner with a female. Does the guy tell her about the stuff he has long loved doing with and to himself? Can some of this be brought into the relationship for both to potentially enjoy? What role if any does this play relative to plain ordinary vaginal or oral sex in the relationship? Is a guy supposed to quit abusing himself and rely solely on vaginal and oral sex because he now has a female partner? Having a male partner instead seems far simpler because both guys can just keep doing what they always were fond of doing, with the added twist of additional enjoyment from being able to get “help” from your partner. Neat stuff for two guys who are fond of their penises! But, male-female mutual masturbation? That is a different topic entirely.

Of course I am all about guys enjoying their own bodies safely regardless of whether or not the guy is in a relationship with a partner or not. I think every unpartnered guy has just as much right to be able to enjoy his own body as the partnered guys do. But adding a partner for mutual masturbation (male or female) adds a whole new dimension, even if the two do not engage in penis inside of some body part. There are endlessly fascinating ways of engaging in mutual masturbation that do not involve penis in a hole of some sort.

For guys without partners there are also fascinating ways to creatively masturbate. If some of this involves a stretchy clothing item that contains Lycra® there is nothing at all wrong with that. Guys learn how to masturbate while wearing snug-fitting garments almost from the point in time where they first discovered that touching their own sex organs produced some interesting sensations in their own brains. This revelation does not somehow go away once a guy reaches adulthood or gets married. It is a major part of who a guy is for his entire life. I realize that some women might have trouble getting their heads around the implications of what I have just told you, but it is the truth and be that as it may be. My sympathy goes out to the married guys whose wives see this all differently and become fixated on what she thinks a guy should be permitted to do with his own body once she has snared him as her husband.

To be continued…

03-05-2020, 02:48 PM

For guys of any age, I see the ability to get aroused, get an erection, sustain an erection and conclude with a wonderful orgasm as a “great gift” perhaps the greatest gift ever to human beings, at least for male human beings. I do not want to start sounding religious, but this is marvelous stuff in all sorts of ways.

Of course, there are always complexities. The major complexity is that when most guys think about this, thoughts generally trend toward thinking about enjoying one’s own body by having some form of sex with a partner via one of three orifices, mouth, anus or vagina. The idea of perhaps maybe just kicking back and enjoying yourself without getting involved in anal, oral or vaginal sex seems strange indeed, perhaps somehow “unnatural”? Indeed, isn’t one of these three what two adult human beings are somehow “supposed” to do?

With each chapter I write, I try to “mess” with my readers in some way, and toss ideas out that at first may seem more than a little odd or strange, but particularly strange for those who equate sexual enjoyment with the specific kinds of partner sex I just described.

Questions like “Is it possible for a guy to enjoy his own body and sexual being without having a partner willing to engage in the aforementioned “partner sex?” If a guy admits to doing this is he somehow mentally deformed or otherwise inferior to the other guys wandering around who regularly engage in partner sex?

Part of the problem here is that we know that every guy loves to masturbate but this is particularly so if the guy (gay or straight) lacks a sexual partner. Pretty much guys grew up engaging in “self abuse” probably nearly every day (or night) and most are so hooked on a regular schedule that they will only reluctantly give up on doing (what they always did) when they lacked a sexual partner. Bringing a sexual partner into this, as in mutual masturbation, might very well be seen as abnormal or otherwise somehow unnatural but an activity particularly so if the partner is female. I have frequently thought that two gay guys probably have an easier time unraveling this given that both understand the important role that masturbation played in their lives when they did not have a partner and they can drag what they have both learned on the subject into the partnered relationship without embarrassment. At least that is what I conclude from my vantage point.

Most men are experts in the nuances of masturbation by the time they are young adults, and most love it. Some are really squeamish about how their lives might change in this respect once they partner with a female. Does the guy tell her about the stuff he has long loved doing with and to himself? Can some of this be brought into the relationship for both to potentially enjoy? What role if any does this play relative to plain ordinary vaginal or oral sex in the relationship? Is a guy supposed to quit abusing himself and rely solely on vaginal and oral sex because he now has a female partner? Having a male partner instead seems far simpler because both guys can just keep doing what they always were fond of doing, with the added twist of additional enjoyment from being able to get “help” from your partner. Neat stuff for two guys who are fond of their penises! But, male-female mutual masturbation? That is a different topic entirely.

Of course I am all about guys enjoying their own bodies safely regardless of whether or not the guy is in a relationship with a partner or not. I think every unpartnered guy has just as much right to be able to enjoy his own body as the partnered guys do. But adding a partner for mutual masturbation (male or female) adds a whole new dimension, even if the two do not engage in penis inside of some body part. There are endlessly fascinating ways of engaging in mutual masturbation that do not involve penis in a hole of some sort.

For guys without partners there are also fascinating ways to creatively masturbate. If some of this involves a stretchy clothing item that contains Lycra® there is nothing at all wrong with that. Guys learn how to masturbate while wearing snug-fitting garments almost from the point in time where they first discovered that touching their own sex organs produced some interesting sensations in their own brains. This revelation does not somehow go away once a guy reaches adulthood or gets married. It is a major part of who a guy is for his entire life. I realize that some women might have trouble getting their heads around the implications of what I have just told you, but it is the truth and be that as it may be. My sympathy goes out to the married guys whose wives see this all differently and become fixated on what she thinks a guy should be permitted to do with his own body once she has snared him as her husband.

To be continued…

03-05-2020, 02:48 PM

For guys of any age, I see the ability to get aroused, get an erection, sustain an erection and conclude with a wonderful orgasm as a “great gift” perhaps the greatest gift ever to human beings, at least for male human beings. I do not want to start sounding religious, but this is marvelous stuff in all sorts of ways.

Of course, there are always complexities. The major complexity is that when most guys think about this, thoughts generally trend toward thinking about enjoying one’s own body by having some form of sex with a partner via one of three orifices, mouth, anus or vagina. The idea of perhaps maybe just kicking back and enjoying yourself without getting involved in anal, oral or vaginal sex seems strange indeed, perhaps somehow “unnatural”? Indeed, isn’t one of these three what two adult human beings are somehow “supposed” to do?

With each chapter I write, I try to “mess” with my readers in some way, and toss ideas out that at first may seem more than a little odd or strange, but particularly strange for those who equate sexual enjoyment with the specific kinds of partner sex I just described.

Questions like “Is it possible for a guy to enjoy his own body and sexual being without having a partner willing to engage in the aforementioned “partner sex?” If a guy admits to doing this is he somehow mentally deformed or otherwise inferior to the other guys wandering around who regularly engage in partner sex?

Part of the problem here is that we know that every guy loves to masturbate but this is particularly so if the guy (gay or straight) lacks a sexual partner. Pretty much guys grew up engaging in “self abuse” probably nearly every day (or night) and most are so hooked on a regular schedule that they will only reluctantly give up on doing (what they always did) when they lacked a sexual partner. Bringing a sexual partner into this, as in mutual masturbation, might very well be seen as abnormal or otherwise somehow unnatural but an activity particularly so if the partner is female. I have frequently thought that two gay guys probably have an easier time unraveling this given that both understand the important role that masturbation played in their lives when they did not have a partner and they can drag what they have both learned on the subject into the partnered relationship without embarrassment. At least that is what I conclude from my vantage point.

Most men are experts in the nuances of masturbation by the time they are young adults, and most love it. Some are really squeamish about how their lives might change in this respect once they partner with a female. Does the guy tell her about the stuff he has long loved doing with and to himself? Can some of this be brought into the relationship for both to potentially enjoy? What role if any does this play relative to plain ordinary vaginal or oral sex in the relationship? Is a guy supposed to quit abusing himself and rely solely on vaginal and oral sex because he now has a female partner? Having a male partner instead seems far simpler because both guys can just keep doing what they always were fond of doing, with the added twist of additional enjoyment from being able to get “help” from your partner. Neat stuff for two guys who are fond of their penises! But, male-female mutual masturbation? That is a different topic entirely.

Of course I am all about guys enjoying their own bodies safely regardless of whether or not the guy is in a relationship with a partner or not. I think every unpartnered guy has just as much right to be able to enjoy his own body as the partnered guys do. But adding a partner for mutual masturbation (male or female) adds a whole new dimension, even if the two do not engage in penis inside of some body part. There are endlessly fascinating ways of engaging in mutual masturbation that do not involve penis in a hole of some sort.

For guys without partners there are also fascinating ways to creatively masturbate. If some of this involves a stretchy clothing item that contains Lycra® there is nothing at all wrong with that. Guys learn how to masturbate while wearing snug-fitting garments almost from the point in time where they first discovered that touching their own sex organs produced some interesting sensations in their own brains. This revelation does not somehow go away once a guy reaches adulthood or gets married. It is a major part of who a guy is for his entire life. I realize that some women might have trouble getting their heads around the implications of what I have just told you, but it is the truth and be that as it may be. My sympathy goes out to the married guys whose wives see this all differently and become fixated on what she thinks a guy should be permitted to do with his own body once she has snared him as her husband.

To be continued…

03-05-2020, 02:48 PM

For guys of any age, I see the ability to get aroused, get an erection, sustain an erection and conclude with a wonderful orgasm as a “great gift” perhaps the greatest gift ever to human beings, at least for male human beings. I do not want to start sounding religious, but this is marvelous stuff in all sorts of ways.

Of course, there are always complexities. The major complexity is that when most guys think about this, thoughts generally trend toward thinking about enjoying one’s own body by having some form of sex with a partner via one of three orifices, mouth, anus or vagina. The idea of perhaps maybe just kicking back and enjoying yourself without getting involved in anal, oral or vaginal sex seems strange indeed, perhaps somehow “unnatural”? Indeed, isn’t one of these three what two adult human beings are somehow “supposed” to do?

With each chapter I write, I try to “mess” with my readers in some way, and toss ideas out that at first may seem more than a little odd or strange, but particularly strange for those who equate sexual enjoyment with the specific kinds of partner sex I just described.

Questions like “Is it possible for a guy to enjoy his own body and sexual being without having a partner willing to engage in the aforementioned “partner sex?” If a guy admits to doing this is he somehow mentally deformed or otherwise inferior to the other guys wandering around who regularly engage in partner sex?

Part of the problem here is that we know that every guy loves to masturbate but this is particularly so if the guy (gay or straight) lacks a sexual partner. Pretty much guys grew up engaging in “self abuse” probably nearly every day (or night) and most are so hooked on a regular schedule that they will only reluctantly give up on doing (what they always did) when they lacked a sexual partner. Bringing a sexual partner into this, as in mutual masturbation, might very well be seen as abnormal or otherwise somehow unnatural but an activity particularly so if the partner is female. I have frequently thought that two gay guys probably have an easier time unraveling this given that both understand the important role that masturbation played in their lives when they did not have a partner and they can drag what they have both learned on the subject into the partnered relationship without embarrassment. At least that is what I conclude from my vantage point.

Most men are experts in the nuances of masturbation by the time they are young adults, and most love it. Some are really squeamish about how their lives might change in this respect once they partner with a female. Does the guy tell her about the stuff he has long loved doing with and to himself? Can some of this be brought into the relationship for both to potentially enjoy? What role if any does this play relative to plain ordinary vaginal or oral sex in the relationship? Is a guy supposed to quit abusing himself and rely solely on vaginal and oral sex because he now has a female partner? Having a male partner instead seems far simpler because both guys can just keep doing what they always were fond of doing, with the added twist of additional enjoyment from being able to get “help” from your partner. Neat stuff for two guys who are fond of their penises! But, male-female mutual masturbation? That is a different topic entirely.

Of course I am all about guys enjoying their own bodies safely regardless of whether or not the guy is in a relationship with a partner or not. I think every unpartnered guy has just as much right to be able to enjoy his own body as the partnered guys do. But adding a partner for mutual masturbation (male or female) adds a whole new dimension, even if the two do not engage in penis inside of some body part. There are endlessly fascinating ways of engaging in mutual masturbation that do not involve penis in a hole of some sort.

For guys without partners there are also fascinating ways to creatively masturbate. If some of this involves a stretchy clothing item that contains Lycra® there is nothing at all wrong with that. Guys learn how to masturbate while wearing snug-fitting garments almost from the point in time where they first discovered that touching their own sex organs produced some interesting sensations in their own brains. This revelation does not somehow go away once a guy reaches adulthood or gets married. It is a major part of who a guy is for his entire life. I realize that some women might have trouble getting their heads around the implications of what I have just told you, but it is the truth and be that as it may be. My sympathy goes out to the married guys whose wives see this all differently and become fixated on what she thinks a guy should be permitted to do with his own body once she has snared him as her husband.

To be continued…

03-07-2020, 03:41 PM

I strongly believe that it is extremely important for guys of all ages to maintain their bodies in as healthy a condition as possible. And a guy’s sexual health is one key aspect of all of this. As a guy enters adulthood, he perhaps gets into a sexual relationship with a partner, or for a variety of reasons, maybe not.

Being in a relationship with a partner (at least initially) pretty much ensures that the guy is going to get aroused on a regular schedule. Well, maybe I am assuming too much about relationships, but at least I like to believe that is happening on a regular basis. As relationships continue, on occasion (LOL) the amount of partner sex that goes on may go into a persistent decline. This is a sad part of a relationship, and three cheers o the guys who do not face this problem.

I could go on and on about the importance of having sex in a relationship is, but my main concern in this chapter is to deal with the issues faced by guys who are not in a sexual relationship with a partner. This could be for any number of reasons. One real possibility is that the guy did have a sexual partner for whatever reason the relationship came unglued and the guy is now very depressed about the situation he finds himself in.

Having said that, some guys are simply better equipped to live single without a sexual relationship and deeply enjoy the freedom that brings to all aspects of their lives. Personally, I am deeply grateful for the opportunity I have had to have never gotten stuck in a relationship of any sort. This has been a wonderful life never mind that so few guys try it. I suspect that most guys think of living without a sexual partner as merely a temporary way of slogging through life that at some point in time will once again revert back to living with a sexual partner. And there is no question in my mind that most guys are fixated on this. Feeling good in your groin area is so intertwined with the sexual and non-sexual aspects of forming a bond with another person that it is difficult to separate the two. But relationships even at their best are complicated and messy stuff and I also understand where guys are coming from that see this stuff as being an unending series of problems.

So, there will always be some subset of guys who would prefer living unpartnered and the lifestyle choice ultimately becomes a way of life.

Just before and after I had prostate surgery I learned some things about my body that I did not fully understand before. A guy’s prostate is encircled with a bunch of very sensitive nerve endings and these nerves are directly wired to the part of the brain that I refer to as arousal-central. A guy sees (or even just thinks about) something that is sexy and the brain springs into action and sends a signal down to the nerve endings surrounding the prostate.

When a guy says “I am feeling horny” that is exactly what is happening. An interesting signal got sent from the guy’s brain to the nerves around the prostate. Already this feels really good. What the triggering event was can and does vary widely. This could be the sight of another sexy person but maybe not anything to do with another person.

A guy being told by the coach that he must now wear an undersized swim brief or wear a strap in order to participate has likely had the same mechanism powered up. Any guy past puberty knows this and tries his best to convince his male peers that for him at least the only possible triggering mechanism involves a sexy female. The guy tries his best to simply ignore the possibilities other than observing a “sexy” female even though this is normally impossible to do. But survival with your male peers depends on the guy successfully coping in secret with whatever his peers would find unacceptable if the male peers only knew. Never mind that the male peers often face the same “problem” of feeling horny because of something they thought about or observed that was not a sexy female and they are struggling with how to deal with this too.

I’ve been doing a lot of reading on the role that nighttime erection cycles play in men’s overall health. And dreams with sexual components may play an important role in all of this in terms of cycling a guy back and forth between erection and being flaccid. If you are sleeping with a sexual partner, you cannot expect that the partner likely will be willing to wake up and copulate with you every time you go through one of these cycles. So at some level you need to come up with ways to manage your sexuality on your own a lot of the time, sexual partner or not.

This is equally important for guys who do not have a sexual partner sleeping next to them. And that is where I want to focus my thinking.

Even if you are not using your sexual equipment for partner sex, it is important to keep it in top running condition, and the only way to keep everything running smoothly is to have times where you have regular arousal and erection cycles. You can do this manually during the day or when you are otherwise awake, but, believe it or not some guys get so busy at work or at school that they do not carve out a good time of day for a nice session. For other guys the shower is the place to play with yourself. But ejaculating then can be inconvenient because ejaculating then may very well turn into a general feeling of sluggishness that may last for much of the day. The evening hours or just before bedtime is much better as the ejaculation experience can aid in sleep. How many guys have never had the experience of ejaculating in bed and discovering that one consequence is that you may fall asleep entirely within a few minutes? This is an alternative “use” for the sluggishness you likely felt for hours after ejaculating in your morning shower.

Me, I always like to “mess” with my arousal. I like to go to bed already feeling somewhat horny, but not horny enough to be anywhere near an orgasm.

Now I know guys have different ideas about what to wear when sleeping. Some guys like to sleep nude, with the penis just flopping around. Another option is a loose-fitting pair of cotton boxers. These do not confine, but limit the penis flopping somewhat. And the boxers at least provide a place for the semen to go other than directly onto the bed sheets.

Me? When I sleep I want to have my penis much more confined inside a garment that is tight enough to put pressure on my penis as it goes through the normal nighttime cycles. I will pull on a favorite garment, a swim brief, an underwear brief or thong, maybe even a jock strap and then pull on a looser fitting garment over such as a pair of boxer shorts. I like to mix this up each night so my penis has a different experience to deal with each night. The correct garment is one that your penis definitely knows is there, but not so tight that it feels uncomfortable, and the trick is in finding the right mix of snugness and comfort.

For a few nights I was wearing a nylon underwear brief under sleep pants but it fit so loose that my penis was not responding as near as I could observe. But last night I switched over to a cotton thong that seemed pretty tame. When I woke up this morning, however, I was quite aware of it. And as I looked inside the pouch there was a bunch of really neat precum stains that must have been accumulating all night long. The funny part is I slept like a log with my erection cycles still working overtime.

You probably will not be able to do this precumming if you have had an orgasm only an hour or two before you went to bed, but every guy is different. Those precum stains are strong evidence that the entire system including those nerve endings around the prostate is functioning exactly as it should. I was so happy to see those clear viscous stains. And I had chosen the perfect sleep time garment.

Every guy has access to this system. It is merely the problem of engaging yourself and taking full advantage of it. The specific garment I wear that acts as a triggering method might or might not work for you. But you might already have something in your dresser drawers that will be perfect for your own experiments.

To be continued…

03-18-2020, 07:41 PM

Not long after puberty, I learned fully about the sheer joy of the male orgasm. Like other guys my age, I worried a lot about what I had discovered and what I was doing to myself, but in particular I worried about accidentally being discovered enjoying myself. Still, there was much to be learned. The thought of accidentally being discovered—it did not matter who—initially shaped how and when I masturbated. Under the covers in darkness was a lot “safer” than being caught enjoying oneself in the bathroom. Besides, when done in the bathroom it seemed that everything had to be done as quickly as possible, lest prying eyes figure out what was going on.

Only gradually did I manage to learn that like a lot of things in life, going slow is generally better than going fast and leads ultimately to a much more powerful and enjoyable orgasm. I experimented with something I now know as edging—getting aroused and hard nearly to the point of ejaculating, but then suddenly stopping just before I was about to go over the edge and cooling down a bit, then returning to the stroking technique I had been using, only to once again stop just in time to delay ejaculation. I quietly learned that a guy (me) could train myself to go through these stop-start episodes multiple times, and I started to notice that each time I pushed this right up to the edge, then pulled back, then waited a bit before restarting, my penis would keep getting a bit more erect, big and hard with each successive cycle. But playing with myself this way took time, lots an uninterrupted time, maybe a half hour or more instead of two or three minutes. For a young person, that much uninterrupted time is often tough to obtain. Still, the orgasm I would get after one of these multiple start-stop sessions was so good in comparison to the ones I had trying to get everything done in two or three minutes, that I knew I wanted to keep finding times and places where I could just be by myself without being accidentally interrupted.

Somewhat later in life I learned that what I was doing to and by myself in these extended sessions was in fact a commonly-employed method used by sex therapists to treat the male problem of premature ejaculation, whereby the guy comes far too quickly for his female partner to also have an orgasm. This problem leads to a host of other issues such as women “faking” orgasms in a not-very-successful effort to convince the guy that she came about when he did. So learning how to maintain a high level of arousal without ejaculating is a really useful skill for males to be able to accomplish, and this is what is generally meant when a guy is called a “great lover”. Great lovers have the edging technique down very well. There are a few other components to being a great lover but I will not take those up in detail right now.

So, here I am, a 72-year old who has had his prostate removed, and I am interested in getting back to my life pre-surgery even though I live alone without a sexual partner. Any of my readers here know that I am extremely fond of masturbation and had developed a lot of techniques prior to surgery that work very well. Post-surgery the medical people assured me that I could still have an orgasm sans ejaculate but that I might not have an erection. This is because the nerves that control blood flow to the penis are damaged and can take a long time to heal, if they heal at all. Yup, that is correct. But also I knew that an orgasm without being big and hard was not going to be as enjoyable as an orgasm that happened when I was rock-hard before the surgery.

But for surgical patients, the ability to get and sustain an erection is not only nice, but essential if a couple is to have penis-vagina sex. So rebuilding one’s ability to do this is a very practical problem. The four methods commonly employed are pills (i.e. Viagra, Cialis), injections, surgically installing a bladder that can be deflated and deflated, and the least invasive route, a widely-available penis pump.

My goal was to be able to come up with a method that would help my solo-sex orgasms feel as close as possible to what I was able to obtain via my multiple start-stop method prior to surgery, without having to take a pill, have an injection into my penis, or go in for another surgery. A penis pump seemed like the logical choice. I am very much aware that these devices are sold via prescription for treating erectile dysfunction including that arising from post-surgical prostate removal. But the devices are also sold as sex toys for recreational use by guys who are not treating a medical issue relating to erection but simply want to experiment with seeing how big and hard they can get.

I suddenly feel like I am once again only 13-years old, and learning something new about employing penis pumps day by day. Here is some of what I have learned.

The silicone rubber sheath that goes on the end of the pump where your penis enters should fit quite snug around your flaccid penis. The pump when activated will pull your penis right through the hole in the sheath even if it seems a little undersized at first. The problem with a looser fit is that the vacuum pump will start to pull your groin into the cylinder if not your balls, and this quickly ends up being quite painful. You really don’t want any body parts other than your penis inside the cylinder of the pump. At worse, once you are out of the pump you may need to wait a bit to remove the sheath. But think of the sheath as simply a slight variation on a silicone penis ring.

I still like the manual pump better than the electric-powered version. The manual pump gives better control over the exact moment my penis gets hit with a bit more vacuum. Once you are inside the pump, each squeeze of the bulb will inflate your penis by between a quarter to three-eights of an inch, and you will see a color change to a deep red as this goes on. Do this slowly. Go back to the idea of adding just a bit of vacuum and then waiting for a couple minutes while your penis adjusts to the new situation it is in. Go ahead and squeeze again. Gradually continue over a period of several minutes, then hold it that way.

Now release the vacuum pressure and your penis will quickly get smaller, but generally not as small as it was when you started. The snug fit of the silicone sheath hole helps in this regard. Again wait a couple minutes, and then gradually begin to build vacuum again but again slowly. This time you are going to try and make your penis just a bit harder, bigger in girth and longer so you want to edge up to just a little more. Again, once you get there, hold it that way for a couple minutes, and then again release the vacuum for a couple more minutes.

You are now getting the hang of it. This is a variation on the same edging technique you employed when you were 14 or so. The basic idea is to go through this same cycle several times with each cycle giving you a harder and longer penis. When you get to the point where you no longer think you can take another start-stop cycle, pull the cylinder off but leave the sheath still around your penis to help restrict blood flow out. Even with the pump out of the way you should be nice and big and hard.

I have had no problems maintaining a nice erection for quite awhile when the pump is removed. But if you fear losing your erection too quickly, you can also put a silicone penis ring around the sheath and put that on as you remove the pump and sheath. If you have a sexual partner who has been observing all of this, now is the time to try copulating. But if you don’t, not to worry. You are now in great shape to finish yourself off by stroking your erect and hard penis just like you have always done. Personally, I had the best and most powerful orgasm that I have had since before the surgery by employing this penis pump technique followed by stroking the underside of my penis.

If you enjoy masturbating in a swim brief like a lot of readers here do, this is also a great time to pull on your snuggest one and bring yourself to a full orgasm that way. And the methods I am suggesting here work equally well for guys who are just doing this recreationally and are not concerned with erectile dysfunction rehab.

To be continued…

03-26-2020, 07:15 PM

Part of the sheer fun of just being a guy is a fondness for jerking off. You may think this is only something that young teens without sexual partners really enjoy doing but that is not the case at all. This fondness is not something guys necessarily abandon once they find a partner interested in sex. Quite the contrary! It is just that guys with partners tend to get very embarrassed even discussing the subject with a sexual partner. This is particularly a problem for guys in straight sexual relationships.

So, let me take you back to when you were only 13-years old and maybe even 12, and still learning every day about your male body. If you were like me at that age, you probably jerked off, a lot. As you got older, you always sensed that your male buds were farther along than you in getting to try relationship sex. That may not have been true but you sure noticed that they liked to behave as if they knew a lot more about what this all involved than you did. You? You were still engaging in increasingly elaborate jerk-off sessions.

I got to thinking about the most popular methods guys use when jerking off. The younger a guy is, the more he worries about being accidentally discovered doing it.

Method 1: At night, under the covers. The technique involves gripping the penis and stroking it all the way from base to glans, while devoting special attention to the parts that seem most sensitive to the touch. This feels oK but would be a whole lot better and more enjoyable if only a water-based lubricant could be used. The slickness of the skin doused in lube adds an extra dimension and generally makes the penis more sensitive to the strokes. This not only feels better and makes you hard in a hurry, but it makes a mess on the sheets.

So most guys when they to a lubed jerk-off like to be sitting or standing. But the covers provide privacy, and if you don’t want company when you do this, you need to make sure that if you are sitting or standing stroking yourself that no one wanders in unexpectedly. And depending on the circumstances this can be tricky.

Method 2 The same as 1 but in a shower or bathroom. Teen males are famous for taking very long showers. The water is a lube of sorts, and the evidence gets washed right down the drain. Too, Liquid soap is actually a decent water-based lube worth trying. Jerking off in a bathroom not in a shower is trickier because almost invariably the guy ends up hurrying so as to not raise eyebrows with respect to staying in the bathroom “too long.” Plus, the evidence is tougher to get rid of than in the shower.

Method 3. Jerking off wearing an article of clothing. There are a bunch of alternatives here and each option has its own “club” of fans, even though generally guys are very apprehensive about sharing what they like to wear while masturbating. This is an abnormal sexual fetish of sorts, or is it? Maybe this is just a very normal thing that a lot of men somehow love to do.

What kind of garment do you like to jerk off in? Think of the four words Smooth, Snug, Slick and Tight. Penises love to be in garments that fit this description. Besides, if it makes sense to use a jerk-off lube then it can’t make any less sense to want to have your penis enclosed in a garment that is smooth, snug, slick and tight.

The obvious garment that fits all these criteria is the Spandex/Poly blend swim brief. But there are a lot of other options as well. Jammer shorts, Compression shorts of all kinds, wresting singlets. Assuming you are now a young adult, you probably have had experience with all of these options and you have probably decided what your favorites are. In jerking off activity this is really no different than picking a water-based sexual lube. This is not something that you should in any way feel weird or embarrassed about. It is just your personal way of doing it. If there are guys who do not feel that way, that is their problem.

So, jerking off is great fun and is the one sexual activity where no partner is needed. That a guy can do this all alone is a big plus. Every guy has found some way of doing this. What you do and how you do it you may want to hold as a personal secret. Or not, if you dare and have the necessary courage. What you do in that regard is your own personal choice.

To be continued…

04-03-2020, 07:14 PM

If you have been following my stories you realize that I have been experimenting with penis pumps as a method of rehab now 6 years after prostate surgery. The fun thing about penis pumps is that they are both a serious medical device used in treating Erectile Dysfunction irrespective of cause, but they are also sold as sex toys for what can be called “recreational” purposes which, translated means making masturbation more fun. The pumps do not discriminate: young old, ED issues, Penis repair or just kicking back and enjoying yourself.

Furthermore, as fun things to own go, a decent pump can be had on Ebay for $15 or even less. And as ways guys can enjoy themselves there are few if any issues. Cheap and fun: I like that.

Let me walk you through a single day in my lie sheltering in place, starting with the evening, about 9 PM. It’s pumping time. I set up the pump and pop my penis through the sleeve. I enjoy watching that with each pump stroke, I may add a quarter inch or so, And the color of my penis is changing from pale flesh white to a deeper, ruddier color. The vacuum with each stroke of the pump is pulling blood right into my penis and changing its color. Things feel tighter (After all there is a rubber sleeve around the base and my penis is expanding both in length and girth.) This is neat to watch. Way neat.

I can search xvideo on the term “penis porn” and watch young healthy guys doing the same thing, clearly enjoying themselves with each stroke of the pump too. These videos make an “impression” on my brain.

I start a technique I call edging. It involves pumping myself up, hanging there turgin for awhile, then suddenly releasing the vacuum using the valve conveniently located on the pump. My penis immediately goes down, but remains larger than when I started. I hang a few minutes in that condition. Then I gradually start pumping again in fits and starts. Quickly: Slowly: then quickly again. I get to a point then suddenly stop releasing the vacuum again. I keep doing this many times over the course of 20 or 30 minutes, then suddenly decide it’s now time for the pump to come off. I pull my penis out of the sleeve hole, somewhat difficult now because I am bigger than when I started. I have been using Soft Soap as a penis lube, and now that I can touch my penis it feels really neat. The nerve endings near the glans are especially sensitive and I conclude that I am not starting to lose my erection no longer in the pump, but maybe gaining a little. Blood seems to be flowing in not out. My penis was just hanging downward, but now its moving upward as in nearly horizontal. This is all great news on the rehab front. Stuff is working like it should and once did.

But I don’t want to get too carried away. What I do is keep stroking myself but always being aware exactly where I am relative to the need and urge to have an orgasm. Thinking about getting off is fine, but I want to stop just short, calm down, then restart. This is how classical masturbation edging is done, something I have engaged in since I was, maybe, 13 or so. I’ve had LOTS of practice doing this.

But I am feeling really good. I’m horny as all get out. Just stop, cool down a little, then restart. I keep doing this procedure over and over. Just till I am slightly under the point where an involuntary orgasm happens. The orgasm would be fun but I need to keep edging. Other things are going to happen, Fun stuff! Really fun stuff.

Suddenly I stop masturbating myself entirely and dive into the warm bath I had been drawing. My penis shrinks a bit from the warm water, but is still a ruddy, healthy, reddish color. The soap that served as a lube is now cleaning my favorite organ. Being in this situation feels really good too.

After lounging in the warm water studying my penis, I get out of the water and dry myself with big towels. I am not as erect as I was before the bath but I am not flaccid either.

What next? I contemplate and decide its time to put on a favorite tight-and-snug swim brief and crawl into bed. The brief has vertical blue and white stripes and the slick material feels wonderful against my skin. What I really mean to say is that my penis that has been through so much tonite really loves the spot it is now in and is letting me know that in no uncertain terms. The pump was fun: The :self abuse was fun: The slick swim brief just adds to the pleasant experience.

I crawl into bed and go out like a light in about 2 minutes.

04-03-2020, 07:16 PM

What I am doing is all very serious and done in the name of science. From the perspective of penis health and rehabilitation as well as for the more general treatment of Erectile dysfunction, it is generally known that the cycles guy ordinarily go through with the penis filling with blood and then becoming flaccid ideally occur several times a night. (Some of you probably thought these cycles along with an occasional wet dream were simply a nuisance.) It turns out they are vital in male equipment maintenance. So anything that can be done to encourage these cycles is good. How about doing some penis pumping followed by some traditional masturbation to just below the orgasm level, a warm bath and finally a snug swim brief as sleepwear. Fine, but how I will know if I accomplished anything with respect to my penis rehab?

Last night, for example, I had gone to sleep quickly but then woke up at 1 AM feeling like I had just watched an erotic dream, but I had no recollection of the plot. Guys each wearing penis pumps and pumping each other? Who knows? Except to say that my penis was telling me that it felt really really good surrounded by the swim brief down there. At minimum I was pretty convinced that my organ had gone through a cycle.

I fell back asleep. It was now 5 AM. I woke up again and my penis was still telling me it really liked where I was and I was still feeling horny as all get out.

Anyone who has followed me at all realizes I am a big fan of precum and precumming. After my prostatectomy I discovered that my Cowper’s glands, the biological source of all of this fun drops of ooze were still a part of me except that they were wired through the same nerve structure that gets damaged when the prostate comes out. At 6 AM this morning I pulled off the swim brief I had worn all night long and there were some telltale drops of precum. All of this is working as it was designed.

But remember I still had not gotten off. I was still feeling way horny and focused on my male body parts and the sensations they make. Its daytime and I need to get though the day so I could get back to pumping, masturbating and all the rest of my evening activities.

Also, if you have read any of what I have written you realize that I am really fond of wearing thongs, straps, cups and compression gear. Why not dress today wearing everything that seems to make me feel horny? Then I can go into my pumping this evening still feeling quite aroused. Things are slow, and I’m pretty much sheltering in place. Since I live alone I can wear whatever turns me on, literally.

I must have one of those thongs with the elastic cord narrow enough to cut between my glutes. Oh, here in one. I get into that with a bit of struggle. Now a pair of undersized tighty whites and a long sleeved compression tee. Next up, a strap with a cup, one of those nice hard undersized cups that always feel so deliciously good down there. My snug black Tesla compression pants over that as well, and then to top everything off a pair of black Russell football pants, undersized as well and cinched up snug with those strings and a belt. This stuff, taken together feels great and keeps me feeling way horny.

Hey wait. I’ve got my exercises to do. My rowing machines and my stationary bike. Can I really engage in all these activities wearing this stuff? Already my thong pouch has a lot of precum in it not a little, and I remain quite aroused. Still the medical advice is to make sure you get into a situation where you feel horny in order to build a healthy penis. And tonight I am going to crawl back into the pump again and do some pump edging, followed by some masturbation edging. A warm bath. A tight swim brief. I’m starting to like this a lot. That thong strap feels really great. I like how much precum the thong pouch is collecting. The cup keeps me from touching my penis. I couldn’t get to it even if I wanted to touch it. But that frustration is part of the fun. Nothing like wanting to do something you aren’t able to do.

What will happen tonight Will I get off, or will I keep edging near the limits of what I can tolerate. I don’t know. But this has been a great way to spend time “sheltering in place.”

To be continued…

04-04-2020, 12:40 PM

You are probably bored stiff in self isolation. Here is an interesting way to keep you both entertained and happy and make use of your favorite swimwear.

1. Order yourself an inexpensive penis pump. Here is one I found that works very well and is shipped from the US there are many other options.


2. Allocate 20 or 30 minutes before bedtime for pumping yourself up Hang there pumped up for a few minutes, Release the vacuum. Hang in that state for a couple minutes, then re-pump yourself. Try to make yourself bigger than you got the previous time. Do this 6-8 times. This is called edging with a pump.

3. Pull the pump off. You will be really sensitive to the touch. Lube yourself up using a water based lubricant. You can use a real lube or, I just like Soft Soap gel.

4. Play with yourself, tapping, touching, stroking, rubbing and just generally having old school masturbation fun. See how many of the really sensitive areas of your penis you can find. Your goal is to do some more edging using the lube. Bring yourself right up to the edge of no longer being able to avoid ejaculating, but if possible do not ejaculate. You want to be messing with yourself right at the very edge of getting off. This is a way fun place to be. If you feel you are on the verge of spilling your seed, stop cold. Cool down for a minute or two, then restart. With practice you can keep going higher and higher, maybe to a place you have never visited before.

5. Quit all of a sudden. Dive into a hot tub of water. That will cool you down but only a little.

6. Pull yourself out and dry yourself out, thinking about the swim brief choices you have in the drawer.

7. Pick out a favorite, one that is not only stretchy smooth but maybe a little too skimpy and tight. You know the one I mean. And crawl into it.

8. Now you are going to attempt to fall asleep without touching yourself down there. I know your penis loves where it is at in the condition it is in, but try to ignore that for now.

9. Assuming you keep your composure and fall asleep you will likely wake up at 1 AM in a most delicious agony. Your penis should be screaming at you "I want to get off! I want to get off! Ignore the pleas, if you can. You may touch yourself but do not work yourself up to ejaculation no matter how much you want to.

8. You are still in an edging mode. Try and fall back asleep.

9. If you are successful in drifting off you might wake up again at 5 AM with your penis still pleading with you. But you are still edging.

10 Success means that you get to do the same exact thing the following night with the same constraints. Edging over multiple nights is way fun but over multiple nights it keeps getting more and more difficult to keep from ejaculating. Do the same thing the next night and the next night and so on.

11 Eventually you will reach a point where you simply can endure the various tensions no longer with all of the stuff your mind and body is being bombarded But the really fun part about that is this might end up being one of the most powerful and memorable orgasms you have ever experienced. There are good reasons by a lot of guys love to edge and what you are doing to and with yourself is really great fun.

Above all, enjoy yourself!

04-04-2020, 12:40 PM

You are probably bored stiff in self isolation. Here is an interesting way to keep you both entertained and happy and make use of your favorite swimwear.

1. Order yourself an inexpensive penis pump. Here is one I found that works very well and is shipped from the US there are many other options.


2. Allocate 20 or 30 minutes before bedtime for pumping yourself up Hang there pumped up for a few minutes, Release the vacuum. Hang in that state for a couple minutes, then re-pump yourself. Try to make yourself bigger than you got the previous time. Do this 6-8 times. This is called edging with a pump.

3. Pull the pump off. You will be really sensitive to the touch. Lube yourself up using a water based lubricant. You can use a real lube or, I just like Soft Soap gel.

4. Play with yourself, tapping, touching, stroking, rubbing and just generally having old school masturbation fun. See how many of the really sensitive areas of your penis you can find. Your goal is to do some more edging using the lube. Bring yourself right up to the edge of no longer being able to avoid ejaculating, but if possible do not ejaculate. You want to be messing with yourself right at the very edge of getting off. This is a way fun place to be. If you feel you are on the verge of spilling your seed, stop cold. Cool down for a minute or two, then restart. With practice you can keep going higher and higher, maybe to a place you have never visited before.

5. Quit all of a sudden. Dive into a hot tub of water. That will cool you down but only a little.

6. Pull yourself out and dry yourself out, thinking about the swim brief choices you have in the drawer.

7. Pick out a favorite, one that is not only stretchy smooth but maybe a little too skimpy and tight. You know the one I mean. And crawl into it.

8. Now you are going to attempt to fall asleep without touching yourself down there. I know your penis loves where it is at in the condition it is in, but try to ignore that for now.

9. Assuming you keep your composure and fall asleep you will likely wake up at 1 AM in a most delicious agony. Your penis should be screaming at you "I want to get off! I want to get off! Ignore the pleas, if you can. You may touch yourself but do not work yourself up to ejaculation no matter how much you want to.

8. You are still in an edging mode. Try and fall back asleep.

9. If you are successful in drifting off you might wake up again at 5 AM with your penis still pleading with you. But you are still edging.

10 Success means that you get to do the same exact thing the following night with the same constraints. Edging over multiple nights is way fun but over multiple nights it keeps getting more and more difficult to keep from ejaculating. Do the same thing the next night and the next night and so on.

11 Eventually you will reach a point where you simply can endure the various tensions no longer with all of the stuff your mind and body is being bombarded But the really fun part about that is this might end up being one of the most powerful and memorable orgasms you have ever experienced. There are good reasons by a lot of guys love to edge and what you are doing to and with yourself is really great fun.

Above all, enjoy yourself!

04-06-2020, 02:06 PM

I have been looking for excellent ways to entertain myself in this period of staying indoors and socially isolating. I think a general rule to follow is to be aware of the fact that none of the old Speedos or other gear in the back of your dresser drawer have the Corona virus and digging through the stuff is a form of safe fun. Now is an excellent time to sort through some of the gear you enjoyed wearing when you bought it but somehow got pushed back in the drawer.

All of you realize that I have a big collection of gear, some fresh and nearly new but some getting old and a bit tattered perhaps. This gear includes a lot of swim briefs, a lot of thongs and other snug-fitting underwear, and of course, a lot of compression gear, wrestling singlets, a big collection of straps of all shapes and sizes. Under the right (or some might say “wrong” circumstances, all of it ends up on my body at some point in time or another.

So last night I got to digging around, and I found some thong underwear that I had not worn in a long time. I decided maybe just maybe it would be fun to try some of this on and perhaps use as daily wear instead of undersized tighty whiteys.

I admit, I have always been very fond of how a thong fits my body, and just the thought of being in a situation where I get to wear one all day long gets me horny as all get out. Thongs first “got” to me in this regard many years ago. I’m hooked on three sensations. First I love how I feel when the thong cord or back cuts between my glutes as I move around. Getting onto a stationary rowing machine or bike wearing a thong is always a special treat for both my mind and body. Second, I am really fond of how a snug thong presses on my perineum and this in combination with the feel of the cord/strap is really great. Finally, I actually enjoy getting into the pouch and what I have to do with my hands to make sure body parts are where they should be. In combination with the two other sensations the combination of all of it is really great and not to be missed.

Yesterday I found a brand new thong that I had never gotten around to wearing. It was a size SM which made it fit really nice and snug. So, no more tighty whiteys and this thong instead. Everything seemed OK for awhile. I pulled on some compression pants over. It wasn’t long before I was starting to ooze precum and in no small amounts, to the point where my compression pants where moist in front. I went like this oozing my way all day long. This is really a lot of fun, and I loved every minute of it. By mid day I was feeling even better.

Near bedtime I pulled the items off and decided I needed to hand-wash some of the accumulated ooze out of the thong. I was trying to figure out what to wear to bed, and, interestingly I found a really old Arena swim brief made entirely from nylon. Interestingly, that brief despite the age was still in decent shape. I was still feeling really horny but I got into the brief, crawled into bed and was out in minutes.

I woke up a couple times during the night. Each time I wake up I check out exactly how I am feeling down there. In the process of checking myself out, generally I start dripping precum again but that is exactly as it should be and how I like it. That nylon brief feels really slick even though it fits less tight than a newer Lycra blend brief would. The guys who wore these old school nylon briefs knew they were special in all sorts of ways.

This morning I discarded the swim brief. The thong I had worn yesterday was still damp, but I found a different one to wear for today, again leaving the tighty whiteys in the drawer. Almost immediately after getting into it I started dripping again (of course!). My compression shorts and tee feel great over the thong, and it’s cool this morning so I even pulled sweatgear over the top of that

Shortly I will be on my bike and rowing machine for my morning workout while enjoying the thong and other workout gear I am wearing today. Being stuck in isolation can be a slow, dreary slog or it can be quite enjoyable. It all depends on what you want to be and coming up with creative ways to utilize items that you own. I always think life is so much better when I am oozing drops of precum than when this is not happening. I have found a way to make my self-distancing time enjoyable. You can do the same!

To be continued…

04-22-2020, 02:01 PM

Every male deals with who he is as a sexual human being in his own way. I realize that the majority of guys appear, at least, to be fixated on the idea that male sexuality is really all about having sex with a partner involving “the interchange of bodily fluids” as the sex act is often portrayed in a somber medical textbooks. The idea of being sexually aroused by a partner, normally a female partner, is so intertwined with a guy’s concept of sexual arousal that it is difficult if not impossible to separate the two. In other words, sexuality is intertwined with the whole idea of sex in some sort of physical relationship in which body parts of two different people somehow meet as one.

In the case of gay males, that is, guys who claim to be aroused by anther male not a female, the entire role of the relationship and body parts meeting actually works somewhat differently. Most heterosexuals tend to think in terms of gay “oral and anal intercourse”, the closest equivalent they can think of to penis-vagina sex. Yet, gay relationship is only partially about that, if at all. To me the most striking purported aspect of somehow being gay is the idea that a guy can get aroused merely by observing another guy getting aroused. The idea that two men are only able to get aroused if one of them has a key body part inside another guy’s orifice (oral or anal) is largely what heterosexuals think a gay relationship is all about, but is only loosely based on reality and maybe for some gay men not at all. Even more curious, a lot of men who claim to be straight would get aroused by just observing other guys in an aroused state.

Contrary to what some women seen to believe, guys have all sorts of ways of getting off and a lot of these ways involve no actual sexual partner at all of either sex. By far, self-pleasuring is by far the most important method, and always in some manner readily available regardless of how things are working in the relationship department.

But the exact techniques and methods a guy employs in self-pleasuring are a very carefully guarded secret. A guy in a heterosexual relationship would not under any reasonable circumstances want to reveal too much to the female partner in this respect lest the female partner start to believe that she is not the most important part of his sexual life and that the guy could continue to function without her. This is part of why a lot of females have difficulty with guys as they are as opposed to how she would like them to be. Maybe the guy somehow enjoys himself as much or more alone than being with her, and the implications of that thought do not bode well for the relationship.

Of course, guys pursue solo sex in private starting at age 11 or earlier and proceeding throughout adulthood. It is natural for all guys to be curious about exactly how the other guys their own age pursue this, but few dare ask. A minority of guys engage in activities with another male or males that could be labeled as mutual masturbation” but this is quite “daring.” Being in the presence of another guy also jerking off is viewed as a “gay” activity, as in the first step leading to a path that ends with oral or anal “same sex” behavior. So the vast majority of guys, not wishing to be labeled by their peers as gay, will avoid any situation whereby obvious mutual masturbation could occur with one or more other guys.

Guys generally are hugely curious about the details of how other guys get off by themselves, but they are equally fearful that this curiosity must mean that they have a “gay” component to their person. This curiosity does not diminish if the guy thinks of himself as straight. Purportedly straight guys masturbate a lot too and solo sex is not a gay thing as such. These complex conflicts are very much a part of the daily life of being a male.

I want to pose a little “thought experiment” with my readers. Suppose you are going to live to a remote and deserted island, far from civilization, and that for the rest of your life you would never again have sex that involved the interchange of bodily fluids with another person. In short, the only sexual gratification you would ever be able to have is sex with yourself.

You are allowed to take one small duffel bag or suitcase containing any items that you think you would like to have in the deserted island. These are the items that you think are important enough to bring with you as you face the future.

One option would be to carry an empty duffel bag. There is nothing I will need to pleasure myself. Well, maybe not exactly nothing. Perhaps a very large tube of a water-based lubricant? Instructions on how to find a natural lubricant (such as the juices from an aloe vera plant) on the island?

Would you take a collection of clothing that you enjoy wearing while masturbating? Several swim briefs in a variety of colors and sizes? A jock strap (or two, or three?) Thong underwear? Compression gear? Running tights? Compression tee? A wrestling singlet or two? Some really snug-fitting shorts or jeans? Exactly what would you include in the suitcase?

What exactly is in the duffel bag or suitcase you carry would tell me a lot about exactly how you like to jerk off during solo sexual activity. This is part of the deepest, darkest secrets of male sexuality that guys are so hugely reluctant to admit to either their peers, or later to female partners. Most if not all of these items that would be included are probably already in a dresser drawer and you have probably been using them from long before you set off on your remote island journey suddenly free of partner sex in all its forms.

Think about how YOU handle this in your own life. This is important.

To be continued…

04-24-2020, 01:10 PM

Not being alone on a deserted island last night, I did the next best thing. I had been messing around a little earlier in the evening and I was still feeling quite horny, as I had come close to getting off, but, interestingly, not quite. I decided that I needed to sleep in something that would feel really slick and snug, and as I looked through my swim briefs, I ended up choosing a favorite of mine.

The brief I chose was a charcoal gray one I had gotten at Swimoutlet, I think. It has a thirty inch waist, and interestingly, two gold diagonal slashes on the front right side. I call this my “Hogwarts” swim brief. I always thought that if there was a swim team at Hogwarts in the Harry Potter stories, this would make an excellent team brief. It has an English school-boy look to it for sure. Two-inch sides. Brief, but not all THAT brief. The kind of brief a swimmer guy would worry about getting a noticeable accidental erection in.

So I crawled into bed feeling, you know, on a bit of a sexual “high” both from the activities I had been putting myself through earlier but now still feeling it inside the brief, and I quickly fall asleep.

I don’t wake up until 5 AM and start feeling around down there. Clearly, I am still on that same psychosexual high that had been haunting me all evening long. Not an “I need to ejaculate immediately:” high, but instead being in that neat place of “I really like where I am”. Some guys would probably describe this as how they feel when they are just at the beginning of getting a nice hard-on.

I’m in this really great place both physically and psychologically---it’s a really fun place to spend some time with and by yourself---feeling a little hard but not letting that get overwhelming, the only thing I can think of is to put my penis into an “up” position with the underside pushing against the slick black inner lining of the brief. This is a terrific not-to be missed place to spend time at 5 AM and is highly recommended. My fingertips do strange and wonderful things just tapping at the spot where my penis underside meets the brief. This tactic tends to make everything more sensitive bit by bit. I can brush against the glans in the process, and I suddenly, almost involuntarily scream out in sheer delight, always backing of before I get to the point where the big involuntary muscle contractions of an orgasm suddenly take over.

And, I never did actually go into an orgasm with the big muscle contractions. Still feeling horny from the night’s events. I’m still on this psychosexual high I created for myself. I’m up and about now, clad in some old compression shorts I really like as well. I will probably bounce through this entire day still hanging in this neat place where I so much like to be. Then mess around some more this evening. Then crawl into another pair of swim briefs and at least attempt to fall asleep. Then just see how the night goes. How many days and nights can I go like this without going into an orgasm? That is always the challenge.

It’s great fun to be a guy.

To be continued….

04-26-2020, 02:01 PM

I have a big dresser drawer containing a lot of the clothes that could be best labeled, bluntly put, as a collection of the “stuff I enjoy jerking off in.” I have often wondered if drawers like this are common with most other guys, or whether, in the quest of “secrecy” they simply mix in the really enjoyable items in with stuff they wear when they are not messing with themselves.

As my readers are already aware, I believe that the “activities” a guy engages in “by himself, with himself and to himself” is a really important part of who we are as guys. To deny this is to fall into the trap that so many writers seem to do of claiming that male “self-abuse” is not something that a guy should or will continue to engage in for a lifetime but merely a “childish” transitional activity that guys engage in until something bigger, better and more satisfying comes along—partner sex.

In my world this view is completely wrongheaded and in itself an infantile view of what it means to be a guy. I truly enjoy my own body. It’s been great fun over the years and even at my current age I still keep finding new ways to enjoy pleasuring myself. I’m totally hooked on being a guy, and I keep wondering if what I have learned is widely understood. It seems to me a lot of guys struggle with who they are as sexually awake human beings, and quickly get bogged down in complicated and messy relationships with sexual partners. It is nothing short of mind blowing to simply toss all that relationship stuff aside, and spend time instead just enjoy the freedom yu have of exploring your own body.

Over the years, my collection )dresser drawer full of) of “aids” has gotten pretty large, including not only a big collection of swim briefs, skimpy to not so skimpy, but a host of other things I enjoy being in. I have been sampling from the top of this drawer. Last night I decided to dig into the bottom and see if there was anything there that I had missed out on wearing. Turns out, there was.

I found an ancient little square-cut suit I had bought many years ago. It was not a skimpy cut, with about 5-inch sides. But the two things that attracted me in the first place was a cloth that had a shiny slick leather-look to it and what was clearly a size that now looked to be, well, undersized, actually a lot undersized. I was getting horny just thinking about the task ahead of me in getting myself into the suit. Like, so many guys here, I get a big “kick” just thinking about that especially if I am aware that the garment is going to be undersized. Then, once I am in will I be able to fall asleep and make it through the night still in the suit.

I pulled myself in, and started feeling how neat my groin area and glutes felt in that snug, slick fabric. Over the years, I’ve learned a lot about self-pleasuring that I am interested in passing on to other guys. I’ve seen a lot of videos of guys purportedly enjoying themselves and the only thing I can say is that from a sheer pleasuring perspective they are doing it all wrong. In this place there are basic methods and advanced methods. In the videos, usually they are approaching the situation as if they need to get this all over and get to the ejaculation part quickly for fear that one of their male classmates (or maybe even a parent or eventhe wife) is going to suddenly barge in on them.

The world of enjoying your own body is not doing it as fast as possible, but as slowly and deliberately as possible. This may make for a poor video on an X-video upload site, but it is by far a lot more enjoyable on a personal level. And the sheer pleasure of being a guy is ultimately what really matters.

So, I crawl into bed wearing this snug little pair of trunks, feeling horny, but the combination somehow acts like a sleeping pill and I doze right off.

At 5 AM I suddenly awaken, and immediately wonder how my penis has been doing in such a confined situation. So I start feeling around down there, and, interestingly, it is still quite flaccid, seemingly having “dozed off” as well. It was almost as if my penis was wondering when it was going to get some “attention”.

For starters, any situation like this slick and snug screams for a “penis up” positioning, and my penis was pointed down. So I start slipping it around so the underside not topside is pressing against the snug, slick fabric. My penis says to me “thanks, that is much better. I’m enjoying the position I am in now.”

The question then becomes what to fo next. Just a light tapping with my fingertips through that slick cloth feels really good, and each successive tap feels better and better. This form of self-pleasuring is just totally different from what you see in the videos of guys “doing” themselves. Someone in the same room as me probably would not know I was even doing anything with and to myself—the perfect college double dorm room masturbation technique. Except that I am starting to say out loud “I like that”. My brain is telling me something. A few more taps and I am saying “I really like that! I really like that!” louder still. Somehow saying that becomes part of the sheer pleasure of it all.

Then I expand the technique a bit by first tapping and then gently drawing my fingertip along the underside of my penis, slowly and deliberately. I think to myself “this is even better and how much I live the sensation of that fabric pressing firmly against my penis underside.” I say out loud “I REALLY like that.” I keep repeating that over and over.

Now, I COULD have quickly gone into the muscular contractions of a full-blown orgasm had I kept this up for a few moments more, but I like to think I know now exactly how to be “mean” to myself and know exactly when to stop. I want to wake up still feeling really horny (so I can still write detailed stories like this in the morning). And, having done some sorting, I know that the drawer still contains some other interesting items I can use as sleepwear for tonight and maybe in future nights. I can pick up tonight with another experiment and see what happens at 5 AM tomorrow morning. I am thoroughly enjoying myself with a huge amount of freedom and fondness for who I am as a guy. Other guys can tap into the same thing, exactly, should they choose to do. It is really not about getting off in a hurry but rather being tortoise-slow, relishing each step in the process and examining how you feel at each instant., screaming out in pleasure as events slowly and deliberately proceed.

To be continued…

05-11-2020, 03:07 PM

Guys frequently develop an interest in “male self abuse” very early in life, long before they learn anything about human sexuality and partner sex. The “where did I come from and how did I get here?” question seems to arrive almost as soon as a guy learns how to speak coherently. For parents, this means explaining some of the details euphemistically described as a discussion of “where babies come from” in varying levels of detail. This is somehow thought to be a sufficient explanation of “what goes on” until a guy gets older. I suspect that most parents would be happier if they did not have to tell their kids anything about “sex” until they get older, say in preparation for going on a first date (and heaven forbid if a guy shows a serious “interest” in another male rather than a female at that point in time).

Today, I want to go down another path entirely. I see growing up as a continuing period of “discovery” for guys about their own bodies, in particular in relation to uncovering the broad array of pleasant feelings and sensations that seem to be centered on body parts in the groin area, but extend to some places that are not considered to be overtly part of a guy’s sexual organs. This discovery process starts long before puberty. A guy may have just accidentally found something that felt good when rubbed or touched by accident, and now wants to enjoy that sensation once again.

I was like that, big time. I remember at a very early age that I saw a picture in a magazine showing a guy wearing, I forget, either a rubberized wet suit or something akin to a skin tight pair of Lycra® tights and top. I didn’t fully understand why I thought the photo was so interesting but couldn’t have been more than 3 or 4 years old at most—but deep down I knew that where that guy was I wanted to be. I didn’t quite articulate what I felt and I kept repeating to my parents “It’s tight in here! It’s tight in here!” My parents were seemingly clueless as to why I was saying this repeatedly and annoyingly, and I quickly learned that if I ever felt that way again I should probably keep it to myself.

Still, I had learned something important about my own body—and particularly about what it felt like down there. My body had this wild and crazy ability to pull “stunts” on me and create situations that somehow felt good, actually very, very good. I didn’t really understand how or why this happens and I still don’t understand, for that matter. I knew my penis loved being the center of attention for me. That has not changed at all in all these years. And I gradually learned new ways to play with myself in this regard, even quite before the point in time when I had my first ejaculation.

For a lot of guys, anyway, the first ejaculation is a night time event, and guys generally think its something that just happens unwittingly and outside the control of the brain. This may happen any number of times before a guy decides that this is so enjoyable that it might be worthwhile to actually be awake and “help the process along” a bit. Helping this along is now deemed as a good thing not a bad thing, and under the cover of darkness a guy can start exploring some of the sensations in more detail, then claim that any tell-tale remnants left in the morning was just part of a wet dream that just happened while I was sleeping.

I think a lot of guys struggle with this…claiming that a nocturnal emission just happened while I slept is vastly different from saying that I actually masturbated to ejaculation during the night. Yet nearly every guy (99 %) will claim that he didn’t encourage anything but was just sleeping when it all just somehow happened. All of this “faking” of “involuntary” nocturnal emissions goes on for some time post-puberty. Some guys probably keep using this as an excuse when they end up in a double college dorm. No guy ever wants to admit that he actually played a key role in making something as “repulsive” as this (ejaculating in the absence of a mate) suddenly happen.

But what I really wanted for jerking off was a swim brief like a few of my cousins wore. Mom thought that was an “impractical” choice (and besides, how would I deal if I were wearing the brief and ended up in the same condition I had just been in. (Never mind, mom, because I will not use the brief to go into the water but only for jerking off in private in my bedroom! Yah sure!) I spent most of my teen years longing for the suit I never got. Happily, as a young adult I got that suit. Actually a number of them. And they were at least as much fun as I had hoped. I really enjoyed wearing them. After all these years I still do.

Last night it was a black Adidas with the three white stripes on each side. What great bed time wear! My body was exactly where it wanted to be. It’s great. Of course, over the years I have come up with a few more techniques and tools. I always try to enjoy myself whenever possible. Living alone, I have lots of free time.

Enjoy your bodies and your suits!

To be continued...

05-12-2020, 02:16 PM

Sexual relationships are frequently not all they are cracked up to be. Being alone is frequently not all that it is cracked up to be, but for different reasons. In both instances, there are all sorts of different things that can and do happen.

For starters, every guy is “wired” a little differently in this regard. Some guys’ entire lives seem to be built around being in a sexual relationship with another person, and these guys cannot imagine living their adult life any other way (not me). Other guys like living alone and are without the psychological burdens of being in a sexual relationship with another person. They see being in a relationship as something they do not tolerate, let alone enjoy. Still other guys seem to move back and forth over and over, living for a time in a relationship, then alone, then back in. (This approach can get really expensive dollar-wise in a hurry, especially for the guys going through several marriages and then divorces, not to mention the possible trail of kids along the way).

Every guy is wired differently in this respect and each guy makes a series of choices along the way, choices sometimes made while enjoying a hard penis but sometimes and even often not. This is the interesting part about being a guy—the navigation end of it. What do I do now? How much of this can I tolerate? Etc. etc. Life is filled with options and choices and a lot of these choices are difficult to make.

Me? I’ve always been in love with living alone. I watch these other guys deal with all of this in their own individual ways and a lot of it seems to make them uneasy—even scared—not happy. I keep comparing it all with the life I enjoy and keep coming to the conclusion that for me, at least, there is no comparison. I love my life just the way it is.

Still, as a single guy not in a relationship there COULD be something missing. Something some of the guys seem to think is very important to their personal well being. What could that be? Well, you already know the answer to that question, or at least I think you do. I had some fun times growing up, and at my age I finally feel at least somewhat comfortable writing about them. Guys fall out of sexual relationships every day. Not only great divorce battles, but the illness or death of a spouse, or a spouse may decide that she is not up to having sex any more. That can happen too. What is a guy to do then? Crawl in a corner and sulk? Does the end of a sexual relationship mean that the guy will never have another orgasm, or that orgasms will return only if another partner is found? I should hope not.

Let me give you four prepositions to think about when navigating through life as a guy. The four Prepositions are WITH, BY, FOR, and TO. Think about pairing each of these four prepositions with the words “YOUR PARTNER”. Now this is starting to make a little sense because suddenly and obviously I am talking, about a partner-based sexual relationship.

Most obviously this is going to be happening WITH YOUR PARTNER. But your partner is going to be an active participant in the goings on so what you are doing is in part BY YOUR PARTNER, but also FOR YOUR PARTNER, because you would at least like to assume that your partner will RECEIVE some gratification from who you are and what you are doing. That goes right along with TO YOUR PARTNER in that you expect that as a result of your efforts your partner will be in a better place from a psychological and sexual perspective. Both partners both get to benefit and both get and receive gratification from the act.

Now let me toss out the possibility that WITH YOUR PARTNER” could be replaced with the word “YOURSELF.” That simple chance creates all new meanings for each preposition. Indeed, the phases now all suddenly become “code words” for masturbation.

Look at the phrase “WITH YOURSELF” If ever there was a code phrase for masturbation that one is it. I am the one who is going to be in charge, and I enjoy playing WITH MYSELF.

To me, at least, the phrase “BY MYSELF” is a bit less overtly sexual because many guys like to do things by themselves that are not focused on stroking the penis, but BY MYSELF could still be a code word for masturbation as an activity mixed in with other non-overtly sexual activities.

The phrase “FOR MYSELF” is really interesting, because it implies that what I am doing to myself I find to be thoroughly enjoyable and I am doing it because I feel better when I do it and because I do it. I like it! I like it! A lot of guys seem to think that it is somehow “unmanly” if they admit even to themselves that they think masturbating is really pleasant and enjoyable and often get hung up comparing an orgasm from masturbation to their best orgasm-inducing episodes involving partner sex. In the comparison a masturbation-induced orgasm may or may not come up short relative to what happened in partner sex, but few guys would care to admit to anything other than that the partner sex was superior.

And finally, the phrase “TO YOURSELF” implies that a guy will be doing “stuff to his own body, and exploring places that he might not have always known existed. This is where the accumulated knowledge not only from the teen years but from a lifetime of exploring, touching and prodding. This accumulated knowledge is what makes being a guy so enjoyable, and the storehouse every guy accumulates in this respect should never be downplayed, alone or in a relationship.

To be continued…

05-15-2020, 02:01 PM

Generally I am not a fan of porn videos and watching them is not something I regularly do, though on occasion my curiosity gets the best of me. I suspect that this on occasion happens to other guys as well. In this particular situation, I found myself being interested in the use of what are called VED devices (penis pumps) and estim devices as treatments for Erectile Dysfunction (ED) as in not being able to get it up on your own. I was only vaguely aware that VED devices had both a serious medical use but also were being used by guys without ED for purely “recreational purposes” as in a toy connected to masturbation.

In the process, I learned some interesting details about the video sites. The sites seem be divided into two major sections, gay and straight. If I want videos relating to techniques for employing penis pumps, I am ushered into the gay section of the site. (The estim devices are a bit more complicated in part because females have been known to employ estim too but let me not get into that line of thought right now.}

At one time the term “gay sex” for males was a codeword for two guys engaging in oral or anal sex, and if a viewer was looking at gay videos that would be a key feature. I have often thought that starting with HIV, what gay sex is has changed a lot from this old view. For starters, gay guys increasingly found other ways for being together than engaging in the interchange of bodily fluids. In the process of dealing with the HIV threat the very meaning what gay men do to and with each other has changed pretty drastically over time, at least for many.

But the other thing that I found interesting was that if I were to go to the straight section of the video site, I would expect that nearly all of the videos would include two people, a male and a female, exchanging bodily fluids in one way or another.

However, on the gay video side, there were videos showing gay sex in various forms involving two men. But many, perhaps most, of the videos labeled as gay sex were really videos of guys masturbating themselves alone in a room, cameras rolling.

By the time ANY guy has turned 12, his body is doing all sorts of interesting and fun things to and with him. These things most frequently happen when a guy is alone. But practically any guy likely is HUGELY interested in the basic question of whether or nit his male “buds” are having the same “issues” and how they are dealing with it. But finding out is not easy.

If the guy asks outright, he quickly aware of the possibility that some guys will immediately conclude he is gay merely by asking the question. But to be interested in how your own body works and whether or not other guys are having the same experiences, does not somehow imply that I am gay.

As guys get older a lot of these questions drag on unanswered. Getting a roommate in a college dorm, for example. MOST guys are not going to attempt to go through a 4-year degree avoiding masturbation entirely for the entire four years. That would be downright painful. (Can you say “blue balls”?) The question is not “Will I masturbate in college?” but rather when, where and will jerk off in order to maintain my “image” as a serious student focused on my degree (and not on chasing women). I’ve observed that the masturbators generally do better in college grade-wise than the women chasers do and that the most serious students tend to also be the ones most into engaging in solo sex.

The other complicated problem is that MOST guys, perhaps nearly all of them, at some level find being able to actually observe another guy jerking off, psychologically is at least interesting to see even if they do not openly admit to quietly observing another guy jerking off as being sexually exciting. This is NOT a gay or straight thing, where the straight guys see this as being repulsive versus the gay guys being turned on and “enjoying” what they are getting to observe, perhaps, by accident.

So I start looking at videos that contain penis pumps, and the vast majority of them each show just one guy wearing a VED device and pumping himself up. Typically these are young guys who have zero ED issues and this is merely a form of recreational masturbation. A few of these videos contain several guys wearing pumps and using the devices together in the same room. This is like a VED-inspired “circle jerk” and maybe they pump each other’s VED. Is that somehow a gay act? Who knows!

But more generally, it appears to me that nearly all of the videos showing one guy jerking off are in the gay section not the straight section of the video site VED device employed or not. If I want to find videos of guys ejaculating while wearing a swim brief these will be found here as well. (So you mean other guys besides me have been known to do that too? How interesting!)

Then there are the so called “wrestling” videos in which two guys, sometimes both clad in swim briefs, wrestle each other. These typically involve some initial moves in which both guys avoid touching each others; private parts, but then as the match progresses they almost invariably end up masturbating each other usually with their briefs still on, but sometimes not.

All of this leaves in my mind some really interesting questions with respect to what it really means when a guy claims to be either gay or straight. Maybe, just maybe, guys make an attempt to subdivide themselves in this way because they think that by so doing is the only way to survive into adulthood. But ultimately, what you claim you are is as how you yourself want it to be. Medical questionnaires to be filled out in doctor’s office seriously ask the question “ you gay or straight? And expect a one-or-the-other response. The response “I have no clue” is not an option.

Surely, every guy who enjoys masturbating alone is not gay—nor straight for that matter, Not every guy who gets aroused when he wears a swim brief is gay either. Me, I’m curious if other guys enjoy wearing swim briefs as much as I do and finding out exactly how prevalent my “affliction” might be. And being curious about how other guys cope with their own masculinity is not a valid means to determine your sexual orientation. What does it tell you about a guy’s sexual orientation if a guy likes to see how other guys masturbate and the techniques they employ? Does that somehow make me gay, or am I just “filling in the blanks” with respect to some of the questions I never got good answers to way back when I was a teenager. Are there other guys out there who get a hard-on whenever they pull themselves into a snug Speedo® . Well maybe!

Lots to ponder here. Throwing all the solo masturbation videos in the pile with the gay partner videos was an interesting move on the part of the web sites. Life is sweet but sometimes things happen in unexpected ways. Particularly in what guys enjoy doing to, with, by, and for themselves.

