View Full Version : Can You Identify this Suit?

08-06-2017, 02:48 PM
Hey All, been Lurking on the board for a while now and Finally have something to post about, so I guess it's time to join the conversation! I was browsing tumblr last night and found a suit I have to have! :) Only problem is I have no clue what brand it is. Maybe one of you can pin point it for me! Thanks!!

What Swimsuit Is This??? (https://68.media.tumblr.com/3774d37f34315bf6ebe43c3cdd22bb27/tumblr_ou84wvwYUx1smpwkho1_1280.jpg)

Since it's my first post, I'll give you the cliff notes about me. I'm 28, Bi, and from the far south suburbs of Chicago. Been wearing Speedos for several years now, and love em! :D

08-06-2017, 04:00 PM
This swimsuit is a sunga a Brazilian design similar to a square cut but slightly cut away at the sides giving a distinct pouch area.
Read more about sungas here:

In the photo there is a logo on the right hip but it is indistinct and blurred when I enlarged it.
On the right hip there is some black text but it is unreadable.
The colour of the suit is flo green, more popular in southern Europe and South America than colder countries in the north.

The drawstring is on the outside of the suit, it is not intended to tuck the drawstring inside the suit so it is intended as a leisure suit rather than for training and racing. Desmiit do some suits like this, with little metal skulls on the end of the drawstrings (I have some of these: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Men-s-Sexy-Desmiit-Turquiose-Surf-or-Swimwear-Underwear-Pos-Gay-Int-/272759134351?hash=item3f81b6188f:g:dwsAAOSwd~RZPu4 M ) but this is not a Desmiit suit.

The drawstring is on the left hip of the suit, this is a fashion detail, not purely functional. Brave Person do some swim suits with the drawstrings on the right hip but this is not Brave Person.

The scene of white sand, blue sea and sky looks very Caribbean or South American, the motor boats in the background would confirm this.

I suspect it's a Brazilian Sunga brand made in Brazil and worn to be photographed early in the morning before other beach worshipers arrived (lots of footprints, no people and a full rubbish bin.

If you want this swimsuit go to Brazil (I be happy to go if you chose to send me).

You could try here :https://www.rufskin.com/mens-swimwear.html, possible match on the logo and suit style but remember fabrics and colours change each season.

08-10-2017, 02:19 PM
Thanks for the detective work Torch! I appreciate it! Guess I will have to keep my eyes peeled on the usual sites! :D :D