View Full Version : What was your earliest speedo experience
06-07-2016, 09:08 PM
When I was in Cub Scouts, our Pack did Indian lore. One of our presentations was to do Indian dancing around a campfire. Our mothers put us in loin cloths for the costume. But mine also put me in a skimpy bikini suit under the loin cloth. I have had an attraction to the bikini cut ever since. Never knew where she got it. Then later when i got into my early teens, I did Red Cross swim lessons with some of my classmates. One of them had a Jantzen bikini cut and I had to have one too. We shared our suits from time to time.
06-08-2016, 08:06 PM
When I was a 12 year old kid living in West Los Angeles. My mom and I would hit the beach almost daily during the summer months. She snapped a photo of me sitting on the back steps wearing a white and black swimsuit with open sides held together with crisscross bands. I also had a yellow and black suit in the same style. I thought I was the 'cats meow' in those suits, although they weren't really Speedos.
The was this really well built older teen who hung out at the beach and who wore a tiny black swimsuit. I wanted to look like him when I grew up. No photo, sorry.
Back in those day's it was illegal to wear a swimsuit in public that measured less than 5" at the side. Many folks ignored this law at State Beach in Santa Monica.
06-08-2016, 08:36 PM
That suit was unique in styling. I don't remember any state laws restricting side size in the early to mid-60s. The Janztzen suit I had was, if I remember, a 2" cut and it seemed to be well accepted at the pool where we taught Red Cross swim lessons.
06-08-2016, 11:34 PM
I remember boys wearing those crisscross band suits in the late 1960's at the old pool by the river in my hometown.
It was the closest you could get to dressing like Tarzan in public.
06-09-2016, 02:21 AM
I had one but was teased about it by other boys. Was told it looked like a girl's bikini bottom .
06-09-2016, 09:06 AM
I had one but was teased about it by other boys. Was told it looked like a girl's bikini bottom .
Boys will be boys. I learned to ignore the naysayers and their negative comments early on. If you have a dick, there is no way you look like your wearing a bikini bottom.
California Dolphin
06-10-2016, 03:31 AM
I would like to publically ridicule every guy wearing knee length shorts because they distort the appearance of the body to the point it looks like Down's Syndrome.
Even worse, jammers look just plain WEIRD.
06-11-2016, 10:43 AM
Well, you've got to admire them attempting to swim in the pool with all that material dragging them down. Don't think I could do that.
06-11-2016, 08:20 PM
My first experience in a speedo was at school where we would swim once a week. We would have to wear a black speedo and that was also where I started to like guys. I once got a hard on in the pool while looking at my first crush in his speedo. From that point on I would love the swimming day and being surrounded by everyone in speedos.
06-12-2016, 02:31 PM
Hey Wyld1, you just made me think of something from my starting post. I too like to look at my buddy in his Jantzen brief. He was well enough endowed to fill it out nicely. I guess I favored the look and have always enjoyed the look of the bulge the package makes in the suit. Back then, the materials was a stretch nylon, thicker than the suits today, so you could not really make out the line of the penis. The suits then just packed everything together in a nice round bulge. I think that's why I like the Neptune Scepter cut.
06-12-2016, 04:14 PM
I would like to publically ridicule every guy wearing knee length shorts because they distort the appearance of the body to the point it looks like Down's Syndrome.
Even worse, jammers look just plain WEIRD.
Its ironic that you condemn any guy wearing a suit other than a speedos but go ballistic if someone makes a negative comment about your speedo. Just because you like to wear them doesn't mean everyone else has to wear them. Its called freedom of choice.
06-12-2016, 07:01 PM
At first it started with photos in National Geographic Magazine of the guys snorkeling or scuba diving then it led to my first pair when I was a teenager and I used them in a bathtub.
California Dolphin
06-14-2016, 03:11 AM
Its ironic that you condemn any guy wearing a suit other than a speedos but go ballistic if someone makes a negative comment about your speedo. Just because you like to wear them doesn't mean everyone else has to wear them. Its called freedom of choice.
I don't verbally condemn someone else unless they condemn me first.
Freedom Of Choice goes out the window when someone opens their mouth and takes a "dig" at what I'm wearing.
Nothing ironic about firing back at someone's snide remark and I'm not shy about giving them a verbal equivalent of a volcanic eruption either. :mad:
06-14-2016, 03:35 PM
I don't verbally condemn someone else unless they condemn me first.
Freedom Of Choice goes out the window when someone opens their mouth and takes a "dig" at what I'm wearing.
Nothing ironic about firing back at someone's snide remark and I'm not shy about giving them a verbal equivalent of a volcanic eruption either. :mad:
That is not what you said -- there was nothing about responding to comments - only that: ]"I would like to publically ridicule every guy wearing knee length shorts because they distort the appearance of the body to the point it looks like Down's Syndrome."
In addition to sounding very narrow minded, you also sound intolerable to those with physical or mental handicaps.
