View Full Version : Peru

10-13-2014, 12:31 AM
when someone thinks about speedos and South America, Brazil comes inmediatly to mind. Sungas, Rio de Janeiro, etc. well, what about other countries ? this thread is about my country: Peru.

as I always say, Peruvian beaches and swimming pools aren't speedo friendly at all. (but when a girls wears a thong everybody: Applause! - stupid, isn't it?)

but... I think Peru is becoming a point of reference of clothing manufacture. for example Lacoste: made in Peru, designed in France.

"¿qué diablos? ¿en Perú se fabrican ropas de baño?= "what the hell? is there any swimwear made in Peru?" --- some peruvian would ask himself

the answer is: yes, man.

here are two brands I want to share with you:

1.vista water polo: the owner of this brand is an ex-wp player that now designs some nice suits . if you had facebook account check the fb page:


I think their office is located in New Jersey, but I'm sure the factory is located here in Lima. when I bought one they send me the suit from a place in the city where you only find factories, the industrial zone of the city. the manager himself told me so by e-mail. well, some pics:

https://scontent-b-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/p180x540/164418_596382347039645_1637221265_n.jpg?oh=3afdee2 ad518dd8ed44319682c06b7cb&oe=54BD4507

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/v/t1.0-9/p180x540/45768_596383450372868_1861957819_n.jpg?oh=d7da42b0 552de035d289824418909b52&oe=54C41C09&__gda__=1422302840_79ba3a3b6564183b50ff715f28d46a4 f

even Estados Unidos!
https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/179238_197312280279989_7311034_n.jpg?oh=0305922c41 c5ac9f2af9e2947d0431f4&oe=54C065B2&__gda__=1420733333_170c9f0ba1134cd9ca3ac432fa5b2d3 7

any many more...

2. there are one peruvian swimmer called Mauricio fiol:




( by the way the name of that guy beside Mauricio is Gerardo Huidobro)

well, mauricio is nowadays studying in the US, but he also has his own brand. I once send him a facebook mesaage thanking him for promoting the sunga-style suits in this closed mided country and he replied thanking me for the kind words! :D )
so ladies and gentlemen: Fiol Swimwear:


https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/p180x540/10426342_651386344955146_6313164852376471591_n.jpg ?oh=08bfa148b099f72d9e4ce3a4f64bc68e&oe=54BC87F7&__gda__=1421733136_210aa5cf3e98c6097f62c11b863d0e1 5

https://scontent-a-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/p720x720/1017226_464850946942021_1206826062_n.jpg?oh=f6cb72 fb32c978b7e0d9df62574e6064&oe=54C4E045

he models his own swimwear, isn't it great?

well, that's all for now, hope you have liked it , and if you didn't like it tell me why :(

to be continued...

10-13-2014, 03:11 AM
I doubt you would ever get any American guy to wear a hot pink sunga with hearts..they would see that as a threat to their maleness. Its over the edge for me with respect to what I would wear.


10-13-2014, 03:22 AM
I doubt you would ever get any American guy to wear a hot pink sunga with hearts..they would see that as a threat to their maleness. Its over the edge for me with respect to what I would wear.


LOL imagine what it would be for a ultra-conservative catholic peruvian: an abomination! I amazes me however that a well known swimmer, who has a girlfriend, and lives in Peru, the fact of being known for selling this suits.
That´s why I found this interesting. anyway, you won't understand what I really mean, unless you lived in this country.

I wouldn't wear this pinky suit on a beach, not even a speedo freindly place!, but would buy it just because it looks funny, if I had the money!

thanks for your answer!