To be continued…

05-16-2020, 03:29 PM

Growing up and as a teenager, I never got to participate in any team or individual sports. The high school lacked a swimming pool and the sports that the school did participate in (mostly Football and basketball) were not my thing at all. Still, as a young teen I guess I was always fascinated by the fact that a lot of sports seemed to require that the guy participating in it wear a specific item that fit, well, rather snug in the groin area.

The teen kids did get in the water but this was usually in a lake or river not in a pool. Some towns had city pools, and back then—this would have been in the late 50s to the mid 60s—it was much more common for guys to wear swim briefs for recreational swimming. Maybe half the guys wore brief-style suits and the other half wore boxer style trunks normally with a brief nylon lining for “support”. Of course for the trunks the lining idea was there to help ensure that a guy’s private parts did not accidentally appear while the guy was swimming in the loose-fitting shorts—which incidentally had legs maybe 6-8 inches long, nothing like the current baggy swimwear that fits down to the knees.

But the briefs were different too, particularly in that they were high-rise as in fitting high enough to the waist that a guy’s belly button was covered. These had “panel” supporters that were simply a piece of nylon in the front of the brief, and elastic leg openings that did a good job of not letting a guy’s private parts fall out unexpectedly.

I was fascinated by the brief style suits my cousins were wearing and I wanted to wear one too, but mom somehow opposed the idea. Dare I say that just thinking about being able to get myself into one was a turn-on that I enjoyed even if I did not fully understand why I felt this way. And the fact that my mom opposed this made the whole idea even more interesting and exciting to me.

There was other stuff too. This was the era of the old-school jock-strap or athletic supporter. Team sports normally required those…basketball, football and baseball. The baseball option had another component that interested me, the hard cup. I presumed that my buds were not going to be able to wear a strap without having some “impact” on them, and I also quickly concluded that something that tight and skimpy must be fun to be in. (I only got my first strap as a young adult, but I quickly made up for lost time in this respect.)

And the cups! Ahh the cups. Isn’t it interesting how a guy’s penis sends the guy happy signals inside a cup even if the cup doesn’t fit that snug. It’s as if a penis can sense something confining it even though the touch is light if at all. My penis knows when it is in a happy place and lets me know in no uncertain ways. Of course I was curious how guys could be strapped in and in a confining cup and still keep their attention directed at the game they are playing. I still wonder about that except to say that few sports require guys to wear old-school cups and straps any more, and if a guy needs to be cupped for protection, generally he will wear a pair of compression shorts with a pocket for a cup. And the really neat snug-fitting cups are getting hard to find.

My first exposure to a wrestling singlet was via my cousin, a year younger than me, who was a high school wrestler. He lived several states away but I saw pictures of him in his singlet, and of course I thought that was neat too.

This was another period in which men’s jeans fit really snug, much like today. Light tan, (wheat-colored) jeans that fit way snug in the butt, groin, through the thigh, and in the leg opening were all the rage with the guys. Stretch denim had yet to be invented, but the fit was really tight anyway. Guys seemed to vie to see who could wear the snuggest light tan denim jeans.

In this case I talked my mom into letting me buy a pair. My mom wanted me to try them on before I bought them and I was very fortunate not to have had an “ejaculatory incident” in the changing room. Somehow, I managed but I was really scared stiff.

Still I did have an unfortunate ejaculatory incident” when I put these on and started moving around wearing them in a public area. This event still haunts me and I am still uncomfortable relating the details of what exactly happened. I will say that the semen left a nice round wet spot on the front of my then-new jeans. But I learned an important lesion that day about the importance of keeping my urges under control. Still, to this day the right pair of snug-fitting jeans does stuff to me that is both interesting and fun. In this respect the jeans fit right in with the other snug-fitting gear I have accumulated over the years.

The gear has played an important role for me as an adult even after having my prostate surgically remove, up until this very day.

I have been working on various strategies aimed at improving the involuntary blood flow in and out of my penis during the night as a post-surgery rehab exercise and with some success. A key to doing this is to put my penis under tension all night long. What better way to do this than with a swim brief?

So last night I pulled out a little red ClubSwim Euro brief with a black front liner. Now the trick is to point my penis upward so the underside is pressing firmly against the liner in the front. That feels good. I can touch or tap the underside of my penis for a really neat sensation that I like a lot—just the rehab experience I need to have. After all, this is serious stuff and what I am doing with myself is all for science. The ClubSwim briefs are nearly as low rise as the Japanese style ones and I need to keep tugging at them so as to not show a “Y”.

Yesterday evening I found an old pair of looser-fitting but short-legged old-school Puma shorts in shiny blue fabric, much like the kids I went to school with wore in the 60s. Then I started playing with myself from the OUTSIDE of the shorts. THREE layers of fabric, but moving the puma layer across the underside of my contained penis felt really really good, in that I am getting decent blood flow into my penis with every pass of my fingers across the cloth. And when I looked this morning there was a tell tale spot of dried precum clearly visible on the black swim brief liner.

I need to try this one again, but that is exactly where I need to be in my rehab efforts!

To be continued…

05-17-2020, 01:34 PM

As my readers no doubt already know, I became fascinated with how snug-fitting clothing of all different kinds at an early age and this has affected me both psychologically and physically. This started well before I was even completely aware how male and female body parts came together, but I already knew that my penis loved getting “stuck” in a snug-fitting place. I also knew that somehow I wanted to try coming up with ways that would make me feel really good in this respect.

I had no clue as to whether other guys my age were dealing with a similar “affliction” or not. Some of my buds seemed more inclined to get into fairly intricate conversations relating to some of girls in my class, and what they were talking about seemed far away from what seemed to be happening to me.

Of course, getting to pull on a Speedo® swim brief was at the very top of the things I wanted to do. But the chance of me getting to do that any time soon was impossible given that I had no remotely plausible reason to claim that I needed one of those suits. This seemed even more distant than the discussions some of my buds were having regarding girls.

Still, I couldn’t ignore the fact that I was getting increasingly attached to my penis and the sensations that it seemed to be able to create at a moment’s notice. It seemed to like for me to just THINK about how much it would like to be snug inside a Speedo®. [I sometimes wonder what percentage of Speedos® are sold for swimming versus other forms of “recreation.”] Were other guys in part buying Speedos® because they liked how they felt on the body, and not just as attire for water sports such as swimming and diving?

In looking at clothing items, the question always on my mind is “will me penis like being in that?” and over the years I have discovered that my affliction applies to other assorted items as well, usually but not always ones containing a significant percentage of Spandex. (Denim-look spandex-lased men’s jeans can be purchased nowadays that fit so snug to the body that they feel like wearing a pair of slick running tights.)

Then there are the “problems” associated with being horny in a snug-fitting clothing item. I realize that a lot of guys have what I call a Speedo® fear. There are three components to a Speedo® fear. 1. What if I get an erection just getting into my suit and there is no way to hide that I am suddenly massive down there? This could be quite embarrassing. 2. Whenever I get horny even if I am not erect I tend to drip precum. This is going to create interesting but potentially embarrassing little spots on my suit that the other guys might notice and tease me about. 3. What if a worst case scenario occurs and I get so hard just getting into the brief that I almost immediately start to ejaculate in powerful bursts all over the front of my suit. Or, still worse, what happens is I am able to keep from doing that while I am still in the locker room and then I walk to the pool and suddenly start into a powerful and uncontrollable ejaculation out there in front of everyone. This ejaculatory fear is holy terror for sure.

I remain convinced that these three components of Speedo® fear deter a lot of guys from wearing them despite that deep down they “like very much” the signals they are getting from their penises with respect to what might happen if they did wear one. Using a brief as a masturbation assistant in private is very different from subjecting yourself to the potential for having to deal with the consequences of these kinds of semi-public and public situations.

The precum issue itself is interesting. I suspect few guys who are not used to regularly wearing Speedos® will NOT ooze at least a few drops of precum once inside the suit. Assuming you crawled into the brief with your penis pointed firmly downward, these drops may appear as tiny wet spots on the outside of the brief, but they will conveniently hidden from view as they will be located between the guy’s legs.

But, what if the guy positions himself with his penis pointed to one side or even in the “classic” or so-called “Christopher Atkins position” pointed straight up toward the waistband with the sensitive underside pressing firmly against the lining of the brief pouch. (This is an extraordinarily fun place to be both physically and psychologically and I enjoy myself regularly in that situation). The public will likely be able to make out the outline of a distinct cylinder inside your brief. he T of that cylinder will terminate with a tiny damp spot of ooze, darker than the rest of the brief, and maybe the size of a dime or even a nickel. Fascinating! The suit is clearly “doing stuff” to the guy, psychologically and physically. Once a swimmer dives into the pool and the suit is suddenly all wet. All of this precum spotting will be gone in an instant. I wonder how many guys can actually say that on occasion they have had a full orgasm in the pool while wearing a Speedo®.

Finally, let me shift gears entirely and let me tell you about the predicament faced by the young man who has just purchased a new pair of snug-and slick blue jeans—the ones made of spandex-laced denim that have narrow leg openings, fit snug to the thigh and groin and stretch to fit around the waist, making the space for one’s private parts very limited, and even more limited should things firm up at all. Then the guy is early in the dating experience, but decides it would be fun to go on a date with a girl he likes, and of course, he thinks he looks really sexy in the new jeans and hopes his date will think so too.

Now MOST guys like to try and maintain at least a bit of decorum. This requires acting as if you might be aroused to a degree by the girl, but certainly a long ways from being to the stage of having intercourse. Still, the light petting the two of them are doing is having impacts on the guy both psychologically and physically, and those jeans leave little room to comfortably grow. They are bearing down on the guy’s penis even as the girl is having her psychological impacts. Suddenly the guy is no longer able to contain his condition, and begins a series of repetitive and now unstoppable ejaculatory bursts, strands of semen come right out the front of the jeans. How embarrassing!

Or maybe not. I hear that some girls “like” to see this happen to horny guys on dates, and they hone their techniques for getting them there while they still have their pants on. The girl herself thinks its erotic to see a guy create an ejaculatory mess like this while still fully clothed in a new pair of slick-fitting jeans. Further, if the guy gets off this way there is no concern for the other issues related to “what if we end up having real intercourse?” Is what happened real sex or not? Maybe the current popularity of really snug-fitting male jeans has to do with the guy secretly “hoping” he will get in this predicament.

As a young teen, I did not even have to go out on a date. I pulled on my new undyed denim wheat colored jeans with the intention of wearing them after meeting a friend for a walk. Just doing that must have made me pretty hard. I recall my tumescent penis lying flat held against one of the narrow legs of the jean. As I walked along, my penis moved back and forth with each step. That made me even more aroused, and after a few steps I couldn’t keep from ejaculating any longer. I suddenly had to stop walking because I was in the throes of a powerful orgasm, and within seconds there was a big ejaculatory wet spot on the right thigh of my jeans.

The guy I was with saw all of this. He said not a word. I quickly made an excuse to head back (and change my jeans). Come to think of it, I still like wearing jeans, and the snugger the fit the better!

To be continued…

05-18-2020, 05:34 PM
Part C (100th chapter)

Every evening, before bedtime, I go through a nightly selection process to determine what I am going to wear throughout the night. As my readers already know, one of my swim briefs is usually high on my list as a choice, and since I own lots of them, I have many to choose from.

Take last night, for example. There is an excellent off-price clothing retailer in town that stocks stuff that for whatever reason did not sell in the allotted length of time at a full-price retailer. I see items there that once hung in a Macys all the way to, believe it or not, sometimes items that once were at Walmart that did not sell, and every store in between.

I never quite understood why this occurred. Adidas used to market swim briefs in the US, but apparently decided about 10 years ago that there just was not enough demand to keep doing that here anymore. The briefs were still being made and were still being sold in places like Europe and maybe in parts of Asia. It was the US sales that suddenly stopped.

For me, at least, in terms of fame, the Adidas swim brief, but especially the black one with the three white slashes in both sides, is one of only a few all-time classic swim brief designs. It’s right up there with the Sapphire blue Speedo® Christopher Atkins wore in the Dallas episodes. Whatever you think about whether or not guys should wear swim briefs, these two briefs, the black Adidas® and the blue Speedo® really “define” the genre. These are not the skimpiest briefs out there by any means, not by a long shot, but they create a special look that other swimwear makers have never quite captured. Any fan of swim briefs should have these two in his collection. I also keep a sapphire blue Speedo I have in its original cardboard box as it was sold in the specialty stores that catered to young athletes that were part of swim teams.

Anyhow, Adidas stopped selling the briefs, and they ended up on a rack at my off-price retailer. I showed up, by accident, shortly after they arrived. I was like a kid in a candy store. They were only in black, but that is the must-have color anyway. And the price? $4.99 each! Like I say I was like a kid in a candy store. I must have bought 8, maybe ten of them in various waist sizes from 28 to 34. I even gave one away to a friend who liked wearing swim briefs.

I still have the rest of them. Some of them still have tags on them and are marked $4.99. I keep some in original condition with tags and wear others.

What is it about these briefs that make them so interesting. Why is it that I get horny just thinking about just being in one? And why did Adidas end up stopping the sale in the US. Am I picking up on something other guys somehow don’t know about?

So, I put one of them on—one of the smaller ones with either a 28- or 30-inch waist. Hey, not only do these feel great but I look good as well but especially for a guy in his 60s. Just doing this makes me feel, well, you know. (see photo attachment)

Truth is a few years back Adidas started to once again sell the briefs in the US at a few places. Maybe not Macys but Swimoutlet is marketing the black Adidas brief with the three white slashes on the sides. Here is the link.


The only photo I have is sans a male swim brief model, so it is difficult to determine if this is the exact same brief that I own. The sides look a little wider, Mine in the smaller waist sizes are closer to two-inch than 3-inch. But that may be an illusion.

So, last night I slipped on a 30” Adidas, and put my penis in the classic Christopher Atkins position with the underside pressing firmly against the front of the brief. That always feels really really good. Just for fun I pulled my slick old school Puma shorts over, and things started feeling even better. I quickly fell asleep thinking about all of this.

I woke up early this morning and checked. My penis was still in the same place where it was when I crawled in bed, exactly the place Christopher Atkins thought it should be. This is a truly happy place, for sure. My penis had clearly been in a very happy place all night long, pumping out a few drops of precum on the brief liner every now and then.. Do guys all know where this place is and why this particular brief quickly gets a guy there? I have long been enamored with the sensitivity of the underside of my penis when it presses against the slick-and-snug cloth of the right swim brief. And this is surely where it is at on a bunch of different levels, a great place to explore your innermost feelings and sensations. It is possible to do that all night long, asleep, half-asleep and awake. Tugging and pressing while half asleep is always great fun. I start thinking I am back to being only 13 again, half-asleep and exploring my own body under the cover of darkness!

Maybe just maybe in writing this story I can help you find this place as well. The correct swim brief has lots of recreational uses other than for swimming. I think you will like these places too once you find them. I continue to be amazed and overwhelmed by how this all works and how enjoyable it is, and a big shout out to Adidas for pressing all the right buttons for me. Given what I experience wearing them, these briefs should be in high demand.

To be continued…

05-19-2020, 02:24 PM
Part CI (101)

The role that snug-fitting clothing plays in a guy’s life has always been a topic that has fascinated me. Once I got to an age where I COULD ejaculate, then the question quickly turned to exactly what the circumstances were when this actually happened, involuntarily or with some “overt” help from me.

Think back to the first time in your life that you actually realized that you had ejaculated semen. Some medical references claim that some guys have dry orgasms with repetitive involuntary muscle contractions for some months to actually ‘voiding” any semen. (I am always amused by the sober phrase “voiding semen” as if this were somehow a somber, completely joyless event.)

Anyhow, I don’t recall ever having a dry orgasm. The earliest recollection I recall of voiding semen has me awakening at 2 AM and discovering there was a goofy puddle of something sticky on my pajama leg that if I were lucky, turned into a still noticeable and starchy looking dry stain by morning. Mom said “That is nothing to worry about” but did not tell me anything else (or tell me to see if I could somehow stop doing that. (The limited advice I was getting was somehow both reassuring and in retrospect, amusing).

The first few times this happened the stains were small and almost unnoticeable, but a problem was that they were starting to get bigger. And despite the fact that these events were occurring in the middle of the night, it dawned on me that maybe just maybe I should not be just sleeping right through them. Instead, why not wake up just before this happens and then fall back asleep afterwards?

The other major event in a boy’s life is when he has his first daytime orgasm and voiding of semen. My personal recollection was that I was fond of swimsuits at a very early age especially the ones with the snug nylon liners. And I had a little wading pool in the yard. Oh hot days I would get into my suit, crawl into the pool and just sit in the water for many minutes if not hours. What to do? Why sit and stare at my navel? My penis was drawing my attention away from that as it was starting to feel really good as I sat there and the more I thought about it the better it felt.

Suddenly and somewhat violently (at least I thought so at the time) my penis started to feel really, really good. I was suddenly in a very special place. I was ejaculating into the swimsuit. But conveniently the water in the little pool was going to wash away any evidence. Should I tell mom what had happened to me? Well no, I thought, as she seemed totally unconcerned with the same thing happened to me in bed at night. But, I had just had my first daytime orgasm, and boy was it fun. Plus it was a complete secret. No one knew other than me.

So, I quickly figured out the real reason to try and be in the wading pool on a regular basis, and this became a regular summertime routine. The swimwear soon got connected psychologically to being able to have a secret orgasm. Besides, I was perfecting my bedtime techniques. I was beginning to realize that there was no longer any reason to just wait and see if a nocturnal emission just happened (perhaps at a strange hour like too near the time I needed to wake up for the semen to have time to dry).

Instead, I could kind of “encourage” things along a bit on my own. And the stuff I had pieced together while out in the wading pool was, well, helpful. Why not ejaculate, fully awake, at 11 pm, for example, and the semen stains would have plenty of time to fully dry by early morning? I was making important calculations like this and begging a schedule that had me ejaculating nearly every night.

More generally my fondness for snug=fitting clothing was increasing. I wanted to be in anything that I thought would get me aroused. And I was watching my friends. At that age guys are growing rapidly, and starting to build more muscular bodies, meaning they were quickly outgrowing jeans that were correctly sized in the previous summer. Most parents (mainly the moms) were struggling to keep the boys in close that fit their bigger bodies.

But I noticed an odd thing. At least some of the guys who had clearly outgrown the jeans they wore the past summer were still wearing them this year anyway. Perhaps their parents were too poor to buy them jeans that fit. No, the guys seemed to actually like the fact that the jeans a bit fit tight in the thigh, short in the ankle, and, seemingly most importantly, snug in the butt. The fact that the jeans were now worn but now body-conforming seemed now to be a plus, not a minus. What was going on here?

I grew up in a Western-focused community, and a modified cowboy look was very popular. Wrangler cowboy-cut jeans complete with the Wrangler patch on the right rear pocket was a very popular look, and part of the look is the fact that the jeans fit close to the body but especially so in the butt and thighs.

Stretch denim had yet to be invented, and jeans routinely shrunk when washed a few times. This meant that jeans that were merely snug when purchased after a few washings were, well, quite body-conforming.

I remember being in the local store in search for a pair of Wrangler jeans. Another guy was also shopping and trying jeans on. He complained to the clerk that a particular pair of jeans was OK but he was actually in search of a pair that fit snugger in the thigh and in the butt. I suspect the clerk was concerned that any snugger cut or smaller size would be too tight to wear after a few washings, but that did not seem to concern the guy at all. The whole idea was that when the jeans were laundered, they would have to conform to the guy’s body exactly even if this required some effort to get into the jean. The tighter the fit, the better, and a bit of a struggle getting in and out of the jeans was part of that.

At that point in time I got to thinking about the predicament the guy would find himself in if he got a hard-on wearing those. But maybe, just maybe that was what he was hoping for. These are the kinds of questions one never gets answered.

As time wore on, stuff kept getting snugger and tighter for me as well. In the back of my mind I was worried the potential about the embarrassment of having an “involuntary voiding” of semen even as I was enamored with being able to keep maintaining a nice semi hard-on as the day went on.

To be continued…

06-11-2020, 01:33 PM
Just Having Fun!

A guy’s early experiences with his post-puberty body may at first seem all but inconsequential, but leave an indelible imprint on what a guy continues to enjoy doing throughout his life. I have always found this statement to be both weird and interesting. At one time I thought that perhaps I was the only one “affected” in this way, but I have gradually come to the conclusion that other guys have the same “problem” or “hang up”.

Bluntly put, a guy’s first experience in ejaculating contains equal parts “scary” and “fun” At least, that is the mindset I had the first time “it” happened to me. At the same time, was scared stiff (no pun intended), but enjoying myself with wonderful sensations that I had never experienced before.

So, I want each of my readers to think back to the very first ejaculatory experience each of you have had in the daytime and were wide awake. What exactly were the circumstances that sent this “unfortunate” event off? Of course, this was not an unfortunate event at all, but an extraordinarily wonderful, happy event. Psychological and sexual nirvana. Of course, you thought the sensations were great fun in addition to being scary.

For most guys, I suspect your first wide-awake experience was not with a sexual partner or even in the presence of a possible sexual partner. Someone else may have inadvertently been there, but having this happen in the presence of a sibling, parent or male peer added complexity to the situation and you might still be psychologically affected by the fact that this happened to you in an “embarrassing” situation. Guys quickly learn that they should keep utterly silent to anyone around them about anything that happens ejaculation-wise. [This at least holds until guys learn that they can make money uploading ejaculation videos to a porn Web site, but they learn that much later! And most of these hide the face (identity) of the ejaculator. Same deal, interestingly! ]

So what set you off way back? I guess it should come as no surprise that personally my first experience of this sort occurred while I was wearing swimwear. I saw photos of guys in Sears and Wards catalogs modeling brief-style suits and wanted very much to be in the same place they were in. The suits they were wearing just HAD to feel really good. All I had was a boxer-style suit, but, oddly enough, the nylon lining was essentially a brief suit underneath. For now, that would have to do!. But at that age I was so horny and easily aroused that was plenty. The rest was history.

Then my two male cousins from the West Coast showed up and they both wore swim briefs on a more or less steady basis and had no issues doing that even if they were not near a body of water. How I admired them! But I was well into college before I got my first real swim brief. By then I was living alone and could enjoy myself whenever I wanted to. Many of my suits have taken a lot of this sort of “abuse” over the years and I have enjoyed every minute of it. Every, every second!

For a long time I kept wondering if there are other guys out there who grew up with a similar fondness for swim briefs. Do I have some weird psychological “disorder” of some sort, or is this common among guys?I also keep wondering about the gay/straight thing. If there is a fondness for swim briefs as masturbation aids, should this be thought of as somehow being a “gay indicator”? Or do many other guys who deem themselves straight have the same “swim brief” affliction? This is a puzzle I have never totally resolved.

Many of you are aware that I had my prostate removed in 2014, and one of the side effects of the surgery is the inability to get a spontaneous erection. The orgasm muscles still work, but orgasms are just OK without an erection. The good news is that for some guys the ability to get an erection sometimes gradually returns over time. The tricky part is that normally guys get erections because of some weird mixture of the physical and the mental, and no two guys are the same in this regard. I wanted to see if I could improve my situation over time by using a variety of methods, a vibrator, a little estim device, a VED device. All of these are devices for treating erectile dysfunction in all its forms irrespective of the cause but they are also used purely for recreation. But what excites a guy varies a lot from one guy to another. After surgery a lot of guys are looking to get enough of an erection to have penis/vagina sex with the wife.

So, fast forward 50 years. I am 72 years old and likely about 60 years past my first wonderful-but-scary daytime ejaculatory experience. Every night I have been running “experiments” using the various devices. Vibrator or estim first, then the VED. But I usually come out of the VED being, well, quite big and hard. I like to then see if I can take myself to yet another level without going into an orgasm. I’m “edging” as in getting close to the edge of not being able to control myself but staying just on this side. Being there is fun. Way, way fun! Really, really fun! And the next day I can pick up where I left off, pretty much, but I will keep feeling hornier and hornier as the days go by. The tricky part is to learn how to do this over multiple days.

So, what next? Why I pull out a swim brief, a little blue “Club Swim” Euro brief with a 28 inch waist that I can barely fit myself into. This fits like a Seobean or Aqux brief and doesn’t quite cover my “Y” in back. And the “comfortable” place for my still-somewhat-erect penis is “up”. Funny, I feel down there. My penis seems to like where it is at very much. I am suddenly 12 again and am feeling really good. I’m not scared any more. I’m just enjoying myself.

I sleep soundly through the night. I awake and feel myself down there. My penis is still pointed up, and feels somewhat hard. If my penis is happy my outlook on life is good. I want to keep going today. Continue to enjoy myself. I discard the brief which now has a neat little precum stain on the lining where my penis tip has lain all night long. I still feel horny as all get out.

I slip on that “mean” little 2x(ist) thong I am so fond of, and over that my asics wrestling singlet. Today will be a fine day. Meanwhile I have learned a lot from watching porn videos. The guys in the videos are using vibrators as well as a variety of estim and VED devices for recreational masturbation. And interestingly, some of them are also edging in the sense that they are employing these devices over several days and seeing exactly how long they can go without having an orgasm. Watching other guys attempt this is interesting. I’m 4 days past my last orgasm. This keeps getting tougher and tougher to do, but at the same time each day somehow gets more and more enjoyable. Weird fun!

The guys in the videos are doing this as recreational masturbation and not treating any physical issue. The idea of forcing me to sleep in a really tight-fitting swim brief is mine, however, and adds a new dimension to the entire experience. I want to do that some more! Lots more in fact!

Oh, and I have come to the conclusion that the main reason most swim briefs have a front lining is not to better hide one’s penis when the brief is wet, but to provide an additional layer of “protection” when a guy precums in the brief so that a trail of tiny wet stains do not show on the front of the brief before he dives into the water!


07-08-2020, 01:48 PM
Part CII

I have written any number of times about my experiences in sleeping in thongs, straps with cups and other snug-fitting garb, but last night I was playing around by and with myself once again, and I ended up having a wonderful night. I got to thinking that maybe my readers would like to hear the details of exactly what I did to and with myself that made for so much fun all night long, with the idea that maybe there would be some things my readers might wish to do as well.

Both physically and psychologically, what I do ends up being way fun. Doing this successfully combines a mix of the psychological and the physical. I love wearing thongs—always have—it’s the combination of the elastic cord or band that cuts snuggly between my glutes and the idea of getting my penis and balls all positioned inside a pouch that never seems to have quite an adequate amount of room. For a lot of guys who like to wear thong underwear and swimwear The whole idea of just getting into one with everything in place becomes an erotic experience given the attention a guy needs to place on making certain that all parts of the male anatomy is where it should be.

Last night, as my “challenge” I picked out an old black swim thong from Koala Swim. These are the ones with a very narrow front pouch and a really tight fitting rear band that has to fit between the glutes. Getting into the thong posed a fun challenge for me. A proper fit pushes the penis and balls upward and forward even as the thong back disappears between the glutes. Keep in mind that I am going to be wearing this through the entire night if all goes as planned. Great fit and feel once everything is in.

Next up, I am going to be wearing a strap with a cup over the thong. And, of course, I am an old school strap guy. I like the flat cups like the guys wore in the 1960s, not the roomier “Banana Style” cups. Now keep in mind that the thong is pushing a guy forward and upward into the strap cup, even as the cup itself is putting pressure downward. Think about this. Two opposing forces providing tension in opposite directions with my penis stuck between the opposing forces.

I’ve said this before, but the best straps and cups are the ones that fit so snug that they can only fully contain a flaccid penis. Penises and jock cups have an interesting relationship. Somehow, penises seem to know when they are about to get crammed into a space that leaves almost no room for expansion. Invariably, they take advantage of whatever space is there right up to the walls of the cup. In the process, with the cup containing the expansion, penises are capable of generating some marvelous sensations in that limited space. Sensations that can drive a guy bonkers if he just thinks about it for very long.

I have often wondered about how much of this is physical and how much is linked to the fact that the guy psychologically knows that his penis is going to be cramped for space. Sexual sensations always seem to be this goofy mix of the two. The uncertainty about what will happen only adds to both the psychological and physical enjoyment. It is this same mix of feelings that sometimes makes guys very wary about wearing straps with cups for the very first time. But this is also an extraordinarily fun place to be.

So I am in my black Koala swim thong, and have my TruFit old-school strap and cup over. What Next? Why a Dolphin Swim brief, of course. The Dolphin is black with red on the sides—classic old school swim brief that covers the thong, strap and cup and holds the cup firmly in place. This looks neat and feels even neater.

By now, I’m feeling, well, more than a little horny. The thong is squeezing itself between my glutes, and my penis feels like it is in another place entirely. Is it the thong pouch that is doing this to me, the firmly positioned cup, or some of both? Can’t tell! Who cares! Whatever is happening I am feeling absolutely great down there. The cup is pressing down on me and my penis knows that space to expand is really limited. Can I fall asleep this way? Good question.

I tap on the cup and my penis notices. I press harder on the cup with my hand. My penis likes that a lot. But in this situation it is impossible to have an orgasm while still in the cup. It’s frustrating, but, at the same time I am savoring my predicament moment by moment. This is why the phrase “delicious agony” was invented I guess. I try to adjust the cup a bit, but that only seems to make matters worse, or maybe better. My penis is absolutely loving the situation it is in. Goofy, wonderful fun. Delicious! Delicious!

So I do soon fall asleep thinking to myself that other guys need to experience what is happening to me . My body is great. It’s letting me drift off still in delicious agony.

I awaken but not till 5 AM. Still feeling great down there. I made it through the night without awakening at 2 AM to tear everything off. I finally get up at 6:30 and tear everything off. My black thong has some really neat wet precum stains in the pouch, about quarter-dollar sized. I still have not had an orgasm. I get up and start writing this.

A great part about all of this is that if I can avoid having an orgasm today I will be even hornier tonight and I can repeat the process once again. This is great technique for learning the nuances of how to edge. The pressure and need to ejaculate keeps building night after night. Some guys are able to go for a week or longer without ejaculating but this keeps getting tougher and tougher to do. But testing yourself this way is part of the fun. At some point I will break too, but not for now! Not now!

I like it! I like it! Enjoy yourself! I always do.

07-09-2020, 02:29 PM

Day 2
Every guy knows that a lot of the fun associated with just being a guy has to do with having orgasms and ejaculations. Guys pick up on that idea at a very early age. But male sexuality is more complicated than simply the sheer pleasure of ejaculating, way more complicated. Throughout their post-pubescent lives guys keep learning new things about themselves and their bodies.

Some of my readers may think that what I am talking about is relationship-driven, as in who a guy has sex with or not and why. I never want to be accused of ignoring the psychological aspect of male sexuality, not at all. Sexuality is always a crazy goofy mixture of the emotional and the physical. What feels good or not on part depends on who a guy is with, or not.

I am a strong advocate of the idea that partner sex is not the place for any guy to first discover who he is as a sexual human being. On order to be successful a guy needs to first understand who he is as an individual, single human being with male sex organs. This involves learning an array of self-pleasuring techniques. Perhaps more succinctly put, learning the techniques of masturbation. Instead of treating solo sex as an inferior activity that guys should never do, I am going to suggest that every guy make way to elevate masturbation to an important part of his daily life.

What I am saying may be tricky to do. I have written at length about the problems teenagers may face in dealing with this at home, and then as college students living in a dorm room or a fraternity house. Some guys seem destined to be constantly stuck in situations where they are never able to have any real privacy as single guys and tjis is unfortunate. Some of the best solo sex methods take time to implement, and this becomes more and more of an issue if a guy seldom has any time by himself. I think a lot of guys probably end up having sex with partners in part because that is the release when the privacy a guy seeks when playing with himself is restricted or absent entirely.

Besides, mastering solo sex ultimately can make you better at what you need to be able to do when you are having sex with a partner. And what you need to be able to do specifically is NOT see how fast you can get an erection and go into a full-scale semen-producing orgasm…Everything about partner sex is intertwined with being able to come slowly and deliberately. The guys who thought they were somehow studs because they could masturbate to orgasm in the bathroom in 60 seconds are not the winners but the losers here.

Besides, assuming you are having sex with a female, you have probably found out that women can have multiple orgasms within a single sexual encounter—or none at all. Women just don’t fit the male mode of getting quickly into a single, gigantic orgasm that blows them away all at once like some guys who think they are good at having sex do. For a woman, a sexual encounter is a much more complicated thing than that. To be successful at satisfying a woman a guy must first learn how to get hard and stay hard for a long period of time without ejaculating. This is tricky stuff, generally not learned by quickly masturbating behind a closed bathroom door.

What does all of this have to do with swim briefs, compression shorts, jock straps and other gear guys are fearful of? A great source of anxiety for a lot of guys is that they are inadvertently going to get a hard-on at a time and in a place where there is no obvious sexual encounter about to take place, and that this will be embarrassing or lead to peer bullying. So guys avoid any item of clothing that could get themselves into that situation. But then once guys marry and attaining an age, the greatest fear then becomes NOT being able to get a hard-on in the presence of their sexual partner. Funny how all of this reverses itself as a guy gets older.

Male sexuality can be a lot more fun if a guy can learn how to get horny and hard WITHOUT immediately concluding with a full scale orgasm, and in this regard, the various items of snug-fitting clothing can play a critical role in helping a guy accomplish this over longer periods of time. The only question is what specific clothing item works for a guy and this can be very individualized. The fascination that a lot of guys seem to have with snug-fitting jeans currently seems to fit right into this. Some guys pick out jeans simply because they like how the jeans feel on their bodies which, translated means they feel horny wearing them

I’m convinced that guys’ fondness for tighty whitey briefs in the middle of the 20th century was connected to this as well. What happened since then is more interesting in that the tight-fitting compression gear and ordinary daily underwear has largely merged into one. Guys picking out underwear are still thinking in terms of what will make them feel horny without causing them to unexpectedly go into a powerful orgasm.

The idea of being able to stay aroused but not to the point of going into a full-scale orgasm seems to now captivate a lot of guys, and from the standpoint of enjoying one’s sexuality as well as having sex with a partner I see this as being a very good thing. Further, guys without sexual partners can still have intense pleasure as well. It’s all a matter of “reading” your own body. Does wearing a skimpy swim brief as underwear under your tight-fitting skinny jeans make you feel even more aroused than wearing something bought specifically as underwear? Go right ahead! How about a jock strap as underwear? Do your thing! Whatever makes you happy down there is the correct choice.

So the guys on the porno sites sometimes engage in sessions that last for days in which they attempt to get very aroused but not quite to the point of having an uncontrollable orgasm. Each day they get harder and harder, and with each day that passes it becomes more and more difficult to keep from ejaculating. But that is part of the fun, because the guy somehow knows that when he does finally ejaculate, it is going to be really powerful.

So last night I went into day two of my edging experiment. Another thong. Another strap, another thong and another swim brief. Once again I made it through the night without an orgasm. The cup I was wearing fit really really snug, a goofy-tight fit and I couldn’t do a thing about it.

But as I write this on my computer this morning I am feeling really horny. Unresolved. I’m already thinking about what I might try wearing tonight, to make things even more difficult to deal with. Coping! Male sexuality is all about coping, and doing things to, with and by yourself is a key element of all of that. You too can learn to cope.

Have Fun!

07-09-2020, 06:56 PM
I joined the Board hoping to find a like-minded community of guys who, whether gay or straight, revel in the eroticism of their bodies in general and sexuality in particular. Well, I'm VERY pleased! I fully agree with the points made about male sexuality being a life-long process of discovery and pleasure! I take specific steps daily to not only care for my health and body in general, but also my orgasmic abilities in particular, especially good cumshots. Your comments about the angst many guys put themselves through in regards to clothes in general, and underwear and swimwear in particular, are right on point. Geez, they don't realize what they are missing out on! I have always worked to have time and privacy to masturbate, utilizing the "external and internal squeezes" to prolong the sensations, with some rip-roarin' cumshots all the way to my neck!! I noted in my "Cumshot Confidential" post about the Kegel exercises I do. I'm pleased to report that, at age 68, my initial spurt still goes about 1 foot! I enjoy watching cumshot videos, but have noticed something which puzzles me in regards to a number of the porn actors. They are trying to jack off without any lubricant!! They don't look happy, and their cumshot may not be very large (or enjoyable;OUCH!). They have great bodies, but you wonder if they are REALLY ENJOYING their sexuality!! (Maybe not!) In regards to my first, concious (non-wet-dream) ejaculation, here is my story. Scene: Taking a bath. Privacy. Erections came easy and were fascinating! Soaping up. Hard-ons are easy to wash. Hey, that stroking feels goooood! Let's keep this up a while...whooa...feels like I'm gonna piss!!! WHAM! Several thick spurts of creamy fluid GOOSHED out of my cock!! WOW!!!:):):) Off to the races ever since, and I'm starting to think I could show those gay porn actors a thing or two! I'm looking forward to comments as well as first-cumshot experiences from other Board members.

07-17-2020, 02:26 PM

As a teenager growing up, I probably spent an inordinate time focusing on the sensations I was feeling in my groin area, and in trying to better understand what was happening to me in my body as I grew just a bit older each day. Compared with today’s teenagers, information sources relating to sexuality, and in particular male sexuality were few. There was no cable TV, no Internet, and certainly few places that one could go to find answers to questions I almost invariably thought were far too complicated and embarrassing to ask anyone.

Still, I was growing up on a farm. Cattle and sheep were breeding ind having lambs and calves regularly. So far as the mechanics of relationship sex occurred in livestock by the time I was 13, I had probably seen a lot more stuff than the “town kids” had, given that the town kids were not raising livestock like I was.

But there was something missing—maybe a lot missing. I knew all but nothing about relationship sex as practiced between two human beings. Of course, I had a loving mom and dad, and the mere fact that I was there said a lot. They were inclined to say nothing about the details of what exactly went on between them. But still, exactly what went on between two human beings with respect to partner sex was largely uncharted territory.

The other interesting part of this story is that about this point in time I discovered that I really liked being a loner, at least most of the time. I had a few close male friends, but most of the other guys seemed to be primarily focused on the females in the class, and were taking early steps in forming bonding relationships with members of the female class. I was never very comfortable chatting with females, even as a lot of the guys seemed to thrive on that. This activity still mostly makes me uncomfortable. Over time I have gradually learned how to cope in such situations where chattering with members of the opposite sex is required, but I still have a desire to get out from the situation as quickly and as painlessly as possible. This is just a place where I do not want to be stuck, and I cannot imagine having to deal with it on a daily basis. The Covid shutdowns have not been a problem for me as I just continue to live my life pretty much the same way I always have---I do not need to interact with other people to be comfortable and that has actually proven now to be a great strength not a weakness.

I suppose that given what you have just read, some of you would perhaps conclude that this is the description of someone who is asexual. But if you have read any of my other chapters here you will probably conclude that is definitely not the case. It is just that being in a sexual relationship with another person is not the center of my life, or for that matter any real part of my life. There are, of course, times that I feel quite horny, but In order to get into that condition generally I have not been mulling over the nuances of how it could be to be having partner sex.

Sexual relationships as a rule do not last forever. Guys get divorced, spouses can die or even just lose interest in sex. And when something like this happens, guys often completely fall apart both mentally and physically. It is here when having a backup plan for enjoying your own male body can really be helpful. And any backup plan of necessity is likely going to involve getting the best out of one’s own body in much the same way guys handled their sexual feelings when they were 12 or 13. Almost invariably we are discussing solo sex here also known as the “M” word.

Now I realize that one of the great taboos in male sexuality is that the vast majority of guys of any age would never care to admit that they now masturbate of even did masturbate at one point in their lives, because the entire male society is built around relationship sex most acceptably with a female partner. And guys who do not regularly get to have sex with a female partner are frowned on as being in an unfortunate but hopefully temporary situation. The wild idea that male sexuality just possibly take on other forms of pleasure is a nonstarter in a relationship-centered society.

Despite what I have just told you, all sorts on interesting sensations come out of my groin area, sometime in the context of this goofy mix of the psychological and the physical. I can easily feel horny even without thinking for an instant about being with a sexual partner. I view this not as a “9defect” of some sort, but rather a talent that allows me to navigate waters that would pose difficulties for guys who are fixated on having partner sex for every release. This whole world of guys getting charged for crimes involving attempting to have sex with a partner who does not want to have sex seems like a crazy place to me—a place so far off in another alien planet that I do not even have to think about it.

What I know for sure is that guys can get horny in situations that do not involve a sex partner or even a potential sex partner. And being horny every guy knows is potentially the first stage in masturbating perhaps to ejaculation and without being fully in control. This possibility drives guys bananas because that means that whatever makes a guy feel horny in such a situation must be immediately shut down or the worst could happen—an uncontrollable and obvious ejaculation that somehow happened when everything went out of control, all right in front of a bunch of his male peers.

We have discussed some of the most interesting instances over and over where guys might worry about this. The classic example is the instance of the swim coach requiring that the team members all wear the team swim brief for the upcoming meet—the little league coach expecting all the players to wear a jock and cup when participating in the sport, but there are others. Just shopping for clothes can be the source of some “strange” feelings for many guys. The current underwear departments seem filled with designs that are meant to make a guy feel horny. It used to be that guys went to Victoria’s Secret to buy sexy clothing for their wives or female partners to wear, but this is considered nowadays not to be a politically-correct thing for a guy to ever do. Nowadays, women may more likely shop for underwear for their MALE sexual partner—designs that are sure to make him get feeling horny as a prelude to having sex.

Then there is the whole parade of compression gear—shorts, tees and running tights that not only fit snuggly but emphasize male bulges in critical areas. What is up with THAT, anyway? And the skinny jeans! Ahh the jeans. Is it good for a guy’s jeans to fit so snug that it is obvious that a guy’s groin area is not shaped the same as that of a female, and how is it that the men’s jeans retailers are selling jeans that are designed to fit so snug that they look like a painted-on second “skin” and how do those feel in the groin? Is it possible to go into an uncontrollable ejaculation simply by wearing a pair of snug-fitting jeans? Of course!

Unlike when a guy is 13, once a guy has grown into adulthood, being able to get horny enough to go into a full-scale ejaculation without being with a sexual partner might be seen as a huge advantage, a useful skill to have mastered, and not a problem of any sort.

To be continued…

07-17-2020, 02:26 PM

As a teenager growing up, I probably spent an inordinate time focusing on the sensations I was feeling in my groin area, and in trying to better understand what was happening to me in my body as I grew just a bit older each day. Compared with today’s teenagers, information sources relating to sexuality, and in particular male sexuality were few. There was no cable TV, no Internet, and certainly few places that one could go to find answers to questions I almost invariably thought were far too complicated and embarrassing to ask anyone.

Still, I was growing up on a farm. Cattle and sheep were breeding ind having lambs and calves regularly. So far as the mechanics of relationship sex occurred in livestock by the time I was 13, I had probably seen a lot more stuff than the “town kids” had, given that the town kids were not raising livestock like I was.

But there was something missing—maybe a lot missing. I knew all but nothing about relationship sex as practiced between two human beings. Of course, I had a loving mom and dad, and the mere fact that I was there said a lot. They were inclined to say nothing about the details of what exactly went on between them. But still, exactly what went on between two human beings with respect to partner sex was largely uncharted territory.

The other interesting part of this story is that about this point in time I discovered that I really liked being a loner, at least most of the time. I had a few close male friends, but most of the other guys seemed to be primarily focused on the females in the class, and were taking early steps in forming bonding relationships with members of the female class. I was never very comfortable chatting with females, even as a lot of the guys seemed to thrive on that. This activity still mostly makes me uncomfortable. Over time I have gradually learned how to cope in such situations where chattering with members of the opposite sex is required, but I still have a desire to get out from the situation as quickly and as painlessly as possible. This is just a place where I do not want to be stuck, and I cannot imagine having to deal with it on a daily basis. The Covid shutdowns have not been a problem for me as I just continue to live my life pretty much the same way I always have---I do not need to interact with other people to be comfortable and that has actually proven now to be a great strength not a weakness.

I suppose that given what you have just read, some of you would perhaps conclude that this is the description of someone who is asexual. But if you have read any of my other chapters here you will probably conclude that is definitely not the case. It is just that being in a sexual relationship with another person is not the center of my life, or for that matter any real part of my life. There are, of course, times that I feel quite horny, but In order to get into that condition generally I have not been mulling over the nuances of how it could be to be having partner sex.

Sexual relationships as a rule do not last forever. Guys get divorced, spouses can die or even just lose interest in sex. And when something like this happens, guys often completely fall apart both mentally and physically. It is here when having a backup plan for enjoying your own male body can really be helpful. And any backup plan of necessity is likely going to involve getting the best out of one’s own body in much the same way guys handled their sexual feelings when they were 12 or 13. Almost invariably we are discussing solo sex here also known as the “M” word.

Now I realize that one of the great taboos in male sexuality is that the vast majority of guys of any age would never care to admit that they now masturbate of even did masturbate at one point in their lives, because the entire male society is built around relationship sex most acceptably with a female partner. And guys who do not regularly get to have sex with a female partner are frowned on as being in an unfortunate but hopefully temporary situation. The wild idea that male sexuality just possibly take on other forms of pleasure is a nonstarter in a relationship-centered society.

Despite what I have just told you, all sorts on interesting sensations come out of my groin area, sometime in the context of this goofy mix of the psychological and the physical. I can easily feel horny even without thinking for an instant about being with a sexual partner. I view this not as a “9defect” of some sort, but rather a talent that allows me to navigate waters that would pose difficulties for guys who are fixated on having partner sex for every release. This whole world of guys getting charged for crimes involving attempting to have sex with a partner who does not want to have sex seems like a crazy place to me—a place so far off in another alien planet that I do not even have to think about it.

What I know for sure is that guys can get horny in situations that do not involve a sex partner or even a potential sex partner. And being horny every guy knows is potentially the first stage in masturbating perhaps to ejaculation and without being fully in control. This possibility drives guys bananas because that means that whatever makes a guy feel horny in such a situation must be immediately shut down or the worst could happen—an uncontrollable and obvious ejaculation that somehow happened when everything went out of control, all right in front of a bunch of his male peers.

We have discussed some of the most interesting instances over and over where guys might worry about this. The classic example is the instance of the swim coach requiring that the team members all wear the team swim brief for the upcoming meet—the little league coach expecting all the players to wear a jock and cup when participating in the sport, but there are others. Just shopping for clothes can be the source of some “strange” feelings for many guys. The current underwear departments seem filled with designs that are meant to make a guy feel horny. It used to be that guys went to Victoria’s Secret to buy sexy clothing for their wives or female partners to wear, but this is considered nowadays not to be a politically-correct thing for a guy to ever do. Nowadays, women may more likely shop for underwear for their MALE sexual partner—designs that are sure to make him get feeling horny as a prelude to having sex.

Then there is the whole parade of compression gear—shorts, tees and running tights that not only fit snuggly but emphasize male bulges in critical areas. What is up with THAT, anyway? And the skinny jeans! Ahh the jeans. Is it good for a guy’s jeans to fit so snug that it is obvious that a guy’s groin area is not shaped the same as that of a female, and how is it that the men’s jeans retailers are selling jeans that are designed to fit so snug that they look like a painted-on second “skin” and how do those feel in the groin? Is it possible to go into an uncontrollable ejaculation simply by wearing a pair of snug-fitting jeans? Of course!

Unlike when a guy is 13, once a guy has grown into adulthood, being able to get horny enough to go into a full-scale ejaculation without being with a sexual partner might be seen as a huge advantage, a useful skill to have mastered, and not a problem of any sort.

To be continued…

07-17-2020, 02:26 PM

As a teenager growing up, I probably spent an inordinate time focusing on the sensations I was feeling in my groin area, and in trying to better understand what was happening to me in my body as I grew just a bit older each day. Compared with today’s teenagers, information sources relating to sexuality, and in particular male sexuality were few. There was no cable TV, no Internet, and certainly few places that one could go to find answers to questions I almost invariably thought were far too complicated and embarrassing to ask anyone.

Still, I was growing up on a farm. Cattle and sheep were breeding ind having lambs and calves regularly. So far as the mechanics of relationship sex occurred in livestock by the time I was 13, I had probably seen a lot more stuff than the “town kids” had, given that the town kids were not raising livestock like I was.

But there was something missing—maybe a lot missing. I knew all but nothing about relationship sex as practiced between two human beings. Of course, I had a loving mom and dad, and the mere fact that I was there said a lot. They were inclined to say nothing about the details of what exactly went on between them. But still, exactly what went on between two human beings with respect to partner sex was largely uncharted territory.

The other interesting part of this story is that about this point in time I discovered that I really liked being a loner, at least most of the time. I had a few close male friends, but most of the other guys seemed to be primarily focused on the females in the class, and were taking early steps in forming bonding relationships with members of the female class. I was never very comfortable chatting with females, even as a lot of the guys seemed to thrive on that. This activity still mostly makes me uncomfortable. Over time I have gradually learned how to cope in such situations where chattering with members of the opposite sex is required, but I still have a desire to get out from the situation as quickly and as painlessly as possible. This is just a place where I do not want to be stuck, and I cannot imagine having to deal with it on a daily basis. The Covid shutdowns have not been a problem for me as I just continue to live my life pretty much the same way I always have---I do not need to interact with other people to be comfortable and that has actually proven now to be a great strength not a weakness.

I suppose that given what you have just read, some of you would perhaps conclude that this is the description of someone who is asexual. But if you have read any of my other chapters here you will probably conclude that is definitely not the case. It is just that being in a sexual relationship with another person is not the center of my life, or for that matter any real part of my life. There are, of course, times that I feel quite horny, but In order to get into that condition generally I have not been mulling over the nuances of how it could be to be having partner sex.

Sexual relationships as a rule do not last forever. Guys get divorced, spouses can die or even just lose interest in sex. And when something like this happens, guys often completely fall apart both mentally and physically. It is here when having a backup plan for enjoying your own male body can really be helpful. And any backup plan of necessity is likely going to involve getting the best out of one’s own body in much the same way guys handled their sexual feelings when they were 12 or 13. Almost invariably we are discussing solo sex here also known as the “M” word.

Now I realize that one of the great taboos in male sexuality is that the vast majority of guys of any age would never care to admit that they now masturbate of even did masturbate at one point in their lives, because the entire male society is built around relationship sex most acceptably with a female partner. And guys who do not regularly get to have sex with a female partner are frowned on as being in an unfortunate but hopefully temporary situation. The wild idea that male sexuality just possibly take on other forms of pleasure is a nonstarter in a relationship-centered society.

Despite what I have just told you, all sorts on interesting sensations come out of my groin area, sometime in the context of this goofy mix of the psychological and the physical. I can easily feel horny even without thinking for an instant about being with a sexual partner. I view this not as a “defect” of some sort, but rather a talent that allows me to navigate waters that would pose difficulties for guys who are fixated on having partner sex for every release. This whole world of guys getting charged for crimes involving attempting to have sex with a partner who does not want to have sex seems like a crazy place to me—a place so far off in another alien planet that I do not even have to think about it.

What I know for sure is that guys can get horny in situations that do not involve a sex partner or even a potential sex partner. And being horny every guy knows is potentially the first stage in masturbating perhaps to ejaculation and without being fully in control. This possibility drives guys bananas because that means that whatever makes a guy feel horny in such a situation must be immediately shut down or the worst could happen—an uncontrollable and obvious ejaculation that somehow happened when everything went out of control, all right in front of a bunch of his male peers.

We have discussed some of the most interesting instances over and over where guys might worry about this. The classic example is the instance of the swim coach requiring that the team members all wear the team swim brief for the upcoming meet—the little league coach expecting all the players to wear a jock and cup when participating in the sport, but there are others. Just shopping for clothes can be the source of some “strange” feelings for many guys. The current underwear departments seem filled with designs that are meant to make a guy feel horny. It used to be that guys went to Victoria’s Secret to buy sexy clothing for their wives or female partners to wear, but this is considered nowadays not to be a politically-correct thing for a guy to ever do. Nowadays, women may more likely shop for underwear for their MALE sexual partner—designs that are sure to make him get feeling horny as a prelude to having sex.

Then there is the whole parade of compression gear—shorts, tees and running tights that not only fit snuggly but emphasize male bulges in critical areas. What is up with THAT, anyway? And the skinny jeans! Ahh the jeans. Is it good for a guy’s jeans to fit so snug that it is obvious that a guy’s groin area is not shaped the same as that of a female, and how is it that the men’s jeans retailers are selling jeans that are designed to fit so snug that they look like a painted-on second “skin” and how do those feel in the groin? Is it possible to go into an uncontrollable ejaculation simply by wearing a pair of snug-fitting jeans? Of course!

Unlike when a guy is 13, once a guy has grown into adulthood, being able to get horny enough to go into a full-scale ejaculation without being with a sexual partner might be seen as a huge advantage, a useful skill to have mastered, and not a problem of any sort.

To be continued…

07-20-2020, 01:46 PM
Part CIV

Male sexual arousal is always this complicated mixture of the psychological along with the physical sensations. Starting at puberty, and maybe before, guys’ psyches are bombarded with the idea that while male sexuality is a lot of fun, the key to being able to enjoy your own body as a male human being is all about building a relationship with a sexual partner—most often female but perhaps another male.

Every guy who has made it through puberty knows that he can easily get aroused and get goofy fun feelings without being in the presence of a sexual partner—but frequently the stimuli still involve activities between two people, say on an Internet video—which the guy is often scared to watch but he does it anyway, in part writing it off as a “learning experience” so he will know exactly what he should do at the point in his life when he does get involved with a real sexual partner.

In another place entirely is the idea that a guy can get sexually aroused to the point of ejaculating without even thinking about being with a sexual partner. Every guy by the time he turns 14 already has had any number of experiences that prove this, but this is one of the darkest secrets of male sexuality as in “I know I jerk off whenever I get in a private enough of a situation that I am relaxed enough so that I won’t be discovered but I would never tell anyone what I have been doing least of all any of my male friends my age”. Guys may even attempt to somehow research the question of what their male peers do and how they handle this part of who they are, but the data are often limited.

Then there is the issue of what exactly is helpful in stimulating arousal in a guy who wants to jerk off on a regular basis. I presume that my readers here have all experienced jerking off while wearing a swim brief. This is the part that gets really interesting. How is it anyway, that the mere act of actually being able to crawl into a swim brief—something that that seems not all linked to a relationship or partner sex—can get a guy so aroused? That is really strange and goofy, or is it? Does the fact that I get turned on this way mean that I am gay and would prefer another guy to a female as a sexual partner? What gives, anyway? If put in the same situation would my peer males have the same “response” to wearing a swim brief? Is this common among guys, or am I the only guy in existence that somehow thinks jerking off in a swim brief might be way fun? What exactly is it about the swim brief that sets me off, arousal wise? It seems crazy, but I also like being in this situation a lot except that I sure hope no one else ever finds out that I have this weird “affliction”?

A fun mind-game is to think back at the first time you actually got your own swim brief. What are the details of your personal experience? Were you a swimmer and this was a requirement for all the team members? Did you ask your parents to buy you one because you “needed” it for school? Did you get to go shopping for your brief on your own? And how did you feel physically and psychologically when all of this was going on? Were you aroused simply by thinking about what was happening? Did you have male peers you knew were “stuck” in the same situation and if so how were they coping?

Now, guys generally don’t get a hard-on every time something touches the penis, and that is fortunate. But by the time a guy turns 14 he already knows that merely wearing clothing covering the groin will not likely get him an instant erection, and guys are thankful for that. Still, by age 14 guys know that their penises are quite sensitive to certain kinds of rubbing or touching. Heck, a successful jerk-off session is all about rubbing all the right places in just the right way. But one could make the case that the same holds true for successful partner sex. There are nerve endings down there, and they are nerves that love being stimulated that way. This is at the heart of who we are as males for goodness sakes.

I’ve thought long and hard about what makes a swim brief so special with regard to sending fun signals to arousal central. I think it’s a combination of things. Penises love being in snug places, but especially snug spaces with slick and smooth walls. And the fabric of a swim brief not only fits snuggly, but is way slick and smooth. Maybe not as snug, slick and smooth as the walls of a vagina, but still a fascinating place to have one’s anatomy inside.

All I know is that I wanted to have a swim brief from the very first time I saw a guy wearing one, but a particular turn-on for me was seeing a guy’s penis outline pointed upward with the underside of his penis pressed firmly against the slick, stretchy pouch cloth. That guy must really be enjoying his situation and I really want to be in the same situation he is in.

Does my fascination with this mean I have a gay side? Would any gay guy be turned on just by seeing a guy wearing a swim brief pointed up like this? Well, swim briefs do seem to play more of a role in the gay world than in the straight world, but I can only guess.

Getting back to the main story here, another question is what was your first experience that happened after you crawled into the swim brief that you got for the very first time. I would have been horny as all get out in that regard and wanting to “try it on” to experience the sensations as soon as I thought I could get some privacy. What I would have really had in mind was to break-in the brief by jerking off in it to ejaculation. Then I would have had to rinse off the ejaculate and allow it to dry. But I would have been thinking that maybe if I got this over with for one time I would be starting to get “used” to the idea of wearing it, and the second time would not be as traumatic (or fun) and so on, so that I could eventually wear the brief without any fear at all of uncontrollably going into an orgasm. Or maybe not. My big question would have been whether the other guys my age were also having to deal with something very similar to what I was going through. Had they known what happened to me, some of my peers may have tried to claim that my ejaculating in the swim brief was clear evidence that I was gay, and that is not something most guys would want to have happen. Dark secrets here.

Jerking off in a swim brief is not something that a guy suddenly loses interest in doing as he enters young adulthood. More generally sex therapists like to say that guys gradually quit jerking off alone so much as they build bonds with sexual partners. If so, this means that jerking off in a swim brief is not something most married guys would ever do because partner sex is both better and more enjoyable. What does a guy do if he still is fond of jerking off in a swim brief after he has established bonds with whoever wants to be a sexual partner? If that partner finds out about the guy’s “affliction” how will the partner cope? The whole subject of solo male sex poses some knotty issues for guys but I presume more so for straight guys with female partners than for gay guys, given that most women are taught that she should be the sole source of sexual pleasure for a guy, and a guy jerking off in a swim brief simply does not compute in that world. For two gay guys, the idea of mutually enjoying a swim brief jerk-off session seems tame as both guys are on the same page sexually.

Still, the question I always have is that there seems to be a lot more sales of swim briefs on line than I see swimmers wearing briefs at the pool or beach. Might it be that many guys buy these simply because they enjoy jerking off in them? Maybe I am not alone in this respect.:)

To be continued…

07-20-2020, 08:00 PM
Here is what I mean by the "Big Picture:" let's assume we are dealing with a straight couple who work out regularly and love wearing micro-wear at the beach (and wear micro-underwear as well). They have a strong and satisfying sex life and marriage, and are faithful to each other. Like other guys, this gentleman began jacking off at an early age, and really likes it. Now, say his wife is out of town for a few days attending a conference in connection with her job. Our guy friend is going to enjoy jacking off while she is gone. And what do you suppose our lady friend is going to do as well with that rather LONG, FIRM "helper" she made sure to pack?:):) Soon, she's back home and they are "together" again. Both enjoyed periods of satisfying masturbation when they could not be together. And there is another good reason for any guy, gay or straight, to be good at jacking off WHEN he has a partner: he can jack off while his partner enjoys watching and shoot several spurts on his partner's boobs (or pecs!) and abs! He can also jack off and shoot several spurts for oral cumshots or facials. So there is a lot to be said for jacking off throughout life!:):)

07-26-2020, 03:13 PM
Part CV

So, human sexuality is this goofy combination of physical sensations having to do with nerves and touch, and the mental/psychological part which frequently but not always has to do with the visual. Once a guy reaches puberty, it takes awhile for all of this to settle in. I’ve sometimes thought that as adults many guys still do not fully understand the complexities of the situation they must now confront.

If I were to watch TV or the movies, I would probably come to the conclusion that sexuality is all about the attraction that two people have for each other, normally on a visual level. Yet there have been movies made which focus on the idea that even blind guys can and do regularly get turned on sexually obviously without visual stimuli of any sort.

Generally the commercial movies end up being focused on relationship sex mostly straight M-F sex but a minor category being movies that contain some aspect of gay M-M or F-F partner sex. This latter category generally is treated not as would otherwise could be major commercial releases but as something generically called “art” films, and a subcategory designed to appeal to people who are not, you know, straight. This is a relic of the old days when it was generally believed by the public that gays somehow had something “wrong” with them. But then apparently the movie market says that relationship movies that make lots of money need to feature people who are having sex with a partner of the other sex and whatever else there is has yet to be fully sorted out.

Another interesting aspect of all of this is how the porn sites subdivide and categorize videos. Apparently a lot of people want to watch heterosexual couples engaging in penis-vagina sex with nothing left to the imagination about what part fits where, and this becomes a giant straight category.

Then there is another big category of videos that feature a guy having some form of sex (usually oral or anal) with another guy. And this becomes a portion of a giant “gay” category of porn videos.

But there are other videos—solo sex videos—in which, at least on the male side, is revealed how a guy might engage in doing himself to orgasm (or just get really turned on) without a sexual partner. Oddly enough, all these videos get tossed into the gay sex pile apparently as if the only guys who masturbate are, in fact, gay.

Of course, this is a patently false assumption. I do not doubt that there are some gay guys who would be interested in this whole subject matter of how to engage in solo sex, but, oddly enough a pile of straight guys might be more than a little interested as well.

Think about this. As a young teen I was learning the nuances of who I was as a guy and I seemed to uncover a new way to enjoy my own body nearly every day. This all would have been great fun had I not been so worried and apprehensive about what I was doing by, to and with myself. And everything I was learning was a dark secret not to be revealed to anyone.

Of course I had male peer friends. But the last thing I would have ever have done would have been to get up the nerve to ask one of them if he was having the same “problem” as I am having and surely not quizzing him about what he was doing specifically to deal with the ongoing situation. A worst-case scenario would have been for the guy to come back at me and say he had none of this problem I had described, why am I asking such silly questions. Worse, he might respond by saying that engaging in such solo activities was something real guys (as in guys interested in females, sexually) would never do that. Further, if I liked doing that to myself that was a sign that I was actually gay at least in part. Real guys were female-focused for all their turn-on activities.

I would have been devastated had that happened and certainly I did not want to even begin to verbalize my thoughts on the subject. I would argue that growing up the vast majority of guys exist in the place I was in, never learning more from others than I did. The vast majority of guys never get to the point where they even talk openly about such questions for the reasons I have cited, let alone get involved in a circle jerk or other overt sexual activity with one or more male peers. And they enter adulthood, marriage and all the rest still being stumped by what exactly was going on down there when they were teenagers.

Then there are the physical aspects of it all. Growing up I quickly discovered that it was fun to wear snug-fitting clothing, items such as underwear, swimwear, snug-fitting jeans. I was relying on peer observation. I noticed that other guys my age seemed to like some of the same clothing items I did—cousins who wore tight jeans and wore swim briefs to bed, for example. The mystery always was whether they were doing this because these items tended to arouse them as well, or did they wear these items simply because that was the popular style of the day. I would have never dared ask this question openly, just observe, and to this day I still have no idea what the answer might have been had I ever dared ask the question. It was just something guys did not want to talk about with anyone.

So fast forward to adulthood. A lot of guys grew up in a system that probably was no more open about such issues than the guys were when I was growing up. If any adult male is OK with getting into the “gay” section of the porn video sites, many of the questions you might have had with respect to whether or not what you did by yourself as a young teen was normal or not can probably be answered, and you might just uncover some fun new ways to masturbate that had not occurred to you before. Some guys are quite creative in this regard, and may be able to teach you a thing or two with regard to how to do techniques for messing with your own body down there.

Of course, you may not want to do this because you believe what you were told by peers when you were 14 that masturbation was something only gay guys were interested in doing and that if you like it that much then surely deep down you must be gay. If you believe that, I am not going to try and help you. On the other hand…

To be continued…

08-13-2020, 07:42 PM
Part CVI

Like many of my readers I am sure, I have time that I use better when writing on a variety of topics. The other “problem that I have being here is that somehow my mind drifts toward thinking about how I can use the free time to pleasure myself. Nothing remotely dangerous of course, and nothing even involving a sexual partner. Just me here, sitting alone, thinking up ways to make myself happy. My overall happiness almost always entails creating some neat sensations down there. When I was younger—much younger—I was at least a little bit embarrassed that I was having these thoughts—thinking about ways to make my private parts do stuff that would make me feel good in my head. One of the loopy aspects of all of this is that most people seem to think it is OK to feel good in your groin area if you are in a relationship with a partner, but if you are alone, this means that if you start to figure out ways to pleasure yourself sexually you are somehow doing stuff that you somehow “should not be doing.” Culturally, there still exist strong forces that say male self-pleasuring is something that should never be done—a definite no-no. Never mind that every guy engages in it and I am not even sure if some guys more than others.

Over the decades I have managed to build a large collection of items that I like to use when I am feeling like I am feeling right now. None of these items are dangerous though a few some might see as silly. I have a very large collection of swimming briefs and thongs, jock straps some with cups and some without, compression gear, running tights, and really snug fitting compression tees and blue jeans. Plus some one-of-a-kind items I won’t go into explaining here. And of course I have always been a big fan of tighty whitey and even thong underwear, so I have plenty of those as well. As a single guy living alone who thoroughly enjoys pleasuring myself, it has been great fun to have such a collection. I keep finding different ways to have fun and I have not run out of ideas.

Today I am doing some layering. I have long thought layering garments over other garments was a fascinating way to stimulate myself, with more fun happening as the fit gets snugger and the layers increase. I would recommend this approach to any guy who wants to determine exactly where his psychological and physical limits in this regard are. Young guys tend to be very wary of getting into a situation where they might go off in an unreasonable time or place, and many are so anxious that they avoid wearing any clothing that could accidentally get a guy in that situation.

As I grew older I discovered that I had attained somewhat more ejaculatory control than I had as a teenager, and wearing clothing in public that made me feel horny was no longer something that I needed to be that concerned about. The net impact was that I started wearing snugger and tighter fits as daily wear though gradually getting tighter and tighter. Some guys seem to think that the only fun part of being horny is getting to the ejaculation part, but that is not true. It is the trip not the destination—the path a guy takes from the moment he says to himself that “I feel horny” that is the really enjoyable experience. The ejaculation part—however much mind-blowing fun—is merely the cherry on the top of the bowl of ice cream. It is the journey that got you there that is the really important part.

So, I am doing some layering today. I start with a little thong underwear—the kind I like are the once where the pouch holds my penis and balls securely and the rear that cinches up really snug between my glutes.

Over the thong goes an old school jock strap, and today it is one without a hard plastic cup.

Over that goes an old pair of black Bollinger compression shorts that fit really really tight. And a black compression tee on top.

I bought some really neat ultra-snug-fitting blue jeans from Hollister around Christmas time and I have not had a chance to wear them to go anywhere. Made of stretch denim size 30W x 30I, these get pulled up over all the other layers and fit through my thighs and calves like a second skin. I think they look great as well. This is the same size I wore when I was 19, but I fill them out a lot better now.

I am now feeling, well, both cheerful and horny as I write this all down. I like how I am feeling very much and I am most anxious to soon get on one of my stationary rowing machines for a half hour more today. Clad this way I know the time on the machine will pass quickly and I love how that thong cinches up between my glutes with every stroke of the machine.


08-18-2020, 06:55 PM
Guys have always had something of a love-hate relationship with their cups. The whole idea of wearing a hard cup as part of a guy’s protective gear for participating in certain sports—football, baseball, Karate—d oes not come easy for most guys. Another basic problem is that more often then not guys are often first confronted with the idea of wearing a cup at about the same time they are confronted with all sorts of other things happening down there—things that they have had little experience with trying to control effectively. Everything that happens down there seems new and strange, with the whole idea of the situation somehow being exciting and, at some level wonderful being only an afterthought.

Any “normal” guy is quite sensitive to any situation where he thinks there is a possibility that his penis will be touched in some new or unexpected way. Loose-fitting shorts present less of a problem in this regard than snug-fitting shorts. In swimming, jammers somehow are usually less of a problem than a swim brief might be. But anything that fits snug in the groin and around the penis is a potential “cause” for concern.

