12-03-2016, 11:38 AM
Adrian was still angry as he returned to his home, he kicked off his shoes and pulled a ready meal from the fridge, releasing some of his frustration by repeatedly stabbing the sealed top with a knife. He put the meal in the microwave and set it for 6 minutes. Stepping into his den and switching on his computer he realised he hadn't even looked at the packaging to see which meal he was having for dinner.
The computer booted itself up and showed a screen of local news stories, another 5 schoolboys had committed suicide over the weekend, boys from different schools who had never met. One was a swimmer, the only swimmer in his school he had come last in the heats for the city swimming championships, another was a basket ball player with big hair who had been injured and taunted that he had never been any good, the third boy had watched keep fit and dancing shows on TV he'd been spotted by his mates dancing along in an orange thong, his schoolmates had mocked and excluded him. The 4th boy was gay, he'd never fitted in, always seen on the edges of any group while the last boy had been quiet, never known to express himself always ignored and forgotten.
Adrian's anger welled up within him, he felt sympathy for the lost boys but also helplessness unable to do anything for them and all the others, while the education department sang the praises of the Full Metal Jacket Policy. The policy made teachers blame poor results in class and on the sports field on those students who failed to perform and told the class that those students were holding them back and it was up to them to do something about it. Class results had improved but kids had started killing themselves, nothing was being done for the losers.
Adrian's chain of thought was broken by the phone ringing, he picked it up and said “Yes” still angry. A voice he didn't recognise came on “My name is David Hamey, I am one of the Mayor's aides he'd like you to be at his office at 8am tomorrow morning.”
Adrian was a little confused and annoyed he spoke his thoughts aloud, “I didn't vote for him and I don't work for him, why would I want to meet him ?”
David Hamey was sharp and answered fast “ You don't need him but he needs you, all these schoolboy suicides are about to break the city, we need you to speak for the losers and to make a movie for them to give then something to live for. We know you are the best writer on Happy Valley High and we know most of your scripts are blocked for being off message. This time we want you to write the script and direct the movie. We won't interfere, we'll give you a school to shoot it in one we've recently closed waiting to be demolished. I think this would be a boost for you personally, just put something together by the time you meet the mayor in the morning. Will you be there ?”
“I'll be there.” said Adrian “What funding can I expect ?”
“We're putting that together at the moment, as you know cash is short right now, we'll be able to provide a little but it will be backed up by grant funding from the government, for example if you can promote the aquarium and show lots of dolphins we get a lump sum.”
“I've just been handed a note that there is a big grant going for a movie that promotes the cross dressing lifestyle in normal society if you can slip in a few transvestites you'll get big money!”
Adrian was having difficulty holding onto all this at once somewhat shatteringly he said “So you want me to write the story line for a movie overnight, it must make life feel worth living for school kids that don't fit in, be set in a derelict school and an aqauarium, and show lots of dolphins and transvestites in a positive manner ?”
“In a nutshell, yes.” replied the mayors aid, “You can do whatsoever you like to the school so long as you don't burn it down of course. “
Adrian was now thinking fast beginning to plan in his minds eye “Can you tell me if the school has a gym a swimming pool or any playing fields ?”
“Someone is telling me there is still a swimming pool but the gym and the playing fields have been sold for redevelopment. I'm afraid your school will have limitations, and your costumes budget will be skimpy.” replied David Hamey. “I won't keep you as I'm sure you have a lot of work to do, you are to be at city hall at 8 am, we will be expecting you, just ask to see me or the mayor. Please wear your best suit, there will be a press conference afterwards and we'd like you to be there, you won't have to speak of course. Bye.”
Adrian sat back in his chair, shocked yet his mind buzzing, a loud “Ping” came from the kitchen, his dinner was ready, he wondered what he'd be having.
The computer booted itself up and showed a screen of local news stories, another 5 schoolboys had committed suicide over the weekend, boys from different schools who had never met. One was a swimmer, the only swimmer in his school he had come last in the heats for the city swimming championships, another was a basket ball player with big hair who had been injured and taunted that he had never been any good, the third boy had watched keep fit and dancing shows on TV he'd been spotted by his mates dancing along in an orange thong, his schoolmates had mocked and excluded him. The 4th boy was gay, he'd never fitted in, always seen on the edges of any group while the last boy had been quiet, never known to express himself always ignored and forgotten.
Adrian's anger welled up within him, he felt sympathy for the lost boys but also helplessness unable to do anything for them and all the others, while the education department sang the praises of the Full Metal Jacket Policy. The policy made teachers blame poor results in class and on the sports field on those students who failed to perform and told the class that those students were holding them back and it was up to them to do something about it. Class results had improved but kids had started killing themselves, nothing was being done for the losers.
Adrian's chain of thought was broken by the phone ringing, he picked it up and said “Yes” still angry. A voice he didn't recognise came on “My name is David Hamey, I am one of the Mayor's aides he'd like you to be at his office at 8am tomorrow morning.”
Adrian was a little confused and annoyed he spoke his thoughts aloud, “I didn't vote for him and I don't work for him, why would I want to meet him ?”
David Hamey was sharp and answered fast “ You don't need him but he needs you, all these schoolboy suicides are about to break the city, we need you to speak for the losers and to make a movie for them to give then something to live for. We know you are the best writer on Happy Valley High and we know most of your scripts are blocked for being off message. This time we want you to write the script and direct the movie. We won't interfere, we'll give you a school to shoot it in one we've recently closed waiting to be demolished. I think this would be a boost for you personally, just put something together by the time you meet the mayor in the morning. Will you be there ?”
“I'll be there.” said Adrian “What funding can I expect ?”
“We're putting that together at the moment, as you know cash is short right now, we'll be able to provide a little but it will be backed up by grant funding from the government, for example if you can promote the aquarium and show lots of dolphins we get a lump sum.”
“I've just been handed a note that there is a big grant going for a movie that promotes the cross dressing lifestyle in normal society if you can slip in a few transvestites you'll get big money!”
Adrian was having difficulty holding onto all this at once somewhat shatteringly he said “So you want me to write the story line for a movie overnight, it must make life feel worth living for school kids that don't fit in, be set in a derelict school and an aqauarium, and show lots of dolphins and transvestites in a positive manner ?”
“In a nutshell, yes.” replied the mayors aid, “You can do whatsoever you like to the school so long as you don't burn it down of course. “
Adrian was now thinking fast beginning to plan in his minds eye “Can you tell me if the school has a gym a swimming pool or any playing fields ?”
“Someone is telling me there is still a swimming pool but the gym and the playing fields have been sold for redevelopment. I'm afraid your school will have limitations, and your costumes budget will be skimpy.” replied David Hamey. “I won't keep you as I'm sure you have a lot of work to do, you are to be at city hall at 8 am, we will be expecting you, just ask to see me or the mayor. Please wear your best suit, there will be a press conference afterwards and we'd like you to be there, you won't have to speak of course. Bye.”
Adrian sat back in his chair, shocked yet his mind buzzing, a loud “Ping” came from the kitchen, his dinner was ready, he wondered what he'd be having.