10-13-2014, 04:13 AM
Great and interesting post. Thanks :)

10-13-2014, 04:54 AM
Great and interesting post. Thanks :)

you're welcome. I'm happy you liked it ;)

10-13-2014, 09:26 AM
Woweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee wow wow wow you say that Peru is not very speedo friendly, well the few you have are absolutely fabulous, what nice styles and paterns, can one buy one like fiol and one like the Lima water polo team, can you informe me where to get each one of them the price and so on....the Fiol ones seem to be the sungas type but according to then facebook pics you posted there seems to be also 2 or 3 inches sides witch I prefer, (I sent you a email about this) thanks for sending the pics and like we say here in Quebec OH LA LA.... ONE THING IS FOR SURE IF I EVER GET ONE OF THEM IL GET HARD FOR SURE LOL

10-13-2014, 10:09 PM
Sebbie said: I doubt you would ever get any American guy to wear a hot pink sunga with hearts..they would see that as a threat to their maleness. Its over the edge for me with respect to what I would wear.

I saw American swimmer Larsen Jensen wear a brief pinkish Speedo-style suit with little red strawberries on it at a major US meet in 2003. He won a silver medal the following year at the 2004 Olympics in the 1500 freestyle.

So yeah - real guys do wear pink! (But not very often)

10-14-2014, 04:29 AM
Woweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee wow wow wow you say that Peru is not very speedo friendly, well the few you have are absolutely fabulous, what nice styles and paterns, can one buy one like fiol and one like the Lima water polo team, can you informe me where to get each one of them the price and so on....the Fiol ones seem to be the sungas type but according to then facebook pics you posted there seems to be also 2 or 3 inches sides witch I prefer, (I sent you a email about this) thanks for sending the pics and like we say here in Quebec OH LA LA.... ONE THING IS FOR SURE IF I EVER GET ONE OF THEM IL GET HARD FOR SURE LOL

ok, no problem, just it will take some time to get some information.

10-14-2014, 04:33 AM
I doubt you would ever get any American guy to wear a hot pink sunga with hearts..they would see that as a threat to their maleness. Its over the edge for me with respect to what I would wear.


are you sure about americans Sebbie? are you speaking for every single american?



do you recognize him? :D

10-14-2014, 04:43 AM
Sebbie said: I doubt you would ever get any American guy to wear a hot pink sunga with hearts..they would see that as a threat to their maleness. Its over the edge for me with respect to what I would wear.

I saw American swimmer Larsen Jensen wear a brief pinkish Speedo-style suit with little red strawberries on it at a major US meet in 2003. He won a silver medal the following year at the 2004 Olympics in the 1500 freestyle.

So yeah - real guys do wear pink! (But not very often)

thanks a lot for the great info! :) I'm sure many americans would like to wear a speedo , but they don't have the courage to do it!

as i said before, I wouldn't wear a pink suit, because I personally don't like pink colour. however I found that pinky-with-hearts suit very funny. I would buy it to enrich my speedo collection.
I compare this to my book collection. I bought a book once, and although I don't like the style of the author, I find the story interesting and I still own the book and read some chapters . it enriches my book collection

10-14-2014, 01:19 PM
I want to see that Jay Leno piece. All searches to date seem that the video is gone, but here is a closeup


10-14-2014, 05:12 PM
wow that would be nice of you, Vista web site is underconstruction so no go there for the time being, anyway both sites are on facebook witch I am not a member that is probably why i cant get any info from both for the time being, I was able to google the Vista web site but its under construction for the time being , and for the outher its impossible to find a web site , the peruvian fellow that you mention probably doesnt have a web site at all . to bad he sure has some nice patterns, he seems to design sungas type suits but according to the pics of suits he designes witch you posted (facebook ) it seems that there is a few 2 or 3 inches sides.
Anyway thanks for trying , or still will try to get info.

11-03-2014, 12:15 AM
yes, it's a shame they didn't update both sites. not even in facebook. it's a shame because they have great suits!

wow that would be nice of you, Vista web site is underconstruction so no go there for the time being, anyway both sites are on facebook witch I am not a member that is probably why i cant get any info from both for the time being, I was able to google the Vista web site but its under construction for the time being , and for the outher its impossible to find a web site , the peruvian fellow that you mention probably doesnt have a web site at all . to bad he sure has some nice patterns, he seems to design sungas type suits but according to the pics of suits he designes witch you posted (facebook ) it seems that there is a few 2 or 3 inches sides.
Anyway thanks for trying , or still will try to get info.