Too, every guy at some point believes that he is the only one among his male friends that has this problem, and that he somehow has an issue because he gets hard (or at least semi-hard) when confronted with whatever clothing situation he is facing. The other guys like to act as if they have no issue with all of this—and true, there is an “I’ve gotten used to wearing this so Ha Ha you may have an issue but I surely do not.” The thought that there are other guys who can “tolerate” wearing nearly anything down there no matter the fit is not reassuring.

Hard cups designed for use with athletic supporters, as well as the traditional rubberized athletic supporters have been around for a long time. But over the years manufacturers have made a number of changes designed to make the cups more “comfortable” to wear. The question here is what specifically are we now referring to when a discussion of a hard cup designed to secure and protect a guy’s penis is the issue at hand.

Part of this relates more generally to a guy’s anatomy and the fact that males have male organs that are largely separate from the rest of the male body and for various reasons these are constructed in such a way to be at least somewhat out in the open air. But then if a guy wants to participate in an athletic sport it is probably best to tie everything down somewhat and for the male organs to not go flopping around every which way when the guy is merely actively engaged in the sport. One of the functions of a swim brief is to secure a guy’s male body parts so they aren’t flopping around back and forth with every swim stroke. In short, a snug fit makes a whole lot of sense when swimming on for a variety of reasons. There are other styles—jammers, square cuts—that could also secure the male body for swimming as well, but to do so the fit would need to be as snug as the brief. No loose-fitting shorts would work at all without at minimum having a lining mimicking a swim brief, and then there are other issues if the goal is to be able to move quickly through the water.

Up until about 25 years ago, the vast majority of athletic supporters and cups designed for sports like football and baseball were all made in a similar way. The traditional supporter was made of rubberized elastic material with a waist band typically 2 ½-or 3-inches wide, leg straps but zero coverage in the rear, The cups all fit the same way and looked pretty much the same. The design was made to just barely have enough room to contain a flaccid penis (there were sizes as SM, MED and LRG). Getting your first cup and strap was a male “rite of passage” so to speak. The cup size varied with the waist size. This was a bit odd in part because there is no particular reason why a guy’s waist size and his penis size should be linked. Some guys with big penises have slim waists and some guys with big waists have small penises. But the manufacturers somehow assumed that the guys with the bigger waists must be older and this have bigger penises as well!

The cups were really interesting too. Assuming you were not wearing a strap with an waist too large for you, the cup would press firmly against your groin. And the cup was flat and had just enough room to contain your flaccid penis. The very logical question any guy would have is what would happen if he started to get erect while in the strap and cup. Turns out, this could be stressful, annoying, perhaps a trifle painful or maybe just a bit of fun as well. The cups were designed to keep the guy’s penis “firmly” in one place. With a bit of a hard-on, the guy would see if he could surreptitiously “adjust” the cup in an effort to find a more comfortable spot for his penis to be, but adjusting the cup from the outside usually tended to make the situation worse not better. The guy’s penis would say “I like that” and respond by getting harder not softer only making matters that much worse not better.

So then the “Banana” cup (a trade name) appeared. This was and is a bigger cup with lots more room for a guy’s penis to flop around some inside the cup even if semi-erect. My problem with that is generally I am not sure it is a great idea for a guy’s penis to be flopping around inside a hard cup with every move in a sport. The idea that in sport, a guy’s penis is firmly pinned down in one place still makes a lot of sense to me.

Traditional jock straps and cups are seldom worn for team sports any more. There are on-line companies that sell them though the most important manufacturer, Bike, has ceased operations, and old Bike straps in great condition now fetch a premium price on Ebay. Sport now is largely done employing compression shorts instead of a traditional strap—shorts with a pocket to hold a banana-style cup. The traditional straps and cups that are being sold nowadays primarily go to the guys who like to use them for “recreational” purposes that do not include engagement in a team sport of some sort. On occasion I have worn a strap and cup when doing yard work.

To be continued…

08-20-2020, 01:43 PM
I’m fully strapped and cupped this morning. I’m going out to do a little yard work before the temperature gets too high. I found a little “Riddell” strap with a pouch that holds a cup. The cup today I would describe as a “mini-banana” cup. I think it’s actually a boy’s cup that is shaped like a much smaller version of an adult-sized cup. My penis has a bit of room but not enough to flop around. There is a steady, neat pressure than does not abate on the sides and top of my penis. It’s a neat but subtle sensation, and one I will have to cope with as I do my work.

If I try to touch my penis all I can feel is the hard cup. But oddly enough that still feels neat this morning.
Underneath the strap I have a pair of way undersized tighty whiteys which adds to the fun. Over everything a pair of Tesla compression shorts, and over that a lightweight pair of sweatpants.

I am all set for my yard work. I will likely ooze a bit while I am working but I am always good with that.

Some of you reading this may have never strapped and cupped yourself, and for others, it may have been a long time. This is safe, neat fun. I highly recommend doing so. You might find that you enjoy yourself too and especially like being strapped in for doing normal outdoor work. I certainly do. The experiments are very worthwhile and enjoyable.

09-24-2020, 02:14 PM

I have grown very fond of edging employing a $15 penis pump from eBay, and have come to believe that getting into and using one of these is just another male “rite of passage” that goes right alongside other male rites of passage such as crawling into your first swim brief, your first jock strap or your first thong. In each of these instances, a lot of males initially seem to be more than a little apprehensive with respect to what might happen to them “down there”, and whether or not psychologically they could deal or cope with what could happen to them.

Therefore, once a guy gets up his nerve to any one of these, in general he wants a degree of privacy to make certain that nothing embarrassing happens that he has to somehow explain or get teased about.

I clearly remember how I tried to deal with the experience of getting into my first swim brief. I was quite apprehensive, to say the least—actually climbing the walls psychologically. I realize that some of that was fear of the unknown, and my penis was simply dealing with the psychological turmoil I was facing. Psychologically scary but really terrific fun at the same time. My penis was sending sensations to my brain I had never felt before (so to speak).

I did not participate in any sports in high school where a strap was mandatory gear. But I was always very curious as to how the guys who got to wear straps (I saw that as being a major benefit to being an athlete) felt wearing them, so the first thing I did after I got out away from my family was to go out and buy myself a strap. Same deal as the swim brief. I was scared but still loving the fit and feel. Soon I was building a collection of straps. I got hooked on the ones that had hard cups that pressed firmly with constant pressure on my sensitive areas. I started wearing a strap and cup even under jeans when doing yard work, and my collection kept growing year-by-year.

Men’s thong underwear did not really come to the US until the late 1980s but when I saw them in the stores I knew I wanted to try them. Same deal, exactly, but I was much older then. I quickly discovered that the area between my glutes was, well, psychologically interesting, and a great way to generate interesting sensations was with a thong that had a back consisting only of an elastic cord that easily cinched up snug between the glutes. As I walked I could feel the cord brushing between my glutes with every step and I was soon, almost instantly, feeling horny. It helped that my penis was encased in a snug pouch too. I started thinking up fun combinations employing thongs with a strap and cup over. I enjoyed myself tremendously, edging my way through the day (and also often, the night).

So, I was serious when I started reading about the use of vacuum penis pumps, sometimes called VED devices as a means of improving erectile function after RP surgery (which I had 6 years earlier) but also as a safe means of maintaining and improving penis health (the blood vessels in the penis atrophy if not regularly engorged with blood). So the urologists are suggesting the use of a VED device as a safe way for anyone who wants to improve their ability to get and maintain an erection with those who have had prostate surgery simply being one category.

I started thinking about “old times"--the fun I had getting into my first swim brief, my first strap, my first cup, my first thong, and some of the grand old feelings of incredible terror mixed with delicious fun came back to me. Getting into the pump was going to be, well, interesting. I ended up going on eBay to discover literally hundreds of vendors selling VED devices without any indication as to them being a medical device but merely a sex toy of sorts, and for the same reason I knew I had to have a swim brief, a strap or a thong, the VED was just another male rite-of-passage, I went on a couple porn sites and found 19 y/o guys enjoying themselves inside VED tubes. Clearly the market for these was drastically bigger than just for guys working on ED issues!

I really like being in such a “predicament” and, as I say, the pure pleasure of getting my first brief, strap or thong was being repeated. The VED device arrived, and of course I was on a psychosexual “high”. I loved the situation I was in. That was in January of 2020.

Since then I have been in a penis pump on a very regular basis—sometimes every night, but sometimes taking a break for a few nights. Taking a break often makes me feel hornier when I do get back in, and I really truly enjoy that.

This is great edging fun. The whole idea is to see how much tension a guy can stand without going into an orgasmic spasm that you cannot control. But the even more interesting situation occurs AFTER you get out of the pump. Lube yourself up with a water based gel lubricant (gel soap works fine) and then see if with manual stimulation you can improve your erection further by applying your fingers to the most sensitive areas. Again the idea is to edge yourself to the very point where you think you might go into an orgasm, but not quite.

So, I was having really great fun last night edging. I love to edge using the penis pump as a starting point. And I decided to not get off at all, but keep adding to the intensity with the thought of maintaining this all night long. So, what did I do? I found one of my old thongs with the elastic cord back and crawled into that. Great fun given the state I am in from having applied the pump and then played with myself afterwards. The cord immediately started giving me some neat sensations.

Then I pulled on a little swim brief—this one my dark navy “Harry Potter swim team“ brief with the gold diagonal slashes across the front right side. This brief is not skimpy, just snug, and holds my penis firmly in the “up” position to be touched and fondled. Then I crawl into bed and (try to) sleep. I fall asleep touching myself and enjoying some really super-neat physical and psychological sensations that begin at the underside of my penis.

I really sleep well in this state, and by morning I am steel feeling quite hard and horny. The entire scheme sustains itself while I am asleep. RP surgery removes the prostate but leaves the Cowpers’ glands intact, meaning that when I am horny I still precum. Of course, when I awaken I want to check if I have pre-cummed during the night. The inside of the thong pouch reveals what happened during the night. A really neat sticky precum stain about the size of a coin half-dollar. I had enjoyed myself the whole night or the sticky stain would not have been so big.

All is well, and I am still feeling horny. I will spent the day wearing an undersized blue jammer and then see what happens tonight. I am enjoying myself in ways I could not have imagined when I was a teen-ager. Getting your first penis pump is not unlike the sequence of events when I got my first swim brief or strap—a neat male rite of passage.

What happens tonight? Will I remain as horny as I am right now? I will see!

10-02-2020, 03:00 PM
Part CIX

Every guy has a preference as to what style and fit of underwear he likes to wear. These preferences do not necessarily remain constant throughout, say a year, but may vary depending on a number of factors. For younger guys at least, maybe older guys as well, a continuing concern is that of “will anyone see me wearing this, and if so, who?” Young guys constantly worry about being teased or worse, if seen wearing underwear in, say a gym locker room, that varies too much from what the other guys are wearing in the same situation. So there is a “herding instinct” that goes on in that guys are interested in figuring out what other guys their age are wearing in order to conform to “the norm” in any situation.

In temperate climates, climates such as where I grew up, the temperatures can vary widely from the summer months to the winter, and a practical consideration is whether or not the weather has turned cold enough to merit wearing say, pair of long johns versus a brief. I presume that guys living in a warmer climate, say Florida or southern California, do not need to be very concerned about all of this at all, and wear pretty much the same cut and style year around.

Then there is the issue of being in a relationship where for whatever reason, a guy knows that his underwear might be seen by the other party in the relationship. Something nicer (more expensive) and maybe even sexier (whatever that is) may be the appropriate choice. This is where the market for underwear costing $25 a pair designer underwear potentially comes into play, not the 3 for $10 (or even 5 for $10) cotton briefs from the discount house.

The other big issue is that what is popular among men as to the go to underwear does not remain forever constant, but changes over time, and some of these changes are quite dramatic.

I grew up as a teenager in the 1960s. Practically every one of my peers wore white cotton briefs with a fly, or maybe occasionally what were called boxer briefs that were the same design but with a slightly longer but still short leg (maybe a 2-inch inseam). The white cotton fly front brief was so popular that in a group of students maybe one in 25 or even one in 50 wore something different. Talk about herding instinct. In the winter, a lot of guys switched over to a white cotton long john that fit snug all the way the thigh and calf so that a guy could pull on jeans over without it being readily apparent that he was wearing long johns. But I presume guys growing up in warmer climates just stayed with their white cotton briefs year around.

The cotton briefs always fit quite snug. The guys were at the age where they were growing rapidly and as a result guys quickly got used to a snug fit. After all the underwear were still in good condition even as they kept fitting a bit snugger and snugger. So guys got “used” to being in briefs that fit quite tight.

Thinking back, this was also a period of time many guys chose to wear swim briefs for regular swimming and related activities. The fit of the briefs was not significantly different from the fit of the combed cotton underwear. Guys had seen all their buds in the cotton briefs anyway, so seeing your buds in a swim brief was nothing that was considered odd at all. Lots of guys did this.

Early in the 1960s, nearly every cotton brief was white, this in part due to the fact that mom washed the briefs with the other white clothes. Had they been dyed there was the problem of how to wash them for fear that the less than colorfast dyes would soak into the other while clothes. Besides, a colored brief was considered by the male tribes to be effeminate. Guy’s briefs were white and always had a fly. Colored briefs and especially colored briefs without flies were “for girls” and the kind of thing a guy in a gym locker room would be teased about. Of course, the swim briefs of the time were both colored and without a fly but that was swimwear not underwear so that was OK. Besides, a guy usually did not wash his swimwear in the washing machine but merely rinsed it out.

By the mid 1960s, manufacturers were starting to experiment with more colorfast dyes for combed cotton, and we started seeing the first combed cotton briefs in color. Still only the truly daring guys were going to be caught wearing these in the gym locker rooms. Now date night---that COULD be another matter. Still, the guy dating a girl did not want her to see anything that would lead her to believe that he was gay in any way, and a colored brief may leave an unintended impression. So I suspect gay not straight guys were often the first to adopt the idea of wearing a colored brief.

By the late 1960s into the early 1970s, there were several interesting developments. First, the briefs were getting briefer, at least some of them. Second, more and more you were seeing colors other than white as dyes became more colorfast. Third, as the briefs became briefer, some of them were starting to be marketed to guys as “fly less” briefs. And fourth, there were some briefs being marketed to men that were made of materials other than cotton—nylon briefs and even stretch nylon briefs made of material that easily could have been used to make (horror of horrors!) a woman’s panty!

Given the male herding instinct with respect to the idea that a white cotton brief was the only appropriate male underwear, all of these developments took time for guys to assimilate. What if a guy showed up in a gym locker room wearing a colored brief that was skimpier than a white cotton brief? And what if the brief lacked a fly? And what if the brief appeared to be made out of a material that was not the usual combed cotton? What do these three “features” say about, err, the guy’s “sexual orientation” for goodness sakes? What is this guy trying to do in picking this style of underwear? Isn’t a fly somehow “proof” that a guy has a penis? How does this underwear style “work” when a guy steps in front of a urinal?

All of these are great unanswered questions that members of the white cotton brief herd must have had. It took time for guys to figure this all out—to adapt to the new trends and styles (styles that many guys believed mist have started among gays and then spread). Many in the herd never adapted to the new trends but some, perhaps those more secure in their sexual orientation, did.

The other fascinating trend in the 1970s was the changes that occurred over the decade in the sizing and fit of swim briefs. The swim brief that Mark Spitz wore in the 1976 Olympics was actually quite large, with maybe 4 or 5 inch wide sides, but the briefs the competitive swimmers all wore kept getting skimpier and skimpier as the decade went on. The Europeans in the international competitions first showed up in briefs with much narrower sides, and then the American swimmers would follow at the next big competition.

All of this was happening even as underwear manufacturers were gearing up for the manufacture of more and more bikini style briefs for men, and increasingly briefs that were made of nylon or other swim brief like stretch materials other than cotton, came in an array of colors not white, and of course, were fly less.

Goodness, if the hunky swimmers in international competition wear this kind of swimwear, why was it not OK for a non-athlete to choose a similar style for his own underwear? The swimwear choice of a world class athlete did not somehow change his sexual orientation from straight to gay, so why would a bikini-style fly less brief worn by a non-athlete do this? The herd pondered the question. Maybe guys should be allowed to select whatever underwear they felt like wearing and not simply adopt whatever the other members of the herd wore. Is it a good idea to tease guys for having the courage to wear underwear not exactly like what the other guys wore? If a guy wants to be an individual in hois underwear choice, what is so wrong about that?

Lots of questions here: Few answers!

To be continued….

10-02-2020, 06:40 PM
Part CX

Several trends dominated men’s underwear in the 1980s. By then the idea that every young guy could only be seen by his peers wearing white cotton briefs (aka tighty whiteys) had gradually faded. The same change happened for older adults. But, if white cotton briefs were not the “go-to” design that guys just wore without thinking about even making a conscious decision, then what was the alternative going to be? This was a puzzle of sorts. Maybe some guys did not like having to think about trying to make a choice. The old system of just buying white cotton briefs at least was simple. likef a guy knew his waist size, he was good to go, so to speak.

Underwear manufacturers were coming up with new cuts, fabrics and colors. The two main trends away from white cotton briefs were going in two completely different directions. One major trend was cotton boxer shorts typically with inseams that went all the way to mid thigh. Somewhat coarse-textured plaid fabric was the favored design, most commonly in various shade of blue, but less often, red.

But the other trend was toward brief designs that broke all the white cotton brief rules.” First, the briefs could be purchased in a variety of colors, often a three-pak or a five-pak each in a different color—maybe somber gray or black but also colors like navy blue, dark red and forest green. And guys might be able to choose whether the rise needed to cover the belly button or not. Lower rises that let the belly button breathe, so to speak were in.

Then as the rise came down the issue became whether the underwear needed to have a fly or not. With low rise underwear it may be just as easy to face the urinal with the penis over the elastic waistband rather than through the slot of the fly. This is an interesting question that has never been totally resolved. But the bottom line is that some guys started buying briefs that were not only colored but lacked a fly. Only a few years earlier such brief fly-less underwear for men would be considered too “girlie” to be a viable choice.

Then there was the problem of the high school student in the gym locker room. Some of the old worries guys had about being teased or bullied in the locker room for their choice of underwear design remained, with the guys at school largly opting for those oversized loose-fitting plaid boxer shorts. Those were the new “safe” choice for guys who worried about getting bullied because they were wearing something too girly/sexy/gay-looking.

The market for the trimmed-down briefs was now really with the guys where were a bit older, in college maybe, and at a point where they were less prone to bullying, if at all. By that time guys usually were more confident with who they were sexually and less prone to thinking that underwear choice and popularity at school were somehow linked. And the underwear manufacturers were ready and waiting.

At this point there were racks of colored brief-style underwear is all sorts of cuts and designs, ranging from something large enough to simply be called a fly less brief. That was followed by what were called bikini briefs with sides maybe an inch wide. Next up was the so called “string bikini” where the sides merely consisted of a narrow elastic waistband with triangular pieces of cloth making up the front and the back and sewn together at the bottom.

Then there were the fabrics, cotton mixed with Lycra® but then, more prominently the polyester/Lycra blend fabrics that were very slick, snug and stretchy. Would such styles and snug-fitting fabrics give me a hard-on, and, if so was that really such a bad thing? Guys have always had a “love-hate” relationship when contemplating situations that could lead to an inadvertent hard on, because this could lead to an embarrassing situation if in a semi-public setting such as a locker room, but even the thoughts about how this could happen were fun :) . Maybe the underwear would be used primarily as sleepwear, well maybe the sleep that “takes a break” every once and awhile. Every guy knows exactly what I am talking about, and if the new underwear sort of helps things along, what is terrible about that? Quite the opposite!

So guys did but these new underwear designs and in large numbers. Whether such underwear got a lot of use as daytime wear may be beside the point. Underwear is more than just for daytime wear. There are other situations where the right pair of underwear could be a valuable “accessory” and guys need not be so prim as to not be able to admit that.

Thong underwear for men did not make it to the US until the late 1980s, though rumor has it that adventurous Europeans were wearing the design earlier than that, Only the daring men in the US were willing to experiment wearing thongs. That is a topic for another day. I am finished for now.

To be continued…

10-03-2020, 03:22 PM
Part CXI

Then the men’s thong underwear! Ahhh, the thongs! In the US, thong underwear for men did not show up in any numbers until the late 1980s. I recall finding my first pair on display in a store in about 1989. On even seeing the packaging I was already hooked on the idea that a thong would be really fun to put on, let alone wear as underwear for any length of time.

The first thong I encountered carried the “Hom brand”. Apparently these had been selling quite well in Europe and there was no reason not to introduce the same thing in the US. I immediately bought 3 pair realizing that if they did not cut it as regular underwear they would still be fun to use for masturbation.

The Hom thongs were really skimpy, with only a ery narrow round elastic cord as a back. I kept saying to myself “these should come with an instructional pamphlet as to how to get into them. I deduced that it was important that the snug pouch contain both my penis and balls, but there was barely room if I were completely flaccid (and in mere seconds I was not anywhere flaccid). How was I to get everything inside if I already had a stiffy? Good question.

But part of the fun was that there was no practical way for a guy to get his penis and balls in the pouch without some significant “manual manipulation”, and this only made matters worse (or maybe better, depending on how you read the situation that you were in). Surely not for the faint-hearted.

Then there were other problems. This much manual manipulation meant I was precumming in small drops of clear viscous fluid, putting stains on the front of the thong, but particularly in the penis-up position, which was the best way to be if my balls were to be completely inside the pouch. But my balls kept falling out and dangling below the thong. That was no good.

I soon discovered that the only way to keep my balls in place was to pull the cord back really snug as soon as they were in position. But this caused other “problems”. I quickly learned about a very sensitive spot on my body, just behind my balls, where a bunch of “sexually active” nerve endings terminate that is called the perineum. And, I discovered that thongs have a bit of a lump or knot right at the point where the pouch attaches to the cord back. Pulling on the cord put upward pressure on that knot and sent the perineum into overdrive. The perineum must be wired directly into the Cowpers. The net effect was that if I was already oozing precum before I was really oozing now. So the perineum is a fun place for any guy to explore by simply trying to get himself into a thong made like this. I suddenly realized that the guys in Europe who had been wearing these designs had discovered a few things a lot of Americans didn’t know about their own bodies.

Then there was the effect of the cord. I had never before really thought of my anal area as being sexually-active but I guess I should have given its proximity to the prostate and the internal part of the penis. So I am being pressed on the perineum and being stroked by an elastic cord while cinched up tight between my glutes. Are these practical daily underwear or simply an elaborate sex toy?

The next big event was when Jockey introduced their thongs about 1990. I bought a few of those too. Instead of the elastic cord they had a narrow elastic band only about a quarter inch wide. If anything they were skimpier and snugger fitting than the Hom brand. Some of them were made of a stretch fabric that actually stretched quite a bit, but only under extreme conditions. This meant that they were even tougher to get into and wear correctly.

Still, over the years, I did actually get to the point where I could wear a Jockey thong as underwear when I went out. There were all cotton versions as well as the “meaner but more fun to wear” stretch fabric versions. I owned some of both.

Like I say, I got hooked doing this many years ago and still enjoy messing with myself this way a lot. On occasion I will wear a thong as sleepwear only to discover that by morning it still has multiple precum stains. I suspect a lot of guys would terrified to do this, but it is really great fun. You might learn stuff about how your body reacts that you never knew before.

My Hom thongs deteriorated many years ago, but interestingly the original Jockey ones, many of them at least are still in reasonably good shape, particularly for a stretch fabric now about 30 years old.

I found one of them this morning—one of the “meaner,” stretch fabric versions—and crawled into it. Just as in olden days my balls kept falling out of the pouch and I had to keep tugging at the back. It did not take long for me to start oozing again. (See photo) This is still a great way for a guy to enjoy himself. Sadly, Jockey quit making this particular design some decades ago and I have yet to find a currently available thong that is quite as much sheer fun to wear.

To be continued…

10-05-2020, 02:08 PM

As the 1990s continued onward, it was becoming clear that guys young and old were moving more and more away from the traditional white cotton briefs that were nearly a uniform for guys of any age a decade or two before. Teen guys more and more seemed to favor the loose-fitting plaid boxer shorts with inseams that went to mid thigh and the go-to style that would not lead to any teasing and bullying in the gym locker room. Jeans were loose-fitting then as well which meant that the bulky styles posed no barrier to getting dressed in jeans.

Most interestingly, the shift to loose-fitting boxer shorts and away from brief-style underwear coincided almost exactly with the period in which guys no longer wanted to be seen in brief-style swimwear, even the guys who were involved in team swimming were looking to wear something that covered their thighs when at the pool. And jammers started reigning at the pool.

But guys where weren’t in swimming competition opted for loose fitting board shorts that extended to the knee or nearly so. They did not want to be seen in anything that fit snugger like a jammer did. A sloppy look ruled the day.

Meanwhile, back at the underwear racks, another interesting trend was underway. To get a measure of what the adult males were increasingly wearing it is good to walk the men’s underwear aisles at what were the then three big discount stores in the US. That is where most guys shopped for the underwear they would be using for daily wear. There were still lots of cotton briefs not only in white but in various somber tones such as grey, black and navy, as well as boxer-briefs in cotton that were made like a brief in the same cotton but with longer legs, maybe a 2-inch inseam. And of course plenty of the loose-fitting plaid boxer shorts so popular with the teen males who wanted to make sure they conformed to what the other guys their age were wearing.

But each of the discount houses had their own separate racks of proprietary store-brand briefs. These were unlike the white cotton briefs in that the material was smoother and came in either a cotton-Lycra blend or a still smoother polyester-Lycra blend. The designs all came in both materials. Apparently some guys preferred the absorbency of the stretchy cotton blend while other guys obviously preferred the slick feel of the polyester-Lycra blend. Some of the latter were very similar to a swim brief. For guys who thought it neat or fun to see what they would look like in a colorful Speedo® this was an opportunity to find out while maintaining the “image” that this was still just underwear.

Each of the three big discount stores had their own proprietary brands. Walmart had cut this deal with Jockey for them to supply discount underwear under the “Life” brand while still keeping the upscale Jockey brand for the department stores. Meanwhile, Kmart was having success with their store brand underwear under the trade name Joe Boxer. And Target’s store brand was “Merona”.

The racks of designer discount underwear at the three discount houses were very similar. Guys could choose between a brief with a higher rise (though still lower rise than a standard tighty whitey) in an assortment of colors and either in the cotton/Lycra blend or the Polyester blend. The cotton-blend fabric was sometimes available with a fly but generally not for the stretch polyesters. Sides on this style of brief probably averaged about 2 inches.

Next in terms of fit was what was called the bikini brief, typically with sides of ¾ inch to 1 inch. Again, same choice of fabrics, but bikini briefs had no fly. Given the low rise the guy could just pop himself over the waistband when at the urinal, or at least that was the theory.

Next down was what they called the string bikini. But the string was simply a narrow band of elastic maybe ¾ to ½ inch wide not a string or cord.

Then finally there were the thongs, typically not as “mean” as the real Jockey thongs were. They were made from cotton/Lycra blends or sometimes stretch polyester/Lycra, and typically the back was a wider band of fabric covering elastic maybe ½ to ¾ inches wide. I guess the idea was that guys who were apprehensive about having an elastic cord or narrow band cutting between their glutes would be more willing to try the style if the back merely covered that area rather than cut into it.

As guys get into their teen years, increasingly they are permitted to pick out their own clothing items at least within reason. Parents often put bounds based on practicality. So guys realize that a package of briefs, boxer briefs or loose fitting boxer shorts would immediately would meet the parent’s approval, as being both practical daily wear and easy to launder.

But the stuff on the racks I describe was another matter entirely. Is this stuff practical for daily wear, even one of the brightly colored briefs or bikini briefs? And does underwear without a fly make sense for a guy at all? And do these get laundered with the other white underwear? This is the likely parent disapproval set of issues.

Complicating all of this the guy is trying to gauge if he really wants to be seen wearing something like this in the gym locker room in the presence of his male buds. For that matter, is this something a guy could wear when on a date with a girl his age? These are complicated questions that have no easy answers.

Still, in the back of the minds of guys, at least a lot of guys, they are seeking a few pair of underwear specifically for the purpose of being fun to mess around in aka masturbation. For some guys wearing something snug and skimpy, this could easily lead to, well, you know. But that too is kind of a problem, because if every time a guy crawls into one of his selections he starts to get an instant woodie, that could mean that such underwear is not practical for daily wear at all.

For a host of different reasons, I am thinking that the underwear on these racks, from the skimpy colored fly-front briefs, the bikini briefs, the string bikinis and the thongs were mainly marketed to guys who were out on their own, maybe in college, and not living at home with their parents. Being out on your own often gives guys new opportunities to just kick back and enjoy themselves in special ways that were difficult when the guy was living at home. And the guy is doing his own laundry so a cum-stained pair is no problem at all to take care of.

But these racks have all disappeared from the discount houses. The market must have largely disappeared as well. Kmart no longer exists with any more than a few stores at most, but they kept selling Joe Boxer cotton thongs and bikini briefs nearly to the end. Walmart and Target quit a selling thongs decade or more ago. I checked all three Web sites and merely finding a men’s bikini brief of any sort is difficult. What remains are an occasional cotton one—not too skimpy, but not much else. Walmart is still selling a few pieces of “Jockey Life” branded underwear. I saw nothing at Target under the Merona brand tho I have not checked any physical stores lately.

In the last two decades what guys buy for underwear has changed a lot. Maybe guys rely on Amazon or eBay for the skimpy styles any more to the extent that demand exists. The current thing appears to be underwear that provides the look and feel of athletic compression shorts.

To be continued….

10-06-2020, 02:59 PM

Then by the end of the 1990s, things had changed drastically. It is always amazing to consider how college and professional athletes influence clothing designs for other guys, but that is something that has long gone on. Most interesting to me is the impact on what guys wear and do not wear as undergarments, not only when participating in an active sport, but how many of the same ideas spill over into non-athletic wear for school, work and leisure.

The late 1990s started the era of compression gear for athletes that had only been a minor part of sport prior to that. The Under Armor company was founded with very limited capital by a 24-year old ex-University of Maryland Fullback Kevin Plank who disliked how the cotton tee shirts he was wearing under his jersey seemed to retain water from sweat rather than quickly dry out, and so he started by making a compression poly-stretch fabric tee shirt that he discovered had a natural wicking action and quickly dried. He soon had contracts to supply compression tees for a number of college teams and this was quickly followed by compression pants.

Wikipedia explains all of this in a lot of detail here.


College and professional football players generally must wear straps and cups, but in an era when (sometimes female) reporters are allowed locker room access, there is a modesty issue here should the camera see something inappropriate for TV, so players by regulation are required to wear something OVER the strap and cup but UNDER the football pants. I suppose and ordinary brief would do, but wouldn’t a pair of compression shorts work a lot better,
and then for cold weather, instead of showing bare skin below the knee, why not simply go with a pair of compression tights that extend to the ankle?

Guys took notice. The players wore compression tees under the jersey, ones with long sleeves in colder weather, and compression shorts or tights under the football pants and hiding the strap and cup.

Meanwhile, over in professional and college basketball, played indoors, the athletes began wearing (usually white) short sleeved compression tees as the first layer before the sleeveless team jersey went on, and, guess what? Compression shorts (again usually white) with legs that extended near the knee were peeking out from under the team shorts.

If these items made sense for serious athletes, why not also for more casual active wear for non-athletes. Besides a lot of guys have always had this closely-guarded secret “thing” for finding an “excuse” to wear skin-tight compression gear. I can think of any number of reasons why guys might feel this way, and, the perfect excuse when with your buddies (or even trying to come up with a motivation that would seem rational to your parents)—I am just wearing what the big athletes are wearing.

Starting around the year 2000, sales of snug-fitting compression gear at Under Armor soared, and companies like Nike and Adidas had to come up with their own versions of much the same thing. It soon became a compression gear free-for-all. The guys who had always simply wanted to find out how it would feel to wear such skin-tight gear could now freely do so without having to dream up elaborate explanations for their parents and buddies. How does it feel to get a hard-on in this type of skin-tight gear? That was now a realistic empirical experiment that could be conducted.

Compression pants come in a variety of lengths, with the most popular being the length that stops about mid thigh. The look had become so popular that underwear manufacturers started to take notice. Why not stretch underwear of a cotton/Lycra or even polyester/Lycra blend with a similar fit but for daily wear under street clothes. And the tees—obviously loose-fitting tees should be replaced with cotton or poly/Lycra-blend fabrics that fit close to the body, like the athletes wore.

So underwear styled like athletic compression gear almost overnight took over a major share of the entire market. Gone or nearly gone were the tighty whiteys, the colored briefs, bikini briefs, string bikinis and thongs, not to mention a lot of the loose-fitting plaid boxers. Instead, there was now a bunch of underwear with the same fit and coverage as the compression shorts worn by athletes. This was a strange turn of events for sure.

The one remaining issue was whether this underwear should have a fly or not. Versions without a fly COULD be worn as an outer garment, but generally if there was a fly in the design that meant that the garment was intended always be worn under another garment.

For that matter, some compression shorts have a fly but others do not. I assume that I should pull a loose-fitting pair of shorts OVER the ones with a fly, but it is OK to wear the ones without a fly as an outer garment. I assume other guys view this likewise.

To be continued…

11-27-2020, 02:22 PM
Enjoying yourself: A short guide

For a lot of guys, the idea of having sexual feelings is so intertwined with being in a sexual relationship with another person that it is difficult to separate the two. But partner relationships involving sex quickly get very complicated, at least for most guys and invariably the sexual sensations and feelings parts get meshed together with all sorts of complicated stuff that has nothing to do with sex. On occasion, guys have been known to ask questions with regard to if it is possible to just kick back and enjoy ones’ own male body without getting bogged down in dealing with all of the other stuff a sexual partner invariably brings into the mix.

Every guy loves to masturbate, a fondness that began in early adolescence if not before. By the time a guy enters young adulthood most guys have probably discovered ways of improving the experience that they didn’t know about as young teens. A lot of these methods may involve snug-fitting items of clothing in some ways. And for this I am offering a short guide that I might prove helpful, particularly for guys who do not want to deal with a complicated sexual relationship with another person.

Swim Briefs

The snug-fitting swim brief is the “classic” garment for adding to the masturbation experience. From a very early age every guy quickly learns that anything that fits snuggly in the groin area can really feel interesting and good, and not long thereafter discovers that it is neat to be able to recreate these sensations whenever you want.

What is it about a swim brief then that makes wearing one so much fun? I think it is a combination of two ideas, first a garment that fits very snug, and second a garment that is made of a material that is not only stretchy but fits very slick and smooth. These two in combination often will drive a guy bonkers.

So, there are few guys in this world who do not long to at least be able to find out how he will feel wearing a snug-fitting, slick-and-smooth swim brief, but for a variety of reasons some guys have never dared to actually obtain one. The fear that others (parents, peers, college roommates) will discover what they are really doing with the swim brief and why they have it on even if they are not planning on swimming and this is a potential source of embarrassment.

But there are ways of working around this, wearing the brief under jeans as if it were an underwear brief, for example, or under sleep pants in bed. I say, if this is something you have always wanted top do, go for it. Life is too short to miss out on this. I recommend the “penis up” position which will give you a nice “kick” just walking around while wearing the brief. And two or three briefs of different sizes is even more fun. This is part of the “not to be missed: stuff every male needs to experience.

The jock strap

When I was growing up, getting involved in any sort of athletic endeavor that required participants wear a strap was something of a male “rite of passage”. The old-school jock straps consisting of a rubberized pouch, two leg straps and a 3 inch wide elastic waist band and leaving your butt completely bare was a wild and crazy thing. Any guy would have to be brain-dead to not realize that just getting ones male parts into such a garment was going to be a “stimulating” experience.

The old-school straps are tougher to find nowadays, but they still can be found at least on line. The hard protective cups provide another interesting component to the overall male experience. Again I would say that every guy needs to own at least one strap even if the only use is for male “self abuse”. Several straps, some cupped and others not, are better. This can get very habit-forming too.

Male Thongs

Thongs for guys, either as underwear or as swimwear, did not really enter the US until the 1980s. Then for awhile they were everywhere with all the major underwear and swimwear manufacturers making them. But in recent years, you seldom see these any more in store, but many designed to be worn as revealing swimwear or as underwear on line.

A properly fitting and sized thong will teach a guy some important things about sensitive and sexually-active body parts he may not have known existed. The obvious one is from the thong back that cuts between the glutes and brushes against the anal area that interestingly turns out to be sexually active.

Even more interesting is that not only does getting into a thong pouch provide some of the same experiences as getting into a strap ouch, but the back of the thong attaches to the pouch with a knot of heavy sewing, putting upward pressure on the perineum. This is great fun and highly enjoyable. It should immediately send almost any guy to “precum heaven” and he will start to ooze juice almost immediately. Again, a male experience not to be missed, for precum heaven is a wonderful place.

Compression Gear.

My forth option is compression gear, shirts long and short sleeved along with jammer style shorts or longer, ¾ or full snug-fitting running tights. Wear this gear in combination with any of the other three and you should be “off to the races” quite quickly. You will quickly discover how much fun it is to spend an afternoon just steadily oozing precum. The male body is a wonderful design of which I am always in awe.

Maybe that complex sexual relationship was not that important after all. The path to feeling horny is right there in your dresser drawer. You can do all of these things safely, by, to and with yourself!

11-28-2020, 02:46 PM
In this holiday season

One of my favorite stories I wrote in my “What to wear” series was the one in which the two college roommates decided to have some fun with each other by each placing an order for the other of several swim briefs. Each roommate picked out several swim briefs for the other to wear.

The real stunt was not the choice of a particular brand of swim brief, nor style. The whole idea was to choose a single brand and style of swim brief, and then order that same brief in a number of different sizes each in a different color.

The brief should be relatively inexpensive, skimpy but not too skimpy, and available in an assortment of colors and many different styles. In the story, each roommate ordered 4 different briefs. For this purpose the Sporti brief at Swimoutlet® is a good choice, inexpensive and comes in a variety of colors and sizes. There is both the standard brief and the skimpier “Euro” brief. The men’s sizes range from 28-40 inch waist with Youth sizes going smaller still.

The idea is to order four different sizes in four different colors for your bud, and he does the same for you. The largest size should be your normal waist size for a comfortable but not that snug a fit. For me, that would be a W 34. Then the other three briefs would be downsized in increments, say 28, 30 and 32, though aY26 would be interesting as well (maybe skip the 32!).

What specific sizes are ordered for each other depends, well, on the normal waist size of your bud. You would want the largest one to just fit nicely, with the fit being snugger and tighter as the waist size gets smaller.

For guys, the mere THOUGHT of trying on a new swim brief of any size probably induces some reaction “down there”. Both physically and psychologically, trying on any new swim brief irrespective of sizing is an interesting moment in the life of a guy. And doing an on line order will stress a guy out in marvelously interesting and wonderful ways as with each day he contemplates what will transpire once the briefs arrive. Equally interesting is that the bud will be struggling with the same little “problem”. Waiting for the expected packages should keep both guys horny for a week more or less. It is important for both guys to “contain” themselves and not jerk off to ejaculation during the waiting period. Keep the horniness embers “glowing” but resist the urge that may come over you to ejaculate right now. This is quite a fix for a guy to be in, let alone two guys both struggling with the same issue. Precumming, of course is allowed during this period of waiting, not that a guy could somehow will that not to happen.

On the day the briefs arrive, both guys should have worked themselves up to a high degree of enthusiasm for the edging contest that is about to take place. How hard each guy will be as the two packages of swim briefs are opened is anyone’s guess, but they are going to both be glad the wait is over.

As any guy knows, getting into even a normal-sized swim brief with a hard-on is a lot more challenging than doing the same thing flaccid. If both these guys psychologically are where I think they will be, they are already showing nice “semis” just thinking about all of this. The first, biggest brief is still fun, especially in trying to find a way to point a slightly-hard penis without stimulating yourself ‘too much”. Of course if a guy ejaculates getting himself into the biggest brief, he has lost and the contest is therefore over, at least for this time. There is a worthwhile male skill with edging, but like any skill it requires practice to stay on the edge.

Assuming that the guy survived getting into the the first brief in his condition, he now needs to get the brief off without ejaculating, which can be a challenge in itself. Having another guy there with the same “problem” only adds to the difficulty of the task at hand. This magnifies the psychological difficulty for both guys.

But a second, snugger brief, awaits. And the third, and the forth, each one posing a more difficult edging challenge for both guys. The contest ends as soon as one of the guys ejaculates semen, with the guy who ejaculated being the loser.

Once that happens it is best to just stop, leaving the guy who did not ejaculate without cumming. Stick the briefs away in a dresser drawer and try this all again, maybe in a week or so. Will the guys be able to both get into the smaller sizes without ejaculating this time once they have had time to think about what happened the first time? Good question. The answer is obtained by trying this another time, on a day that both the buds are again feeling horny and again have not ejaculated in several days. Part of the fun of doing this is getting yourself in a place where you have not ejaculated in some time and have a strong but still controllable urge to do so.

As I went to bed last night I was thinking about all of this, and feeling horny. I decided to get into a really small 26Y genuine Speedo® I had in my collection with the idea of seeing if I could make it through the night without going into the convulsive-like orgasm. Oddly enough, I fell right to sleep in the tiny briefand slept the whole night through. The black lining of the Speedo shows precum stains quite nicely. When I awoke this AM there were still some nice stains right at where I had positioned my penis tip the night before. I clearly (no pun intended) had a great night but I basically slept right through it. I woke up thinking about the story I was going to write today. Undersized swim briefs can be quite useful in a host of different ways and should be a part of every guy’s wardrobe.

The best to all of you in this weird holiday season. I hope that I have given you some ideas that will make your mood brighter and happier.

12-13-2020, 02:56 PM
Some thoughts for the holiday season

As the holiday season approaches, along with the giving of gifts, I cannot help but think of things that happened to me in years past, often many years past. As many of you are probably well aware by now, I developed a fondness for snug-fitting clothing at a very young age. I loved very much how it looked and felt on my body, and I greatly admired the guys who got to wear such items of clothing.

I quickly discovered that I liked a lot of things. I would rather have some new snug-fitting clothing item than something to play with. Of course, getting a swim brief as a gift had to be on the top of my list. But that was so much wishful thinking. It was the dead of winter. It was 20 below zero F out. No one swam where I lived, and certainly not in the dead of winter. Besides I did not know how to swim.

But somehow, I always managed to compensate. I really liked brief-style underwear, and if a little too small, all the better. And I loved really snug-fitting jeans as well. I liked the look and the feel very much. The mere thought of being able to wear such items often put me in a great masturbation mode a mode that I was very fond of.

Then I got older and moved away from home. And I had my own money and I was free to buy exactly what I wanted. I went straight for the swim briefs. And, of course the snuggest, tightest jeans I could find. And the underwear my parents would have regarded as “way too small.” Each of these items in one way or another got me off. I enjoyed myself in ways I could have only dreamed of before I got out on my own. This was terrific. I was living alone. I could do what I wanted whenever I wanted. Even own a jock strap—or two—or three. I keep wondering if I am the only guy with such an “affliction”. This is not something one dares ask anyone about. All I knew was that I was liking the situation immensely.

Then along came the compression gear, the running tights, the tees. More fun. I could own a wrestling singlet if I wanted. I bought a rowing machine. I needed gear to wear while rowing. A hot tub too! A perfect “excuse” to own an entire “wardrobe” of Speedos.

But the holidays still come around every year, and I still am having these thoughts every year about what an ideal Christmas present would be if I were 15 years old again. So every year I try and come up with something interesting. My Speedo collection is huge. My jock strap collection is huge. I have quite a few jammers and full-length running tights and compression shirts.

But this past year I have really been enjoying my Tesla tights. They have become my daily wear still living alone and in retirement. I have a pair on today. I have been wearing the same pair pretty much steady for a number of months and the pair I have been wearing has been taking a lot of abuse. Amazon beckons. I think I will order another pair or two. How about bright blue, size SM of course? A perfect fit!

I have lots of straps. I really like straps. But I have fewer Singlets. How about a blue one of those as wella color I do not have? I will look and feel so neat rowing and stationary cycling in a bright blue singlet. I put lots of hours on my exercise equipment. I row, cycle and watch TV at the same time. Nothing wrong with feeling just right horny as well.

How about this Singlet

And how about these tights


And this shirt


Stuff that looks and feels great. Gonna be a great holiday. I can feel it already!

12-14-2020, 02:34 PM
Just having some good clean fun

Edging has become very popular with guys in recent years, and if the porn sites are any indication, more and more guys are learning edging techniques they enjoy as opposed to plain old masturbation and plain old sex with a partner. I would like to think that I started building my edging skills long before it became a popular idea with males, and early on I was sharing ideas on the Internet that were quite enjoyable as well as being totally safe to do. At some point I guess I got so good at it that I started to enjoy that activity more than simply having an orgasm. But I also keep adding things to the mix, while still enjoying some of the techniques I first discovered were great fun decades ago.

Last night was terrific fun. I combined some old methods with the new. Let me tell you the details of what I did. Maybe you can try some of this on your own.

My readers know I have a little estim device that I bought for $20 on ebay. This is set up with two AAA batteries in a control device, wiring and some conductive stretchy silicone rings that go around my penis. The device produces a very mild shock from the two little batteries controlled in strength and pattern by the wearer. Mine has just two conductive silicone rings one fits at the base of my penis and the other at the tip or glans area.

If you do not feel horny just reading about this you will after you wear the device for a few minutes. If you are a Speedo fan, one could slip a pair of Speedos on over the wires and let the wires dangle out of the top of the waistband but this is not necessary. My only caution here is that if you play around with this a bit too long, you could easily go into the involuntary muscular contractions of ejaculation. The sensations are very similar to what you would get pressing a vibrator against your penis, and as you probably realize it is possible to go into full ejaculatory mode with a vibrator without having much of a hard-on. So lesson 1 is learning exactly when to stop using the estim device and move on to the next step. You will want to feel horny when you remove the estim but not so horny that you involuntarily go into full ejaculation mode. Finding exactly where this point is for every guy is different but that is the whole idea behind learning edging.

The next step is to insert your penis into a manually-operated penis pump. This works particularly well if you after the estim experience as you already be semi-hard. The really fun part about a penis pump is that it will make you harder and longer with each stroke of the pump, and you get to watch this in great detail. Do not be in a hurry. Go slow and steady and watch all the details of what is happening to your penis. Your penis will not only get longer and bigger around but also get a deeper red color as more blood is drawn in by the vacuum. The standard way of doing this is to have a rubber ring positioned around the base of he pump, and pop that on to the base of your penis from the pump once you are big and hard.

Despite all of this, it is difficult to ejaculate while still inside of the pump Once again, you are edging. Pull the pump off. I have seen guys ejaculate while inside a pump on the porn sites but this is rare.

If you thought you were feeling good after using the estim device, chances are you are feeling really good now. A delicious hard on-with a snug-fitting rubber ring at the base of your penis. The third step is to lube yourself up using shower gel soap (I recommend the Dial® brand in the tall blue container) and engage in some plain old-fashioned masturbation, repeatedly stroking your now quite hard penis from glans to base in repeated well-lubed strokes. What you learned about technique when you were 14 years old now applies here. But remember you are still in edging mode. The tricky part is to take yourself up, then stop before getting to a point where you cannot refrain from going into repetitive muscular contractions of ejaculation.

While I am enjoying myself this way, I am also drawing a tub of warm water. Again, I still want to avoid going into ejaculatory contractions. At some point I stop stroking myself and dive into the tub to cool down a bit and wash the soap off, while removing the rubber penis ring. Coming out of the tub, I am not as big and hard as I was, but still feeling pretty horny.

I’m ready for bed. But nighttime is going to be fun too. I start thinking about some nighttime wear I first enjoyed over thirty years ago, A thong with a narrow elastic band for a back, the kind that cuts deep between my glutes. I find one of my old thongs just like that. In my condition just getting myself into the pouch is going to be a fun challenge. But it is a challenge I am up to and know I will love how I feel once in.

But there is more! Next up I am going to put on a strap with a snug-fitting cup on over the thong. I found an old strap with a cup that fits very snug. This same strap has given me a lot of pleasant sensations over the years. I put that on. It still feels great. That thong back cutting deep between my glutes producing distinct but pleasant sensations. The cup pressing gently but firmly down on my penis that has been through so much tonight already. I am again horny as all get out.

I get to thinking that running tights could substitute for looser fitting sleep pants and I dig out an interesting yellow pair with a sewn-in pouch that fits neatly over the jock have on, pressing down on the cup holding my penis firmly in place. I crawl into those and add Andi low cut socks to my bare feet, and then I simply crawl into bad.

To my surprise I fall asleep almost immediately. After all my body has had quite a workout today and I have greatly enjoyed every minute of it. I wake up at 4 AM and I am still feeling way horny. I start tapping on the jock cup with my fingers and attempt to move it around a bit with the tights still in place. Even a slight movement of the cup sends shivers up my spine. I tug on the thong back, now deeply embedded between my glutes. Every tug feels sensational. I’m still enjoying myself in strange and wonderful ways. I have still not gone into the muscular contractions that are associated with ejaculation.

I fall asleep again. At 6:30 AM I pull off the tights and the cupped strap, still feeling way horny. My body is clearly loving where it has been for the last 10 hours or more. When I say clearly loving it, what I mean is that the inside of the thong pouch has some great clear precum stains on it, still wet. I was precumming in my sleep for sure.

So I get dressed and start thinking about writing this all up to share with you. I write best when I am feeling way horny, and this morning is proof of that. I will likely stay in this condition all day long. Then tonight, I will be ready to go at it again.


12-17-2020, 05:57 PM
Fun, Super fun…

Edging entails taking yourself up to the very edge of going into the really enjoyable muscular contractions of ejaculation, but then backing off just before you get there, cooling down for a bit, and restarting. It is quite enjoyable to learn how to do this over multiple times on a single day and then over several days. Learning exactly when the point is reached where the orgasm becomes involuntary and thus not going over the edge is the tricky part. But expert edgers can go for a number of days, perhaps weeks doing this repeatedly without ejaculating. The mere thought of being able to do this often drives guys bananas in a fun way even as they are enjoying themselves immensely.

If you go over the edge it will take you a day or so to recover, assuming you are a young guy. For us older guys think more like 3-4 days before you get back to feeling really good (horny) again. But, on the plus side, edging is a technique guys will enjoy more and more as they grow older. Getting to the edge of orgasm without going over the edge gradually becomes the best part of being a male. If you are a younger guy, I know you are fixated on having the repeating muscular contractions of a real orgasm but at least think about experimenting with edging. If you are an older guy, maybe some of the edging techniques I employ on a daily basis will be useful and become as important to you as they are to me.

I have already explained that my little estim device and especially my penis pump get a lot of use. Younger guys—guys who need no “assistance” from a device might still find these devices and edging techniques useful as well. Every night I try some new stunts with my penis pump in terms of technique. Pump, stop, remove vacuum, pump again, stop,..etc etc. By the time I get through with running my penis “experiments” I am invariably big, red and hard, but, not at the point where I must immediately ejaculate. I follow this up with some quite enjoyable “old-school” masturbation, using a gel soap as I indicated previously, but I “constrain” myself as I specifically want to feel really good but not to the point where I am in ejaculation mode. That is the point where I jump into the warm water tub to “cool down” a bit. Given all the gel soap I had been using on myself, I emerge from the tub with really clean penis and balls, and though a little shorter now than when I got into the tub, my penis is still a neat rosy red color. AND psychologically I am still feeling way horny and focused. A neat place to be.

What next I am about to crawl into bed but I still want to be able to enjoy myself. I have a large collection of snug-fitting clothing items that I bought for just that purpose. I spot a black 2x(ist) underwear thong I had not worn in some time. I don’t think these are still being made. It has the classic Y-shaped cord back and a back that looks like a thin piece of elastic rope. And I quickly remember that this one fits way snug.

I crawl into the thong and, struggling I get my balls into the pouch along with my still partially engorged penis. It’s way snug and tight in there. But the neat peat is that in order to just get into the thong puts a lot of upward pressure on my perineum, that neat little nerve-filled spot just behind my balls. Hey this feels way good. And just pulling on the top of the “Y” buries the thong back deep between my glutes. It feels like an erotic rope there. I am truly loving it.

But there is more. I now spot a little Club Swim (now Sporti) “Euro brief, also in black, in my favorite 28” waist. These briefs fit but they do not quite cover the top of my crack. No problem, The thong is pushing my penis up and forward and the Club Swim brief is pressing down in the opposite direction. The opposing forces, along with the stimulation from the perineum back of the pouch and the cord between my glutes feels wonderful. The top of the “Y” can be tugged easily as it is above the rear of the swim brief. A place I want to be.

Finally I pull on my bright yellow running tights over the top of everything and crawl into bed. I am always amazed at how quickly I fall asleep given everything that is going on down there but I have a great night’s sleep. OK, on occasion I do wake up and check to see that everything is still in place, which it always is, somehow. I woke up at 6:30 and got out of everything, checking the inside of the thong pouch and noticing a still-moist silver-dollar sized precum stain. I must have precummed the whole night long.

I’m up and about now, and still feeling way horny. The best part is knowing I can do something similar tonight, and tomorrow night, and maybe even the night after that. I do not to have an orgasm if I can keep doing this over and over?

Besides, my writing is better when I am feeling way horny…

All the best to all of you!

12-18-2020, 02:45 PM
Thinking this morning about sex, life and swim briefs

Sometimes I go into a very deep-thinking, contemplative mood. Not quite “Why am I here?” but close to that. I live what can only be described as a solitary lifestyle. I never have cared that much about just hanging out with other people, the activity that most people seem to greatly enjoy. I am fine in situations where I must do this. I do not see myself as either a social nerd or as an outcast. Still, there is something about me that says I am happiest when I am alone, just tapping on my computer as well as engaging in other “activities” that are probably best done in private. In some ways, both mentally and physically, I am perfectly adapted to a covid-style shutdown. Over the years I have discovered all sorts of ways to enjoy myself while living in near-isolation.

The mystery that has always been confusing to me is why so many people seem to live for being in social and often sexual situations with other people. I have found this other way of life where I can be perfectly happy just being myself. Being around other people generally not what makes me happy. I discovered this at a very early age, maybe 12 or 13, when my parents thought I was old enough so that I could stay at home by myself when they went off running errands of various sorts. Of course it did not take me long to learn that these were real points in time for discovering how some interesting parts of my body worked. It wasn’t long before I was masturbating while wearing swimming gear I had in my dresser drawer or even in my underwear I had grown out of. After just a single session I was leaving some big cum-stains on various items of clothing, not to mention my bed sheets, and I was hoping that mom would not notice the interesting starchy yellow cum stains or if she did, she would not say anything to me about how they got there. Mom was great in that regard. At some level I was embarrassed about all of this but I was having so much sheer fun there was no way I could quit.

When I went off to college, I was always interested in figuring out how I was going to be able to continue to masturbate on a frequent basis without creating social issues with a roommate. But I managed to find a single dorm room that was connected to two double rooms with a shared common bath. Perfect! I could close my door and masturbate to my heart’s content and then just act normal around my suitemates without leaving any clues about my deep fondness for having solo sex. I was adapting very well to a lifestyle I enjoyed very much and increasingly developing a fondness for snug-fitting clothing that helped me get off on a frequent basis. I was doing my own laundry as well.

Over 50 years have passed and I still greatly enjoy doing a lot of the same things I enjoyed doing way back then. And in the process I have managed to remain a very happy person without ever getting into a messy sexual relationship with another person. This may seem weird to guys whose entire sexual being is intertwined with the idea of a sexual relationship with another, but from my vantage point the endless chases that guys go into in an effort to find this other person is the weird stuff and my situation is the normal one. It seems to me that a lot of guys are miserable in large measure because they never find what they are looking for. I have ended up assisting other guys going through one or more divorces—too many of them in my mind. I think I am seen as something of an interesting “case” simply because my happiness does not appear to be tied to a relationship. I know a lot of interesting stuff about being a happy guy who remains single and unattached.

As I was getting ready for bed last night I was thinking about all of this. I had just gone through my new nightly routine similar to what I described in the previous chapter and was in the process of picking out items to wear as sleepwear. I read a lot of stuff related to relationship sex problems guys are having with women. There are two tricky parts about male-female sex. First, “real” sex is supposed to result in an orgasm for both partners at the end, and second, ideally both orgasms should occur at about the same time. In particular it is usually the guy who ends up going into an orgasm first and the female orgasm comes later, and if the sex manuals are right, oftentimes for the female not at all. So the female ends up acting like she had an orgasm when in reality she did not end up where she desperately wanted to be. For guys, this is a medical condition called premature ejaculation. Great male lovers have conquered this.

So I am a big fan of edging for guys, though as a solo-sex not partner-sex activity for guys. I dare say that I have gotten very good at “bubbling along” just beneath the level where the involuntary muscle contractions begin. Learning to edge is an interesting way of developing one’s skills in delaying orgasm and thus reducing the instances where premature ejaculation in male-female partner sex occurs. But in relationship sex a guy often gets so focused on the need to ejaculate that the idea of holding off gets lost. Is not a guy more of a man if he ejaculates almost immediately in male-female partner sex? Well, maybe (or perhaps surely) not.

Still, how can a guy realistically practice edging if he is in a relationship situation 24/7 with a sexual partner? Not simple if the partner is female. And I often think that a gay male couple has some advantages here over a male-female couple, in part because the male partner might also find the edging techniques enjoyable to learn as a “together” activity. But, M-F, the situation changes entirely.

So, I keep going along edging (the slang term is getting hot-and-bothered) day-after-day. I have not felt the admittedly wonderful involuntary muscle contractions down there in well over a week. How long can I stand abusing my body this way? Well, much longer than when I was 30. Some 40 years later I fall asleep quickly when I am horny. I pick out something to wear as sleepwear, another thong, another swim brief and really tight running tights. I quickly fall asleep. I do not wake up until about 6 AM. I am still feeling just as horny as I did when I crawled into bed. In this state, ordinary problems and issues that might consume my attention during the day seem not so important at all largely because I am still feeling so good down there. This is amazing. Great fun. It’s almost like being 13 all over again. My body is a wonderful place to be. True, I am isolated and that is actually a great place to be as well. I’m looking forward to another night just like last night. Ejaculation is this momentary burst of intense pleasure, but edging is really where it is at and what I want to keep doing by, to and with myself.


12-20-2020, 02:30 PM
Coping with the urge to ejaculate

As young teens, just after the onset of puberty, guys soon realize that coping with the urge to ejaculate is part of their daily lives of just being guys, and that this will somehow have to be dealt with practically every day. Each guy faces this “task” differently, and, at the same time generally each of us has an inborn curiosity with respect to the issue of whether my peer males about the same age are struggling in the same way and the methods peers are using to cope with the situation.

And, just learning about this as an effort to better understand how our bodies work in this regard can pose a challenge. The issue of individual sexual sensations and urges quickly gets intermingled with the idea of having sexual relations with another person, and, of course, as a young teen that is generally not a practical or workable way of coping.

But there is more! Young male buds talk about lots of stuff, but this entire topic generally is not something that would be discussed except perhaps in the context of being turned on with the prospect of having sex with a female. Everything else is off limits. Most young teens are embarrassed to even bring up the questions that they really would like to know more about even with (maybe even especially not) their own parents, so in really interesting and useful content is really difficult to locate.

The additional complicated issue is the “am I straight or am I gay?”topic/issue that is floating around. And this gets messed together with the “do my male peers masturbate and, if so, do they know something I do not know?” topic. This, in turn, gets intermingled with the “If I enjoy pleasuring myself then does that mean I gay? topic. Combine all three of these and you can quickly see why being a post-puberty male teen can quickly be difficult to navigate. My male friends all talk about being turned on when they are “with” a girl whatever the word “with” might mean. But I am having these other “issues” involving sensations in my body many of which seem to have nothing at all to do with being with a female about my age.

And many of the situations that make me uncomfortable represent times, places and events that are completely unrelated to being with a female. Every guy has vivid memories about interesting, weird and perhaps even scary instances where he ejaculated under circumstances that do not involve a sexual encounter with another person at all. For me, I ejaculated a time or two just riding on a school bus. Somehow the steady vibrations in the school bus making its way down rough gravel roads set me off. Fortunately for me no one saw any evidence of what had happened, and I was able to get off the bus and to my house without detection.

Another time I was just riding along in a car still 30 miles from home and that happened. Once again I escaped detection.

Another time I was older and driving down the interstate at a legal 75 mph. Somehow I was feeling really horny but I was still 30 miles from home. It got to be something of a challenge to see if I could continue to drive down the interstate at 75 mph while ejaculating. I am still here to write about this so this ended fine, and without incident and clearly I could ejaculate in those days at 75 mph with both hands still holding steady on the steering wheel.

Teen males do have access to the Internet and this access could provide some access to answers to questions that are too embarrassing to ask parents or peers. Few teen males have not visited pornhub or other similar sites out of sheer curiosity or as a method to fill in some gaps in their knowledge.

The most curious thing about the porn sites is that the videos showing solo male masturbation are all found under the “gay” sections of the site, as if the only guys who masturbate are those who are at minimum, gay-curious. This reinforces the teen-bullying idea that if a guy is somehow caught jerking off then he should be teased and bullied as being gay. This is sad. Straight guys do it too. Practically all of them. And these guys are also curious as to how other males cope with the situation. And if this is something you cannot discuss with your peers or parents, where else can you then turn?

I have this “weird” view that being a sexually-active male does not mean that you need a partner at all, and that a guy’s sex life can be highly enjoyable no matter what your situation is with respect to a partner, whether male of female. And that solo-sex can also become warm and tender sex. In this regard I find many of the solo sex videos to be just that, A guy along, enjoying himself with the camera rolling and with the guy in the camera hoping that the watchers will enjoy seeing some stuff that ordinarily goes unseen.

But, a lot, (if not most) of the gay male partner videos seem to be anything but warm and sweet. In fact, a lot of them are downright brutal. Is gay sex REALLY that brutal? If I were interested in learning more about how sex works on a daily basis with gay guys, this is a very poor place to gather information. I have been around gay guys enough to realize that for a lot of relationships, sweet and tender is a much better description than brutal. But I guess such calm relationships are not worth filming.

I suppose that if I were to head over to the sections of the site that contains depictions of straight sex, I might find many of those videos to be more brutal and unrealistic with regard to depicting how partner sex normally gets played out between a man and a woman, but again, the Internet is a very unrealistic representation.

As I have indicated many times before, I have had several male friends (all with female wives) who have gone through divorces, and in each case I have tried to remain friends on both sides. I keep thinking that the male partner might at some level “admire” my situation of seemingly remaining sane without ever being in a partnered situation and deep down they are curious as to how I have coped all these years. Still, none of them ever dared ask the really interesting questions (this even as they enter periods of their lives where they may no longer be having partner sex on a regular basis). I can understand why all of this is so confusing for many guys and also why females oftentimes are frequently confused as well

All for now!

02-05-2021, 02:31 PM
Growing old…

As a young person, like a lot of young guys, I likely thought that the sensations that a guy experiences as a teenager would gradually fade into nothing as the years went by—that is, my body over time would gradually adapt to a situation where I was gradually less and less able to have and enjoy sexual sensations as I grew older, and that this was just something that all guys had to cope with, pretty much.

For those of you who have diligently followed my pages, you realize that I have been through a lot over the years, the most drastic being losing my prostate 7 years ago at the age of 66. Many of you also know that I have never been married or been in a sexual relationship with another person, despite my fondness for the sensations the male body is amble to create “down there”. Yet, somehow I still have this goofy idea that I have had a far richer sexual life and gotten more out of it than most (if not all) of my male peers who obviously pursued different paths along the way. Now I know that some of these same guys likely think that I have somehow “missed out” on some of the best that life has to offer in this regard. Perhaps I would say the same thing to them as well. It is probably best not to assume anything about what works or doesn’t work when it comes to male sexuality, because what you think you know might apply to your own situation and work very well, but the whole idea of transferring a thought or an idea with the thought that this could be useful to another guy is fraught with difficulty. Still, I get a kick out of just pressing forward and barging ahead anyway.

Let me say first that over the years I have gotten a huge amount of pleasure from my own body and the sexually charged sensations it is able to create for me over and over. And I never stop finding new techniques that are really fun and only require a degree of privacy to pursue. But no problem there, as I have always lived alone for all but a few short periods of time in my adult life.

One of the first things a guy learns in adolescence is a detailed knowledge of the sensitivity of his penis to simple touching, rubbing or stroking form the base to the glans. Given that a lot of partner sex involves fitting the penis into a snug-fitting cavity (hole, that this should be the case comes as no real surprise. What does come as a surprise, however, is that there are many parts to the male body that are sexually active and that some of these parts are not located on or even that near the penis.

I have long thought about the question “Why do a lot of guys think that the mere act of putting on a men’s (or boy’s) swim brief leads to a degree of sexual excitement centered in the groin area?” Is it the whole idea of having to attempt to stuff your most sensitive body parts into a snug-fitting pouch made of a slick fabric that might feel arousing when pressed against the shaft of your penis? The idea that in so doing a guy may get an erection? The idea that once wearing a brief that others—male peers and females both--might gawk at what could be the outline of your male body parts in covered public view?

What is it, anyway that makes this whole act so psychosexually sensitive for a lot of guys? Why do some guys “collect” swim briefs of various cuts and sizes and make use of them in masturbation? Is this completely “normal” or do guys who do this have some sort of a psychosexual “problem” that needs to be addressed? And, for guys who get sexual enjoyment out of doing these things? Am I the only guy in the world with this “problem”? Or are lots of other guys so afflicted?

The “affliction” I describe CAN be a lot of fun. Guys would not pursue it in large numbers and with such enthusiasm if this were not true. And how does this mesh with the idea of forming a sexual relationship or bond with another person, male or female? Will I have to hide this “idiosyncrasy” from my partner or risk losing my partner? Maybe there is another gay guy out there somewhere who on his own has discovered some of the same things, and we can enjoy our “problem” together. Females not so much!

For most of my adult life I have enjoyed my own body in a bunch of different ways. I developed a routine of sorts that has served me well over the years and kept me quite happy living alone as a single guy. I admit the 2014 prostate surgery was a “shock” to the system, as lots of things did not behave quite as they did before the surgery, But guys in partner relationships complain about this as well. In my case I had no need to coordinate my rehab with another person, but it was still a stretch to convince my urologist that I was at least as concerned about my post-surgical capabilities as any married guy would be.

The bottom line of all of this is that I now have most of what I once thought could be lost forever back. I added a few new things—most notably some penis pumps (better known in the trade as VED devices) and an estim device but these have turned out to be quite pleasant indeed. One way of looking at this is that these devices introduce a couple new ways of engaging in self-pleasuring that I would not have otherwise discovered without the rehabbing after surgery.

Many of my readers know that I an a big fan of men’s thong underwear but primarily for using it as a truncated sleep garment. I have worn them at bedtime for decades. And, I was doing just that last night.

Now I really like the thongs with the ultra-snug pouches—the ones I have to really struggle with to get everything inside. And the ones where the rear cord is so short it crawls between my glutes, tugs on the snug pouch and presses upward on my perineum. The combination of these three sensations makes me horny—really horny.

But last night, before I got into a favorite thong, I began by playing around with my estim device, setting it up with a ring at the base of my penis, and another in the glans area. I can “tolerate” only a little of that, as my goal is not to start going into an orgasm. But these little devices are really fun as a masturbation aid set up that way.

After the estim episode I am ready to put on the VED device. The estim has made me “sexual sensation-focused” and the VED device does its best “work” when I am already feeling, psychologically, well, you know. It only takes a few minutes to pump myself to the point where I am quite large and red.

