View Full Version : Boxing Day Swim - Part 2

12-26-2015, 01:31 PM
The whistle blew, and there was a mad dash to the sea. At this point I removed my coat, vest and sandshoes, then took a slow walk. I like to be contrary. I didn’t really notice the cold water on my bare feet or shins, but then a wave hit my thighs - it was really cold. Considering there was no wind the sea was considerably rough. It wasn’t long before a wave crashed over my head. I was really glad to be wearing my swim goggles, as I surely would have lost my contact lenses. The worst bit was swallowing sea water, it was horrible! My body was starting to tingle. I managed to swim a few strokes of front crawl, but it was a real battle against the waves. After a couple of minutes, I felt my time was up. Strangely, my upper body didn’t feel the cold – it was my thighs which really felt it. Just before I reached the shore another wave hit me and knocked me on my back.

Back at the Surf shop I stated to dress. There were no changing facilities, and I just couldn’t put my underwear on, so I left them under my tracksuit. As soon as I got back into the car I felt warm. I didn’t expect that – I thought I would have been chilled for some time. My wife asked me if I felt cold with my wet swimwear on. I didn’t because there wasn’t much to wear. Ah, the advantage of swim briefs…….

12-27-2015, 12:28 PM
Report of the Boxing Day Swim with pictures:


Not a Speedo in sight, so obviously I wasn't included...

12-27-2015, 01:36 PM
Oh my God!!!

Caught on video at 27 seconds and 41 seconds in:


12-27-2015, 09:45 PM
You look good in that little black suit - you stud!

12-28-2015, 11:24 AM
In picture format:


Quite weird wearing Speedos on a beach in England during Winter - I never even do that while abroad on holiday! I think now though, that I will have the confidence to do so.

12-30-2015, 10:51 PM
I've had sex on the brain since that day. Think it's because I went out in my Speedos, surrounded by fully clothed people. Yet, nudity's not the same as sexuality, is it?

12-31-2015, 01:52 PM
A better pic:


I felt a little under-dressed for the occasion. Though if I do it next time, I may actually wear something briefer.

01-02-2016, 09:57 AM
A better pic:


I felt a little under-dressed for the occasion. Though if I do it next time, I may actually wear something briefer.
Bede. From the video and first pick I though you had on a kiniki micro bikini which is what I have. I've thought about doing that swim up here but ey cancelled it this year because of safety concerns. Weather has been quite bad up here in Scotland

01-02-2016, 06:13 PM
I'm not that daring! It is the brief Aronik suit. I do though, have a couple of Hom suits, with 1.5 inch sides, which is the briefest I'm prepared to go.

01-04-2016, 03:01 PM
I'm not that daring! It is the brief Aronik suit. I do though, have a couple of Hom suits, with 1.5 inch sides, which is the briefest I'm prepared to go.
I don't know that one however I also have a couple of Hom suits though the black one seems briefer and neater fitting than the yellow. The kiniki is only 1 inch; you should try it:)