View Full Version : Does the size of your penis affect your comfort in wearing Speedos?

07-26-2017, 10:18 PM
Obviously, Speedos are revealing by their very nature. I'm just curious to find out if any guys are put off from wearing Speedos in public because they're self-conscious of their size (whether it be too small or too big).

Myself, I have a really small penis (never more than an inch when flaccid) and I've never let it put me off wearing Speedos to the pool, beach, or on vacation. Can proudly say I don't think I've ever worn shorts or boardshorts into a body of water, at least to the best of my knowledge.

07-26-2017, 10:57 PM
Don't be bashful. There are showers and growers. I saw one guy in a video who was massive soft but it really didn't grow when he got hard. I'd say balls are what fills a speedo. Pun intended!

07-26-2017, 11:12 PM
I guess my small size in equipment is not as big a factor in what I wear as is the size of my stomach and the presence of back hair.

I have not worn racer cut swim briefs in public, I guess because I do not want to draw attention to those larger more obvious aspects of my body.

I do, however, wear Jammers, which I think are just about as revealing up front as briefer cut suits would be.

07-27-2017, 02:33 AM
Yes the look of my bulge definitely affects the situation and what suit I wear. If I'm somewhere private with the wife for example...I want my dick to look as good as possible, she seems to like it. I also feel that suits that promote your bulge are more masculine. On the other hand, I feel very self conscious about a suit that outlines my bulge somewhere like a YMCA. I am nervous about a soccer mom complaining or something...I would never try to expose myself intentionally in that case. I feel the more prominent brands of swim briefs tend to push most of the bulge away.

07-27-2017, 06:12 AM
The speedo wearers attitude seems to be this is me whether you like it or loath it, however most men claim to have above average size equipment (mathematically impossible) and wearing speedos would disprove their claims.
Most men would fit securely inside a standard 2" racing swim brief and nearly all men would fit into a pouched swim brief but one often hears the claim that they are so well endowed that they'd never get everything inside a speedo and keep it there. There is a reason that speedos have waist cords and leg elastic and it is to keep everything neatly in place.
School boys learn that it is unsafe to be caught with an erection at school and many straight men would remember the fear of being caught erect when thinking about wearing speedos and be put off using the unchallenged I'm too big to fit into speedos excuse.
The ultimate excuse for not wearing speedos for swimming is that there are no pockets in which to put my mobile phone.

07-27-2017, 12:47 PM
I really have given very little concern as to my appearance in swimwear briefs other then to their transparency. For me it's all about comfort and being able to swim efficiently. I row every day, sometimes in the ocean, solo, so it is critical that I am able to rescue myself in the event of capsizing. More often I am the only one in briefs, 99% of the teams are in singlets or jammers, but I've never felt out of place or the subject of extra attention or scrutiny. It's all about confidence and how you present yourself. BTW I am 64 years old and row 10-20 miles daily.

07-29-2017, 12:18 PM
Personally I do not care how other people look in the suits that said I am happy that I don't look too small or large either,

08-06-2017, 07:54 AM
I have known guys with large dicks and small dicks who have worn speedos and neither has ever had an issue. It doesn't affect anything.

08-06-2017, 01:56 PM
Well fitting speedos are comfortable, badly fitting speedos are not, so find a brand, style and size that suits you.

03-21-2018, 06:52 PM
I actually prefer the squeeze of low cut flat-front Japanese or Korean bikinis, the less room in front the better. Gaff thongs from Florida are nice and snug too.

04-01-2018, 01:39 AM
Penis size does not make me more or less comfortable now when wearing a brief swimsuit. When I was younger it did make a difference, but I did not know why.

Call me clueless, but it wasn't until I was 30 years old that I had any idea that my penis was larger than average. I traveled with a couple that I had know for years on a beach holiday and, in a conversation on that trip, they filled me in. I'm not sure how the subject came up. I am sure it involved alcohol. Women had told me this in the past, but, having never been in a serious long-term relationship, I took it as idle flattery. I had mainly managed to avoid gym showers and wasn't at all the type to look anyway. I insisted that my friends on the trip were full of shit and asked how they had determined this information that they were sharing with me. They reminded me that I had been in Speedos for most of that trip and that we had also spent time on a nude beach. They also said it was obvious many times through normal pants.