At this point the VED device comes off, but I am still quite red and hard. Time to coat my penis with some gel soap to make it slick and more fun to touch. That feels really great. I’m loving the sensations I am feeling, and the bright penis color only adds to the fun. I could easily get there but I still do not want to go into muscular contractions of orgasm. Right at the edge I pop into a warm tub of water my penis still quite large and hard. The warm water cools me down psychologically a bit, but I pop out of the tub still with a colorful, oversized penis and dry myself off. The next step is to crawl into the little thong. This won’t be easy because my penis is still rather big, but that just makes the attempt more interesting. I do get myself in, but the consequence is that I am precumming quite a bit. I’m going to crawl into bed wearing my thong, but first I pull on a pair of running tights that have a distinct pouch in front, a pouch that fits around the thong pouch perfectly. I like the erotic feel of the tights too—how they hold my pouch, my thighs and my calves. I quickly fall asleep and occasionally rub and stroke myself down there as I drift off What a great way to fall asleep!

I know some guys are fearful of growing old. Others of you might be fearful of growing old without a sexual partner. But, here in my 70s, I am making the most of it all and enjoying myself immensely at the same time. I sleep soundly through the night and wake up the next morning and there are viscous droplets of neat wet precum ooze on the front of the thong pouch. Everything is fine. I had to have precummed the entire night long. I check my blood pressure. It’s 107/79. What a great night!

02-05-2021, 06:55 PM
Great story, I’ve loved speedos and pouch bikinis tried few thong all get me going! Never tried any cock pumps. I do enjoy a fleshlight and prostate toy solo when not much action, few cock rings. Learned to sound my cock as teen and still have to to keep scar open. But no complaints as seems to stimulate next erection big time! Nice to share what feels good! Peace

03-21-2021, 02:31 PM
Nocturnal Emissions

At puberty, a guy experiences his first real orgasm involving muscular contractions. Perhaps only dry at first, but also often with some semen. In some instances, guys have their first orgasms at nighttime and sometimes while sound asleep, leaving starchy stains on whatever they wore to bed. As a young teen I found these curious but interesting. It was easy enough to explain away what was going on to anyone who noticed the stains as this was something that “just happened” while I was sleeping and not anything that I had any control over, that is, a true nocturnal emission.

Of course, nocturnal emissions and wet dreams are the same thing, pretty much. A guy has a dream with a sexual theme and he suddenly wakes up to discover that he has had an orgasm. Or maybe he wakes up just BEFORE the orgasm takes place but he is both feeling really horny and physically his penis feels rock-hard and supersensitive. It is impossible to ignore the situation and remain in this state for very long, so the guy reaches down there and more or less “helps” things along a bit.

Of course, this orgasm is really powerful and really fun. Now there is a lot more sticky semen as well, not just a small stain or two. Still no one knew the guy was actually awake and playing with himself when he popped his load. To others this is just another nocturnal emission and no one else is the wiser.

Guys quickly become hooked on doing this to, by and with themselves. This should be something that can be enjoyed every night if possible but all the ejaculate creates quite a mess. What to do? Have an orgasm in the shower and hope that doing this daily will quell the nighttime urges and other stuff? The problem is that these nighttime orgasms are really really fun and the ones guys do in the shower tend to be less fun in part because they are accomplished in a hurry. A slow and leisurely pace is better, much better, and a sexy dream only adds to the fun.

By the time a guy reaches college age he has pretty well figured out that the “problem” he is having is common to nearly all of the male students and the big problem with men’s dormitories is that the guys are typically doubled up in a room and the showers might still be down the hall as in many of the older residence halls modeled after military barracks. In short, as a place to masturbate in private the dorm is a not even as good as the situation was when the guy was living with his own family back home. These nightly ejaculation sessions are still way fun and are helpful at alleviating some of the tensions ordinarily associated with being a college student, but the privacy a guy really needs to be happy only happens occasionally (as in “My roommate went home for the weekend but I stayed in the dorm”).

So the guy needs to find a way to get off under the covers without creating an obvious mess. Sleeping in the nude is not helpful and only creates more problems. The loose-fitting boxer shorts that some guys sleep in are also a problem, in part because they do not contain semen very well. In a pair of boxer shorts a good load is still going to go everywhere and if this happens in the early morning hours what went on is going to be most difficult to hide as the stains will still be wet.

Interestingly, a tight-fitting garment such as a swim brief with a double-lined pouch will contain the post-orgasm mess better. Wearing a swim brief to bed might “throw” a college roommate for a bit, but he should get used to seeing you that way. It might take a bit of time for the roommate to adjust to see you wearing a swim brief to bed at night but in that case I would suggest simply pulling over a loose-fitting pair of shorts over the briefs should solve that problem. You are not sleeping in loose-fitting boxer shorts but boxer shorts lined with a swim brief. And you are still set up so that you can rub yourself as the need arises with the boxer shorts still in place. So what if your roommate knows you have a skimpy swim brief on underneath. With luck, your roommate might figure out on his own exactly why you are doing this and then adopt the method himself!

Another trick I learned is to keep a box of facial tissue next to the bed since you might need to “blow your nose” during the night. Then, suppose you are on the verge of having an orgasm at 2 AM. The trick is to quickly grab a couple of the tissues and wrap the head of your penis like a condom and the layers of tissue should catch most if not all of the semen. Toss the soiled tissues under the corner of the bed and in the morning you can toss them in the trash and act like they are just full of mucous from blowing your nose during the night.

The methods I suggest can serve you well throughout adulthood and in any instance where you want to engage in masturbation without others being aware of what you are doing or have just done. Swim briefs make excellent sleepwear for surreptitiously masturbating in bed but also are an excellent choice if you want to already be somewhat horny and aroused from the moment your head hits the pillow. And this is something any guy at any age might enjoy. Liking the sensations your penis is able to produce with just a little effort on your part is a really fun part of being a guy and should not be something that in any way embarrasses you. All the best!

03-22-2021, 01:40 PM
Just doin’ exactly what the other guys are doing!

The desire to wear a tight-fitting garment that will encase the penis and balls is nearly universal for males. Exactly what the desired garment is ( a swim brief, compression shorts or tights, snug-fitting underwear made of a stretchy slick material, etc etc) varies from one guy to another, but nearly every guy has some “interest” in the whole idea.

The tricky part always in not that but other considerations. This all gets intertwined with a guy’s feelings about who he is from the standpoint of sexual orientation. But, more importantly, what other guys might CONCLUDE about which sex I am attracted to based on what they see me wearing. I have never seen sexual orientation as being a 0-1 kind of thing—as in either I am gay or I am not. Still, I realize that a lot of guys think that as teens, being somehow identified as gay will lead to a lot of bullying by the purportedly “straight” guys. And it is not my ACTIONS that convinced the bullies but rather what I am wearing. Of course, for better or worse, swim briefs are often associated with the idea that this is something a gay guy would wear so it is best that I never be seen wearing one!

But then, wearing compression shorts, another commonly worn tight fitting garment, is commonplace among the athletes in a lot of different sports—professional team sports that pay millions of dollars to many players. Are these guys all gay too? Stuff like this raises more issues with respect to trying to tie what a guy wears to cover his groin to his sexual orientation. And the other obvious example is high school swim teams, where nowadays some are wearing briefs but others jammers, the jammers purportedly the bullies who engage in doing this are less “gay” I guess. A swimmer who wears a jammer will not be bullied but a swimmer wearing a brief might be!

I have been digging around on the Internet in an effort to unravel all of this. Water Polo is a sport that commonly is found at high schools in states on the coast (probably most often in California and Florida) but would not be a typical high school sport in most landlocked states. And the teams seem to be most common in what I would call “well to do” communities. Nationally, a high school swim team is much more common than a high school water polo team.

Many high school swim teams give swimmers a choice of wearing a brief or a jammer and currently we see a lot of interschool contests where there are some are wearing each style. However, in the case of water polo, there is no choice!

Water polo is a different story entirely. If a guy is going to play on a water polo team for the school, he must wear the team water polo swim brief. And having identical briefs made with the school logo is a big deal for building team “unity”. Because of what happens underwater in the sport, the brief must fit as snug as possible, so the opposing team cannot grab your brief and pull you down. So tight and small is good, and still tighter and smaller is better.

In order to be part of the team, a new player must be able to get his head around the idea that this will require him to wear something that is quite skimpy. But that is going to be OK because all the other guys are going to be doing the same thing. Surely a water polo player is not going to be bullied by a teammate wearing exactly the same suit. Besides it’s a chance to hang out with a bunch of other guys who are all good with this.

I suspect the teams annually place an order for new suits to be worn at meets during the year. I also suspect that the senior members of the team have a lot to say about the exact cut, color and fit of the new suits. The choice is made partly to intimidate the other teams they well be playing but also seves as a way of intimidating the new, younger players on the team as to whether or not they really want to be part of the team. As in, in order to be on the team you have to do this part like the upperclassmen are able to do. Are you able to do this and proudly wear the suit with the team logo on it?

Of course, water polo players must first be good swimmers so the idea of wearing a swim brief like this may be quite simple. Still, it is a chance to hang out with other guys who are quite OK with all of this as an important part of being on the team.

I have noticed that fewer and fewer swim teams take team photos on their members as they appear wearing briefs or even jammers. The team photos I see that show all the guys in briefs generally have some age on them.

But this is not true for the water polo teams. These teams seem to revel in the idea of taking photos with every guy clad in the official team swim brief, and some of these are really skimpy and snug-fitting.

To illustrate, here are three examples I found of Water Polo teams. Each appears to be the team from a water polo team a high school serving a generally wealthy coastal town.



Twenty years from now these guys will look back on this time and say to themselves “It was great fun hanging out with these guys.” They might have also kept the water polo suit that they wore then as a souvenir and reminder of the wonderful days they spent with their teammates back then.

07-17-2021, 05:28 PM
Just Enjoying Myself

Sexually, every guy is wired a bit differently with respect to what he enjoys doing. But this is particularly true when a guy is dealing with self-pleasuring or solo sex. Guy’s have an array of options available to them with respect to how a jerk-off session should proceed with respect to the specific ways a guy can do things with, to and by himself. The whole subject often is kept very hidden for an assortment of reasons. Young guys feel that they will be teased and bullied if any of their peers find out what they are doing, as in, if a guy is caught masturbating or even talking about the subject, there are other guys who will bully them maybe for “being gay”.

Yet, nearly every guy engages in masturbation, and this ordinarily does not change in adulthood, or when sexual partners come availably. Many purportedly happily married guys continue with the practice which is often a surprise to their sexual partners if they accidentally find out.

For me, engaging in solo sex has always been a central part of my life. I like self pleasuring so much that my great fear in being with a sexual partner would be that I might have to abandon doing things that I really enjoy about being a guy. But that fear has also sent me on a lifelong quest to uncover ever-better solo-sex techniques and approaches.

Over the years I have written a lot about employing items of clothing as part of my masturbation techniques. Swim briefs obviously (what guy reading this is not fond of jerking off in a favorite swim brief. But also other items, such as underwear thongs, jock straps and an assortment of snug–fitting Lycra garments, shorts, running tights and so on.

Some guys initially may be more than a little wary of all of this. Is this “normal?” What if I like what I am doing to and by myself “too much”? Is that somehow abnormal?

I have a basic rule that if you like how it fits and feels and does not harm anyone else, then the best idea is to simply kick back and enjoy the fun. Sexually stimulating yourself is not going to somehow do damage—in fact it might be helpful both physically and psychologically.

I am a big fan of thongs. I have written dozens of pieces about how I like the fit and feel of a properly sized, snug-fitting thong. I love how once in place, a thong puts some way neat pressure on the perineum area, where a bundle of psychologically and physically exciting nerve endings are located just behind a guy’s scrotum. Once I felt this and realized what was going on down there I was totally hooked. But I also quickly got hooked on the feel of the thong back cinching up between my glutes, an sensation that was enhanced whenever I engaged in any sort of movement.

I also love jock straps—I think in part because the leg straps that hold the bottom of the pouch in place cross and press upward in the same perineum area the thong is hitting. The so-called old school straps are the best at accomplishing this, and the correct strap and thong in combination feels really good.

To paraphrase the Mounds and Almond Joy candy bar ad, “Sometimes I feel like a cup and some days I don’t.”. I am fond of the feel of a cup surrounding my penis and sometimes that is the sensation I want. But I also love putting my penis in the “up” position mainly because the nerve endings on the underside feel so good when lightly touched or gently massaged. Cups pretty much require that a guy point himself downward, but a strap without a cup allows a guy to point himself upward both inside the thong pouch as well as inside the strap pouch being worn over the top.

Of course, once I am in that position this all calls for the tightest pair of compression shorts in my possession—today a pair of super snug Nike Pro shorts, that fit like a second skin. Penis up inside the thong pouch and covered by the Duke strap pouch. My perineum is screaming for attention. That feels really good But the underside of my penis is now super sensitive too even through the layers of cloth. Just a light touch against the Nike shorts is enough to send me to another time and place—something of a self-pleasuring heaven.

Of course, I can’t resist getting on my exercise equipment wearing all of this. My stationary rowing machine with each stroke makes that thong back pressing tight between my glutes feel really great. Can I row some more? Please!

And then the stationary bike, the seat of which tends to hit the perineum area over and over, and the thong back feels really neat with the pressure from the seat as well.

Should I be apprehensive or embarrassed by all the things that are going on with me? After all, my exercise routine seems to be speeding by, and moment by moment I am feeling an array of different sensations, all neat and good.

I dunno. I think I am just going to keep on doing this. I like what I am doing to, for, with and by myself. Should I be embarrassed? I think not! But I surely do feel horny…

09-12-2021, 01:40 PM
Jason and his roommate

Among males, the urge to ejaculate is nearly universal. But each guy approaches the issue in a different way. Obviously, teen males engage in solo sex (jerk off) a lot, and this becomes establishing a routine that is not so obvious as to attract undue “attention” to what is happening while continuing to do what needs to be done.

As a teen male, the desire to ejaculate is often relentless. Some guys claim that they ejaculate every day or even maybe twice a day, but some of this might be mostly bragging. I suspect the average schedule for a teen male is about 48 hours, and extending this to 72 hours or about once every 3 days becomes difficult. As time passes since the most recent voiding of semen, the urge to ejaculate keeps becoming ever more intense, as the penis screams for the attention it wants. So delaying too long has its own risks as in ejaculating uncontrollably in a situation that might be embarrassing. Best take some precautions (Swim coach passing out Speedos for us to wear for the first time Friday? I need to prepare myself for that).

By the time guys enter their first year of college at 18 or 19, they have established a bit more control but not by much. As teens living at home with the two-day max schedule, most ejaculations usually occur in bed, at night, in darkness and under the covers. But this may not work nearly as well if I am assigned to a two-man dorm room and have a roommate who may have grown up under circumstances very different from myself, and has deal with his urges to ejaculate in a different manner than the one I have been using.

Dorms for college freshmen are interesting. They traditionally have been segregated by sex, but nowadays there are issues like do you get assigned your dorm room based on the sex you were assigned the day you were born versus what you claim to be now. Freshmen usually get the older dorms, and often the rooms are all doubles with the bath facilities down the hall. And the showers might be simply a row of showerheads with those showering males hanging out nude all around. Not the kind of place a transgender male or even an openly gay guy might feel comfortable with. What if I get an obvious hard-on while I am showering and have a strong urge to jack off? Are there other guys in the shower? If not what if I think I am alone and another guy wanders in just as I am getting going good? A gay guy might be delighted but a straight guy maybe not so much.

So what this means is that the college freshman in this situation is forced back into doing some of the same things that he did when he was living at home as in ejaculating at night under the covers, and hoping that his newly-aquired roommate doesn’t get too suspicious. Take Jason, for example, a bright and good-looking 18-year old who seems to have it all together. Jason is an undercover masturbator, and has been since age 12. He got assigned a roommate randomly by the school when he applied for a dorm room. The roommate could have any imaginable views on solo sex. Maybe in his family, members treat self-abuse as a “sin”, and the roommate grew up thinking that he needed to purge his mind of such thoughts. Or maybe the roommate is very open minded as in if in faced with the situation where his roommate is abusing himself, this would be a place to “join in on the fun”. Or perhaps anything in between. Jason has no clue, and the roommate has no clue except to say that the close quarters without privacy makes sorting this all out very difficult.

Jason, despite seemingly being all together, has another hang up of sorts. He likes to sleep in a swim brief, and preferably a snug fitting one. And Jason is not a swimmer. He would have no reason to be bouncing around his dorm room wearing only a swim brief. So at bedtime Jason quietly slips into his favorite sleepwear and quickly pulls a pair of loose fitting plaid boxer shorts over.

Stuff happens, and at about 2 AM. Jason is right on the edge of ejaculation, so he quickly pulls the plaid boxers down. The swim brief Jason really likes fits quite tight, and the ejaculate semen is mostly contained within the brief. Jason can now pull the brief down under the covers and replace it with only the plaid boxers and br able to pop out of bed as if nothing at all had happened. Stull, he now has a swim brief with lots of milky semen under the bed covers. And swim briefs do not take kindly to the heat of a dryer. He needs to wash out the semen. But the shower where he could do this is not private and down the hall. Jason does this hoping the other guys in the shower do not realize that he is washing out a cum-filled Speedo® at the same time he is showering. He has a cleaner Speedo, but one that is still very damp and needs to be air-dried. Jason hangs the Speedo® in the dorm room to dry. The roommate notices the damp Speedo® and starts to put two and two together. Jason did something that he might be embarrassed to admit having done. But is this how the whole year is going to go?

At this point a lot of things could happen. As I sort through the on-line stores, increasingly I notice snug-fitting colorful briefs where the claim is that they can be worn either as underwear or as swimwear. I presume anything labeled as possible underwear can be tossed in the laundry bag with the other underwear used for day wear, and come out clean from the laundry. Plus this eliminates the need for Jason to try and explain to his roommate why he is drying a name-brand swim brief every other day when he is not a swimmer. What is important is that the on-line purchase be as good at stimulating an erection and containing the cum as the swim brief was but easier to launder.

The school year drags on for 9 months. Jason has obviously found a way to deal with his urges on a schedule that fits his body, even though he might go through a half dozen pair of “underwear” that he purchased on-line. The stunt works. But maybe the roommate, after observing all of this for a time, has gotten way smart about what Jason has been doing to, by and with himself. And how the roommate copes with this could vary all over the place, from a feeling of disgust, to a real desire to do exactly what Jason is doing to an effort to better cope with his own urges, and might to even want to “borrow” a pair of Jason’s underwear briefs and see if the whole idea that works for Jason works for him as well.

As a young college student, I loved to jack off in private in the dorm room, but I usually did it not wearing a swim brief, but rather a pair of the snuggest blue jeans I could find. This is another way a lot of males relieve themselves. The advantage to this is that if a guy hears someone coming down the hallway and about to enter the room the guy can zip up the jeans and act as iff nothing at all has been happening.

When I was a student, the dorm room applications did not ask if I was straight, gay or something else entirely that was not even defined back then. And Universities still have a lot of gender specific member fraternities and sororities, and the presumption rather was that anyone chosen for membership by definition was straight not gay or something else. Of course, that was not always true, though gay members by joining the fraternity usually saw this as a reason to hide their sexual orientation or perhaps using the fraternity to convert them from being gay to straight.

The issues I have discussed above often apply equally well in an all-male fraternity house with even more so with even less privacy for coping with male urges. Another approach might be for Jason, or maybe a fraternity guy struggling with this, to be completely open about what he is doing, why it works, and why he wants to continue and see how the roommate or fraternity brothers react. But this approach has risks. Maybe the roommate will get his nerve up to start asking some questions out of curiousity, but also because the roommate might find these techniques to be quite enjoyable just so long as I can retain the appearance of being straight not gay!

09-13-2021, 01:32 PM
So, how snug would you like this to fit?

This is a “classic” question a store clerk asks when helping a guy pick out the right size for all sorts of different clothing items, not only briefs and swimwear, but items like jeans, and even shirts and full suits. And, styles change, narrow jeans and form-fitting suits are very popular right now.

If the guy were to be truthful, he would say “just snug enough so that merely wearing the item would make me feel horny and aroused!” But guys are never truthful on this subject.

I confess, I sometimes entertain myself by on occasion visiting the major internet porn video sites. One most interesting thing I have discovered is that the sites are divided as to being either the straight section or the gay section. My interest is ordinarily in the solo sex or male masturbation videos, and, oddly enough these are all found in the gay section.

Maybe if I were ever moved to visit the straight side I would discover that this is also the repository for female masturbation videos, as in this is something a straight guy maybe would enjoy watching. But if I want to see males masturbating, this can only be found in the gay section never mind these may be interesting to some females. All of this is very curious. I never thought that straight guys somehow have no interest in engaging in solo sex but that gay guys somehow always do. This idea would be consistent with the 13-year old male bully who accidentally discovers a male classmate masturbating and starts teasing and bullying the classmate because what he saw somehow “proves” that the classmate is gay.

Personally, I am turned off not turned on by most of the partner gay videos featuring gay sex, in part because they most often depict acts of oral or anal sex and are often quite violent. But personally, I am not wired in a way that in any circumstance sees oral or anal sex as psychologically or physically arousing, but I would say the same about seeing these same acts between a man and a woman on the “straight” site as well. And watching a male and female engage in penis-vagina sex is no turn-on either. Maybe this is why I have remained single all my life. Now watching another guy try on a new snug-fitting swim brief—THAT is a real turn-on, both psychologically and physically. Watching a guy masturbating another guy with his hand is not interesting either because I realize that successful self-abuse involves fine interaction between one’s mind and body and this is impossible if another guy is doing the masturbating.

Then I watch the news. A lot of guys somehow claim to be “normal heterosexuals” when in fact their behaviors are anything but normal in this regard. And this even gets into engaging in illegal and dangerous acts at times. Let me toss out a few names of famous people once considered by the public to be normal straight males. Harvey Weinstein. Bill Cosby, Bill Clinton. Or gay males like Kevin Spacey. Then let me add some more names of people who might have done highly questionable things under the guise of just being being a normal straight guy Andrew Cuomo, Prince Andrew, Donald Trump, Bill Gates. Even Joe Biden might appear on this list, having a penchant for hugging females he has barely met, if at all. Is this a way Biden gets turned on sexually, if really weirdly repressed? And we are living in a world in which women (and men too) are more routinely coming forward to complain about being confronted with inappropriate male behavior often by well-known individuals. But I presume a lot of this same thing happens in the world of guys who are not famous.

These thoughts all help clear my mind on a couple of different subjects but in the process raise some more issues. First, if penis-vagina sex was so much fun and so wonderful, why did I choose to remain single all my life having no interest whatsoever in even being close to a woman let alone engaging in penis-vagina sex with her?

Second, if having a male partner is so important in being gay, why am I so turned off even by watching a video of two guys engaging in oral or anal intercourse or even in a partner “hand job”. For me, this is simply not where it is where it is at, either.

So, perhaps I am asexual or even non-sexual and maybe do not have feelings of arousal at all? But that is not at all true either. I greatly enjoy the sexual aspects of being a male in very profound ways, it’s just that I am most aroused in situations where I am the only one and in full control. I think about all the guys who have gotten themselves into trouble in efforts to be with a sexual partner. I have been the wingman in a bunch of different divorces, and the question that I always end up thinking about but never quite dare ask, is that if penis-vagina sex is ultimately such a wonderful part of life, why are the two of you seeking to get out of the situation you have been in. I suppose the answer for some males is because that my partner refuses to have sex with me any more. Then, on occasion I encounter a married couple who do not have sex even irregularly and I scratch my head as to why both partners seem to be fine with that. After all, isn’t the main reason why two people get together is to have regular partner sex? Well maybe, but maybe not.

Believe it or not, I think the main reason I decided to remain single my entire life is that early on I developed a bunch of different ways for doing things to, by and with myself, and at some point I quickly discovered that if I found a partner, male or female, I would have to give up a bunch of activities that I hold dear, with no real chance for integrating a lot of the things I most like do do into a relationship. The partner likely would find me more than weird in that regard, and any marriage would last 24 hours, tops.

Besides, my lifestyle has caused me zero problems. I am not paying off a big divorce settlement. Nor have I caused any unwanted pregnancies. Nor have I ever been infected with HIV or other venereal disease. I do have a drawer brimming with swim briefs in all sorts of cuts and sizes. And another drawer filled with straps some with cups and some without. Another drawer, more recent, has several different VED pumps. Then there is the pile of snug-fitting blue jeans, and another big pile of running tights, compression tees and shorts and all manner of other snug fitting underwear and other similar clothing. Should I suddenly drop dead, whoever cleans all of this out is going to have a heck of a time trying to determine what I have been up to by doing things to, with and by myself.

Which brings me back to Jason, the college student who likes to masturbate at night, under the covers, wearing a really tight swim brief, but to not make what he is doing obvious to his recently-acquired dorm roommate. At some level, Jason is wondering about whether or not his roommate would enjoy engaging in some of the nighttime activities Jason is enjoying, but the big question is how to provide the roommate with just enough hints such that the roommate starts asking questions, and can Jason be open and truthful about what he is doing? I keep thinking about what a turn-on just being back in a double dorm room would be with the night-time erections and trying to understand where a guy you have only recently met is with respect to the stuff I am doing and that I refuse to discontinue doing simply because my living accommodations are with another guy in a double room with no real privacy and his bed but 6 ft away from mine, maybe less.

09-14-2021, 01:54 PM
Just growing up

Today, I want to share with you some thoughts I have been having about my years when I was growing up, but in particular in the years just past puberty. I grew up on a farm, in a rural area, in the middle of nowhere with the nearest neighbor being a half mile away. My first 5 years of schooling was in a one-room rural school that only had 6 students the last two years I attended. So I did not have a lot of close friends male or female.

I also have only one sibling, a brother 5 years older than I. By age 14, when I was a freshman in high school, my brother was 19 and off to college most of the year and not living at home. So I got to take over the bedroom we had shared before, and this meant that as a young teenager I had a degree of privacy that, as you will see, came in very handy at times given the “experiments” I liked to run.

I have been fascinated with male sexuality and what happens down there. I had a little set of encyclopedias, and mostly I spent my time as a young teenager poring over the articles that used the term “sexual arousal.” What I learned became a basis for running an “experiment” of one sort or another. Usually the experiment involved getting myself way horny and then ejaculating, although these experiments were best run in night under the covers. But then I was in my room alone so there were lots of opportunities to experiment.

My parents were great in almost all respects. They not only asked no questions, on the few occasions when I was really young I mentioned to my mom that I was having “this problem” (ejaculating) during the night. This seemed to concern my mom not at all. She said to me “that is fine, and what is happening to you is fine too.” I can’t imagine a better situation for a 14-year old. I could continue to act as if these events were happening involuntarily, in my sleep as a “wet dream” even though I may have been wide awake and providing some manual “encouragement”. Mom seemed to think that whatever was happening and the reason did not matter, and that I was just a normal boy.

I have had a fondness for briefs since before puberty. Back then the common swimwear was not a brief, but a short legged cotton suit. And almost invariably these suits featured a brief-style inner liner, there so a guy’s vital parts did not fall out while swimming given that the trunk was but a loose fit. I quickly figured out that of I was not going to get the paors of tighty whiteys I longed for, this suit with a brief style liner was a good substitute. I pulled on the shorts and sure enough, instant and very obvious erection and hard on. I looked at my situation and being a young boy I said to my mom “I seem to have a problem here.” My mom said “What is that? I pulled back the waist of the suit and showed her. My penis was as big as I had ever seen it and a ruddy color that looked unnatural to me too, but worse, it was hard and pointes straight forward the bulge easily seen. Interestingly, my mom said to me “the situation you are in must be thrilling you to the core! But the only way you are going to recover is to quit thinking about your penis so much! But that was easier said than done for sure. The question was “How do I NOT think about an erect and hard penis, a penis that thrills me to the core? But I was only 12 or so. What could I expect? No doubt my mom thought the whole sequence was more than a little silly, though she obviously understood my predicament she seemed not to feel very sorry for me.

In those days guys all wore pajamas to bed, tops with sleeves and matching long-legged bottoms—and sleeping in boxer shorts was not popular at all. The tricky part was ejaculating when it was nearly dawn, because invariably I would have splotches of cum trailing down one of my pajama legs and I could hardly show up for breakfast looking that way. This was a real problem. I soon discovered that if I ejaculated earlier at night, say before midnight, the cum would dry leaving only a yellowish starchy stain on the pajama leg. Once dried, that was not nearly so noticeable. So I learned to run my experiments before midnight, and what fun they were! I was learning a lot about myself and what was fun to do, day by day.

It was not long before I figured out that the underside of my penis was a lot more touch-sensitive than the top side, and the underside really loved to be touched and fondled in various ways. I liked to do that and soon I would have a really nice hard-on. Then what to do. Why not flop over on my stomach, penis pointed upward and put my body weight on the top of my penis while moving myself back and forth in repetitive strokes tpo further stimulate the underside. Ejaculation was only moments away. Only later did I learn that this masturbation method was quite aggressive and if I threw enough body weight onto a fully erect penis from above in this way I might even damage something. But I was this skinny little guy about 100 pounds or so, and nothing bad ever happened.

The other down side was that I quickly discovered that my body produced a huge amount of semen employing this technique. For starters I was way turned on and the semen just cam pouring out. Worse it all accumulated in one large and really wet spot on the lower sheet, a spot that might take some considerable effort to remove in the wash. Still, mom never complained. I guess this is what a mom has to put up with in raising a 14-year old boy. (in later years, I had assigned a female primary care physician and she wondered if that was a concern for me. She said, “Don’t worry, I have raised 6 boys, and I have seen everything there is to see!”).

Mom was remarkable in these years. The only complaint I had is that mom thought guys should wear boxer briefs not tighty whiteys, and bought my underwear through mail order Sears or Wards, as the design was tough to find then in the stores. The guys I knew all wore tighty whitey briefs, and I admired them. I thought tighty whiteys would be much more fun to masturbate in, as so much wanted some, but mom insisted.

The thing I find most interesting about this is that nowadays the teenage guys almost all wear boxer briefs similar to the style my mom favored except now maybe not white but somber grays and navy blue. Tighty whiteys are as rare among teens as boxer briefs were in my years growing up. But if you wonder where the roots of my fondness for jerking off in a pair of maybe undersized tighty whiteys, it may be related to my longings for not being able to do the same thing as a young teenager, and this was the one “scar” mom left on me with regard to sex. Still, once I got to the age where I could comfortably go out and buy my own underwear I quickly made up for lost time, I went out and bought some tighty whiteys, kept the boxer briefs in my drawer lest I need convince my mom that I still wore them, but soon I was wearing tighty whiteys exclusively and enjoying the fit and feel which turned to be at least as good as I had long fantasized about. All of y this soon led to buying swim briefs even though I was not a swimmer, another male jerk-off fantasy thing for sure. It was more difficult to concoct a plausible story line but eventually I was out on my own, living alone and no longer needed a story line.

Overall, I had great fun as a teenager in high school. I can tell you a few stories in which for no really good reason and at an inopportune time or place I ejaculated in a situation that was embarrassing though I suspect many if not most males have some similar teen experiences to tell about. One time, I was just riding along in the school bus over a bumpy road, and sure enough the vibrations felt good in a scary way. The ejaculate oddly enough collected on the BACK side of my pant leg, and so long as I remained seated the wet spot could not be seen at all. When it came time for me to get off the bus, I made a quick exit and no one was the wiser.

Another time I was wearing a new pair of what I thought was a great pair of skinnier-than-I-was-used-to jeans, and this time I got a hard-on pointed downward, and I was in a bad way. With each step I was taking, along side a male friend who was walking along side me, as I moved I kept getting harder and harder. Something soon had to give, I had to stop for a minute and I quickly started to ejaculate, and the semen quickly left a stain on the front of my newly-acquired skinny jeans. I suspect the friend I was walking with figured something was going on and he may have noticed the damp cum stains on the leg of my jeans, but he never said a thing. Somehow I survived all of this. Did I mention that I have this “thing” for snug-fitting jeans as well? Nothing better than a pair of undersized tighty whiteys covered by jeans that conform to the shape of my body, or so it was!

In retrospect, mom was pretty open minded about “guy things”. Maybe I should have just asked her to order me one package of boxer briefs and a smaller 3-pack of white cotton briefs that I would wear in warm weather, and see if she would agree to that. But then I would have faced the problem of trying to figure out how I could get 3 pair of briefs that had starchy yellowish cum stains on the pouch from my wintertime activities washed and dried so that they would be ready for summer wear! I was just too scared.

09-15-2021, 01:33 PM
Off to College Part 1

I never dated in High School. Not one date. The whole idea did not appeal to me and I got no joy from even the thought of hanging out with a female partner. I was not attracted to guys either. I never got into anything in my interactions with males my age that could in any manner be considered sexual.

Keep in mind that this was in the first half of the 1960s, and being sexually attracted to a person of your own sex was still considered to be a mental illness that could possibly be cured if a guy could only find a skilled expert psychiatrist. After all the thought was that straight people in theory are happy people who lead happy lives incorporating regular penis-vagina sex. And the stuff some gay guys did, such as anal or oral sex, was considered weird and sick, and breaking a gay guy of his fondness for such acts was part of the purported “cure” for the mental illness of having gay thoughts.

Psychologically I was living in a place other than any of this anyway. What other guys were doing to with and for partners was no concern of mine. If the idea of engaging in penis-vagina sex was a turn-off, that applied even more-so to the idea of engaging in sex involving the mouth or anus with a gay guy. But having said that I was quite interested in the sensations that I had learned to create in my body at night, under the cover of darkness, and had spent my high school years honing my skills and technique. I had found a better and easier-to-navigate sexual world, a place all my own and enjoy myself for the pure fun of it, without having to deal with the complexities of being with a sexual partner male of either sex. In my mind, this was an ideal world, and all these years later I still remain convinced of that.

So, I entered college in 1965, and a lot of college activities are built around social activities that involve potential or ongoing sexual partners. In 1965, all the guys who joined a male fraternity were “assumed” to be heterosexual males looking forward to dating women every weekend along with regular dances and other social events that mixed males and females on a regular basis, presumably males and females in search of penis-vagina sex. The idea of a fraternity consisting mostly if not exclusively of gay males was, well, way out there. Fraternity members were by definition straight and totally focused on how good it felt to have intercourse with a woman.

Of course, that was not me at all. Socializing on weekends with women made me miserable and I wanted no part of that scene at all. But, I did not have to join a fraternity with all of these weird guys in it. I could continue to stay in a dorm and not have to deal with any of this. In those days dorms were segregated by sex, and the rooms generally were doubles, with 2 men in each double room and 2 women in each room in the women’s dorms. Assignments, unless a student had identified a specific person as a roommate, were random, and the thought of 2 gay males rooming together and having sex never occurred to the dorm managers, or, if it did, nothing was ever said. The real concern was with the idea of a female showing up in a guy’s dorm room for, to make out and well, you know, but they had rules that purportedly kept that all from happening. Rather weird, huh?

My brother, five years my senior, had completed a 2-year degree and then worked for 3 years. But at the point in time when I would be a freshman he was interested in finishing the final two years of his bachelors degree, and so the obvious thing to do was to avoid the random roommate selection process and we would room together in a double. This was not terrible awful because we had grown up sharing a bedroom as well, and I could pretty well figure out what my brother's schedule was and when I would likely have the space to myself.

The dorm was set up just like I previously described, two single beds not six feet apart. A mirror and towel rack, and two closets with built in dressers, and two metal desks for study. The bathroom was way down the hall. It looked a lot like a rest room at an airport, with a long row of toilets with doored private stalls, another open area consisting of a long row of sinks, and a shower section with 8 heads that was completely open, so any guy showering could see all the nude males who were doing the same thing. These facilities were brand new and seem very much like a military setup. But lkeep in mind that the school was also a ROTC establishment and for many years all the males were required to be in ROTC so the comparison made sense.

In the mornings, the guys would head to the restroom to S, S and S. clad only in a white towel which they kept in place around their waists at the sinks but then removed for the shower and used to dry off. Early mornings the shower could be packed with nude males and to avoid the crowds some guys opted to shower in the late afternoons or evenings when the area was largely disserted. Still, for a gay male who liked to observe other nude males, this was a great place to be, but no one mentioned that.

The University laundered bed linen, but only once a week. How all of this impacted male behavior with respect to nighttime “wet dreams” I always thought was very interesting. The bed was a military style cot, more or less, consisting of a mattress with a flat spring on the bottom. Not a very comfortable bed. The University wanted to keep the mattresses clean, so every one was fitted with a slick, all=vinyl mattress cover that would presumably keep “liquids” from staining the mattress underneath? What kinds of liquids? Well, you know, some of my penis prone masturbation techniques could wreck havoc on not only a sheet but directly on the mattress underneath. Think of the vinal cover as a mattress condom. Think of a vinyl liner as something of a condom for the mattress in a space where 200 guys were all having “wet dreams” and what that could mean for mattress life if they were not properly protected. Guys may like to claim that they were only getting their “rocks off” on their weekend dates but everyone knows that is a myth.

Keeping the sheets clean was quite a task for the University. Think starchy yellowish week-old cum stains on practically every sheet. This calls for heavy-duty laundry detergent and adversely affects sheet life, and part of the dorm rent no doubt was used to replace the sheets and the occasional mattress that had succumbed to the activity going on under the covers. At one point I decided that the slick vinyl mattress cover made just sleeping unbearable. So ine night I got up, removed the cover and put the sheet back on over the unprotected mattress. As I hid the vinyl cover under the bed, I thought to myself if the mattress gets stained no one would be able to tie me specifically to the crime. The housekeeping staff seemed to not notice at all.

In the second year of all of this my brother had gotten heavily involved with a girl he married shortly atfer he finished his degree, and he was in heavy dating mode. This worked out well for me as these dates tended to not end till the wee hours of the morning and once my brother was gone I would have the room all to myself for a lengthy period of time. I took advantage of that and kept honing my skills as I kept thinking of new and interesting ways to do things to, for and with myself. These were happy times for me to be sure. While all of this was going on, I also became a really really good student, a powerhouse in that regard with respect to the entire campus. Somehow, my combination of activities worked really well, but dating was not one of them.

To be continued in part 2.

09-15-2021, 03:22 PM
Part 2 Two Years of College to go
continuation of previous post

So, my brother had finished his degree and was planning on marrying, but I still had two years of college to go. And the old problem was back. The dorm rooms were doubles, and I was uncomfortable with the idea of living in the same room as a guy who was randomly assigned to my room. Besides, I had more than a few “habits” and “likings” than another normal sexually-active straight guy might think as weird, annoying, or otherwise impossible to deal with and I was struggling with this and what it might mean for the way I lived.

I could not exactly make public that I was seeking a roommate who enjoyed solo sex as much as I did and was willing to not only deal with my “perversions’ but in some manner become part of what I was doing. In short, a gay roommate in 1967, even a semi openly gay roommate would be pretty weird. At some level I knew that there must be other guys who enjoy solo sex at least as much as I do, but the idea of a somehow shared solo sex experience with your college roommate was way out there. For that matter I wasn’t even thinking about sharing what I was doing by myself with anyone, even as a subject of discussion not a demonstration.

Fortunately, the University made a solution available to me that solved all my problems. A new 9-story dorm had just gone up and it was not like living in a military barracks. Instead of a bath down the hall, the new dorm had 8 floors of suites, each suite consisting of two double rooms and a shared area consisting of a sink, wall phone, enclosed shower and a toilet in another enclosed area. Instead of being clad in a towel to go to the bathroom and shower, guys living in the rooms could go into the common area wearing almost nothing or nothing at all. These floors were set up so that each two floors shared a common lounge area and elevator access. But even more interesting is that on every floor ONE of the suites was set up for 5 men not 4, and the 5th person did not share a room with a roommate put had a separate private room still sharing the common area. Since there were only 8 of these single dorm rooms on the entire campus I needed to get up early to get my name in for one of them.

And that I did! I ended up having the most prime piece of dorm real estate on the entire campus—the single room on the top or 9th story of the brand new dorm with a window looking out to the city airport with planes landing regularly. This was completely private when I wanted my privacy. A great place to study AND jerk off in with privacy. Besides I also had 4 “suite mates” that I could interact with but only to the degree that I wanted.

The other two rooms had four guys, one room with two brothers one a year older than the other, The second room had a football player in it, a burly guy who was also something of a jokester. His roommate was a guy that I remember little about, That roommate like to drink, was probably an alcoholic, and having booze in the dorm room was very much frowned upon to the point where discovery usually meant that the student would be dismissed. I remember walking into the room and seeing his closet foiled with a shelf of booze---it looked like the shelf of a liquor store. The dorm counselors soon figured out what was going on. The guy spent little time in the dorm room and I never knew if he left college on his own or was banned, but he wasn’t around much at all.

The older brother and I became quite good friends and the younger brother too. They were quite different. The older brother was a serious scholar but the younger brother was not fond of college. The younger brother liked to play jokes on people, stupid but never really mean stuff, like putting black shoe polish on the black toilet seat. The older brother was annoyed by this to a degree. And the football player was something of a jokester too, so the younger brother and the football player hit it off.

One day the two of them decided it would be fun to gross out their suitemates. They both put on boxer shorts and then both lay on the football players bed and started grabbing each other’s penises trough the cloth and massaging each other. They were never nude, but all of the suitemates were seeing all of this in real time—two guys jerking each other off with an audience. The older brother thought this was pretty weird but he was used to seeing his brother misbehave in various ways. I just watched in silence as all of this went on.

At least not publicly, neither of them got to the point of ejaculation though it was becoming pretty obvious to me that neither of them was that far away, They suddenly stopped cold. Maybe they both thought that ejaculate was too much for their captive audience to bear. But for me the event raised questions in part because this happened not once but several times in the full view of others in the suite. And I was filled with questions about stuff I had never thought about before, in particular was one or both of these guys gay, and doing this in a situation whereby what was happening was only semi private? Was all of this just another big practical joke on the rest of us and the behavior was what they were claiming it was, just a silly effort to gross out their suitemates in a world of 1968 where gay interactions were deeply frowned upon? The University had no explicit rules banning masturbating your roommate! So far as the university was concerned, gay sex did not exist only straight sex, and they did have rules that attempted to ban straight sex in the dorms.

Thar the alcoholic roommate who often was not in the room night after night meant that the football player was living as a single guy much like I was, and the younger brother may have wandered into the football player’s room at night, and then did more of the same. Lots of odd stuff goes on in dorms in a setting where everyone is male.

I’ve thought about these guys and this incident many times in part because when I saw it I was really naïve about gay sex. And I read that a lot of males have what would be called a same-sex encounter with another male that essentially goes nowhere—the guy marries and penis-vagina sex becomes the replacement for the gay sex, and life goes on as a straight male.

I know that the younger brother left school without completing a degree. He really did not like being in college. But he soon married and lived his life with a woman. The football player I completely lost track of. But, all of this happened in an era when it would be considered really odd if a big burly college football player ever admitted to having engaged in sex in any form with another male in any form including jerking off each other. So to this day I think that guy may have been a deeply hidden gay guy and this was a way to play out a fantasy under the guise of everything being a gross out joke on the suitemates.

Me, I’m still struggling with the whole idea of two males both enjoying wearing snug-fitting Speedos and both at the same time masturbating only themselves not each other, but at the same time and in the same private space, and whether that fantasy should be labeled as gay.

09-18-2021, 12:52 PM
Thinking Back…

In high school, I was a very skinny nerdy kid with a very “long drink of water” look. I had suddenly grown to 5 ft 10 inches, but my body weight stayed stubbornly the same at only 105 lbs. I went through four years of college and my body weight went up to maybe 110 pounds. I might have made it to 120 pounds but that was it. I admired the guys who as they grew they acquired more muscle mass, making their shirts and jeans look right. Me, no matter what clothes I bought, they fit way oversized on my skinny arms, legs and even my chest.

Very early on I also admired the fit guys who looked good wearing only a Speedo, but that required the basics such as an actual chest and thighs, not to mention glutes, and I had none of those. I bought a house after I took a job and decided what it really needed was a hot tub, as that would give me an excuse to own Speedos and wear them every day. So I added a small room on the back of my house and installed a hot tub and bought appropriate “swimwear” for that.

But this did nothing for my gaunt physique. I had a friend who was an excellent swimmer, a native of Greece, who said “no problem! You see I have this friend who is a swimming instructor and she will teach you how to swim.” She tried but physically it just did not work for ma. I could save myself from drowning maybe but that was it.

I decided the problem I was having was way weak upper body strength. Going swimming was a pain as I had to spend time driving to and from the pool. There must be a better way for me to build my body with the idea that this will make swimming easier. Why not a stationary rowing machine, of course! I had a spare bedroom, and I had a small color TV in it. I was also looking at weightlifting equipment that would not cause injury if I was working out alone and I chose a too big weight and dropped it, and the inexpensive home gyms with weight stacks were just that. So the 3rd bedroom became my gym and rowing area.

From the moment I sat on my first rowing machine I knew I had found my sport. And I loved the new no- fuss weightlifting setup too. I watched TV as I rowed. Here were activities that were finally going to make me move along the lines I wanted to go. If it was possible for the rowing machine to build an upper body then my body would have no choice but to obey. I liked these activities so much I never went back to swimming.

The whole idea was to spend an hour rowing followed by various activities on the weightlifting home gym. Speedos are not ideally suited to these activities, though other kinds of Lycra gear are. There was one set of clothing for rowing and weightlifting, and the hot tub was always waiting. So after my daily workout .I would get out of my workout gear, get in a Speedo and hop into the hot tub. There are some interesting things a guy can do with his male body parts up against the jet of a hot tub. Can you say “quick orgasm?” The sensation is like having the cum being “sucked” out of your body, and it happens even if you are not hard at all. This sort of play must sell a lot of hot tubs.

So, for the last 35 years or so I have been rowing and weightlifting pretty much every day. After I broke my hip in an unfortunate accident in 2014, I added a stationary bike to my routine and I have now gone 9000 miles on that a half hour a day.

AND skinny jeans that fit my still lean body are now readily available, but then my thighs are bigger now from all the rowing and bike riding. Today I am wearing a pair of 31 x 30 skinny jeans, the same waist and inseam I wore in high school. At my age of 73, I know of few guys who can say that as the normal aging process adds an inch or so to the waist a year. I have a very big pile of jeans I have accumulated over the past two decades all ranging from 30 x 30 to 32 x 30. Some guys might worry that this would be a huge waste of money (My jeans collection is at least as large as my Speedo collection) but they all have been the right size for 20 years, and I presume if I keep rowing and bike riding on a daily basis my jeans will continue to fit.

Do I have any regrets? Not really! I am still as enthusiastic about stationary rowing as a sport as I was when I first started over 30 years ago. Of course, I also have a big collection of workout gear that works well for rowing, and, being retired now, I live in that every day. Compression shorts and tees, compression running tights, not to mention football pants and wrestling singlets. My go-to setup uses a pair of tighty whiteys under the compression shorts, but an underwear thong is way interesting as well. And sometimes just a strap, with or without a cup. Great sport! Great fun! And the time on the machine goes quickly especially wearing the right gear!

10-08-2021, 02:24 PM
“How snug do you want that to fit?” is a question a lot of guys get as they start thinking about wearing a new clothing item, but in particular any new clothing item that will cover the groin area. This seems like an innocuous question to be sure, as if it really only has to do with proper sizing for the sake of appearance, but deep down every guy knows that the question often involves issues with a deeper, more personal meaning.

Guys learn at a very early age that there are places in the groin area that are, well, sensitive to having any clothing item touching them, and further, that anything that is looser fitting is probably also less likely to provide significant stimulation down there. Swimwear is probably the best known of the clothing items that guys “worry” about. And there is a psychological element to all of this as well. Part of the appeal of board shorts as swimwear is that the looser, baggy fit is unlikely to provide any significant stimulation to cause the guy to have any psychological concern.

A snug-fitting swim brief is just the opposite, however. And here is the really weird part. If a guy merely THINKS about the possibility that a swim brief will make him aroused or even result in an embarrassing erection, then the odds are much greater that this is exactly what WILL happen if a guy pulls on the swim brief. Merely THINKING about the POSSIBILITY that this could happen could in fact cause it to happen. But generally, guys do not get horny and aroused merely contemplating putting on a pair of loose-fitting board shorts. So these become a “safe” solution, assuming the guy is looking to avoid getting aroused simply by putting an article of clothing over his groin area.

OK, so I am wearing my board shorts, in part because I do not want to get stuck in a situation where I am having a noticeable arousal and erection, and this seems to be working for me, sort of. The problem is, two of the other guys I am with are wearing swim briefs, and because of that they must be experiencing something that I am not experiencing nor enjoying. Clearly, the swim briefs fit quite snug, and I can see an outline of each of their packages down there. I wonder if wearing the swim briefs are in part causing that. The other guys are teasing me, and wondering why I insist on wearing these baggy, loose-fitting board shorts and not sleek snd snug swim briefs like they are wearing. I start to thinking about this, agonizing really over the question of how my body would react if I discarded the board shorts and put on a pair of swim briefs.

Once in a pair of swim briefs, would I be able to “control” myself? How horny would I feel? Would I grow so big that even my body outline would potentially cause me embarrassment? For any guy who has never worn a swim brief, there are lots of unanswered questions here.

The safest thing of course is to go buy a swim brief and then try it on not with a group of guys but in the privacy of your own bedroom maybe in front of a mirror. See how you hang together psychologically seeing yourself wearing one as well as what your physical condition turns out to be. In short, how horny and how aroused do you get once you are wearing a swim brief? If all you can think about is how much you want to ejaculate once you are wearing your swim brief, then you likely have some things you will need to work through before wearing the brief in a public or semi-public setting.

One option at this point would be to try wearing the swim brief as sleepwear and if you are concerned that others might wonder about what you are doing, simply slip on a loose fitting pair of boxer shorts over. A guy’s body does a good job of communicating if you have put yourself in a happy situation or not. If you are uncertain as to whether or not your body “likes” being in the snug swim brief say, at 11 pm, there should be no doubt in your mind when you awaken at 3 AM and observe what has been going on down there. In fact, you may want to thank me for suggesting this idea.

This is all goofy and sweet fun. In the process of wearing your new swim brief to bed, you are bound to learn a lot more about who you really are as a guy and as a human being. And all of that is a great and not-to be-missed. Maybe you will even get to the point whereby putting on a swim brief causes you no issues, either physical or psychological of any sort. But in getting there you have had a lot of pure, not-to-be missed fun!

11-01-2021, 01:54 PM
A new “woke” college dorm

I have discussed at length the design of the traditional college dorm, with students housed two-to-a room and a shared bath with a row of stalls, showers and wash basins in a common area down the hall. I have long lamented the fact that in such an arrangement, it was difficult for a guy to find any private space in order to engage in any sort of masturbation activity, and how this might affect a guy’s outlook, happiness and performance in college. I also have explained that in my last two years as an undergraduate I managed to snag a single room in a suite containing a shared bath and two doubles and this turned out to be an ideal setup for, well, you know.

Let me also add that back then, colleges and universities thought they had a role in playing parent when the parents were not there (locus parentis), as in preventing young single men and women from having sex. So dorms were separate by gender, and in separate buildings. Gays were simply assumed not to exist. So two gay guys or two gay women could request each other as roommates and no one in university housing would be the wiser. Though, straight guys getting an assigned roommate often worried about what the sexual orientation of the roommate might be and this could be all over the place. Worse, what was the assigned roommate going to learn about my masturbation routine given the close quarters?

Interestingly, university housing in recent years has discovered that young men (and women) much prefer single to double rooms, and most new dorms are designed as suites containing baths shared by a common space. Everyone wants some privacy, male or female. Dorms used to be single-sex places and there were only 2 defined sexes. Anything else simply did not exist, according to university housing.

Gradually, the newly-built dorms became towers with men and women residing on separate floors within the same building. This has happened to the 9-story dorm I lived in my cherished single room as an undergraduate. the individual floors became single sex “houses” like in Harry Potter, where men and women could reside on the same floor but in different areas though maybe not with names.

The 97-year old Charlie Munger is the Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway and has money—lots of it. He has been making donations to colleges that are somehow connected to him, one of them being the University of California Santa Barbara. This is a place with beautiful ocean vistas and extremely expensive land, plus lots and lots of undergrads who need affordable housing--affordable as in a dorm room.

Munger donated to the school money to build new dormitories, the first being an eleven-story undergraduate dorm. Read all about the details here. Munger is also an architect as a hobby,


The first 11-story building will house 4500 students, and according to the article, Each residential floor would have eight "houses," each holding 63 students. There are eight suites in each house, and every suite has eight single-occupancy beds. The single rooms are tiny, windowless and cell like. The controversy is centered on the lack of windows. The 8 students share two baths just off the common area which appears to contain a long conference-like table and chairs. The private cells appear to be about 7 ft x 12 ft. and each contains a “faux” window that is really just a digital panel.

California generally likes to claim to be the wokest place in the nation, with the colleges and universities being the wokest of the woke. In my undergraduate days these were the hippies, but no more. Hippies believed that everyone was entitled tpo “do their own thing”. But today wokeness focuses on gender, sexual orientation and race. And we have students divided into houses with 8 students each.

Let me suggest, for example, that 8 gay guys decide it would be fun to hang with just other gay guys, so eight gay guys decide they want to room in a single house. Is that permitted? Same for gay women? Can a university somehow place restrictions on gay sexual behavior as it traditionally has done in attempts to keep men and women out of each other’s dorms in an effort to stop sexual activities like a parent might attempt to do.

Or, what about the straight guy who brings his girlfriend into his single dorm room for sex. Is that allowed? Or, vice versa. What are the other male house members going to think if there are girlfriends wandering around the house on a regular basis in the common area?

But issues become more still more complicated. Suppose we have 8 trans students. Some are males who transitioned to female. Others are females who became male? Can they all live in a single house or should they be separated based on their current not birth gender? And can they identify their house as trans?

And the bisexuals? Can 8 bisexuals all share a common house? If so can it be labeled as such?

And the non-binary, as in students who do not identify as male or female. Is there a separate house for non-binaries?

And race? Are 8 African Americans allowed to be in the same house? 8 Latinos? 8 Asians? 8 Caucasians? Or is there some weird university rule requiring each house to be racially diverse? What happens if 8 students all want to room together by choice? Is it a responsibility of the university to force racial diversity in each 8-student house?

UC Santa Barbara housing faces some interesting questions, questions more complicated than whether or not a guy can find a private space in which to masturbate. I keep reading that only 5 to 10 percent of adult males self-identify as gay, and I presume the largest share of these engage in some form of partner sex that involves the interchange of bodily fluids. But then I also read that a much larger percentage of adult males have engaged in one or more episodes involving same sex activity, maybe 30 or 40 percent. For the most part I presume this activity is mutual masturbation in one form or another.

I realize that my readers here are generally big fans of engaging in masturbation while wearing a snug-fitting swim brief, and that such an activity might be even more arousing when another guy is doing the same thing as each of you watch each other get hard. There are a lot of guys out there where mutual masturbation becomes the only same-sex activity—guys who otherwise ultimately end up living as a straight married guy. To me the interesting part about all of this is what happens when a guys are suddenly in a house with 8 private rooms, guys that may not self-identify as gay, but still take advantage of a great opportunity to engage in mutual masturbation within such a setup.

02-08-2022, 03:13 PM
Thongs and Thonging: My latest thoughts on this

It has been some time since I have last written anything on the subject of thongs and thonging, including thong swim briefs but particularly dealing with thong underwear designed to be worn by males. Females adopted the design many years ago and the design to this day remains very popular with females. However, that fact has led some males to think that thongs as worn by males is something that would appeal only to gay guys—or in particular to a subset of gay guys who are comfortable being labeled as “fems”. Getting some guys to even want to try wearing pair of thong underwear has been a psychological issue for a lot of guys, for fear of inadvertently being seen wearing one might send an inadvertent message to other guys or even girlfriends with respect to what is implied about a guy’s sexuality if that is the guy’s underwear choice.

On a clothing shopping trip, in 1988 I think it was (goodness, that is almost 35 years ago), I ran into some boxed pairs of male thong underwear under the Hom brand name. Hom is a brand that at that point in time I think was mainly sold in Europe, which made the find even more interesting. I immediately knew I had to have a pair—well actually 3 pair! Even back then I was always on the prowl for clothing items that might make me somehow feel horny.

I got them home and started carefully examining what I had purchased. The back of the thong consisted of a thin elastic cord, maybe 3/16th inches in diameter, and this connected to the front pouch which was made of a stretchy elastic material. An elastic waistband (size SM, 28-30) and that was it! Wow! Even just opening the package I was feeling horny and starting to precum into my white cotton briefs. Getting into these little thongs was immense fun. The only way that could happen was to cinch up the rear cord in my crack between my glutes and then tug and pull on the pouch until my penis and balls were somehow snuggly wrapped in the stretchy cloth. I was oozing precum into the pouch at the same time and feeling horny as all get out. What fun! I was instantly hooked on the design. Totally hooked.

For the first time in my life I now realized that my anal area between my glutes was a sexually active erogenous zone, as the thong cord “hit” me in all the right places. The pouch, pushing my frontal sexually active areas front and forward added to the fun. As I walked, the cord kept brushing and tugging in the entire space between my glutes. My prostate soon realized what I was doing and got in on the fun as well. Of course, all of this can quickly make a guy hard just getting in or even just thinking about getting into a thong, and at some point you may realize that the situation is getting totally intolerable and you really need to ejaculate into the pouch… Heck, these are pleasures for more than just gay guys, but something EVERY guy can readily enjoy!

Eventually I calmed down a bit. The first thing I decided to do was try wearing one of these to bed, with the idea of seeing whether I could sustain precum production throughout the night even when I am asleep (The answer is “Yes”). Then I started wearing a thong as underwear around the house in order to get my mind and body “used” to the various newly-found, sexually-active sensations. Stage 3 is heading off to work wearing only a thong as underwear under a favorite pair of skinny jeans. And I was soon able to do that as well—never mind that I would come home from work with a pouch with big quarter dollar-sized stains of precum—the precum never leaked onto my jeans and I never inadvertently gone into an unintended full-ejaculation mode. Nor have I ever been caught in a situation where anyone else saw me in my favorite underwear.

AND I went on more shopping trips. I found a particular Jockey design (sadly no longer made) that was even more erotic than the Hom ones were. I bought a whole bunch of these. And over the years I have gradually accumulated a bunch of thongs of various shapes and sizes to run experiments of various sorts. Here is some of what these experiments have taught me.

The second design is less mean, but also less erotic fun. Generally, these thongs are largely made of cotton with a larger, less stretchy cloth pouch and the back is a wider strip of cotton fabric that is designed to lay on top of your crack not between your glutes. These are a design for a “beginner”. The basic structure is still there but this is a design more built for daily wear underwear than for having the kind of erotic fun I described above. Sadly, Jockey quit building the first design in favor of the second, daily-wear design. For awhile, there were no readily-available versions of the first design. But 2x(ist) also used to have a great “Y-back” version that hit all the right pressure points in the first design. Then they quit making that. But now it seems to be back in the design 1 version,

Right now my 2x(ist) Y-backs are my “go to” design as thong sleepwear. I crawl into it and I am “climbing the walls so to speak in an instant, desperately trying to get some sleep as I enjoy the tugs and pulls in all the right places. EVERY guy should try sleeping in a 2x(ist) Y-back thong.

Today I am wearing a more modest “design 2” thong around the house and would have no issue with pulling on a pair of my favorite skinny jeans and head out and about. I know I have a thong on and can feel its presence in various ways and in various spots, but the thong isn’t driving me bonkers as would be the case if I were wearing the 2x(ist) thong. I am going to be on my rowing machine and stationary bike in a bit, and over the thong I am wearing a pair of super snug TESLA running tights. The combination is really quite nice and I know I will enjoy my exercise routine today in all sorts of neat ways. All for now!

02-08-2022, 06:46 PM
So I got to looking at the 2x(ist) offerings on their Web site. Turns out they have less expensive all-cotton versions and fairly expensive ($26 ea) SLIQ versions that are purportedly skimpier and made of a cotton/spandex blend that I am so fond of.

From there I got to looking on Amazon to see if there were any colors/fabrics not on the 2x(ist) site and what the prices were. On the 2x(ist) site it looks as if they are aiming this thong for purchase by the gay pride crowd between the “pride” print version and the bright purple color.

On Amazon I found this one on in a more somber navy blue for $18 not $26 in SM (oddly, MED is more expensive) and with free shipping. So I ordered that. In reading the reviews the comment is that these seem to require a size up. If anything a SM for me is one size down.


But for me with my super-intense fondness for super-snug thongs I do not think this will be a problem. ROFL.

Now all I have to do is just wait for my order to arrive and then give everyone here my detailed review. Makes me horny just thinking about it LOL. Read the Amazon reviews. The guys are saying much the same thing I said in my post above about wearing thongs, and are wearing them under snug running tights the same as me. They are not quite as explicit as I am with respect to exactly what they are saying but the implications are as crystal clear as a drop of precum.

On a separate but related topic, I am just through my morning exercise program with my rowing machine and stationary bike wearing a thong under a really snug-fitting pair of running tights. The combination does some really interesting things given that the narrow bike seat tends to put still more upward pressure on the perineum area with each turn of the pedals, and this is way more fun when wearing a thong. It is so much fun that the bike ride goes quickly.

You might think I am badgering you to engage yourself in male “self abuse” when what I am really interested in doing is simply getting you into an exercise routine that you enjoy. In this semi-aroused “horny” state, just brushing a fingertip or two against the tip of my penis through the tights and thong as I ride sends waves of intense pleasure through my entire body. Why not? Maintaining an exercise program should and can be fun in all sorts of ways.

And a new 2x(ist) in on its way to me in the mail. It’s great just being a guy!

02-09-2022, 02:14 PM
Thonging, Edging and Penis Pumping

I read with a great deal of interest the reviews on the SLIQ 2x(ist) thong I just ordered and found a lot of interesting stuff. First, tho the writers tend to right for a PG audience, it is clear (LOL) to me that part of the reason a lot of guys are into wearing thongs is the same as for me—the fit and feel makes them feel horny! In addition many guys have discovered that a thong is a great undergarment for exercise and gym wear, but particularly when worn under running tights!

A lot of the tights I buy have a section in the groin area that has tiny ventilation perforations—given this it would seem that some sort of undergarment might be in order for the following reason. If you are going to e horny while doing your exercise routine—if you wore only the perforated tights with no undergarment, there could be a problem. Being horny means oozing drops of precum. This could be an issue if the precum oozes through the perforated cloth in the groin area. BUT the thong pouch is an excellent precum catcher, preventing this from happening. Of course a guy might not get horny if he is NOT wearing a thong, but staying horny while exercising is part of what makes exercise fun and enjoyable over the long haul. I love exercising this way so much. The extended time I spend precumming is a highlight of my day.

Now Peloton would have you believe that a ride on an exercise bike is enjoyable simply because you can watch the butts of other bike riders on a TV screen. Compared to simply wearing a thong and running tights while bike riding I say that is no fun at all. What is fun is dripping precum as I exercise as in staying in a horny state for an hour on end.

So I crawl onto my rowing machine and my stationary bike. I also have a standard TV set to watch while I am exercising and it is always interesting to see moment-by-moment if I am paying more attention to the TV show or the sensations that are happening to me in my groin while wearing my exercise gear. In the case of the rowing machine I have typically been spending an hour or more a day for 30 or 35 years, plus weightlifting on my weightlifting machine. I would have never been able to sustain this were there not some big rewards and for me keeping up my exercise routine is a lot about what I choose to wear while exercising—and feeling horny while I exercise is really really important to what I do every day. I think the appeal of a lot of sports for guys is connected to the gear they wear—the straps, the tight-fitting football pants etc. No one says this openly but that is what is actually going on.

As I think about this, what I am doing is active edging—that is using the exercise routine as an excuse to maintain a degree of sexual arousal as I exercise. Getting to the point where I would need to go into a full-blown orgasm would shut everything down and at my age I would take a day or two to get back to where I was horniness-wise minimum. So the trick is to sustain the horniness without going into the muscular contractions of a full-blown orgasm, and I can go that way for nearly as long as I want.

The porn sites have lots of videos of guys masturbating where the claim that the viewer is seeing them in a situation where they have not ejaculated in up to two weeks. The longer a guy delays the inevitable the stronger the urge to ejaculate becomes, but this is especially true for younger guys whose refractory period is much shorter than what I now have. But still it is fun to see how guys respond to the pressure brought about by trying to continue to edge and delay orgasm as the time since the last orgasm increases.

Me? I’m through with my exercise but still wearing my thong and tights and continuing to edge, as I am doing as I write this.

What next? Why a penis pump sometimes called a VED device of course! As day drifts into night, I get more and more interested in going from a merely horny state into being in a penis pump. Now I confess that as a young man I would want help in getting and sustaining a hard erection this way , but unfortunately stuff happens. Still, what I learned is that penis pumps are fun things to mess with not only for guys my age but for guys of ANY age.

Again, the porn web sites are helpful in understanding all of this. Every guy knows what a circle jerk is, where a group of male buds get together, get naked and masturbate in a group setting. A few guys may even get up the nerve to masturbate each other. Lots of guys regard this as a form of male gay sex, but it occurs commonly enough for others to believe it is simply a “phase” that males who lack a female partner for sex do to get off and relieve some of the physical and psychological urge to ejaculate.

A video that USED to be on one of the porn sites had a half-dozen males first unboxing a big order of VED pumps ordered probably off of Amazon each pump a bit different and a different brand. Then each guy lubes himself up and crawls into the pump with the other guys (all doing the same thing to themselves) looking on at the same time. A few squeezes of the manual pump, each guy that age gets bigger inside his pump quickly. Of course, part of the fun is you get to see all the other guys in a similar pump-induced predicament each with his penis big, hard and filled with blood induced by the pump vacuum. A few guys work up to pumping one of the other guy’s pumps. I would call this a VED Circle jerk.

I like to do the same thing myself even though for me there is no audience. Ater a day of thongs, exercise and snug running tights, and still feeling really horny, there is nothing better than lubing myself up with gel soap and slipping into a penis pump. I like the manual versions the best as I can gradually increase the vacuum watching my penis swell and lengthen just a bit at a time. Another squeeze of the pump bulb and the vacuum increases a bit more. Can I tolerate another squeeze? Yes, that is good! I slip a silicone penis ring off the pump sheath and onto the base of my penis. The ring feels really good too. A couple more squeezes and I am ready to remove the pump and start manually stroking the fat long erection the pump helped me create. It feels a bit different from an erection created entirely with the hands and fingers, but these subtle differences are part of why this is so much fun. AND I am still edging! I have not shut off the fun by going into the repeating muscular contractions of a full orgasm. I suspect that younger guys may have more difficulty on this part, but to each his own. The night is still young and I am still horny as all get out. What next? Why getting a night’s sleep while staying in this remarkable state all night long of course! As in last night.

02-10-2022, 03:13 PM
Spending the night in a 2x(ist) SLIQ Y-back thong (part 1)

The 2x(ist) thong I ordered showed up in my mail box only 2 days after I ordered it (there is an interesting story as to why I got it so quickly that I will share with you later). As I indicated in my previous post I have been having a particularly fun time the last few days just working through my daily exercise routine while wearing a thong, and then following that up in the evening with some great applications of my vacuum penis pump, all the while edging as in staying horny and hard but just below the point where the muscular contractions of an orgasm are inevitable. I have “trained” myself to be able to do this for long periods of time and it is truly great erotic fun.

First, some definitions. I have been using the term “mean” or maybe “not so mean” to describe the attributes of an underwear thong. But a mean thong is not a bad thong but a really good thong for recreational wear but maybe not for daily underwear. I have a very large thong collection and I have worn practically every kind of design. The term “mean” is simply a short cut way to compare two different thongs with respect to how likely just wearing a specific thong will make you instantly feel aroused (or horny). I could do this on a 5-point scale with the meanest thongs getting 5 stars and the least-mean ones getting one star.

Another aspect of this is that guys who buy thong underwear do it for a variety of reasons, and some guys (believe it or not) are just thinking of wearing a thong as daily underwear without getting into the horniness stuff at all. These guys probably are in search of a less mean thong since getting aroused during the day may have issues—maybe they need a thong that would rate only one or two stars on the meanness scale—as in something no more arousing than, say a pair of briefs. (Well, not quite but you know what I am getting at).

