View Full Version : ID a suit?

05-25-2016, 10:56 PM
Found this suit at a store in Fort Lauderdale that was going out of business. I'd love to know what brand it is. If they have other cuts/colors, I'd like to see them. The tag simply says, "GP"

05-26-2016, 08:57 AM
That suit looks great on you! Love the color too.

I've identified it as Greg Parry with some quick googling. I can't find the exact model for you, but I have found some for sale here (http://www.provocawear.com/?s=greg+parry&post_type=product#.V0ariWPWIu8) at ProvocaWear and here (http://www.abcunderwear.com/gregparry.html) at ABCUnderwear. From what I can tell, the brand doesn't really exist anymore or is just not very widespread. I also have never used either of those sites, so I can't say whether they are reputable or not.

Hope that helps! ;)

05-26-2016, 03:57 PM
Thanks Reserved. As soon as you said it, the light bulb went on. Greg Parry was kind of big for a while, then suddenly disappeared, which is probably why I didn't think of them. Might have been old stock, since it was a going out of business sale. Thanks for the links too

05-26-2016, 05:10 PM
Greg Parry was popular a few years ago with their own website and lots of really great designs. (one of the first with a loin cloth thong) They are still in business but sell to retailers now. If you google them you will find several sites that still carry them. I think ABCunderwear.com is one of them. Good suits -- I still have a few left that I wear.

05-26-2016, 08:39 PM
Some members have told me they are unable to access the photo through the link provided. I've re-posted it as a puzzle here http://www.mensswimsuitboard.com/forums/showthread.php?p=16173#post16173
(Sorry, the photo rotated 90 degrees when I converted it to a puzzle)