I am curious as to where your speedos are getting negative comments. I have worn them all my life and I have never had a negative comment or a criticism. The only comment I can recall was from a friend that said "that is quite a suit you almost have on" His wife elbowed him in the ribs and said "you are just jealous cuz he has a great body and can wear them. With your gut, no one would see them on you"
Even if someone did make a negative comment I would probably not dignify their comment with a response unless it was to say "to each his own"
06-14-2016, 09:42 PM
Hey Guys, As summer heats up, I think keeping cool is the thing to do. We all say something from time to time that in writing is perhaps aggravating to someone. Let's let it pass and not burn electrons proving who is right.
Lets face it, we as a posting group are either straight, gay, Bi, or anywhere in between. We may be from all over the world, from several countries, from several cultures. Our common thread is the "men's bikini style swimsuit" we all affectionately refer to as a speedo. To some, this board may foster their boldness away from shyness, or help explain their fetish if I can be so bold to say. To others it is a shopping counsel where we extol the features of suits we have had and wear. We compliment each other and advise.
Bashing someone or something serves no purpose at the end of the day. So may I give all a virtual hug and ask you pass it along in thought to those that venture here amongst us bikini clad males. Happy summer to you in your speedo.
06-16-2016, 02:23 AM
the narrow minded approach to swim wear is a sad lashing to people that don't share the same attitudes. Usually generated by insecurity. However making references to people that are handicapped as a means of insults or degradation is the lowest and shows total insensitivity. (or just plain stupidity) What is sad is that someone with Downs would never say anything derogatory about another human. They look for the positive in life.
06-16-2016, 05:24 PM
May I ask that we return to the thread topic of your earliest speedo experience if anyone chooses to do so. And that would include any experiences in between, for that matter. The notion is to share stories which will trigger memories and add to the thread..
06-17-2016, 03:55 AM
My earliest experience was when I was young and watching the male divers in the Olympics, they looked hot, ripped and buff in those tiny little swimsuits. I asked my mom if I could start wearing one for a while did, then I got shy as I got older. :cool:
06-17-2016, 07:46 AM
Well, my first experience of any kind would be seeing other boys in speedos and hammers on the pool deck at my friends' swim practice at the athletic club their family belonged to. But that was when we were like 7 or 8.
The first time I had a speedo experience after realizing I loved them would be seeing a classmate at the pool for pool day in high school PE. He was just sitting on deck in a circle with friends wearing Turbo Jamaica briefs, and he was so toned and tan and was a teenage Adonis that I kept sneaking glances of him.
06-29-2016, 04:23 PM
My first memory of wearing “Speedos” is the first time that I ever went to a pool. I am talking about mid 1950’s when I was a young boy. I had been to the beach before on our family holidays and I had probably worn speedo style then, but I cannot really remember.
My friend and I had been enrolled for swimming lessons at our local pool by our respective mothers. I had never been in a swimming pool before. This one dated from about 1910 and one memory was the echoing nature as children shouted and yelped. I had been bought new swimming trunks – speedo style, although probably not actual speedos. I enjoyed my first lesson and that started my passion for swimming, including competitive swimming. It was not long before I joined a swimming club, and, of course, the purchase of club speedos, and was racing by the time I was 9 years old. I have never looked back since then and have always worn speedo style swimwear in the pool and on the beach.
Back to my very first lesson. Afterwards my friend and I emerged from the changing rooms to find both our mothers in fits of laughter. Apparently there had been some teenagers in the deep end of the pool and diving off the boards. One of these guys was wearing rather loose fitting speedos where the leg elastic had failed. Our mothers were not watching us experience our first swimming lesson but were transfixed by the teenager with his tackle hanging out of his briefs. A lesson learnt as a child, always make sure that the Speedos fit well!
06-29-2016, 04:25 PM
As a teenager, I regularly went with friends to our local lido – the open air pool – in summer months when it was warm and sunny. We would swim, dive and sunbathe. We always wore Speedos. This is the 1960’s when Speedos, were thin nylon material and very brief. At our lido there was a lifeguard who wore just brief white Speedos, no vest or shorts, just Speedos and a whistle around his neck. As well as sitting in the lifeguard’s chair overlooking the pool he would regularly walk around the pool in a posing manner. He was very dark skinned and so I assumed that he was, at least partially, of Afro-Caribbean origin until one day when I encountered him in the changing room without his Speedos to see that he had a pure white arse, the most incredible speedo tan-lines. I have been interested in tan-lines ever since!
06-29-2016, 04:26 PM
At the Swimming Club where I trained as a teenager, I had a good friend called Ralph. He was a superb athlete, a typical “swimmers” build with very fair hair and best in our age group at 100 and 200 butterfly. We had swum together for some years. Although most of us wore Speedos for training and competitions, Ralph had a black, very brief and low cut, slip that he must have had from about the age of eleven. As time passed, Ralph grew and consequently the black slip got “smaller” and tighter. We were probably fifteen when eventually our coach “exploded” and banned Ralph from the pool and the club until he got some “proper” swimming trunks that did not expose his pubic hair. The next week, Ralph returned, this time wearing standard black Speedos. However, Ralph did still occasionally wear his tiny slip briefs when we played around at the lido.