Me, being retired, but very fond of being horny and edging is always looking for the meanest possible thong, one that would get 4 or even 5 stars on the star scale. And, like I say over the years, I have accumulated a huge collection of thongs at all sorts of meanness levels. In recent years it has become more difficult to find the really mean ones, but 2x(ist) thongs have always been 4 or 5 star thongs in this regard and a long-time favorite of mine for that very reason. I know psychologically that just being in a 2x(ist) thong will likely make me quite horny. I have samples of the product made 20 years ago and 10 years ago and over the years I have found these to be hugely enjoyable on the meanness scale (Will just getting into this send me into a way horny edging mode?).

So the issue is, how does the current 2x(ist) design compare with their earlier efforts? As I said, in recent years, I guess to appeal to the guys who are considering just wearing a thong as daily underwear without the other stuff that goes on with the guys who buy and get into thongs mainly for what I term “recreational” wear. So I am buying this thong partly to review where 2x(ist) thongs are currently for recreational not daily wear use compared to the thongs they made 10 and 20 years ago.

So, for me, yesterday was one of those days where I was aroused and horny practically continuously all day long and on into the night. My mind was laser-focused on arousal and edging. One of the great fun parts of being a retired single guy is that I have the freedom to do just that. I am a great fan of edging. And the mix of what I am doing to, by, and with myself has reached a new level of sheer enjoyment. I also greatly enjoy the VED pump with this really neat hard-on that is great fun to massage to just below the level where the muscular contractions start. Just as I think I can stand it no longer massaging myself the hard-on with gel soap, I jump into a freshly drawn warm tub of water to cool down a bit and reduce the urge to purge ever so slightly. But I get out of the tub still feeling way horny.

Meanwhile, I have this new 2x(ist) thong still in its packaging, and I vow that I am not going to try it on immediately, but instead crawl into it AFTER the warm tub bath still horny and then spend the night in it. Long ago I have learned that the way one needs to judge the quality of a thong on the mean scale is to try sleeping in it, and what better situation than to try crawling into it at bedtime after my full day of edging, VED pumping and other assorted male “self-abuse”. Being single, living alone really makes this all possible.

I am truly fascinated by the work of the men’s thong underwear designers. I have long believed that most of the designers are gay males who really understand the nuances of exactly what parts of the male body become erotic when touched or even brushed against. This is the part where the real talents and knowledge of the gay male underwear designer comes in.

Practically any gay guy can tell you that the male body has three major erogenous zones, but straight males tend to be focused on only one of them. Further, designing a “mean” thong aimed for recreational wear involves coming up with a design that “kicks” all three of these erogenous zones, not just one of them.

The three zones are 1 the area in and around the anus, 2 the perineum area which is an erogenous bundle of nerves just behind the scrotum and lying wedged neatly between the scrotum and the anus, and 3 the penis and balls that together are viewed as just a single, interconnected erogenous zone. Straight guys tend to be focused on the penis and balls and tend to see them as largely separate erogenous zones not interconnected.

So in deciding to market thong underwear for males, the manufacturer is faced with a fascinating choice. Do I come up with a design that might appeal to a straight male for daily wear that might opt for the design as an option to wearing ‘boring” briefs? There MIGHT be a market here. To be overcome is the notion that the design is perfectly fine daily underwear who guys who are not into recreational underwear at all.

But the OTHER option is to have my gay designer come up with a really mean design and focus my sales on guys who see thong underwear mainly as recreational wear—but particularly the gay market although more generally people who see all of this like this writer does. I wear a thong not because it is a better design for daily wear but rather because the mere act of getting into the right thong makes me instantly feel really horny. The guy might not fully appreciate why this is so, but remember the thee gay male erogenous zones I listed above.

To make a thong design that appeals to males merely looking for something for daily wear as an alternative to, say a standard boring cotton brief, the design needs to largely ignore the first two erogenous zones. So, the thong back is fairly wide and usually designed to cover the crack from on top to bottom rather than cut between the glutes. The thong back is also relatively long which means that the point where the back is sewn to the pouch is loose and rides below the perineum rather than pressing snuggly against it. Did I mention that another “feature” of a daily wear thong is a fairly big and loose fitting pouch with plenty of room to contain the guy’s balls and penis and some “room to grow” without putting undue “tension” on the wider back which could cause issues in daily wear. This is a “tame” thong rating 1 or 2 stars on my scale of meanness. But this design is of little interest to guys who are making purchases not because they intend to wear thongs as daily wear almost as they would a cotton brief, it largely ignores the so called recreational wear market that involves specifically stimulation of the other two erogenous zones so critical in recreational thong wear. And in recent years many of the manufacturers seem to be focused on making only “comfortable” thong designs and focus on the daily wear not recreational wear market.

(To be continued) 

02-10-2022, 03:15 PM
Spending the night in a 2x(ist) SLIQ Y-back thong (part 2)

Twenty and even thirty years ago I started really having fun exploring all of this. The Jockey thongs available then merited 5 stars on the mean scale for a superb cord back that could only reside deep between my glutes, a tremendous area where the cord met the pouch that gave my perineum a steady truly enjoyable jolt, and a super stretchy but really tight pouch that forced me the play with myself just to get into the damn thing without having both balls (or worse, only one ball) pop free. In a sheer horniness or arousal scale this was an easy 5 stars. Everything that needed to be touched got hit in a most wonderful way. I was totally hooked!

Thongs always present something of a challenge to get everything in place. A guy does not want to be wearing a thong for daily wear with one or both balls hanging out, and getting both your penis and balls into the pouch may require some hand work, which is fondling, as in just getting everything in with both your penis and balls pushing up and forward. This fondling makes you start to get hard. And with a snug pouch, any expansion is going to put more pressure on the cord that is residing against your anal area as well as put upward pressure on the stitches that connect cord to pouch and some serious upward pressure on the perineum. Depending on your outlook, this can be treated either as a problem or as horny erotic fun. The more you grow the more the tension and the fun. I think a lot of guys who might otherwise want to wear a thong as daily wear worry about this to the point it scares them off. But this is at the heart of the thong as erotic recreational wear part of the equation.

2x(ist) has for 30 years or more made thongs that were clearly aimed not at the daily wear often straight guy market but at the recreational wear department. The Y-back design with the narrow cord and snug pouch is part of the design. My first 2x(ist) thong I purchased many years ago featured a Y-back design and a really snug pouch hit all my recreational wear erogenous buttons, so to speak, and I have spent many nights sleeping in it, and waking up at 3 AM to discover that I was somehow, for some odd reason, was feeling really really horny. In fact I was wearing this old thong just a week ago. Still a great fit and feel.

So, my idea yesterday was to not get into the new SLIQ thing until I was ready for bed and then spend the night in it and see how I rate the experience. And I did exactly that. Now the Y-back is interesting as the first third of the back and the upper half of the Y cuts across the glutes on both sides. But then the lower part of the Y is a single cord that suddenly cuts deep between the glutes and attaches to the pouch at the perineum.

For recreational thong wear I always want to make sure that the cord is a bit tight, and the SM size I ordered basically ensures that the cord will be snug. And the SM size ensures that the pouch will fit around my penis and balls snug. Getting myself into all of this requires a bit of “work” on my part but trust me, the work is not unpleasant. The sizing is perfect. The waist band is snug and not too snug. And the lower part of the Y cord has a lot of tension on it, tension that will only increase if I grow a little during the night.

So, I got everything in place and concluded that I was in a good place but nothing that was going to keep me awake, and I quickly fell asleep. I was exhausted from all the edging (I was tired from a long day where I was basically aroused all day long). Then I awakened at 4 AM and I noticed that I was feeling really horny again. Somehow in these situations my hands and fingers seem to find a way to my penis and balls. My penis is trying to push forward and upward and my balls are in the pouch but right beside my penis not beneath it. And my balls suddenly seem to be super-sensitive as well. This is crazy fun to experience. Maybe my initial idea that this was a fun recreational thong but not as much fun as the older designs was not quite accurate. I am suddenly liking this, a lot!

So the cord that makes up the lower half of the Y is wider than it was in my older 2x(ist) thongs. Will this still cut between my glutes on its way to the pouch and perineum area. Next I discover that I can spread my glutes wide and see exactly where the cord has migrated. Not to worry! The cord (lower half of the Y) is deeply embedded between my glutes and putting tension and pressure directly on my anus. That is, well, interesting. But remember the thong size is SM and the cord somehow needs to make its way to being attached to the bottom of the pouch. The shortest route is the path that embeds the cord most deeply between my glutes and I can feel that now. The cord puts a constant slight pressure on my anus and then as it meets the pouch the short, snug cord puts more upward tension on my perineum. Further, by simply fondling my penis and balls in the confines of the pouch my penis grows a bit and tries to press forward come more. This not only puts more tension on the cord and on my anus, but causes the seam that is hitting my perineum to press upward some more. The combination of these three actions is what great recreational thong wearing is really all about.

So, my conclusion is that this is a really mean thong and fully worthy of a 5-star rating with a bulls eye hit in all three male erogenous zones, and a truly great choice for recreational thong wear. I still haven’t gotten off but am still horny from the accumulated things that happened to me yesterday and during the night. I could not be more pleased. Is it better than the two older designs I have? That could be debatable. But I am looking forward to just another day a abusing myself in these ways—it is all terrific fun.

I was going to mention how I got this thong on Amazon so quickly. I had been over at the 2x(ist) page and the SLIQ designs were either bright purple, heavily patterned or a crazy gay pride rainbow design. I was looking for something more somber, say navy, gray or black, but with the same features and there was a new one in what must be a discontinued color, navy blue, and for only $18 with free shipping even that the price was lower than the $25 for free shipping on Amazon. Turns out the seller that had the thing was a mini store working out of a small residential house. But the really weird par was that the house is in my city and maybe only about a mile from me. The seller dropped it in the mail almost as quickly as I placed the order and it was in my mailbox the next day. Strange coincidence!

All is well in erogenous, edging land… Did I mention you might want to try this?

02-12-2022, 01:06 PM
Wayback machine
I got to thinking about when guys first realized that wearing a thong was great fun, psychologically and sexually As everyone knows, the Speedo company in Australia “invented” the Speedo, as in a lightweight swim brief which, for its time had what guys thought was minimal coverage. They were brief style with moderate sides—maybe three inches, but this was in the pre-Spandex fiber days. And a real Speedo was made from durable nylon—but lightweight, like a swim brief made with the material in a parachute.

But there was no stretch fabric to hold a guy in, and especially when the suit was wet, the outline of the penis was likely clearly visible. Guy’s had to learn to deal with the near nudity that the lightweight nylon provided. But soon a Speedo was the thing for any serious Aussie swimmer to wear, and sales exploded.

However, guys soon discovered that, unlike the later stretch briefs, the back of the suit fit loose too— loose enough so that the fabric covering the glutes could be collapsed to form a mere “wedge” of nylon fabric—and the wedge was small enough that what was covering the glutes could be wedged between the glutes, making the glutes bare, and creating the first instance that was to feel on the guy like a thong would later do. This seems maybe a bit “exposed” for the time but soon these hunky swimmers were picking up on the idea that exposing the glutes was a fun—even very masculine thing to do. And soon a lot swimmers were doing this glute-exposure thing with the thong-like garment they made. The girls on the beach went bonkers for the daring exposed glutes look—some guys too :-).

But, of course, the swimmers were starting to really like the feel of the wedge of nylon cloth crawling snuggly between their glutes and putting tension on the anal area. None of the guys said anything but for the swimmers, they were getting their first experiences as to why being in a thong can be so much fun. All of this is tied to the indirect pressure the wedge of the thong places on the anal area—and indirectly on the adjacent prostate. So doing this became the method the hunky swimmers were getting turned on by the indirect prostate massage from the lower position of the wedge. They were gradually learning this and how much fun the right (wrong?) stimulation in that area can really be.

Since the first loose-fitting nylon Speedos we have had many decades of thongs with a lot of them purposely designed to be a genuine “treat” for a guy in this respect. These are available both as swimwear or as underwear or as designs that could serve either purpose. And often the designers are trying to come up with a design that immediately get the wearer (like me) climbing the walls—so to speak. Indeed, the instant arousal is part of the fun and generates sales for the company making these.

Which takes me to my review of the 2x(ist) thong. It is always an interesting puzzle to write these in a manner that clearly communicates to the reader what I think the reader should know but do it in such a way that keeps the review rated PG, not R or X. So here is my effort in that respect. See if you can determine exactly what I am trying to tell you without going into NSFW mode. This review is now up on the Internet. The vendor approved of my text.
Great, Snug-fitting Thong

This is a really neat thong but especially well suited as an undergarment under compression running tights or compression shorts during exercise or other recreational wear. I chose the SM size in part because I really like a snug fit but also because thongs nearly always fit better if they are a bit downsized. The waistband is fine on me. What is really important is how the back fits and this is not easily determined looking at the photos in the Amazon description. With a Y-back the top half of the Y goes across the top of the glutes diagonally both ways, but the lower part of the Y consists of an elastic band that cuts deeply between the glutes and attaches to the bottom of the front pouch. This band is short and fits very securely on this thong. The pouch needs to be just large enough to contain everything but not loose enough so that parts can inadvertently fall out of the pouch and the stretch fabric pouch used here accomplishes this very well. This is an excellent thong, and I also like to wear it as sleepwear. It feels good on my body in several different ways. I highly recommend it but particularly as recreational or sleepwear.
And here is a review by another guy of the same thong. He is attempting the same thing I am attempting. Clear communication to the reader without making the review NSFW.

I've loved wearing underwear briefs and swim briefs since my earliest teen years. They were so much more comfortable for casual wear, sleeping in, and swimming laps. At 14, I tossed out all of my boxers, jammers, board shorts, and stuck with only the tiniest of briefs. I was absolutely in love with them, looking at myself in the mirror wearing them, swimming, beach volleyball, yoga, just everything. They were an inspiration to exercise and eat healthy in order to keep looking great! So when I was 19, I noticed a few underwear brands selling thongs online, and I couldn't get the thought of wearing them out of my head. I immediately bought a few.

Once they were delivered, I took them out of the packages, and tried them on, one after the other. It was such a thrill! 2xist thongs bring me back, reminding me how they changed my life and helped my fitness goals even more. Everything from the comfortable pouch up front that provides so much support, the waistband which stays on the hips with ease. Since they're made of cotton, they wash easily. Plenty of eye catching colors. And the greatest thing: it's the most wonderful, sensual feeling with the y-back between the glutes!

And here is yet another review from the same guy on the all cotton-version of the 2x(ist) thong This one is almost G-rated

Ten years after first wearing thongs, I still experience that same thrill, especially since I'm still wearing size small/size 30 with ease! Most guys probably are skeptical about taking such an (admittedly) huge step with wearing something unfamiliar, and yeah that's normal. But they are so flattering to slender swimmer bodies, and weightlifter bodies alike. Once you take that step of feeling comfortable with yourself and wear one, for fitness goals, as well as personal appearance, you'll exude a confidence you wouldn't have thought possible! So go for it! And if your S.O. has your back, yet another plus!
Both of us are trying to communicate the same thing. That is, you should be interested in buying this thong because wearing it will make you feel really horny almost instantly, and it is really great to feel that way! But my readers here have probably already figured that part out. Part of the market for the thong is for guys who have decided its great fun to get hard in one of them! But we don’t exactly say that in the reviews—though there are hints here and there.

02-24-2022, 09:52 PM
Strapped and cupped

I have long been a fan of old school athletic supporters—you know, the kind with the neat rubberized pouches and the 2 ½ or even 3-inch elastic waistband with the leg straps that cross my glutes to hold everything in place securely.

And to paraphrase the old Mounds and Almond Joy Ads “Sometimes I feel like a cup and sometimes I don’t” But when I “hunger” to be in a cup, not just a cup of any size or shape. I am not a big fan of the newer “banana cups”. Too much room to flop around inside for sure. I like the old school cups that are quite flat and have only a limited amount of space inside. I particularly like the fit and feel of a cup that puts a constant, steady pressure on my penis. My penis senses the gentle pressure of the cup bearing down on it—and the sensation of the sides of the cup just being present. Not anything really big or profound, mind you—but just “there”. And of course, the pressure might be so subtle that it does not even hardly “bother” me, psychologically. But as soon as I start to think about where the cup is and how my penis is encased in it, the cup starts to “bother” me psychologically.

At first I think to myself this is no big deal at all, surely I can cope with such a subtle but distinct pressure. Then I think about what is happening to me down there some more and I start to squirm a bit. What seemed quite tolerable only a few moments ago is now starting to “get” to me. Somehow my penis “knows” that it in something of a “predicament” and escape is not an option. On one hand, I am really starting to “enjoy the situation I am in…precum is a real indicator that this is a place to be that, while annoying, is also a place I like very much. At least that is what I am sensing—a rather horny mixture of being annoyed but having some interesting fun at the same time. Weird, huh?

I guess, the original “plan” for guys who wore these old school straps and cups is that they would go directly over the nude body. Then the strap pouch would collect any precum drops. Then guys got the idea that they could wear the strap and cup over a snug-fitting pair of tighty whiteys. Not only was the leg straps to chafe the glutes, but the tighty whiteys provided a secondary layer for collecting precum drops and kept the strap ouch cleaner. Still, lots of fun.

Today I tried something different. Why not wear a pair of snug running tights as a first layer, and put the strap and cup over that? That provides a lot of interesting pressure points and these pressure points tend to interact. But I do not want to be wandering around with a white strap and cup over black running tight. The solution is to make a final layer of a pair of really snug fitting Bollinger black compression shorts OVER the cup and tights. The Bollingers make sure that the Strap and cup press firmly and constantly against my groin which, as the day wears on is subtle at first but then starts to “get” too me—nothing dramatic but just a steady light pressure that feels wonderful.

I highly recommend this “layered” approach. It is always good to have a collection of cups and straps—every one is unique and different and each one provides a unique set of sensations. What a great thing to do on a lazy afternoon!

03-26-2022, 06:34 PM
Those fit really tight on you, but they look great!

I have been fascinated by all sorts of tight-fitting clothing from bell before I became a teenager. Before puberty, I had only a vague understanding as to why, except that I knew for some not that apparent reason, this is where I wanted to be. Once I reached puberty, things came into focus for me quickly and I began to understand more fully what had been not as clear to me before.

As my readers know, I have spent a lifetime running experiments that make use of every manner of snug-fitting clothing. My favorites lately have been underwear thongs, jock straps, and running tights, which I have been wearing for my daily exercise.

Today I was looking through some of many pairs of extreme skinny fit jeans that I own. Now as American males have long known, the transition from jeans fabric that contains no stretch spandex was once thought of as somehow not right for guys, that a form fit was somehow OK for women who wanted to wear skin tight jeans but somehow not OK for guys. Asian, and to a degree European men had no such hang-ups. The Asian guys in particular liked the super skinny form fitting look long before that look caught on with American guys, where baggy was in. But the European guys tended to follow the Asians as well.

As you know, I have been exercising daily and in the last several winter months favoring really snug running tights as my garment of choice. But as I was digging through my jeans, I found a couple pair of black jeans that looked surprisingly much like my black running tights. One air, from Pac Sun, I purchased relatively recently as in maybe 18 months ago, but I also found a pair I had purchased earlier. Both of these pair for me fit skin tight but seem to have a lot o stretch and both are size 30 x 30”, about 2 waist sizes down from my usual 32 x 30 size for jeans with zero stretch. The earlier pair I had ordered from AliExpress on the internet, a big China-based variation on Amazon advertised as super skinny jeans. Remember that the Asian guys were doing the really snug look long before the Americans. Maybe just maybe these would work as exercise gear as an alternative to running tights.

Now the jeans material is heavier than the running tights material but otherwise the jeans fit about as tight as the running tights, even though the calf and the leg openings.

But, what to wear with these? I haven’t talked a lot about tops, but I am fond of the compression gear tops both short and long sleeved. I really like the erotic feel of the long-sleeved top better than the short-sleeved version, but the long-sleeved versions are difficult to get in and out of on a warmer day if a guy is sweating at all. But, this being a cool March day no problem getting myself into the long-sleeved black compression top.

All of this calls for a thong and a strap. Today just a simple cotton thong that fits very nice and snuf between my glutes and holds my penis where I want it to be. Then I foud a “designer” strap I had ordered on Amazon. Check out the BSHETR brand name on Amazon. I like the way the leg straps cross my glutes but I feel “bare” and somehow “missing something” without the thong strap cutting snuggly between my glutes. So the strap over the thong works very well.

Time to pull on the super snug black Asian jeans and get on my rowing machine. Exercising in this setup went very quickly and I felt really snug. I feared that when my timed stationary bike ride happened the jeans would keep me from moving quite as fast as when I wore the running tights, but oddly enough, I completed my four mile run in less time. Perhaps this was due in part from the stimulation I was receiving from the thong and strap, but everything went very well.

This experiment has encouraged me to look at some of my other pairs of skinny jeans as pure athletic apparel as well. Exploring all of this is great fun.

03-27-2022, 01:55 PM
Having fun by yourself

Solo sex is very different from sex with a partner in a host of different ways. In partner sex, the goal is all about having an orgasm at “the end” of the session. In male-female partner sex, generally the couple strives to try and ensure that both of them not only get to an orgasmic point but also that both of them reach an orgasm at not necessarily the exact same time but certainly close together if at all possible.

Of course, this does not always happen with the timing that is considered ideal if at all, and thousands of books have been written on the subject of finding out why and what the partners can do about it. Getting the orgasm timing just right often becomes the primary object of the couple and as a result the couple becomes less focused on the sheer pleasure of sexual arousal, male and female.

In gay sex with a male partner the circumstances change somewhat. The goal becomes now whether or not the male partners can have an orgasm at approximately the same time, but rather that both partners in a sexual encounter are able to have an ejaculatory orgasm within a specific sexual encounter even if the two ejaculations are comparatively widely-spaced time wise. The ejaculation focus may be with one partner initially and once he has ejaculated that partner can turn his attention to what is necessary to do for the other partner to get to ejaculate. But there is no particular premium placed on both male partners ejaculating at nearly the same time as there often is with a male-female sexual encounter.

What about guys who do not have a sexual partner at all? One way of looking at this is that these guys are somehow way unfortunate because sexual pleasure is all about two people not one enjoying their arousal together not alone. Guys (women too) end up in situations very frequently do not have a sexual partner by choice or by circumstance. EVERY guy probably spent his early years with either no sexual partner or with few actual sexual encounters. Yet guys are not sexually disinterested in their early years even if they lack a sexual partner. Getting and being aroused sexually and enjoying the wonderful sensations of arousal is part of growing into adulthood, and is also very much a part of the lives of individuals who do not have a sexual partner in adulthood by choice or by circumstance. For guys who are in this category solo sex (aka masturbation) becomes a critical part of their daily lives.

As a young teen, I may find myself masturbating in the home bathroom so that no one in my family can discover what I am doing in there by myself. But there are limits to how long a guy can be in a bathroom without attracting the attention of other family members. So the guy quickly develops masturbation methods that “get the whole thing over” fairly quickly, as in seeing how fast the guy can go from having an initial hard-on to an orgasm.

But as a young adult I might very well now be out and living alone, in which case as a male I can really begin to start to learn about edging, as in maintaining a state of high arousal but just under what would create the muscular contractions and ejaculate that comes with a full orgasm. That the young adult male lacks a sexual partner for engaging in this is not a bad thing and it might even be a good thing. And learning the nuances of how to maintain a high arousal state without ejaculating can never be a bad thing even in partner sex.

I admit that I often learn new things by visiting sites such as pornhub. Pornhub as directed to males is divided into straight and gay sections. Obviously the straight section involves videos of male-female sexual encounters, and part of the gay male side is videos of two guys having various kinds of sex as male partners. This might represent 60-65 percent of the gay male videos. But the remaining 35 percent on the gay male side consists of guys engaging in various kinds of solo sex activities, from simple masturbation with the hand to other activities that might include things like hand-held vibrators, various electrostimulation devices and vacuum penis pumps.

I am amazed at the role that edging plays in most of these videos—the idea is for the guy to get to a point where sexual arousal is very high but just under the point where the involuntary muscular contractions associated with ejaculation must occur. These guys are doing all the things to themselves that the teen seeking a quick orgasm in the bathroom could not. To make this even more difficult, guys claim in the edging video that they have not ejaculated for several days, so that “riding on the edge of ejaculation” is even more difficult with the guy’s body screaming at him in various ways that it needs to get rid of semen ASAP. This is both great fun but also mental and physical “torture” of sorts. Watching guys “suffer” with such edging can be and is most interesting to see. This is far more interesting in my view that observing a male and female get off together or even a gay male couple engage in a sexual encounter.

Of course there is always the thought that a serial edger might have come up with techniques that have not occurred to me and that I will see something interesting about doing this that I did not already know. But over the years I have developed my own long list of edging methods many of which seem to also work extremely well and I highly recommend to other guys.

Today I am back in the thong, strap and jeans that I wore yesterday and wrote about in the previous post. The combination still feels great. Last night I started with my little estim device, and then continued with my vacuum penis pump. Obviously the jeans, strap and thong had to come off, but by nightfall I was still feeling really horny. Then I had fun massaging my hard penis coming out of the vacuum pump using shower gel as lube, but just under the point where I would have gone into the involuntary muscular contractions of an orgasm. Then I dove into a warm tub of water, still feeling way horny. I dried off and pulled on another thong which I slept in, and this morning I was still feeling way aroused which means that mentally I was in good shape to write what you have just read. Soon I will be on my rowing machine and stationary bike while still fixated on the whole subject of how wonderful it is to be able to edge and go along for days like this without having an orgasm!

04-01-2022, 03:20 PM
Positioning Yourself in a Swim Brief

A lot of what I read suggests that the smallest and the skimpiest swim briefs are the most fun to wear. But, the truth is that a guy can have a lot of great sensations wearing just an ordinary, traditional swim brief. I am talking, of course, about a brief of the classic Speedo ® design. You know, a brief with sides that measure maybe 2 1/2 or even 3 inches, and from a poly-Lycra blend fabric that fits snug but also stretches a lot. This would not be considered anything out of the ordinary when worn at a beach or pool—the classic swimmers garb that is once again becoming increasingly popular with the real swimmers in the high school and college competitions.

Nowadays, the stretch fabrics are great in that they stretch a lot but still give a skin tight fit. Of course, even with a brief this big, I still suggest undersizing the waist by an inch or two from what a guy normally wears in non-stretch fabrics for the “classic” swimmer-bod look..

The trickiest part about a swim brief is, well, bluntly put, how do I arrange myself down there? Or, more bluntly, exactly how do I place my penis in such a snug-fitting garment? Indeed, there are several possibilities. Guys are keenly aware that depending on how exactly that is done is going to determine both how the guy looks and feels in his brief. The options are basically five. That is, down, forward, up, to the left or to the right. Each of these options not only looks different, but feels different as well as in some options feel more erotic than others, and there are reasons for this. Let me discuss each of these options.

With the DOWN position, the guy is thinking that this is the most conservative position for two reasons. First, assuming he stays relatively flaccid, any unanticipated “growth” will usually not be that noticeable. Further, in a full down position it will appear that he has no bulge or penis down there. This is good from the perspective of being out around other people. The problem, of course is that the down position leaves little if any room to grow should some growth inadvertently take place, and even a slight erection in the down position can be quite uncomfortable. The top or lower end of the upper side of the penis is in contact with the fabric, and this is the part of the penis that has the fewest erotic nerve endings so in this position the guy is not that likely to grow. In that respect, the down position is the “safest”.

In the FORWARD position, the guy positions his penis so it is pointing outward with the glans area (tip) in direct contact with the fabric of the pouch. In this position a guy is going to appear to have a bulge even if he is flaccid. And the contact between the tip and the fabric is not going to “help” in this regard. To be sure this is fun—maybe great fun, except that it is going to be quite obvious to others as to how big the guy is, and worse, even a minor hard-on creates a bigger bulge still. So, I do not recommend the forward position unless the guy is in a situation where this happening is what he wants. The forward position may be a bit too much particularly if a guy took my advice and undersized the brief a bit. The new fabrics are stretchy enough to accommodate most guys in the forward position, but I would still take care with this one if you are going to be in a situation where others are nearby such as at a public pool.

A third option is to point your penis to the LEFT. The effect is to create what appears to be just a tube (your penis) as a 5 inch long round thing heading off to the left. From a distance, this may be hardly noticeable. Generally the part of the penis in contact with the fabric is all along the top and maybe the side of the penis, but not the ultra-sensitive underside.

The fourth option to the RIGHT is the same except your penis is pointing in the opposite direction. Most interestingly, I have found that the sensations a guy gets pointed left are not identical to the sensations pointing right. One of the two directions generally feels more erotic than the other, and a lot of guys who favor a side position left or right have definite preferences for one versus the other. Kind of like being left or right handed. Me, in this regard, I am a definite lefty. The guys who find the down position uncomfortable often adopt a left or right position instead. These positions still feel great and being left or right is probably the option that most guys end up doing.

Finally, there is the truly erotic UP position. This is the position to try if you are really fixated on experiencing first hand why wearing a swim brief can be such great erotic fun. And it makes the choice of a brief that has 2 ½ or 3 inch sides that fits higher to the waist a good idea. Pointed up with as brief with only 1 inch sides and a low-ut waist, pointed up, your glans area can easily come out over the top of the brief. But with the brief with the wider sides you will have more space to grow without coming out over the top. This position is way neat and fun for two reasons. First, the underside of the penis has the hottest erotic nerve endings—and in this position the underside of the penis is pressing firmly against the fabric of the brief all along the underside. Even more interestingly, the erotic hot spot on the underside of the glans just below the tip of the penis is also pressing firmly against the pouch fabric. This sensation might cause you to scream “I like this! I LIKE this!” Probably best you try this position at home in front of a mirror to see exactly how your mind and body tolerates the situation you have put yourself in.

If you are relative newcomer to wearing a swim brief I would suggest “breaking in” any new swim brief by trying all the five positions in the order I listed and see exactly how your mind and body “responds” to each of them. The neat thing is that you can run your experiments using a simple swim brief that provides significant coverage. Finding how your body “reacts” to each position is essential if you intend to wear the brief in a public setting such as at a public pool. You do not want to get into a situation where you inadvertently ejaculate in a public setting, so you need to understand both the situations where that will not happen versus possibly happen. And a first-time brief wearer who initially chooses the “up” position is setting himself up for a possibly very embarrassing situation. You can only imagine what would occur if a guy suddenly cannot keep from ejaculating positioned upward. Yet, if you try this in private and ejaculation occurs this can be great not-to-be-missed erotic pleasure. All the best in running your experiments with a new swim brief.

04-02-2022, 06:24 PM
More fun in a swim brief

One of the reasons male sexuality is so much fun has not only to do with the fact that there are many places on a guy’s body that can be touched/stroked/pressed to produce enjoyable sexual sensations, but that these sensations can and will vary moment by moment. Sex is a total mind and body experience and what might not seem to be that interesting or enjoyable at one moment in time can be totally different and completely mind-blowing only moments later. There are surprises of many sorts happening all the time during arousal and the really fun part is never quite knowing what is going to make you scream with pleasure from one moment to the next.

The male groin is loaded with nerve endings that are a real treat to stimulate. Of course, a lot of these are on the penis itself, but there are various other hot spots that should not be assumed to be non-sensitive as well. Finding out exactly what is more than worth experiencing is the centerpiece of male sexuality.

At this point, my readers are probably wondering that all of this has to do with wearing a simple swim brief, maybe one that is more of a standard issue traditional design that appears to be not that skimpy or revealing. For guys used to wearing boxer style or other loose-fitting underwear and maybe loose-fitting board shorts when near or in the water a swim brief is quite a lot different. I suppose that guys who normally wear traditional cotton brief-style underwear would be less alarmed than others about the whole idea of wearing a swim brief, but a swim brief is definitely not a pair of cotton underwear briefs. The swim brief is designed to fit like a layer of skin, which means that even an ordinary one is going to press against all sorts of places that could be, well, err, sensitive.
I think a lot of guys are apprehensive about wearing a swim brief because they are uncertain as to how their body might respond in all these areas being touched or pressed against and that everything could quickly get out of control. Guys who grew up wearing swim briefs before puberty probably experience less anxiety in this regard than guys who were only able to wear a swim brief after they were past puberty. The fear is really about not knowing having not done this before, and where not knowing could lead. Still, most guys are at least curious about what it would be like to be wearing a swim brief if they have never done that before, but are apprehensive about trying one on for the first time when others are around. This leads me to the suggestion that if at all possible it is best to run early experiments in private.

In the previous page, I went into detail regarding the subject of options a guy has in positioning his penis in the brief and also that some positions are more likely to induce a degree of arousal than others. Being aroused but not far along enough to make ejaculation inevitable is called edging. Of course, in most of the possible swim brief penis positions (the possible exception being “down”) it is going to be fairly easy for others to see your arousal condition by simply observing the bump under the cloth. This scares a lot of guys. But, guys who are aroused also generally ooze precum in viscous drops on the tip of the penis, even in only the beginning stages of starting to build an erection. This is quite normal, except to say that if you have positioned your penis with the head pointed up or to the left or right, chances are some of this damp precum will soon show up as a damp spot right where the tip of the guy’s penis is located inside the pouch of the brief.

This drop or two of precum showing as a damp spot on the brief is way interesting, but for a lot of guys it is the source of not only apprehension and even fear in that just a small wet spot announces that I am really aroused inside my swim brief. Unfortunately a lot of male sexuality is just like this with equal components of sheer fun intermingled with mind-boggling fear of being discovered in an obviously aroused state.

On a guy’s penis, arguably the underside of the glans just a half inch or so behind the penis tip is the most sexually active part of the male anatomy, and stimulation of this area by any means can quickly lead to ejaculation with even a not-that-erect penis. The basic issue with putting the penis in the up position is that it is all but impossible to do this without stimulating this super hot spot even if you did not intend to do so, and a constant but gentle pressure to the glans this way will soon morph into something way more interesting, as in “I need to ejaculate, and right now”. This is the fear and fun stuff I have been talking about. If the ejaculation occurs in private, this becomes mostly fun with little if any fear. In a semi-public (ie locker room) or public setting (at a public pool) ejaculation from “inadvertently” stimulating the underside of your penis tip is probably about 99 percent fear. Better to experience this when you are alone than in the company of others.

Still, I highly recommend that all guys need to try the ideas I have suggested. How your mind and body copes with the situations I have laid out in detail will also be helpful information in partner sex.

04-24-2022, 02:09 PM
Just enjoying yourself

This has been a long and difficult winter, and parts of the US are still in the middle of a bleak snowstorm with below-freezing temperatures. Only now here are the daytime highs getting above 70 degrees and everything is running later than usual. If a lot of guys are like me, they probably lose interest in enjoying their own body when the weather outdoors is something of a mess. But here, at least, the weather looks very good for today, at least. The odd thing when this happens is that I start to feel quite horny, and what somehow seemed not at all interesting even as recently as a couple of days ago is starting to, well, you know.

Almost invariably my mind starts turning to the issue as to what I am going to be wearing when I am once again (happily, I might add) starting to feel this way again. All of you know I have a lot of interesting things in my wardrobe that I have accumulated for just these kinds of situations, and I suspect there of those of you that have one or two items (LOL) that more or less do the same thing for you. Besides, this is an excellent time to add to your collection should you somehow feel the urge.

Nothing like relying on old standbys in this regard. For me, my classic move is tp get into a classic pair of way undersized white cotton briefs. My fondness for white cotton briefs goes way way back to when I was a pre-teen. I am really fond of the look and feel of them, and the tighter the fit, the better. Swim briefs of course are simply an extension of all of this, and a “daring move” is to wear a classic swim brief as a substitute for a brief designed to be worn as underwear. Nowadays, on line you will find lots of briefs on line that are not clearly underwear or swimwear but something in between. Maybe they are simply too skimpy for beach or pool wear. The whole idea is to find the right brief for the situation, and the right brief is always one that will make you drip some, even without an erection. Think about how your body responded to the situation the first time you ever tried on a swim brief. Did you drip, even a little? How did you feel, both psychologically and physically in this situation? Were you having “fun” or were you too “nervous” to fully realize and appreciate what was going on with your body? As an adult, it is now time to kick back and say to yourself that what you are doing is way interesting and enjoyable, and there is no reason whatsoever to be scared or nervous about anything. You are not going to damage yourself by crawling into a swim brief or a too-tight pair of cotton briefs, and the whole process may instead be seen as quite enjoyable.

Of course, nowadays I like to add more. And no better example than wearing a pair of snug-fitting compression shorts. Over the years, I have accumulated lots of these too, some designed to be worn as swimwear (snug-fitting jammers), some as under gear for sport where the compression is thought to reduce injury, and some just for fun.

It has been 30-35 years since compression shorts caught on with guys as the thing to wear for the athletic types and more recently when jammers more or less took over swim meets. But the appeal of the jammers and compression shorts has its same roots as the swim brief. Now a jammer might not look as cool as a swim brief, at least for some of us here, but that does not mean that the guy is not still enjoying himself in a horny sort of way (drip, drip, drip, if you know what I mean!).

For me, an old pair of black compression shorts went over my tighty whitey compression shorts. Bollinger is the brand name. The weird part is that this pair is over 30 years old and they still fit really way snug and tight. I crawl into these and say to myself that I am way enjoying these and I was really fond of them when they first came out in the 1980s. The fit and feel is great in all sorts of ways. No wonder they quickly took over the locker rooms at schools everywhere years ago—guys were experiencing very similar sensations as they would get from trying on a swim brief, but without the embarrassment!

Oh, and while you are messing around today, do not forget your top, as in snug-fitting compression tee. While I have never been that interested in the upper body as containing a lot of sexual hot spots, a really tight fitting compression tee can add a lot to the overall sensations of wearing compression gear and as a tie-in to your compression shorts.

As I said at the beginning, this is the time of year for guys everywhere to start a new season of enjoying their bodies, and, with the right gear, this is very easy to do.

“How does that fit?”

“OK I guess…”

“Well is it tight enough do you think?”

“It seems to be, but how can I tell for certain?”

“Well, are you starting to drip?”

“Yes, a little I think!”

“That means the fit is affecting you like it should”

“That is good to hear. Now I am really starting to drip. I can really start to feel the dampness at the tip ”

“That is good!”

“That looks really snug and tight on you. But if you want to try an even closer fit, this can always be sized down from a MED to a SM”

“I’m doing OK I think. What I am feeling right now is great.”

“I’m beginning to feel really really good. Its that damp spot right at the tip that is doing it to me, I think.”

“Yah I know it’s funny how that works. Not sure why feeing that damp spot does that to guys, but it does. You are into some tricky but really fun stuff”

“Worse I’ am starting to get a bit hard. Suddenly it feels just really good down there. I am beginning to think that I am going to soon desperately need to ejaculate, and this cannot wait till the day after tomorrow, either.”


04-29-2022, 01:39 PM
The desert island

Most of you know, I am a huge fan of edging. Ultimately, I rate edging a lot higher and more enjoyable than having an orgasm. Some of you might find this strange, or at least a bit odd. Not that I don’t enjoy the repetitive muscular contractions that are orgasmicly over the top in terms of the male human experience, its mainly that the pleasures are intense, but unfortunately very short-lived, lasting thirty seconds if that.

If having an orgasm was the only thing that sexual pleasure included, it would not be that big of a deal at all. I realize that in a lot of partner relationships, the entire focus is on having a powerful but short-lived orgasm, and then everyone goes back to engaging in whatever non-sexual activities they were doing before the orgasm. This may be a good life for some people, but not me.

I am also a big advocate for the idea that guys living alone without a sexual partner should not be denied a wide range of sexual pleasures. Quickly masturbating to an orgasm I suppose is one thing a guy could do. But I would also argue that approaching solo sex in this way, while OK I suppose if that is your thing, denies the solo single guy a host of other experiences that, if he started exploring in depth, would ultimately prove to be a lot more fun than simply masturbating to orgasm on some sort of a schedule. When I was in my teen years, and even in my 20s, I did this too. But as I got older, I discovered that the process of getting there was the really fun part, and the ejaculation pleasures gradually became less and less important in the overall scheme of things and what I was getting from my own body.

Over time, I learned that I really liked feeling horny, and the longer I could extend this period without ejaculating, the more fun what I was doing to and by myself became the longer I could keep myself aroused. This time could now stretch from minutes to hours, and I even learned how to do an all nighter where I crawl into bed feeling horny, drift off to sleep, then suddenly wake up feeling just as aroused if not more so. Now a lot of guys, me included in my younger days, would use this opportunity to have a “fake wet dream” where a guy ejaculated in bed then, if the mess he made is noticed by anyone else, say a sibling or a college roommate, claim that it was nothing he did to his own body, but he merely had a “wet dream while asleep!” Cool if inaccurate explanation as to what the guy really did with and to himself.

So I have long been fond of snug-fitting clothing of various types, swim briefs, skimpy brief underwear etc, and it was not long before I learned that loose-fitting cotton pajamas were simply not that erotic and it was much more fun to sleep in whatever snug-fitting clothing item my body was telling me that it liked. If a guy needs to conceal himself to others, why not slip on a swim brief UNDER a loose fitting pair of boxer shorts or even an old pair of pajama bottoms and have fun with your genitalia all night long. The snugger the fit of the swim brief the better. The mere presence of the brief should help the guy to engage in and maintain his edging, and if he does accidentally go off, the brief will catch a lot of the semen that would have otherwise made a mess on the sheets! So this is practical as well, particularly in, say a college dorm or other setting where there is a male roommate.

But for me nowadays, the ultimate male sleepwear is a really snug fitting underwear thong. I am especially fond of the thongs that have a back consisting of a narrow band or cord, that cinches up snugly between my glutes, pressing firmly against the anal area. Even better if the pouch is barely big enough to hold my balls and flaccid penis thus forcing my penis to point forward not down. The really fun part about being in this “predicament” as a guy is that a guy knows that with his penis and balls is such confined quarters, he is going to “grow” a bit. This uncontrolled growth can only put tension on the cord. This increased tension makes the guy suddenly aware that the thong has a snug cord cutting between his glutes, and the size increase is going to make the cord cinch up tighter, while placing firm upward pressure on the perineum nerve bundle every guy has just behind his balls. All these psychosexual hot spots come together to combine in some terrific edging fun.

You talk about psychosexual edging nirvana, this is really it. At 11 pm you may be able to tolerate the sensations and somehow drift off to sleep, but what is your condition at 3 AM when you wake up and feel horny as all get out and think you desperately need to ejaculate? What are you going to do? Your options are to keep suffering in ecstasy by continuing to edge just below the ejaculation point, or ejaculate and then quickly fall back to sleep picking up on this the next night. Your call! Either one is fine but for me I would want to see if I could keep doing it feeling ultra-aroused without ejaculating at least till morning. If you can get yourself on this thong-induced high and be able to do this for days and days, all the better. Sexual pleasure in large measure is about “coping” with “denial” and learning exactly how to deny yourself that quick ejaculation and release is part of the reason edging is so much fun, “climbing the walls” so to speak, while edging is a not-to-be-missed activity for every guy but an especially activity for single guys without sexual partners.

So, let’s say you were going to be stranded on a desert isle and alone. If you knew you were not going to have sexual contact with another person on the desert isle, what would you have packed along in the little suitcase? Surviving the desert isle is all about edging my way through the situation. For me, a favorite snug-fitting thong would be very important. Of course I would always hope that as well I, would have had the common sense to pack a couple swim briefs, maybe a pair or two of running tights and compression shorts, plus a compression tee as well. For me, being able to edge is critical to maintaining and improving both my psychological and physical health. Too, even if they do not get stranded in the middle of nowhere, lots of guys end up frequently going on long trips, often work related, where they are living alone or away from regular sexual partners. The same suitcase items should prove very helpful!

05-01-2022, 01:42 PM
Adventures with Ball Splitters

So, last night as I went to bed I was feeling quite horny. I don’t quite know why except that I have been edging for several days without any muscular orgasmic release, and the pressure keeps building in a nuanced but always interesting way. Of course, it didn’t help matters that for the last two days I have been messing with my little estim device with the silicone rings for my glans and my penis base, plus the electro butt plug. The combination of the two in concert get me quite horny and make me drip precum in a hurry.

Then I don’t relieve myself with an orgasm but instead put on my penis pump for some more fun. I see how big I can grow in the vacuum environment and watching my desperate engorged penis turn a rich red color as it struggles in the low-pressure environment is always a way fun thing to do. As you can imagine I’m feeling quite good both physically and psychologically.

Of course, I still don’t relieve myself with the repetitive contractions of an orgasm. Instead I soap my penis and balls up with a shower gel, and maintain and improve upon my vacuum-induced erection while making sure I don’t go into the uncontrolled muscular contraction phase. I hop into a drawn warm tub of water and play with myself some more, again keeping just below the involuntary muscular contraction phase. Delicious agony. I’m climbing the walls, so to speak.

Finally I hop out of the tub, dry off and pick out my sleepwear. I got to thinking that I have not worn a favorite old Jockey thong with a really snug pouch and a really tight fitting back in a long time. I dig that out and the fit and feel was every bit as good as I remembered from a dozen years ago or more. I decided to wear a wonderful pair of swimming jammers over the thong, and the tight slick feel of the cloth on my thighs just added to the fun I was having all by myself.

Anyhow, still way horny, I drifted off to sleep, only to awaken at 3 AM with my mind suddenly focused on a little piece of swimwear I had purchased from Koala swimwear a long time ago. Somehow my mind was telling me that while I thoroughly enjoyed the thong, what I now really wanted to do to myself was to get my balls into a ball splitter. And the Koala “suit” (if you could even call it that), was very good at accomplishing just that. The suit has a semi-transparent nylon “cylinder” for my penis, with three elastic bands designed to position the guy upward. Getting into the suit it is a good ide to have at least a partial erection to make that part position itself correctly. Then below there are three elastic bands, two of which go on either side of the balls but the middle one is the splitter.

The splitter band of course is connected to the elastic band that makes up the rear of the thong. As the guy builds an erection inside the nylon cylinder, that puts tension on the thong back which cuts deeper between the glutes as the erection builds. But in particular, that tension also tightens the middle elastic band that is the splitter strap and cinches up the bands on each side of the balls. Way interesting.

I just happen to have some old photos of the suit and me in the suit that I am going to try posting here. I have been looking for a current version on Koala but they do not seem to now sell anything close to this design, I did find a pair of thong underwear on ebay that does somewhat the same thing, however.

Meanwhile, after wearing this ball splitting swimsuit for 4 hours I still haven’t had an orgasm and tonight I will simply pick up with where I left off last night. This is goofy fun! Who says single guys living alone as “sexually inactive” or unhappy!

The first photo shows the suit: the second me IN the suit with the ball splitter clearly obvious.

Here is the link to the ebay ball splitter thong. way less complicated than the Koala version but the same idea of the thong back tugging on the middle splitter band https://www.ebay.com/itm/185366283003

05-04-2022, 02:14 PM
Safely Enjoying Who You Are

As my readers are well aware, I am a big advocate for the whole idea of enjoying one’s own body, sexually, but also about dreaming up unique and interesting ways to do this that do not create issues for others nor do harm to yourself. Much of what I enjoy doing to, with and for myself could be readily adapted as activities a couple might also enjoy doing together, either straight or gay. And the activities I suggest do not have risk factors either for getting a female pregnant nor transmitting HIV or other venereal disease whether the couple is straight or gay.

I have been doing some reading on studies that examine the sexual behavior of the under 18 crowd, and the number that sticks in my mind is the estimate that 40 percent of people have had male-female intercourse before the age of 18. This is a much bigger number than most parents probably would like to believe. And, I suspect a large percentage of teen girls are not on any sort of birth control and are operating on the notion that they likely won’t get pregnant only on the first time and then, if their boyfriend has penis-vagina sex only “occasionally” whatever that means.

I encounter a lot of adult men who seem to believe that having penis-vagina sex in a relationship with a woman is about the only thing in life worthwhile, and many of these same men are into casual relationships outside of marriage. Apparently (though I am not the best one to say) there are more or less equal numbers of women who think the same way. Dare I say that there are women out there who enjoy having penis in vagina with multiple sexual partners and part of the “fun” experience is that the risk of getting pregnant is an element of the sexual satisfaction. Some people—both men and women—thrive on danger of this sort and the danger makes the entire act more erotic for both of them.

What to do in the case of either the teen pregnancy or casual sex pregnancy? Why have an abortion of course, a nationwide right guaranteed by the Roe vs Wade since 1973. No reason to use birth control or engage in safe sex practices if the “problem” can be solved by an easy, low cost abortion. After all, the “right to choose” is fundamental to a host of other “rights” women want to claim.

So, given the events of the last day that suggest the Supreme Court might be readying to overturn Roe v Wade making laws regarding abortion different in each of the 50 states, the reaction to what happened was not surprising at all. I have long been struggling with the question of “Who are the people who view it crucial to be able to have an ‘on demand’ abortion?” I have already named two categories of women..teenagers who want sex with their teen boyfriends without having to first talk their parents into getting on the pill, and women who somehow like the whole idea of having casual sex with many different men. The abortion rights advocates always mention women who are victims of rape and incest but the total of those is likely tiny in comparison to the sizes of the first two groups. Then there is the category of a married heterosexual couples in which the wife finds herself not wanting another child but somehow ended up pregnant anyway. Given the number of different birth control measures out there that allow women to avoid pregnancy entirely, I cannot believe that this “happy couple” demand for abortion could be that large either, but again I am not the best witness on that subject.

So, if getting an abortion is about to become more difficult in many states, what are the implications? I am drawn back to HIV in the early days in which suddenly the favored anal sex option for many gay men turned out to be a high-risk method of getting HIV which meant a high risk of death. Gay men that loved butt sex had to change their ways, and fast, Suddenly the thought was that a guy needed to know the sexual history of his partner and wear a condom if anal sex occurred at all. A lot of gay guys had to adapt and change to engaging in activities with their partners, casual or long term, that posed much less--perhaps zero risk--of HIV transmission. A good example being mutual masturbation where bodily fluids are not exchanged or a dildo not a penis as a method for stimulating the prostate as an alternative to conventional butt sex. To a degree at least, gay guys got more creative in coming up with interesting and fun things to do that were low risk.

If Roe v Wade is overturned, abortion options in many states will become less readily available if at all. This presents a problem for the 16-year-old girl looking to have penis-vagina sex with her “cute” 16-year-old boyfriend. Maybe the idea of him wearing a condom has a lot of merit—more so than before. Or maybe its time for the frank conversation with the parents about the need for birth control pills.

And for the adult men and women who have regularly been engaging in penis-vagina sex with multiple partners, in partners based on the idea that if the birth control method fails, a quick abortion is always readily available, some rethinking will be needed. Maybe there are other things casual sex couples can engage in other than penis-vagina sex that are not only a lot of fun but essentially risk free with respect to the danger of pregnancy. Back in the 1970s, gay men somehow sorted this all out and lowered the risk of HIV by simply not engaging in unprotected butt sex. The options as alternatives to the butt sex in many ways became more interesting and creative.

By now my readers are wondering what this all has to do with jerking off while wearing a swim brief. It turns out, quite a lot! First off, no one has ever gotten HIV nor gotten a girl pregnant ejaculating while wearing a swim brief. The issues instead occur if the swim brief comes off! I can think up a large number of ways either a straight or gay couple could have fun while completely avoiding the risks of either a HIV transmission or a pregnancy. All sorts of ideas grounded in mutual masturbation come to mind. And generally, oral sex acts, while perhaps having some risk of HIV transmission, completely avoid the pregnancy risk. Both men and women have many different body parts that can be licked, stroked and fondled in all sorts of interesting ways. If Roe v Wade is overturned, these behaviors with zero risk of pregnancy will come to the forefront for a lot of couples where the women seeks to engage only in activities that definitely do not lead to an unwanted pregnancy.

05-04-2022, 07:08 PM
What’s up your butt?

Penis-shaped dildos made from wood and stone have been found that predate recorded history so the idea of using something that is a fake penis to stimulate interesting erotic spots has been around for a long time. We like to assume that way back in history the people using these dildos were likely female and they were a way of achieving arousal and maybe an orgasm without the need for a male partner—as in the earliest version of women’s lib.

In the male world straight versus gay was often divided based on whether or not a guy engaged in anal sex with another (presumably gay) male. For a lot of straight guys, anal sex with another male pales in comparison to the “real thing” aka penis-vagina sex with a female partner, and is thus the “centerpiece” of being a straight guy. Moreover, why two gay guys would even find it erotic and sexually interesting to engage in butt sex was something of a mystery to a lot of straight men.

Of course, what was happening in gay male butt sex is explained by a basic understanding of anatomy and where the prostate gland along with many of the nerves that control erection are located, and the realization that by inserting something, a finger, a dildo or an erect penis, it was easily possible to stimulate the prostate and the nerves that control erection indirectly from one side of the anal wall. Straight couples and even female prostitutes discovered that a guy likes being fingered through the anus, with the prostate located about 4 inches up and hiding just behind the anal wall.

Nearly 8 years ago, I lost my prostate to surgery for prostate cancer. I have been healthy for all these years since then. I had what was considered then to be state-of-the-art robotic nerve sparing surgery, the basic idea being that the prostate and the cancer could be removed while sparing some of the important nerves that control an erection. Every guy who has this surgery can still be aroused and have a dry (no semen) orgasm, but the problem is that he may not get very hard, if at all. The extent to which I can get hard after the surgery measures the extent that the nerve sparing part of the surgery works. The surgery worked, sort of, but there are issues as well relating to the fact that lots of things are not quite like they once were.

Of course I knew that with anal sex, gay guys were stimulating the prostate indirectly, which not only felt good but resulted in an erection for the receiver. I no longer have a prostate, but in theory at least the nerves surrounding the now removed prostate are still there and in theory functioning. But how?

I also knew that from the dawn of HIV, gay guys were often seeking out alternatives to anal sex that stimulated the prostate but did not involve a risky interchange of bodily fluids and any approach that accomplished that would be considered. As a health move, post-HIV gay guys discovered that inserting a dildo into their partner was easy and fun to do and HIV risk free, particularly if you researched exactly what needed to be massaged with the dildo to set the erection nerves on fire. And there were all sorts of interesting things to do if both of them inserted dildos in each other, and then did some “research” on each other as to what exactly felt good and how to move the dildo for maximum “effect”. A real penis would work as well, but not only might that interchange bodily fluids, the amount of time a guy could conduct “research” would be drastically limited.

In addition, in the last 20 years or so we have seen a host of new and reasonably priced sex tows that are specifically designed to be put up your own, or your partner’s anus, or both. The sex of the partner does not matter. In addition to the static dildo made of soft plastic (the “manual” method) there are toys that use electric current designed as vibrators for the anus, as well as toys that produce repetitive mild electrical shocks in various patterns and amplitudes, usually drawing current in from a unit with two 1.5 volt AAA batteries.

As I study the videos in the gay section of pornhub, the interesting part to me that all of the men who alone are experimenting with these toys on themselves are still in the “gay” section. But in those videos that feature two (or more) men they are divided between the traditional butt sex videos and the guys employing either dildos as sex toys or a vibrator or perhaps a butt plug attached to a current generating device. More interestingly, the guys in the videos employing the toys with and to a partner seem to be having at least as much erotic fun as the guys going at it in the traditional way. Once of the conclusions I reach is that being gay is no longer just about guys who like to be a top or a bottom in the traditional way, but everyone has moved on to a whole new world of fun things to do, not only alone but with another as well.

Me? Well, I need to trust my doctor who told me that in my surgery he was able to leave at least some of my erection nerves intact, but getting them to do what I wanted might take some time. I’ve already told you stories regarding the vacuum penis pump, and that is one interesting way of restoring suitable amounts of blood flow into the penis. But I have also had great fun with my little estim device. My estim contains two conductive silicone rings, one of which goes around the glans while the other one goes at either the base of the penis or around the scrotum. Either way a light current is sent to the penis which not only feels great but makes me get somewhat hard.

But the other wire on the device is connected to a small torpedo-shaped butt plug which, when lubed with a water-based gel lube (such as KY gel) slips easily in and the current feels great—must be hitting exactly those nerve endings my surgeon said he spared that control an erection. The urologists are very interested in the whole problem of restoring a degree of sexual function for guys who have had prostate surgery, and the vibrators applied either directly to the penis or through the anis is one way of doing that, but the estim devices are another way of accomplishing something similar. Which works best for a particular individual is an empirical issue. Some guys don’t like the vacuum pumps but I have found ways to use one of those successfully as well.

My bottom line on all of this is that some of the new stuff that is out there works quite well, and is not expensive at all. The things I do to myself are not just fun for guys who no longer have a prostate, but are equally interesting for young-and-healthy guys regardless of their situation with or without a partner.

05-13-2022, 02:56 PM
Choosing a Sport

I have often wondered what role the type of garment required to participate in a sport affect what sports a guy elects to pursue or not. I suppose the classic example is that of a young male taking up swimming or diving in a sport that may very well require him to wear a swim brief. At the time a male picks this as a sport, he must realize that he may be required to wear a swim brief. Or, maybe not, at least not initially. For a lot of teams, the younger members wear jammer-style suits and only “graduate” to a swim brief after some time in the sport. Generally the divers are not as “fortunate” in that regard.

I have read that by requiring everyone to always wear briefs, at least in competition, may have had a negative impact on some boys being willing to participate in swimming as a competitive sport. And that is why coaches started merely requiring swimmers to wear close-fitting jammers when swimming for speed. But jammers have their own issues as well. If a swimmer is concerned that he will be seen with a semi-erection bulge wearing a brief, this issue does not simply disappear if a jammer is worn. A basic “problem” remains, and that problem is that any snug-fitting stretch garment may “inadvertently” cause “problems” for the guy in the groin area. How a guy “copes” with these “problems” is a very individual issue, and, for young males, part of growing up.

And the problem is not only with sports involving water. It used to be that team sports such as football, baseball and basketball all required the guy to wear an old school athletic supporter, aka jock strap, and for sports such as baseball a cup. The male rite of passage was whether or not the guy taking up the sport was going to be able to “cope” with being in a strap (and maybe worse, a cup) while playing the sport. Any garment that by design is intended to fit that snug to actually be protective may cause “issues” and a cup only adds to the “problem” (as in what happens if I start to grow inside the cup, even inadvertently?) This led to the development of the huge “banana cups” that gave the guy more room to flop around inside if this should happen.

But also, this led to replacing the traditional strap with a larger compression gear undergarment some of which had built in pouches to hold a cup if the sport demanded it. Whether guys find the compression gear easier to deal with is an empirical question, except to say that the old school naked butt jock straps are seldom worn in team sport any more, replaced largely by some type of compression/Lycra fabric garment instead.

Then there are the wrestlers, where the one-piece suit has been the traditional garb at all levels, and the snugger and slicker the fit the better from the perspective of not giving your opponent anything to grab on to in the match. But these too have issues that the budding wrestler will have to deal with, issues not unlike the issues faced by the jammer wearer.

Part of the rowing and stationary bike riding activities that I participate in for exercise are made more fun and interesting because of the garments I wear while exercising. Rather than to try and avoid getting into a situation where I am feeling “good” down there I now revel in that. The stationary rowing and bike riding I do a lot of guys would claim to be too boring to keep up. But I have never had that problem as getting myself a little worked up down there is part of my daily exercise routine, and helps me to keep pushing myself longer and harder, so to speak. In short, I have learned to “manage” my body in that regard.

What role if any the things I do plays in what other guys are doing for sport and exercise I have no clue, except to say that many if not most activities whether for exercise, individual or team sport. Do some guys take up competitive swimming in part BECAUSE they get to wear a swim brief in public? A good question to ask! If a guy is losing interest in keeping up a routime, maybe WHAT the guy wears while engaging in exercise or sport needs to be changed out. The human body is wonderful!

05-28-2022, 01:30 PM

I have always had great fun finding out what my body is capable of doing, and it seems that the older I get the more I learn. Today I will describe some techniques I employed yesterday in sequence that, taken together blew me away, both psychologically and physically. The best part is that I am going to be able to continue with these techniques all day long today.

As my readers know, I am a big fan of edging as a psychological and physical technique. By edging, I mean the act of bringing myself to the very edge of going into the ultimately involuntary muscular contractions of orgasm but then backing off just before I get there, and then build myself back up again, over and over. A lot of guys on the male porn sites seem to enjoy this as well, and the real trick is to go several days without ejaculating which makes edging all that much tougher. I like to do that too, and challenge myself in an effort to find my limits.

As many of my readers also know, I am also a great advocate of thonging. I love how my penis and balls fit inside a skimpy thong, and the right thong pushes my penis forward and slightly upward, right into a snug-fitting jock strap with an equally snug-fitting hard cup. The combination of my penis pressing firmly against the sides of the cup along with the feel of the thong cord cutting sensuously between my glutes just blows me away a treat not to be missed. And of course I always top this with a really tight pair of compression shorts or running tights, which hold the cupo firmly in place pressing down on all sorts of sensitive body parts. Then I get on my stationary rowing machine and do a 30 minute workout, each stroke being different and more pleasurable then the last. So I was doing this yesterday and enjoying myself immensely.

So my workout is over but I continue to wear these items around the house basically feeling horny. At that point I dig out my little estim machine, that consists of two silicone penis rings and a small butt plug plus a power unit. I pull off the compression shorts, strap, cup and thong and put the estim penis rings around my penis at the base and tip. I turn on the machine set at a low level. The estim machine stimulates the nerve endings that control erection. I am not that big or hard at this point, but I am feeling horny as all get out, psychologically. Never mind, I will be growing with each shock from the estim. I up the level on the estim machine. The exact point is where the shock pattern is are stimulating and just below a discomfort level. The butt plug is designed to stimulate the neighboring prostate and the interesting part is that when I insert the plug the current to the penis rings shuts down. Remove the plug and the rings become active again. Great fun, and highly stimulating too. If I kept doing this for too long I would find myself in a situation whereby the involuntary orgasm contractions would start, and that would shut me down for 24 hours of “recovery” time, maybe longer. So the idea is to shut the machine off and stop before I get to that point, which is what I do.

Next up? A penis pump with a vacuum motor. I know that many times I have said that a manual hand operated pump is best, but yesterday I decided to give my electric version one more try. With the manual pump, you control exactly the amount of vacuum at every moment in time. The electric ones can quickly get away. The other thing I have learned is that any pump works the best if the guy psychologically is feeling really horny going in, and after the thonging and subsequent estim treatments I was certainly there. And sometimes in self-pleasuring or in sex in generally it is fun to be in a situation where the events surrounding you are not under your control, and that sometimes happens with the electronic vacuum pumps. So I put my penis next to the sheath hole and turn on the pump, and watch as the vacuum of the pump pulls me in and starts to pull more blood into my penis. I raise the speed/intensity of the motor on the pump, and I start to get really hard. The guys on the porno sites sometimes ejaculate right into the pump at this point. I have never had that “problem”. The pump is cycled whereby I release the vacuum with my penis falling back somewhat, then restart. I have a penis ring on the pump which I slide on to the base of my penis as I near the end of the session.

I pull off the pump and have a really hard penis that feels not quite the same as one made from manual masturbation but feels wonderful nonetheless with a tight silicone penis ring at the base. Psychologically I am feeling over-the-top horny and enjoying myself immensely as I massage my penis with a gel soap, as I am about to cool down by jumping into a hot bathtub of full water. I am on the edge of orgasm, but not quite. Keeping from going there takes courage and experience. The whole idea is that I am going to take a bath, then crawl in bed and fall asleep still feeling way horny and still not having gone into the repeating muscular contractions of an orgasm.

And that I do, pulling on a favorite Speedo Solar in the popular Sapphire blue color. Reaching down my penis still feels really great and very much likes the fit and feel of the solar Speedo. As the night goes on I keep touching myself down there and what I touch still feels great.

But, my sleep was relatively interrupted. My penis is used to sleeping inside a Speedo and rewards me in all sorts of different ways. This morning I wake up and pull off the Speedo to notice that the inner liner has a bunch of still wet precum stains. In my condition I must have continued precumming all night long. How great is that!

So, today, still having not “relieved” myself with an orgasm, I am going to pick up and do the same thing all over again. This was just too much erotic fun. Finally, I would recommend these techniques—all of them—for every viable guy to try. The estim and vacuum equipment is not expensive—figure under $25 for the estim device on ebay, and the electric pumps run about $35. Finding a snug old school strap and cup is a little more difficult, and finding just the right thong can involve some experiments as well. But the equipment you will need to try all of this is out there for sure. In the process of doing this you will learn a lot about yourself and how your body works down there, and the experiments you run will be way fun.

05-29-2022, 01:25 PM
Intensify II

A was lying in bed this morning. Once again I had gone to bed wearing my sapphire blue solar Speedo. And, as I am prone to do, I awakened at 4:30 AM and started feeling myself down there. My fingers kept moving between my penis and balls, and everything I touched seemed to feel really great. I was not erect at all when I started, but things changed quickly as I touched and fondled a whole series of really-sensitive body parts.

I got to thinking to myself, A Speedo makes really wonderful swimwear and really wonderful sleepwear. I wonder how many guys out there think to sleep in a Speedo and entertain themselves like I do during the night. Just a Speedo beats sleeping in the nude all to pieces in the summer months. If a guy is concerned about what his male roommate might think, never having tried this himself, a guy could easily pull on something OVER the Speedo, maybe a pair of loose-fitting boxer style shorts, or in cold winter months, a pair of loose-fitting sleep pants, none of which restrict access to the Speedo or to the interesting male body parts.

On the Internet sites, there are lots of guys who really like to self-pleasure in sleek swimwear, wrestling singlets, silk shorts and compression gear. Various type of smooth slick fabric rubbing against a penis is a not-to-be-missed fabulous treat in all sorts of ways. And this leads me into a discussion of edging. The nighttime is an excellent time for any guy to hone his skills in edging. The incentive is to not only have fun, but also to avoid an ejaculatory mess in the Speedo and especially problematic if the guy is not living alone. Building the sexual tension right up to the edge of ejaculation is terrific fun, and so long as the guy is to keep from going into the contractions of orgasm, can be done over and over. Male sexual pleasure is usually about keeping things under control, even though on occasion it is fun to have a giant release of semen where all control is lost. Of course, a lot of guys get adept at setting up schedules for having an orgasm. Young guys sometimes claim that they can have 2 or more orgasms in a single day, but as guys get a bit older, the frequency tends to come down to, say every other day or every few days. Meanwhile the guy still edges on the off-days. So edging plays an important role for even for guys who claim they ejaculate frequently.

The other issue with guys sleeping in Speedos is if the guy is a budding swimmer, and is apprehensive about wearing a Speedo for swim practice, being in a Speedo every night will likely reduce the level of apprehension as the guy will have a lot of time to get “used” to being in a Speedo, having regularly slept in one.

A lot of sexual centered fun relates to control. Generally, guys like to think they can maintain control, as in when ejaculation takes place, up until the last moment when the guy suddenly loses control and cannot stop the ejaculation from occurring. In plain old masturbation as in fingers around penis, the brain is always in control. Goodness, a guy can quit stimulating himself any time he wants, even though the guy knows that if he keeps doing it too long he will enter a phase where he is no longer able to keep from ejaculating, but, of course, that is what he might want to end the session. Some guys feel that they have not really masturbated unless the conclusion is an uncontrolled ejaculation.

I have been thinking about this control issue with respect to penis pumps. There are two basic varieties, manual and electric. With a manual pump, there is a squeeze bulb or lever to control the amount of vacuum in the cylinder. With an electric pump, there are buttons to push that control how fast the vacuum builds in the cylinder. But once the motor is started the vacuum in the cylinder just keep building unless the user takes some overt action to stop the motor. Unlike the manual pump, where I am squeezing the bulb or lever and then watching what happens to my penis moment-by-moment, and then making an overt decision as to whether or not my penis can “stand” even a bit more vacuum, in the case of the electronic pump, the vacuum just keeps steadily building and building so long a I do not take the action to shut the pump motor off entirely.

