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06-12-2016, 12:46 PM
Hi fellas!

I'm new to the board and I'm not sure if there's a sticky thread for new members so let me know if this is appropriate.

I'm currently in my 30s, living in Brooklyn, NY and have been wearing speedos for about 6 years. I'd always wanted to since I was a teen but was too shy, not confident, and was discouraged by the whole boxer shorts/knee length board shorts American trend.

I owned a few speedos that I never wore outside of my bedroom for a while but while on vacation in Europe I decided to finally wear a black and white Aussiebum squarecut. It was great and the fulfillment of a goal of mine. Since then I've loved wearing speedos (brief cuts) to the beach and took up lap swimming at the YMCA and look forward to wearing my Sporti Euro cut briefs in blue, green, and red. I have over 40 briefs and like to keep some more athletic cuts for the lap pool and the daring ones for the beach.

Favorite brands include TYR, Sporti, Marcuse, 2EROS, and Charlie. Looking forward to joining the discussions! http://i.imgur.com/e2CsXaf.jpg

06-12-2016, 01:10 PM
you look great in all speedo

:) :) :)

06-12-2016, 02:00 PM
Welcome! Your photos look great and there is no reason you should have hesitated to wear a swim brief for so long. Look forward to more posts from you.

06-12-2016, 08:25 PM
look good. no reason with your figure you cant go with a 1 inch side for lap swimming!

06-16-2016, 03:16 PM
Dash, you're obviously a very fit dude. I'm transitioning over from cycling, where I have ZERO upper body definition (as its not necessary) and I'm curious, is your physique entirely a result of swimming or do you do other workouts as well?

Also, kind of related question, I suppose you shave all of your body hair? I really enjoyed the feel of shaved legs in the wind while cycling (I've been letting it grow since I had a foot injury) and I can only imagine how nice swimming with shaved skin feels.

06-16-2016, 04:20 PM
Thanks! I do some weights in the gym and go indoor rock climbing at least once a week.

As for body hair, my situation is all-natural, no shaving!

06-16-2016, 10:18 PM
Dash, you are VERY hot! Thanks for sharing your pictures.

Not trying to hijack your thread, but I am also new to the board. Here are a few pix from my recent cruise...




I have more personal pix as well as my favorite pix & vids on Flickr.


I do weight training and cardio 5x week. But trying to stay in shape after 50 gets more and more challenging, LOL.

06-17-2016, 03:56 AM
Thanks for sharing, you both look great in your speedos. Wearing them loud and proud my friends.

06-21-2016, 06:58 PM
Thanks for sharing, you both look great in your speedos.

Totally concur!

06-22-2016, 05:26 PM
Hey there, you both look very good in you suits. If you ever make it to Florida let me know.