I remained skeptical (and a little bothered that my genitals were obvious through my clothing), but began to think back to a problem that I had always had with the Speedos that I had preferred to wear since my early teens, and I found an explanation to something that always puzzled me. It wasn't that unusual in my teenage days for boys to wear Speedos. It was a brief time in the late 70s and early 80s when men and boys regularly wore tight pants, tight shorts (Ocean Pacific) and tight, often brief, swimsuits. What I could not understand is why my bulge looked different from other boys'. They pointed their penises down, which made a smooth, rounded package. The older boys had a noticeably bigger bulge, but even they were usually more smooth and rounded than mine. If I tried pointing down, it made a weird-looking misshapen bulge. Remember that this was from the eyes of a modest youngster. Instead, I would wear them with my penis pointing up and to the side, which made a very obvious VPL that even showed that I was circumcised.

For a few years, during the height of pubescent modesty, I only infrequently wore brief suits. (Hell, there was a time I didn't like to wear shorts because I thought my knees were too bony.) But eventually I started wearing them again. I still couldn't figure out why things didn't look the same as the other males. I wrote it off to being made a little differently. I figured that my penis was hung (pardon the double entendre) differently and it just didn't work to point down. It was the best explanation I could come up and it worked for me. Over time, I saw a few more men in tight swimwear or wrestling suits that looked more like me, and, as I got a little older, I worried less about what people thought about how I looked. So today, I wear brief swimsuits without concern for penis size.

That's a long story to explain that the size of my penis has affected my comfort in wearing Speedos, I just didn't know why.

04-01-2018, 12:24 PM
Not really for me, but I've been told by various girlfriends that I have a good size. I must admit that I do like having a bulge in my speedo, however I'm not one to make parade around with my bulge in public. The way I see it is, if it's there it's there, I'm not going to hide what I have nor am I going to purposely show off. I do as much as possible try to hide outlines when possible.

There definitely is a disadvantage for some well endowed men to wear the skimpier speedos. I love the Sporti Euro bikini, but the pouch is way too small to be comfortable. I tried it last year in Aruba and I had to change because it was actually painful.

04-01-2018, 11:40 PM
LOL I have always thought that guys spend way too much time worrying about the size of their package. The websites are filled with suits now to make what you have look bigger. Uplift suits, inner panels, cock rings etc. I over heard a girl on the beach a couple years ago comment on a guy that had a huge bulge in his speedos. Her comment was "Guys like that are big jerks. They think that because they fill their speedos that girls will melt and go to their rooms. Then you get there and find out it may be big but he has no idea how to use it even though he thinks he's one of the great lovers." Her girlfriend responded: "I have to wonder when they are so intent on everyone noticing is it real? Is there a big cock ring making average look big, or maybe a sock stuffed in there." General chatter was more about guys with big cocks aren't as good in bed as the guys with average or less. Those guys work harder to please their partner, the big cocks think their size is enough.
Seems to me it boils down to the old adage "It's not the size of the wand that pulls the rabbit from the hat." Its never wise to advertise goods you don'y have. Just like women and padded bras - when the clothes come off the truth is exposed.

04-03-2018, 09:52 PM
Seems to me it boils down to the old adage "It's not the size of the wand that pulls the rabbit from the hat."

This reminds of a few 'younger' guys at the pool I go to daily, if there's no real sexy girls around when they come out the water then all are flaccid, obvious as when there are a few sexy girls around they get out the water with semi's, so obvious too as they hang on to the side a bit to long....blatantly fondling themselves to mmm look good when they get out in front of the sexy girls...cracks me up every time, sadly doesn't happen often enough...

04-09-2018, 08:58 AM
Myself, I have a really small penis (never more than an inch when flaccid) and I've never let it put me off wearing Speedos to the pool, beach, or on vacation. Can proudly say I don't think I've ever worn shorts or boardshorts into a body of water, at least to the best of my knowledge.

Judging by the vids, photos and gifs you certainly 👀 well endowed😝

04-10-2018, 07:17 PM
Judging by the vids, photos and gifs you certainly 👀 well endowed😝

Haha, well looks can be deceiving I guess. Little more than 3 inches hard here.