Psychologically and physically these are two very different experiences. My penis is in the clear poly plastic cylinder, but it is not touching the walls in any way. The cylinder is much bigger than my erect penis is or even the biggest guy’s erect penis is. And once the vacuum motor starts I can immediately feel the blood being drawn into my penis, which is always a great feeling and at the core of why good old manual masturbation is so much fun. Having direct control of this with the manual pump is fun, but losing a degree of control over how this occurs by just letting the electric pump do its thing is equally fun but in a different way.

The guy whose penis is inside the tube does face a dilemma. He knows hos penis is big and quite hard from the vacuum, and would like to be able to touch it for more stimulation enjoyment, But he can’t being still locked inside the plastic tube. On the web, there are guys who have ejaculated while still inside the tube, but this seems to be relatively rare. The more fun method of course, is to get out of the tube, lube up with a lubricant or gel soap, and then continue to enjoy the erection using plain old manual methods. The vacuum-induced erection feels a little different from one that was built from the beginning via manual methods, not inferior to but just different from, and the vacuum-induced erection is equally psychologically stimulating. For me at least, being able to be inside a vacuum pump and taking notes on the experience is one of those great things about being a guy and in retrospect one of those not-to-be denied male experiences.

But also, getting to wear a swim brief is all of that too. I cannot imagine muddling through life without having experienced the wonders of a swim brief or a pair of really snug compression shorts, or going through life without discovering how my body acts if confronted with a penis pump. After all these years, I am still discovering new and interesting ways to jerk off. Today I crawled into a wrestling singlet and will spend the day in that. Every guy should be enthusiastic about doing the continuing research needed to discover a new and fascinating way to just jerk off. Claiming a guy is a jerk-off should not be seen as a derogatory message but something where the response should be “Isn’t that great and wonderful tho!”

05-30-2022, 01:59 PM
Intensify III

I ran some more experiments on my body last night. I learned some things that may have been obvious given what I have been doing to myself, but I will outline exactly what I did and learned.

Some of you may be wondering what role plain old-school masturbation might play given all the tech I am using designed to make a guy get and sustain a firm erection. I learned last night that the silicone rings of the estim device work “better” if I am already semi-hard by prepping with some old school work as well. I do not need to be completely hard of course—that comes later, but having a nice semi on when the rings are applied helps a lot. I see that a lot on the Internet videos, where guys almost never wire themselves up flaccid but already have at least a partial erection. Then they almost immediately start climbing the walls with erotic pleasure once the estim device is turned on, and the level set up just a little.

And, of course, a water-based lubricant along with some water can be used in your old school “work” In addition to working better when a guy is already somewhat hard, the silicone rings make a better connection with your damp skin and the whole device simply works better. What I may have said before starting dry and flaccid as “that feels nice” morphs into something I would better describe as “Wow, what I am doing to myself is really a lot of fun”. Guys on the Internet routinely keep doing this until they ejaculate, but I never go that far. Why? Because I see this all as prep for getting into the electric vacuum penis pump.

For the electric pumps, a big issue is making sure that the sheath hole is just big enough so the penis fits through the hole in the sheath, and sheaths are available with various hole sizes for a “custom” fit. Obviously, if your penis is too big in girth you are going to have difficulty in getting through the sheath hole and into the pump. But if the sheath hole is too big, high vacuum levels can mean that in addition to the penis, part of one’s balls get sucked right into the plastic tube next to the lower part of the penis. This is painful and not fun. But, the odds of this happening are drastically reduced if you have “pretreated” your penis using first the old school techniques then the estim rings, and, if you have lubed yourself up as prep for the rings then your penis will slip through the hole in the sheath easier even if the fit is really tight. In the process you have also minimized the possibility of the balls getting sucked into the tube as the base of the penis is tight around the sheath hole. Which means up the speed on the electronic vacuum, kick back and watch your penis start to grow bigger and redder. If everything is working as it should, this is not-to-be missed fun.

Some Internet video guys manage to ejaculate while still in the pump but that is not that easy, because the stimulation is largely visual since I can’t touch anything that is inside the tube (What guy DOESN’T visually like to see himself in a big red and hard condition?). Enough of this! I remove the tube and pump, sliding a clear silicone penis ring onto the penis base. This tight-fitting ring looks and feels great. Then it is time to dig out the shower gel soap, lube the now big red penis up and enjoy another round of old fashioned masturbation. Wow! This is really neat, though I still do not “relieve” myself with the contractions of an orgasm. Just when I am nearing that point, I jump into a bathtub full of warm water to cool myself down a bit. Even coming out of the tub, I am still feeling way horny, and, time for bed.

The sleepwear of choice is a swim brief of course, this time one of those little Euro briefs Swimoutlet sells in a bright red color. My penis “wants” to be positioned upwards, pointed toward my head and the underside firmly pressed against the slick pouch fabric. That way I can fondle myself on the great nerve endings that guys have on the underside of the penis. The swim brief of course is way snug not roomy. I think this one is only a size 28, which means that getting into the brief is not going to be that easy, but somehow I manage. I fall asleep still lightly stroking the underside.

I wake up at 6:30 AM still feeling way horny and way great. I have been edging all night long, even while asleep. Remember, I have still not had an orgasm, and I have been having such a great time that I still do not want to shut the experience down for a few moments of extreme but temporary pleasure. I pull off the red Euro brief and sure enough there is a spot of fresh ooze right where my penis tip was all night long. I am able to edge even while asleep.

So I get up this morning still way horny and thinking about doing something similar again for tonight. I pull off the swim brief and get into a pair of undersized ‘60s schoolboy tighty whiteys that I like to wear when I am feeling this way. Over those, a similarly schoolboyish 60s Franklin strap, and over that a pair of purple BOA (Built on America) purple compression shorts that I think I bought when Undergear was still in business, and a navy blue compression tee. I will go through my workouts today wearing these while contemplating the question “What do I plan to do to, for, by, and with myself tonight” given the current “unrelieved” condition of both my mind and body. Quite a dilemma, I would say!

Its going to be tight! It may at times seem a tad uncomfortable! But, in the end it is all way fun! I'm blown away with the sheer pleasure.

05-31-2022, 07:31 PM
Intensify IV Part A

One of the amazing aspects of being a guy is that at age 12, I was having great fun learning about all the interesting and extremely enjoyable stuff my body what capable of delivering to me, and figuring that by the time I grew up all of this would be so familiar to me that I would be mostly bored as there would be nothing new or interesting yet to learn. But here I am in my 70s, still exploring, still trying things with at least as much enthusiasm as a school kid who has just reached puberty, and I am no longer scared at all. For me it is all pure erotic pleasure, to be savored and enjoyed to the fullest.

Back when I was only 12, as I watched my first real daytime ejaculation complete with strands of milky semen, as if that part of my body was somehow disconnected from the rest of me. I guess I was worried that I somehow had “broken something” and had a serious medical problem. Today, in my 70s and no longer having a prostate, I know something is broken thanks to the surgeon, but I have not in any way lost my enthusiasm for playing around with my body. Indeed the situation has freed me to be even more interested in the whole science behind the entire subject of feeling aroused and what that entails. This has led me to this conclusion that most guys are probably too enamored with the idea of getting to the ejaculation part quickly, and that the whole male sex drive is centered primarily on the idea of ejaculating semen. But if you have built your entire life around getting to the moment of ejaculation, you have missed out on what makes being a guy so fascinating, and further, being sexually active in this way is even more rewarding and fascinating than merely watching your penis spew strands of the milky white fluid.

And, I keep learning new stuff. After a guy loses his prostate, the two questions are 1. Can I still have an orgasm? And 2. Can I still get an erection? But as guys grow older even with intact prostates they are probably still thinking about these questions and what happens in aging. More generally, with the things I thought were really enjoyable when I was 12 or 13 still be great fun when I reach old age, or even maybe even not-so-old age. If a guy thinks that the only fun part of being a sexually active male is in the act of depositing semen into a vagina (or in some other similarly-shaped orifice) and has no room for anything other than that then this guy is missing out on much of what makes being a guy so enjoyable. Being sexually active does not mean simply always having a sexual relationship with another person. Indeed if the relationship issues start to overwhelm the other parts the guy may very well be in trouble. This all comes right back to the idea if the guy somehow equates being sexually active with ejaculating semen into a convenient orifice supplied by a sexual partner and there is nothing else that is sexually exciting or even interesting.

From about age 10 or so I had convinced myself that I had a serious sexual fetish, defined as a mental problem, and this was because I got sexually excited whenever I thought about being inside a swim brief. A lot of this was rooted in the notion that by definition, a sexual fetish was any situation whereby a guy got aroused by some inanimate object no matter what that object was. What was this fixation/fetish I had, anyway? A serious mental problem that required psychiatric help? I was well into adulthood until I came to the realization that I was not the only guy out there who liked swim briefs in this way, and also that, on occasion, a lot of guys liked to jerk off in a Speedo and they also thought that doing this was pure fun but also safe fun (unless a family member or classmate wandered in on you while you were doing it).

Well, if the clinical psychiatrists spent time treating male patients suffering from the disease of wanting to jerk off while wearing a tight-fitting Speedo, there would be no time whatsoever for patients with other mental “problems”. Not only that, for a guy who has lost his prostate like I did, maybe crawling into a snug fitting Speedo is one path and a treatment of sorts helpful in restoring the ability to both get an erection and sustain at least the repeating muscular contractions of an orgasm. Also, generally after prostate surgery, the Cowpers remains intact, so even though there is no more semen ejaculate, the guy is still able to ooze. Further, precum production becomes a central focus, and edging and precum are intertwined as is pointed out over and over in the Internet videos. Oozing is still great fun, and if I can still ooze in the absence of a prostate that is a key element of feeling good.

So I admit that getting and sustaining a full erection is more difficult when the prostate is absent. For me at least, more difficult, but definitely not impossible. More time, a little more lube.

So I begin with some traditional schoolboy style masturbation that I learned all by myself at age 12 in an effort to start building a hard-on, using a mix of lube and water. My penis is now quite damp with the mix of lube and water. Time to put the estim rings on. This is electrotherapy for the nerves controlling erection. The device runs on two AAA batteries, so it is way below any current level that might be harmful. The interesting part is that the estim rings mimic a lot of what normally happens brain to penis in sexual arousal and erection. I have learned something really interesting in doing this. The difference between the estim setting that is arousing and very pleasant and the setting that is mildly uncomfortable is very small, and the best results are obtained by finding a setting that is right on the edge between the two. WOW! That is it. I found it! The waves of current come in repetitive cycles. I can quickly sense when the next real jolt is going to happen then scream out in anticipatory pleasure that is just on the edge of a bit of pain. Over and over. Again and again. Vaguely self-SM. Soon, my whole body is shaking as my erection slowly builds some more with the next series of shocks. I am glad I live alone so I do do not have tp explain my screams of estim-induced pleasure. I am having so much sheer fun that I am on the edge of going into an orgasm. But then just before that happens I suddenly stop.

(To be continued)

05-31-2022, 07:35 PM
Intensify IV Part B

It is now time to crawl into the penis pump. After the masturbation and the estim, I am more than ready to try and deal with the vacuum pump. The vacuum pumps are both a legitimate device for treating erectile dysfunction as in not being able to get or sustain an erection, and a sex toy. Think of the pump as an alternative, and much less expensive way to the same thing Viagra and Cialis try to do. The blood flow into the penis is critical to getting and sustaining an erection. As guys get older, a lot of them get sludge in the pipes that restricts penis blood flow and makes an erection difficult if not impossible to sustain. Aside from being unable to insert yourself into an orifice of a sexual partner, orgasms without erections are simply blah! Indeed, as I learned as a teen, the bigger and harder the erection the more fun the orgasm. It’s a linear relationship, pretty much.

So the vacuum pump uses vacuum to pull blood into the penis and in the process perhaps clean the pipes. A problem in prostate surgery is that it may take many months if not a year or more for the nerves that control erection located adjacent to the prostate to repair themselves, and in the meantime the guy may be going for a long time without pulling the erection-sustaining blood flow to the penis. The vacuum of the penis pump immediately engorges the penis with blood, even though the erection might not be sustainable otherwise.

A key element of male sexual health is sustaining the normal blood flow in and out of the penis during sleep. During sleep, erections should come and go, and, for younger guys maybe a wet dream (or two) each night. This is all tied up in the idea of maintaining healthy male sexual plumbing.

So, I sustain myself on the vacuum of the pump for five or ten minutes, then scrunch a silicone penis ring down to the base of my penis. By now, my penis is looking and feeling great, big, bright red, and I have a wonderful-feeling hard-on. I remove the pump and lube myself up some more and do the classic schoolboy masturbation once more rubbing and fondling my lubed penis from the base to the glans in repeating motions. My penis looks and feels great and I know it is filled with blood. I am enjoying myself immensely and I could go quickly into the repetitive contractions of an orgasm, dry of course, but still way fun because I am so hard, brought about by a round of classic schoolboy masturbation at each end, estim and a vacuum pump. Maybe being in my 70s is not that bad after all, but how would I ever explain what I am doing to a sexual partner.

What now? Why deny myself an orgasm and just hop in a hot bathtub! And then get ready to spend the night in something that fits snug and tight. A swim brief perhaps? Well no. Last night was that 2x(ist) thong I have been bragging about. Somehow that Y-back tugs on all the right (or wrong) places. I am back to the idea of blood flowing in and out of my penis multiple times during the night using the same pathways the vacuum pump found. But I denied myself an orgasm (again) which means I am still way horny and the thong keeps tugging away at me putting tension on many interesting spots.

Somehow I drift off to sleep still sensing that there is extra blood in my penis. It feels great. But I drift right off and sleep soundly till 6 AM. At that hour my penis still seems to be semi-hard. The thong still fits snug. I pull off the thong, checking for precum stains. A sticky damp precum stain suggests that I was staying aroused during the night even when I was asleep. Sure enough, that is just what happened.

So, I am thinking this treatment sequence (masturbation, estim, vacuum pump, more masturbation, tub bath, swim brief or thong) might become essentially a daily thing. At some point I will probably give in to having an orgasm, which will shut everything down for a day or two, but in the meantime I want to just keep edging on the brink like I have been doing.

But, just suppose you are a younger guy who still has a prostate and no problem sustaining an erection without the estim or the vacuum pump. Treat both the estim and the vacuum pump simply as interesting sex toys. You will never learn how either feels until you try them both. I wish I had run some experiments long before I lost my prostate. These experiments would have been huge fun. Could I sustain myself in an edging mode for days with an intact prostate? Good question. Some of the Internet guys claim to have gone for 2 or 3 weeks, maybe longer. But can you pull this off, or is the lure of a powerful orgasm ultimately just too strong? The longer you delay orgasm the more difficult it becomes to continue to do that, but where is your tipping point when you can delay no more?

And if you love sleeping in something snug-fitting—say a swim brief or a thong, the vacuum pump treatment especially should make doing so all that much more interesting for you. You can be in an edging mode all night long and, who knows, you might even have a wet dream while still inside your brief or thong. The wet dream is a signal that you have been edging beyond anything reasonable and so your body automatically takes care of the building “problem” for you.

Finally, just because you think it is great fun to ejaculate while wearing a swim brief or thong does not mean that you have some sort of a fetish that calls for treatment. Guys like to do that, a lot of them. Its all part of just who you are as a male and “perfectly normal behavior” for a guy.

06-01-2022, 07:10 PM
A Fondness for Speedos Part I

I am trying to remember what was going on in my mind and body at age 10 and 11, a year or two before I reached male puberty. Unfortunately, I did not take any notes that would be useful in writing this essay so I am relying entirely on my memory. I guess most people would call the onset of puberty in males as the point in time when the guy has his first instance of ejaculating semen. But if my memory is correct, I remember getting erections quite a while before that, it’s just that the erections did not end with ejaculation. In fact, given my small stature, I recall getting erections that looked very large to me. Fascinating, but why?

I also learned long before puberty that touching and fondling my penis was something that was quite enjoyable. But what was driving me bonkers is that I would sometimes get a firm erection for no apparent reason at all just seemingly out of nowhere, and I had no idea what to make of that. My body was telling me something, but what? Of course, guys my age were all wondering if their male classmates were somehow coping with the same problem, and if so, exactly how were they dealing with it.

Of course, now we know that people can have sexual sensations at a very early age perhaps even before they are walking. A current TV ad for diapers shows kids in diapers in all sorts of movements, some that appear to be putting lots of pressure in the groin area by lying face down on the floor and then moving rapidly across the floor. They are actually masturbating in that position prone on the floor. As I watch the diaper ad I keep thinking that its an ad featuring some really early efforts by these kids in that regard. Indeed there is serious research which reveals that kids masturbate long before their parents realize at all what they are doing.

So, by the time a guy is 10 or 11, even if he has not ejaculated, he is well along in the process of how to enjoy himself in this manner. The important point is that guys do not just suddenly get their first erection on the day that they first void semen, nor is the semen voiding day the first day in a guy;s life that the guy has ever touched himself down there. The masturbation process has been going on for a long time by the day the first semen voiding occurs, and the ejaculation is more nearly a culmination than the start of something new and interesting.

Somehow, finding out that the other males my age were also dealing with the same problem would be a source of “relief” for me, but this was the 1950s, and guys did not talk about stuff like that for sure even though they might be very curious as well. But there were all sorts of indirect ways of collecting information.

I the 1950 and into the 1960s, practically every guy wore a white cotton brief. Of course, these briefs fit quite snug an so if a guy was in a situation where he and his male friends were all stripped to their underwear, everyone looked around to see exactly what the situation was with each of the other guys based on how the cotton brief pouch looked. But these instances, often in a gym locker room, did not occur that often. And situations where all the guys were completely nude were even rarer, so information as to what was going on with the other guys was even tougher to come by.

My recalling of the advent of puberty for me is that there was not simply one day where I ejaculated for the first time. Instead, I had run into a new “problem” where I was waking up with dime-sized starchy spots on my pajama bottoms. Nothing big, maybe up to three of them a night, but this started occurring more or less regularly. Depending on when during the night this happened the spot could be completely dry, or maybe still wet. The wet ones that were made early in the morning were more difficult to hide than the ones I deposited shortly after I went to bed that by morning were completely dry on my pajama bottoms.

But, the onset of puberty supposedly is when the first daytime and fully awake ejaculation takes place. For me, this has a swimwear--tho not swim brief--connection. I liked to fill the inflatable pool with water, let the sun warm it, and then go out in the pool and contemplate my navel along with the meaning of life. I had a swimsuit but it was not a swim brief. What was popular in those days was looser fit, typically a small plaid in either blue or red (Mine was usually red). These had about 6-inch long legs, so by board short standards these were quite short (tho not brief style.). Still, these suits always had an inner liner made from a fine nylon mesh, and, guess what? The inner liner was actually made in a brief style.

The claim was that the liner was there for “support”. What was really going on was that without a snugger fitting liner, there was a real danger that the guy’s penis would fall right out one of the leg openings. Remember, the legs were not very long and since the material was a cotton blend and loose fitting.

Well, it didn’t take me long to figure out that the nylon mesh of the liner felt quite nice rubbing against my penis, and naturally, sitting in the little pool of water it was not long before I got to playing with myself. I would take a quick look down there by pulling the waistband away from my body, and I was quickly getting quite long and hard. My penis just sat there pressed against the mesh lining. Interesting!

I had been in this situation of having a big penis a number of times before, and it all ended with my penis simply coming down in size. But for some unexplained reason (well no, explained reason, as in the harder my penis got the better I liked it) I kept thinking about what was happening while I suppose, occasionally touching myself down there too. I was liking this situation a lot.

Well, somehow I went too far. Suddenly I started ejaculating semen into the nylon mesh liner. Now a guy’s first wide awake daytime ejaculation is quite an event to behold! I was feeling elated and terrified at the same time. No one told me this would happen even though I had been having erections and even nighttime spotting for some time. The first time a guy goes into full ejaculation complete with all the muscular contractions is huge fun but also scary as all get out. I was right on the edge between the two. But sitting in a little pool of water, I was in a position to hide the evidence pretty easily. No one else would know what had happened.

The swimwear with the mesh liner was far easier to explain than would be a swim brief, and whenever I got the chance, even if I was not going in the water, this style of suit was my go-to choice for daytime masturbation. I would masturbate into the liner of the suit and then put it back in my dresser drawer until the next time. Eventually I had big semen stains all over the liner but no one checked, and these would be somewhat washed away if I again wore the suit in water. Through my teen years I still harbored some fear of discovery but I got smart about hiding my activities. Eventually the semen destroyed the mesh liner.

06-01-2022, 07:14 PM
A Fondness for Speedos Part II

It’s funny. There is a strong “herding instinct” among a lot of young males. This is especially true when it comes to clothing, but particularly in undergarments. A lot of guys make choices based on what other guys are wearing, or maybe what they THINK other guys are wearing. From the mid 1950s and through much of the 1969s, the underwear of choice was the white cotton brief. Why? Because that is what the other guys were wearing. Loose-fitting blue plaid boxer shorts had yet to make an appearance. If you wanted to be one of the guys, you wore a white cotton brief. This was not a debate topic. That is how it is.

Of course, a pair of white cotton briefs CAN fit rather snug, but this did not seem to bother guys in the least. I have often thought that there was a bit of “I’m bigger than you are down there” maleness rearing its head, but that is only a theory. If my briefs fit tighter and my bulge shows bigger that is good not bad bit especially so if ever guy is wearing basically the same cotton brief.

Young guys tend to go through a lot of underwear growing up. And young guys tend to hit a rapid growth spurt shortly after puberty, where the underwear that fit maybe a year ago or even six months ago tend to be too small right now. In the case of a cotton brief it might be worn out but it might just be too small. Still, guys no doubt learn that a snug-fitting brief has its merits, even a brief that the guy has almost grown out of. Aside by continuing to wear these as regular underwear (You don’t have to replace these right now mom, I can still wear these!), guys have been known to keep some undersized pairs in the back of the bedroom drawer to use for masturbation purposes.

The same applies to clothing like blue jeans. That pair I wore last year has gotten really snug on me since I have grown, but I still like to wear them. And some of the guys in school think I look great in them.

You may think guys discovered snug-fitting jeans in the last decade or so. But there was another round of this in the early 1960s when guys really got interested in jeans that fit really snug. Sand-colored undyed denim jeans were really popular, and when I was 15 or 16, some of the guys in my class seemed to be running an informal contest to see who could come to school in the jeans with the tightest fit.

Of course, some of the guys discovered that masturbating in clothing that consisted of a tight pair of cotton briefs with a snug fitting pair of jeans over could be a lot of fun too. The semen would be enough to create a dark stain somewhere on the jeans. But where? And if this happened would someone call attention to it? Dangerous in that respect, but still fun!

So, back in the 1950s and 1960s we have all these guys whose clothing consists of snug white cotton briefs with tight, sand-colored jeans over. For swimwear, making the transition from the popular plaid cotton swimsuit with the mesh lining to a real swim brief was perhaps not that big of a deal except that the early swim briefs were all nylon, and only later did the poly stretch Lycra briefs show up. Guys were used to knowing how the ribbed cotton of their brief underwear felt down there and had managed to learn to control their urges. And they were used to being in situations where other guys clad in cotton briefs would see them. But now the idea of a small-and-slick-nylon swim brief might be pushing it. The classic question of course is will wearing such a suit with slick fabric give me an erection at an inopportune time and will I be able to adequately cope with the situation. But still, the swim brief is not that much different from the standard issue cotton underwear that all the guys wore daily.

So, my theory is that when white cotton briefs were almost universal, at least for males living in the US, the transition a Speedo--or more generally, any brief-style swimsuit--was not nearly as big a deal as it has been recently, when guys are instead favoring loose-fitting plaid boxer shorts as underwear. The boxer shorts as underwear led right into the knee-length board shorts for swimming. Still, young males are subject to a herding instinct whereby they really want to wear what the other guys think is acceptable, and definitely not go off in some new path, and particularly not a new path that would identify a guy as a “serial masturbator”. Even the admission that you masturbate could result in issues with peers (who also masturbate but dare not admit it) at some future point in time.

06-02-2022, 01:51 PM
A Fondness for Speedos Part III

Growing up, I was, well, more than a little nerdy. My family lived on a Midwest farm and our nearest neighbors were a half mile away. I had friends in school of course, both boys and girls, but I was not particularly close to any of them. I was more than something of a nerdy loner too.

However I did have relatives, some of them aunts, uncles and cousins who lived in a more urban world on the West coast. Part of what they did was to make road trips to the Midwest where my family and other families (more aunt’s uncles and cousins) lived. They would hop in the Oldsmobile or Pontiac and think nothing of driving over 1200 miles in a long two days. One of the trips occurred around 1960. I would have been nearly 13. Two male cousins came along, one a year younger than I, the other about 18 months older. I will call the younger cousin G and the older cousin D.

City kids coming to visit country kids was always an interesting time. We were used to engaging in farm activities that the city kids found fascinating. We were around farm animals pretty much all the time, and some of the farm animals were also pets. The city cousin G was on the “cusp” of puberty at the time. My own body was changing rapidly and my mind was filled with questions I dared not ask. Even at that age I was interested in what my cousins would be wearing. The city cousins were into sports (later on, G became a High School wrestler, but he was also a swimmer).

Both G and D arrive wearing the latest snug-fitting jeans in a sand color, the ones I described previously. They were lucky, I thought. I really wanted a pair too.

The farm was also not far from a lake which is actually part of a dammed river. The local aunts and uncles had cabins on the lake and it was routine for everyone to go down to the lake and get in some boating, swimming and whatever. Of course I was wearing my red plaid swimsuit as I described. I was, well, curious as to what my city cousins would be wearing. It didn’t take long to find out! Both D and G were in swim briefs. The brief G was wearing was bright blue with three whit pin stripes on each side. He looked great in it. Keep in mind that I was a gawky, nerdy looking. Even at that age G was built like an athlete. The suit fit him really well—as in it was way tight on him. Seeing G in this suit really got me fixated on wearing swim briefs. I suspect G had worn this suit for some months and was on the edge of growing out of it. That is why it fit him so well.

(to be continued)

06-02-2022, 01:53 PM
A Fondness for Speedos, Part IV

So my aunt, G & D’s mom, suddenly said something I thought was interesting. She said “G is really fond of his swimsuit. Once he gets into it I cannot get him to take it off. He wears it everywhere.” In retrospect, I don’t think G’s mom quite understood exactly what G was doing and why, but that is to this day a theory. My theory is that G was fond of the suit and wore it because he liked how it looked and felt down there. Moms think they understand everything about raising boys but there are a few things that do not quite register, well, you know.

So, after the boating and splashing around in the water it was time for everyone to go back to the town or the farm. With all the relatives from afar, beds are in short supply. It is decided that G would go home to the farm with me and my parents. Just as his mom said, G is still wearing his blue suit and has simply pulled his jeans over. The house on the farm had two small bedrooms both double beds, and my parents slept in one of the bedrooms. The only place for G to sleep is next to me in the other bed.

So G pulls off his jeans and is now clad only in the suit and crawls into bed. Me, I am in pajamas next to him. At some point during the night G decides he needs to get out of the suit and he pulls himself out of it and tosses it to one side of the bed. I remember that it just sort of hung there somewhat stiff.

I was thinking wouldn’t it be fun to try on that suit. But I am too scared to ask. What would my cousin think of such a strange request? Still, if there ever was a moment in my life that for me glued the idea of wearing a Speedo as erotic fun, this was it. I never did ask my cousin the questions that I really needed the answers to. Remember, I was just barely past puberty myself and my cousin had not likely reached that point. But still, there was something going on in his brain that got him to where he was—the idea of wearing a swim brief as underwear was linked to the idea of wearing a swim brief for the sheer enjoyment of at all.

Given what I know now in retrospect I could have been more forward, but I am not sure where that would have led either, say if I had asked to try on that blue swim brief. The cousin is just a year younger than I. He became a fireman in his adult life, was married for a short period of time and had two kids, but then divorced the wife and never remarried. I have never dared ask him about this sequence of events that occurred that night. On occasion I have wondered whether he was really that straight, given how his life evolved, but that is not a question I would dare ask either. The questions I would have he probably would be reluctant to answer.

It’s funny. Being deprived of something that a guy thinks would make him feel horny only makes the object that much more erotic once a guy finally gets it. I went through my entire high school days never owning a swim brief. But as a young adult I loaded up on swim briefs and used them regularly for masturbation. Is this a “problem” of some sort? As my readers know, relationship sex is not a big deal for me, but I thoroughly enjoy my own body. This may seem a bit weird according to some. Part of the problems with a relationship is that I would have to figure out some sort of a way to deal with the fun things I do to and by myself, and I never saw the tradeoff as making me happy. I am better off right where I am.

But how do other single guys not in a sexual relationship navigate this? Have they found solutions similar to what I enjoy doing? This leads me to another core question. Nowadays guys can order swim briefs or any one of hundreds of potentially erotic toys on line. I keep wondering how many swim briefs are actually mainly if not exclusively used for swimming versus other “recreational” uses. I think the market for swim briefs is much larger than it would have been had the main sources being a mall department or sporting goods store. The vendors that sell the briefs do not really care for what purpose the brief is sold. A sale is a sale!

So, I have a stash of stuff including swim briefs in many sizes that I keep on hand mainly for self pleasuring. A big stash, but living alone I do not have to explain this. Do other guys have stashes as well, but more secret stashes? An embarrassing question is why do I keep all this “stuff”? Do I have a “problem” of some sort, or have I simply found a successful way to live as a solo, unattached guy? Good question. If I can be of assistance to other guys who are interested in what I am doing and how I cope. I have found fun stuff. Lots of it!

Always “enjoy” yourself!

06-02-2022, 09:38 PM
I had a friend on the swim team back in school days. He wore a speedo during the summer at our town's public pool and for a couple of years I really, really wanted to wear one. Finally worked up the courage to ask and he loaned me one of his. Wow, it was great. And so horny, too!

06-03-2022, 09:54 PM

A Fondness for Speedos Part V

I was 21 years old, and leaving from my native state in the Midwest to do my PhD at Purdue—some 1,200 miles away. I was still going to be living in a college dorm, but this one was made for graduate students, and all the rooms were single. I saw this as an opportunity not a problem. I could get to do the things I always wanted to do while studying for my doctorate, And there were lots of things by then that I really enjoyed doing, but in private.

The Purdue campus is separated from the main retail spaces in town but there are a couple streets just off the campus that were there to cater to the needs of the students. Lots of fast food places--back then a Burger Chef and a place that predates Arby's but also featured roast beef sandwiches, So I would often take a short walk only a block or two from the grad house to pick up a cheap burger or maybe splurge on a roast beef sandwich as well.

In addition to the food places, there were a few stores that catered to the clothing needs of college students—shirts, jeans etc. Periodically these places would have street sales as a way to reduce the inventory of stuff that hadn’t sold. And, guess what? In the fall they would invariably have some heavily discounted swimwear as well, including swim briefs. What an opportunity for a guy who had wanted to own a Speedo for so long, but never quite dared doing anything about it for fear of being discovered and with that a long line of uncomfortable questions.

And there it was. A heavily marked down genuine Speedo in a patriotic pattern in an early Lycra/Nylon blend. I pulled that off the rack and made my purchase. My life as a graduate student was not going to be that dull and boring after all. On another trip I found a swim brief made by Janzen at a heavily discounted price and I bought that too. Now I didn’t really intend to go swimming, but I was merely looking to make my time in the dorm room more interesting. I was spending a lot of time studying, but every guy also needs some “recreation” if I could call it that.

Sadly, though the room was single the bathroom was across the hall. You know, ten each of toilets, showers and sinks all in a row. The problem was that I needed a private space to rinse out a cum-stained swim brief.

But, it was not long before I solved that problem too. I discovered there were a few rooms with private baths that rented for only a bit more than the private rooms with the bath across the hall. So I rented one of those and changed rooms.

I worked hard but had great fun in graduate school as well in a host of different ways. Purdue is a great place to study and learn. I learned a lot as well about a bunch of different subjects some not at all related to what I was studying for being able to do as an academic. You might be able to guess what some of the subjects are. Following this was a 40-year career as an academic. But I also developed a side hobby writing on male sexuality which is completely different from what I did as an academic during my career.

Retired now, I still enjoy doing a lot of the same stuff I always did while also having the free time to devote to my hobby writing. Every day is an adventure for me.

The Speedo I bought that day collapsed into almost nothing decades ago. Cum stains are tough on Lycra. But the Janzen brief I bought at about the same time is still with me, though its condition is not that great as you might imagine after all these years. Still, I have not had the heart to just toss it, given all the excellent memories of a time long gone by.

06-04-2022, 07:42 PM
A Fondness for Speedos Part V
A Trip to Waikiki Beach

By the mid 1980s, I had settled into my academic career and had been a lot of places and seen a lot of things that I would never have gotten to see on my own. One of the curious features of an academic career is that the faculty are constantly writing and giving scientific papers. The groups taking in the papers like to go to various parts of the US for their meetings or conclaves, and one of the groups decided that it might be a lot of fun to meet in Hawaii. Flights out there were not THAT expensive. Hotel rooms were not cheap. The typical way this works is that if you present an academic paper, the department will find a way to fund most if not all of the trip costs. IIRC the $93-a-night hotel room looked high in the 1980s given that most hotels at meeting sites charged about $50 a night. The plane fares were only slightly higher that the fares to a major US city on the mainland. I would fly to Chicago, and then from there take a direct flight to Honolulu. The total distance was about 4,250 miles, approximately half of the distance over the US and the remaining half over the Pacific Ocean. It was about an 8-hour flight, but I had taken an early morning flight into Chicago. We left Chicago in the morning, but as we headed west, we gained hours. I arrived at the hotel at about 3 pm Honolulu time.

Given the long flight, I thought I would be dog tired and would want to get some sleep before I ventured off to the beach. But to my surprise, I was full of energy, and the beach was only about 2 blocks away. I was curious as all get out as to what the accepted beach wear would be. Of course, I had my favorite blue ocean wave patterned genuine Speedo along with me—an all-nylon suit. When making a beach trek, the big problem is always what to do with your key and other valuables when you are in the water. Each hotel room had a safe, and this was a good place to stash your wallet, plane ticket home, cash, but also, in those days, traveler’s checks. Credit cards then were not the big deal they are now. But then I needed a way to carry the room key to the beach with me, and maybe a few dollars to buy a drink or snack of some sort.

And I also had a pair of shorts that had pockets where I stashed the key. The idea was to wear the light blue nylon Speedo under the shorts and then remove the shorts and leave them on a reed mat near the water and go into the water wearing only the Speedo. I could keep an eye on my shorts with the key in the pocket from the water.

Basically, in the mid 1980s, that is what all the other guys were doing as well. They would alternate between sunning themselves on the reed mat on the beach, and then periodically go into the ocean. And nearly EVERY guy was wearing a swim brief (or, as I soon discovered, something smaller than a swim brief) but they also carried along a pair of shorts to wear over as well.

My Speedo was quite big by 1980s Hawaiian beach standards. Mine had 3-inch sides, but it was more common for the guys to be wearing briefs with 2-inch, 1-inch sides or even less. What fascinated me even more was this the first time I had seen a guy wearing a thong swimsuit, one with such a narrow band that the band disappeared between the glutes. I had my video camera along and got some short videos showing the suits. Of course, a lot of the women were wearing thongs as well. NO one (except me, maybe) paid any attention. This was just normal beach attire in Hawaii.

I soon decided that I needed to buy a swimsuit (or two) from one of the clothing outlets that catered to tourists along the beach. I did not find any thongs for sale but I did spring for a couple briefs far skimpier than my Speedo. A public right of way exists all along Waikiki and other Hawaiian beaches, even along the area in back of the beachfront hotels. The guys liked to walk the right of way in their tiny swim briefs that were brightly colored in neon green or yellow. It was a fun parade. I did that too, simply carrying my shorts (with the room key in the pocket) in my hand.

In retrospect, I made this trip in an interesting time in men’s swimsuit history. Shortly after I got home they were interviewing a sales clerk at one of the big department stores here (now a Macys) and the subject of men’s swimwear came up. She said “It’s weird, guys going for really big suits (aka board shorts) or really tiny suits.” She didn’t describe the exact nature of the tiny suits, but I knew as I had seen them in Hawaii. And, of course, the department store had a big rack of the new “really tiny” suits. It took some considerable courage on my part to buy one of the “new” suits but somehow I managed. I think I ended up with three of them, all very similar to the ones I had seen the guys wearing in Hawaii.

These were fun times. Sadly, the photos I see of the current Hawaiian beaches suggest to me that the attire the guys are wearing there is no longer significantly different from what we now see most guys wearing on any public beach here in the US. There are a few exceptions on the mainland, but it appears to me that the Hawaiian beaches are no longer as trend-setting as they were back then.

Oh, in case you were wondering, I did get to give my academic research paper while I was there, but at a 4-pm hour and most of the conference participants were already at the beach and not at the hotel meeting room. In contrast to the flight west, the trip back eastward to home was a total pain. I slept for maybe two hours, and then the sun was back up again. It took me a solid week to recover from it all.

07-09-2022, 03:46 PM
I confess, although I am very fond of swim briefs, both genuine Speedos and others for their possibilities in self-eroticism, I am in love with men’s thong underwear. I found my first pair of men’s thong underwear, I think in 1989, a long time ago. When I saw how it was made, I thought that I might “enjoy” wearing a pair, and, believe me the thongs I bought so many years ago did not in any way disappoint. Many years before that I had learned that feeling horny was nearly synonymous with oozing precum, at least for me. At the time I had not studied the biology for this or fully understood exactly what was going on inside my body when this happens, but I surely knew that there was something really great about oozing.

I once believed the old stories that if a guy was dripping, ejaculation was inevitable. But I discovered that if a guy approached this all in the right mental state, he could stay horny and keep dripping for long periods of time. But ejaculation stopped all of this so the real trick was to learn how to “ride the wave” and stay in a state of horniness that was just below the level of no longer being able to refrain from ejaculating, the event which would end the entire fun thing of just spending leisure time feeling horny.

Of course, the pouch was very snug on those early Spandex-laced thongs, almost too snug to contain both my penis and balls, and, worse (or maybe better?), just thinking of getting everything inside the pouch meant that I was getting a hard-on, which also meant that I was going to have still more “trouble” putting everything inside. I was dripping a lot just thinking about this “predicament”. Well, it was not really a predicament. I was enjoying myself tremendously as I contemplated the specifics of the unreasonable situation I was in.

Then the cord! Ahh, the cord! The cord on these thongs was just a tiny piece of elastic about 3/8 of an inch in diameter. Not much. The problem of how I was going to squeeze my penis and balls into that snug spandex-laced pouch was made less difficult if the cord did not lay against my butt crack but fit up tight between my glutes.

Of course, this was the first time I discovered that the space between my glutes was an erogenous zone. The deeper the cord went, the easier time I was having getting everything inside the pouch, but the sensation of the cord seizing between my glutes kept making me harder. I was enjoying myself a lot, but could I actually WEAR this goofy thing like a “normal” pair of underwear?

Somehow I settled down and “contained” myself. I was making quarter dollar-size stains of ooze on the front of the pouch, and I worried that the garment that I would wear over the thong would pick up wet stains too. That would be embarrassing. But I was enjoying my horny, thong-induced state so much a little embarrassment mattered not at all. Did it really make any difference if the thong could be a real pair of underwear rather than a great way to engage in “self abuse”?

Over the years I learned a lot of stuff, starting with the fact that feeling horny and then oozing precum does not automatically mean that a guy is headed toward and uncontrollable ejaculation. I got to the point where my mind could deal with wearing only a snug-fitting thong as the undergarment, and then pull on a pair of snug-fitting jeans over, and then go out and about, even to places like work and shopping.

Eventually a guy gets “used” to wearing a thong and his mind shifts from thinking only about the predicament his penis and balls are in all of the time to only thinking about that some of the time. Still, with every step I feel that snug-fitting thong back wedged between my glutes, and it keeps reminding me over and over that my body is dealing with something very different from say, wearing a loose-fitting pair of plaid boxers.

Even though I have somewhat gotten used to being in a thong I still drip a lot. Often I sleep in a thong as my only night time wear. I go to sleep feeling horny, already with some precum staining the pouch, but somehow I drift off feeling still feeling way horny. I awaken several hours later only to discover that the pouch has even more stains than it did when I fell asleep. Remarkably, the thong kept me horny and dripping the entire night even when I was asleep! This is crazy but extraordinary. Can ANY guy do that?

Finally there is the thong as exercise wear. I have talked a lot about that in the past. How much fun the thong is when I am going though my stationary rowing and stationary bike exercises, not to mention the weight machine as well. All of this makes my daily exercising a lot more enjoyable and less of a burden. Each stroke on the rower give me an erotic “kick” between my glutes. That felt great! My mind and body wants me to do another stroke. And so I exercise!

07-18-2022, 02:11 PM
That was certainly fun!

Today I have a puzzle for you. Think back over your lifetime. I want you to think about various situations you have been in where you were alone (not with a sexual partner) but somehow had gotten yourself into a highly-aroused (horny) state. The question is “What were you doing, and why were you so aroused?” What was your absolute “best” experience?

I realize, of course, that in their teens, the vast majority of guys are bombarded with, for want of a better term, the “urge” to masturbate. Sometimes these instances happen for good reason, such as seeing something the male mind deems is “sexy” but sometimes this urge seems to occur for no apparent reason at all, except that the whole thought somehow “feels good“, and suddenly the guy’s mind starts to focus on his penis and the sheer enjoyment of getting an erection. Things start to happen and what felt good only moments ago feels really good right now. And so on. And so on. Right up until the moment that things go into “auto-pilot’ mode and ejaculation is inevitable.

Young guys generally do not have a good understanding of exactly when the autopilot turns on, meaning that the guy no longer has control of his ejaculation, except, of course, there is always a point where this happens. Indeed, younger guys generally do not appreciate that the need to sustain oneself not reaching the point of no return until the right time is in fact a most important part of being a male learning how to cope with being a guy, and that learning how to do so is important.

Most sex manuals aimed at helping couples tend to focus on the whole idea that timing is everything, and the ideal love partners if successful are going to have an orgasm, if not at the exact same time, at as close to the same time as possible. The usual complaint is that orgasm for the female partner occurs “late” if at all, and that the guy therefor suffers from a “disease” called premature ejaculation, which by definition is going into autopilot orgasm mode before his partner is even close.

I confess, when I was 13 I was happy (actually, very happy) to get to occasionally have enough privacy so I could beat off, but I was also worried that I would be inadvertently “discovered” doing that, so the objective was to move everything forward as fast as possible so to minimize the risk of that happening. At that point in time, I was focused solely on how much fun those huge muscular contractions during ejaculations were and I had the ability to ejaculate more than once in a single day, so ejaculating right now was not much of a setback. Still, I feel sorry for the poor guys who somehow managed to go directly from their teen selves to an adult-style partner relationship. There is so much to learn!

For me at least, my beat-off sessions were frequently intertwined with some sort of garment that I either had, or thought I would someday want to own, once I was out on my own. Not surprisingly, I guess, a focus for me was owning a swim brief. To this day, I do not fully understand why this happened, but as a teen, I somehow drew the conclusion that a skimpy swim brief was perhaps the ideal garment for jerking off in when in private and the tighter the fit the better. Never mind that I was not a swimmer and had no obvious reason to own a swim brief. The only thing I could imagine is that any guy who owned one of these had to be using it to jerk off in—perhaps even on a daily basis. I had no idea whether any of my male peers had the same hang up or thought like I did and there was no way to find out.

What I did learn from all of this is that a partner relationship is not a requirement for a guy to have fun with his own body, and that trying to navigate a partner-focused sexual relationship might be easier if the guy has had some experience learning how to cope with snug-fitting clothing during solo masturbation, and in particular, learning some of the nuances of “edging” with the aid of a snug-fitting garment such as a swim brief. The “danger” of course, is that the guy gets so enamored with edging and other fun aspects of solo sex that he sees no need to move into a partner relationship.

A snug-fitting swim brief is by no means the only clothing item that does this, at least not for me. My teen years were also taken up struggling to deal with snug-fitting jeans that fit really tight in the crotch and butt, and I had a couple embarrassing “accidents” if you can call them that. Other items too. The jock strap I never got to wear as part of being in a team sport that required guys to wear one, and, of course, more recently, all the various compression gear, jammer-style compression shorts. Wrestling singlets and running tights, not to mention thongs of various sorts. The online Internet retailers have a huge array of “stuff” directed at guys who want items that they can use for personal “self-abuse” and can be ordered in privacy.

In 1975, the American Psychological Association decided that sexual attraction to a person of the same sex was no longer a disease, but simply part of the “completely normal” range of human sexuality, and thus that gay guys did not suffer from any sort of mental illness, curable or not.

I find interesting, however, that you can still find a lot of books on psychology that claim, first, that any sort of inanimate object used as part of getting off is a called a fetish, and that, since the items on my list--swim briefs, straps, thongs etc--are inanimate, the guy who uses these items to get off somehow is mentally deficient and suffers from a fetish. In short, if this guy was OK mentally, he would instead be pursuing relationship sex (With a male or female partner) and not jerking off with the aid of his newly-acquired Speedo or jock strap!

Hey wait a second! Solo sex is part of the normal range of human sexual behavior too, and if I like to stain my new Speedo that way, who out there should be critical? Besides, working with these items could improve a guy’s edging skills and that skill just might come in handy later on in a relationship. The only problem we have is that some so-called “experts” have decided that any sort of sexual arousal that happens involving an inanimate object is somehow abnormal if not a mental defect of some sort!

I have read that the space that a lot of guys occupy getting turned on by wearing items on my list from swim briefs to running tights is strictly a “male thing” and that there is nothing comparable at all in female sexuality. I am still trying to sort that one out but I am not convinced that is entirely true. Do the female garments that many heterosexual men find arousing do “nothing” for the female whatsoever?

Good question!

07-19-2022, 11:17 PM
A Tribute to “Old School” Jock Straps!

I feel badly that the old school jock-straps like the guys wore when I was growing up have become so difficult to find any more. There are still a few on-lime suppliers but prices seem to have skyrocketed from the days when I could pick up an old school strap for $2 or $3 from an entire wall of them at Walmart and the kind that came with a neat little jock cup for maybe $6 or $8.

Still, I purchased a lot of both kinds when I saw the deals and cannot say that my supply is running short. Today ended up being the time to have some fun with them. One of the great unanswered questions life has thrown me is how popular it is for wrestlers to wear a strap—either with or without a cup--under a snug-fitting singlet. It always seemed to me that wrestling would be one of those sports where it might be a good idea to have some protection down there, at minimum at least a strap without a cup. Having not been a wrestler I have no way of doing a survey on the subject, but if there are guys who wrestled in high school or college, maybe you would be willing to report what you know on the subject.

Somehow, today I got hung up on the idea of being in a strap—not any old strap but a neat Riddell branded one with RIDDELL printed in bold letters on a 3-inch wide charcoal gray elastic waist band, and a sewn pouch capable of holding cups of various shapes and sizes. I have a big collection of cups too, and, let’s just say that I am partial to the smaller, snugger-fitting cups.

From the possible wrestling singlets I own, I picked a bright sapphire blue one with white trim branded “Elite” that I purchased not too long ago, and passed over my three asics singlets and my red Russell Singlet that has a neat design but is tough to get on and off. Wearing only the strap and cup under the singlet I thought looked way neat, and I spent the afternoon doing a web search on “singlets” at my favorite site where guys demonstrate what they like to do when they are wearing a singlet.

Penises love to be in confined spaces and a cup and strap is an ideal place. I discovered that my new “Magic Wand” vibrator does some excellent things when pressed on the singlet and against the cup in the pouch. The entire cup vibrates. My penis liked that, a lot. That stunt is way fun, and if you attempt something similar you should be climbing the walls in a hurry.

Eventually I got out of this combination without quite getting to orgasm mode (you know me!) and I pulled down the singlet and checked out the inside of the pouch to see whether or not my penis had enjoyed the situation it was in. Very healthy, I would say,,, the lower quarter of the pouch was nearly covered with viscous precum. Clearly (no pun intended) the combination of the Magic Wand, the Riddell strap, the pouch, the cup and the singlet was worthwhile.

Next I decided to have some fun with a classic “Duke” strap without a cup—these were of the design Walmart sold loads of in years past for maybe $3. Again, the wide elastic waistband, the rubbery pouch made out of that stuff that was only used to make pouches for classic straps, and, invariably I would buy these, well, undersized. In athletic supporters, cup or not, I have always enjoyed a snug fit.

The interesting thing about these undersized pouches is that you can point yourself “up” and easily stay that way. I put a pair of burgundy “Starter” brand compression shorts over the strap. If any of you are queasy about having precum make its way through to form stains right at the point where the tip of your upward pointing penis is pressing against your compression shorts, you may want to point yourself in a different direction. OTOH, if you are just lazily enjoying a sunny summer afternoon, nothing quite like just watching the precum stains form in tiny droplets, while you appreciate the wonders of being in a strap, kick back, and simply enjoy being a guy Just as I am doing as I write this story this afternoon.

Happy oozing!

07-26-2022, 08:35 PM
Perfecting the Art and Science of Solo Masturbation

Every guy learns at an early age that his penis loves to be in a confined space. Not a space with immovable walls mind you, but in a space that feels smooth and slick, pressing against some delicious nerve endings. Guys learn about all of this in a variety of ways and daily life may involve a daily dose of new discoveries that feel, well, psychologically and physically both interesting and enjoyable. Somehow the more a guy focuses on the sensations, the better the sensations feel.

Guys also quickly learn that simply stroking a penis from base to glans can feel good, and the guy quickly feels aroused—that hard-to-define sensation that comes when a guy for whatever reason, suddenly thinks of himself as feeling “horny”. This frequently happens before the guy develops any significant erection. The old theory says feeling aroused precedes getting any sort of penis growth or hardness, and the process of getting a full erection entails getting both large and hard. This, in turn, leads to an orgasm in which semen is ejaculated. All of this is quite enjoyable but each part in different and unique ways.

One might think that learning how to successfully and enjoyably masturbate, that is, engaging in self- pleasuring by yourself, is merely a prelude to bigger and better things to come involving “real sex with a partner”, but guys who are into partner sexual relationships do not necessarily give up on masturbation when the situation of being alone presents itself. If a nominally heterosexual guy who is in a sexual relationship with a female masturbates alone at times, female partners sometimes get very angry if the accidentally discover their male lover masturbating alone and perhaps enjoying himself by himself sexually without her present and participating. A gay male when faced with a similar situation involving the accidental discovery of a male partner masturbating alone, would more likely not be upset but merely want to join in on the fun via mutual masturbation.

For younger single guys not in any partner relationship of either sex, the biggest fear is the possible discovery of what the guy is doing by a parent, sibling or peer classmate. How embarrassing! This leads guys to use a variety of methods to cover what they are doing such as masturbating quickly to orgasm behind a closed bathroom door, masturbating under the covers at nighttime, and finding other situations (i.e. home alone with everyone else out of the house for a time) where the guy can get off in privacy. Then the article of clothing that the guy was wearing when ejaculation occurred is put in a safe hidden spot, say in the back of a dresser drawer in the guy’s room. Eventually, however, that item will need to be surreptitiously thrown into the weekly wash.

Masturbation by simply stroking the penis from base to glans in a repetitive motion with the aid only of a tissue to contain the semen is OK but definitely not the most fun way to do it. The skin-to-skin contact may feel good, but this approach works much better using a lubricant of some sort such as the water-based sexual lubricant KY Gel or some knockoff of that product. However, a lot of guys may not have the opportunity to purchase such an item in part because the obvious question is “What are you going to use THAT for?” A simple gel shower soap works about as well if not better as a lubricant for solo sex, and a guy can apply that prior to going into the shower under the guise that he is merely getting soaped up as a prelude to getting into the shower, when in reality he is having an excellent pre-shower masturbation session. No wonder bar soaps have gone out of favor. Anything that happens ejaculation wise is simply washed down the shower drain along with the soap.

Another way of approaching this instead of using a gel lube is to wear a garment made of a slick, smooth and stretchy spandex-laced fabric, and the snugger the fit around the penis and balls the better the sensation. A small swim brief is perfect for this solo activity. This feels great and some guys get so turned on simply by thinking about where their penises will be that they get a good erection underway even before the pull themselves into the garment. Having this happen can be embarrassing but is lots of fun. The slick, stretchy smooth fabric feels great around and pressing down on the penis and balls and many guys masturbate with the stretchy suit in place and stroking oneself while wearing a swim brief is one of those not-to-be-missed experiences that life has to offer.

Indeed, an array of readily-available swim briefs, spandex-laced stretchy underwear, compression shorts, jammers, running tights and other items can provide some real self-pleasuring fun. Each guy will probably quickly discover one or more personal favorites that are called upon as the need to jerk off arises every day or two. This is all quite normal for guys even though some may be embarrassed about what they are doing to, with and by themselves. The best way to get one’s head around all of this is to realize that practically every guy out there also does it in some way though the details with respect to exactly what each guy does and how may not be fully known. The secretive part of all of this in part what makes this fun to explore.

Finally there are the add-ons. Maybe an electric vibrator that can be used to touch the penis through whatever slick-feeling and snug-fitting garment the guy is wearing. Vibrators stimulate the penis nerve endings in very interesting and enjoyable ways, the only tricky part is that learning how to use the vibrator correctly takes some work. The problem is not that the vibrator fails to stimulate a guy both physically and psychologically but rather that one needs to be careful not to stimulate yourself too much. If you aren’t careful you will be going into an uncontrolled ejaculation even though ypu might still be barely erect and however interesting this initially might seem to be, it is not that much fun. The tricky part about applying a vibrator to the pouch of a swim brief is learning how to get and keep yourself fully stimulated and hard given the vibrations without immediately going into an ejaculation you cannot stop. Learning how to do this takes some practice.

Still, given a degree of privacy and only a few basic items as indicated above, a guy can have great fun masturbating by exploring the ideas I have outlined above.

Happy masturbating!

07-28-2022, 02:56 PM
On Becoming an Adult Male

Young guys growing into adulthood face some important issues and problems. Puberty comes on strong, in ways that are at once both wonderful and terrifying. Erections seem to occur relentlessly and often for no apparent reason. Guys quickly learn that the sensations from building and sustaining an erection are wonderful, and the “big payoff”, that is, ejaculation, is about as terrific as life gets, but they are terrified that they will lose control of the situation and get an erection or, worse, ejaculate in a situation that might prove not only demeaning but terrifying. By terrifying means ejaculating in the presence of other males their own age.

This all gets intertwined in the whole subject of developing a specific sexual orientation. The general rule is that any guy who masturbates, gets an erection or ejaculates in the presence of anyone other than a female is automatically a faggot. So the guy worries about the whole idea of being discovered masturbating, getting an erection or, horror of horrors, ejaculating. These pursuits MUST be done in total privacy or a guy will be teased or worse for the rest of his days.

Still, the simple act of getting aroused and the events that may follow are really enjoyable--female partner or no--and guys quickly realize that. But guys also quickly learn that their survival depends on pulling this off in secret without being obvious. Doing so is part of the game that is a key element of becoming an adult.

I learned at an early age that snug-fitting clothing of many different types had the potential to quickly get me aroused, bit that was not a topic I dared discuss with my male peers or with anyone else for that matter. Just THINKING of getting into some items that would fit snug and tight had the potential to give me a full erection, and often did. Like now, back when I was growing up, really slim-fitting jeans were quite popular with the guys, and many of my peers seemed to vie in seeing who could wear the jeans to school with the snuggest fit.

You may think that the real problem guys have is getting into a situation where they are forced to put on a swim brief for the first time in the presence of other males, or maybe a budding athlete encountering their first “forced” jock strap wear and how to cope with the nearly inevitable erection that might follow, but there are other situations as well. Some guys seem to think that the only garment that really presents a problem in this regard is a swim brief, and the goofy idea is that the problem is eliminated by simply wearing a jammer instead. But the guy still has the problem of where to position a semi-erect penis within the jammer, a penis that may be at least as obvious in a jammer as it would be in a swim brief, and just because the suit covers a guy to the mid thighs is not going to alleviate the “problem.” In short, the fact that a guy has a penis is not going to somehow be less apparent in the jammer. The whole idea in Jammer design is for the garment to fit tight like a second skin.

So the guys my age are nearly all wearing jeans that fit snug in the calf, snug in the thighs, low rise at the waist, and fitting like a second denim skin over the glutes. Any real pair of jeans has a key rear seam that runs upward at the center of the rear along the guy’s butt crack. The tighter the pair of jeans the snugger the fit, but that also means a smaller size with a lower rise. So the idea is to pull the jeans upward in front, but that means that the all-important rear vertical butt seam has to go in between the glutes, even as the glutes are covered even more snuggly with the denim. With the right anatomy, this seam cinches up between the glutes, almost like a thong back. This fit, almost mandatory for guys in the 1960s, looks great, and guys would inevitably try and “outdo” each other in “looking their best” in this regard.

Me, I was this scrawny dude weighing only 105 pounds on my newly acquired 5’10” height. My calves were not very big, nor my thighs, And my butt was small too. Still, I wanted to wear the look my other guys were wearing. To pull this off I needed to go shopping for a pair of jeans that would still fit tight on my obviously scrawny body. Not so easy. The pair of jeans I really wanted my mom thought fit too tight ( I did not!), but we compromised on a second pair that fit a bit looser.

Then I went off to a multi-day event with a bunch of other guys my age were attending as well, guys who were mostly going to be clad in the super-snug jeans I had so much admired, never having actually worn my new jeans for any length of time. Now was the opportunity. Except, of course, I got quickly turned on by even the thought of being inside a snug-fitting garment. So I put on the jeans intending on wearing them all day (I had not done anything close to that before), and almost immediately got a decent-sized erection, which I thought would dissipate if I only quit focusing on what I was doing. But, for the moment I had to put the erection in a place where it might not be that noticeable—as in pointed downward into the left leg of the jeans. That would be a “safe” spot, I thought to myself.

Was I ever wrong! I started walking with the other guys. I was actually quite hard inside the new jeans. With each step I made my penis ended up moving right along with the step, but the base of my penis was stuck in one place. Instead of my erection dissipating as we walked, I kept getting harder and harder and my urge to ejaculate kept getting stronger and stronger. It wasn’t long I had more inadvertent stimulation than any young guy could ever handle physically or mentally. I suddenly stopped walking and a full-scale ejaculation quickly happened, soon accompanied by some large wet spots from the semen bursting through the cloth of the tight-fitting jeans. YOU talk about terrific erotic fun mixed with holy terror, this was it!

The interesting part of this story is that despite all of this, to their credit none of the guys ever asked me why I stopped walking for a moment or about where those wet splotches on my jeans suddenly appeared, nor teased me about the sequence of events. Maybe the other guys had undergone situations of their own like mine.

Snug fitting jeans have gone in and out of fashion with young males over the years and we have just passed through a point in time where they have been extremely fashionable once again. But there have also been periods in the not distant past the popular jeans were the ones that fit loose enough to cover an erection of practically any size. And in these periods I have often thought that the popularity of baggy jeans was linked to the idea that the guys wanted to make certain that they did not get into the predicament I faced that warm sunny day long ago. The popularity of the snug fit seems also linked to the degree of enthusiasm guys have in getting toned and fit, with the whole idea of using the jeans as an excuse to show off a body with toned and fit calves, thighs and glutes. And also, maybe the conditioning of other parts of the male anatomy as well! Jeans seem to go through cycles of loose versus tight fit, not unlike cycles between swim briefs and board shorts! Board shorts that fit loose enough to hide even a fully-erect penis, or maybe not!

As a young teen one day I was struggling to get myself contained within my little red plaid swimsuit with the nylon brief support liner. Mom observed that I was having some problems in changing into the suit, and, on observing first-hand what the real problem was, she said to me “You know, if you want that to go down in size all you need to do is to stop thinking about it so much!” A keen observation, but not so easy to do, mom, not so easy to do!

08-06-2022, 01:00 PM
A tight fit, for sure

For me, it has always been something of a contest in order to determine if I enjoy wearing a snug-fitting swim brief or a snug-fitting pair of compression shorts. What I particularly enjoy doing seems to vary somewhat from day to day, and what I find to be the most fun on one day may not necessarily be what I choose on another day. The fact that I am not consistent in this regard is interesting but also a bit surprising. I guess variety is important in life, and whenever something gets too predictable, so to speak, it starts to become boring.

Regardless of what I am wearing, I really like to undersize. I like to think about the story I wrote years ago about the two college roommates who thought they could have some fun by each placing an on-line order for the other—and each order consisted of three swim briefs, all Euro briefs from swimoutlet.com but in three different sizes, 32”, 30” and 28”. Trying on new briefs is always interesting and horny fun, but the idea here is to try on all three briefs from largest to smallest. Part of the arousal mechanism is not only what is happening to you currently, but your anticipation of what is likely to happen next. Just getting into the new 32” euro brief feels good, of course. Who would NOT want to be in a situation where you get to be in a snug new brief.

But there is also the ANTICIPATION of the next step—that is getting into a swim brief you know will fit snugger and tighter. Just thinking about what is going to happen is enough to make a guy harder. And, of course, getting harder is NOT going to make getting into the still snugger 30“ brief any easier. Where am I going to put my growing penis in a brief that will fit and feel even tighter? Wow for fun just thinking about it!

And, of course, the 28” brief in the Euro style is way over the top. If the guy is able to TOLERATE the 30- inch brief without ejaculating all over the place he has mastered some restraint. But the 28” brief is going to pose an even greater challenge, getting into it now both way hard and way horny. Almost impossible for the stage the guy is in, penis-wise. The guy has been oozing ever since he thought about the three-brief challenge, and whether or not he can survive the final challenge of the 28-inch brief without ejaculating semen is the final test.

As my readers know, I very much like sleeping in swim briefs, and every night I try and challenge myself by choosing something different. I believe it is good for overall male health, sexually and otherwise, to go through multiple arousal cycles during the night, the same thing I enjoyed doing so much when I was only 12 or 13 years old. To the extent that a snug-fitting swim brief can aid in this, I am all for it.

So, last night I dug out my blue Swimoutlet Sporti-branded Euro swim brief, size 28. This size has a way low rise and when I am fully in it shows a bit of upper butt crack much like am Aqux-branded brief. The brief has a front liner, interestingly in black not white. I really like the black liners because any precum I leave during the night is readily visible. The presence of precum stains on the black liner tells me whether or not I am going through the sleep arousal cycles that I want to try and make happen.

I got into the brief and went right to sleep, feeling “good” down there. Feeling somewhat horny I have discovered is like a natural sleeping pill. I woke up early this morning and checked the black liner for precum stains, Sure enough, there were some nice ones in different places on the liner. I had achieved my goal.

I continue to feel horny this morning as I think about all of this and write about how well this worked for me last night. Somehow wearing a swim brief—a snug-fitting one—is very helpful in erasing all the problems of the day, and precumming all night long is very pleasant as well.

08-14-2022, 02:28 PM
Thoughts on Compression shorts

Nowadays, compression shorts come in all sorts of varieties. Going back 30 years, to the early 90s, compression shorts were basically treated as an undergarment, found in a blister pack next to a collection of athletic supporters in odd places like a wall in drug stores, in addition to places such as Walmart. I got my first two pairs of compression shorts at Walmart off of one of those racks of athletic-related gear. I did not buy them for any particular purpose other than I thought that they might be fun to wear, given my fondness for swim briefs and other gear that fit snug in the groin. Why not, I thought?

The first two pair I bought were branded Bollinger, one in white and the other in black. On my first (attempt) to get into them I immediately fell for the idea. These fit and looked great, even though in those early days the fabric typically had less stretch and was a thicker weight than what is considered normal today. This was also before the Jammers took over competitive swimming, and something that fit as snug in the thighs was all new to guys. Other guys must have come to the same conclusion I had come to, as we soon seen compression shorts popping out below the then-still short shorts in basketball at the college and professional level and this meant that they would soon be commonplace in high school athletics as well.

Early on, compression shorts were worn solely as an undergarment, and there was a time when guys did not engage in exercise or athletic sport wearing only the compression shorts. The whole thought was that they were fine to wear but in public settings such as at a gym, the guy needed to pull on a looser-fitting pair of shorts over, otherwise he would look like he were exercising only in his undergarments.

This male fear of being seen clad only in compression shorts gradually dissipated over time, probably with the start of seeing pro basketball players being interviewed on TV clad only in their compression gear. Oh, and lets not forget the bicycle riders who long thought that a version of a compression short was perfectly fine for outdoor bike riding, even if the biker was not pursuing riding as a competitive sport.

So, today there is a huge variety of items that would be regarded as a compression short, plus a large number of items sold as underwear for the “athletic-minded” who choose them because they like the fit and feel as an undergarment. Things have gotten really complicated because guys still disagree on exactly which shorts qualify as being appropriate to wear as an outer garment versus as a pair of thigh length underwear. It really comes down to a discussion of color, weight of the fabric, pouch and seams.
With respect to color, most guys probably believe that a white compression short is more nearly an undergarment-only short than the identical one in black which can be worn as either. White is the traditional color of underwear but a white compression fabric is probably more transparent than the same fabric in black. The same is generally try for all the lighter colors.

Heavier-duty fabrics are generally thought to be more appropriate for outer garment compression shorts than the lightweight, more underwear-like fabrics, and fabrics that have little if any sheen tend to be more underwear-like than fabrics with lots of sheen. These criteria are subject to debate, however. Something that looks like (or maybe IS) a swimming jammer is obviously an outer garment and if it is made for swimming the fabric is likely heavy duty as well. And of course the shorts designed for bikers are also going to be made of fabric that is strong enough to withstand what they are used for. Jammers and Biker shorts are definitely outer garments, but what about compression shorts that look like these but are not sold for that purpose?

The subject of pouches is a most interesting topic. Compression shorts come in all sorts of variations with respect to having or not having a pouch. Some pouches are simply a piece of looser-fitting fabric. Other pouches are made to more obviously contain a guys penis and testicles. Some guys might say whether or not a pair of shorts has an obvious pouch determines if it ios an undergarment or an outer garment, and the ones with obvious pouches need to be covered with another looser fitting pair of shorts. But a flat pouch or no obvious pouch at all is fine,

Finally there is the complicated topic of seams. Early on compression shorts with zig zag seams ts were just a single solid color such as white or black. But many modern compression shorts now have assorted sewn seams, and these seams may be the same color as the main fabric, or in a contrasting color. For example, a compression short that outlines the pouch and various other places on the thighs and buttocks might use stitching that is the same color as the fabric or in a contrasting color. If the compression short is black and the stitching is also black, that might be a perfectly fine compression short to be worn as an outer garment as the stitches and outlined nad area simply “disappears” into the overall fabric color.

But, what about if the stitching is done as a bright contrasting color? I have a black pair with bright red stitching. By virtue of the stitching color change is this somehow suitable as an undergarment only garment, or is it OK to wear this the same way I would wear the same garment with solid black not contrast stitching?

Today I have on a black pair of compression shorts that has stitching in a dark charcoal gray that provides a bit of a contrast to the black fabric, and I am wearing this as an outer garment. But is this any more of an outer garment than if I had picked the black one with the red stitching instead? Does the color of the stitching somehow determine if the gear is an outer garment or underwear of sorts?

I do not think guys have this all sorted out yet. I have a number of jammers as well and I never think twice about whether or not I should treat them as an outer garment by pulling on a pair of loose-fitting shorts over the jammers. Heck I do routine chores in my yard wearing the jammers. But I do that wearing regular compression gear as well, and quite frankly I do not worry (much at least) as to whether the neighbors think I am wandering around my yard in my underwear or not!

08-15-2022, 01:58 PM
My Reoccurring Dream

For nearly seven decades, I have had this reoccurring dream (fantasy, or perhaps nightmare) that goes something like this. I am in a department or sporting goods store, trying on clothing that I am thinking about purchasing. And one of the items is, of all things, a swim brief! Not just any old men’s swimsuit mind you, but the one I picked out to try on was one that, well, pretty much fulfills all my dreams of what male swimwear should be. Maybe a sapphire blue one with white piping as trim on either side. Not too narrow sides, maybe sides about 3 inches wide. Still, much smaller than anything I have ever worn for swimming to be sure. You know what I am talking about—a classic blue Speedo!

