View Full Version : Scuba

05-09-2016, 09:26 AM
My son, some other dad, their sons, and I got scuba certified together. After the class, we planned a trip together to go diving. The group we hired provided all of the equipment and specializes in beginners. It was a 3 day trip including two nights camping on beaches.

The information packet included a list of things to bring. Among them was this.

Bathing Suit
Most divers choose to forgo a bathing suit under their wetsuit for a superior fit. If you choose to wear a bathing suit while diving, only brief (speedo) or bikini style suits are permitted. These suit will not bunch under the wetsuit. Also note that we do not have a private space to change on the boat, so a brief is recommended if you are uncomfortable changing in front of your fellow divers.

There will be plenty of time to swim between dives, so we recommend bringing a bathing suit for swimming.

I want to write more about the trip, but it's getting late so I'll return to that later.

05-09-2016, 09:36 AM
That's my kind of rule! Love that briefs are recommended. My friend Aaron always wears a speedo underneath his wetsuit when surfing. I would too but I don't dive or surf. Looking forward to hearing more about your trip!