06-29-2016, 10:18 PM
When I was 5 and my sister was 7 she wrote in her news book at school
"On Saturday we went to Nanes Hose (Nannies House) and then went to the beach. Big brother put his on, I put mine on, my two little brothers put theirs on but Mummy and Daddy didn't put theirs on."
At the following parents evening my father was asked to explain what it meant. He said that the children had put on swim suits and gone for a paddle while the adults had stayed fully dressed on the beach preparing the picnic and keeping watch.
This was the first reference to me wearing a swim suit and it would have been a black nylon swim brief probably passed down to me from my older brother.
My younger brother always got new stuff as it was worn out by the time I'd finished with it.
swim suit eddie
07-03-2016, 03:43 AM
When in Catholic high school, I had to wear baggy swimsuits. I always wanted to wear and swim in speedo style briefs, but never had the chance to do so while in high school. I was allowed to wear them only once with my uncle at a private swim club. Right after graduating from Senior High. :) :o ,when I was working and in late teens, I used to keep in contact with my uncle, as he was always so nice with me and felt very secure and comfortable with him. One evening, he called, inviting me to stay overnight with him at his home. It was a warm afternoon and I was wearing a new gold color speedo brand swim briefs. it was the late 1960's and these were the early spandex and lycra swim briefs that gave extra support and lined with ivory colored clinging nylon underneath. The swim suit did fit so nice and extra snug in my rear with my lower buns well exposed. That night when we were going to bed, I had just my white summer tee shirt and the gold colored speedo swimsuit on feeling so snug and secure on me. My uncle climbed into the big bed with me giving lots of warm hugs and tickles under the covers, as I just squirmed and giggled while he felt up my now very excited lowers feeling very secure in the speedo swim briefs. i thought he would let me sleep in them, but he wanted me naked, as this would be the first time he will see my young genitals encased in the gold colored speedo as a a young adult. He let me climb into bed in my speedo and white tee shirt. He was wearing only a white cotton toga. We we're facing one another,lying on our sides, giving lots of warm hugs and cuddles, when he got the white tee shirt off, then whispering in my ear " speedo is coming off now". I felt so good in my new gold colored tight speedo swim suit and wasn't ready to give it up yet, as he gave more tickles and hugs, but to no avail, feeling his warm hands swatting my young behind encased in speedo, gently snapping the tightly clinging leg bands. I pleaded not to take it off, it felt so soft and snug, giving me a nice healthy erection. Now he was reaching under the waist band of the tight swim briefs,soon exposing the white draw strings, as I now playfully resisted while he slowly untied them. I still pleaded like a little boy whining not to take them off,while he would be giving me more big smiles, knowing he will have me naked, no matter how long it takes him getting me unspeedoed. His hands did feel so nice and warm, but I still wanted to keep it on. A few more kisses from him on my forehead and me hugging him so close, feeling the warmth of his now erect penis under his toga. He would stretch the waistband, pulling and tugging on it, as I squeezed my legs tightly and tried covering my full erect penis well encased in speedo swim briefs. Now while still facing one another, under the covers, I began feeling the clinging speedos start to slowly slip down below my waist with his every pull, my uncle was winning and soon he'll have me naked. The feel of the soft clinging speedo swim briefs slowly coming off tickled so much, as I made more childish pleas for my speedo again, to no avail. He had it below my waist,yet my hard penis and behind felt so good, still encased in two layers of gold colored nylon and ivory colored inside lining. I still whined and pleaded some more to keep my clinging speedo on, while he continued joyfully trying to it off me. Now the fun part began, as he said"don't be ashamed now, let them go now". Now slowly and gently, he stretched the clinging tight speedo off my full erection,while I continued resisting and made my last pleas. We were still lying in bed facing each other with my fully erect penis now unspeedoed, bouncing at attention. My uncle just gazed with admiration how healthy my erect penis was and young body had matured. He then much to my surprise, turned me on my tummy with my behind and crotch still encased in the clinging speedo, lifting my legs up saying "speedo off, off", I want you naked now!" A few more pulls I felt the last clinging speedo slowly slip out of my buns, crotch as the legs bands soon slipped away from my now fully exposed balls. It was a beautiful sensation loosing the snug and secure feeling of those beautiful speedo swim briefs. I made a loud yelp, once he had my lowers finally unspeedoed. He peeled them off my raised kicking legs and feet. By the time he got the tangled swim briefs off my kicking feet, I released all my energies all over the bed, but he didn't mind, he was just glad to get me out of my tight gold colored speedo swim briefs and finally see me naked as a young man. It was a very good first experience having my new speedo swimsuit stripped off and being naked with someone I cared for very much. :o
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