Always there is always a sales clerk there too. Invariably the clerk is young, female, and a bit older than me. She helps me find a brief in about my size and head off to the changing room, which is just a little closet-like structure in with a walk-in door. It is barely big enough to turn around in. Of course there is a stool or seat built into the wall, and a tall mirror on the back of the door. I am about to have my first encounter with a real Speedo! Is this a fantasy or a nightmare? Obviously this is a place I had so longed to be for such a long period of time, and suddenly I am starting to feel quite horny. You know, something is happening down in my groin area that I worry I cannot or will not be able to control. All those gentle but firm and wonderful sensations start cascading through my brain.

Where I am is delightful, and at the same time, a nightmare too of sorts. My childhood dream has suddenly turned into something really scary—as in what if I cannot control myself and suddenly ejaculate all over that NWT blue Speedo I had just picked out. How would I get out of THAT predicament and especially so with the young female sales clerk helping me. This is that weird and wonderful mix of extreme anticipation, a wonderful feeling of now having my penis in balls in the exact place I had always wanted them to be but also a feeling of terror should I accidentally get myself into a situation that I can no longer control.

But still, somehow I manage to remove the clothes I wore into the store, and I am only semi-hard. I am dripping some but I know that I am still in what I consider to be a controlled situation, for now at least. I have not had an accident, so to speak.

Once I am in the Speedo I start to actually calm down a bit. My oozing has not yet left any noticeable wet spots on the outside of the Speedo. I open the door to the changing room and walk out into the store. And, of course, the young female clerk is there to check on how the Speedo fits me.
The clerk says to me “That is OK but it looks just a bit big and loose on you”. I know I had something of a struggle to get myself into the suit I am wearing and my advisor, the sales clerk is telling me the one I have on is a tad too big.

The clerk says “ I think you should go one size smaller, as that will surely fit you better” She hands me the smaller suit and says “try this one on instead”.

I grab the suit, and suddenly start to feel really horny down there once again. My mind is suddenly totally focused on what I am feeling in the groin area. I get into the changing room with the second, smaller suit, and close the door. I pull the first suit off and notice that there are several small wet stains of precum on the cloth front liner, but the outside of the suit still seems stain free. That is good.

But the problem I have is that in the process of getting out of the first suit and just starting to pull on the smaller second suit, I am quickly building quite a hard-on, unlike the dripping semi-hard I had when I tried on the first suit. The tricky part is going to figure out a way to even get into the second, smaller suit. My penis is at least a third larger not to mention much more turgid than it was only a few minutes ago. If I do succeed, I am going to show one heck of a bulge in this second, snugger-fitting suit. And I am really starting to worry that I am on the very edge of losing control, and this worry is only making me bigger and harder, which further compounds the problem I am having.

I get to thinking about the young female sales clerk standing outside the changing room. Being a sales clerk can be pretty boring. Maybe the high point of her work is helping guys who have never before been in a Speedo try one on for the first time, in part knowing that doing so may be an interesting erotic struggle of sorts. Dripping may be a commonplace reaction, and something she has observed over and over when she puts what she says are too big Speedos back on the rack. And serious accidents do happen too, on occasion, and maybe she has seen it all, so to speak.

Somehow I pull myself into the second, smaller Speedo. But I am still under control, even though the bulge I have in the pouch is a great deal bigger than it looked in the previous suit. I still feel like I really want to ejaculate, but the urge to ejaculate is not quite overwhelming—not yet at least.

I open the door of the changing room and walk onto the store floor. The sales clerk is standing right there and she mist realize that in changing suits my bulge is obviously a lot bigger than it was. She says to me “That is how you want a Speedo to fit! I think we have found the exact Speedo for you.”
I manage a weak smile even though the sales clerk is wearing a big grin, and I head off to the counter to pay for my purchase. NO wait. At some point I must have gotten back into my street clothes. Maybe I wear the Speedo as an undergarment (to help me get “used” to the fit and feel of the suit) having paid for it, of course!

And this is how my tight blue Speedo became a source of great pleasure for many years to come. Of course, once I am home in my own bedroom, I can no longer resist the urge to ejaculate in it and fulfill my fantasy. Like I say, this is a reoccurring dream and fantasy! Nowadays of course we all order suits on line instead.

08-25-2022, 07:17 PM
Strapped and Cupped

It used to be that one significant male rite of passage was getting your first athletic supporter (aka “jock strap”), and even better if that strap contained the hard cup—mandatory for some sports such as baseball. Guys are often wary about anything that fits snug in the groin area, and the jock strap certainly falls into that category.

Part of this too is that the traditional jock strap holds the pouch (and cup, if there is one) is held in place by two leg straps that are sewn to the base of the pouch and are sewn into the waistband right and left. The shorter the straps the more tension they will put on the bottom of the pouch, and on the cup base as well. That leaves the guy butt-naked, which is, well, interesting if the guy is among his similarly garbed peers.

Of course, there have been attempts to make athletic supporters with thong backs, an elastic band designed to cinch up into a guy’s crack like a thong, but these have never really caught on with guys as part of athletic apparel. A much more common thing to do—at least for a guy wary of being in the presence of other males butt naked, was to wear a strap over a pair of underwear briefs instead. The guy is still undressed but not nearly so much as if he were butt-naked.

Cups come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. The traditional cup is a triangular piece of study plastic that more or less shaped to hold a penis, and not a very big penis as well. The typical traditional cup will fit but only if the guy is completely flaccid. In short, these cups leave little if any room for expansion, and that is where guys start to get quite apprehensive once they realize they could easily grow inside the cup without overt touching or fondling of their penis. The result is a mix of discomfort combined with fun. Somehow penises are smart—penises know when they are in a snug-fitting place and start sending weird but interesting “signals” to the guy’s brain. These signals combine a lot of different experiences into one. A touch of discomfort, perhaps. Not pain, mind you, but just a mix of psychological and physical pressure realizing the cup is right there and will keep the guy from expanding “too much”

But how much is too much? Can the guy sense the physical presence of the cup around his penis? Good question, and a guy will not ever find out if the guy avoids being in the cup entirely. Does a smaller, snugger-fitting cup feel better or worse than a bigger, looser-fitting cup? I guess the answer depends on how the guy defines “better”. Being in a snug-fitting hard cup can quickly make a guy feel, well, horny! If a guy associates feeling horny with an urge to ejaculate, the guy will probably be concerned as to whether or not he could end up doing a hands-free ejaculation simply by “thinking” about the “predicament” his penis is in. This part is pretty weird because the guy is no doubt liking the sensations associated with feeling horny but this is accompanied by a fear of what would happen if he got to feeling so horny he could no longer avoid ejaculating. Quite a dilemma, I would say.

In the last decade ot two, more and more athletic supporters have come with ever larger and roomier “banana style cups” that are big enough so that the guy’s flaccid penis will simply flop around within the cup. Room to grow unimpeded, so to speak.

This “solves” one problem but creates another problem in that the guy’s penis is just more-or-less flopping around inside the cup and is not being constrained or being held close to the body as is the case with the traditional cup. For a lot of activity, the smaller, flatter and snugger-fitting cup might actually work better as a supporter for athletics assuming that the guy is able to deal and cope with the idea of being held in place by the cup with only a limited amount of space without feeling too horny.

But, this also means that a traditional, smaller, flatter and more confining strap is great for what I refer to as “recreational” strap and cup wear. Instead of worrying about the possibility that a conventional cup and strap might make a guy feel horny, why not “take advantage” of all of this? Being in a snug strap and cup can be quite enjoyable. The length and stretchiness of the leg straps determines how snug the pouch and cup are going to fit to the groin. The snugger the better, well at least up to a certain point. This is not that different from a guy who keeps one or more undersized swim briefs for recreational wear as well.

Finding the right jock strap and cup for the recreational wear I describe can take some failed attempts. I have tried straps and cups of all sorts of different shapes and sizes, and I keep coming back to the idea that a somewhat undersized strap and cup generally provides the better overall experience and in particular a cup that fits so firmly that it is almost impossible to “adjust”.

The best news is that the experiments you might run to find the right recreational cup and r for you are, well, fun to run. The only downside is that you may end up with a dozen (or more) candidates, with only one or two that you really enjoy wearing!

09-15-2022, 02:12 PM
Thoughts on Just Enjoying Being a Guy

The neatest thing about being a guy is actually NOT the sex with a partner, but rather that a guy can thoroughly enjoy himself WITHOUT being with a partner (without having relationship sex) and still be very happy. Guys all figure out a lot of this part of being a guy starting in their early teens, at puberty, or maybe even before. The male body is capable of all sorts of interesting and enjoyable sensations that seem to start in the genitalia and groin area but are psychologically-driven. This could come about in a partner relationship as well, but I suspect that over a lifetime, the average guy has more sexual experiences that lead to orgasm in the absence than with a partner. Certainly this varies a lot by individual.

Some guys make the transition from solo activities to activity involving a sexual partner at a very early age, and teen sex apparently is commonplace for these individuals. Of course, teen partner sex carries risks, including the all important “what if she gets pregnant?” concerns that often limits what the two people might do. Whenever partner sex occurs to orgasm with young people there are always serious issues to be concerned.

For guys, sexual activity without a partner has no real downside, other than the guy needs a degree of privacy and may be inordinately concerned that his “hobby” will be discovered by someone he doesn’t want to know about what he is doing. So the game becomes one of being careful about ensuring that you are alone and finding a unembarrassing way to ensure that evidence of the activity is hidden.

Still, as male hobby’s go, solo sex is way up there as being a really enjoyable and sustainable hobby with few if any downside risks.

I got to thinking about the history of porn as a technique for helping a guy jerk off in private. The 1950s and 60s were probably dominated by the porn magazines with explicit photos of nude females and their genitalia—Playboy then the more explicit Penthouse and so on. Stores selling these magazines tried to keep them from being purchased by teen males interested in using the pictures for sexual stimulation, since having an orgasm was something suitable for adult males over 18 LOL. That did not stop teen males from accumulating these magazines one way or another. Sometimes a guy got his nerve up and shared them with close male peers, but mostly, jerking off to magazine porn fulfilled a need and was a solo sex activity.

There were, of course, X-rated movie houses that showed porn films, but generally these were located in core urban areas and for most young teens were not able to view these. If they could figure out a way to get to the theater undetected there was still the problem of a firm “18 or older” rule for admission.

Cable TV in the 1970s included a lot of channels that would not be available on broadcast TV including some movies kids under 17 could not view in a theater without an older person tagging along. But even the new pay TV outlets—in the early days, Cinemax—were starting to show some real porn (aka films that had previously only been seen in X-rated theaters) if you stayed up and viewed late at night. But there were also low-cost video recorders, so guys put the video recorder on timed recording and simply made a tape of the movie. Not only that, there were video tape rental places that usually had an X-rated section with many of the same movies, but generally a 15-year old could not wander into a video store and rent one of these tapes, which again was limited to the 18-and-up crowd.

Finally we get into the modern, Internet era, when lots of explicit porn is available free, and often with few if any restrictions on the person accessing the porn. The age restrictions, if present at all, are usually a joke—asking a guy at a laptop if he is over 18 and the guy simply has to say he is. So young people get an education about a lot of how sex works stuff at a much earlier age than they used to, and of course the people who make this stuff keep coming up with interesting ways to do things that that will attract viewers either done alone or with a partner, male or female.

A colleague of mine remained single for a number of years as an adult male. Then he found a female he wanted to marry, but in the meantime he had accumulated a large number of copies of Playboy and Penthouse magazines. He knew his new bride would probably not be happy if he brought the magazines into the marriage, but he did not just want to toss the magazines in the trash. I ended up with a bunch f them that I still keep in a briefcase under my bed. I have not looked at them in decades, though, far preferring other means for arousing myself.

For the readers here, I have no idea what percentage of teen males currently like to jerk off using an item such as a snug-fitting swim brief as an “aid” to helping the process along. Or for that matter, how many guys get horny thinking just thinking about being in the right brief. I suspect the “I would never do that” phase some guys have about wearing a swim brief in public relates to the idea that once in the swim brief, things may quickly lead to a situation that gets out of control and embarrassing if others are around.

What I do know is that the “right” garment (some would say “wrong” garment) as in anything that makes a guy feel horny) whether that is a swim brief or thong designed either as snug-fitting underwear or for swimming, jock strap, compression shorts, compression tights or anything else that works for you as in makes you psychologically aroused or horny, certainly is an alternative to looking at stupid photos in an old magazine. Furthermore, getting horny employing one or more of these garments and maybe concluding with an orgasm requires only a degree of privacy. This is far less complicated and messy than trying to cut a deal over dinner with a female partner, so why not?

I suppose guys who have “embraced” partner sex as the idealized way to get off would have it no other way, and find all this other solo sex in adulthood discussion to be unwarranted. Some guys seem to believe that anything that gets a guy off that is not a sexual partner is not only silly but perhaps even childish. Instead, I tend to view this as a great way for a guy to enjoy life without having to deal with the complicated and often messy aspects of partner sex. Nothing “wrong” with that at all!

09-30-2022, 02:55 PM
Finding Garments for “Recreational” Use

For manufacturers of various garments worn by males, I have often wondered what role if any does the possible use of the garment by the purchaser for engaging in male “self abuse” a consideration for the manufacturer seeking sales. Obviously there are a number of different garments that might be used for such a purpose, starting with the swim brief. But the list also includes other items, often sports and recreation related, that might somehow qualify, including all sorts of styles of male “swimwear”, athletic supporters of various types, compression gear such as snug-fitting stretch shorts and running tights and other items as well. Indeed the design of men’s underwear in has an underlying “would this be fun to jerk off in?” component. What guy can claim that he has never ejaculated while alone into a pair of new underwear? The whole idea of “staining” a new pair of underwear is exciting for a lot of guys—maybe more so than most would care to admit. And a lot of guys learn a lot about their own bodies and what feels good by repeatedly doing just that, so this is a useful “educational experience” of sorts.

To think that the manufacturers and purveyors of these items simply go about their business selling these various items simply for the advertised purpose—i.e, if you are going to be a competitive swimmer you need to buy one of our swim briefs, or if you are going to participate in certain sports you need to be cupped with a strap—advertising focused on recreational wear in sports as opposed to what might be ultimately more interesting “recreational” wear in front of a mirror in the bathroom would seem to ignore an important part of the market, and in the end the sellers do not care how the item is used but only that they make the sale. So what if the swim brief is never used for swimming! The sale to the guy interested in jerking off in it is just as good a sale as the sale to the competitive swimmer! Same for the strap manufacturers, the compression gear makers and others. There is no reason to not sell to these other buyers.

I keep watching with interest the advertising approach that Speedo has used over the years, particularly with respect to their swim briefs. Speedo continues to focus their advertising on people who they believe are interested in buying their products because they are serious competitive swimmers. Now Speedo also has expanded what they sell to people simply interested in leisure wear—even loose-fitting, long-legged shorts of various sorts, but the advertising I see is almost never to guys interested in these activities as opposed to guys who are serious competitive swimmers who might be open to buying a pair of board shorts that have a Speedo logo on it. After all, anything Speedo is for a serious swimmer.

But another twist to all of this has been added In an effort to appear “woke”, Speedo has started marketing briefs, tees and other items to an openly-gay crowd, typically by introducing a rainbow of some design, obvious or subtle, into the design. Apparently, someone at Speedo decided that there was a market for a Speedo swim brief or tee that allows the competitive male swimmer to advertise that he is openly gay with every stroke in the pool or for that matter just wearing one of these rainbow tees while hanging out at a meet by the pool. How curious! If I were a gay swimmer, openly gay or not, I would find the whole idea of advertising that at the swim meet by my choice of swim brief or tee, to be, well, pretty stupid. What’s the point in doing this, anyway?

I have noticed that Speedo seems to have not had great success selling items with a gay pride theme regardless of how obvious the design and these items have been showing up deeply discounted as if we clearly overestimated the enthusiasm of gay male swimmers in advertising their sexuality while at a swim meet. Maybe this was not such a good idea after all.

Still, Speedo has not gotten into any overt efforts to advertise certain swim briefs as being “recreationally” useful as opposed to being recreationally useful, if you get what I am saying. Apparently an open advertisement as to your sexual interests is fine for Speedo, but that other stuff guys might secretly be using our garments for is too much. Being gay is fine, but any admission of enjoying masturbation just pushes the envelope “too far.”

Still, if you go on line, in particular to international sellers such as aliexpress.com. You will discover that some international vendors are more open about the whole idea of admitting that what they are selling might be good for “recreational” use as opposed to recreational use. They also advertise specifically that certain items might appeal to gay guys (What? Straight guys by being straight never masturbate?). In contrast, Speedo takes the view that if they describe an item using the word “pride” then everyone will quickly figure out who the intended buyer—someone openly gay who wants the world to know—should be, even if the rainbow is either tiny or somehow otherwise not that obvious. Seems curious.

My bottom line is that there is absolutely nothing “wrong” with a guy enjoying his own body alone regardless of whether he believes he is straight or gay, and particular clothing items can add to that enjoyment, so be it. WE are still a way away from having most clothing vendors in the US admit that an item they are selling could be used for that purpose, but some of the rest of the world might be less apprehensive about this particularly as we see swimwear coming out of Japan and China. I’m not sure if the Europeans are as straight-laced on these topics as Americans seem to be.

10-25-2022, 02:46 PM
How Often Should a Guy Have Fun?

What an interesting question! Of course, I do not mean fun in a general sense, but in a specific sense, actually a VERY specific sense. I am thinking back to that point in time when I was quite young, and had only recently “discovered” that there was something very special about being a guy. Every once and a while I would find myself thinking that somehow I was really enjoying myself, and I thought the special feelings were somehow linked to something weird that was happening in my groin area. It was weird. I knew I was feeling good, but these odd and wonderful sensations I was experiencing, though somehow focused on my lower body were quickly making my entire “being” feel somehow supercharged.

Not long after I learned that other guys my age were smiling and describing this situation as “feeling horny”. Even more interestingly these same guys were trying to find ways to “stimulate” these sensations in the old days by getting copies of magazines with photos of nude females and, of course, describing encounters they had or fantasized about happening with females they knew that were of similar age. How traditional can you get, anyway? While having little if an y interest in these activities myself, I was always taking mental notes on what the other guys were doing and, on occasion, explaining to their male friends. The conclusion I reached is that there is no fixed method guys use in order to feel horny, and such an occurrence can be brought on in a variety of ways. Further, practically every guy at some level believes that what he likes to do to feel horny is somehow “different” from what any other male his age likes to do to accomplish the same thing, and therefore must be “abnormal” (except, of course for the desire to have sex with a female).

For me, the curious thing about feeling horny was the strange intermingling of the mental with the physical. A guy could feel horny simply by forming mental images of an erotic situation, the specifics of the image being as unique to each guy as his individual fingerprints. If I somehow dared describe for you the details of the images that turn me on, you might very well say “that does nothing for me at all,” and vice versa.

But then there is also the physical aspect. An interesting question is why so many teen males are fearful of garments that fit snug in the groin area, examples being swim briefs and athletic supporters. I guess this is because many guys think that in donning the garment they may very well not only feel quite horny but suddenly also get an uncontrolled erection and that erection may happen in a space (say a locker room) where other males might see. This is terrifying. But the funny part about all of this is that guys LIKE to be in this predicament except for the part where other guys somehow discovered what was happening to you and made fun of you because of this.

By the time I was 14, I was probably having episodes of feeling horny several times a day, even without being in a strap or swim brief while still just thinking about how much fun it would be to be able to pull on a strap or swim brief in private and then jerk off in the tight garment to an explosion of semen. Then I would be contemplating how to get the mess I had created cleaned up before someone else discovered what I had managed to do to, with and by myself.

Many, many years have passed. As time has gone by, I learned new methods for feeling horny while better controlling when and how these events occurred. In all these years I have never lost interest in feeling horny, though nowadays I can go several weeks without getting myself into that state. And I learned that on the porn sites the idea of edging occupies a special place for many males pursuing solo sex in front of the video camera. The video guys like to say I have gone maybe a week or more without jerking off, and then the test is to see how long they can go manually stimulating themselves while still deferring a full orgasm. As a guy gets older it typically becomes easier to edge for long periods of time, even though this becomes more and more difficult the longer the time has been since the last orgasm. Edging is really fun stuff while completely avoiding the complexities of partner sex.

Currently, I have not felt horny in maybe 3-4 weeks. But this morning I got up and I said to myself “this morning I really want to be in a strap. So I quickly found a snug old-school basic strap, and sure enough, feeling that coarse textured rubberized pouch feels really good against my penis. I fully understand why males have this dual fondness for and hatred of these old school athletic supporters.

Well, I can't make it through the day wearing only a strap. The scheme that works for me is to pull a pair of SM Tesla running tights over. These feel really good too, and just touching my penis through the tights and strap feels sensational. So, I am feeling nice and horny as I am writing this and realize that I could be feeling like this all day long. This becomes a day-long form of edging that I am undergoing as I write this on this day. I am having a lot of fun as I write this and you can have fun too, even though my techniques might work differently for you than me. The important part is that you find the methods that work well for you!

11-03-2022, 04:34 AM
OMG, Sebbie, you need help. Get out and swim in the pool, go to the gym or whatever strikes your fantasy. Sitting at your computer authoring endless anthologies is not the best way to use your time. (maybe even talk to a therapist or counselor) Dont sit there analizing life -- live it!


11-06-2022, 09:43 PM
I am delighted that the two story lines I developed (What to Wear, and Thoughts on Just Being a Guy) have gotten as many followers together summing to over 250,000 hits. I have made an effort to cover a variety of topics related to guys but in particular for guys who are not into a partnered relationship. In the process I would like to believe that I have written on a number of topics guys seldom if ever talk about.

This has been a long journey for me, and the first page of What to Wear was posted in April of 2015. A lot of things have happened since then. I always assumed that if anyone did not find what I was writing to be interesting and perhaps also useful, they would no longer go back to read my latest post, and maybe some guys have done that, but with every new post lots of readers still see what I have to say.

I realize I cannot continue to write on these topics indefinitely, and a few people have claimed that I keep discussing many of the same or similar topics over and over. I am starting to wind this all down. I will not say that this is my last post because I probably will dream up something new that I want to post. Lets just say that future posts will be less frequent.

All the best to all my readers who have been my devoted followers.


11-07-2022, 08:23 PM
Thanks, Sebbie. I have enjoyed your rantings!

11-24-2022, 06:59 PM
Does That Fit Tight Enough For You?

Today, I reach a birthday milestone that somehow got me to thinking about my long-term relationship with snug-fitting clothing. I believe I developed a fondness for garments that fit snug in the groin area before I knew anything about sex or sexual feelings at all. What I did conclude at a very early age is that I was fond of any garment that fit me snug and tight down there, even though I had not rationalized why.

Of course, as I grew older things started happening down there—interesting things that I did not seem to have much if any control over. At one level, this was nothing short of terrifying. But at a completely different level, I was fascinated by what was happening to me. I noticed that my penis could get bigger and then smaller again without me overtly doing anything.

I soon discovered that the mere thought of going into anything in a brief style would make me horny and erect. I liked what happened to me at this mere thought even without the opportunity to actually pull on a brief. Somehow I also realized that the smooth texture of a nylon or spandex/poly brief would feel really great pressed against my penis, and doing this quickly became a goal. But it was not until I was older, in College, actually, that I got to actually purchase a couple Speedos and test out some of what I had thought about. I was not disappointed and in grad school I quickly learned that jerking of in my Speedos was a great relaxer in what was an otherwise near continuous high-pressure situation. I enjoyed myself a lot in those days and my Speedos paid a significant role in helping me survive my graduate program, despite the fact that I never swam in them, they were still quite “useful”.

My next “experiment” involved checking out the fit and feel of an athletic supporter. You see, I never participated in a team sport requiring on in either high school or college. However, I was still fascinated with “the look”. I always thought the cups were interesting as well, particularly the cups that fit so snug that there was no “room to grow” without pressing against the walls of the cups. The straps I bought did not disappoint either, and I quickly got hooked on the sensations coming from a hardening penis that was limited in how much it could grow because of the firm cup walls. Great fun for the price of the strap and cup!

My introduction to underwear thongs for men did not happen till much later, I think in 1988 when I first saw thong underwear for men in a store. when I first saw them I bought three. I was fascinated by having a stretchy cord between my glutes. And I realized that if my penis grew, even inadvertently, that would pull on and cinch up the thong back between my glutes. Most interesting.

Not long after that I decided to put a cupped strap over the thong. Compression shorts were just becoming popular as well, and I got to thinking that a tight-fitting compression short would not only feel great, but would hold the thong/strap cup combination firmly in place. True, my penis might “plead for “relief” from the predicament it was in on multiple fronts, but it was stuck with the situation it was in. I also discovered that if I did want to provide myself with momentary “relief” by pulling everything down, my penis would respond by getting a bit bigger and harder, and then when I got back into everything, the horny tension would actually increase not decrease.

Then I decided to try wearing this combination to bed, something as an experiment to see if I would go through traditional erect/flaccid cycles during sleep wearing this, and would I ejaculate while asleep inside the thong and cup. The experiment is most interesting for sure. Every guy should try it.

So, here I am, celebrating my 75th year and thinking about all the great things that I have done by, with and to myself over all these years. Not only has it all been great fun—its still great fun!

Lap Counter
11-25-2022, 04:22 PM
Happy Birthday, Sebbie!
I’ve been reading your essays for years and continue to look forward to your next.

12-04-2022, 05:47 AM
Reading your thoughts Sebbie made me realise why I first became interested in briefs.
I first new I liked wearing nothing but my underpants as a seven year old long before any sexual connection and when I got my first pair of proper lycra swim briefs at age 8 I was hooked.
I always thought it was the super hero feel or the comfort that got my attention but you made me realise it was the mildly pleasant feeling of presure on the crotch.
As soon as I hit puberty I discovered it was sexual in origin and the pleasure was instensified if I had an erection as well.
My swim briefs soon became an arousal aid and I found myself with a swimwear fetish.
What I found frustrating was the way you seem to think all males are the same yet it was obvious to me from about age 14 that most other guys weren't getting the pleasure I did.
I think only some guys are sensitive there and even most of them don't have the interest to explore it further.
Thanks again for your thoughts and opinions they did fill in some blanks for me.

Lap Counter
12-04-2022, 02:56 PM
What I found frustrating was the way you seem to think all males are the same yet it was obvious to me from about age 14 that most other guys weren't getting the pleasure I did.
I think only some guys are sensitive there and even most of them don't have the interest to explore it further.

I’ve thought a lot about that too, but put a different interpretation on that seeming lack of interest. All guys have the same plumbing and electrical systems, so the same stimulus should affect them the same. But I think learned social inhibition short-circuits their response.

In my school, jockstraps were required starting in 7th grade. I well remember the embarrassment suffered by boys who popped an erection while putting on or taking off theirs in the locker room, complete with jokes and harassment from everyone else. That quickly taught us to rechannel the nerve signals received about how our genitals felt in that confined pouch.

Similarly, Speedos, especially the old-style nylon ones, accurately reveal the state of tumescence of the wearer, so avoiding boners in public is a good idea. Sadly for the sport of swimming, many guys do that by avoiding Speedos entirely, instead turning wearing one into a joke. I’ve always liked the challenge of walking the length of the beach without the cool feeling I got wearing a Speedo becoming obvious to casual observers.

Rather than avoid the stimulation he gets from tight clothes, Sebbie simply acknowledges and celebrates it.

02-16-2023, 01:53 PM
I like a tight fit—a really really tight fit

A key part of the process of growing into an adult male is learning how to deal with sexual sensations of various sorts. Sexual pleasure is this complicated mixture of the physical and the psychological. A guy learns some of the details by himself but also by picking up on what his male peers are doing either by simply observing or by what other males may say about all of this.

It turns out that some males have no difficulty boasting about their conquests with sexual partners. For straight guys this is commonplace. There may be some parallels for gay guys too. But the topic that is usually kept secret relates to solo sex aka masturbation aka self-pleasuring.

The secrecy involves the idea that if males were open with their male peers about what they like to do on their own for pure pleasure, their peers would think the less of them as in this guy is so unappealing, he cannot find a date. Somehow this has evolved into the (wrong!) idea that guys whop masturbate on a regular basis must be gay and admitting that you are hooked on self-pleasuring means that you are also gay.

Still, I have enjoyed myself this way for probably 65 of my 75 years and my enthusiasm for the activity has not abated in the least. But I am also very curious about the whole subject of whether or not I have tried everything interesting and fun in this department, or whether there are still interesting things to do in that department that I have not tried.

One of the fascinating things about this blog is that a lot of guys here openly admit that they find that self-abuse in a swim brief is a really fun thing to do with essentially no down-side (unless a peer or friend/relative/parent accidentally discovers you in a Speedo bearing a full erection (or worse). That is good to know for sure, and it is nice to have this information even at this late date in my life. The worst part about this cleaning up the mess you may have created undetected.

The Internet is a great source of information that provides detailed video on self-pleasuring inaccessible not that many years ago, and there appears to be no shortage of guys enthusiastic about making the videos so long as faces and identities are not revealed. However, in a popular site like pornhub there is what they call a straight section and a gay section and somehow all the male self-pleasuring videos arbitrarily end up in the gay section as if gay guys approve of self-pleasuring but this is not something a straight guy would ever want to do.

A really fun thing to do in a swim brief is to get in a horny “mood” and then pull on the swim brief, making certain that you are just firm enough so that the only semi comfortable way for your penis to be is pointed upward, with the slick cloth of the brief pressing tightly against the ultrasensitive underside of your penis. This is male self-pleasuring nirvana for sure and every male needs a brief (or two, or three..) just to be able to do this on a regular basis.

This is what I call the classic “Christopher Atkins” method of self-pleasuring, made famous in a Dallas Episode where Atkins (as Peter Richards LOL) appears in a standard but very snug fitting Sapphire blue Speedo but with the underside of his penis pressing firmly against the brief material. A mere touch of the brief where this is going on would send him into Speedo brief self-pleasuring nirvana. This all occurs in season 7 episode 4 of the nighttime soap opera “Dallas” now streaming free. And photos of Atkins of this exact situation are also on the Internet.

A lot of readers of this blog are very fond of wearing as skimpy and low-cut swim brief as possible, briefs consisting maybe of a small pouch, string sides and a thong back. In self-pleasuring, to each his own, but this style of brief makes it impossible to engage in the kind of thing Christopher Atkins was up to—as in putting direct slick pressure on the entire underside of the semi-erect and growing penis that I also find so intensely enjoyable.

Go to the video sites such as pornhub, and there are any number of short videos showing a guy masturbating to ejaculation inside a snug-fitting (but not too tiny) swim brief. If you are looking to learn techniques used by other guys this is the place to be. Some guys use their hands—other guys, interestingly, not, and the simple pressure of the tight brief on the underside of the penis is enough for an actual “hands free ejaculation" in only a few minutes.

There are also wrestling singlet masturbation videos. A wrestling singlet is much larger than a swim brief but is made of a similar slick stretchy material. Again, some guys do a hands-on masturbation to ejaculation, with drops of precum creating small spots here and there at various places on the front of the singlet until ejaculation (cumming) occurs and the singlet has lots of “cream” on the front. Other guys do a hands-free version of getting entirely hard with only the pressure from the slick cloth and end up ejaculating anyway.

The fact that getting into and out of a singlet that is just a touch undersized can prove difficult adds to the pleasure, in part because the guy soon feels that he is in a situation where the urge to get harder and then ejaculate is governed in part by a situation that he does not fully control, just being driven in part by being stuck or constrained inside the singlet. For those that have never tried this using a singlet I would argue that this is a not-to-be-missed technique.

Finally, it is time to mention the wonders of the so-called magic wand vibrator with the head capable of multiple speeds and patterns. Let's say you are feeling horny and have your somewhat erect penis pressing hard against the cloth of the brief or singlet. Psychologically too you are already feeling quite good. But the trick is to power up the magic wand, find one of those great stop-start wand vibrator patterns that are so much fun, and then merely touch the vibrator repeatedly to a spot on the underside of your spandex cloth covered penis.

This scheme works so well that you can easily be ejaculating not instantly but maybe in 30 seconds or less. The trick of course is to develop a technique with the vibrator such that you don’t immediately feel those wonderful ejaculatory contractions. This means taking away the vibrating head almost but not quite there and use this as an edging method to build the sexual tension over and over. A penis with its underside pressing firmly against a Spandex-laced material and a magic wand vibrator in the self-pleasuring world is a match made in heaven, and I would be hard pressed to claim that there is anything in the partner sex world that quite matches it for overall sexual pleasure.

The methods I have discussed here take male self-pleasuring to an all-new level, are completely safe, do not result in the transmission of an STD nor a pregnancy, and can be pursued by any male who is in a situation where there is privacy.

02-21-2023, 02:17 PM
Thong underwear and the sapphire blue Speedo® Part 1

I think I got my first pair of thong underwear in early 1989. Three pairs came in a box each in a different color. The brand name was Hom®. As I recall, thong underwear designed for men had become increasingly popular in western Europe, and maybe in parts of Asia as well, but the design was considered too radical to be salable to the more conservative American males, who at the time were all still wearing cotton briefs or boxers.

From the moment I saw the thongs, I knew I had to have them. I liked to masturbate a lot, but my preferred technique was with the aid of a nylon and then poly/spandex blend swim brief, or by wearing finding the most undersized pair of tighty whiteys and then crawling into the most snug-fitting jeans in my closet. I did a lot of this starting with when I entered adulthood and was out on my own. Maybe too much, I thought, but then there never seemed to be any ill effects and I always enjoyed myself tremendously.

Still, from the moment I made my thong purchase, I knew the thongs were going to be something special. I was not aware of the fact that I was entering a phase that would be like a male master course in male self-pleasuring.

The Hom® thongs were built on what I call the European design—stretchy, poly/spandex-laced fabric, minimal pouch size made from this fabric, skimpy sides. And then there was the back—the wonderful back that consisted of simply an elastic cord only about 3/16 inch in diameter. This cord was so skimpy and stretchy that the only possible way it could fit was positioned not over the butt crack, but deep between the glutes from the top of my butt crack to just behind the male scrotum.

The thin elastic cord had to be connected to the front pouch and the two parts were sewn together, making a lump at the lower end of the pouch just behind the scrotum.

The first problem I faced after removing a thong from the box is what goes where and how to I get into something so stretchy and skimpy? Obviously my penis is supposed to fit inside the pouch. But the ease by which I could do that would be more difficult if I was anything other than fully flaccid, and merely ATTEMPTING to get my penis inside the pouch was making me grow and get hard. The dilemma was that the more I struggled the more difficult it was becoming to get my penis entirely into the pouch.

The other “problem” is what to do with my balls. After struggling and finally after some effort getting my penis inside the pouch, I though that my balls were supposed to be inside not outside the pouch too. Flaccid this could be possible...but already being somewhat erect and hard this would be a real struggle. Somehow I managed but by then I was oozing drops of precum on the brand-new thong pouch. But if I left my balls outside the cord of the back would act like a ball splitter, and I figured that was not the way the thong was intended to be worn at all. Penis and balls belonged inside the little stretchy pouch, together.

The really interesting part was that with both the penis and balls inside the pouch then that little knot that ties the rear cord to the pouch ends up just behind the scrotum. In 1989 I knew nothing about that male sexual hit spot of nerve endings located exactly where the thong knot is positioned, but somehow, I knew I had discovered a hot spot that was making me feel really horny—frankly, the sensation from that spot was blowing me away.

So, what I learned in those early days of attempting to wear the Hom thong that just putting one on was arousing fun. But once in place I should get used to the feel of the cord between my butt cheeks with every step I took. And further, each step stimulated the perineum area by tugging on the cord putting upward pressure on the perineum and tugging on the pouch, a pouch that contained my penis and balls and a situation where I seemed to be getting still harder and oozing precum in those wonderful small, glistening droplets. This stimulation was getting tougher to deal with but more fun minute-by-minute. I could tug at the cord back as well which not only would put neat upward pressure on the perineum as the cord shortened, but also provide more stimulation to my penis inside the snug pouch.

Still, perhaps the most wonderful part of all is the “conflict” that occurs should I (inadvertently LOL) get bugger and harder while in the pouch. The cord back “wants” to pull my penis and balls downward and this happens over and over as I walk and take each step. The sensations tend to make me harder and still more horny. But the pouch is tugging in the opposite direction upward and forward, tugging on the cord in the opposite direction, and as I get bigger and harder the cord shortens putting more upward pressure on my perineum. It goes without saying that this “conflict” is fabulous erotic pleasure.

Continues in subsequent post

02-21-2023, 02:21 PM
Thong underwear and a sapphire blue Speedo® Part2

Read previous post first!

Sadly, most of the male thongs sold nowadays have bigger pouches and bands at least a half inch wide designed to cover the length of the butt crack (for modesty?). As swim thongs became popular on at least some beaches, the unwritten rule was that it was OK to show butt cheeks uncovered, but an uncovered butt crack is nudity—illegal on many beaches. Unfortunately, most men’s thong underwear nowadays follows the swim thong design with the half-inch wide back designed to fit over the butt crack but not within, and for sheer erotic pleasure the design is not nearly as much fun or arousing.

In my collection I still have a few of the old school thongs with the backs consisting of either a 3/16-inch diameter cord or an elastic band of the same width. I used to wear these thongs as my only undergarment under my snug-fitting jeans and kick back and simply enjoy my body as I walked.

Recently I got to thinking what would it feel like to use one of these thongs as an under liner to a traditional sapphire “Christopher Atkins” style Speedo®? So I find one of my old-school thongs and get myself into it, then immediately pull a classic blue Speedo® on over it. Everything in position. The thong puts my penis forward and upward inside the speedo, but my penis and balls are locked in one position, and I am oozing precum. I crawl into bed, feeling great, but quickly fall asleep.

About 3 AM I wake up and somehow I want to do some checking to see if I am still aroused. Yup! Except that, oddly enough, I feel even closer to an uncontrollable desire to have a full orgasm. This REALLY feels great! Just passing my fingers over the spot where my penis is feels wonderful, and with each pass I come closer and closer to entering the erotic phase with strong, repetitive muscular contractions.

Suddenly this same guy you know who claims that he is able to edge himself for as long as he likes is going into a full-scale orgasm. WOW WOW WOW has this been fun. What made the orgasm so much fun in part was all the edging stimulation from the thong that led up to this situation. I went to bed and fell asleep with a happy smile wearing the snuggest thong and a classic blue swim brief.

Some five hours later I awaken, still feeling really great down there and end this all with the muscular contractions of what turned out to be one of the best full orgasms that I have had in a decade.

Just being a guy is marvelous...do NOT pass up on the opportunities to enjoy being who you are!


04-06-2023, 02:28 PM
Warmer Weather is here!

After what to me was like an excruciatingly long period for cold temperatures, the thermometer got up to 85 degrees F yesterday, and I got to thinking about how much fun it would be to sleep overnight in a swim brief. The house had gotten to 73 degrees too, so it was more than time to switch over to my summer sleepwear which is only a snug-fitting swim brief. The really interesting part about this is that while a swim brief feels really snug and slick, invariably I just drift off to sleep. Then, like clockwork, I wake up at 3 AM feeling horny as all get out and also invariably my hands and fingers find their way down to the spots that are making me feel horny and I start enjoying myself some more. The only risk here is that I am liking this so much that I will soon end up in full-orgasm mode when I really just want to edge and then fall back asleep, still horny as all get out. It was all I could do to keep from going into an orgasm but somehow, I managed. My male body parts are really enjoying the warmer weather for sure.

If you are new to the idea of wearing only a swim brief as sleepwear, I strongly recommend this. I do not know if your experience will be similar to mine but you can easily find out. The brief need not bee cut too skimpy. For this activity I find a brief with 2 or even 3-inch sides works fine. The whole idea is for the brief to fit snug enough and be made of thick enough but still slick-feeling material to put a steady and firm pressure on everything in your groin area.

[Speedo right now has a “One” Brief that buyers are complaining fits on the small side and you should up-size one or maybe two sizes. But as sleepwear, ordering your normal waist size would probably provide the perfect fit. You want your sleepwear brief to fit tight and snug and give you the psychological feeling that something very important is in a slick but very confined space. but not to the point the tension is so extreme that you have difficulty falling asleep! Finding this exact place takes some research but the research is fun.]

So, this morning I get up, still feeling quite horny from my 3 AM edging session, and I want to continue those sweet sensations all day long! It's been a while since I have felt this good—somehow my sexual activity goes into hibernation in cold weather when the days are short. Invariably, my thoughts turn to going with a thong rather than tighty whitey briefs for the day. You know, a thong where the pouch pushes my penis up and forward even as the back cuts between and then cinches up between my glutes. The back provides a great sensation as whenever I bend forward it cinches up tighter even as my penis is pulling the pouch forward. This competition between the two competing forces is endlessly fascinating and the typical bodily response is to drip.

Of course, I am not going to wander around during the day wearing only an underwear thong. A strap and cup is called for—my favorite old-school jock strap like they wore in the 70s, with a cup just barely big enough to press down on and contain my flaccid penis, a penis that knows the cup is limiting the space for expansion. My little Duke strap and cup is perfect—Wal Mart used to sell these. So, the straps on the strap are crossing my glutes even as the thong back cuts between them, and the cup is “firmly” in position.

But that is not quite enough pressure in my effort to “climb the walls” so to speak. Besides, I am still nearly naked. The solution of course is to put a pair of my favorite Tesla running tights over everything, a new pair I have worn only a few times. I like these because if sized right, they fit like a second skin over my entire lower body, putting more pressure on the cup and adding to the fun. My SM ones are the perfect size for me, 5’10, and 150 lbs.

Still not enough cup pressure? Why not pull a pair of Starter brand knee-length compression shorts over the running tights? That is going to make the pressure on the cup and the stuff underneath even more extreme, and just thinking about this I keep getting hornier and hornier. My penis is now in a place where I could not directly play with myself even if I wanted to. But never mind that, I feel really great down there, and I am happily enjoying myself anyway. Very Happy!

Can I make it through my usual rowing and cycling workout this way? I will see! I will see!

Update 11:30 AM local time. I got through my usual rowing and biking workout...takes about 75 minutes. I really enjoyed myself, especially how the thong back cinched up between my glutes with every stroke of the rower. The constant pressure of the cup bearing down on my penis felt great too and stimulated me to row harder and harder. I'm still feeling way horny, and I am thinking about things to do the rest of the day. The day is young yet. This all started with the stimulation from my night sleeping in the swim brief. The sensations are overwhelming!

06-17-2023, 02:13 PM
Fun in a Swim Brief (and other stuff, too)

I keep wondering what percentage of guys get horny at the mere thought of getting into a classic swim brief such as a Speedo? Indeed, what percentage of guys like to crawl into a swim brief because it turns them on. Not that many years ago, The idea of a gay sexual relationship, male or female, was something that needed to be kept secret as it was seen by normal people as being abnormal. All that has changed, of course, and being gay is generally thought of as being just as normal as being in a straight (male-female) relationship. But there are a whole series of ideas that now challenge people. Not only the bisexuals, but the transgenders and the nonbinaries, all seeking the status that “ordinary” gay people have of being able to live their lives as normal human beings.

Given all of this, suppose that a guy can get himself aroused simply by crawling into a snug-fitting swim brief, and this same guy becomes very fond of doing so on a regular basis. Except, of course, enjoying one’s own body doing this solo is not accepted as appropriate or “normal” and, besides, no self-respecting guy would ever want to admit that he likes to crawl into a swim brief and get horny and hard. That’s “abnormal” as it is not sex involving another person and a guy who likes to do this needs to spend his entire life keeping this personal secret from anyone else, because the guy does not know how the someone else will react. This is a variation on the problem of the newlywed wife discovering (accidentally, of course) that her husband, despite having her for sex, still likes to masturbate alone in the privacy of the bathroom. And I read stories of “liberated” women who actually enjoy watching their male partner crawl into a really snug-fitting swim brief and watch him get hard as the tension in the groin area builds. Is this fascination on the part of the couple considered normal or not normal?

Then how about two guys who both enjoy getting into and aroused in a swim brief, and they somehow discover that their interest is shared. Does that somehow make both guys gay and disinterested in sex with a female? Or are they just enjoying an activity they both like to do simultaneously, and it seems more fun that way as well? Are these guys somehow abnormal because they are enthusiastic about only this one shared activity? Should this remain a deep secret?

Let me start at the beginning. Nearly every human being likes to engage in self-stimulation, although females sometimes claim to have less interest in this than males normally do. I began learning these techniques at a very early age, and this quickly evolved into a fondness for any type of clothing that fit snug in my groin area. Over time, my collection grew as I found items that worked really well. Most guys masturbate with their hands using the classic slide-and-stroke method. What I do is usually not that, but even more fun, using methods I have honed over my entire life.

Take last night, for example. I was feeling rather horny and decided to sleep in a Desmiit swim brief. These briefs are small, but I have others that are even tighter fitting. I quickly fell asleep. As I have been known to do, I awakened at 3 AM, and started feeling myself. I was feeling hornier than I was when I fell asleep earlier, but there was still something missing. I decided I needed to be out of the swim brief and into a Thong. I pulled out a Papi Thong from the pile. Papi calls their underwear Fun but Functional. This looks like a rather “benign” thong, but it has an uncanny ability to hit all the “right” places. It likes to put upward pressure on the perineum area, a psychosexual “hot spot” of nerve endings located just behind my scrotum. Papi knows exactly where that hot spot is (the fun but functional part). Ahh, that feels good! There is this steady direct pressure that feels wonderful, and my body down there cannot ignore the sensations.

Some guys probably would go into full orgasm mode given what is happening to my body. I just hang in there thinking about how good everything feels, and I fall back asleep. I wake up this morning still feeling way horny and in need of an orgasm, but I will probably spend most of my day in that condition. The thong came off and I am back in my pair of super snug tighty whitey with a Tyr jammer over. Still feels really good down there! I have this edging technique down very well. I might be able to go another day or two in this unrelieved state. No rush for sure!

Think about this: What percentage of guys are so used to being in a swim brief that it does not “bother” them any more? I found this photo of a male Swimmer in a blue Speedo brief in one of their ads. To me, this guy appears to be “enjoying” his new brief a lot. The tension in the groin area must feel great. The situation the Speedo guy finds himself in may sell a lot of snug-fitting briefs for Speedo.

What percentage of guys would like to be in a swim brief that fits as snug as the one the swimmer in the ad is wearing, but, not being an athletic swimmer, are afraid of the questions that might arise if seen wearing a swim brief that snug and tight? What percentage of guys who have worn a swim brief immediately go into what I would call “heavy precum” mode—they are able to keep from going into a full uncontrolled ejaculation but they drip precum and the precum appears as little damp splotches in and around the penis tip given where it is positioned inside the pouch of the suit. These questions deserve a lot more research for sure.

07-05-2023, 06:41 PM
That’s a snug, fit, but just how I like it! I Miss These Brands and Items from Earlier Times

I admit it! I really enjoy feeling horny. For me, at least, its the best part about being a guy, and the best place to be no matter what. Being horny goes by any number of other names, the most mundane being feeling aroused. But that term does not convey what is really going on when I am feeling horny. Feeling horny for me is a complete experience, mind and body. Feeling “sexual” or “sexy” does not adequately capture what I enjoy so much. My mind is focused on the specific body parts that make me feel so good and want to think about nothing else. When I am feeling horny, I do not want to be distracted.

Even in earlier times, there were clothing items that were almost guaranteed to make a guy feel horny (aroused) Of course, back then, guys never talked about such things but especially not to their male peers. But all the guys kinda knew what might be going on in their minds and bodies. The desire to feel horny is all but universal among males, and maybe more than a little stressful too. Thinking back, I would have been a much happier person back then had I not been so stressed out over the situation. I think what “gets” to most guys is the fear that something might happen (say a full erection, or worse, an out-of-control orgasm). At an early age, guys learn that they must always try and be in control, and an inadvertent erection or orgasm is anything but the kind of control guys want to demonstrate. The erection for no apparent “reason” falls way outside of this effort to have everything under control. Still, if one can get past the sheer fear of an erection or even an orgasm, sheer pleasure may not be far off.

This leads me to my review of clothing items that had (and maybe still have) the ability to get me in a state of arousal. My mind tends to wonder to a guy’s first encounter having to wear something arousing, the classic example being a Speedo swim brief, but this list would also include a jock strap (aka athletic supporter) and maybe even a wrestling singlet or even compression gear in two pieces like a compression shorts and a compression tee.

For me, this all seems very tame at this point in my life, for I have had these items for many decades and can get into them practically any time I want. So far as the compression tees and shorts go, however, I am deeply saddened that the “Starter” brand gear, commonly found at Wal Mart over a decade ago is no longer available. You could always count on the Starter brand for a really snug fit that was like a second skin in both the tees and shorts. I still have a few pair of shorts in reasonably good shape and I am wearing a steel gray pair today as I exercise and write. Still, the snuggest and “toughest” compression shorts I ever owned were the Bollinger brand. I had a white pair and a black pair. I am not sure what happened to the white pair but I still have the black pair, and I still get horny just thinking about wearing them. These are one “mean” pair of compression shorts if you get what I am saying.

Despite never being an athlete in a team sport, I always liked a strap, and the snugger the fit the better. I know a lot of guys preferred the Bike Brand, but I was rather fond of the Duke brand that was also in a Wal Mart display in the Sporting Goods section. And the cups were really fun in that they pressed flat against the groin leaving little room for growth. But the snug fit and the combination of psychological and physical sensations of not having any extra room to grow were part of what made strap wear so much fun. The oversized cups they sell today are not nearly as much fun. Not much can beat a really small nearly-flat cup for sure but those are old school and not easy to find any more.

At some point I was lucky enough to have purchased a Sapphire Blue genuine Speedo swim thong. Speedo carried these for only a short period of time. They designed them to provided a bit more ample rear coverage than the swim thongs being sold today. Still, this thong was a lot of fun. It looks almost like a Solar brief from the front but the rear is a half inch wide strip of cloth that runs up the crack.

No list for me would be complete without mentioning the original Jockey men’s Thong underwear. These were all designed the same but came in various fabrics, the tamest was the one that was mostly cotton but with about 10% spandex. The other fabrics were Spandex/poly blends. In a word, these thongs were “undersized” and when you were wearing one your mind was constantly drawn to what you were wearing. Great fun, but maybe Jockey thought they were scaring off guys from wearing these. But what a treat! I was climbing the walls.

I have always liked tighty whiteys—as in combed cotton briefs, but I quickly discovered I liked these even better if they were undersized—a pair needs to be just big enough that when stretched out goes around my waist. Adult SM was just too big and roomy. But many Boys sizes have near an adult waist size. And were otherwise smaller and snugger fitting. I discovered that a Boys size 14 was about a 28-inch waist, and a Boys 12 was a 26-inch waist, and that I could fit into either. I have the smaller one under my Starter compression shorts today in fact. Feels great. Just the fit I like.

The problem is that it is no longer possible to simply walk into a discount house and find tighty whiteys in boys sizes, although I have been able to find them on line.

My final choice is the Club Swim "Euro" Brief. This was something of a House Brand for the US vendor Swimoutlet.com, but was replaced with swim briefs under the "Sporti" brand name.

I still have several Club Swim briefs in the Euro design. These are classic undersized swim briefs, but could be worn at the pool as "regular" swimwear. The sides are about 2 inches but somehow, they have a smaller fit than the Solar briefs do.

I discovered that the 28-inch waist size fit me well around the waist for me, but the sizing difference was that a 28-incher had a lower rise than the 30-inch size. This looks fine in front, but the 28 inch shows a bit of the butt-crack Y from the rear. Some guys might think this is perfectly OK at the pool, but others maybe not. The 28 incher reminds me of one of the Japanese Aqux suits in this regard.

Still, if you want a suit that says "I need to jerk off!" This is the suit to wear. I wear my Black Club Swim as sleepwear. The newer Sporti Euros are fine. I have a few of those too, but somehow the Club Swim Euro is the one that presses all my buttons!

This concludes my list, for today at least. Back to the rowing machine!

07-16-2023, 01:42 PM
More on Swim Briefs and Hand-Held Vibrators

I have been running some additional experiments employing a hand-held vibrator as a tool for helping to increase my arousal level in combination with a snug-fitting swim brief or a pair of compression shorts. Arousal is a tremendously complicated combination of events with both psychological and physical aspects. The physical ability to get and sustain an erection to orgasm is only part, although important part of that. And I would admit that what works well for me might not work as well for you, and particularly if you are a guy fixated only on getting and sustaining a firm erection leading to the muscular contractions that define having an orgasm in a snug fitting swim brief or pair of compression shorts or tights. What you wear plays a critical role in the quality of the stimulation the vibrator gives you, and it turns out that an undersized swim brief is the near ideal garment for these experiments.

I am very fond of edging, but my readers all know that, and the right swimwear and a magic wand vibrator helps me get there. I will explain my specific techniques in detail. Although like other guys, I really like having an orgasm too, but that is not the only aspect that sustains me. My at least equal interest is in starting and maintaining a situation of being psychologically aroused. I have had to explore some techniques for sustaining arousal that I might not have thought of when I was a 15-year-old teenager. Edging means starting and sustaining arousal for an extended time period without any particular regard for whether or not everything suddenly ends with a big erection, a final rush of stimulating sensations, and an orgasm. Having an orgasm might be one thing to think about, but it is not the only thing. A broader question is “am I feeling good down there in a curiously special way?” If I can answer yes, then I have achieved my main goal, and everything else positive that happens is a bonus extra.

So, what exactly am I doing to myself that involves a hand-held vibrator? That is the interesting part. These inexpensive handheld vibrators running on household current typically have a vibrating and rotating head on them, and an array of settings, often 20, that vary the speed and frequency of the vibration. One of these vibrators could be used for non-sexual massage of, say, sore muscles. But the real “fun” starts when the vibrator is applied to various body parts in the groin area.

My penis is clearly one of these body parts that might “appreciate” the pulsating and repeating stimulation of my swim brief-clad body. The problem is not that the vibrator doesn’t work when applied to a penis but that it simply works too well. Even on a flaccid penis, the vibrator can put you into a situation where the application of the vibrator leads to the distinct muscular contractions of an orgasm starting in only 15-30 seconds, and the “fun” is all over. The trick I have learned is to first spend time applying the vibrator head and first try the various settings to body areas that are not the penis, but are still psychosexually quite active. Where are these spots? There are a lot of spots on the male body that are active in this regard, but probably the best and most interesting one is the perineum area, sometimes called the taint area, the area on the body directly behind the scrotum. This is a collection of nerve endings that conveniently just happen to also be sexually active. Most of these are areas covered by a snug-fitting swim brief.

The idea is to start by stimulating the nerve endings that are in the perineum but also at the same time the back side of the balls pushing the vibrator head upward and slightly forward. So far as getting aroused goes, this is a great spot to kick back and enjoy the various speeds and patterns the vibrator is able to do. Some guys are also aroused by having the vibrator touch the vibrator head to the male nipples, though this has never quite done it for me.

I have also learned that directly applying the vibrator head to bare skin in the perineum does not feel as good as if the area is covered with cloth ideally that is slick and stretchy, but you will want the cloth to fit like a second skin especially around the balls, over the perineum and over the penis. That requires wearing something quite unlike a loose-fitting pair of cotton boxers, but instead something snug-fitting, the ideal being just the right swim brief or perhaps even an undersized pair of brief underwear in a poly-Lycra blend. Or maybe a tight-fitting pair of compression shorts or tights. The real treat from a psychological and sexual perspective happens when the perineum is stimulated with the vibrator head touching the slick cloth. I do not recommend doing this without some stretchy slick cloth between the skin and the head of the vibrator.

Keep doing this and you may discover that your penis, despite not being directly stimulated, is still starting to get erect as a consequence, even though the head of the vibrator has never touched the penis. Once that occurs, now is the time to try a moment or two of direct stimulation to your penis by touching it for a second or two lying under the slick cloth of what you chose to wear. Not too long, just a brief moment. If your penis has gotten even a bit hard from the stimulation of the balls and perineum, even that brief moment should feel terrific.

I complete my vibrator treatments and feel quite aroused, but I have not had an orgasm, and I would like to be still bigger as well. My penis still might not be hard, but it is certainly getting to that point.

Now is the time to put your penis in a vacuum device (VED or Penis Pump). I have discovered that these devices work far better and are more sheer fun if I am already quite aroused (as I would be after the treatment with the vibrator). So, I pump myself up to a full, vacuum-induced erection, drop a little silicone ring from the VED to the base of my penis, and remove the VED pump. The little silicone ring feels great on a super-hard penis. I am climbing the walls with pleasure! What a nice erection! I am enjoying myself tremendously both psychologically and physically. A little lube and I am nearly back to where I was when I was 15 I COULD easily have an orgasm at this point, as my penis surely wants one, but the edging is so enjoyable I might just wait some more.

08-10-2023, 02:25 PM
Just Having Fun by Myself

Guys have long had what I describe as a “love-hate” relationship with straps and thongs. It used to be a male “rite of passage” to acquire your first strap—the old school kind that exposed your butt cheeks and left your butt crack completely uncovered. That was only part of what made an old school strap interesting. The really wide elastic waistband, as much as 3 inches, was interesting But perhaps the most interesting part was the rubbery gritty texture to the pouch. And of course, a hard cup added yet another interesting dimension. Combine this with the fact that there might be a bunch of other males in the gym locker room parading around and showing their physiques while wearing only this as well, and this made for interesting times for a guy not “used” to doing this. Some guys were bound to have a “reaction” to the mere thought of getting into a strap and doing this, let alone actually doing it.

I confess, for me, getting to be in an old school strap is one of my favorite things to do, and I have a stash of them for just that purpose. I am wearing a favorite one of mine as I write this.

Men’s thongs came along a bit later in time, really in the 1980s. Thongs are fun in part because they touch in areas of the body a standard strap ignores. When I discovered that a properly fitting thong puts a nice pressure on the perineum, I was hooked. But I also quickly got hooked on the idea of the thong strap cinching between my glutes as I walked and exercised. It's a subtle but neat sensation, a sensation that tends to “grow on me as I move around during the day.

A properly fitting thong pushes the penis upward and forward, something that always feels good. But why not combine that with an old school strap, with that gritty feeling rubberized pouch trying to press me in the opposite direction. A conflict, for sure, but a fun conflict. The tricky part is finding a thong with a back narrow enough so that it cuts snug between the glutes but wide enough to constantly remind me that it is there and working its magic.

Would it surprise you to learn I am wearing a favorite thong under my Duke strap as I write this. This feels so neat it helps me think up and share ideas that you also might want to try.

But why stop there? Why not pull on a pair of my really snug fitting Tesla running tights (size SM). They feel really great and keep the pressure on the thong and strap in all the right places. I can go all day this way just enjoying my body and the sensations it produces. Being a guy is really fun! Especially when horny and sharing experiences with readers.

11-06-2023, 08:26 PM
More Having Fun

Generally, guys face two major problems in life. At a very young age a guy learns that it is entirely possible to get an erection or even have an orgasm at a place in a situation that is neither private nor appropriate. When I was twelve, erections seemed to be fleeting events, events that came and went for no apparent reason and with no apparent reason. For me, this started at about age 12, or maybe even earlier than that.

It was not long before I discovered that just having an erection could be quite an enjoyable experience, and it was not that long after that I started “encouraging” them to happen in various ways. The tricky part was the privacy issue. I knew that I needed to be either alone or working under cover of darkness—that is, playing with being asleep under the covers when in fact I was engaging in “self-abuse”. I soon picked up on all sorts of ways to do this, perhaps my favorite was getting an erection started by hand and then rubbing the underside of my penis onto the sheet. Sometimes this made me cum, but if I did this early enough at night the cum stains would be dry by morning, which was a relief, and the starchy splotches on my pajama bottoms also at least dry. But still I always worried that I would somehow, perhaps inadvertently have an orgasm too far into the morning that the stain would not be dry by the time I awoke and got dressed for school. That was embarrassing. I worried that I needed to get my timing correct.

I was also having problems with ejaculating in situations where I really did not want to deal with the issues. There were long bus rides to and from school over gravel roads, and the bus seats seemed to vibrate a lot. This would sometimes be plenty strong enough to lead to a full-blown ejaculation and the stains meant that I needed to exit the bus with some care. Fortunately, this almost never happened on the early morning rides. So, getting off the bus I was into a private home setting, not school.

A lot of guys seem to think that they would be extremely happy if their mind could be the only thing that could tell their body when they should be aroused, when they should have an erection and exactly when ejaculation should or should not occur. But a basic problem is that this is not how the male body works, at least for much of the time. Arousal comes and goes pre-erection, if at all. Not every arousal leads to an erection. Erections come and go, and not every erection leads to an ejaculation. In short, a major part of becoming an adult male involves developing an understanding that a lot of this does not occur in an orderly way, and if some of the disorder embarrasses the guy, that is the way it is. Deal with it!

So, the second problem the now adult males must deal with is not the problem of getting an erection that they do not want, but rather that of not getting an erection when the time is appropriate, and they do want one. This quickly gets into some complicated stuff involving things that turn on a guy and set the arousal process in motion. Large numbers of books have been written on the subject. One conclusion is that it is far easier to get an erection when you do not want one than it is to get an erection that you want but your body somehow refuses to go along. If the mere thought of wearing a snug-fitting swim brief sends a guy not only into an erection but maybe even an orgasm, why is it often so difficult for a guy who desperately wants an erection but his body refuses to go along with the desire?

Over the years, I have learned lots of stuff about what my body likes down there and exactly what thoughts get me horny. I “play” with this stuff on a regular basis, but tossed into another world, a world in which I would have to perform for a partner, I might easily fail in my efforts. Yet, what I have learned about myself and my body could prove useful in partner sex as well.

11-18-2023, 02:09 PM
The Speedo® Challenge

For guys at least, the desire to feel horny is all but universal. Guys generally realize that they can easily get into the mode of feeling horny when they are wearing something that fits snugly in the area containing their penis and balls. Better still if whatever is snug fitting is made of a stretchy smooth cloth as well. Guys generally like the feel of this in the groin area and come to realize this at a very young age, perhaps even before puberty has fully set in. There is just something erotically going on in such a situation.

But guys also realize that the marvelous instance when a guy feels horny can quickly lead to other stuff happening, like getting big and hard. While this is also very enjoyable, this can lead to male “problems” such as the idea that others may notice what is happening. And this can lead to situations that are not only embarrassing, but especially lead to teasing and bullying by peer males—a particular problem for teenagers.

A basic issue is an unwritten “rule” that says a guy should only get aroused or get a hard on when with a sexual partner, and for a lot of males, the only acceptable sexual partner is a female, presumably a willing one. If a guy is with a male in some way and gets a hard on, that therefore is “proof” that the guy is gay. Obviously this may not be the case, but that does not mean that guys do not worry about inadvertently being labeled as gay if the erection occurs in any instance that does not involve a female.

The classic Speedo® thus presents a problem for many guys. First. The brief is made of slick, stretchy cloth that fits snugly around the penis and balls. The penis is (usually) fully covered, but the outline of the guy’s anatomy is quite obvious, and, in particular, the condition the guy is in. Guys with big flaccid penises have more issues in this regard, because the may appear to be erect when they are not. A lot of guys will not wear swim briefs because they do not want to have to deal with this, even though at some level they are turned on by the idea of wearing a skimpy brief made of a slick, stretchy material. It is not simply wearing the brief but the idea of wearing the brief in a situation where they will be seen in public. For first time wearers, they do not know exactly what will happen to them once inside, but they fear the worst. This leads to admiring the guys who wear Speedos® seemingly without giving it all a second thought. Just another article of clothing and zero concerns over inadvertent arousal and erections!

Still, nothing that fits that tight in the groin area can be completely innocuous. Guys who have not yet worn a swim brief from any manufacturer are also bothered by the perhaps well-founded perception that the guys who do wear the briefs are somehow enjoying them in a sexual way, even if they have overcome the urge to be erect once they are in the brief. This becomes a mixture of fear and wonderment of sorts. Dare I do this or not? How will my body react if I do? Can I try on a Speedo® in private, and my bedroom first, and see exactly how all of this happens to me or not?

If I end up “liking” being in a Speedo® and I end up feeling horny once I am in and start to get erect, what does that mean? Does that somehow make me gay? Even more complicated are questions related to situations where I have a male friend who somehow has also thought about the same issues and is in this position of wanting to try on a swim brief too. What if we both get swim briefs and try them on at the same time/ Does that somehow make us both gay? Complicated questions here.

And then there are the women. A lot of women claim they dislike seeing any man wearing any sort of swim brief--many women, but not necessarily all. If I have a girlfriend, what is she going to say if she sees me wearing one? Part of the rules many females abide by is the debunked idea that men should only get horny and erect in the presence of a female who is or will become a sexual partner for intercourse, and the rest of the stuff I am talking about is for guys who are “abnormal”.

The entire connection between wearing a Speedo® and being gay is a complicated one. Speedo® until relatively recently, simply ignored the notion that wearing one and being gay could be linked for some guys, but now you go to their Web Site and in the briefs there is an entire section of maybe a dozen briefs either in rainbow colors, Gay Pride logos or some combination. Are these all sold to gay guys, or to guys who support the gay movement by wearing one of the briefs? I doubt the company would even know.

I am also very interested in the YouTube videos by Christian Ocean, a blogger fascinated with the question of how a guy who has never before worn a swim brief or a thong in public will deal with the situation. Somehow he finds guys that while having never done this before, are not put off by the idea.

Of course, the swim briefs Speedo® offers under their own brand are modest by what you can get from other online sources. They used to sell a thong, but no longer do. And the vast majority of briefs have wide sides, typically 2 ½ inches or wider, the Solar brief being slightly skimpier. Mostly the choices relate to colors and fabrics, and no longer just solid colors but a vast array of prints and fabrics.

Nowadays, a guy can go on line and find an array of swim briefs and thongs that are way snugger and skimpier than that, make an order for some of those, and experiment in private. The number of vendors and the choices suggest that this is a very popular thing for guys to do. Relatively recent are the briefs and thongs being sold to perhaps be worn either as skimpy underwear or as swimwear. The guys wearing these as swimwear have clearly gotten over any fear they might have had of appearing in public in clothing that is really skimpy in the groin.

Progress is being made! Have fun in your Speedos® and enjoy who you are.

11-19-2023, 02:39 PM
Notes for Guys considering first time wearing a Speedo®

Male sexuality can seem very complicated. At an early age, guys discover that feeling horny (aka arousal) can be very enjoyable. Once puberty comes on the role of erections and having an orgasm that results in ejaculate takes on a critical role as well. Feeling horny is fun! Getting a hard on is even more fun! Ejaculating semen is right up there with the most fun things a guy can do!

The difficulty, of course, is that also at a very early age a guy discovers that he cannot directly control any of these events. He can set up situations whereby these events are more likely to occur, or not. But sometimes part or all of this can occur, well, inadvertently. A key problem younger guys face, at least, is that he realizes these events are supposed to occur in the presence of a (female) sexual partner, not alone, or perhaps even with another male. Yet, somehow a guy’s body pays zero attention to that “rule”. But even if this were true, does this mean that a guy needs to manage to delay getting aroused, getting a hard on, or ejaculating until he is old enough to be seriously in a relationship with a sexual partner?

Obviously not. Guys get horny, get erections and have orgasms regularly when they are not with anyone else, let alone a sexual partner. As a young person, this is all part of growing up. This is also “training” of sorts on how to cope with a male body that sometimes simply “ignores” what the mind thinks it should be doing. Dealing with all of this is simply part of entering adulthood.

