View Full Version : The Summer Rental

04-27-2016, 07:06 AM
"It's huge," I said.

"Wait till you see the pool," said Ben.

"There's no way we can afford this," insisted Ethan.

"I told you," said Ben, "my uncle's letting us stay gratis. He won't be using it, so it's all ours."

It was our first summer back from college. My best friends Ben and Ethan had gone to different schools, and we hadn't seen each other since Christmas break. We'd been dreading living back with our parents for the next three months when Ben's uncle had offered up his spacious home an alternative.

"Want to see your rooms?" asked Ben. Ethan and I both nodded.

Ben led us into the house and upstairs. We each had our own room with a private bathroom. Ben had taken the master bedroom. We started unpacking. Ethan finished first and came into my room.

"Can you believe this place?"

"I know, awesome, right?"


Ben walked in with a towel around his waist.

"I'm going to hit the pool. Want to join?"

"I kinda want to look around first," I said. Ethan agreed.

"Suit yourselves," Ben said.

We took our time exploring the house. Spacious was and understatement. This place was a mansion. Two more bedrooms we weren't using. Huge kitchen and living room. We where overwhelmed.

Ethan and I went outside to check out the pool. Ben was padding around. He swam over to the steps and got out.

"So, what do you think?"

"It's great, but...umm, what are you wearing?" I said.

"Nice speedo," added Ethan.

"What's the big deal. We used to skinny dip together all the time."

"We were, like, 7," said Ethan.

"When did you start wearing speedos?" I asked.

"I started swimming laps at school. My roommate wears them and got me into them. They're actually really comfortable. I got you guys some to wear too."

"You serious?" asked Ethan.

"Look, I was always shy in high school. Going to college gave me a chance to open up. When I found out my floor had an open shower, I freaked out. But, over time, I got used to it and found I like being free. I was hoping you guys would be open to trying something new."

"What do you have in mind?" I asked.

"When it's just us at the house, clothing is optional. And for the pool, it's speedos or less. You're my best friends. We've got nothing to hide."

Ethan and I looked at each other.

"You said you got us speedos?" said Ethan.

Ben grinned. "Come on. They're inside."

04-27-2016, 03:58 PM
Very nice start - let's hear more please!

05-11-2016, 07:29 AM
It was smaller than I'd expected. I took the scrap of fabric out of the box and pulled off the tags. I held the speedo in my hands, then figured I may as well try it on. I took of my clothes, and put on the brief.

The swimsuit was tight, but fit. There was a knock at my door. I was Ethan. "You ready, dude?" he asked through the door.

I put a towel around my waist and went out to meet him. Like me, he was wrapped in a towel. We went out to the pool where Ben was swimming. "Come on, get it," said Ben as we approached. "The water's great."

Ethan and I looked at each other in silent agreement. We dropped our towels and jumped in the pool. I was immediately struck by how good it felt in the water. Gone were the billowing shorts I was used to wearing, replaced by the sleek brief. We swam in the pool for a while and fooled around in the water. When it came time to get out, Ethan and I had forgotten we were wearing the speedos. We lounged around on the deck without a care.

It started to get dark, so we went inside. We all went back to our room to shower. Before we went our separate ways, Ben reminded us, "Don't forget the clothing optional rule."

I showered, making sure to rinse off my speedo and hang it on the rack. After I dried off I started to get dressed, but remembered what Ben had said. I thought back to the times we'd skinny dipped as kids and figured what the hell. I opened the door to my room naked as the day I was born.

Ethan was coming out of his room at the same time, and I saw he'd made the same decision. We went downstairs without saying anything. Ben was already downstairs, naked as we were. He just smiled when he saw us.

We ordered pizza for dinner. Before it arrived Ethan asked, "Should one of us get dressed to answer the door?"

"Dare you to answer naked," I said to Ben before he could reply.

"You're on," he replied.

The doorbell rang a few minutes later. I thought Ben would chicken out, but we watched as he opened the door nude and payed for the pizza. Ethan and I were stunned.

We ate dinner and talked about our college experiences. What happened next, I didn't expect.

05-11-2016, 08:30 AM
I can't wait to hear what comes next!

05-23-2016, 02:14 AM
Great start. Need more