What does this have to do with wearing a Speedo® for the first time? I was hooked on the idea of wanting to wear a Speedo® from the moment I saw what they were and how they fit in the groin area, Well, maybe not a genuine Speedo® but any male swim brief made from a shiny, stretchy, snug-fitting material. I already knew quite a bit about my penis from my wet dreams, which I quickly mastered techniques to “encourage" them. That rubbing and stroking my penis was really enjoyable, and I naturally assumed that my penis would greatly “enjoy” being snugly encased in a brief made of soft and slick material. Owning a Speedo® or similar was an important make rite of passage even if it was only as a garment used masturbation, not for swimming, but a garment every male should still own.

Turns out, I was correct. Let me also say this about sexuality. Part of what makes sexuality so much fun with a sexual partner is that it seems to work better when there is a degree of uncertainty about what is about to happen and exactly what will happen and how good it will feel. For married guys, or even guys in a long-term relationship with a partner, if these relationships are to be successful over a long term, them both individuals need to make sure that partner sex has not become very predictable and therefore boring. Penises hate predictability. Penises much prefer situations that are snug but unpredictable. (This is also true for the comparable parts of the female anatomy as well, but I won’t go into that here.)

So, feeling uncertain about how you and your penis will “react” to being in a Speedo® for the very first time is a good thing not a bad thing. If you are contemplating all of this and have purchased any swim brief with the intent of trying it on in private, you probably already have discovered the horniness part already. How will my body react once I am in the brief and will I be able to keep my urges under control? This uncertainty is part of the fun, not a problem.

More interesting still is having a male buddy (I will not refer to him as a male partner) who somehow is open enough to reveal that he would like to do the same thing—try on a Speedo® for the very first time. That could get interesting too, as each contemplates his own response but the response of the other. Is such an event somehow “gay”? Some guys might say so, but others might say it's all just a very normal part of being a male. I tend to fall in the latter camp. Just because a guy gets aroused by pulling on a swim brief in the presence of another male who is also doing the same thing and experiencing something similar has zero to do with whether a guy will ultimately decide to enter in a sexual relationship with either another male or instead with a female. A lot of guys seem to not understand that at all and that leads to unwarranted teasing and bullying situations.

Coping with how your body reacts to situations your body sees as “novel” is part of becoming an adult. And part of this is built around the realization that with sexuality, orders that you might want to give in any situation might be rejected at another level. Deal with that! It is part of who you are as a human being.

So, if a guy becomes aroused, gets an erection, and maybe even ejaculates into his newly-acquired Speedo® this should not be cause for alarm or somehow be feared. The biggest issue is to how to wash out the ejaculate and dry the brief without alerting others. The next time this guy tries it on, the sensations will be more familiar, and the stress might be less. Maybe this time the guy experiences an erection but manages to stave off ejaculation. Technically, this guy is doing what I would call edging with a Speedo, something that can quickly become a quite pleasant thing to do on a regular basis.

The novelty of the situation at hand is really what fuels the arousal, erection and ejaculation. If the guy were not at least somewhat uncertain about what could happen once in the Speedo, none of this would likely happen. But this novelty and uncertainty is what fuels the sexual fires on multiple levels. It fuels the purchase of swim briefs that are ever tighter and skimpier, the swim thong movement, and furthering an understanding of what feels really good to wear.

All of this is fun stuff and no functioning male should deny himself!

11-25-2023, 08:14 PM

Men’s swim briefs are not normally advertised on the many streaming channels. However, the ads that appear on the streaming channels are getting more and more detailed, and outlining topics that were long ruled inappropriate for broadcast TV because they contained too much information.

I was thinking about this text for a swim brief ad on a streaming channel. But then I started thinking this information might work better as text for a hang tag on each brief sold, designed to alert new buyers of issues with wearing the swim brief. With all of the increasingly explicit advertising on TV, why not make the buyer aware of this issue on the hang tag, where fabric care is usually the topic.

“A properly fitting swim brief should fit quite snug for best performance in the water. The cloth will stretch a little as the brief is worn, so in order to keep the snug fit it is best to downsize one waist size. Be aware that many males when initially wearing a swim brief experience unexpected reactions, and this could lead to an inadvertent and unexpected erection. Occasionally this can result in an ejaculation. Be aware that for most males this reaction to wearing a new, properly-fitting swim brief is normal and the issue normally recedes after the wearer has worn the brief for a few times. Ejaculate can ordinarily be removed from the brief by soaking the brief in warm (not hot) water. Please hand wash to improve the durability and retain the stretch.”

11-26-2023, 08:09 PM
Any One??????? Retarded Site Has No Delete Function

Lap Counter
11-29-2023, 04:26 PM
“ Occasionally this can result in an ejaculation. Be aware that for most males this reaction to wearing a new, properly-fitting swim brief is normal and the issue normally recedes after the wearer has worn the brief for a few times. Ejaculate can ordinarily be removed from the brief by soaking the brief in warm (not hot) water. Please hand wash to improve the durability and retain the stretch.”

And that’s why stores insist you wear underwear while trying on swimwear (even though that makes it impossible to figure out if something fits or not) and why returns aren’t accepted.

12-20-2023, 01:42 PM
Is it OK to Just Jerk Off in a Speedo® ?

Once way back, when I likely was about 12 years old, I went to see a doctor. Apparently, I had just discovered some ways to enjoy myself down there. Whatever I was doing by myself was a lot of fun, and apparently I explained enough to the doctor that he knew exactly what I was attempting to ask. The approximate response was:

“What you have been doing is not harmful, but you probably should not be doing that!”

This was in the 1950s, and the mere mention that a guy was engaging himself in this way was considered abnormal. Never mind that guys my age were “doing it” on a regular basis anyway.

Over a period of nearly 70 years, I have uncovered a remarkable list of ways to “do it” and I have enjoyed myself immensely. For a long time I have been sharing the details of exactly how I engage myself alone to others, the primary outlet being this Web site. Between the two big posts, “What to Wear” and “Thoughts on Just Being a Guy” at the current count I have over 365,000 reads. I do not know how or why these readers keep piling up like this, but I am delighted with the interest in the stuff I write about, and apparently the topics I discuss are helpful but particularly guys who are still stuck in a time warp about the entire subject of solo pleasuring like I was back when I was but 12 years old.

This brings me to the current day, having wandered through an era when a male being sexually attracted to another male was considered a mental abnormality, to a day were the major discussion seems to be focused on an acceptance of practically any form of sexual behavior other than those that do harm to another person such as rape and pedophilia (the whole LGBTQ thing). Having said that, I am not sure that if a male admitted to others that he spent time jerking off in a Speedo® that would make him part of the Q but not part of the LGBT component? Still, suppose I were back in the 7th grade and another peer male schoolmate happened to see me jerking off—perhaps not even in a Speedo® but maybe in a pair of tighty whiteys, underwear that was all but universal for guys when I was a young lad. Suppose this male who saw me was mean, and told his male peers what I was doing, and the male peers immediately claimed that since I was jerking off in my underwear that I would clearly be growing up as a gay guy, and I would be teased and bullied.

You see the problem. In my mind the LGBTQ community tries to cover all the variations in human sexuality and activities other that good old fashioned sex between a male and a female. But in the process leaves out an important category of males and females who are perfectly happy in a situation whereby they are more than OK with solo masturbation as a sexual release both short and long term.

Over the years I have had a number of male friends who once had but no longer have female partners. These people tend to gravitate to me because they know I have been single and unattached all my adult life, and they wonder how I survive. Perhaps what they really want to know is the details on how I “do it” as outlined in my paper here, but they are too embarrassed to ask the necessary questions and I am not about to start telling stories on my own.

I suppose I could try and clarify all of this. The first point I would make is that I never have felt a compelling desire to have sex with, or worse, had actually live with, a female partner. I decided that I had no interest at age 12. The few times I had something of a date with a woman I wanted to get out of the situation as quickly as possible. Somehow the women also seemed to sense my disinterest in them to, so I gave up on the entire idea of dating women by the time I was 25 (maybe 21). This was not something I had any interest spending either time or money on.

I would make an unworthy gay guy too. So much of the gay male community seems focused on who and under what circumstance are you having anal sex with a male partner, and I am rather turned off by all of that. If a guy really wants to have an orgasm via prostate massage, there are any number of vibrators and estim devices that do an excellent job of that without any risk of getting an STD or worse. I do get a kick out of seeing exactly how another guy masturbates, but there are plenty of porn sites that have videos of that. There are even plenty of videos showing how a guy can have an orgasm while wearing a suit from Speedo® or Arena®. But if calling yourself gay because you have anal sex with a male partner, I want none of that. So this rules me out of the G category.

Still, I am very fond of being a male, and find it odd that any person born as a male could somehow be unhappy with the situation as it originally was. I have zero interest in acting out any part of the female role such as clothing or makeup. I take photos of myself as a male clad in swim briefs, and I am proud of what I am and how I look as a male clad only in a Speedo®. So I clearly do not fall into the T category. Indeed, I think the mad dash of people trying to change their biological sex without first having time for exploring the nuances of what they were originally to be more than crazy. Why does a male want to be female before one has completed the task of finding out how enjoyable being a male really is? I could give lessons on this.

I have spent the bulk of my life as a single guy who has always enjoyed being single and in a situation where I have always had the privacy to engage in fun activities that might prove embarrassing if I were not living alone, and I protect my privacy in that regard. If other males want to learn how to do this I have written a lot of tips and advice on the subject.

For the swimwear brief manufacturers, I have frequently wondered what percentage of the brief sales at companies such a Speedo® and Arena® are sold to guys who probably have no plans to wear one of the products at a pool or beach, but use them for self pleasuring as a neat way to jerk off. I suspect a significant share of them. Online stores are filled with other kinds of gear that can be readily used for jerking off as well, the straps, the thongs, the compression shorts and tights too (using these used to be associated with having an abnormal fetish for certain kinds of clothing, but that claim has dissipated in recent years too), and there is an array of vacuum pumps, estim devices and vibrators designed to be stimulating down there as well. At age 12 I knew nothing about all of this, but somehow, I have managed. For me this has been a case of lifelong learning.

For males engaged in partner sex with another person, the serious sexual encounter often goes for only 7 to 10 minutes tops. One thing the porn sites teach for guys is how to edge, as in getting aroused and staying aroused for long periods of time, for hours if not days. Over time, I habe become an expert on edging, and owning a Speedo® is a basic way to begin to learn how to edge, as a Speedo can be used as an undergarment that may keep you feeling horny all day (or perhaps all night) long. Still, even in the modern “anything goes” acceptance of sexual choices and behaviors that were once regarded as deviant, there remains no place in this new world where a male plans to go home and just spend some time jerking off in a Speedo® no matter how much sheer pleasure it brings. And that is sad….

12-20-2023, 08:54 PM
I accidently learned about jerking off after just turning 13 - in a speedo - I realized that it felt good to rub myself through the slick fabric. As I kept doing it - it felt amazing and then it happened. I thought I ruptured myself, but then learned it was a very normal thing. Yes, I have jerked of many many times in a speedo. Thanks for admitting it!!!

12-21-2023, 01:28 PM
A Snug New Speedo® and a Magic Wand

Getting a new Speedo (or another favorite brand) is always a treat for the mind and body. Couple this with a Magic Wand style vibrator with multiple patterns and the fun times get multiplied.

My thoughts turn to the swim coach seeking a win in the big meet coming up. The coach concludes that he cut take a tiny fraction of the time off of most of the swimmers if their suits were not old and stretched out. He suggests that the team wear their team suits but brand new ones one size smaller. A guy who wore a MED at the start of the year would size down to SM, and a guy who has worn a LRG downsizes to a MED and so on.

The guys all know that the downsizing might fit them but fit so snug as to be just a touch uncomfortable, and also, there may be other issues and “reactions”. For starters, the suit may be so snug that the only way the penis can be positioned is “up” with the underside pressing tightly against the slick, stretchy cloth. This could induce a “reaction” than makes matters even worse. Still, if that is what the coach wants to help speed the team in the water, gotta obey the coach.

Adult males not on racing swim teams might want to emulate this. You do not even need to be a swimmer. Swim briefs are readily available on line and if a guy has owned a brief he certainly has a good idea as to what his waist size is. The trick is to order one similar to what you have been wearing but downsize one size. A guy who normally wears a LRG would downsize the order to a MED, a MED guy to a SM and so on. Being both new and undersized, this brief should be wearable and fit tighter all around than the old brief. The trick is to find the size that has just enough room to position your penis in the up position pressed nearly immovable against the slick cloth of the pouch. Swim briefs are all about fitting really important stuff into tight spaces, a treat. Just contemplating how this might fit and feel might cause a reaction in your mind or body, but that reaction is a good thing as it preps you for the next part, not on the swim coaches list of things to try.

Also purchase on-line a Magic Wand style vibrator. One of the Magic Wand style knockoffs, available on line for about $20 USD. These vibrators are interesting in an assortment of different ways. Anything that vibrates is always interesting but these especially so.

. This particular style not only vibrates but has multiple speeds and patterns, in which the pace of the vibration varies with each pattern from slow to fast and even full starts and stops. When the vibrator is turned on it emits a low-pitched growling sound that is, dare I say, quite erotic. But the varied patterns each have their own sounds and are different in all sorts of interesting ways.

So, let me suppose that it was a bit of a struggle, but somehow you managed to get into your new swim brief, and you have your penis pressed against the front, pointing up. Just getting yourself into the suit and getting your penis pointed upward gave you something of a noticeable hard-on, but that was what was supposed to happen.

There are lots of videos on the porn sites showing guys clad only in a swim brief, engorged penises clearly pointing up but hidden under the cloth. Then, in the background we hear that interesting growl of the Magic Wand, and that sound is a triggering mechanism like Pavlov’s bell, but an audio trigger for getting even more aroused. The videos vary and, in some cases, these are solo efforts, but in other videos another male is controlling the vibrator so the guy in the swim brief does not know where the vibrator will land moment by moment except that it will be somewhere on his sensitive and newly engorged private parts. Of course, having such easy access to the sensitive underside of the penis when positioned in this way in the undersized Speedo® is really exciting and perhaps maybe even too much. Further, situations like this that result in a near immediate ejaculation are ultimately less enjoyable than situations that “play” with this. That is, using the vibrator to get nearly to a point where the guy is almost but not quite uncontrollably ejaculating, then backing down a bit and cooling things down till the guy no longer feels a compelling psychological and physical “need” to ejaculate.

What I suggest is a form of edging that is both physically exciting and super enjoyable mentally as well. Moving around, the vibrator might “visit” a lot of places in addition to the penis underside. The vibrator can be used as a ball massager, for example. The perineum area just behind the balls is super sensitive too and there is easy access to that area with the vibrator when the guy is in a snug swim brief. The super sensitive glans area might be enough to send the guy into a full-blown ejaculation, with cum stains quickly coming though the cloth of the snug brief. So, if a guy wants to delay orgasm, it is best not to touch that particular spot until you really are ready to cum. The vibrator is an excellent tool to use in locating your super sensitive and not quite as sensitive erotic areas.

The penis underside is very sensitive, and experimenting, most guys cannot tolerate more than a few seconds of direct application of the vibrator along the penis underside without reaching the point of no return. So, if you want to keep edging in the swim brief using the vibrator, there are techniques for moving around your sensitive spots that can be learned. Fortunately, the “lessons” are fun too.

Watching porn masturbation videos, is it more interesting to see a naked guy ejaculating directly into the air, or to see a guy stimulating himself or having a partner stimulate him using the vibrator and then watching as the cum stains form on the swim brief the guy is wearing? Personally, I think the latter. In the videos some guys do the latter solo while others have a male helper on the vibrator. Obviously, this could be an activity gay couples might enjoy, but would straight couples enjoy doing this too? This is another of those really fun and non-risky erotic ideas. The male pair need not be gay, either. I could see two otherwise straight guys doing this, both versed in the techniques described here. But for a straight couple, say a straight couple that for whatever reason would prefer not to have traditional penis-vagina sex, this could be really fun too.

And then there are guys like me, living alone and simply finding interesting ways to enjoy my own body to the maximum extent possible! I don’t want to miss out, and in the process of learning exactly how I can do this I have a most enjoyable time. This is also fun to do clad in a wrestling singlet, as your penis will be in one spot and you can't just reach down to move it around. This type of confinement is very exciting too when combined with a growling vibrator.

12-30-2023, 02:20 PM
Masturbation, Edging, and Snug-Fitting Clothing

YouTube has lots of videos with Masturbation in the title, and many of these focus on male masturbation. For those who still think that masturbation is a second- or third-rate sexual activity, quickly discarded once a guy reaches adulthood, a number of these videos go in a completely different direction. Generally, the videos start by pointing out that solo masturbation is by far the most common for males ages 12 -15, but that is not a new observation at all.

Instead, what some videos argue is that the average partner sex act in adulthood runs for only about 5 minutes. Both men and women would like for the sex act to last far longer, but so long as the guy believes that in order to prove he is a “real man” he must have an orgasm within 5 minutes of engaging in partner sex this will not happen. To believe that speedy sex is good sex is silly.

One of the arguments is that this short period from initial arousal to ejaculation is in part a product of what guys learn shortly after puberty. In particular, many guys quickly learn to bring on ejaculation quickly because of the “dirty” reputation masturbation has. No matter what, the young teen needs to make certain no one catches him doing the unthinkable, not parents, siblings, peers or anyone else. What the guy leans about masturbating to orgasm quickly at this age adversely affects a guy’s sex life throughout his entire adulthood. The idea of masturbating quickly to orgasm is a “learned” behavior. Unlearning this takes both time and a commitment to the idea that going in for a quick ejaculation is not a sign of one’s virility as a man. Indeed, the opposite.

In many ways I consider myself one of the extremely lucky ones, living alone without a sexual partner for my entire adult life. This must sound crazy to guys who are happy in their sexual relationships. The beauty of this is that I can always find the time and the luxury to do exactly what I want—with, to and by myself without any fear that my activities are going to be discovered and I will be embarrassed. This is a huge blessing, a luxury of sorts. In the process, I have developed expertise for edging by proceeding at a long, slow, and deliberate pace.

When I think about that others might feel sorry for me living life without a sexual partner I only laugh, If partner sex is so unbelievably wonderful, why is it that so many of my friends got divorces and then struggled to find a path for dealing with the fact that they were alone, sexually? If sex with a partner is so mind-blowing, why did you let it go? What gives here?

I suppose that every case is different. Me, I’m into edging. I get into a horny mood and then spend long periods of time just enjoying being aroused. This is a big part of the stuff guys do not learn to do as young teens—just kicking back and maintaining oneself at a high degree of arousal for prolonged periods of time. After all, real guys ejaculate within 5 minutes of first thinking about it, and anything longer means the guy is not that virile. Sex is really a contest of speed. If speed at a stop sign is needed to prove a guy’s worth, then why should this not also be true for sex and orgasms?

But a fast orgasm is actually a bad not good thing: this is where the term “premature ejaculation” is coined. Women generally like a slow, deliberate guy and not a speed demon.

I watched a YouTube video that had one guy in a black Speedo® who decided to go to a beach where all the other guys were wearing board shorts. A lot of people stared at him, but a few seemed to admire his suit and body. This guy was actually engaging in a form of edging. He was there because he got turned on just thinking of all the women (and more than a few guys) who were admiring his butt and pouch. Wandering around in a Speedo® in public is one way of sustaining arousal (not the same as an erection) for long periods of time!

Early on, as a young teen, I learned that the least complicated way to get aroused, have an erection, and maybe even an orgasm, was to do so at night under the cover of darkness and the cover of bedclothes. I think most guys learned this method too. In adulthood, I learned some methods for making undercover masturbation still more enjoyable, generally by wearing tight-fitting, perhaps only a Speedo®, or maybe a strap or thong. The quantity of Cowpers’ gland secretions are a key measure of how successful this strategy is. A close relationship exists between the amount of the clear viscous fluid is secreted and how horny I feel. This is a basic measuring stick for judging the quality of a long-run edging session lasting perhaps the entire night.

However, in the cold winter months I like to layer other clothing over what I wear in the summer. In other posts, I have pointed out the merits of Ikingsky thongs and DEVOPS thermal compression wear. The Ikingsky thongs are famous because they are really skimpy. But they also have a nice pouch (perfect for collecting Cowpers secretions aka precum over an entire night of edging). Plus, they put a nice but subtle pressure on that all important perineum area just behind the scrotum. Finally, there is that neat and really narrow thong back cutting between my glutes. In short, the perfect base garment for a night of edging.

The DEVOPS thermal running tights and long-sleeved shirts are the cover garments. These fit, well really tight, and I undersized the pants from a MED to a SM. The pants go over the thong, and I am already feeling very good. Coping with this for an entire night is a basic course in edging technique, a course most guys who have sexual partners likely missed. My period of arousal is not 5 minutes, or even 20 minutes, but at least 8 hours.

I fall asleep quickly. But I will wake up often at about 3 AM and check to see how my night is going. Oddly, I am still feeling way horny, and I can tell precum has been accumulating ever since I drifted off. There are gobs of the desirable clear viscous fluid inside the thong pouch. And the thong perineum pressure, subtle at first, seems to have grown more pronounced by 3 AM.

Soon I fall back asleep again, awaking at 6 AM, with the thong pouch containing still more precum. But I have not had an orgasm, so I am still feeling way horny. Now its 9 AM, and I still am feeling great in an erotic way. I have swapped for another thong and compression gear, leaving the DEVOPS for nighttime wear.

This is all terrific, not-to-be-missed fun, the essence of what makes me so happy to be a guy. If you want to learn edging technique with the idea of improving a relationship with a partner, this is great training for your mind and body as well. As I always say, Have fun! It is great just being a guy.

02-12-2024, 03:10 PM
Pointing Upward

for those of you new to the whole idea of enjoying your body while wearing snug-fitting clothing containing a lot of Lycra, I got to thinking about some ideas that might be helpful to you.

First off, there are many different types and styles of clothing that work. This Web Site focuses on swim briefs, but also includes topics related to other types of clothing, the only common denominator being the slick, Lycra based fabric and the invariably snug fit.

However, those two key elements are embodied in a lot of different types and styles of readily available clothing that work. Here is a partial list:

Swim briefs
Swim thongs
Squarecut swimwear made of stretchy snug fitting fabricate
Swim jammers with longer legs
Athletic supporters made of a stretchy fabric that have twin leg straps but no center strap in the rear.
Underwear made of a stretch fabric, briefs, thongs, squarecuts, longer legged underwaear with a similar fabric etc
Running tights and similar
One-piece singlets most commonly worn in wrestling contests
etc etc.

This is a lot of stuff, and over my lifetime I have collected good examples of all of these.

There are two things all these items share. First, they are all made of a slick, stretchy fabric, and second, All of them fit very snug in the groin area, snug enough so that when a guy positions his penis getting in, the penis stays in that position.

A lot of guys might be apprehensive about wearing any of these on account of the unwanted erection phenomenon. As in fear of what could happen if I get an erection and others (peers, classmates, etc see that I have one, and fear that the worst could happen, the erection quickly results in a full scale and obvious orgasm and ejaculation. These fears apparently keep lots of budding male swimmers and wrestlers from taking up the sport. At least I have heard that.

Still, lots of these snug-fitting stretchy garments are sold to males all the time. Not every male is consumed by his fear and apparently found a way to overcome it. Conquering one’s fears is a way of coping. It turns out, conquering one’s fears can only be accomplished by meeting fears head on. And the most challenging and also the most enjoyable way of doing this is to pick one of these garments—it does not make a lot of difference which one—lately I have been enjoying my running tights, and put yourself in a position whereby you could have an orgasm quite easily. Face your deepest fears directly!

What position is that? Why upward of course. You know the position where nearly all of the underside of your penis is pressing firmly against the slick, snug stretchy fabric. OK, so you are starting to feel horny just thinking about being in this situation. What garment from your list, particularly? Pick whatever one you think will be “difficult” to deal with. By now you should already have a nice semi just thinking about what you are about to attempt.

The entire underside of your penis is just a super neat place. Its a lot more sensitive to touch than the top side. If your erection gets bigger just thinking about this that is a good thing not a bad thing. That is what is supposed to happen. Besides, assuming you are average size or more, erect, if you have selected and sized the garment correctly, by now your penis should be screaming at you telling you that it really likes where it is at and what is happening to it.

But from the standpoint of completing your training, it is probably best not to go into a full-blown ejaculation immediately. The garment becomes part of your edging work in which you attempt to sustain the good sensations from your penis for a longer period of time. All you need to do is touch yourself and stroke the underside of you penis for a short period of time. But from the perspective of your training, you will want to delay the orgasm part as long as you can. Still, this is great fun with any of the garments on my list above, and one of the greatest “treats” all “free” for just being a guy with a penis. And a treat that is available to every guy.

The fact that you have somehow learned how to sustain yourself erect in this situation can prove useful in a variety of ways, not only alone but perhaps in the presence of another enthusiastic male. Rumor has it that even some females get turned on by being able to observe first hand and up close the “situation” the guy is dealing with here, and the best females actually purchase garments for the guy that seem to work. It goes without saying that guys who are into other guys would enjoy watching the “predicament” evolve and might also want to participate. My point is the opportunity exists for all guys, single and partnered regardless of whether the partner is male or female.

Once you have an erection pressing firmly against the cloth of the garment there are other things you can do as well..like digging out a vibrator and seeing how the head of the vibrator feels when the underside of your penis is pressed against the fabric. Fascinating stuff. If you do this right, you should be climbing the walls, psychologically and physically.

04-30-2024, 02:34 PM
A Fruit of the Loom Strap?

Scrounging around, I found one of the earliest straps that I ever purchased, perhaps the earliest one of all. I have been comparing the appearance and features of this strap with others I have. I also have been looking at the very faded tag in an attempt to determine the brand. There is a tag with three faded colors, maybe four, green, red and purple with a possible gold on the left side.

In sorting through images on the Internet the only logo that would fit would be Fruit of the Loom, and the logo that fits dates either from the 60s or from 1970-78. I think I purchased this strap in the mid 1970s when I was off in college in another state. I had always wanted to have a strap of my own but I was off on my own now and no one I knew to question why I owned a strap despite the fact that I was a non athlete who did not “need” one. Part of the “fun” actually was the secrecy of what I was doing to and by myself. And the FOTL strap was “forbidden fruit”. This was going to make for some fun experiments in male “self abuse”.

Currently the strap is in not terrible condition considering the “life” it led as a long-time “partner” of mine. This was not a Bike strap, it was a strap that would have been sold at a discount house not an athletic clothing place as such. I am guessing that I found my strap on a display at K mart next to other sporting goods items big and small on a wall in that particular section of the store. Not very expensive, maybe under $2. Just think the amount of fun I would have for that little money.

In comparing this strap to my newer straps, there are some things that are the same but a lot that is different too. The pouch is made of that goofy ribbed rubberized cloth at is never used in other types of clothing. Unlike a pouch made with Spandex, it still is in pretty good condition after maybe 50 years. The rubberized pouch holds up a lot better over time whereas one made with Lycra/Spandex would deteriorate and lose its “snap”.

The waistband is two inches wide not three inches wide. The elastic in that has held up well too, and there is another narrow ¼ inch wide strip of elastic sewn to the top of the pouch which in turn is sewn to the waistband using a zig zag stitch. The sewing and all the elastic is in good condition too.

Inside, on the waistband to the right of the pouch is a little elastic hanger loop as if FOTL expected guys to rinse out their straps after the game and then hang them to dry from this loop in a locker to dry until the next practice. I don’t know if anyone ever did that but I guess that was the intended purpose of the hanger loop.

Then there wwere the leg straps, once again bands of elastic about 3/8 ths inch wide that attach at the waistband an inch or so to the left and right of the pouch. These are all twisted but again the elastic is in very good shape given the age.

Of course, these elastic straps have to attach to the pouch at the base of the pouch, and there is quite a knot of material and stitching where they do. For someone into perineum stimulation this is quite a big deal, But back in the 70s I knew nothing about that. Still, looking at how this strap was made, I now better understand what was going on when I put on this strap--both in my brain and in my groin.

Oh, and did I mention that this strap still fits me, but the fit is really really tight. No doubt, when I made my purchase, I selected one in a smaller size. However, these straps were made in such a way that it is difficult to see how any guy could wear one without getting at least somewhat stimulated down there. Teen male athletes used to “play” with their peers in this regard by grabbing the back of a friend’s waistband on the strap and “snapping” his strap. Any guy who was already even a little aroused from just wearing the strap would quickly discover some sensitivities down there he did not realize he had let alone appreciate. Generically, this game is sometimes referred to as “horseplay” by young males, and of course horseplay is a lot more fun if the guys are all wearing straps in the locker room.

Did I mention that I can still wear the strap and diagnose what happens to me once I am in? Yesterday I put on a pair of thong underwear and pulled this strap on over. I have never quite figured out why for a long time it was something of a male “rite of passage” to be in locker rooms completely butt-naked while wearing a strap, but that was how it was. Being butt naked although strapped did not protect any athlete from a groin injury, but then the pouch without a cup merely managed to hold the genitalia in one place and not flopping around. Still, that was part of being an athlete—as an athlete you were required to be strapped! (and maybe cupped as well but that varied by sport).

I spent the entire day in the strap and thong. The neat part about this is that the thong wants to push my important body parts upward and forward even as the snug-fitting pouch wants to add a downward force and pressure. Combine that with the perineum pressure from both the knot on the thong where the back attaches to the thong pouch and the leg straps attach to the strap pouch, and you have a simple recipe for some really interesting sensations.

This strap long was and is great fun. I learned a lot of stuff about me and my body by engaging in this sort of strap play. Every guy who has worn an old-school strap like this probably can relate to what I am saying, and I am happy to share ideas as to what must be going on and why.

05-27-2024, 01:55 PM
Looking Back

This has been a long and interesting journey. As Internet sites go, I think we can agree that this Web site is relatively obscure—it certainly does not have millions of visitors, and, in recent years, only a limited number of new posts and comments. As those who have been following me for a long time, everyone know that I have posted a comparatively large amount, but the preponderance of my posts in recent years have been under two titles on the “Story Center” section of the Web site,

I have been checking back. I started the “What to Wear” Story way back in May of 2015. and the “Thoughts on just being a guy” Story in May of 2019, the latter in part because I thought maybe the What to Wear line had simply gotten too big for readers to easily navigate.

As of this morning, the end of May, 2024 What to Wear (WTW) contains 447 posts, some of which are comments and replies by others, and Thoughts on Just Being a Guy (TAG) has 228 posts and comments. As of this morning WTW has had 258,141 visitors and readers and TAG has had 147, 641 visitors and readers, for a total of 405,782 visitors and readers. I view cracking the 400,000 mark in visitors and readers as something of a milestone.

The content is proving to be quite popular and it is being found even in a fairly well-hidden location. Of course, the stories I have regularly written represent something of a long-time personal journey for me that can be summarized by the simple statement “Every adult male can still have a great deal of personal enjoyment with his body even if he is not in a relationship with another person!” And further, “I will explain in detail the simple, safe techniques I employ to accomplish that and you can experiment with them yourself!”

You and your partner might find some of these techniques to be quite enjoyable if you are in a relationship, but do not fret if you are not, as the techniques work anyway!

Of course, in this group, some of these techniques might involve crawling into a too-tight swim brief and then seeing how your body “reacts” under such circumstances, but this is merely part of a larger and even more engaging picture of what you can do to, with and by yourself, either in the presence of a partner, or not.

Of course, over the years, the public perception of what constitutes normal sexual behavior or not has changed dramatically. Prior to about 1970, gay guys were treated as abnormal people who had a medical issue that could be “treated” by a knowledgeable psychiatrist. Etc Etc Etc. We all know the path this has taken in recent years even with regard to what is normal with respect to gender identity.

With all of these changes, the subject of solo sex aka masturbation aka self pleasuring is still kinda treated as abnormal, and the public still has not really gotten its head around the notion that somehow a guy who pulls on a skimpy swim brief and then masturbates into it is abnormal, relationship-challenged or some other equally derisive category. After all, in all this, male self pleasuring involving a garment is an abnormal fetish. The guy is more fond of the garment then having a real sexual relationship with a partner, etc etc.

Still, for many adult guys, the things they learned about their own bodies starting at puberty do not simply disappear when one reaches adulthood or even when one starts engaging in partner sex. The stuff I learned when I was 14 stuck like glue to my brain, and over the years I discovered a whole lot more. A basic problem I had as an adult is that I knew that if I got in a relationship, I simply was not going to be able to either act like what I knew about myself was not there or that a partner was going to ultimately be such a great substitute. I would never want to think back about all the fun I had when I was single! If others think partner sex was the way to go, fine for them, but the whole idea of a partner being a complete substitute for me was never going to happen. I would be miserable. I was simply having too much fun as a single person to want to mess up my life by constantly dealing with a partner.

Of course, guys move in and out of relationships with partners all the time. If having a sexual relationship with a partner is so all important, why do divorces take place? The bigger question, of course, is that if for whatever reason I no longer have a partner, how can I deal with my bodily urges in a satisfactory way? I know some guys think the only solution is to find another partner ASAP, but I have talked to men who have been married and divorced and then get into relationships and marry again, and this is still not satisfactory at all.

Still, if the guy has concluded that the only circumstance that works is to be with a partner then I guess that pairing up is the only solution. What I am saying is that there are solutions that are sexually- satisfying and do not involve another partner, but so long as you are led to believe that these solutions must be somehow “abnormal” then these solutions are not going to work for you.

I bounce around the porn sites on the Internet. The interesting idea I spot there is that any porn video involving male solo sex is automatically placed in the gay male section. The assumption I guess is that anyone wanting to learn about how other males pleasure themselves would be of interest only to guys who self-identify as gay. That does not seem correct to me at all. There could be an entire separate section devoted to solo-sex techniques. Indeed, the question I was constantly pondering as a young teen was whether or not my peers were experiencing the same things I was experiencing, and how they were dealing with the situations they faced. But the only thing teen males are usually willing to talk about is their encounters with females. The subject of what a guy does in bed alone at night, under the cover of darkness, still remains completely hidden from view.

Unless of course, you start reading the discussion in WTW and TAG! That I have shown a light on even some of this and others enjoy the stories is a great reward!

Lap Counter
05-28-2024, 03:51 PM
Congratulations on reaching 400,000 views!
If that number was achieved on YouTube, they’d be sending you a nicely framed plaque, but in this obscure corner of the internet the only reward is knowing you have reached a significant number of people, and perhaps educated them in some small way.

-Lap Counter

05-28-2024, 05:44 PM
Thanks! :-)

06-20-2024, 02:16 PM
Thoughts On Wearing (and Enjoying) A Swim Brief

The whole idea of wearing a swim brief presents a complicated problem for a lot of guys. First of all. Many guys have what I would call a complicated relationship with the more general idea of wearing clothing that fits snugly in the groin area, not only snug fitting swimwear, but also garments like underwear and even more generally, clothing such as snug fitting jeans.

At a very early age, a guy learns that his penis has some fascinating nerve endings that feel good even when touched, but even better under certain circumstances than others. Further, not all areas of the penis are equally sensitive in this regard, and some areas are more “responsive” than other areas. Then, of course, the entire linkage between touch and getting a hard-on comes into play. Getting blood to flow into your penis not only feels great, but also creates the beginnings of a hard-on. And it does not take a guy a lot of effort to understand that such an event, however good it feels, can lead to situations that could be, well, embarrassing. This leads to this odd situation whereby a guy develops something of a love-hate relationship with his own penis. It's nice to feel good, but for Pete's sake don't get me into a situation that is embarrassing.

Early on, a guy also probably learns that since some parts of his penis generates these complex sensations more readily than other parts, he quickly gets into a mode of trying to discover exactly what are the most interesting ways to engage in self-stimulation. This might begin by experimenting positioning yourself in a simple pair of cotton briefs. And doing this, a guy probably learns that the underside of his penis and also in the glans area near the tip are the two most sensitive parts, and positioning himself so that the underwear accidentally rubs against these two areas becomes an interesting way of taking advantage of this. With proper positioning, a guy can get these fascinating sensations all day long, but don't think too much about what you are doing or something embarrassing might happen, something that others might notice. So, if a guy is doing this there are serious bounds with respect to how carried away you can get just enjoying yourself this way.

But what is the next step? The material in cotton briefs is OK, but not really that smooth. The next step, of course, is to go for a swimming brief that fits like brief made of cotton, but with a smooth, slick material that is made of nylon, polyester and Lycra in combination. Not only will this material be a lot slicker than the ribbed cotton used in conventional cotton underwear, it also stretches more, meaning that the brief in place will probably fit tighter than the underwear did. The tricky part is that the guy probably needs an excuse for needing (wanting) to be in a swim brief. For guys who do not swim, this can create a barrier to running the experiment, the experiment being how do I feel down there when I wear a swim brief? Is the experience actually better than what I was experiencing when I was messing around in my ribbed cotton briefs? And, of course, if the guy is wearing the swim brief in a public or semi-public setting, the guy worries about what the bumps in the brief convey to any of the others who sees him.

That is wear the penis positioning problem comes in. A lot of guys think the safest position to be inside a swim brief is down. By positioning yourself downward, you are least likely to get into a situation in which you (inadvertently, of course) get into the start of a hard on. But guys who wear swim briefs very frequently go for positions that are not down. The two positions that come to mind are the penis forward position and the full-up position.

In the penis forward position, the tip of the penis and the glans area are pressed forward into the pouch of the swim brief, If the swim brief does not have a sewn-in pouch, then the penis forward position creates a bulge anyway, And the stretchy, slick material feels great pressing firmly against the glans. This position is a real treat both physically and psychologically.

The full penis up position requires a brief that fits really tight, sufficiently tight to cradle the entire underside of the penis in a firm grasp. This feels really really good. But that the guy has a penis in the grip of the brief is going to be obvious to everyone. Still, as stunts with the male anatomy go, this one falls in the category of not to be missed under any circumstance.

While both these positions are terrific fun, and fall into the category of two of the biggest reasons I enjoy being a guy, the downside is that in either position, the location of your penis tip within the brief is going to be quite obvious to anyone who sees you. Your male anatomy, while covered with the brief, is not hidden from view. And if you are truly enjoying yourself doing this, you are probably pre-cumming which will show up as a dark discoloration on the front of the brief at the penis tip, which is fairly obvious. Guys often deal with this by spending as little time as possible out of the water once it happens.

In a full penis up position you could also easily get into a situation whereby you are not looking at dime-sized precum stains but a full-scale ejaculation. It's best not to let that happen in the presence of others, and it is a good idea not to do this in a semi-public (ie gym locker room) or even public situation. It's also the thing that guys wary of wearing a swim brief worry about the most.

Still, a full ejaculation inside a swim brief falls into the category of one of those not-to-be-missed experiences of life, but this can be done in private. As my readers know I regularly use a swim brief as nighttime wear, and enjoy putting my body through a series of steps that I will refer to as useful experiments in living my life as a guy.

I am certain my readers will have some fun with these ideas.

07-25-2024, 02:09 PM
Can an item you are wearing ever be “too tight”?

My readers all know that I really enjoy wearing swim briefs, compression shorts and pants, thongs, jock straps and any other item that fits really tight in the groin area. I have long believed that those who read my articles have long shared a similar interest to my own, and perhaps even fall into the category of not really wanting to share that interest with others, or perhaps only a few others.

Still, guys all know that wearing garments that fit quite snug can quickly lead to a situation whereby the guy feels “good” down there, (somewhat, at least) a “secret pleasure”. This, of course leads directly into the topic of how do I use a snug-fitting document to “edge” myself, something I probably did as a teenager under the cover of darkness at night in my own room. Then as a young adult I confront the idea that solo edging is still really fun. But I am out on my own and have more opportunities to purchase garments that I hope will fulfill my solo “longings”.

But then the topic becomes “which types and styles of garments work best for me in this activity?” and, secondly, once I have settled on a particular garment, what size will work the best and give me the most “edging enjoyment” to give the activity a specific term.

We all know the stories about the swim team guys who are expected to wear briefs at the swim meets, and the “terror” that a guy might feel when the coach tells the guys that they need to downsize their briefs one size for the upcoming swim meet. Guys who only recently become “accustomed” to wearing their “correct” size of swim brief, face another form of terror when they are told they must wear a brief that is still smaller than the one they had become accustomed to wearing. But the terror is an interesting form of terror. If the guy feels a normal “pang” getting into a right-sized brief, with the urge to get erect become stronger in the downsized brief. How much can a guy sustain in how to this regard. Does the guy quickly get to the point of no return on this, where a big erection not only happens but the urge to ejaculate becomes overwhelming?

This is tricky stuff. But in a situation whereby you are alone you can not only have fun with your fears but learn the nuances of mitigate the urge to ejaculate, a useful skill in a variety of settings when you are engaging with a sexual partner as well. Besides, learning how to control your urges but in a longer term pleasantly erotic way is a great activity to learn as a single guy. So, all of this is very useful whether or not you are on a swim team, in a sexual relationship with a partner, or simply living alone for whatever reason you might have.

I have already written at length about my experiences buying several Speedo swim briefs in various sizes, then discovering that the material the brief was made from had inadequate stretch to be able for me to even get into once the size dropped below 32 inches. So, whether or not downsizing works in this game in part depends on the specific brief. Another problem is that you may fit into the smaller brief, but you quickly discover that the rear of the brief pulled as high as possible in back does not have a sufficient rise to fully cover the “Y” at the top of the butt crack. Some male Asian swimmers believe that exposure is perfectly OK and many Asian briefs are designed to fit that low in back in your “normal” size but this has not caught on in the US to any degree.

Then there are the thongs, some designed as underwear, some as swimwear, and some that claim they can be used as either. The issue here is whether the thong back should be wide enough and long enough such that the thong back covers the butt crack, or whether the back should be narrow and short enough such that the thing back cuts deeply between the glutes. For guys who have never worn a thong, the feel of the thong back wedged deeply between the glutes is a not-to-be missed treat. This sensation has always sent me into an edging mode called “thonging nirvana” and for guys who have never tried this they are missing out on one of the great experiences the male sexual anatomy provides. The thong back squeezes down on you while the pouch pushes your penis and balls upward and forward, Don’t knock the experience without trying it.

This morning, however, I am wearing a super tight pair of compression shorts, a pair I purchased years ago when Wal Mart was still selling the Starter brand. These remain in great condition, and they have stayed super tight for many years. These feel great on me (as I am horny as all get out writing this). These are men's adult SM. Generally, I would probably be a MED as my “correct” size. However, I am really fond of downsizing one size in both the compression shorts and pants. I am 5’10” and the full pants fit down to my ankles in SM and have a tighter fit than the MED pants would. In this case undersizing one size gets me exactly where I want to be on a day where I am feeling nice and horny, and ready to do my home gym workout this morning.

The basic idea is to find garments that just barely fit you. You will know when you have come across the ideal fit for you, particularly is situations where you are just “hanging out enjoying yourself and your body!

07-25-2024, 07:44 PM
Can an item you are wearing ever be “too tight”? Not for me! As a kid in the 1950's I discovered the exciting squeeze of nylon suits I had outgrown. I liked the flat front Ken doll look, and could wear them at the Beach. As an adult I discovered Gaff Thongs which have three front layers for a smooth tight flat front. These are worn by guys for drag or cosplay costumes too. I can "tuck" my cock and balls for comfort and pleasure too, where did they go? Medium looks and feels nice for all-day wear, Downsizing to Small is more for short-term pleasure. These stay on in rough surf at Riis Park Beach, and my shrinking in cold water looks even better. I am very hairy so I still look like a guy as I roam around the crowd. I tucked for this photo.

09-01-2024, 05:01 PM
Can a the Fit of a Garment be “too tight?”

At least, that is the way for most guys. But the real concern is having the situation get so out of control that ejaculation takes place, Can the fit of any garment simply be “too tight”?

Many guys have a genuine passion for wearing garments that fit very snug in the groin area, The swim brief is one of these items, but there are many more, and I have discussed and told stories about them for over a decade and longer. The items of course include swim briefs and swim thongs, but the list is much longer than that, including any garment that brings pleasure to a guy by making him feel horny. Guys learn about this phenomenon at a very early age. Initially, it comes as something of an unexpected surprise, probably after discovering not only that getting into the garment make him feel good in a most interesting way, often followed by the beginnings of an erection, which generally feels better and better the longer that it goes on. And, of course, in theory at least, the tighter the fit of the garment the more interesting and wonderful the sensations that occur.

As any guy also knows, there is a downside to all of this. A guy needs to make certain that whatever he is experiencing does not end up being noticeable, if the guy is in the presence of others. If such a horny experience while the guy is wearing a tight-fitting garment leads to a noticeable erection that is a potential concern if others see what is going on down there, but the problem becomes much more difficult if an ejaculation occurs, leading to trying to explain away large damp spots on whatever the clothing item is.

The clothing items that could set this all off comprise a big list, starting with classic swim briefs and swim thongs, but also including tight-fitting male swimwear with longer legs leading to jammers of various lengths, then on to all sorts of shapes and sizes of garments meant to be worn as underwear including briefs, thongs, bikini briefs and underwear with longer legs, athletic/compression shorts, athletic supporters with or without cups etc etc. The range of underwear styles available to men nowadays has always said to me that the underwear manufacturers have discovered that there is quite a sizable market for underwear that guys believe will make them feel horny down there. Many of the manufacturers are not quite ready to claim in ads that guys should purchase a particular garment because wearing it will make the guy feel already going on among many manufacturers.

Even men’s jeans fall into this category. We have just gone through a period of time where manufacturers kept coming up with tighter-fitting designs each year, culminating in a skin-tight fit like a painted on second skin, and leaving very little space for even a semi erection to happen. Whether a guy wearing a pair of these super slim fit jeans saw this as a problem or an opportunity is an interesting question.

In this article I want to think about the problem of whether or not there are limits to how tight any of these garments can fit. This does not matter what the garment is, just any garment that the guy somehow realizes he will feel horny. A basic example would be a swim brief in your “normal” waist size.

Guys have been known to purchase clothing items that fit snug in the groin simply because the item of clothing looks like something that would make them quickly get aroused and feel horny. Many guys probably have certain items in a dresser drawer that they have used many times specifically for this purpose. Swim briefs are often used for this purpose, but so are many of the other items I have mentioned. If a guy has a favorite swim brief for getting off, does that then mean that another copy of that swim brief sized down one size will make him feel even better? That is actually what I would call an empirical experiment. If you are into doing this, you will not actually know what the impacts of downsizing will be unless you just happen to own a copy of the same swim brief a size smaller.

In this sort of play, it is actually the tip and the underside of the penis that gets really good feeling in a hurry, so penis placement is critical in running your experiments here. Obviously, the brief cannot be so small you cannot get into it at all. If that happens you have overdone the downsizing bit. You want a brief that fits tight enough so that you can get into it but the only practical way to deal with even a slight erection is to put the penis in an “up” position. Even as you begin to get had, mere touching the covered penis keeps getting to feel better and better. You can also try this using a tight-fitting pair of compression shorts or a jammer. Similar sensations: different garment.

Some of the guys who like to play in really snug fitting jeans discover that a semi-erect penis only fits pointed down, along one leg, usually the left leg. If the jeans fit tight enough, as the guy walks,++ he will become stimulated more and more with each step, and a full-blown ejaculation is only moments away. It's best not to try this one in a public setting.

Last night I got to playing around with a tight-fitting 2x(ist) thong I had, one that pushes my penis forward and upward as the thong back crawls firmly between my glutes. This is a really fun thong for the kind of recreational wear I like to do. But I got to wondering what would happen if I pulled a tight-fitting Speedo over the top, so I did that and crawled back into bed. The Speedo was big enough to cover the thong in front, but in the rear, the waist band of the thong along with the Y was above the top of the brief. From the ft the Speedo covered the thong and the only thing going on was that the thong pouch pushed my penis upward and forward into the brief pouch. This looked and felt terrific. I could tug on the thong back which then tightened things up some more.

At some point even my edging skills ended up being inadequate, and I soon end up in full-scale orgasm mode. It did not hurt that only a few hours earlier I was playing with some new C rings I had purchased that are quite thick and heavy duty, but have a limited size inner hole. So, by the time

I was running my Thong-Speedo experiment, I was already feeling pretty good.

This morning, as I write this, I am still recovering from the events overnight!

I did not find the Reels video I saw earlier, but here is one on a related theme https://www.facebook.com/reel/379998661781950

and yet another https://www.facebook.com/reel/1005761097665904

09-03-2024, 02:03 PM

I awoke early morning yesterday morning and immediately pulled on my snug modded jock and cup over my tighty whiteys. The cup stayed on for the rest of the day. Then I slept the night without the cup, just wearing a swim brief instead.

Initially, the cup pressing down on my penis feels quite good, though the sensations vary depending on how my penis is placed. One of the reasons why I wear the tighty whiteys underneath the cup is that they allow me to position my penis in a specific spot under the cup. The most fun place is with the tip pointed forward and upward, and the tight underwear means that it will stay stuck in that position with the cup pressing down firmly at the same time.

With all of this in position, the sensations I get are quite good, even memorable. These are the kinds of sensations that make my mind want to focus specifically on where they are coming from. I start to drip, almost immediately, and that keeps going on throughout the day. A lot of guys seem to believe that it is possible to just keep dripping for only a limited period of time, but that really is not the case. I was still dripping when I removed the cup at bedtime.

Of course, I do take bathroom breaks in which the cup is temporarily removed. But these breaks almost immediately cause a slight increase not decrease in blood flowing into my penis, which makes my erection a touch harder than it was before the break. Then, when the cup goes back on, the sensations get even better if a bit even less tolerable.

At this point, my mind wanders in two completely different directions. One part of me says this is really great fun and the last thing I want to do is to let my penis get out of the predicament it is in when inside the cup. But the other part of my brain says I really do need a break from all of this stimulation however enjoyable it is and the break would involve getting out of the strap and cup and recovering from the sequence of events that are driving me this way. Are sexual sensations really supposed to persist for 6 hours, 8 hours, or even longer? This is a form of edging involving a cup and strap.

At some point I understand the first video in my previous post. Young baseball players have spent hours playing the game while encased in a cup that mentally has been driving them bonkers, and they are anxious for some relief. But being in the cup for a lengthy period of time has been a learning experience as well, as in how the male penis behaves and exactly what happens if it is subjected to such a situation for a long period of time, the dripping along with all the odd but still very fascinating sensations that happens. So one part of a guy says the thing to do is to wear the cup only so long as the game is on, but the other part says that this is really not a bad place to be even when your mind is not distracted by playing in a ball game, and that there is something that can be said for the experience of being in a cup when a guy’s mind can focus on his penis,

Another way of coping with this as well is probably to go into a full-blown ejaculation while still wearing the snug cup, but guys often defer from this in that it is possible that odd damp spots will be noticed on the player’s uniform by the other players in the game. Maybe after so much cup stimulation, guys are happy to go into hiding and quickly relieve the pressures of the day with some old school masturbation in private after the strap and cup are off, perhaps in the shower. This is another of those interesting but seldom talked about topics by males.

I am anxious to do what I did yesterday again—wearing the strap and cup for an entire day, but maybe not today. I need more recovery time, first.

12-22-2024, 01:59 PM
Wintertime Wear

I have long observed that it is usually far easier to get to feel horny in the long warm days of summer than in the cold wintertime. I think this is true for most if not all guys. Somehow, in the short winter days things that normally happen from spring to fall rather shut down,

For guys who like to enjoy their own bodies as much as I do, this can be a problem, but can also be an opportunity, except to recognize that in the winter months you may have to work a little harder and be more creative if you really want to be your best at this.

The flames of arousal still burn in the winter months, though sometimes seemingly only as embers. The fire is not dead, but may need a little more encouragement this time of year.

I got to thinking about all of this last night and I started to make some progress using what for me has now become time-tested techniques. I am always amazed, for example, at what some lubrication will do, almost instantly even if my mind has been wondering and off subject. I now fully understand why bar soaps have all but disappeared and gel soaps have taken over, as gel soaps make an excellent lubricant for whatever it is you are doing. And rings of various shapes and sizes seem to always work for me as well. I have one that is very thick, with a very small hole. That feels really good at the base. Then I like a blue one in the middle, and a little beaded black one surrounding the glans. Combine these with a shower gel, and get in the water, The rings help sustain me in the water, while both looking and feeling great. Every guy should have access to a collection of rings.

Then, it is bed time. I continue to wear my DEVOPS winter compression gear. I always undersize the pants a bit, so they really compress. But I like to keep the long-sleeved tops the correct size. The really tricky part is what to wear UNDER the pants. A skimpy swim brief is a possibility, but I like to go snugger and skimpier than that. Maybe a really skimpy thong, like the ones I bought on Amazon branded Ikingsky. These seem “tame” at first, but the real point of wearing a thong like this becomes increasingly apparent as the night goes on. The rear strap is really narrow, and combining that with the SM size and in the wee hours of the morning you will likely discover that the strap has crawled deep between your glutes—both a wonderful fit and feel. The fact that these thongs come in really small sizes is an important part of the fun. Combining that with the tight DEVOPS gear and before morning you may come to the conclusion that the short days of winter are not so bad after all.

Of course, if you are in the mood to really enjoy yourself, after a night like this you might want to top everything with a final treatment from a magic wand style hand-held massage unit. This is the icing on the cake, so to speak, or the maraschino cherry on the top of the ice cream sundae! All the best for the holidays!

01-05-2025, 01:36 PM
Spending the Night in a Cup The Original Version

This story I wrote in its original version over two decades ago, perhaps in the early 1990s. This is the original version, or very close to the original version. Then, as now, I was concerned for guys who do not have a regular physical relationship with a partner. But I was also very concerned with the bad reputation of solo masturbation and its purported linkage to guys who were socially inept since if they were masturbating they therefore were unable to be with a sexual partner.

Then, as I would now. I would promote solo masturbation not as something inferior to partner sex, but simply as an alternative sexual activity guys could pursue and enjoy in the absence of a sexual partner. In the past decades I have learned that many if not most men in relationships still enjoy solo masturbation, and the idea of mutual masturbation is not considered somehow abnormal or inferior either.

I attribute my interest in swim briefs, jock straps etc in part to the fact that as a teenager I never got to pursue swimming requiring a swim brief or other contact sports that required a strap and maybe a cup as well. At the same time, I knew that other guys my age were agonizing over the possibility that in order to participate in the sport they were going to have to wear these. As a young teen, I quickly. figured out that wearing these could quickly lead to arousal, which is what the other guys probably thought as well, and that is why they were apprehensive about the whole idea—it was really a mixture of fear and unbridled enthusiasm for feeling horny.

As a young adult, I quickly got into a situation where I was living alone, and could buy anything I wanted, swim brief, straps cups, and I was able to check out the various theories I had about these being excellent for feeling horny while engaging in solo sex. This has never stopped and probably one of the reasons I never even spent any time in seach of a sexual partner is that I was just having too much fun on my own and lacked any real interest in taking up with a partner who might jeopardize this. To this day I have no regrets sticking to my decisions along the way.

In order to write this, I first got into a pair of my favorite tighty whiteys, and then pulled on an ancient strap with a traditional hard cup (small, nearly flat and not very roomy) from the 90s with a tight pair of Starter brand compression shorts probably from the early 2000s. My stuff down there feels really, really good, and I have a loose-fitting pair of sweat pants pulled on over so no one who sees me today will be the wiser. I particularly like how my enis seems to “know” it is in a very confined space as the strap and cup presses down aided by the really snugness of the compression shorts (its time to drip precum !). But in the original essay I had already discovered the same idea.

I am going to end this here and post the near original version of Spending the Night in a Cup as a followup post including the reference to a long-gone newsgroup Web site.

01-05-2025, 01:44 PM
Spending the Night in a Cup

by David Sebringsil

This story is intended primarily for those men who are not involved in an intimate relationship with another person. It is also intended for men who at times must spend a considerable amount of time away from their partner. Just because an individual is not involved with another person does not mean that a person is asexual, and is somehow doomed to never experience the interesting sexual sensations that their bodies are capable of producing. Indeed, many men living under such conditions could actually be experiencing a great deal more fun than their counterparts that are involved in intimate relationships. You may understand why this could be possible as the story proceeds.

Most men learn how to masturbate under very unfortunate set of circumstances. What is learned in our youth is very interesting-- masturbation is at once extraordinary fun, but somehow evil and something that any real man should be ashamed of. Thus, while most men enjoy masturbation immensely (Authors of a few sex manuals I have read argue that for many men, the orgasms are even stronger than those involved in heterosexual intercourse), they soon learn that in order not to be "discovered," they must complete the act from arousal to orgasm very quickly--perhaps in the space of a few minutes, likely in the bathroom, if possible; and perish the thought of having sheets and pajamas covered with ejaculate.

What's a fella to do after ejaculating in bed? Turn the light on to get up, clean up, and change pajamas? This will likely attract attention from whoever else is in the room or house, whether that be a roommate, a parent or another family member. The message is quickly learned that while masturbation (even involuntary masturbation from wet dreams) is a great deal of fun, the feeling of cold ejaculate for the rest of the night on the pajama leg is not fun, but must be endured to avoid being embarrassed by being "discovered." It's either that or a quickie masturbation session in he bathroom, all the time hoping that no one breaks in to ask why you are taking so long.

And it gets no better as men get older and move away from home. I routinely visit with college students over e-mail who are absolutely terrified of the thought that somehow their roommate or another male friend might discover that they masturbate. I'm not sure what the social signals are here--perhaps that any male who masturbates is somehow unable to form a relationship with a woman? Perhaps this means a person is gay? Why the extreme embarrassment about masturbation even among college students who brag about their other sexual conquests is unclear.

Whatever society is saying here is badly messed up. Masturbation is no sign of weakness, sexual preference, or anything else. Sure, gays masturbate, but virtually every other healthy male masturbates sometimes regardless of their sexual orientation, most throughout their lives.

Nearly every male thinks he does it more than he "should" as if there was some sort of nature-limited allocation. Occasionally, a man might not masturbate regularly if he is in a relationship in which he engages in partner sex so frequently that he lacks the energy do it any other time. Even here it gets confusing, because many forms of partner sex involve mutual masturbation or activities very similar to masturbation. After all, what is foreplay but a form of mutual masturbation? In addition, my hunch is that for most men, masturbation as a form of sexual play occurs far later into life than many people realize.

The problem, of course, is that like most other forms of sexual activity, masturbation is a great deal more fun if it can be taken slowly, with each sensation enjoyed for what it is, and with no concern for being discovered. Furthermore, unlearning the quickie techniques learned in childhood can not only be fun, but even ultimately enhance one's sex life should one get involved in an intimate relationship. Like other forms of sexual activity, it's important to introduce variety in masturbation. Part of the fun of sexuality is the unexpected; the unknown. With this background on masturbation, my story begins about spending a night in a jockstrap.

Before describing a technique employing a hard-cup jock strap, let me first say that I am a big proponent of sexual activities that are not dangerous and do no harm to anyone, and do not transmit disease. If they do not even require a partner, all the better. The approach I suggest here earns an A on all counts.

The internet is abuzz with discussions related to jock straps--A whole news group alt.support.jock-strap is devoted to it. This newsgroup does not exist because of widespread interest in what needs to be worn to protect oneself during contact sports--there is obviously something with sexual overtones going on here. In describing the following technique, I am indebted to one of my e-mail newsgroup contacts, who provided me with some ideas I had not thought of, but I have added some additional ideas of my own that seem to work for me.

Most men, when they think of sexual feelings, tend to identify with the pleasant sensations obtained from stroking the penis, particularly the underside of the head, or the area technically called the frenulum (Has it occurred to everyone that there is a biological reason why nature made that particular spot is so ultra-sensitive? e-mail me and I will explain my theory on that further). But the entire groin area is one giant erogenous zone, including little recognized places such as the inner thighs, and in particular, the area between the scrotum or anus.

Thus, any article of clothing that comes into contact with any of these areas is capable of introducing sensations, some perceived as being clearly sexual, others not, and still others in a strange halfway region that depends on the particular situation. Most men have trouble interpreting signals in this latter category. Most of these sensations are pleasant, but some are interpreted by the brain as being more nearly sexual than others. Is the simple act of putting on a tight fitting pair of underwear sexual or not? I suppose that depends on how the individual interprets the tactile signals. The underWWWear site has served an important function in showing that there are a lot of men, regardless of orientation, who are not certain what to make of all this. However, if you interpret a sensation to be sexual, then for you it undoubtedly is.

Jock straps are of interest because they are the one article of clothing (underwear) that by design and purpose, fit very tight to the groin, perhaps tighter than any other garment. But as the underWWWear site suggests there is also a good deal of quasi-sexual interest in brief and thong swimwear, cycling and compression shorts that contain spandex and the like. (I'm still trying to figure out loose-fitting "boxer people"in this regard. Something similar must be going on based on their observed behavior--perhaps some of you could clue me in on the details of how you interpret the tactile signals from loose fitting boxers. I don't mean to demean my friends who wear boxers, its just that the tactile signals appear to me to be less clear)
Now for the fun part. Actually, you may or may not find this activity fun depending on your mindset. But bear with me. As is widely recognized, the sex organs of a man's body go through a number of erection cycles during the night, some of which may ultimately lead to an unintended orgasm or wet dream. Because of the pressure, any article of clothing that fits tightly to any part of the groin area, (including but not limited to the penis and scrotum} will tend to produce new and perhaps interesting and unanticipated sensations as these arousal cycles proceed. The brain may interpret many of these sensations as providing a great deal of fun (or it may simply interpret them as simply wearing uncomfortable clothing!)

More than a few men enjoy wearing jockstraps as sleepwear. Others who interpret the tactile signals differently (and they have every right to. It's their brain!) describe the sensations in very non-sexual terms--simply as uncomfortable. There appear to be two categories of men: those that prefer loose-fitting clothing and those who enjoy tight fitting clothing as sleepwear. I clearly fall into the latter group. (I also suspect that the loose-fitting group are big on masturbating quickly, focusing almost exclusively on the penis, but that is another arguable story/theory of mine, which will probably result in outcries from the boxer crowd!)

Part 2 Next post

01-05-2025, 01:46 PM
Spending The Night In a Cup Part 2 Original Post

Now suppose that an additional element is added: a hard cup. Much chatroom discussion centers on the supposedly erotic qualities of the streamlined Bike cup. My problem with the Bike cup is that it doesn't produce a tight enough fit to the penis, allowing the penis to flop around a lot. As sleepwear, in this experiment the whole idea is to find as tight a fitting cup as possible, one that just barely contains your flaccid penis. A couple of readily available possibilities for me are the TRU-Fit cup (K- Mart and Dick's Sporting Goods, large youth 26-32) and the Duke (Wal Mart, large youth) but if you really must, you could try the Bike.

The cup of the Tru-Fit and the American made Duke are nearly identical in size and shape. The GRID is made of nylon, and feels colder to the skin. The Duke has a broader foam surround on the cup and is made of a softer material, perhaps a cotton or polyester blend. If you must have one, Bike's are available at Target.

Next, slip the jock strap and cup on and crawl into bed. This is how you will look with the thong under and the jock and cup over. Note that there is basically no room for any sort of erection.

You will certainly want to wear the jock over a tight fitting pair of briefs or better still,a thong. The pressure of the thong strap along with the straps of the jock is interesting. In addition, for a good fit the cup should be held really tight to the groin, so you may want to top this off with a pair of compression shorts --Try the Ace compression shorts available in drug-stores--they really compress and provide some interesting sensations to the inner thighs as well, but the cotton/lycra Spaulding cycling shorts available at Wal Mart are nifty too.The illustration is Bollinger compression shorts. I bought these several years ago and am not sure of their current availability

Try to find a comfortable position to drift off to sleep in. Problem number 1 that may occur: The feel of the cup held tightly to the groin is starting to be interpreted by your body as a sexual rather than as a non-sexual sensation, and you are starting to feel slightly aroused. What's more interesting, you are starting to sense the distinct pressure of the hard cup against the penis. Meanwhile, the cord of the thong is starting to tug away as the penis hardens slightly, and the straps of the jock are starting to bind a bit. What to do? Try to quit thinking about where your sex organs are, and attempt to get some much-needed rest.

Problem number 2: You fall asleep but soon wake up again and the situation is not getting any better. You are still stuck in all the layers of clothing and the straps are starting to really put the tension on. Somehow the sensations of all of this are magnified at night making it more difficult to handle than when you are awake.

Now its 3:00 AM and you discover that the feelings you earlier that night had interpreted as only mildly sexual are turning into a serious hard-on. Your brain interprets the tactile signals from the groin area as if everything in the groin area is getting tighter with no way out. Moreover, the thong strap which was tolerable earlier that nite is really starting to tug on your rear end. Meanwhile, the cup feels hard and cold, the pressure of the hard cup on the penis is building, and can no longer be put out of your mind. Serious trouble! What's worse, you are starting to experience sensations that are screaming to your brain "I need to ejaculate, and the sooner the better!"

You reach down, thinking there is a simple fix to all of this. Just stroke the penis to ejaculate and relieve the pressure. But given the cup and clothing, this is not so easy. That doggone cup is in the way. You know that if you could only touch the frenulum of the penis, you would go off quickly, but that is in a position which you can't get to. At least not very easily. This is maddening. Maddening, frustrating--but at the same time, terrific fun! You are nearly out of your mind in agony, desperately needing to ejaculate but not quite being able to reach the erection level at the point where you can. Keep going. Maybe there is hope.

You keep trying. What will possibly work? You try to stroke your penis through the cup, but that doesn't quite do it. You attempt to adjust the cup by pressing it sideways and downward hoping that you can find some temporary position that will provide momentary relief from pressure and the agony. But if you have chosen your jock strap well, nothing will work. When you move the cup a bit, the penis senses the pressure as a new sensation and gets a bit harder instead. You even try laying on your stomach, but that just presses the cup closer to the groin, which doesn't improve the situation either.

You squirm a lot, in an unsuccessful attempt to relieve the agony. But after what may seem to be an excruciatingly long period of time, perhaps an hour or more,the situation is ultimately resolved. Either (1) the hard-on subsides on its own, (2) you end up reaching a stage where you finally are able to ejaculate into the cup, or (3) In total frustration you pull off everything and masturbate to orgasm. I've had some great orgasms by masturbation (I like to wrap the penis in a facial tissue to collect he ejaculate, then stroke through the tissue) after an hour or two of this, but all three events have happened to me on various occasions. You never quite know how it will turn out.

The amount of fun you will have doing this seems to vary depending on how long it has been since your last orgasm. This activity is particularly enjoyable if you have already gone 2-3 days without ejaculating. So if it doesn't work for you the first night, then try for another nite.

The next day, I often experience some rather weird sensations centered in the pit of my stomach--interestingly enough a craving or longing for the pressure and sensation of the cup to be again held tightly against the groin. A new nervous pathway has clearly developed that "remembers" the sensations of the night before, and craves their continuation. It's the strangest feeling--I come home from work anxious to pull on the cup again. I am curious if others get this delayed sensation as well.

As near as I can determine, this is a quite safe form of sex play for us single and unattached guys. I would like to hear from others who have or are interested in trying this. I would also be particularly interested in other techniques used by those not involved in a sexual relationship with another person. I am not interested in anything that is dangerous, harms someone else, transmits diseases, or involves putting carrots or cucumbers in body orifices where they don't really belong.

Best of luck, and I enjoy hearing about your ideas and experiences. Very little has been written on the topic of sex play for unattached guys. Most sex manuals seen to act as if the problem is one of finding a significant other. I don't see it that way.

Enjoy and have fun!


01-09-2025, 04:23 PM
Interesting experiences though anytime I have worn a thong, g-string or skimpy bikini to bed, regardless of the fabric, at some stage I'm woken by my penis throbbing hard, with the head pushing against the waist band elastic, which at some stage is unable to hold it in. Of course this is a massive relief as I feel the swollen head and part of the shaft released from the tiny amount of fabric. Sometimes it had resulted in the culmination of an ejaculation. So to satisfy my body's desire for sleep and not merely my sexual release, I tend to sleep with looser fitting clothes so that any erections (and there are always a few during the night) are permitted to throb away without waking me up. Anyway as I get older the torrent of the release gets less and less!